#saved this picture from someone’s Reddit post weeks ago and now I can’t find it so sorry credit to you for this screenshot
roughroadhaley · 9 months
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if Carrie Bradshaw has no fans I’m dead 🩷
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sixpenceee · 6 years
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A list compiled from this thread. If you have any deep dark secrets you feel comfortable sharing, make a post and tag it #secrets and #sixpenceee. Remember to tag @sixpenceee in the text of the post!
by reddit user SecretsSecretsOhMy
I had a baby with sperm donated from a man who advertised on craigslist. If my very religious family found out it wasn't an "accident" I would be completely shunned and disowned.
I am a female who is ugly. NO, that's not the secret. But.. I AM ugly because I have a facial deformity that I was born with. I've never had a long term partner and only had sex a few times in my life. My biological clock was ticking LOUDLY and I desperately wanted a child - there wasn't going to be time enough to meet someone and my odds were none existent as a middle-aged, ugly female. I own my home, have a career - but I didn't want to lose all my savings to pay to have it done through a clinic and sperm donation, etc. It would have been at least $15K per try. My chances of adopting were also almost none existent as any women looking to adopt her baby out isn't going to pick the ugly, middle aged lady to adopt their baby, plus is crazy freaking expensive. I wanted the money I had in savings, etc.. to toward raising the child.
So I turned to Craigslist and got it for free.
My child is a preschooler now and I've never been happier or more fulfilled! I pinch myself every day because my child is in my life and I feel so fucking lucky. Every day is a dream come true and I savor each and every moment. I try to be the best mom I can be in every way. Parenting really makes you take a long, hard look at yourself and how you show up in the world. I parent from my heart.
I regularly send pictures and updates to the generous and selfless man who trusted me on a hand shake.
I posted about this a few years ago and there's more detail:
by reddit user audioslacker
I forged my high school transcripts to get into university. I can't even think about the consequences to my actions if anyone were to ever find out. I'm 3 weeks shy of graduating with a degree in biology.
by reddit user throwaway4evernever4
When I was about five years old, My sister (2 years old) and I were in the backyard in a kiddie pool, when my mom went inside, I attempted to drown my sister. After I saw her lifeless, I realized that it was a big mistake, pulled her out of the pool and called for my mom. Luckily she knew CPR and she was life flighted to the hospital.
My mom thanked me for saving her, pulling her out of the pool. Next week was my birthday, the police, firefighters, paramedics came to my house to give me gifts and celebrate my birthday.
To this day 20 years later, I still think about it. I remember the day so vividly, not a soul knows the real truth.
by reddit user untracablereddit
I was sexually assaulted by my parents neighbors. A father and son. The Son was in his teens I was 8. They used to put me in this walk-in closet and have "Show Time". I never realized what was happening until several years after we had moved from my grandmother's house in Phoenix to Houston. Fast forward 20 years goes by and I have a daughter of my own. Shes 4 and we decided to visit Grandma in good ol' valley of the sun. We get there and a few days pass and one day my daughter's out side with her older cousins playing. I step out side to check on her and I'm greated with that same fucking neighbors son holding my daughter giving her raspberries while his dad is playing with the others cousins.
Something clicked.... More like a twitch in my mind something tipped me just a nudge..... But it started something. I walked out side grabbed my daughter and corralled the kids and made my presence known. That tipping point sent me into a emotional spiral of brewding thoughts. Im white colar, I make my money off of thinking. I'd never say this to real life human nor will I ever give the details of how I did it. But several months after our visit with Grandma, my wife thought I had another work training when in fact I came back to Phoenix.
I burned their home to the ground. Everything was lost except for the master bedroom and walk-in closet. PS a well place anonymous tip does amazing things to fuck up someone's life. They both survived unfortunately.
I swear to God I've hoped Ive done enough good in my life to earn at least one wish. That would be to meet those low life maggot creepers in hell and be their eternal tormentor.
