#save me mithrun dunmeshi save me
finished dungeon meshi. this did not awaken anything in me. *fingers crossed behind back*
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lunaristes · 4 months
thinking about mithrun slowly getting his desires back, one little thing at the time; the desire to sleep, the desire to dress himself, the desire to eat specific foods (or anything at all really) and eventually, as he and kabru get closer and closer and one day become a couple, the desire to want kabru to live as long as humanly possible, even if he knows it'll never measure up to his lifespan :')
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kenmaiii · 6 months
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after two years i finally draw the favorite
#my art#still learning honestly. idk how to explain it but some medias youre so fixated on and obsessed with u instantly want to draw everyone#for me dunmeshi has always been the opposite. series and characters i enjoy sm i cannot bring myself to pick up a pencil#for some reason. it got a lot worse once the anime started airing idk. simply forcing myself to get some of my energy out. in a way#dunmeshi#dungeon meshi#thistle#dunmeshi thistle#thistle dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#>_< series i was into since late 2021. yet u wouldnt know that unless u follow my side twitter account. sowwy ig#i do this with a lot of franchises honestly. cannot bring myself to draw even if i think abt the characters constantly. ie skip to loafer#u will nvr catch me calling this guy sissel sorry. save that name for Mr. Ghost Trick. another thing i. also. dnt talk abt. which i adore#i need to get better at talking abt and expressing myself for the things that i enjoy. ive been wanting to draw laios for a good#while too but im scared. for some reason. u-u should nvr let a white man do that to me honestly.#for now i'll thistle tho. maybe we will get kabru namari or mithrun next from me >_< i have to talk myself into it#i think the closest way i can explain why i cannot bring myself to draw for some series is that i dnt want to mess up somehow#like 'ilu so much [character] what if i cnt draw u the way u deserve even tho i love u sm what if its not enough.' <- leaves it to sm1 else#tbh [scratches head] i prefer the version with less coloring ^-^ but i realize the one thats more colored would get more eyes on it... hm
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heiriz · 5 months
Mithrun you will forever be famous
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noscomnias · 2 months
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"even veggie scraps have their uses, huh?"
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test of drawing elfs
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milkbreadtoast · 8 months
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sheila--e · 8 months
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pollyanna-nana · 6 months
One of the most tragic and compelling aspects of Dunmeshi, to me, is that we’ll probably never know (unless Kui tells us lol) how Delgal actually felt about Thistle. I’ve seen people say that he genuinely cared for him as a brother and his journey to the surface was to save him from his madness as much as it was his people. I’ve seen people say that he saw Thistle as nothing more than a fancy accessory or tool that ended up going astray. Others I’ve seen (and personally agree with) say that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. But honestly, I think any one of these interpretations has the potential to be correct… and that’s just heartbreaking.
After all, Delgal is dead. Like, dead-dead. The very first chapter of the manga starts with his spirit leaving this mortal coil, taking that answer with him. And…
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How he talks about Thistle here… it’s interesting. He does not ask for him to be talked down, or captured or imprisoned, but instead “defeated”. Which Mithrun interprets as asking for his death… which is reasonable, because that’s likely how the vast majority of adventurers interpreted his words, too. Obviously as he was crumbling to dust he probably didn’t have the capacity to be particularly verbose or explain the complex backstory to how the kingdom ended up this way, but the effect is the same no matter how he may have felt with it. He asked for Thistle to be killed.
But… even in situations where he wasn’t under any such time limit to explain what was going on, he still seemed not to. Most glaringly:
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Yaad seemingly has no idea that it was Delgal’s fault that Thistle sought the demon’s power. Obviously he couldn’t talk to him about it because Thistle was, uh, a little out there by that point, but why didn’t Delgal explain? Was he embarrassed? Mournful? Couldn’t find the words?
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Delgal was scared of dying. He wanted prosperity at any cost, and how could Thistle possibly refuse? Did he even realize that what he was the one who pushed his own brother— One who basically helped raise him despite being a child himself, and in many ways is still a child— down this path? Or was it like watching an overzealous employee misinterpret directions?
