wilimia · 1 year
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Manifesting a Caduceus appearance in C3
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topaz-mutiny · 1 year
Fearne misses Orym so much I can’t be normal about it.
She asked if there was a temple to the Wildmother and the King and Queen pointed her to the place outside the city that was a plot point in C2, should she have interest anhd she immediately said “oh I have no interest at all, it’s for a friend”
Orym, recently blessed by the WIldmother and missing. I am DEAD.
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biankacarver · 2 years
I’ve been re- listening to the Mighty Nein for the n-th time a something I keep wondering: I want to know about the next...few hours. Maybe days. Of how Essek did after being found out and interrogated by the MN in The Fancy and the Fooled.
I want to. For angst and hurt/comfort reasons.
Matt. I invoke you. Give it to me.
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fluffycloudhead · 2 months
I think Caduceus should have the right to punch Ludinus. Moleasmyr is the cause of the corruption of the Savalier Wood, right? Yeah, he should get to send his Beatles to have a Wizard Elf as a snack.
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goodboytown · 4 months
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gary finds KT-7461 on savali after she flees nefarious city and tries to help her in his own way. this is why bro’s eyes are so red and swollen in the game
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s-sputnik-k · 18 days
Frida and Caduceus would get on so well. Like, Frida not really liking being brought back unnaturally from death but being willing to listen to their new friends' reasoning anyway? Frida casting decompose on corpses that have been corrupted by the Savalier wood to give them a more natural death? AND Frida's whole rose gold and green aesthetic? Cad would LOVE that
(I'm on ep 57 no spoilers please!)
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gameralfa117 · 6 months
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Ratchet x Rivet a romantic date after training
Commission i got by Daeream on Twitter (X)
Ratchet, Rivet Clank and Kit have travelled to Savali to visit Gary and the monks, to train and improve their combat skills, and in the case of the 2 robots to learn more about the dimensions in the archives. After a great training session Ratchet and Rivet decide to take a break and go walking through some areas of the planet, to have a good time together. However, when 2 lovebirds are alone they begin to behave very romantically with each other and including the view of beautiful landscapes that the planet has, at the end that break for them will end up becoming a beautiful romantic date for both 🥰💖.
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I want Cad to find out that Ludinus caused the corruption of the savalier wood so bad
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terra-drone · 5 months
My gripes with Rift Apart
Consider this a review of Rift Apart (PC ver). After playing this game twice on Renegade Legend, I have... opinions. Being a fan of the franchise since Going Command/Locked & Loaded, I admittedly have some strong biases for both the PS2 saga and the Future Trilogy for various reasons. But before I go lambasting this entry into the franchise, a TLDR summary;
The game is pretty and well executed on a technical level (for the most part).
The platforming and movement is refined and a step up from previous titles.
Quite literally almost everything else.
Also has a propensity for crashing (both freezing and blue screen of death).
Movement & Platforming
One of the core aspects of RaC that I am happy RA got right. The movement is buttery smooth and chain daisying from one platform to the next using wall runs, dashes and rift pulls is excellently designed. The addition of the dash function adds an extra dodge ability that was absent in previous entries although granted we can still use the age-old side jumping while aiming/shooting.
I do wish however that the hoverboots were more integrated into the platforming since most of the time you only ever need it for super long leaps or the timed step puzzles. Something like the jump pads from ACIT would be nice to see paired with the new wall run and dash mechanic. You hardly need to use it outside of Savali and Torren IV and the last part of the Nef Mech fight.
What I wished they truncated however was the glide mechanic the hoverboots had. Given that the hoverboots could both glide and make you go fast, it makes this better than whatever Clank could possibly offer. @erablisme has done a wonderful breakdown on this matter (see here), but essentially having the hoverboots be an upgrade of both the charge boots and fulfilling Clank’s contribution to Ratchet’s mobility (gliding) renders Clank, from a gameplay standpoint, moot. It renders Clank into nothing more than a glorified backpack/exposition device, which beats the entire purpose of the franchise’s own title.