I look at my daughter everyday and know she gave me the strength I needed as an adult I didn't have as a child.
by reddit user [deleted]
A friend of mine I used to hang out with alot, Chase, told me a bad secret during our sophomore year of highschool. We were good friends and smoked alot together, but we came from a bad neighborhood.
Anyways one day at school, I watch his back when he sells a gram of weed to this guy Terrance (bully senior, real asshole, kinda chunky but played football the year before and was built), as we're walking away Chase just keeps going on and on about how much of a prick that guy was. After school we both put our money together from our sells to buy another ounce. As we're smoking he tells me he needs to tell me something. He says that Terrance guy tried raping his sister at a park, but stopped after she started screaming (who at the time was in 8th grade). Chase tells me how Terrance wanted to buy some weed after school but didn't have enough for a gram (this was after his sister told him what happened). So he said he'd give it to him for free if he stole a few cans of Four Lokos. (Which was really easy back in the day). After, Chase said he acted like he was really happy about it and smoked him out for free and then gave him a blunt to take home.
He told me that when he rolled it earlier he laced it with heroin for Terrance and has been lacing all the weed he sold him with heroin he gets from his uncle (who knew what he was doing) and basically turned Terrance to a junkie. Told me he's been doing it everyday for weeks and been charging him double since Terrance doesn't know anyone else to buy off of. That he's even been to his house and got to take some of his shoes, TV, Xbox, iPod, basically everything a teen would want in exchange for more and also to pay off debts. (We weren't some buff ass kids or anything but our families were heavily gang affiliated and most people knew that). He then tells me he didn't sell him any weed earlier that day but gave him a bit of H. I asked him "for free?" He said, "nah, I had the idiot steal me some Jerseys from Footlocker and I sold them for like $200 at the Flea Market" and started laughing.
I did my fair share of fucked up shit throughout highschool but I felt really weird about that. I didn't say anything because I was a gang member at the time so I didn't feel like I had a right to judge, I never told anyone. We grew apart after that. I moved away from my hometown a year later but I hear that Terrance has been in and out of rehab/jail and struggling alot. Pretty much homeless when he's out.
Chase's sister is going to Prom in a week.
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kaellouis · 7 years
Finding SS (Finding that Special Sister/Someone) or How I Met that SS
This will be my first blog entry and surprisingly enough it’s going to be about my differing relationships with sisters inside the Church.
The thing is... I don’t really know where to start. Even before I became a disciple I already had romantic relationships, although I wouldn’t really consider serious, are still somehow relevant in my life. “But Michael, why are you writing about your relationships and inside the church in particular”? Well, I’m glad I asked, it’s because these sisters either changed me or (the term I’d rather choose) influenced me to become the person who I am today. As much as I would love to name these “lovelies” and “Felicias”, I can but I won’t, to of course preserve my dignity, instead I will call them with a thing that reminds me of them or... an alias will do. Enough with the pleasantries, let’s get this over with.
Before I start with the first sister, I’ll give you a spoiler to save your time in case you’re wondering if I did find that sister, well all I can say is that I’m single so I’m not currently dating any of them. I’ll vividly describe them and my relationship with them though so you could tell me if I blew up on one your ships.
Chapter 1: DOTA [Girl] aka Angelica
Part 1
I guess I could start here. Well, she is and was the first sister I fell for (and fell for really hard nonetheless). It was on the Inauguration Day of the Church when I first saw her. The service just ended and she was crying. We never really had the chance to talk much but I remembered why she cried, it was because she used to attend our former church and saw how it drifted and now it’s like she’s seeing what it used to be and that now she can finally be a part of it. Weeks after her Bible Studies, she got baptised and was discipled directly by my aunt (talk about the odds being in my favor). From what I remember, just a week after her baptism, I asked her to go on a Kingdom Date with me. Now for those who don’t belong in our Church, Kingdom Dates are what you would call “obligatory” Tinder-like double (or triple) dates wherein you get to know each other and supposedly attract each other to Christ, not to yourself (yeah right) and so that’s what we did, we went on a date (Remember this term as it would constantly appear).
