#saved! (sacred flame) NOOOO
catcr4ft · 7 months
Sacred flame why do you hurt me so
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 9 months
Chapter Three (Aestia):
Takes place in Abershine, in the Stonelands
Aestia first goes to consult the greatest scholars to walk the land, they who have travelled the world and gathered the knowledge of many: her parents (mortifying: good ol' mom and dad are your best sources in your world-saving mission)
Fun banter, the parents convince Aestia to stay for dinner, have a very thinly veiled meet-the-parents encounter with Lylah
Mentions of their travels to the Farlands and their encounters with The Great Seer, amoung other topics ("Dad, you've told this story hundreds of times")
Specifically suggest that the two speak to the Archbishop on the matter ("That's strange, shouldn't he be meeting with the Pontifex? Why's he still here?")
Aestia and Lylah stay up doing some reading before the smash cut to the following day
The archbishop is nowhere to be found in the church, in spite of eyewitness accounts of him entering
Eventually discover a hidden door behind the altar, leading to a set of catacombs, also known as…
The Third Dungeon: Secret Study
Enemies: Ratkin, Elementals, Armour, rarely Revenants
Modelled similarly to the Forbidden Shrine from Temenos's Stormhail route but with lower ceilings and thinner corridors
Passing by/entering one room will trigger an infodump cutscene
Strange writings about uses of Sacred Flame that make reference to the same sickly green form Aestia encountered earlier
Experiments in converting living beings into "palimpsests", emptying them to be refilled with something else
References to Aschei the Great Seer as a source for knowledge that will be needed
Plans outlined for a "false break-in" in which Flamelit Paladins pose as heretics, raid the Flamecrest Cathedral, and kidnap someone to stir up fear
Most disturbingly, diagrams that appear to depict Lylah chained to a pair of braziers being burned by green flames, calling her "human test subject #1"
Aestia and Lylah conclude that Lylah was supposed to be kidnapped the day she arrived in Flamecrest and used in… this ("But why would the church do such a thing?" "No one better to ask than the archbishop, I suppose")
Enter the final room to find the archbishop talking to a figure in dark robes
The figure talks about moving on The Great Seer with Sir Eldroy and "obtaining the last piece we need"
He turns to leave, accidently showing his face to Aestia and Lylah and…
Hold on.
That's him.
He was on the farm three years ago.
He was there the night before Mal disappeared.
He killed Mal Cheshire.
Aestia rushes up in a rage and alerts the archbishop and the mysterious figure, has to be held back by Lylah
The figure escapes through a back entrance, the archbishop turns to fight the duo
In-cutscene lobs a fireball at Lylah, who is pushed away by Aestia, right before…
The Third Boss: Archbishop Ronaldo Effiva, Unholy Experimenteur
Focus on fire attacks w/ some weaker physical attacks
Can inflict Terror and Silence
Has two brazier sprites present in the fight; cannot be attacked
At start of fight, Lylah runs into frame, tells the player to handle the archbishop while she handles the braziers, runs out of frame
Each time you break the archbishop, Lylah is able to knock over a brazier
With each knocked-over brazier, the archbishop's fire attacks weaken and physical attacks strengthen
Will favour physical attacks more as they get stronger
Has a boost mode attack with a name that also features the word Ending but I lack the details
Has lackeys but they don't protect his shields: 2 Ratkin Vessels and later Greater Embers
Vessels are similar in shape to Ratkin but have no features (blank skin in place of eyes/mouths) and are wreathed in green flame
Greater Embers are the same as regular Embers from CH1 but bigger
After the battle the archbishop pulls a pendant from his neck and smashes it on the ground
Flames gather at his feet and begin rising
"Why… why isn't it working?... What is it… no… no… NOOOO…"
He burns to death :)
Aestia and Lylah have a talk (divorce era)
Aestia returns alone to her parents, tells them of what has happened and asks what they know about The Great Seer
General vibe is mysterious, but thing is that they have seen Orsa and Finis
Leaves with very little knowledge but leaves nonetheless, heading for the Farlands
Divorce Era Conversation:
A: Lylah, what in the Flame’s name was that?
