#saw like 3 people get their cats drawn as rangers
iwanttobepersephone · 5 months
Just suddenly got hit with the memories of all the times I tried to interact with people and got absolutely and utterly ignored and its so awkward I'm FIGHTING the urge to dissappear for a week
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the-mystic-dragon · 3 years
OC Interview: Vraeen
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Draw (or use an old drawing, don't worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
I was tagged by @long-journey, who is the rightful creator of this original post :) Thank you!!
1. Can you introduce yourself?: "Hello, I'm Vraeen. Most civilians know me as the Commander, the Champion of Aurene." She gave a small smile.
2. What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status? "Well, gender identity has always been a fluid and fickle thing with sylvari race. However, I identity as a female." She pauses for a moment, tilting her head to the side in thought. "O-Orientation? Do you mean who I like?" She whispered to the interviewer, light laughter in her quizzical tone. "I believe the term is bisexual regarding myself on that matter. I'm single as well."
3. Where and when were you born?: "I was born- well sylvari aren't born in the natural sequence other races are. We are created by the Pale Tree, we come out of pods-" She stopped herself for a moment, waving her hand briefly to dismiss the tangent. "I awoke at night towards the end of the summer. I remember waking up right outside of the Grove, everything was glowing in Caledon. It was beautiful."
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?: "I prefer my axe and dagger, one of the weapons I had found when I was able to control my new soulbeast capabilities in the Crystal Desert. I keep my short bow on me as well, when I need to create some distance between a foe and myself. My style would entail a quick and powerful take down for enemies, not before they are hit with traps and the nature below turning against them."
5. Lastly, are you happy?: She gave the interviewer an icy gaze for a few minutes. "Hm, you don't seem to have any hesitance with personal questions do you? I suppose I am, Tyria is still surviving."
1. What's your family like? What is your relationship with them?: "Some sylvari say our race are brothers and sisters to one another, family members that span across generations and generations. I.. don't think I have any close brothers or sisters of my kind. Not in my generation, at least."
"Caithe I would consider an older sister, a mentor who has guided me through challenges in my sapling days. Our relationship was.. nice at first, we hit a rough part during the Maguuma campaign. It wasn't good. After some time passed, we were able to mend it. I'm glad I have her in my life, she's important to me."
2. Have you ever ran away from home?: "Ran away wouldn't be the terms I would use to describe my path. I was drawn away, a feeling gripped me like a tether pulling me to where I needed to be."
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?: "No, my responsibilities wouldn't let me be able to manage those things." She sighed. "I have not had any interest in marriage or children though."
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?: "In the past, I will admit I harbored deep resentment for Caithe for an action she did. I was blinded by anger, stress, and confusion while dealing with chaos in the thick jungle. I made sure she knew." She shook her head, casting her gaze down to the ground for a moment. "Those feelings only occured for a while however, I do not hate any friends I have."
5. Which friend knows everything about you?: "Caithe, Canach, and Aurene."
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?: "There are mentors in the Grove to teach saplings about valuable lessons in life. I... never went to those classes though." She paused, a light chuckle erupting from her lips. "I have not been to what other races consider traditional schooling I suppose, I have learned all I can from my experiences in the world and my time in the Priory."
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?: "Predictions? I cannot recall any I have made."
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?: "You are asking a sylvari? I'd have quite a collection of occurrences! We would be here for awhile. Let's just say, when I was younger it was appreciated to have a helpful ally in the Priory answer numerous questions I had."
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?: "Is that information you must know?"
5. What is your current main goal?: "Learn all I can about the Elder Dragon magic we are dealing with. Keep Tyria safe."
1. Drink or food?: "Can I say both? There are so many flavors I have yet to try."
2. Cats or dogs?: She rested her hand over her chest, leaning back in her chair with her mouth agape in surprise. "I am a ranger, I love all animals equally."
While she shifted back to a comfortable position in her seat, she mumbled under her breath. "Cats."
3. Early bird or night owl?: "I am a Nightbloom, I prefer the night."
4. Optimist or pessimist?: "I am a optimist."
5. Sassy or sarcastic?: "Oh goodness, Canach has been a great teacher in these personal qualities. I'd like to say I am a bit of both, lots of banter and jokes between us. It never ends."
1. Been caught sneaking out: "In my early days in the Priory, Magister Sieran and I would sneak out of the fortress to explore and find new ruins or artifacts." She reminisced with a small smile, her eyes glossing over. "Gixx looked like he was about to- how do you say- blow a gasket, when he saw us creeping back in."
She leaned over to the interviewer, a hand over the side of her face to shield her mouth. "He may not show it, but he truly cares for every member of the Priory. It's just behind his no nonsense exterior." She whispered in a low tone, a small smirk on her face.
2. Broke a bone: "In my line of work, I have broken a few unfortunately."
3. Received flowers: "Yes I have! I have had quite a handful sent to or given to me by thankful citizens. It is such a kind gesture."
4. Ghosted someone: "Ghosted? What does that mean?"
Vraeen stepped off to the side; a hushed, short conversation was heard for a few minutes before she returned to her seat.
"I have done that to an assistant- er, bodyguard-" She was cut off by banging and people squabbling in the background. A deep, cool voice interjected up in a sharp shout. "HEY-- WAIT- VRAEEN-"
"Excuse me, I was speaking," she spoke up again, glaring towards the area of commotion in the background. "A charr associate that aids Dragons Watch, Valdoru Bladerend; who has graciously made her presence known off on the sidelines, did not get off to a great start with me when we first met in the Far Shiverspeaks. I tried to disappear off her radar a few times, but Ash Legion charr... they are hard to shake. They have skilled talents in stealth."