The arsenal, while fun to use, is too bloated. A lot of the guns overlap in functionality:
Shotguns: Enforcer, Pixelizer, Void Repulser
Seeker/Turret weapons: Agents of Doom, Bombardier, Mr Fungi
Crowd Control: Topiary Sprinkler, Cold Snap
Grenades: Shatterbomb, Bouncer
Rapid fire: Burst Pistol, Blackhole Storm
Lock-on weapons: Drillhound, Richochet, Buzzsaw, Lightning Rod
Heavy hitter: RYNO, Negatron Collider, Warmonger
Do we really need multiple weapons that do the same thing just with different particle effects?
The level up mechanic, while a staple of RaC games, is frankly outdated by this point and actively hinders the game. If anything, it punishes players for sticking to guns they enjoy once they hit max level. It makes the motivator for using weapons not be its function but rather to chase that arbitrary level cap. Plus, there’s no telling what the level up actually did for a weapon aside from damage buffs.
It’s not like they couldn’t do away with this feature, Deadlocked made the guns increase so many levels it frankly deemphasises them in favour of choosing the best weapon for any given scenario, ItN decreased the max level to 3 (6 on challenge) in favour of more meaningful weapon upgrades, and ACiT had the Constructo weapons and mods (which Deadlocked also had called Omega Mods) that incentivises experimentation on what combos worked best while allowing you to spice things up post max level. Why not tie weapon upgrades to collectibles? They already had the Raritanium collection, sprinkling effect mods for weapons throughout the locations shouldn’t be too difficult. They already did this for the armour system, so why not do it for the weapons too? Heck, why not make all the weapons customisable like the Constructo weapons? It would solve the bloated arsenal problem.
Enemy Design
The enemy design in this game just isn’t great. While it makes sense considering you’re fighting an army so it’s obvious they’re gonna have standardised units, you would think they would spice up their combat stratagem when they know they couldn’t beat our protagonists by throwing the same old shtick over and over. Instead, we keep having to fight the same miniboss Juggernaut over and over and over again. Sometimes there’s two of them! Make it three during the Juice fight!
It’s not a problem with just the Nefarious troopers, it’s an issue across multiple factions too. Across all three factions (Space Pirates, Goons & Nef’s army), they all follow the same formula; 
the one with the gun: Pirate Corsair, Goon, Nef Lasertrooper
the one that does melee: Space Pirate & Shield Pirate, Goon Rusher & Undead Goon, Nef Slugger
the tiny short range/melee swarmer: Cutlassies, Robomutt, Nef Trooper
the vehicle one: Goon Dropship, Nef Dropship
the flying one: Zoom Goon, Nef Sniperbot & Blitztrooper & Sniperbot
the heavy flying one: Vroom Goon, Nef Peacekeeper
the rinse repeat miniboss: Pirate Marauder, Nef Juggernaut
While stylistically different, they don’t differ much from how they shoot/do damage at you. It would have been great if they did some things different from one another. Some really simple fixes;
While I think giving shields to pirates makes little sense, it is some variety at least. Expand on that. Maybe make the Goon Rusher actually rush towards you faster than the others, or make the Nefarious Slugger can do 360 attacks or have more range since it’s a) a robot, and b) basically has the Scorpion Flail for arms. 
Make the Vroom Goons try to ram you instead of just having to avoid the taser things it shoots cuz that’s the exact same thing that the Nefarious Sniperbot does since all you need to do to avoid both attacks is sidestepping it.
Make the Pirate Corsair shoot high damage while the standard Goon does horizontal strafing rapid fire compared to the Nef Trooper’s vertical one
Make the Zoom Goons dodge your attacks, maybe give it a ground pound that opens it up to attack so it's at least somewhat different from the Nef Peacekeeper other than being a slightly squishier variant.
For a game so pretty it is bizarre they couldn’t put more effort into gameplay itself. The repeating minibosses get stale very quickly since once you’ve figured out a tactic that worked, it is rinse and repeat across the whole game.
Two Protagonists, Same Shtick
The gameplay doesn’t differentiate itself between Ratchet and Rivet. They play the exact same way, with the exact same arsenal, and the exact same progression. What is the point of having separate playable protagonists if they’re just gonna end up the same? You could replace Rivet with Ratchet and vice versa for 90% of the game and nothing would change. It would be something if they had separate weapons or separate movement gimmicks that make them distinct, but we didn’t get that for some reason.
