#save sod
wifiwulf04 · 1 year
School of Dragons is going down.
My childhood.
Please, if you can spare a moment, even if you don't play the game, help me sign this petition. I know it's a slim to none chance of actually working, but I'll take any chance we have.
I've been playing this game since 2014, have so many dragons that hold dear memories to me, and more that I have yet to make memories with. The game devs had the game's 10th anniversary lined up, but all of a sudden within a month of announcing the closure is the date of the end.
Some folks on the game have told me it's useless, there's no going back because the devs made everything worth paying for free now. I can't give up yet. Please help me save it.
The petition
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dragonfurious · 1 year
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I know many of my followers not know about this game or even care about it, but… it will shut down, got many memories, good and bad, still appreciate every single one, if anyone here that plays and likes this game wants to save it, please sign this petition:
It can be free or with donations
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dreamsy990 · 2 months
this joke mightve worked better for dream drop distance in retrospect
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yourqueenb · 2 months
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I kind of want to do this for Theo, but I also can’t get past how stupid this is. I know it says there won’t be any consequences, but still the idea of MC and an injured Theo wasting time and energy wandering around on the flooding lower decks to save objects when they should be trying to escape is so asinine to me, especially given the information they as characters have/do not have
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gingerbreadmonsters · 11 months
GOD BLESS whatever poor stock photographer was forced to go and document what the inside of an american 7/11 looks like, i genuinely could not be doing this without you king
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fanficrocks · 2 months
Don’t lie to Robbie, James!
You should know by now that it doesn’t end well.
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The lies in year 2 that led to this:
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And yet, there you were in year 4 with your tall tales about conversational Mandarin…
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Time to learn from your own mistakes?
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rusty-gloinks · 9 months
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paint-water-again · 1 year
Can anyone tell me why SoD won't load? I downloaded it, just in case an influx in downloads would help and now it's not loading
I would really love a chance to play it but since it's taking such a long time to load I probably won't get it :(
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dominicsorel · 1 year
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As long as you keep moving forward, you'll wind up somewhere.
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obscurebelief · 9 months
When I realize Aurie will and has done so much to give MACUSA a huge amount of paper work and breaches in secrecy because he's still pissed at them for trying to kill him, and the Ministry of Magic as well for trying to send some assassin to kill him to.
He isn't Grindelwald or Voldemort but he loves breaking the secrecy so much. And capturing him isn't exactly easy given people still consider him a dangerous Obscurial give or take if his Obscurus was removed or not. Oh and Tina and the group going mama/papa bear because they love Credence/Aurelius and while his breaches and paperwork are a nightmare, he isn't exactly killing or harming non-magic.
Using magic to cheat on non magic tests, using potions to help with colds isn't exactly something he can be wanted for. He is just a chaos gremlin that likes helping people and causing MACUSA and the Ministry of Magic pain in the most petty of ways.
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purplelea · 9 months
Twewy native Pre week 2 neku and kh1 Riku would be the most toxic friend group ever
I had to specify neku as twewy native because in dream drop josh straight up said they all died and that's why they got sent to traverse town. But given his lines it's clear he's at least past peak asshole neku.
OH YEAH VERY TRUE. but actually I don't even think they'd be friends, if that makes sense. Riku needs someone kind who looks up to him (like Sora and Kairi), and Neku pre-twewy... isn't that. Neku on the other hands needs people he can relate to and who share his worldviews (ex: how he got along with Joshua in week 2 and was able to have many interesting discussions with him despite, yknow, thinking Joshua murdered him). So it wouldn't actually work if there was only the two of them: Riku doesn't share Neku's values of shutting himself from people because he's scared of getting hurt & hurting them. And Neku only looks up to CAT.
#léa replies#it's interesting to think about tho. if somehow they were hanging out... it would honestly not be very good. for anyone.#now you got me thinking about how Riku's low self-esteem can be a parallel to Beat and Shiki but each have a different way to deal with it#Riku's low self-esteem becomes jealousy when he sees someone else hang out with Sora (he puts the blame on others)#a reaction that appears to be similar to Beat who's angry at for example kariya when Rhyme dies#but it's actually just a facade. and he's mostly angry at himself for his incompetence#and Shiki on the other hand gets jealous of Eri but turns that against herself to the point that she tries to erase her own self#so she can reach Eri's supposed perfection#so we have a broad range of reactions to low sefl-esteem#and while Riku's is obviously the most harmful for others (increased by the fact that Maleficient and Ansem SOD took advantage of it)#i don't want to call him toxic for that. he's just a lost kid who doesn't know how to handle change. just like Kairi is.#and that's why they drift apart with Sora trying to chase both of them because he's the only one who is able to handle change.#his issues lie elsewhere.#anyway i could swear i was going somewhere with this but i had dinner in between so i forgor...#maybe something about how yeah Neku was toxic pre-twewy but i don't think Riku was before it all went downhill in kh1#it's really Maleficient and Ansem's manipulation who made him go the extra mile and hurt others when he only wanted to save Kairi#and yeah i guess making the words fall and trying to kill Sora is pretty toxic at this point lmao#thanks for the ask!#twewy spoilers#twewy#kingdom hearts
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girlwithfish · 1 year
should i go back to dsu2014 tho or debating crossthesea. idk tho
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lucyshypemaster · 2 years
reminder that THE scene in aru shah and the song of death is one of the most iconic scenes in the entire series
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yourqueenb · 4 months
Damn this is the second time I’ve forgotten about Unbridled
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trickstercaptain · 1 year
@harringtontm sent a meme: sleep. it's all right. i'll keep watch.
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       It was the first time he'd stopped to take a breath in at least four hours, maybe more. If he hadn't been up and down ladders, ensuring that hatches had indeed been battened down and that none of the torrential rain or ship-sized waves had pierced the hull, he was at the helm barking orders or in his cabin consulting his detailed, annotated charts. He couldn't afford to stop, particularly after nearly taking a tumble over the side of the ship ( after a rogue wave struck the Wicked Wench at an unexpected angle ), or else this would happen: he'd lean against the rail, his feet and legs would protest at the prospect of moving so much as another inch, and his eyes would slowly drift shut.
       Fortunately he did not get so far as to actually drift off, brought back to attention as Jack was by the sound of a soft voice beside him. He opened his eyes to the sight of Steve Harrington, looking as wet and bedraggled as he probably did — but he couldn't quite stop looking at him. It was still raining, even though the storm had passed, and Jack had to acknowledge that the distracting way in which the water clung to Steve's shirt was a sign, if he'd needed one, that he'd been at sea far too long.
       “ I'm fine. I'll manage a little longer. At least until the rain stops. ” Jack flashed what he hoped was a reassuring, grateful smile. Yet it wasn't just how Steve looked that was playing on his mind in that moment; it was the lightning fast way in which he'd jumped to attention and caught Jack before toppling over the side of the railing; it was the way he'd seen him helping out the other hands and mates on board in spite of his lack of experience; it was the stunning amount of maturity he'd displayed over the past few hours. Not even now, as the danger subsided, had Jack heard a single complaint from that direction.
       “ Thank you. ” He deserved to hear it. As much as Jack enjoyed the thrill of a good squall, it was always a taxing affair — even more so as a captain. “ Were it not for you, I'd be over the side right now wishing I'd grown a tail and fins. ” Jack smiled again, more teasingly this time. “ Turns out you're not so bad at this after all. ”
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save school of dragons
I don't know if it will help, with the staff being extremely understaffed and all, but maybe they might be able to keep the servers running. I'm just trying to get word for the petition so the creators can see how much we care about this game. https://chng.it/5WGWfKNHKf
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