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The way Yaad describes things here makes it sound like Thistle simply dug too deep in his studies and fell into madness, but we know that’s not true. Delgal didn’t “suggest” he learn magic, he wanted a mage who could help himself and his people defy death, which he admits to Thistle openly:
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So, why? Why not tell his grandson, at least, the truth of the matter? Did he worry it might make the remaining residents more likely to upset Thistle, and therefore suffer the consequences? Did he just not care? For what it’s worth though, Yaad does suspect the truth from Delgal’s behavior.
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He “always blamed himself” for his descent into the dark arts. This is just Yaad’s observation, and that’s without knowing that it was quite literally Delgal’s fault Thistle went down this path. So, why? Why was it all kept a secret?
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Of course, this made things ripe for the winged lion to manipulate to its advantage. Clearly despite knowing he’d pushed him into using it, Delgal still thought the lion was a force of good that was misused by Thistle as a result of his madness. His face in that last panel is particularly haunting. He looks terrible, gaunt and pale with overgrown hair and missing teeth. Had he gone mad, with grief and sorrow, as well?
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Could he no longer see Thistle the way he did when they were younger? No one can ask him, because he died long before the story even began.
To go back to the original question, well, how did Delgal see Thistle? None of the previous points make a definitive answer any clearer, and I think that’s just brilliant. And so, so tragic.
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thatsnotbeautiful · 2 months
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so a dunmeshi fan on Twitter pointed this out and even if it might have been meant jokingly, it started making me think a lil
first let’s open these images fully…
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sure, you could argue that he flips out more with Mithrun bc they’re trapped alone in a lower level of the dungeon with more dangerous monsters waiting to be rescued, and i’m sure that’s part of it lol, but
it also made me think abt this moment from earlier when Kabru is fighting the sea serpent, that has stuck in my mind since
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why can't Kabru let himself panic? why does Kabru "have to handle it"? like OK i think the rest of his party had wiped again and it was up to him to save everyone. but beyond that...
Kabru is his party's leader, simply enough, but i can also imagine him feeling responsible for them bc the "prevent another Utaya" mission is his, and he recruited them to come along with him and help. we've also seen how they mostly defer to his decisions, think he's the best person to rule over the dungeon, etc, and with that trust comes weight and the potential to let those who trust in you down.
i'm not saying they blindly follow him or aren't competent adventurers, but there's a leader <-> follower dynamic there.
thinking back to earlier in the story, we don't really see Kabru outwardly flipping out, even when he's possibly about to get killed (like he is here). we see him smiling and keeping a cheery, approachable front around his party generally, but i think his mask extends to keeping a brave face in front of danger so the others don't get (more) alarmed, too.
as others have pointed out though, while waiting for rescue, kabumisu depend on each other to have each other's back, as equals. beyond Kabru knowing Mithrun doesn't have any desires, Kabru also doesn't have to be a leader and keep morale up in the ways he usually would.
but, yeah, we see Kabru losing it in his internal narration earlier on in the story sometimes, but not outwardly, i don't think. it's quite something to imagine that he might've been screaming internally the whole time but simply setting it aside for the good of his party members
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furubabasket · 6 months
dunmeshi posting today (spoilers ahead for manga marcille stuff)
i feel like there is so much to say and analyze about the fact that marcille's biggest--realest--fear is outliving everyone around her... specifically within the world of dungeon meshi that kui has created.
marcille's fear will certainly happen. (maybe not with falin, if her lifespan has been dragonified, but there's no way for us or for falin or marcille to know this yet.) and marcille has already watched every single one of her close friends die--temporarily. sometimes the circumstances have been dicey (or in falin's case nearly impossible) in ways that caused mounting dread and very real fear (in a way that seems uniquely upsetting in a world which has gotten somewhat blase about dungeon deaths--to have casual hope and to lose it), not even mentioning the initial shock, but so far, loss has not been final for marcille in recent years. that makes it hit all the harder when she has to contend with the possibility of falin being Dead For Good (such as when they couldn't find her bones in the dragon's stomach).