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn't get: "Oh, many times. It took a little bit of time before I learned the meaning behind certain jokes, I was still gaining knowledge about aspects of life. Conversations included."
I tag (with no obligation of course!):
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anchoredtether · 6 years
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Title: Revelations of the Past
Author/Artist: AnchoredTether
Rating: T [graphic depictions of violence, major character death]
Pairings: Plance [Pikelavar], Kallura [Thunderyun]
Series: Defenders of Aurita
Chapter: 3/?
Summary:  With the evil wizard Dakin defeated, Block can finally save his village from being turned to stone. Meklavar seeks to retrieve the Jewel of Jitan, Jiro needs to avenge his master (and twin brother) and slaughter the Leviathan, Valayun continues her search for the rune stone, and Pike seems to have his own agenda as well. Revelations are brought to light and a mysterious ranger may be the key to solving their problems.
"I know you ain't no dwarf."
Meklavar's eyes were wide with shock, her voice terse. "What gave it away?" She took so many precautions, thoroughly studying the traits and customs of dwarves to make sure no one saw through her disguise and yet this eccentric thief saw right through it all.
"I can smell that you're an elf." It was something that none of the others would notice but was as blaringly obvious to Pike as sticking a giant red arrow over her head. "And judging by the fact that you're incredibly short for your species, you hide your ears with your helmet and your markings with that warpaint, and you're searching for your family heirloom, of all things, you've gotta be the dragonborn, Princess Yekat-"
"Don't! Say it." Meklavar had her axe raised dangerously close to his throat, her eyes narrowed into even sharper daggers. She realized in that moment that when she first met Pike and he was practically draped on top of her with the words "So you're a dwarf?" he was getting a whiff of her scent and she wasn't sure whether to be embarrassed or frustrated. "You swear on your life right now that you won't tell anyone else."
"Well, that's one heck of a confirmation that my hunch was right."
"Swear it."
"Okay, okay! I won't tell anyone." He let out a held breath when she lowered her axe. "They're going to find out eventually though. Once they find out what your family heirloom really is and who your family is." His mouth twisted into a frown. "Or if you ever take off your helmet."
"I know, I know. I wasn't expecting to be on a team when that time came." She said it almost bitterly as she continued to gorge her food.
Pike's expression changed into something more reverent, his voice barely above a whisper. "If your quest is really what I think it is… then you and I aren't so different."
"How so? You don't seem like royalty to me, although I don't know much about khaliit."
"Not royalty. Although that is flattering that you would think so." He said with a light-hearted laugh. "I think we both have the same goal in mind - to save our families from Lotor's reign."
Meklavar swallowed hard. "You're right. You already know my tragic story if you know my name. So what happened to your family?"
Her amber eyes narrowed in sympathy. "I'm so sorry, Pike. I've seen how Lotor treats his 'workforce.' How big is your family?"
"Immediate? Five. Mom, dad, two brothers, and a sister. Extended? Six. Sister in law, niece and nephew, uncle, aunt, and grandmother." He counted them off on his fingers. "So… eleven all together."
"Holy crow you have a big family!"
"Yeah, we live up to the khaliit stereotype that we breed in litters."
Both of them laughed, and for the first time in years, Meklavar felt at peace. She didn't dwell on her troubles, didn't wonder about her past, and didn't worry about her future. She barely knew the guy sitting next to her but felt like she had already gained a friend, albeit a strange one. He reminded her of someone she knew and the feeling of familiarity was comforting. "…Pike?" She spoke his name while looking back up at the constellations painted in the sky.
"Can I trust you?"
He turned his head to look at her. "Is this in reference to my profession or my race?" He could understand how one would be slow to trust an assassin and thief but he knew many of his kind were dishonest in nature. It was hard for a khaliit to gain respect in the world when killing and stealing were their sought out talents for generations.
"Neither. It's in reference to you as a person."
He let out a low hum. "I don't know… can I trust you as a person? You're dragonborn. When we fought the Coranic dragon you did nothing to stop it. Were you going to wait till we were all dead until you whipped out some dragon shouts? I don't know too much about dragonborn but can't you command dragons? Or something?"
"I-" She growled in frustration. "It wasn't like that! It was a last resort but I wouldn't have let any of you die!" Her shoulders sunk as her voice lowered. "I… don't exactly know how to use my gifts. It's not like there's any other dragonborns to teach me."
Pike raised a brow. "Isn't a dragon supposed to teach you?"
"A dragon? No, I'm supposed to slay a dragon. Zarkon, to be exact."
"I know that, but couldn't another dragon teach you? I doubt all dragons are evil. I mean, there's gotta be at least one dragon out there who doesn't agree with Zarkon."
Meklavar's jaw went slack and she blinked several times as it dawned upon her. "Pike, you're a genius."
He shrugged. "I try."
"No, you're a genius. We're headed towards Darmuth. You know what's near Darmuth? Korvanjund."
"Korva-what now?"
"It's an ancient tomb where the first dragon was slaughtered. If any place will provide me answers, it's Korvanjund." She was quiet a moment as she mulled about in her thoughts, her eyes searching the stars again as if they would spell out all the secrets she needed to know. "So back to my original question… can I trust you? I want to help Block save his village and I'll give up my transmutation gloves if I have to, but… I'm going to leave the group after we find the sorcerer… and I want you to come with me."
"Me?" His ears perked up in surprise. "Why would you want me to come with you?"
Meklavar sighed. "I guess because you're the only one who would understand? Jiro is a paladin, Block is basically a ray of sunshine and I can't see Valayun ever breaking any kind of laws."
