#sawdust kiln
DIY Sawdust brick kiln experiment : Take One
Okay so! As you may have noticed, I've fallen back into ceramics, and I am loving it! Last christmas, I made my dad a hand to hold one of his father's pipe out of clay, but I didn't have a kiln on hand, so it was raw clay, and I gave it to him with the promise one day, we'll try and make a kiln ourselves to cook it.
Well! Summer's back, and that day has finally come!!
After the smallest amount of proper research humanly possible, and armed with enthusiasm and total hubris, I settled on building a sawdust brick kiln, simply because it requires the least amount of skills and work, and is completely dismantlable. I stole all of my knowledge from this Potter Wheel tutorial (thank you so much!!), scouted the internet for reclaimed bricks unsuccessfully, grumpily settled on buying fancy new ones, and finally, we got to work.
The concept is really simple. Stack the bricks to assemble a chimney of sorts, stuff it with as much sawdust as you can, set the whole thing on fire. A pyromaniac's dream.
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We placed all of our stuff at the bottom, on a layer of sawdust, filled the rest, lit it up, covered it once we were fairly sure the fire wouldn't die on us, and waited.
A whole bunch of grandkids were there too (you can see some little feet on the pictures) so we turned this into a cookout opportunity, because why not, and it was delicious
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That being said, I am sorry to report the fire went out around 11:30PM, only about 8 hours after we started it, meaning we were 4 hours short on the amount of time we wanted it to last. We left the kiln to cool down over night as planned, but I was already fairly sure we did not achieve full cooking.
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Here's what it looked like upon opening the next day (and I feel like an idiot because I got exited and moved some of the things before taking a picture, so their placement is not quite right, which could've been relevant... --')
We have:
two rimmed vase shaped vessels (that a friend of mine threw, I'm not there yet)
two small bowls
the most famous hand
and two hand built pouring bowls (with the handles) I made waay back that were bisqued but not glazed
So 5 raw clay pieces and two cooked ones. The idea was to see how different things would react, and see what I could learn from it.
First and foremost, I'm happy to report we had no breakage! Now, does that mean we managed to avoid any kind of thermal shock, or that we did not get enough heat to cause said thermal shock, I'm not entirely sure.
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We definitively got some nice coloring on the bowls and vases, and the shine on the bottoms (that were trimmed and inadvertly polished in the process because the clay was a bit dry) makes me think we acheived at least /some/ cooking? They sound less dull when flicked, but we're still far from the bell like sound of thoroughly cooked clay.
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The bigger vase got some nice petroleum shine that is also encouraging, but as you can see on that same third picture, and on the rim, it cooked completely unevenly, and all the light clay is still raw and dissolves and smudges when I rub it with a damp cloth. This is were I'm pissed at myself for messing with the placements of the pieces when I opened the lid, because the obvious explanation would be that the uncooked bit faced the walls of the kiln, but I can't be sure.
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The hand, despite being in the middle of the kiln because I knew it would be the hardest to cook, is in fact, the least cooked one of the lot. I'm not at all surprised, modelling takes a lot more clay, and it is way thicker than the other raw pieces we put in. But the finger tips and edges give me hope that, with a little more time, we could cook it through!
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The most successful piece is the smaller vase. It's still not ringing clear as fully cooked clay should, but it definitively got the most out of this firing, thanks to my friend's consistent and thin throwing.
As for the two pouring bowls, I forgot to take pictures, but most of the blackening and coloring washed off, and I can't say I'm surprised. They too have pretty thick walls, because hand coiling, and I really don't think we reached enough heat to cause the already cooked clay to react. Still, it was interesting to try!!
So all and all? I think we did pretty well for a first attempt!
The next obvious thing to try is to make the kiln bigger to allow for more combustible. Not sure when we'll be able to try again, probably not before september, but we'll get there!
In the meanwhile, I'm thinking of sacrificing one of these pieces to get a better idea of how much it did or did not cooked by leaving it to sit in water and see what (if anything) survives. Can't choose which one though. Help?
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nvrlation · 2 years
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Scans of works by Christina Bothwell in her interview with Michelle Robertson for Hi-Fructose maganize volume 65.
“…glass seemed like the perfect medium to express the non-physical realm.”
Bothwell’s process is long and rigorous. She begins the process with a sketch, molds that sketch into clay, and fires it in a ceramic kiln. She follows this with an additional firing in a pit filled with burning hay and sawdust.
She then heats beeswax in crockpots until it reaches a consistency of warm clay. With the beeswax, she makes a mold of powdered silica talc and plaster, sets it, steams it in a pot meant for cooking crab, then fills her mold with chunks of powdered and colored glass, then fires this again.
This glass comes out of the kiln rough. Bothwell spends days or weeks polishing it. She glues on clay parts and/or found objects and paints on the surface to finish.
This process, according to Bothwell, can take anywhere from a few months to a year.
1) “Strawberry Garden”, cast glass, ceramic, hand-painted detail, 22.5” x 20” x 6.5”, 2021.
2a) “When You Are Sleeping”, cast glass, ceramic, 8.5” x 18” x 7”, 2007, in permanent collection of the Corning Museum of Glass Art.
2b) "Together", collaboration with Robert Bender (Robert: bench, Christina: figures), cast glass, ceramic, hand-painted details in oil paints, 14" x 33" x 23", 2017.
3a) "Avatar", figures of varying height, approximately each 18", cast glass, ceramic, 2018.