the thing that makes me absolutely sick about this is how marcille ends up just... having to swallow that her fear will come to pass. she just has to accept that both the "fix" she hoped for (the possibility of equalizing racial lifespans) is unethical and the "fix" she ALREADY USED (dungeon revivification) is impossible to implement everywhere. she just has to accept that no matter what, even in a world where death and loss isn't always final, she is doomed to experience it anyway or else succumb to the abusive and addictive pull of the demons' "security" like thistle and mithrun. (sidenote: all of the dungeon lords being elves, iirc, is telling and tragic.) I love the ending of dunmeshi and find it so compelling, and yet this is something that sticks out to me as so, so importantly "unresolved" even if I can't fully articulate it. marcille is not over this, and she can't be--while everyone else looks to the future, by definition hers is darker. that's going to take a lot more time to come to terms with. the moral is that whole "eating is the special privilege of the living," right? the moral comes down to "life involves hurting and being hurt, and that is the way of things, no matter how we run from it... but that doesn't have to be soul-crushingly depressing." marcille's friends are aware of the burden she has. they talk with her about her fears and comfort her without minimizing them. they help her feel less alone in what is a completely alienating existence. it's so fucking sad. it's horrifically sad! she got to save falin--but for how long? she got to save falin--but what about the next one? she got to save falin--why is that okay, but she isn't allowed to "have" everyone else? saving falin was only possible because of the help of a demon and forbidden magic, and while it's presented creepily, as readers we're certainly meant to root for falin's return. it's a "good" thing. it's the entire point of the first act, and the entire point of the very last. it's the good ending. it's happy! it's hard-won! and yet marcille needs to learn to accept death.
this dissonance is intentional, of course, and that's what makes it so fucking interesting. of course marcille goes crazy for a second. of course she struggles and obsesses. everyone else, functionally, gets to have what she wants! everyone else gets to "have" the dead now, no strings attached, no abnormal amount of future grief to carry. (for the opposite, past loss, imagine being kabru: being raised from the dead--watching your friends get casually revived--paying for the privilege--and thinking of your long-dead mother, who didn't get this chance, and wondering how easy it could have been.) in the future, when marcille's losses come, the dungeon's rules won't be around to protect her anymore from that cold, dull finality. it'll be real when it wasn't before. and she just has to be cool with that. man. MAN.
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lauren-ce · 5 months
Dunmeshi, food-horror, and SA analogues
@starstrike wrote a fantastic piece about Mithrun's backstory being an analogue for SA. I'd recommend reading that post first, because it helped me put my following thoughts in order.
On a similar note to theirs, I want to talk about one of the most joyous scenes in the manga, and how it's juxtaposed with two of the most horrifying ones. These scenes in context with each other have stuck with me ever since I saw them and they always make me feel somewhat sick to my stomach, and I think it's worth talking about how effectively they portray horror!
(trigger warnings for violence and SA imagery)
In chapter 67, chimera!Falin eats the first full meal she's been able to get her hands on. Up to this point she's been starving thanks to the combined issues of needing to feed a massive body with a small mouth, and Sissel not giving her the time to refuel.
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Look at her expression of pure happiness! This series of panels captures what Dungeon Meshi is all about: the pure joy of eating a meal prepared by those who love you. But watch out!
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The meal is a pretense to lull Falin to sleep. A meal prepared by family, to prepare the recipient to be eaten by family. What should be a joyous scene turns to horror as Laios kills his sister (note that the violence is inflicted on her human section, not on the dragon body)[Also note that his method of killing her is to cover her mouth, which was just previously the source of joy—now used against her to cut off her airflow and prevent life].
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In this chapter, food is made the enemy. In most cases it has been the ally. Yes, their goal is ultimately to save Falin, but our protagonists are painted as the aggressors, using food as their weapon with which to kill the person they aim to save.
Soon after we get another horrible scene with the same food=enemy idea, in which Sissel is attacked/assaulted and devoured by the Winged Lion. This is Dungeon Meshi at its most horrible: we've never seen anyone get eaten alive before, not to mention that the scene looks like this:
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which is clearly made to emulate the visual language of SA. Again, consider the framing here, with the Winged Lion on top and licking below Sissel's belt:
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It's dehumanizing and cruel, calculated. The Lion eats his desire to resist first, then begins to strip away his identity.