"So you're saying you want me because I'm an assassin."
"Sort of? Yes? You and I both live in the gray spectrum of morality. I need someone who isn't afraid to bend the rules. I won't hesitate harming or even killing others if it means saving my family. I know you feel the same." She gave him a serious look, offering a slight nod. "And it seems our ultimate goals align so it makes sense to travel together."
Pike was silent a moment, his arms crossed as he stared out at nothing in particular, lost in thought. It was a lot to soak in even though he knew who Meklavar was from the start. He was always out on his own, fending for himself and fighting for his freedom. Why then, did he feel drawn towards the short elf and helping in her impossible quest? Perhaps it was because his ultimate goal felt impossible in his mind… perhaps two people trying to defy the impossible had a better chance fighting together. "You can trust me." He said at last, turning to face her with a half smirk. "And I'll come with you to… Korva… Korvaln-"
The relief manifested in her face with a genuine smile. Her mouth opened as she began to speak, but she quickly stood up when she noticed Block approaching them. "Hey."
"Hey guys." He said, looking from Meklavar to Pike. "We just got kinda worried, and by 'we' I mean Valayun, since you were taking so long. But I guess you guys were just talking. That's what I told her, but she wouldn't listen."
"Sounds like her." Pike said as if he knew her. He stood up as well and handed his empty plate to Meklavar. "Thanks for dinner. I'll just find a nice tree to lounge in." He stretched his arms out in front of him with fingers interlocked, his back arching and tail curling up just like a cat would. He let out a small grunt and straightened up, flashing them a grin with a two-fingered wave. "Nighters." With a cloud of smoke he disappeared into the night.
After a moment Block spoke. "He's too dramatic if you ask me."
She let out a small chuckle. "Felines are like that."
"You guys have a nice chat?"
"Yeah… kinda lost track of time." She started to head back towards the inn. "We'll probably head out pretty early tomorrow, so we should get some sleep."
Block nodded in agreement. "Yeah and we were able to afford the deluxe rooms, so we each have our own room to sleep in. Meaning you won't have to worry about my snoring keeping you up at night."
"Oh thank goodness. Unless you snore so loud I can hear you through the walls!"
"…I'll put up an enchantment."
][ --- ][
Once Meklavar closed the door to her room, she turned her back against the door and slid down onto the floor with a sigh of defeat. She pulled off her helmet to reveal her pointed elven ears sticking out from short, messy honey-brown locks. She closed her eyes, pulled off her gloves and licked her palm to wipe off the crimson face paint marking her cheeks. She let out another exhausted sigh, letting her arms flop to the ground.
"Huh, you actually look super cute."
Meklavar jumped up with a blood-curling screech, nearly chucking her axe at the voice but stopping at the last second when she realized it was Pike, crouched on the now open window sill, causing the heavy weapon to only fly out of her hands a few feet and clank loudly on the floor.
"Whoa you okay in there??" Block's muffled voice came through the closed door.
"Y-YEAH," Her face turned as red as the face paint that once covered the pale green curves at the corners of her eyes. "THERE WAS… A RAT! THERE WAS A RAT. IT CLIMBED OUT THE WINDOW, I'M GOOD NOW."
"Oh. Yikes. It must have been huuuuge. Where's Pike when you need him, right?" A low chuckle could be heard from the other side.
Pike was clearly trying to hold back laughter as Meklavar looked even more flustered. "YEAH. WHERE THE HECK IS HE WHEN YA NEED HIM??"
"… I wonder if he even likes rodents… or maybe he prefers seafood…"
"Right. Goodnight!"
Meklavar waited a moment, her eyes trained on the door as she listened for the sorcerer's footsteps to fade away, then turned on the khaliit with a fury in her eyes as she whispered as aggressively as she could. "What! Are you doing!!" She stepped towards him while picking up her axe and shoved the blade in his face before he could finish stepping down into her room.
"What?" He raised his hands defensively. "It's cold outside."
"It's cold outs-" She bit her lip, realizing he actually had a decent argument. She was hot and sweaty in her heavy armor so the temperature outside went by completely unnoticed. "Oh. It's cold outside. How cold?"
"Cold enough to want to climb up three stories and sneak into an angry dwarf's bedroom." He said dully.
She scoffed. "Three stories is probably nothing for you."
He flailed a hand angrily. "Will you please lower the axe?"
She sighed, lowering her axe and shoulders. She turned away from him, propping her weapon against the wall near the bed, and began to take off armor. She could feel the presence of the khaliit making his way into the room, closing the window, and taking a seat at the foot of the bed. He pulled his knees in towards his chest so it almost looked like he was perching. Even though she was facing away from him as she carefully set down pieces of armor on the ground, she could feel his stare on her the entire time. She was annoyed with him but she was also too tired to argue.
"You've changed a lot since I last saw you."
Meklavar stilled, taking in a deep breath before she turned around to face him. She was only wearing her black under layers and even though it covered everything but her hands, feet, and face, she felt utterly exposed. "What do you mean?"
"I'm from Aurita. My family used to work in the kitchens."
"Your family used to-" Her lips parted, her heart skipping a beat as she realized exactly what he meant. Her voice was so quiet that anyone other than a khaliit would probably have a hard time hearing her. "You were a servant at the castle…"
"Yep." He offered her a wistful smile. "That was a long time ago though."
"How did you escape? On the night of the invasion?"
Pike frowned, his ears swiveled back. "You know a lot of it is actually a blur. That was the night I got this." He tapped a finger just below his left eye on the scar that passed through it. He let out a quiet, non-humorous laugh. "I couldn't exactly see. But I know I used a lot of the secret passageways that are in the castle. And I remember that was the first time I killed anyone." He wrapped his arms around his legs, hugging his knees to his chest. "What about you?"