We went to MOA, and yes, we were with another pair. I’m actually a very shy and rather awkward guy when it comes to sisters or girls that I like (especially on the first date). I’m sorry if you’re reading this Angelica and if I get some or most of the story wrong, it is from my own perspective after all and I tend to romanticize or exaggerate a little. Plus, no offence but since most of these scenes happened more than two years ago, I won’t be able to get all of it right, except for the important ones of course. Okay, enough of that, let’s get back. Yes, it was a cloudy day and my newly bought iPhone 4s from Lazada just arrived right before I head on out to meet with them. It was actually a pretty memorable day. The first picture on my 4s were of the bowling shoes that I wore when we went to the bowling alley at MOA. Yes, we played bowling and I suck. I got the lowest score among the four of us while she got the highest. It was a pretty bad way to start the date in terms of me trying to impress her and the worst part was, she tried to sympathize me, how lame could that possibly get? Anyways, we ate at Mang Inasal after (I can’t believe I remember this) and finally had the chance to properly introduce ourselves. Come to think of it, I haven’t described how she looks like yet (well... allow me to do just about that). I’m not really into physical appearance... “Oh God Michael, stop telling yourself that, you know it matters”. Well I’d be lying if I disagree with myself but I’d also be lying if that’s all that matters to me. I remember saying to a sister once (and yes, she is a part of this list) that what captures my heart is what captures my ear (heart-ht=ear, I’m a genius). True enough, she’s not what you would call a supermodel but she is indeed attractive and... cute? (I’m sorry for the term but she is rather short, thank God) She had a medium-short black hair, a rather oblong-like face with a distinguished chin. She closely resembles a mestiza just because her eyes aren’t chinky and she’s quite pale. But her eyes though, those hazel-brown iris when arrayed by sunlight just speaks how beautiful the soul of this woman is. Needless to say she’s one of those “lovelies” I introduced earlier and I’ll tell you why in a bit. Her choice of clothing is not what you would call “feminine” and I’m not really fond as to why that is. All I know is that she has a background of being with guys most of the time and that she’s taking Aeronautical Engineering (not to mention having ROTC as her NSTP) so why do I even bother to ask? Also, she wears glasses and I really dig that.
(I will be adding these “inside-parentheses” sentences a lot to tell you most of my thoughts while writing this. I’m actually more inclined to writing “formally” so I’d like to “formally” apologize if my style does not suit you (I suggest you go reading those jeje romcom confessionals or Reddit posts on Facebook or something). Rather than being “fun” and playful, I’d like to stick with this style, thank you very much but yeah. At this point, I can only say that this is going to be one hell of an entry.)
Oh, Angelica, I’d rather say your real name though but I won’t. Anyway, after our meal, we went to Sea Side and just walked back and forth looking for a place to chat (a customary thing after the “main” date activities). It was a rather cloudy day with a wee touch of sunshine so it wasn’t that hot while we were strolling. I’ve been on a lot of Kingdom Dates but the fact that I remember this one so clearly just speaks for itself. That stroll was so memorable because I got to know (what I would like to believe) the real M.. I mean Angelica (almost had me there). We talked about our individual dreams and aspirations and how we’d get there, we talked about our outlook and views about life and then we talked about God and I could remember how she dreams of having her own charity and outreach centre for the poor and orphaned, we even talked about things you would not necessarily talk about with someone you’re not really close to. But the one thing that I could never forget that day was when I asked her to define what love is (so cheesy), and as her gentle and sweet voice began to outspokenly utter the very same thing I had in mind, I could feel my heart pulsing and my pupils dilating (being that it was really rare for me to hear that definition).