L: Aestia?
A: Why were you rushing in? You could have been hurt! [paused] You are hurt! What am I to do if something worse befalls you?
L: Aestia, I -
A: It was the same in Flamecrest! You know you’re not a fighter! I can’t… [pause] I can’t have you getting hurt trying to be a hero.
L: We can’t keep doing this, Aestia.
A: What?
L: Do you think I didn’t notice? I could have easily gotten away from the fire the archbishop threw at me. You didn’t need to push me out of the way.
A: But, Lylah -
L: You cling to others like a mother to her child. We’re not children, Aestia! We don’t need to be protected from even the slightest harm! [pause] And especially not if you’re going to hurt yourself doing it.
A: I know it’s selfish, but please, Lylah. I don’t want to lose you.
L: And what of my selfish reasons? What of my feelings, what of my peace? How am I supposed to handle your loss?
A: …
L: You are not an island, Aestia. Yours is a soul that shines with the light of the stars, and we would be at a loss without you. I would be at a loss without you.
A: …
L: If you refuse to take care of yourself, then I will be on my way. Farewell.
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beantothemax · 1 year
Chapter Three:
Takes place in Abershine, in the Stonelands
Aestia first goes to consult the greatest scholars to walk the land, they who have traveled the world and gathered the knowledge of many: her parents (mortifying: good ol' mom and dad are your best sources in your world-saving mission)
Fun banter, the parents convince Aestia to stay for dinner, have a very thinly veiled meet-the-parents encounter with Lylah 
Mentions of their travels to the Farlands and their encounters with The Great Seer, amoung other topics ("Dad, you've told this story hundreds of times")
Specifically suggest that the two speak to the Archbishop on the matter ("That's strange, shouldn't he be meeting with the Pontifex? Why's he still here?")
Aestia and Lylah stay up doing some reading before the smash cut to the following day
The archbishop is nowhere to be found in the church, in spite of eyewitness accounts of him entering
Eventually discover a hidden door behind the altar, leading to a set of catacombs, also know as…
The Third Dungeon: Secret Study
Enemies: Ratkin, Elementals, Armour, rarely Revenants
Modelled similarly to the Forbidden Shrine from Temenos's Stormhail route but with lower ceilings and thinner corridors
Passing by/entering one room will trigger an infodump cutscene 
Strange writings about uses of Sacred Flame that make reference to the same sickly green form Aestia encountered earlier
Experiments in converting living beings into "palimpsests", emptying them to be refilled with something else
References to Aschei the Great Seer as a source for knowledge that will be needed
Plans outlined for a "false breakin" in which Flamelit Paladins pose as heretics, raid the Flamecrest Cathedral, and kidnap someone to stir up fear
Most disturbingly, diagrams that appear to depict Lylah chained to a pair of braziers being burned by green flames, calling her "human test subject #1"
Aestia and Lylah conclude that Lylah was supposed to be kidnapped the day she arrived in Flamecrest and used in… this ("But why would the church do such a thing?" "No one better to ask than the archbishop, I suppose")
Enter the final room to find the archbishop talking to a figure in dark robes
The figure talks about moving on The Great Seer with Sir Eldroy and "obtaining the last piece we need"
He turns to leave, accidently showing his face to Aestia and Lylah and…
Hold on.
That's him.
He was on the farm three years ago.
He was there the night before Mal disappeared.
He killed Mal Cheshire.