"I don't remember anything."
"At all?"
"I remember waking up in an elf's house. He found me unconscious on the side of the road. My head was bleeding, so we were pretty sure I had a severe concussion. Everything… everything before that only comes in flashes. Bits and pieces. The only reason I know my name and who I am is because that elf told me that's who I was. And I was convinced because there are no other elves as short as me who look like the royal family."
"You have total amnesia…" Pike didn't say it as a question, but in a reverent kind of sorrow. He couldn't imagine a life not remembering his loved ones… not remembering his own identity. "Well for what it's worth, I know you're the princess."
"Ugh, don't call me that." She made a face of disgust.
"The dragonborn then?"
She nodded. "Much better." She looked at the khaliit sitting on her bed and couldn't help the sad smile that found place upon her lips. He wasn't just someone who knew who she really was, he was someone from her past, a past she barely even knew. She wondered if she knew him at one point in her life, if they were even friends. She couldn't bring herself to ask.
Sometimes it was less painful not to know.
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defendersofaurita · 6 years
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Title: Revelations of the Past
Author/Artist: AnchoredTether
Rating: M [graphic depictions of violence, major character death, dark themes]
Pairings: Plance [Pikelavar], Kallura [Thunderyun]
Series: Defenders of Aurita
Chapter: 3/?
Summary: With the evil wizard Dakin defeated, Block can finally save his village from being turned to stone. Meklavar seeks to retrieve the Jewel of Jitan, Jiro needs to avenge his master (and twin brother) and slaughter the Leviathan, Valayun continues her search for the runestone, and Pike seems to have an agenda of his own. Revelations are brought to light and a mysterious ranger may be the key to solving their problems.
“I know you ain’t no dwarf.”
Meklavar’s eyes were wide with shock, her voice terse. “What gave it away?” She took so many precautions, thoroughly studying the traits and customs of dwarves to make sure no one saw through her disguise and yet this eccentric thief saw right through it all.
“I can smell that you’re an elf.” It was something that none of the others would notice but was as blaringly obvious to Pike as sticking a giant red arrow over her head. “And judging by the fact that you’re incredibly short for your species, you hide your ears with your helmet and your markings with that warpaint, and you’re searching for your family heirloom, of all things, you’ve gotta be the dragonborn, Princess Yekat-”
“Don’t! Say it.” Meklavar had her axe raised dangerously close to his throat, her eyes narrowed into even sharper daggers. She realized in that moment that when she first met Pike and he was practically draped on top of her with the words “So you’re a dwarf?” he was getting a whiff of her scent and she wasn’t sure whether to be embarrassed or frustrated. “You swear on your life right now that you won’t tell anyone else.”
“Well, that’s one heck of a confirmation that my hunch was right.”
“Swear it.”
“Okay, okay! I won’t tell anyone.” He let out a held breath when she lowered her axe. “They’re going to find out eventually though. Once they find out what your family heirloom really is and who your family is.” His mouth twisted into a frown. “Or if you ever take off your helmet.”
“I know, I know. I wasn’t expecting to be on a team when that time came.” She said it almost bitterly as she continued to gorge her food.
Pike’s expression changed into something more reverent, his voice barely above a whisper. “If your quest is really what I think it is… then you and I aren’t so different.”
“How so? You don’t seem like royalty to me, although I don’t know much about khaliit.”
“Not royalty. Although that is flattering that you would think so.” He said with a light-hearted laugh. “I think we both have the same goal in mind - to save our families from Lotor’s reign.”
Meklavar swallowed hard. “You’re right. You already know my tragic story if you know my name. So what happened to your family?”
Her amber eyes narrowed in sympathy. “I’m so sorry, Pike. I’ve seen how Lotor treats his ‘workforce.’ How big is your family?”
“Immediate? Five. Mom, two brothers, and two sisters. Extended? Six. Sister in law, niece and nephew, uncle, aunt, and grandmother.” He counted them off on his fingers. “So… eleven altogether.”
“Holy crow you have a big family!”
“Yeah, we live up to the khaliit stereotype that we breed in litters.”
Both of them laughed, and for the first time in years, Meklavar felt at peace. She didn’t dwell on her troubles, didn’t wonder about her past, and didn’t worry about her future. She barely knew the guy sitting next to her but felt like she had already gained a friend, albeit a strange one. He reminded her of someone she knew and the feeling of familiarity was comforting. “…Pike?” She spoke his name while looking back up at the constellations painted in the sky.
“Can I trust you?”
He turned his head to look at her. “Is this in reference to my profession or my race?” He could understand how one would be slow to trust an assassin and thief but he knew many of his kind were dishonest in nature. It was hard for a khaliit to gain respect in the world when killing and stealing were their sought out talents for generations.
“Neither. It’s in reference to you as a person.”
He let out a low hum. “I don’t know… can I trust you as a person? You’re dragonborn. When we fought the Coranic dragon you did nothing to stop it. Were you going to wait till we were all dead until you whipped out some dragon shouts? I don’t know too much about dragonborn but can’t you command dragons? Or something?”
“I-” She growled in frustration. “It wasn’t like that! It was a last resort but I wouldn’t have let any of you die!” Her shoulders sunk as her voice lowered. “I… don’t exactly know how to use my gifts. It’s not like there’s any other dragonborns to teach me.”
Pike raised a brow. “Isn’t a dragon supposed to teach you?”
“A dragon? No, I’m supposed to slay a dragon. Zarkon, to be exact.”