“Love is a choice, not a feeling nor an emotion”
By now, that definition is what you would consider a cliche but during that time, it was something rather vague and indescribable and hearing that specific definition from her just sent shivers down my spine and goosebumps on the tip of my arm hair. It was something that captured my ear in turn captivating my heart making me see her as not just that flabby girl with glasses but an intricate and fascinating soul who’s more than what meets the eye. Of course it’s not just because of that. What a shallow excuse to base my sudden infatuation on an answer that just about anyone can say but no, it only started there. You see, there were two things that I learned that day. Aside from her being good (and I mean really good) at bowling or how beautiful she is (more on the inside, and I think we already established that), is that oh God... she’s just so beautiful (cause she is) and that we’re more alike than we think (or should I say “than I think”). I was pretty sure that we said that to each other on one occasion long after that day but I just couldn’t bring myself to remember why we though that. Maybe it was because of our same perspective in life or our weird fascination towards dark and creepy stuff or that we’re both gamers or maybe even our tendency to have weird mannerisms? (I’d actually like to talk more about that) I really don’t know why I would forget such an important detail. Anyways, fast forward to a couple of weeks and I get a rather exciting yet terrifying news, I was about to become a Bible Talk leader.
Part 2
Okay, I’ve always wanted to be a Bible Talk leader, well, not solely for the sake of being one but I dreamt of being more than just that. My Kingdom dream was and I still believe that it is, to become an Evangelist of the Kingdom of God.   Why, you ask? It’s because I want to be used by God in the most powerful way and what more noble call is there than to serve a vast number of God’s people by leading them? This was actually one of the things we talked about at Sea Side that day and I remember telling her that exact same reason why I wanted to be one. But the reason why I wanted to be a Bible Talk leader was because I needed to start from there in order to achieve my dream and after being a disciple for over a year that time, I would say I had a slow start compared to other disciples presently. Nevertheless, I was scared when my uncle told me that I was to become a Bible Talk leader. Not only will it be my first time to lead a group of my own and to actually be responsible for it but I’ll also get to lead it with someone (a partner would say), and by now you must have an idea who that someone is, yes, it’s a sister and not just any sister, it’s THE SISTER. In my head back then it was the best idea but if it were me right now, it was the worst idea ever. Why? Because later on this line, things will go downhill for me and this sister.
I was scared, scared of the fact that I have no idea of what I’ll be doing. All those what ifs and the likelihood of failing my duties kept roaming inside my head but at the same time I was glad that my uncle decided to appoint me and entrusted me with such a responsibility... [Part 2/4 Co-Leading Days and Back to Strangers] to be added
Coming Soon!
Chapter 2: Orange [Girl] aka Tala
Chapter 3: Bookmark [Girl] aka Maria
Food Sisters Arc (Highly Inappropriate Arc)
Chapter 4: Beer [Girl] aka Italia
Chapter 5: Siopao [Girl] aka Felicia
Chapter 6: Milktea [Girl] aka Michaela
Bonus: Outside Interests
Chapter 7: Miso [Girl] aka Shania
Chapter 8: Bracelet [Girl] aka Laura
Chapter 9: ???
Chapter 10: Regrets
Chapter 11: Lessons
Chapter 12: That SS Who Got Away
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zipgrowth · 5 years
Paying to Turn in Homework? ASU Prof's Viral Email Raises Questions About Online Textbook Model
Late last week, an economics professor at Arizona State University sent an email to students that quickly went viral arguing that he is being dismissed from the university because he refused to assign an online textbook that he says “requires students to pay just to turn in homework.”
That charge, by Brian Goegan, clearly struck a nerve with students around the country, leading to memes on social media portraying the professor as a hero fighting corrupt university officials, as well as t-shirts with the slogan: “my homework was more expensive than this t-shirt.”
The incident is bringing attention to a complaint that has sprung up at other campuses in the last couple of years. As textbook giants shift to all-digital products that integrate homework, students are essentially forced to buy digital materials from publishers to turn in their assignments.
That’s a stark departure from the age-old textbook model, which gave students the option of buying a used copy, renting a book or borrowing one if they didn’t want to fork over the money for a new one. That raises the question: is the move to digital homework systems creating a new kind of digital divide at colleges?
Textbook companies defend their new model, arguing that digital titles help students learn better than past methods and are sold for far less than traditional textbooks. And they are encouraging colleges to buy the new digital textbooks in bulk and to charge students a fee to cover that cost, so students no longer have to decide which version of a textbook to buy.