Character Issues
The character writing is just abysmal, even when compared to the Future trilogy. While the Future trilogy (and by extension A4O, FFA and ItN) had plenty, and I mean plenty, of plotholes from a worldbuilding standpoint, the character writing was solid and fairly consistent. I cannot say the same for RA. Some examples;
Ratchet(?) & Clank(?)
I can hardly recognise Ratchet as the same character we had over the PS2 and PS3 instalments. He feels more like the 2016 reboot version just haphazardly retconned as the ItN version that RA was supposedly a continuation of. Being afraid of being a washed-up hero was Qwark’s thing, not Ratchet’s. Why would he even care? The man was downright tired of being a hero come ItN. And why is he even worried about meeting the Lombaxes? He saved Polaris multiple times and beat Tachyon, y’know, the reason why they left in the first place? The reason he gave up searching for the Lombaxes was because he had more going on with Talwyn and was assured the Lombaxes would do just fine without him. Why the sudden change of reason? What, is acknowledging Talwyn one too many female characters for Insomniac?
And why would Clank, despite knowing Ratchet not wanting to pursue the Lombaxes, go out of his way to make a whole ass parade about the Dimensionator? If he was just trying to cheer Ratchet up from his fear of being a washed-up hero (which, again, made no sense for his character) he would have just done the parade and given him the Dimensionator in private. The entire premise of Rift Apart hinges on the fact that Clank decides to give Ratchet what can be considered as a WMD since the Lombaxes used the Dimensionator to get rid of the Cragmites in an open public setting. Had he not done this, had he not told Qwark he wanted to surprise Ratchet, Nefarious probably wouldn’t have found out about the new Dimensionator, and the entire game wouldn’t have happened.
Another gripe I have with how Clank was handled was that his Zoni heritage was conveniently forgotten about. They could have tied the Zoni more deeply into the mysticism of the RaC universe and be the reason why he was able to fix the dimensional anomalies, but instead it was tied to Gary and... the Lombaxes. Huh.
Rivet, or as I like to call her, “Furbait”
There is so much missed potential with Rivet. Where to start? Instead of a grizzled, closed-off survivor of a robot dystopia, we just get miss middle-of-the-road, clearly made for pandering, furbait. Design wise, she would have been perfectly serviceable had this NOT been a robot dystopia. The only physical giveaway to show that she was a survivor/rebel fighter was her arm. It is the only thing that shows she’s a rebel fighter survivor. Her suit is well made, her eyelashes are on fleek, her hair is silky smooth, her tail is all fluffy and clean. Nothing about her says she was a survivor. No scars, no dirt, nothing other than the obvious robot arm. It is lazy. Lazy and stupid.
Her personality doesn’t make sense for the universe she supposedly inhabits either. Heck, no one in this franchise fits well in this robot dystopia, tbh. She distrusts robots due to past experience, yet  is chummy with both Clank and Kit (and by some extension, the Zurkons & Pierre) relatively quickly. For someone who should have gone through a lot of adversity, she hardly acts like it. She’s confident, has a lot of friends, and whatever negative aspect she does have (which is just distrust instead of the obvious robot racist she should have been) that would have given her an opportunity to grow as a character is watered down and conveniently forgotten, so she hardly grows as a character, if any.
Ultimately, Rivet boils down to being “What if Ratchet, but a girl?”. There’s work put into trying to make her her own thing, but there’s also the narrative yanking her by the collar to be Ratchet’s other self. She’s the last Lombax in her dimension, she also wonders where the Lombaxes went, and she’s trying to be a hero. At that point, how is she any different than Ratchet? They don’t even differ much personality wise for a version of Ratchet who never met her Clank, so to speak. One would think she would be the spunky RaC1 Ratchet since it was meeting Clank that got Ratchet to grow as a person. Instead she’s just your lovely neighbourhood Rivet, friend to all except robots except the ones she meets I guess. What is the point of having two main characters if they are just gonna end up the same?
While arguably the better other of the new duo, she has issues as well in the writing department. She had the most growth out of our titular cast, however how she got there is ramshackled at best. 