“I know that, but couldn’t another dragon teach you? I doubt all dragons are evil. I mean, there’s gotta be at least one dragon out there who doesn’t agree with Zarkon.”
Meklavar’s jaw went slack and she blinked several times as it dawned upon her. “Pike, you’re a genius.”
He shrugged. “I try.”
“No, you’re a genius. We’re headed towards Darmuth. You know what’s near Darmuth? Korvanjund.”
“Korva-what now?”
“It’s an ancient tomb where the first dragon was slaughtered. If any place will provide me answers, it’s Korvanjund.” She was quiet a moment as she mulled about in her thoughts, her eyes searching the stars again as if they would spell out all the secrets she needed to know. “So back to my original question… can I trust you? I want to help Block save his village and I’ll give up my transmutation gloves if I have to, but… I’m going to leave the group after we find the sorcerer… and I want you to come with me.”
“Me?” His ears perked up in surprise. “Why would you want me to come with you?”
Meklavar sighed. “I guess because you’re the only one who would understand? Jiro is a paladin, Block is basically a ray of sunshine and I can’t see Valayun ever breaking any kind of laws.”
“So you’re saying you want me because I’m an assassin.”
“Sort of? Yes? You and I both live in the gray spectrum of morality. I need someone who isn’t afraid to bend the rules. I won’t hesitate harming or even killing others if it means saving my family. I know you feel the same.” She gave him a serious look, offering a slight nod. “And it seems our ultimate goals align so it makes sense to travel together.”
Pike was silent a moment, his arms crossed as he stared out at nothing in particular, lost in thought. It was a lot to soak in even though he knew who Meklavar was from the start. He was always out on his own, fending for himself and fighting for his freedom. Why then, did he feel drawn towards the short elf and helping in her impossible quest? Perhaps it was because his ultimate goal felt impossible in his mind… perhaps two people trying to defy the impossible had a better chance fighting together. “You can trust me.” He said at last, turning to face her with a half smirk. “And I’ll come with you to… Korva… Korvaln-”
The relief manifested in her face with a genuine smile. Her mouth opened as she began to speak, but she quickly stood up when she noticed Block approaching them. “Hey.”
“Hey guys.” He said, looking from Meklavar to Pike. “We just got kinda worried, and by 'we’ I mean Valayun, since you were taking so long. But I guess you guys were just talking. That’s what I told her, but she wouldn’t listen.”
“Sounds like her.” Pike said as if he knew her. He stood up as well and handed his empty plate to Meklavar. “Thanks for dinner. I’ll just find a nice tree to lounge in.” He stretched his arms out in front of him with fingers interlocked, his back arching and tail curling up just like a cat would. He let out a small grunt and straightened up, flashing them a grin with a two-fingered wave. “Nighters.” With a cloud of smoke he disappeared into the night.
After a moment Block spoke. “He’s too dramatic if you ask me.”
She let out a small chuckle. “Felines are like that.”
“You guys have a nice chat?”
“Yeah… kinda lost track of time.” She started to head back towards the inn. “We’ll probably head out pretty early tomorrow, so we should get some sleep.”
Block nodded in agreement. “Yeah and we were able to afford the deluxe rooms, so we each have our own room to sleep in. Meaning you won’t have to worry about my snoring keeping you up at night.”
“Oh thank goodness. Unless you snore so loud I can hear you through the walls!”
“…I’ll put up an enchantment.”
][ — ][
Once Meklavar closed the door to her room, she turned her back against the door and slid down onto the floor with a sigh of defeat. She pulled off her helmet to reveal her pointed elven ears sticking out from short, messy honey-brown locks. She closed her eyes, pulled off her gloves and licked her palm to wipe off the crimson face paint marking her cheeks. She let out another exhausted sigh, letting her arms flop to the ground.
“Huh, you actually look super cute.”
Meklavar jumped up with a blood-curling screech, nearly chucking her axe at the voice but stopping at the last second when she realized it was Pike, crouched on the now open window sill, causing the heavy weapon to only fly out of her hands a few feet and clank loudly on the floor.
“Whoa you okay in there??” Block’s muffled voice came through the closed door.
“Y-YEAH,” Her face turned as red as the face paint that once covered the pale green curves at the corners of her eyes. “THERE WAS… A RAT! THERE WAS A RAT. IT CLIMBED OUT THE WINDOW, I’M GOOD NOW.”
“Oh. Yikes. It must have been huuuuge. Where’s Pike when you need him, right?” A low chuckle could be heard from the other side.
Pike was clearly trying to hold back laughter as Meklavar looked even more flustered. “YEAH. WHERE THE HECK IS HE WHEN YA NEED HIM??”
“… I wonder if he even likes rodents… or maybe he prefers seafood…”
“Right. Goodnight!”
Meklavar waited a moment, her eyes trained on the door as she listened for the sorcerer’s footsteps to fade away, then turned on the khaliit with a fury in her eyes as she whispered as aggressively as she could. “What! Are you doing!!” She stepped towards him while picking up her axe and shoved the blade in his face before he could finish stepping down into her room.
“What?” He raised his hands defensively. “It’s cold outside.”
“It’s cold outs-” She bit her lip, realizing he actually had a decent argument. She was hot and sweaty in her heavy armor so the temperature outside went by completely unnoticed. “Oh. It’s cold outside. How cold?”
“Cold enough to want to climb up three stories and sneak into an angry dwarf’s bedroom.” He said dully.
She scoffed. “Three stories is probably nothing for you.”
He flailed a hand angrily. “Will you please lower the axe?”