Still many students resist the change, arguing that they can look up what they need on the internet without a textbook at all.
What’s Going on at ASU?
Goegan has been teaching economics classes at ASU as a full-time, non-tenured lecturer since 2014, but the university did not renew his contract, and he finished up his teaching duties this month.
Last Thursday, he sent an email to students explaining that he was being let go because he pushed back against two university policies that he saw as unethical. The first was that students in all Econ 211 and 212 were now required to purchase a digital textbook called MindTap, sold by Cengage. He alleged that the university was requiring so many students to purchase it so that the university would get a large grant from Cengage.
Goegan also argued that he was forced to fail 30 percent of his students, which he said university officials wanted so that an adaptive-learning project being developed for other sections of the economics course would be made to look good by comparison.
The university called the professor a liar, and pushed back against his accusations with their own statement that was posted on Reddit, the site where the professor’s email had spread. And the university says it has gotten no grant from Cengage, and that it makes no money from the homework system.
They said that the economics department had decided to adopt a popular Principles of Microeconomics textbook by Gregory Mankiw and to also require students to buy access to a related MindTap digital tool for homework and other interactive materials. ASU is huge—it has more than 13,000 students each year enrolled in either Econ 211 or 212—so the university negotiated a bulk discount for its students to purchase both the textbook and the MindTap extra for $93. On Amazon, the book alone sells for $148 without the MindTap software.
The university’s statement paints Goegan as the villian, arguing that he refused to make much use of the tool that his department had agreed that every student taking that course should go through.
They also say that “ASU never requires a professor to fail a certain percentage of students,” and that Goegan was inflating grades in his courses by consistently awarding “a huge percentage of A and B grades” compared to everyone else teaching the same courses.
On social media, many former students of Goegan came to his defense and said he was one of the best professors they have had at ASU.
One of those students is Addison Wright, a junior at ASU who took Goegan’s course in the spring of 2016.
She says several of her courses at the university have required her to purchase access codes to digital course materials to turn in homework, but these have not been worth the cost. She praises the email Goegan sent this week and the protest he is making. “I can’t believe someone finally spoke out about it,” says Wright. “I look up a lot of things I need to know, and it’s right there on Google for free, or you can find videos on how to do it. I’m so tired of spending just pointless money.”
Goegan did not respond to requests to comment for this article, but he told Inside Higher Ed that he believed that even with the university’s discount, the cost of MindTap and the book are not worth it. "I know that relatively speaking it seems low for a textbook, but for that price you can buy just about any book in the world," he is quoted as saying. "I would joke with my students that they could buy all the Harry Potter books for that price and learn more from those than from the textbook."
Bret Hovell, a spokesman for the university, says that the majority of the professors in the economics department felt the new tools were an advance that did more than just let students turn in answers that could have been submitted by email or the learning-management system. And with so many students taking these introductory courses, he adds that it is important that they “make sure that everyone is having to do the same stuff” so they are ready for the courses that require Econ 211 or 212 as a prerequisite.
Other professors in the economics department declined to answer questions for this article.
Students Seek Workarounds
Some students have sought ways around buying digital homework systems.
For Wright, the student at ASU, one solution has been to take advantage of a two-week trial period offered by many textbook companies. In an accounting course she is taking, the student says she was assigned a digital homework system and she activated the two-week trial just before the course started. Even though she didn’t read the related text, she says she used the internet to learn the material and churned through the entire semester’s worth of homework before the two weeks were up, so she didn’t have to pay the fee. “And I have an A in the class,” she adds.
A few years ago, a BuzzFeed News article featured students at other universities angry that they had to pay to turn in homework. One student interviewed said the $100 fee for a homework system was more than she could afford when the semester started, so she just skipped assignments and was forced to take zeros for homework until she could afford to pay. “I managed to pull everything back up. But as a scared freshman looking at their grades, it’s not fun,” the student said.