Aestia rushes up in a rage and alerts the archbishop and the mysterious figure, has to be held back by Lylah
The figure escapes through a back entrance, the archbishop turns to fight the duo
In-cutscene lobs a fireball at Lylah, who is pushed away by Aestia, right before…
The Third Boss: Archbishop Ronaldo Effiva, Unholy Experimenteur 
Focus on fire attacks w/ some weaker physical attacks
Can inflict Terror and Silence
Has two brazier sprites present in the fight; cannot be attacked
At start of fight, Lylah runs into frame, tells the player to handle the archbishop while she handles the braziers, runs out of frame
Each time you break the archbishop, Lylah is able to knock over a brazier
With each knocked-over brazier, the archbishop's fire attacks weaken and physical attacks strengthen
Will favour physical attacks more as they get stronger
Has a boost mode attack with a name that also features the word Ending but I lack the details
Has lackeys but they don't protect his shields: 2 Ratkin Vessels and later Greater Embers
Vessels are similar in shape to Ratkin but have no features (blank skin in place of eyes/mouths) and are wreathed in green flame
Greater Embers are the same as regular Embers from CH1 but bigger
After the battle the archbishop pulls a pendant from his neck and smashes it on the ground
Flames gather at his feet and begin rising
"Why… why isn't it working?... What is it… no… no… NOOOO…"
He burns to death :)
Aestia and Lylah have a talk (divorce era)
Aestia returns alone to her parents, tells them of what has happened and asks what they know about The Great Seer
General vibe is mysterious, but thing is that they have seen Orsa and Finis
Leaves with very little knowledge but leaves nonetheless, heading for the Farlands
this is! a LOT! and! wow! where do I start!
ok lylah meeting aestia’s parents sounds very fun and I wish i could see it. ALSO THE AMOUNT OF DETAIL YOU JUST. PUT INTO EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. HOW.
‘Aestia and Lylah have a talk (divorce era)’ what do you MEAN by that chaotic. I need answers.
I am chewing on your oc very slowly. Much like a golden retriever would on tennis ball. (that means it’s good and I like it!)
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Chapter Three:
Takes place in Abershine, in the Stonelands
Aestia first goes to consult the greatest scholars to walk the land, they who have traveled the world and gathered the knowledge of many: her parents (mortifying: good ol' mom and dad are your best sources in your world-saving mission)
Fun banter, the parents convince Aestia to stay for dinner, have a very thinly veiled meet-the-parents encounter with Lylah 
Mentions of their travels to the Farlands and their encounters with The Great Seer, amoung other topics ("Dad, you've told this story hundreds of times")
Specifically suggest that the two speak to the Archbishop on the matter ("That's strange, shouldn't he be meeting with the Pontifex? Why's he still here?")
Aestia and Lylah stay up doing some reading before the smash cut to the following day
The archbishop is nowhere to be found in the church, in spite of eyewitness accounts of him entering
Eventually discover a hidden door behind the altar, leading to a set of catacombs, also know as…
The Third Dungeon: Secret Study
Enemies: Ratkin, Elementals, Armour, rarely Revenants
Modelled similarly to the Forbidden Shrine from Temenos's Stormhail route but with lower ceilings and thinner corridors
Passing by/entering one room will trigger an infodump cutscene 
Strange writings about uses of Sacred Flame that make reference to the same sickly green form Aestia encountered earlier
Experiments in converting living beings into "palimpsests", emptying them to be refilled with something else
References to Aschei the Great Seer as a source for knowledge that will be needed
Plans outlined for a "false breakin" in which Flamelit Paladins pose as heretics, raid the Flamecrest Cathedral, and kidnap someone to stir up fear
Most disturbingly, diagrams that appear to depict Lylah chained to a pair of braziers being burned by green flames, calling her "human test subject #1"
Aestia and Lylah conclude that Lylah was supposed to be kidnapped the day she arrived in Flamecrest and used in… this ("But why would the church do such a thing?" "No one better to ask than the archbishop, I suppose")
Enter the final room to find the archbishop talking to a figure in dark robes
The figure talks about moving on The Great Seer with Sir Eldroy and "obtaining the last piece we need"
He turns to leave, accidently showing his face to Aestia and Lylah and…
Hold on.
That's him.
He was on the farm three years ago.
He was there the night before Mal disappeared.
He killed Mal Cheshire.