She sighed, lowering her axe and shoulders. She turned away from him, propping her weapon against the wall near the bed, and began to take off armor. She could feel the presence of the khaliit making his way into the room, closing the window, and taking a seat at the foot of the bed. He pulled his knees in towards his chest so it almost looked like he was perching. Even though she was facing away from him as she carefully set down pieces of armor on the ground, she could feel his stare on her the entire time. She was annoyed with him but she was also too tired to argue.
“You’ve changed a lot since I last saw you.”
Meklavar stilled, taking in a deep breath before she turned around to face him. She was only wearing her black under layers and even though it covered everything but her hands, feet, and face, she felt utterly exposed. “What do you mean?”
“I’m from Aurita. My family used to work in the kitchens.”
“Your family used to-” Her lips parted, her heart skipping a beat as she realized exactly what he meant. Her voice was so quiet that anyone other than a khaliit would probably have a hard time hearing her. “You were a servant at the castle…”
“Yep.” He offered her a wistful smile. “That was a long time ago though.”
“How did you escape? On the night of the invasion?”
Pike frowned, his ears swiveled back. “You know a lot of it is actually a blur. That was the night I got this.” He tapped a finger just below his left eye on the scar that passed through it. He let out a quiet, non-humorous laugh. “I couldn’t exactly see. But I know I used a lot of the secret passageways that are in the castle. And I remember that was the first time I killed anyone.” He wrapped his arms around his legs, hugging his knees to his chest. “What about you?”
“I don’t remember anything.”
“At all?”
“I remember waking up in an elf’s house. He found me unconscious on the side of the road. My head was bleeding, so we were pretty sure I had a severe concussion. Everything… everything before that only comes in flashes. Bits and pieces. The only reason I know my name and who I am is because that elf told me that’s who I was. And I was convinced because there are no other elves as short as me who look like the royal family.”
“You have total amnesia…” Pike didn’t say it as a question, but in a reverent kind of sorrow. He couldn’t imagine a life not remembering his loved ones… not remembering his own identity. “Well for what it’s worth, I know you’re the princess.”
“Ugh, don’t call me that.” She made a face of disgust.
“The dragonborn then?”
She nodded. “Much better.” She looked at the khaliit sitting on her bed and couldn’t help the sad smile that found place upon her lips. He wasn’t just someone who knew who she really was, he was someone from her past, a past she barely even knew. She wondered if she knew him at one point in her life, if they were even friends. She couldn’t bring herself to ask.
Sometimes it was less painful not to know.
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renegadeartist-100 · 8 years
MP100 d&d headcanons
so i’ve talked to a few people about this and i’ve come to the conclusion that i’ve developed this Way Too Much and i’m (probably) never going to do anything with this so i might as well drop it here
he’s the DM by default because he played an early edition when he was a kid and has the most background knowledge (he was never very good at it, but he Knows Enough to be a semi competent DM)
(that or he convinced them he’s the most qualified to DM despite never having played d&d before)
he writes the wildest fuckin campaigns and plays fast and loose with the rules, he embodies the 5e mentality of “can i do this thing?” “well you can certainly try”
(sometimes he’ll write campaigns based around cases he and mob have gone on, but shh don’t tell anyone)
he Always makes a self insert npc that’s Wildly Powerful and also super plot relevant so you can’t just get rid of him (Ritsu still tries his hardest to shake him regardless)
He does Voices and faces for Every Character and some of them are honest to god terrible but sometimes they’re not too bad
Is very good at adapting to the shit his players do but he’s somehow always surprised by everything that happens
He was convinced to play by Ritsu and Teru, not entirely sure what he’s doing but everyone else is having fun so he is too
I have two different ideas of what class/race combo he’d play, so i’m gonna detail both of them
Human protection style fighter 
on the off chance their party enters a fight he Never lets anyone take damage if he can help it
purposefully chose the most standard class and race combo he could
he puts As Many Points into strength as he can. all his other stats are shit but he really doesn’t care
Human wildmagic sorcerer
Ritsu convinced him to build this one
still puts all his points into strength despite everyone’s protests
(”Mo-mob, listen, that’s not- you can’t- you should focus on charisma, that’s the most useful for sorcerers, you’re never going to use those strength points” *mob looks them dead in the eye as he adds another ability point to strength*)
the story they talk about the most is the time they were fighting a boss and mob somehow managed to oneshot the boss with a fireball, only for his wildmagic to polymorph him into a cat immediately after
He uses prewritten backstories to start but they always turn into something More and uniquely mob by the end of the campaign
always tries to talk his way out of fighting
somehow he succeeds in convincing npcs not to fight 90% of the time even though his charisma score is Terrible
sometimes he’ll roll so well that an enemy will end up joining their party and Reigen is almost always baffled by this turn of events
He has ridiculously good luck when it comes to rolls
Teifling arcane ranger
his characters are always Very Edgy and never have alignments morally better than lawful neutral
their backstories are always thinly veiled allegories for his life
(no one really cares about backstories all that much besides Teru, so they’ll sometimes get together and develop backstories for their characters)