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In the end, the party and the islanders successfully eat Falin's dragon body and save her, but while Falin has no memory of the horror, it remains in our minds. Ryoko Kui takes the idea she's been building up, that food is a symbol of togetherness and companionship, and flips it on its head to devastating effect.
That's all (:
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guideaus · 20 days
i think ch. 76 of dunmeshi is so good bc whether you view it in a labru way or not, we've got these excellent pages of kabru repeatedly reaching out towards laios
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there are so many panels of kabru getting increasingly desperate to keep laios there, not because he's evil and wants to kill laios or whatever, but because so much of dunmeshi was kabru failing to keep his attention, despite doing everything that should have worked (little did he know he just had to tag along with shuro). we see kabru fumble through words that won't convince him and kabru struggles with what he should and shouldnt reveal about himself, and finally gives up that act and blurts out his full, true honest feelings, and stuns himself
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he SMACKS his hand back over his mouth like, "AHEM, excuse me, no of course i didnt feel something as silly and illogical as that-" but then laios starts to outright laugh about his very serious actions about him, and he gets snaps again
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laios' dismissal once again causes kabru to open up, and stay honest this time
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kabru really spends a lot of his time getting his ass beat, or in bad situations in general due to his self sacrificial goal in trying to save the people on the island, but i think its good he finally outright says what he wants, too, even if laios is essential for his plan, but he does want to be friends with him, too.
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i think this final scene where he takes a turn despairing also shows that his request to laios was truly what he wanted. he finally had a genuine moment of asking something of another person, instead of doing his duty to save this island and prevent a disaster, and he thinks he fucked up, but he really did have a selfish moment (and honestly his success in getting thru to laios helped undo the damaga mithrun did to marcille, which lead to laios forming his plan later).
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britcision · 8 months
Anyway I dunno how helpful this is gonna be to anyone but me, but uh… I… may have made a lil summary list of all the chapters of Dungeon Meshi by who’s in them and the vaguest description of what happens
(This began when I was trying to see if Chilchuck and Mithrun had been in a single panel together pre finale for Fanfic Reasons - they had been
One. Single. Panel.
Before Mithrun fucked off upstairs at Thistle’s house)
There are OBVIOUSLY spoilers it’s chapter by chapter but I like being able to pinpoint where the fuck to search for random obscure details so: Spoilers Below The Cut
DunMeshi chapters
1 - Falin goes down, leaving the dungeon, meeting Senshi. Giant scorpion hot pot
2 - man eating plants vs plant eating man
3 - basilisk hunting, meeting Doni and Fonil
4 - how not to pick mandrakes
5 - Chilchuck the trap expert, cooking with traps
6 - living armour, Laios first death
7 - analyzing and eating the living armour, Kensuke acquired
8 - Senshi and the golems
9 - veggie knight Laios, meeting the orcs
10 - meeting Kabru, treasure bugs
11 - spirit sorbet
12 - living paintings, first sighting of Thistle
13 - Chilchuck vs Mimics
14 - hair is important for magic, Anne actually does not like you sir, kelpie soap
15 - corpse collectors find Kabru, Kabru Swears Revenge, instant mermaid tpk, mermaids hate Laios’ singing
16 - kraken attack, parasites in parasites
17 - Marcille and Falin flashback, making fake dungeons, the natural dungeon, rip Laios
18 - planning rests, Marcille vs the Undine, Marcille low on mana - need lots of iron, Namari approaches
19 - Namari and the Tances meet Laios and co, the Undine is Super Duper Mad Actually, how resurrection works in the dungeon, fun with tentacles
20 - the undine fight part 2, trying to send Marcille to the surface for mana reasons with Namari and the Tances, Namari discovers the adamantine wok, Tances to the surface
21 - Laios and co down the shortcut full of tentacles, frog suits
22 - Tances to the governor, Namari and the twins visit a resurrection centre and bond
23 - Laios and co down to the castle town, how to fight the dragon awake and without Shuro? Mapping the town, planning
24 - leading the dragon around, Kensuke defects, stabbing feet is mid actually
25 - backup plan, let’s stand on a pot full of fireworks, the sacrifice play, Laios may learn some healing spells pls
26 - flashbacks with Laios, Falin, and the puppers, healing everyone up, excavating the dragon’s stomach and also guts
27 - putting the bones together, not enough left to reach the surface, it’s Fucked Up Necromancy Time, we gots a FALIN
28 - rest and recovery, dragon cooking season, Falin’s a lil OP now, Thistle Has Opinions
29 - hey guess what there’s still dragon in there, Thistle and Falin vs Laios and co, ghost rescue
30 - orcs on the fifth floor, Chilchuck would like his friends to live please, retreating to the surface?