Aestia rushes up in a rage and alerts the archbishop and the mysterious figure, has to be held back by Lylah
The figure escapes through a back entrance, the archbishop turns to fight the duo
In-cutscene lobs a fireball at Lylah, who is pushed away by Aestia, right before…
The Third Boss: Archbishop Ronaldo Effiva, Unholy Experimenteur 
Focus on fire attacks w/ some weaker physical attacks
Can inflict Terror and Silence
Has two brazier sprites present in the fight; cannot be attacked
At start of fight, Lylah runs into frame, tells the player to handle the archbishop while she handles the braziers, runs out of frame
Each time you break the archbishop, Lylah is able to knock over a brazier
With each knocked-over brazier, the archbishop's fire attacks weaken and physical attacks strengthen
Will favour physical attacks more as they get stronger
Has a boost mode attack with a name that also features the word Ending but I lack the details
Has lackeys but they don't protect his shields: 2 Ratkin Vessels and later Greater Embers
Vessels are similar in shape to Ratkin but have no features (blank skin in place of eyes/mouths) and are wreathed in green flame
Greater Embers are the same as regular Embers from CH1 but bigger
After the battle the archbishop pulls a pendant from his neck and smashes it on the ground
Flames gather at his feet and begin rising
"Why… why isn't it working?... What is it… no… no… NOOOO…"
He burns to death :)
Aestia and Lylah have a talk (divorce era)
Aestia returns alone to her parents, tells them of what has happened and asks what they know about The Great Seer
General vibe is mysterious, but thing is that they have seen Orsa and Finis
Leaves with very little knowledge but leaves nonetheless, heading for the Farlands
also i forgot to say last time but i have written up a draft for the divorce era chat if you want to see it
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Actually fucking screamed
Lovely chapter (screaming and sobbing) I'm so excited for the next one
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thelightprevails · 7 years
All Vestal Barks
Thanks to @creepazoid-class-s for pointing me in the right direction
All Vestal Barks under the cut (you don’t want a post that long, trust me)
Note: Quotes come from different events after affliction (camping skill usage, moving forward/back, not accepting healing, etc)
I am not up to this task, Light forgive me! I will not fear martyrdom. I will not! Light, grant me passage through these cursed halls… Verse XXI: Heathens alone fear death... Spare me this one time, oh Light. Please spare me... Has the Light forsaken us? Deliver me, oh holy Flame... The shadows are crawling. This place is alive with evil! The Light is eclipsed! No! NOOO! They are too strong! Get back! Their eyes are cold with murder! Dark whispers bind me! Blackness... so much paralyzing blackness... I... I can't move... Light protect me! These shadows are unnatural - unholy! I have had a vision! Our deaths are imminent! The holy Flame whispers of torture and misery! Flame... oh Flame... why do you forsake me? I have been so very faithful! And yet... now I suffer!? No! No, please, NOOO! Leave me be! PLEASE! No! NOOOO! Keep away from me! Now I know my end has come.... No... No, please... (bursts into sobs) (tears streaming) Spare me... spare me... spare me... I have known despair. Yet the fear of imminent death... (shudder) Gods, how I long for the safety of the convent... The sacred Flame flickers... The path falls to darkness. Verse LXI: When all is lost, stand firm. The Flame endures. I... I cannot read the ritual while I shudder so... I am trying... but the Light denies a disquieted soul. There's no time for that. Evil is drawn to my purity.