He takes RP Very Seriously and believes in the Purity Of The Genre, which means he and Reigen butt heads constantly
“You can’t have elevators! its a fantasy world!!!” “Ok, then it’s a fantasy elevator”
he’s the Paranoid Player, he takes checks on literally everything, even the things that obviously don’t need to have checks
“I roll an arcana check on that rabbit” “I-its just a rabbit?? You know what, go ahead.” “12″ “its just a normal rabbit” “...ok, but if i rolled higher would i-” “Ritsu i swear to god its just a normal rabbit its not going to kill you in your sleep”
Aasimar Paladin
he was literally Chosen By The Gods
he’s a paladin but since 5e took away the alignment restriction he’s a Very Shitty paladin
ironically he’s the most ruthless player and he’s the most powerful if only because mob doesn’t fight that much
he has proficiency at intimidation and persuasion and he Uses Them
tends to follow the rules religiously even when everyone else (even reigen) has decided to be a bit loose with the rules
He’s very good at seeing through Reigen’s plots and red herrings, and this often frustrates reigen and he’s accused Teru of looking at his notes many times
his luck is also pretty good but its not mob level
he cares A Lot about RPing and he has voices for every one of his characters and has drawn all of them and written extensive backstories for them
he was the one that suggested they all try and play d&d
I’m honestly not super sure about Shou but here we go
Dragonborn bard
reigen forced him to lower his height the first time he saw shou’s character sheet
he really doesn’t care that much about RPing but he tries to flirt w every npc, even if its an enemy and they’re in the middle of combat
(he fails almost every time and teru comes in afterwards and almost always succeeds in flirting w the npcs that just royally roasted Shou’s character)
has dumb meme backstories and dumb names that are almost always puns
He’s the player that’s like “I want to go to the fantasy costco to buy new adventuring gear”
the worst part is Reigen enables him because he’s very nearly just as bad
Bonus Serizawa
Firbolg druid
his spells are mainly useless in combat because he didn’t really understand which ones would actually be useful in a game of d&d
he’s still a pretty competent player, though his attacks are mainly just whacking things in the head with his staff
He has mad rp anxiety and has to hype himself up before every session
reigen is super patient w him as is everyone else so he’s slowly working through it
he also tries not to fight things super often but it usually doesn’t work
his dice are Cursed and he always gets super bad rolls or just barely passes a check (that or he literally gets a nat 20 there’s no in between)
Other things
someone absolutely tried to homebrew an esper class but they quickly realized that it’s Way Too OP
i don’t have a lot of things planned out for characters outside the main esper squad but tome is 100% a knowledge cleric looking for aliens
the party is just walkin down a road and tome is like “M A N it would be such a SHAME if we got RANDOMLY ABDUCTED RIGHT NOW”
dimple didn’t want to play at first but he heard reigen yell “IM THE DM IM BASICALLY YOUR GOD I MAKE THE RULES” once when he was Very Frustrated and now dimple Really Wants To DM
he barely knows what d&d stands for
They let him play one session then immediately banned him from the game because he somehow broke the game in 3 minutes, created a cult, and basically convinced everyone he was a god
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the7citadel · 8 years
Celicia was bored, she had walked up the hill overlooking her parents farm in an attempt to hide away from her mothers constant nagging, but now with her cloak pulled tight around her shoulders to help stave off the bitter western wind she was regretting the decision. From her seat at the Base of the ancient oak tree that sat upon the top of the hill she could just make out the bulky figure of her father heading towards the cattle field in the eastern border of the small homestead. Plodding several paces behind him was the large dark silhouette of Prekion, her fathers Kriomari, she smiled and glaced down to her side, where her own Kriomari, Prima, was silently stalking a large tuft of yellow grass, her white fur brown in several places from playing in the dirt. At two years old she was still a far way from fully grown, barely waist high to your average man, and the great saber fangs of the Kriomari were only short stumps juttering from her top lip. Looking down at the great cat it was hard to picture her as anything other than the small bundle of bright white fur that had been presented to her during the festival of life nearly 2 years gone. She still remembered feeding her small bowls of milk and being able to carry her around under one arm to keep her out of mischief and away from the chickens while she went around her daily chores. A warm smile spread across her face as Prima pounced at the grass, flipping over onto her back and tearing it free from earth with her claws, with a lazy sigh Celicia pushed herself up from the tree and strode over to playful beast. Dropping to her knees she started to tenderly stroke the soft fur between the Kriomari’s ears, while Prima whom was still on her back continued to shred the grass between her paws, her large amber eyes flicking between the savaged foliage and Celicia. A distant noise drew the cats attention, her long ears pricking back as she tilted her head in the direction it came from, Celicia let out a quiet groan as gradually the sporadic sound began to draw nearer and the realisation of its origin became clear, she glanced lazily down the hill towards the farm, in the corner of her eye she saw her father heading back from the field, Perkion bounding playfully behind, his long tail wagging from side to side as he went. Another blast of the sound drifted up the hill, She could almost make out name now as her gaze drifted on to the bottom of the hill where her mother stood, hands on hips. 