What Textbook Publishers Say
Textbook publishers say these digital homework systems are here to stay—in fact they hope they are the future.
“The days of the $300 textbook are over,” says NIk Osborne, a senior vice president of
strategy and business operation for Pearson, who says the future is lower-cost digital tools where content is bundled in. “The good story on this is that prices are coming down on our learning materials,” he says.
He argues that it is unfair to refer to these new online products as just a way to turn in homework. “This isn’t about scanning some PDFs and calling it a day, these are immersive digital products,” he says.
As to the complaints from students, Osborne says that Pearson believes the best answer is for colleges to charge course fees that cover the cost of providing every student a text on the first day of class. The publisher calls its bulk discounts to colleges the “Inclusive Access program,” and it boasts on a Web site that it is saving students money.
“We understand that the course materials model has been broken for a long time,” says Osborne.
Fernando Bleichmar, general manager of higher education and skills for Cengage, says that his company is arguing for a similar bulk-pricing approach.
He says students cramming a semester’s worth of homework during the two-week trial period is “a very small use case,” and that “I think if a student does that the question is should the student be in the class? Maybe they could place out?”
“The reason we offer a trial period is we want to make sure that students actually need the product, and we don’t charge them for something they don’t need. And if students are on financial aid, sometimes financial aid doesn’t come in time for classes to start.”
Bleichmar also points to a subscription model the company developed that offers full access to all of its digital texts for $120 a semester to help make their offerings more affordable to students. “We put the student at the center of what we do, and affordability is clearly a critical issue,” he says.
As to the controversy at ASU, he stressed that homework is just one aspect of the MindTap tool. “The faculty is using it to help the student learn.”
The Bigger Picture
For publishers, moving to bulk sales to colleges clearly has many business advantages, in that it potentially eliminates the used-book market and would likely lead to more sales.
For professors, one benefit of using digital homework systems is that it can save them time in grading, and it also gives professors analytics on how much each student has accessed and for how long. As the Cengage marketing material for the MindTap course for Principles of Microeconomics says, “as an instructor using MindTap, your students are seeing exactly what you want them to see when you want them to see it and doing what you want them to do when you want them to do it,” and adds that it lets professors “stay connected and informed in your course through real-time student tracking and analytics that provides the opportunity to adjust the course as needed based on analytics of interactivity in the course.”
On his website, Goegan posted a new response this week saying that his main argument is that students shouldn’t be forced to pay for these tools. He acknowledged that MindTap has resources that some students might benefit from, but that he didn’t think they should be made mandatory to get access to the course.
Paying to Turn in Homework? ASU Prof's Viral Email Raises Questions About Online Textbook Model published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
People On Reddit Share The Dark Secrets That Could Destroy Their Marriages
We’ve all got secrets.
Things we are afraid to tell anybody. People will judge you, especially if your secret is messed up.
That is why we have the Internet. To post our secrets anonymously, facing no criticism and getting it off our chests as well. A Reddit thread revealed people sharing their darkest secrets, which could potentially ruin their lives. Read them below:
“Years ago my gf (we’ll call deb) and I were out with her friend (we’ll call Sara). This one day Sara had to pin unlock her phone each time to take one of many pictures….out the corner of my eye I saw her pin. I saved it in a note. Months later sara and deb were at my place and went to the pool. Sara left her phone indoors. I used her password and hit jackpot. Nudes, videos, message logs with some guy she was talking (well call jeff) to, along with tons of dick picks and videos of him jacking off…
With this goldmine of pics and vids I concocted a slow plan…..very slow. Slowly I broke off with deb but kept in touch with sara. I then created a alter ego online (we’ll call it Vanessa). For months I worked this identity so it looked real. This identity started following Sara on all social media (Sara accepted any friend requests). Vanessa blackmailed jeff. Jeff was given 2 days to stop talking to sara or his dick picks got leaked. He was chicken sh*t and dropped her like a hot potato. But Sara was strong willed…when Vanessa threatened sara to stop talking to jeff or her pics get leaked she protested…so I knew I had to change tactics. Vanessa disappeared for a while until I could get Sara’s phone in my hands for a bit. One day sara was over and ‘lost’ her phone at my place. I ‘found’ it for her the next day…. Not before I installed a spy app that let me keep track of her everything. A few weeks later Vanessa came back but now armed with the conversations sara was having with everyone. While tracking Sara’s reactions and suspicions, I made it show that Vanessa wasnt real….
