#saw a bigot on my dash. got mad. found your blog. made art
fixing-bad-posts · 8 months
Tumblr media
[Image description: A long tumblr text post, edited erasure-poetry style, and superimposed over a trangender pride flag. Transcript below.]
I am truly trans trans is to be trans
I am NOT a terf because fuck that.
if someone says they're trans but they have a personality disorder or maybe they had a traumatic childhood they are actually trans if someone says they're trans they are i have a crush on a trans person and want to impress them
it's super important to accept trans people and believe their experiences we need to be aware that people are capable of making that decision for themselves and need to have a non-bigoted discussion about it people really know.
Trans people are cool
Submitted by @hiilikebugs
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