You are all godless, luring me to my end! You test me? Shall I demonstrate the power of faith? Stop staring at me. I know your mind! Verse XXV: trust not armed men, for they seek to wound. You mock me behind my back! Do not deny it! That stone...it gazes at me! Must watch their eyes. They all know of my vows... There is a presence here. Dark and foul. They will sell us to slavers if they defeat us! Ugh! Their foul taint is anathema to my virtue! Sin swirls about them... Do not breathe their air! I alone am the bearer of the Light! The Verses command patience! I'll not defy them! The darkness plays tricks, I will hold fast. Cowards!  You reject the Light! I can decide for myself! I am no scullery girl! Hands off! I command myself, thank you! Conspiracy, all around me... Something disrupts my prayer. An unholy presence... Verse XII: quick-burning fires herald pain and torture. Don't deny your lust, it's… fully apparent. I will not sit idly by and wait for your betrayal! I can smell deceit. I've lived among much worse than you! And betray my honor? Is that what you want? My virtue far outweighs your falsity. So we stay. They know I serve the fire! They seek my death! I KNOW them! They are foes of the Flame! My purity is attracting them! They can smell it! I like not how that one is looking at me! I know a liar when I see one. You missed on purpose! Traitor! You could not have missed so easily! TRAITOR! Someone has trained them... We have been tricked! You LET yourself be hit... Why would that be? Ha! I see your mind! Stay there, you... filthy lech. Oh, yes, any chance to brush by the virgin. I see. Why? To tarnish my pure soul? You are jealous! Stand away! Faith alone will heal me! Don't touch me! The Devil works through you! The Light is quite enough for me, thank you. I deny your shamanism, kind though it may seem. Don't touch me! The Darkness works through you! Verse XII: Forbid thyself from incurring debts! I cannot trust you! And reveal my secrets? I think not. ... No. This is intimacy masquerading as aid. I'll not sully my virtue like that. It's... improper. Verse CXI: The pure shall refuse all strangers' gifts. We are becoming too familiar. I shall cope alone. The Verses forbid me to eat this... whatever this is. The Verses say nothing about fuzzy bread... hmmm... "Going without" is the chief tenet of vestalhood... I decline. The Light shall nourish me.
Through suffering, I will know my faith! Verse XIII: only the faithless fear death. My mortified flesh armors me against your hate! My blood is my penance. Take it, heretic! Ha! The Light has already burned away all feeling! Only through pain shall we know forgiveness! The pain only proves my devotion! Only the unfaithful fear death! I am the Light's martyr - strike me down! You cannot harm me! I bear the holy Flame! Their lashes will fuel the hearth within! I relish my trials, I relish my wounds! Spill my blood! Its purity shall exorcise you! I hurl myself on the altar of faith! Pain is the gateway to divinity! We die today. Consumed in the Flame of hope. Pain is the gateway to divinity! I sacrifice myself for the good of the Light! My blood will purify you! The Flame grants power through sacrifice! Hear me, Flame! This blood is yours! Now grant me POWER! These marks reveal my faith. The Flame fears nothing -- no pain, no defeat. (deep inhale) Yes... again! It hurts, yes... But also... (blesses herself) Please, please! End this life of slavery! I BEG YOU! NOOO! The Flame calls to me! Send me to the Flame! Yes... Your pain makes you powerful. No! Take me instead! I... I have sinned so grievously! No. The Flame tests my fear of death. I must face it. My resolve is weak here. I must train it more fully I thrive on pain. It's the way of my order. Let me endure it a bit first. It rejuvenates my soul. No! The Light commands my pain! Take your hands off me... unless you seek to wound me further! My vows demand I refuse. You wouldn't understand. The Light demands my blood! Stay back! My power wanes grows as my wounds mount! Save your blessings! The Light relishes in my suffering! A brush with death can truly purify the spirit. The Mother Superior would be right to impose ten lashings instead... In my life, suffering has been a potent motivator... Pain is a gift from the holy Flame. I cherish it. I can take more yet. Save your folksy charms.
I am chosen - you are nothing! May the Light bring courage to you pathetic cast-offs! Stop soiling yourself and fight! Blasphemers! You offend my ears AND my eyes! That I should be made to breathe the air AND your stink.. Appalling! God favors not the meek! Find some courage or burden me no more! Light forsake you, you fiends! Burn and die, craven beasts! You are faithless, but the Light gives me strength! I banish you, demons! Holy Flame, cauterize the wound of their existence! I'll strike you all down if you get in my way. Silence! I am praying for your worthless souls! Your rude tongues offend the Light. And me. Unholy wretch! I will teach you some propriety! Burn! Burn in effigy to the Light! Impressive. But the sacred fire grants superior power. ... I could do better. Given half a chance. Eight year-old girls in the convent are better trained... I could fight better in my temple garments... I am ashamed to be in your presence. How uninspiring you are. Sigh. Don't touch me! I know your.. type. Oh yes, a simple touch on the shoulder now. But what later? I'll not lay my hands upon you... defilers. Oh? Shall I next bless the innkeeper's wench? The Light prescribes my blessings upon the worthy alone! I see you worrying that stone. That is idolatry. Ugh. And will you read my palm next, you vile peddler?