In comparison to Clank, he was a defective warbot, which made sense why he was small. Kit on the other hand was tailor made by the supposedly competent Emperor Nefarious, so why does she have a cutesy mode? Why does she even have a character crisis from hurting Rivet, for that matter? Stopping rebels was what she was designed to do, and she suddenly gained a conscience from doing her job? If Kit is so effective at what she did, why did Emp Nef stop at making just one of her? Shouldn’t there be multiple Kit models roaming about? She could mow down hordes of newer Nefarious Troopers and Juggernauts, so why didn’t Emp Nef expand on that?
These inconsistencies make Kit as a character start falling apart as soon as you give it more scrutiny than a surface level glance. The writers could have easily solved these issues by just alluding that she might have been an outdated model, or was damaged and abandoned on Savali where Gary and the monks fixed her up and gave her a new purpose — protecting the Archives. Instead of an exterminator, she became a guardian. They could have taught her how to be more “human” as it were, too,  which would tie up nicely to why she regrets her actions in her previous line of work. Instead, they went with the “Oh no, what have I done, I did my job and injured a trespasser, now I’m gonna be a recluse on Savali” route.
She doesn’t gel well with Rivet either because the only one actively having something to overcome was Kit. Had Rivet been written better (having to overcome her prejudices, letting go of her past trauma, solving her trust issues) it could work with Kit growing out of her self doubt and regrets, but it just isn’t there. Plus, there weren't enough scenes of them together to build towards that conflict resolution that would make their friendship more believable. She has more of a relationship with Ratchet than Rivet.
“EmPeRoR” Nefarious
He is boring. Simple as. There is no driving motivation to him other than “conquer everything”. We could have gotten an Ultron (which would make a perfectly sensible callback to the Biobliterator shtick our Nef pulled from UYA) but we just end up with a sassy English bastard with the personality of wet bread. There was no fun interplay between him and our Neffy, anything to make both their personalities shine as they work together or grind against each other, it just sucks.
The Plot(holes)
Imma just list it down.
How does a helmet clearly designed to fit a Lombax head is supposedly “one size fits all”?
How did the fish kid Rivet saved in the intro made it around Nef City in the first place if this was supposedly a robot dystopia that eradicated all squishies? What, was he just having a stroll, taking some fresh dystopian air? Could have made it that this was a fellow rebel she was tasked to save cuz he had some intel that he swiped and Rivet decided to use herself as bait to draw attention away from him so he could get the intel out of there, but no.
On that matter, why do planets like Savali and Torren IV still have organic inhabitants?
What was Skidd trying to achieve by hacking the propaganda blimp? This served no purpose at all narratively since it didn't even turn any robots against the Neffies.
Why was Skidd even in Nef City, for that matter? What was his original mission that he was going undercover for? Busting Rivet out of prison? Couldn’t be, since he made no mention of it.
Why did none of Emp Nef's cronies question our Nef just popping in despite looking clearly different? He’s a whole head shorter and the wrong colour. What, do they not have colour vision?
How did Emp Nef know about the existence of the dimensional map? He barely knew about the Dimensionator so how does that make sense?
If Ratchet already has hoverboots, why couldn’t he dash/sprint with it until he gets to Savali?
Where and when did Rivet get a rift tether?
Where and when did Rivet get a pair of hoverboots?
Wasn’t the Space Pirates/Decadroids designed by Tachyon? Why do they exist in this dimension? Why aren’t they allied with Emp Nef since they too are robots? None of this is explained.
Where did the Lombaxes of Rivet’s dimension disappear to? Did they have a Tachyon-like threat in this dimension too? Did Emp Nef wipe them out? Don’t know, and the game doesn’t bother explaining it cuz Rivet is supposed to be girl Ratchet and nothing beyond that.
Why would Emperor Nefarious announce for the whole galaxy to see where he was going during the finale? Did he lose that much intelligence in the short timeframe we’ve known him? This is the guy who conquered the galaxy?
Why would he leave a portal for our protagonists to conveniently follow him through? 
Where did that telekinetic abilities of him suddenly disappear to?
Where was this dimension’s Lawrence counterpart? That stupid little secretary is so dumb as to not recognise her own boss she couldn’t possibly be the Lawrence replacement.