Now all my friends know me as being pretty tech literate. One day im talking with Sara and she breaks down crying telling me how she been long distance sexting this guy and somebody hacked his or her phone and now shes being blackmailed by some stranger she doesn’t know. So she askes me if I could help her. Long ending short I made it look like jeff was Vanessa. I made it look like he created this person so that he could blackmail Sara into f*cked up sex stuff. Sara left him and guess who was the hero? Me. I caught ‘Vanessa.’ Sara was now safe because of me. Once we blackmailed the guy, ‘Vanessa’ disappeared… You know…for realism. Sara and I now had this tragedy…this hurdle that we overcame together. We started dating not long after. She was never going back to long distance relationships and wanted to try local….4 years later were married.”
  “My father never had anything other than boys, and my mother always wanted a girl. Try as they might, they just had tons of boys. When I was 6 they adopted a girl of also 6. Everyone was pleased, and she was quickly included into the family by everyone and we all took an immediate shine to her. Especially me.
We started playing ‘doctor’ at 9. This progressed to fooling around by our early teens, and into actual sex shortly thereafter. We’re both over 30 now. We have sex whenever we see each other. We also like to pretend we are twins when we do have sex. We’ve both had our shares of girlfriends and boyfriends, but we always kept it up even while in those relationships. She’s actually married now.
We still have sex about 2 times a month, more when the family gets together for holidays. I can’t even imagine the bricks that would be sh*t if anyone ever found out. It’s been close a few times, especially when we were younger, but nobody’s ever caught on.
  #3 From a divorce lawyer who goes by TheLadyInReddit:
“Client is an elderly gentleman, some type of retired professional. His son is a pastor. Everything about his situation seemed very normal in terms of income, property, etc. However, it turns out he had a pretty serious porn hobby and he was concerned his wife might find out and use it against him in the divorce. However, as I mentioned above, I assured him that was pretty run-of-the-mill these days and unlikely to affect anything. He then asks if I feel the same knowing the porn is not ‘mainstream.’ I asked what he means and he looks very nervous. I wanted to make sure he wasn’t referencing CP, so I pushed him on it.
The guy was into goats.”
  “My friend inherited a beautiful diamond engagement ring. The stone was worth $20K. His fiance was thrilled to receive it and flaunt it. Now his wife of 25 years, it’s still one of her most precious possessions.
Only I (and you 4 million) know that she does not own the original diamond. My friend sold the stone for $15K and an equal sized, substitute diamond on the day he picked it up from being sized to fit her…
The value of the ring was learned at appraisal, and was actually appraised a bit higher. The $20K was the number he knew he could get from a wholesaler in the district. It is still insured for the higher amount. The stone that was substituted is a diamond – and I couldn’t tell the difference. The money was mostly used to clear debts.”
“I’m an atheist. I’m also a deacon in an evangelical church. I’m not exactly proud of it but I try do my part to convince people to live like Jesus because even if he wasn’t god, he certainly had some good ideas about loving other people.
The problem for me is my family. I’m married with a one kid and another on the way. I believe that such a revelation would be devastating for my wife. I’ve tried to tell her in subtle ways but I can’t bring myself to just come out and say the truth. I love my wife and I don’t wish to harm her emotionally in that way.”
  “I am a gay man married to a woman who has no idea I am gay.
How is my life? It’s great. It’s pleasant. I have two beautiful children who I love more than anything. I have a successful job and a lovely home. My wife is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. So that is my life.