31 - well shit going back is less easy than it looks, the moving maze, dryad snacks
32 - Tance resurrects Kabru and co, Kabru Swears To Go Home And Chill, attack of the corpse collectors, Kabru Has Morals
33 - Kabru and co working out who keeps “stealing” their stuff, a look at Laios and co from the outside and they all look shifty, sea serpent, Shuro and co meet Kabru and co
34 - teaching Laios healing magic, infinite energy in the dungeon, Laios mana sickness, the castle town is moving again, cockatrice, Marcille is petrified and pickling
35 - Chilchuck maps the dungeon city’s changes, dungeon cleaners, Shuro and Kabru and co arrive
36 - Kabru is kinda creepy okay, Chilchuck has something almost like a map, So Did You Fucking Save Falin (it’s complicated), Splitting The Party But For Safety Reasons, Laios tells Shuro and Kabru what has been happening including his Questionable Decisions, Shuro Backstory Via Maizuru
37 - Shuro is stabby and Kabru is a dick, HARPIES, Laios Maybe Should Not Have Told Shuro, Falin on the rampage
38 - Kabru Fucking Murders Falin (or DID he), reviving everyone, Laios vs Shuro, Marcille can MAYBE heal people I GUESS, Kabru has anatomy question, monster dinner for Kabru, Kabru and Shuro’s combined co go back to the surface and leave their supplies behind
39 - Suspiciously Convenient Downwards Stairs, why are we being attacked anyway, shapeshifters are just like us actually, Laios and all his impressions are super obvious so you can’t be mad
40 - Laios and crew with the shapeshifters cooking challenge
41 - Izutsumi joins the party, use your tools properly, decursing Izutsumi
42 - nightmares, Laios and Marcille
43 - reaching where the dragon fight took place, ice golem, Izutsumi and Chilchuck bond
44 - Izutsumi gets Namari’s coat, flashbacks with Izutsumi, barometz
45 - Kabru and Shuro’s crews reach the surface, Canaries reach the governor and Kabru reports, Laios Sees Dead People
46 - spirit kidnapping, the Golden Country and domesticated monsters, the mad sorcerer’s curse, Prophecies And You
47 - dungeon pancakes in the golden company, Yaad experiences Consequences, frozen over floor, That Is A Griffin Not A Falin
48 - griffin done kidnapped Senshi, making familiars, it turns out crafting skills are important, Senshi rescue
49 - Senshi’s Tragic Backstory™️, griffin vs hippogriff soup
50 - first changeling day! Elf Senshi, through the golden door
51 - changeling’d Laios and co vs gargoyles, We Are The Mushroom Circle, wash up
52 - dwarf elevator, Falin and Laios backstory, Canaries reach the dungeon
53 - Kabru, Namari, Canaries, the shadow governor and Mithrun being intensely fuckable
54 - Kabru, Namari and Shuro, mushrooms attack, Thistle Sighted
55 - Mithrun vs Thistle Round 1, Laios’ party have been changelinged take 2 (ogre Marcille) and eating ointment
56 - bicorn Laios’ party, the Chilchuck wife reveal
57 - flashback Falin and Laios take Marcille to the dungeon for the first time, headless horseman comes for some bicorn
58 - Laios’ party, succubi attack and the party goes down, Izutsumi focused
59 - Izutsumi’s succubi and party replenishment
60 - Laios’ succubus dreams and winged lion conversation, Laios the Dungeon Lord
61 - Kabru backstory reveal, Mithrun’s broke ass self reveal, Be sure not to want too much, The Ship Begins
62 - Mithrun the Dungeon Lord, footrubs work fuck you, their week alone and teleport scroll to meet up with the Canaries
63 - Laios and crew find Thistle’s house, phoenix fight and cooking, found book 1
64 - Marcille opens the book, need to make a meal for Falin
65 - dungeon rabbits and Marcille’s corpse tour
66 - top floor of the dungeon, Bickering Next To Holes Is Bad Actually, Kabru and the Canaries have a snack and Mithrun will not fucking stop staring, Laios and crew prepare a meal, Thistle is Suffering
67 - flashbacks with Laios and Falin, Laios kills Falin, Ready to take and have something taken
68 - Thistle’s backstory, someone has CLEANED, fuck you winged dragon