Environmental Storytelling & Worldbuilding
Environmental storytelling & worldbuilding has never really been Insomniac’s strong suit. RA is pretty and all, but aside from Blizar Prime, none of the other locales did anything different from Ratchet’s dimension. If this was supposed to be a galaxy where Emp Nef has conquered it all, you would think that there’d be more neon, more cyberpunk, more Emp Nef aesthetic, more robots flying about. Instead, we just got the same thing we had from Ratchet’s dimension, just in prettier graphics. It is set dressing with no story to tell. It's a puddle pretending it was an ocean. While I appreciate seeing the graphical glow up the locations got, it’s a missed opportunity to actually show the impact Emp Nef had. 
Take Nefarious City for example;
How was Ratchet able to move around Nef City without raising alarms? This negates the entire point of Rivet needing a robot disguise in the first place.
Why does a static statue in the middle of a city have a terminal that activates a platform that leads to Emp Nef's office in the first place?
On that note, why is an EMPEROR working from an office? Where’s the throne? The grand palace and palisades? The royal guards? If he’s an authoritarian that likes to take control, where’s the giant screen with a hundred monitors that watch every inch of Nef City?
Why does Emp Nef have a tiny four seater shuttle? If he needed to commute planet-side, wouldn’t he have something more posh? More grand? A Rolls Royce of shuttles instead of what can be considered a slightly pricier but still shitty Tesla model? They could have made Ratchet or Rivet have to steal a fighter jet and that would make infinitely more sense than what we got.
The same can be said with the inhabitants of this universe. They only exist to serve as plot devices or to point the protagonists to the next goal rather than actual people. There is no culture, no differing beliefs, nothing to tell you about what they are about or what they do. If all they exist to do is to be exposition devices/mission pointers, what was the point of even making distinct characters? Then again, the Future trilogy suffered the same problem with environmental characters being practically stand-in cardboards so points for consistency, I guess.
Essentially, Rift Apart is a creatively bankrupt, designed-by-committee tech demo for Sony Playstation. What used to be a franchise that does satirical commentary on capitalism that later tried to delve into narrative/character driven sci-fi story, has ended up being the most capitalistic-designed entry imaginable. Which is unfortunate because I want to like this game. God, do I want to like it.
Did I enjoy playing it? When it works and doesn't crash on me, sure.
Do I like it enough as an entry to the franchise though? No, no I don't. The gameplay hardly expanded on the RaC formula, and the narrative just killed it for me.
But of course, that's just me. If you enjoyed RA, more power to ya. If you told me to play it again, I'll probably do it. It's just not for me for the long run.
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vickielo-art · 1 year
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wherearetherobots · 1 year
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The sunsets on Savali are always beautiful
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allstartrekgames · 1 year
Star Trek: Bridge Commander
Original Release: 2002
Developer: Totally Games
Publisher: Activision
Platform: PC
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I have very fond memories of this game, and it’s great playing it again. Bridge Commander puts you in the role of a Galaxy class starship (and later Sovereign) and I think it’s the closest game that brings about the feeling of being a captain of a ship – rather than being the ship itself.
While in the bridge view, you can give commands to your crew – all fully voiced – and they’ll do it for you. As this is a combat orientated game, you’ll mainly be dealing with Lt. Savali, your tactical officer. You can tell him what targets to aim for, set his tactics or let him decide. If you want to, you can play the entire game like this, ordering your crew and never taking manual control. I really love that you can play for it.
If you want to do more yourself, you can do that, too. The external view of the ship enables controls for manual control of the ship, letting you fly around and fire as you prefer. The camera is locked onto the target, letting you move through your different phaser arcs rather than being limited to forward facing weapons like previous space combat games. You also still have access to all the crew and can give commands from this view, so you can continue giving orders and just admire the battles.
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Targeting subsytems is a major part of the game. You can target individual components of the ship like cloaking devices, individual phasers, shield generators and the warp core. Missions throughout the game will require use of this, especially when disabling ships and stations. The hull of your target will still take damage, so you need to be careful with what you hit – especially if you then need to defend your disabled target.
The game isn’t without its flaws. I think it could have done with conversation choices, even just ones that don’t change the story, just your own flair on the conversation. It’s a bit odd that the first officer handles all of the conversations. I would also like more options regarding what you can do, as some sections (particularly Science and Engineering) are quite limited. The game is very good at supporting mods, and the community has added a lot of features (along with nicer looking ships) – for this playthough I went with the base game with some minor modifications to make it run at 1080p. .