The Light guides me, and only me. Pay a donation to the church and I will bless your weapon. Cast aside your gods. Mine alone is the one holy Light. Give me your jewels and I will absolve you of idolatry. Collection plate! Please give freely! Surely the Light has grander plans for me? Your grunting and crying is disturbing my focus! Silence, all! I will now sing a battle hymn! I am chosen! Their souls must suffer the flame! I cannot see the enemy! Move over! The Light... commands me to serve in other ways. Curses, my hair is tangled in my gorget! A moment! I can't read the Verses in this light! Ah, that's better. My faith alone is the measure of purity! I walk my own path! No. The time is not yet right. The Light's rewards are for me alone! My power came at a great price. I use it as I wish. The Light alone commands me. None else have the right. I alone hold this pitiful group together. Yes, ten percent for the church! This was discussed! Give your share to the Light and all will be forgiven. For that, I claim your soul! FOR THE FLAME! Ungh! For these injuries, I require a greater fee! Let me kill it! Its soul must perish by my hand! Leave that one to me! I must cauterize its existence! You know, for a donation, the Flame may grant you skill. Yes, distract that one while I do the real work. I am quite used to keeping what is mine, thank you. Verse VI: Preserve thine own virtue above all else. Feh!  Only the light can guide my actions!
Depressed (Hopeless? It’s called Depressed in the files)
There is no higher purpose here... This mission frays my spirits... Why does everyone hate me? Even the mother superior... Even the destitute of spirit refuse the Light. Why? Verse LXVIII: Pray to the Light, for it will grant you joy... Why have I been abandoned? Verse XXXIV: pride is the path to foolishness... I feel cold. Dark... My faith... is a lie. Why slow the inevitable? Damnation awaits me. What is the point of life, of faith? I am unworthy. I cannot carry the Light. I cannot lead. I am too... inexperienced. Take my place. You are stronger than I. Where there is no Light, there can be no hope... Shhh... not even the Light can save us now. Call down the Flame yourself. It heeds me no longer. I am just a shadow in the dark - nothing at all. I am no hero! Just a little girl in a woman's garb! Poor experience begets poor decisions... The holy Verses no longer resonate, all is lost. Dark times, these. Demons and undead plague the land. The holy flame flickers. 'Tis a black omen. I will burn in blackness... And so shall you! Join me! Join me in the black world, denizens of evil! I care not about judgment... I tire of slavery. Flame, consume me. What cowardice. No. I shall at least die with some dignity. If the Flame cannot suffice, then the Flame has done with me. The power of virtue will save me... I hope This is my destiny, let me be. I am well enough. Go, help the others. Verse CXV: when health wanes, only prayer can restore it. There is nothing without the Light. Stop. I am tainted enough already... With every touch or glance, my resolve is corrupted... No blessing in the world will make any difference now. Verse LXI: Always know -- never exceed -- thy limits. The Light cannot illuminate one shrouded in black... My life, wasted.  There is no power in faith. I have defied so many Verses... It is futility. Why do they scoff at the Verses? Do I misrepresent them? Not unlike the last meal of an unchaste vestal...