69 - Thistle and the Dragons nearly rock up a tpk
70 - Thistle shoulda researched dragons more
71 - Laios bondages Thistle to solve problems, Thistle instead creates a new problem
71.1 - Daydream Hour 4, character sketches, Canaries
72 - Thistle’s Brand New Feeder Fantasies, winged dragon eats Thistle and frees Laios and co to recover, Izutsumi finds Yaad
73 - Marcille is hung over, the Canaries and Kabru reach Thistle’s house, Cithis decides it’s hypno-time and Mithrun hunts down Thistle for round 2 (unneeded)
74 - Mithrun constantly accidentally menaces Marcille, Marcille unseals the winged dragon
75 - Mithrun vs Demon round 1, Marcille becomes Dungeon Lord and spiders it up
76 - Kabru, Canaries, Laios and co aftermath of Marcille’s leaving, dealing with the injured, Kabru sucks at explanations and Lycion is impatient, Canaries lose Laios and co
77 - orcs have captured Shuro and Namari, the dungeon shifts
78 - monsters running rampant, Namari and Shuro and Flamelle trying to work out what to do to save the world, sides picked for/against Laios as Dungeon Lord (he isn’t but okay)
79 - Marcille sees Falin and her dad, Laios and crew don’t drown yet, the Canary familiar army gets weird and eats them and promptly regrets it
80 - pooped out by coatl, Laios and co reunite with Marcille to discuss wtf, demon is a stripper, Laios says maybe stop Marcille says stay in the kitchen and make me a sammich
81 - Laios and co getting into Marcille’s past with FakeDad, do in fact make her a sammich, it does not work and subterfuge is still needed to escape
82 - phone calls on the surface, dungeon is leaking
83 - Kabru and the Canaries see the crack, monsters line up for combat, Marcille gets a new outfit that 1000% does not stop Mithrun from coming for her ass, Mithrun vs Marcille round 2 but he’s been listening and totally tries talking her down one whole time, Canaries tpk’d except Lycion
84 - Laios rescues Lycion, reconnects with Kabru Shuro and Namari, demon shares its goals and sides square up to contain the dungeon, monsters stop to let Laios and co through to see Marcille
85 - Laios and co find Falin in the tower, Marcille drowning in desires but the strongest one is for DRAMA (Chilchuck’s family)
86 - monsters will not listen to Marcille’s stop, sealing the bookhand demon, How do I stop being a dungeon lord?, Laios offers to defeat the demon and resurrects Mithrun on that alone so he signs off on eating Falin
86.1 - Daydream Hour 5, alternate outfits and more Canary stories
87 - demon backstory, needs other site
88 - Laios and co inside the demon (still a thot), Laios makes a deal
89 - dropping of Marcille and the gang with Namari and the Canaries, “Laios” makes a break for the surface but IT IS MITHRUN WITH A STEAL CHAIR Mithrun vs Demon round 3, still no noticeable success
90 - what if y’all go hang out with monster Laios instead, The World Is Ending And It’s All My Fault (Marcille and Kabru), Mithrun Is Having None Of It, Marcille and co chase down “Laios”, demon arms go claw machine
91 - vore and reverse vore, Laios vs “Laios”, get cursed bitch
92 - back down the tower then oops gotta escape the dungeon anyway, Marcille and gang find Namari, looking for Laios
93 - Now We Have A Dinner Party, different groups coming to help, found Laios
94 - elves in the aftermath, Mithrun serving up Falin, leftovers and veggie scraps
95 - meal, About That Golden Country, resurrection take 2
96 - epilogue
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madraleen · 2 months
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Delicious in Dungeon - Ryōko Kui Vol.8: A "my introduction to the manga" commentary. (*vague anime spoilers)
-cithis, what a queen
-okay, hold up. kabru. i like him more in the manga, i can actually see the vulnerable traumatized young man instead of the anime's "is he a threat???" kabru. his eyes are kinda haunted. not sure if it's a manga thing or an arc thing that the anime hasn't explored yet though, since i'm starting on vol.8.