Bridge Commander is an amazing experience for the ship side of Star Trek, and this would be my basis for the “perfect” Star Trek game, which would combine this with Elite Force and a bit of No Man’s Sky for exploration, some mysteries to solve and new things to discover.
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bumblevoid · 2 months
do you want to hear a bit about my au as i'm working on the long fic? hit read more! long post.
do have no clue what this au is?
it's a kaden lives au! it starts off in the middle of rift apart, in kedaro station. ratchet, wearing the robot disguise armor, falls into the lombax dimension and gets mistaken as a robot.
after a few shenanigans that is the not yet done first chapter, ratchet is joined by the interdimensional division in trying to fix the dimensional cataclysm and, of course, find clank again.
below are the au ref sheets & backstories for the interdimensional division! since ive been having fun with the timeline and a lot of details probably won't come up
starting off: Kaden!
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this version of kaden just barely survived his fight with tachyon. he may have survived by being thrown into blizon so hard it shattered and brought him to the lombax dimension, but it wasn't an easy fight before that. he lost his left ear and lower arm to an explosion.
during the genocide, kaden had thought his family made it out, and he was not the one to hide ratchet on veldin. in the thirty years since, he lost himself to depression and grief for a long while. but eventually he started to find a new normal after the loss of his family.
kaden is currently the "keeper of keepers", the title for the head of the keepers which is one the divisions in d&d au. he is also a member of the interdimensional division, and formerly part of the praetorian guard. he and mags met when he was assigned to keep mage safe in other dimensions, which eventually evolved to him being made the keeper of the dimensionator.
next up: mags!
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first id just like to say i did draw this before id designed his prosthetic finger. if you want to see that in more detail there's a drawing a ways back!
now, mags is everything he is in canon and a lot more. he grew up during the great war and in his 20s acted as a translator for any and all alliances the lombaxes had. he was a linguist, and spoke nearly every language native to polaris. when the war ended and the interdimensional division began, he joined and proved very useful in exploring other dimensions with his knowledge of language. he helped to establish the research colony on savali, and was eventually selected for the first solo cross dimensional exploration mission.
it was meant to last five years, where he'd be hopping through some dimensions and spending more time in them to learn. the people he encountered in the first dimension were hostile and he ended up on a rainforest planet in a second dimension with a non-functional dimensionator. it took him nearly ten years to fix it with the limited resources there, but he came back as soon as he could.
when he came back it had been not ten years, but seven and a half centuries. it took him a while to accept that everything had changed and everyone he knew was long gone, but now he's doing fairly well.
mags is the head of the interdimensional division! while the division is mostly gone now, it was actually the biggest that made it to the lombax dimension. without the ability to travel dimensions anymore, nearly all of them spread out into other divisions.
now, the two ocs. the interns. they both have plot relevant reasons to be in the fic as much as they are, im just not going to spoil those :3
firstly, niven! not a new face to this blog haha
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niven is a bit of a prodigy in robotics. there isn't a specific robotics division, though, so they ended up studying interdimensional research at the academy. and while they have graduated already, they aren't quite old enough to be a full member of the division, so they're just an intern.
they were born in the lombax dimension after the city had mostly been built again. the population is still small, and niven ended up skipping a lot of grades. they found themselves lonely, and built a friend, M-01. they're almost never apart now.
aaaand, M-01! also known as Millie or Mellon
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she's a robot that niven built to be their friend. she's a bit sassy, and enjoys tinkering with random things. where niven enjoys robotics, millie enjoys making practical upgrades to things.
first and foremost, mellon is a companion. but she also likes racing. she wasn't programmed with a calculator and loves to rag on niv for it.
yeah! there's the interdimensional division of denial & disguises. the first chapter is about halfway done, and these guys first appear there! mags and kaden got oneshots already, though i do need to edit a few timeline things in the first one.
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topaz-mutiny · 1 year
The fucking Savalier Woods are actually Silent Hill.
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knightlyss · 1 year
"that's some savalier wood right there" I love you so much ashley
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