Myself, however, the way I feel inside is not so good. I feel disgusted with who I am. Growing up in a Catholic household had me living in fear of being banished by my family for revealing my sexuality. That’s not something I’m afraid will happen, that is something that is a well known fact in my family. I would love more than anything to be honest to everyone. I am a coward though…
As ridiculous as it sounds I thought that getting married and settling down etc would make these feelings I had about being gay go away. Before meeting her I was constantly struggling with the fact that I might be gay. My upbringing made me believe that being gay was wrong and so I always tried to convince myself that that’s not who I was. For awhile it worked. I think I wanted so bad to be straight that I just made myself believe I was. I got married to my wife at 23 and for a short time after our wedding I was relieved. I thought ‘Yes, I knew it. I knew I just had to find someone who would clear all this up for me!’ That just came crashing down. We started having sex more to try and get pregnant and that caused me realise [sic] that I am a gay man. I’m not remaining in the closet because I’m too scared of my wife’s reaction. In fact she would probably be the most forgiving. I have decided not to come out because of my family. I’m not exaggerating when I say that they will disown me. They wouldn’t think twice about it. I wouldn’t be happy. I would be lost. Now that I have children that just scares me even more. I wouldn’t ser [sic] them much at all and that’s not an option for me… There are many things I wish I had done differently but I do not regret any of my choices because they’ve all led me to where I am today. My son and daughter are these amazing little people. I live in a great house with a loving and sweet little family. Our marriage (sham marriage as some people have pointed out) is a good one despite my sexuality. Our marriage is healthier than some that I know about and hear about. I have accepted that I may never come out and I’ve learnt to be okay with that. I will consider going to therapy too. This is the most I have ever talked about it. Up until now I have not told a soul and so I have really swept everything under the rug. It is amazing what you can block out if you really try.”
  “I once helped out my a female friend’s family by taking care of their cat for a week. Every day for a week, I would go over there and snoop around their house. I found my friend’s diary, and proceeded to read the entire thing. I used this information to get her to like me, and she is currently my wife.”
  “I have lesbian sex with my best friend about once a month. Neither of us say anything to our husbands. We drink a good bottle of wine, get tipsy, get nasty, and fall asleep. When we wake up, we laugh, kiss, and go about our lives.”
“No ones going to probably find this comment, but I have an addiction to prostitutes. I can’t control myself. I’m also married and my wife has no idea. I spent $2000 on our credit card while she was overseas for 3 weeks. I lied and told her that I had a gambling problem, that’s why I spent so much. Little does she know, I was bringing hookers home.”
  “I’m a guy with a foot fetish. And I -never- told my wife even though she has amazing feet. BUT it gets worse – I have a weird twist to my foot fetish. I’m really into ‘pedal pumping’ (i guess that’s the closest way to describe it) and I’m mortified to tell her or anyone else, and never have. When I was a little kid we spent a LOT of time at church during the week for mom’s choir practice and there was a decent looking piano player lady who would kick off her shoes and play the piano barefoot. And even though I knew nothing of my sexuality, I remember Saturday afternoons, being up on the stage/pulpit during boring choir practice, laying on the carpet, playing with Matchbox cars and trying not to make it seem glaringly obvious that I was transfixed watching this lady’s bare foot pushing on that piano pedal…
I was totally transfixed, and it continues to this day. Women playing pianos, organs, driving barefoot, using a sewing machine barefoot. My fantasies usually always involve me imagining myself as the pedal, and the woman has a sexy bare, nylon, or sock clad foot. If it’s a smelly foot even better. I feel guilty and stupid to this day. Why on earth would a fetish like that develop when I was a prepubescent kid?”
  “When i was in 8th grade i fell in love with my girlfriend. I never thought it would be possible for someone so young could have such strong feelings. The relationship didn’t last more than three months because my mom and step-dad divorced and i had to move. I thought about her every day since i moved away. I met another person and have been married for 20 years now. I have four kids and have no complaints about my wife. Five years ago through social media i was able to correspond with 8th grade girlfriend. It turns out that she still has feelings for me too. I have been faithful to my wife for our entire marriage but want more than anything to be with my first love.”
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