-mithrun is serving looks
-this makes me want to actually read the manga from the start and see how i feel about kabru when meeting him there instead of in the anime. see if i'd warm up to him immediately like i'm doing now, or side-eye him a lil bit hostilely like i did in the anime.
-mithrun as hypercarry main dps and everyone else as a buffer
-mithrun can't seem to stop touching kabru, just saying. he has no reason to be touching him.
-what insta-chemistry is this, the very second kabru and mithrun started interacting for real they felt like they just gel together
-i've never been happier to see falin. GO SAVE THISTLE, GIRL!
-smol. so smol. mithrun so smol compared to kabru.
-CHIL CHEATED ON HIS WIFE?!?! chil, for shame.
-"frankly, ‘good’ isn't defined well, and i'm not sure what it means." way to drop truth bombs in the most nonchalant way possible, laios
-wait no, the bicorn looks so sad when it falls :(
-oh, chil didn't cheat. good boy. man.
-what, his wife just up and left?! why?! (my marcille is showing)
-lmao marcille is really living that married life with chilchuck
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pr0cyon-lotor · 3 months
I was procrastinating on making a master post/introduction but eventually I would have to do it 😮‍💨
Okay let's go.
Call me Lotor or any nickname will work. I am aroace and genderfluid (any/all pronouns are fine).
Alien Stage (Alnst)
Hyun Woo
Ivantill, Mizisua, Hyuluka
Things I wrote:
Falling Stars (Ivantill, incomplete)
Copium ;) (Ivantill, Mizisua, Hyuluka, abandoned)
I didn't get to say it back (Ivantill, oneshot, completed)
Scum villain's self saving system (SVSSS)
Shen Yuan
Shen Jiu
Shen Qingqiu (used for both Shens)
Liu Qingge
Luo Binghe
Ming Fan
Yue Qingyuan
Gongyi Xiao
(will add more when I remember)
JiuYuan, QiJiuYuan, BingFan, MoShen, BingLiu, MoShang, LiuShang, CumPlane
(will add more when I remember)
Things I wrote:
A witty fox is still an annoying fox (JiuYuan, incomplete)
An Anthology of Miscommunication (QiJiuYuan, BingFan, OC x Canon, incomplete)
One Step Back and You'll Catch Me (YueYi, incomplete)
BingFan Socmed AU (BingFan, Tumblr-only, incomplete)
Shen Siblings Notes (No Ships, Headcanons)
A Demon would be loved by the world, but you, Shen Qingqiu, shall be loved by me (JiuYuan, incomplete)
I Have To Seduce My Soulmate From Another World?! (JiuYuan, LiuShang, not released)
Slay The Princess (STP)
The Shifting Mound (The Princess)
The Long Quiet (The Protagonist)
Ship (the one)
The Shifting Quiet
The Damsel, The Thorn
Things I wrote:
Nothing yet :(
Dungeon Meshi (Dunmeshi)
Farcille, Labru, Labrumisu, Laicion, Mithcion, Kabumisu, Laichil, Chilshi
(will add more when I remember)
Things I wrote:
Nothing yet :(
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun (TBHK)
Aoi/Akane (I use their tags interchangeably because I can't remember the difference half the time)
(will add more when I remember)
Terukane, Aoinene, Terukaneaoi, Terukaneaoinene, MitsuKou
(will add more when I remember)
Things I wrote:
Nothing yet :(
Humans are space orcs (HASO)
HASO: USS Bartholomew
My stuff
My writing
My art
My AO3 account
Cryptic shitposting
Slugma Appreciation Post
Homophobic Dog
20 notes · View notes