There is Light in the stones! And in the smiles of flies! My eyes are on fire... So beautiful, I must gouge them out! The Versebook is in my hand. I tear a bit and eat it. Mmm. Verse XVI: the meek shall... Lords, this scroll is heavy. Fetch me a newborn lamb. I must make an offering. Now! A fine crystal shatters! Pottery cracks! My flesh turns black! My eyes splinter! You are but children! Motherless children! The verses number 36 and so too the constellations! There is music in the air! LA, LA-LOO, LA-LOOEEOOOAAA! Take my arm, like the ladies on the promenade! Weee! It was a beautiful hymn, sung by the pigs of St. Martha's. My gloves are soiled, and they in turn soil the holy pages! A candle in the dark! Burn, burn, BURN! The stars and sun are of the same Light, yet I see neither... One stunted tree in a fruiting orchard... The Flame flickers... I see now... Shadows are the children of Light... That Sister Abigail... always a cheat. Lord, this chastity belt chafes. Pass the lamp oil. Mutilation is a most holy act. Any takers? Demons, all. You, my mother, my father... all. Anoint yourself with my holy blood, and be damned. The fire burns within me! I wield it like a blade! You all seek my virtue! But it is not mine to give! FIRE AND DEATH! I will be no mother, "superior" or otherwise... HOLD YOUR GROUND! YOU SHAME THE FIRE! FLEE NOW, YES! AND MAY THE FIRE DAMN YOUR COWARD SOUL! Mother! MOTHER! Please! Be kind to me, Sisters! The hissing embers... like a choir of the faithful. I am a Flame -- a beacon to the devout. Mother - Father!  Too late!  The convent has taken me... Hah!  Even the pigs of St. Martha's can carry that tune! But I am only a child. How can you ask that of me... How... I ask thee, oh Flame: is it privilege... or slavery? You will burn for that. .. BUUURRRRRRRRNNNNNN! (sobbing uncontrollably) I hear the song of the sisterhood. The burning women... You too shall burn. There is no escape. You touched me... you touched me... you touched me... Your heat... it is noticeable... Does the Flame also feel? I don't need anything, not even my faith! Hahaha... I have known much darkness. But this seems so very... inky! It's full of stars - beautiful and horrifying! Nonsense! I need only bay leaf and cow urine! The whip. The cat. The lash. The scourge. I cannot accept help from the faithless... I descend into the black lake below. I am lost... Horrors! The Flame turns glaucous and crepuscular! My versebook pages flutter on the wind - like butterflies! They whipped us in the Convent, day and night... I am tired, and the sunset is beautiful, is it not? I can't hear you, I've fled this place on wings of light! I-I've lost a page...it sits atop the steeple, hee hee hee! Temptation is a wild snake; its venom, my release. I'll not eat that! It swarms with dragonflies!
My faith shall be my guide! My purity shall burn away all blackness! I cannot be extinguished when fire burns within. Power is purity!
Worry not, friends. We are protected from above! The night is black, yes -- but the Fire burns bright. The fire stands with you. Fear not the black. Do not despair. As the black deepens, my power grows...
My path is illuminated! By the holy Flame, I shall persevere! What grace has given me, let it pass to you, hero. The sacred fire whispers your name. You are most blessed.
Holy power courses through me! It is as the Versebook says: purity is power. Our actions have pleased the sacred Flame. This is a holy boon. Use it wisely.
Though caged in steel, my faith burns through. I set my soul aflame. Nothing can extinguish it. As mother said... my suffering has prepared me well. No ill wind can snuff out the sacred Flame.
Critical Hits
Light take you! Blacken our world no longer! Begone, foul thing! You shall suffer as I have! Burn in the holy Flame! You are DAMNED!
It steals my breath! Fiends from the Pit, you shall not have me! Must it all end in such blackness?!
Breathe from this censer and recite the Verses. Now! Verse XXXVI: the Light shines brightest in darkness. I anoint you with oil warmed by the holy Flame. All is well.
Battle Aid
The ashes of this incense will consecrate the wound You very nearly entered the Light. Be more careful. I will petition the Light for your quick recovery.
Pep Talk
The Light touches us even here. I see victory in your eyes, though you are blind to it. Verse LVI: The Light e'er rises.
Busy yourself elsewhere. I am praying for your soul. Yes, I shave my legs. What of it? Have you thread? I've torn a seam in my temple garments.
Death’s Door
I am ready, Light!
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