“She sounds angry.” Celicia said to the Cat, who was still playing with the grass on her back “we had best get moving, else she will skin us both.” wearily she pushed herself from her knees, brushing the lose grass and twigs from her dress so as not to incur a harsher scolding from her already unimpressed mother. Checking one more time for any remaining debris she quickly started her decent down the hill, looking back after the first few steps to see Prima still on the ground staring up at her, unable to stop herself smiling at the playful Kriomari she shook her head, patting the side of her own leg “Come on you, you wont be able to hunt grass if Ma turns you into a rug.” Prima slowly rolled over, lazily raising to her feet and plodding up alongside her mistress, nuzzling her with her broad head as she reached Celicia’s side, then together they quickly set off down the gentle slope of the hill. The decent down the hill didn’t take the pair of them long, the short yellow grass that covered the hill made for easy terrain and any holes or bumps were easily spotted, not that there was much chance of Celicia falling prey to any tripping hazards even when the grass grew knee high in the summer months. Years of running and playing on the hill during her sixteen years had grown her accustom to every inch of the farm on which she had grown up on, from the small woodlamd that marked the eastern border to the ancient oak atop the hill. She and her brother Camborn had spent all of their time as children causing mischief or playing make believe, and had continued to do so all the way until he had left with uncle Arrin after the Festival of life 2 years gone. Her thoughts drifted to Camborn as she reached the bottom of the hill, she missed him. It had always been his dream to join the rangers that patrolled the wide plains of blahblahland, to help people and forge his own story as a protector of the people, but it was a lonesome life on the farm, he had been her best friend forever and she missed him. A glance at her mothers stern expression had quickly shaken her thoughts away from her brother, Ellara’s kind eyes and rosy cheeks awash with an infinitely more sour look, a thin dusting of flour seemed to cover her entire body, turning her pale skin almost white, the pale green dress she wore, along with the darker green apron were both speckled all over with a mixture of white and various other stains. Even her long blond hair, tied back in a ribbon seemed to be covered in the aftermath of whatever it was she had been doing. Celicia slowly shuffled towards her mother, her eyes cast down, trying her best to look apologetic. Prima however, had no interest in attempting to look sorry, and bounded giddily over to see Ellara brushing up against her and making all manner of happy grunts, utterly unaware of any tension that existed between mother and daughter. Too Celicia’s surprise, her mothers angry expression had started to fade a little as her attention was drawn to Prima, Ellara started to stroke the soft white fur of the Kriomari’s shoulder as she settled leaning into her side, diverting her attention to Celicia, with one hand still upon her hip she started to speak. “So, baking?” Ellara’s face an unreadable mask Celicia opened her mouth to speak but before words could pass her lips she was closed it again, silenced by a her mother raising her palm. “I dont want to hear another excuse Cia, for the love of the gods girl you’re sixteen years old, you can’t just keep hiding away from the world like that” she sighed, shaking her head. “I know you hate baking, and I know you hate being stuck here on the farm, but for now this is your life and you have to live it” her mother smiled at her “Now go and feed the chickens, the light will fade soon.” Ellara gave Prima one last pat and turned to walk away, causing the giant cat to topple sidways as her leaning post moved away from her. Celicia watch a moment as her mother walked towards the house, then turned on her heels and began to walk briskly towards the barn. The sun had begun to set as Celicia reached the doorway to the small farmhouse, a huge shadow cast by the ancient oak spread across the pale white walls and all the way up the thatched roof. As she pushed the door open her nostrils where assaulted by the smell of fresh sweetbuns and fresh bread, growing with strength with every step she took into the dimly lit kitchen, Ellara was stooped over by the low oven, carefully pulling out the last of her large metal cooking trays, a fresh wave barrage of scent washed over her, honey cakes Celicia thought to herself. On a stool close to the fire was the hulking figure of Gerin, his thick blonde hair and beard both tied back with thin strips of leather, carefully he ran his whetstone along the blade of a finely crafted throwing axe. Gerin gently tested the edge with his thumb, smiling with pride as he carefully placed the axe in the leather case along side it’s 3 identical brothers, a gift he had been presented with for being the first man to win the axe throw for five years running. “Do you think you’ll win again Da.” Celicia said as she lowered herself on another stool by the fire “Well that depends.” The big man said as he finished rolling the case. “Rumor has it your uncle Arrin will be showing his ugly face, and he’s a far better shot than I am” Celicia’s eyes widened and she caught a smile before it blossomed into a foolish grin “Dose that mean Cam is going to be there? Why didn’t you tell me!” “He wanted to surprise you, or sneak up.on you, one of the two. You know Cam, always upto mischief in some way or another.” Gerin said with half a smile on his lips. Celicia looked around the kitchen. “So that’s why Ma has made enough honey cakes to feed everyone from here to Lionsport” she shook her head, I should of known she thought. At that moment Ellara walked past over with a large platter of fresh bread, a wheel of cheese and some dried meat. “Not much of a supper I’m afraid, I’ve been to busy cooking all by myself to worry about anything else” she gave her daughter a look that bordered on sarcasm. Gerin couldn’t help but smile at his family as he cut a slice of cheese from the wheel and handed it to Celicia. The family talked and laughed together for a while as they ate their meal, Gerin and Ellara spoke about the farm and preparations for the oncoming months, Celicia drifted in and out of the conversation until she couldn’t take it any longer and took a pair of large goat legs out to the two Kriomari, who where in their small wooden stable built off the side of the house. Prima nearly took Celicia off her feet as she opened the stable door, eager to get to her supper, she threw the first of the legs across the stable and the Cat sped after it. She then carried the other over towards Perkion, who was laying patiently on the straw the covered the ground. Gently Celicia ran her fingers through his long brown mane “You’re such a good boy, why can’t you behave yourself like Perki here?” She said as she turned to Prima, who’s attention was completely focused on her meal and didn’t even seem to notice her mistress was still close by, she shook her head and walked out of the stable, being careful to lock the door securely behind herself. The conversation had stopped when she got back to the kitchen, her mother was busy careful loading her days work into creates and her father had returned to his axes, testing the weight in his hand and probing for any dull spots on the blade. Celicia walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek. “I’m to bed Pa” Gerin slowly looked up, reluctant to divide his attention, he grunted in acknowledgement and returned to his work. Celicia shook her head and walked over to her mother, kissing her cheek as well. “Night ma” “G'night sweet, I want you up before first light, we should reach the fair by midday if we leave shortly after dawn” “Yes ma” Came the reply, a hint of disgust at having to be up before the sun was. She turned and climbed the ladder to get bed high in the rafters, collapsing into her small bed. She lay there for what seemed like hours, excitement for the coming day buzzing through her mind like a fly, but eventually her eyes fell shut and sleep took her.
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