3b) "Mother and Child", 18" × 20" x 6", cast glass, ceramic, hand-painted details with oil paints
4) “Ghost Girl”, 20” x 10” x 8”, cast glass, ceramic, hand-painted details, 2020.
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thomsonwoodfuelltd · 3 days
Are The Logs Sustainably Sourced
Choosing sustainable, Ready to Burn certified, kiln-dried logs is a smart and eco-conscious way to heat your home. Our premium logs are sourced from responsibly managed UK forests, ensuring the long-term health of these vital ecosystems. Sustainable forest management techniques, such as reforestation and biodiversity conservation, ensure that new trees replace those harvested, supporting carbon neutrality and maintaining forest vitality. We offer kiln-dried logs made from ash, birch, and oak—dense hardwoods that burn cleanly, with high heat output and minimal smoke. Their low moisture content, less than 20%, ensures a long, efficient burn, making them perfect for homes in smokeless areas. Additionally, our wooden briquettes, made from compressed sawdust, are an environmentally friendly option for clean burning. By choosing sustainable logs, you reduce your carbon footprint, contribute to forest preservation, and enjoy better energy efficiency. Whether for home heating or eco-friendly living, our kiln-dried logs offer superior quality and performance. Make a sustainable choice this winter by selecting our kiln-dried logs. You’ll help protect the environment while enjoying efficient, clean heating. Order today for a greener future!
For more such information visit https://logsforsale-near-me.co.uk/are-the-logs-sustainably-sourced/
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nolanfa-clayworks · 3 months
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A few pictures of the smoking process (is "smoking" the right term? I have no clue, and google and wikipedia both are of very limited use on that).
In theory you do it just out of the kiln so it's still very very hot and you can put it in a closed container full of sawdust that spontaneously combusts but I have limited means so (once the first firing's done and I've brought it back home) I heat it up in a regular oven (not quite sure if that step's necessary, I should do some tests), and just burn some ads on it, and sometimes add some kind of cover (also unsure whether that step is necessary).
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claycraftershub · 11 months
Ceramic Clay: Tips for Choosing the Right Grade and Texture
Understanding clay is one of the most important aspects of pottery making. Knowing what different types of clay are, their properties and how they respond to different firing temperatures will help you create successful pieces of art.
Ceramics are all around us. They are used in things like tile, bricks and plates. They can be molded into functional pieces of art, such as jars and pots or shaped using wheel throwing techniques.
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The type of clay you use can make a difference in the properties that your finished ceramics will have. There are many different clays, including red clay, white clay, kaolin, porcelain, stoneware and others. Each one can be used for different purposes and has different properties. The clay's grade determines how much it shrinks during firing and whether it has other qualities that affect its overall performance in a specific application.
Pottery is a broad term that covers any item made from clay, but it's most often used to refer to functional items such as a coffee mug or ceramic vase. Pottery also includes decorative and art pieces. It is usually created using a pottery wheel, where a lump of wet clay is clumped onto the spinning wheel and shaped into the desired form with a variety of tools and then left to dry.
The ceramic clay used for pottery may be mixed with other materials to improve its performance and durability. These additives are known as grog, sand, sawdust or other material added to the clay while it's still wet. Studies show that a high percentage of ionic bonding and low percent of covalent bonding in the clay's compounds contribute to a ceramic with superior strength and heat resistance. These characteristics may be improved further by incorporating soapstone waste as an additive to the clay.
The clay particles that make up ceramics are called platelets. During firing, these platelets move closer together and bond to each other, filling in the spaces between them to create a strong and dense clay body. This process is known as vitrification. Different types of clay body have varying degrees of vitrification, so it's important to know which one you're working with when making your art.
When kiln-firing ceramics, the clay is placed on a refractory shelf or post that's designed for the specific type of clay. This clay "furniture" helps the ceramic ware retain its shape during the kiln's high-temperature firing. Once the piece has been shaped and dried, it's coated in decorative, paint-like glazes. The glazes are then fired again to harden the material.
Whether it's used for coffee mugs, serving dishes or intricate sculptures, pottery and ceramics have been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years. These beautiful and functional artistic expressions can even improve a person's mood.
However, pulling clay straight out of the ground isn't exactly the cleanest process. There are a lot of different things intermingling down there, like iron, dirt, rocks and other goodies that can affect the final quality of the clay. So, when you're creating your ceramic masterpieces, it is often best to use a pre-made mixture of clay instead of trying to pull pure clay from the ground.
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Firing Temperature
The clays used for ceramic are kiln fired in a high temperature oven known as a kiln. The resulting ceramic pieces are often covered with decorative, paint-like substances known as glazes. The type of glaze a ceramic is covered with can greatly influence the final piece's appearance. The color and texture of a glaze is determined by its ingredients, which include silica, fluxes and metal oxides.
The firing temperature of a clay has an important impact on its properties and is critical to the success of ceramic manufacturing. For example, ceramics made with a low-fire clay that has not been heated to the proper temperature will crumble and dissolve when they are put in water. However, ceramics that have been fired to the right temperature will be hard and durable.
When a clay is fired to the correct temperature, a process called vitrification takes place. During this process, the proportion of glassy bond increases and the porosity decreases. Additionally, mullite (aluminum silicate) crystals form in the clay and act as binders, strengthening it even further.
The firing temperature of a clay can also have an impact on its color. For instance, some low-fire clays contain a large amount of iron impurities which will react with oxygen and other elements in the kiln atmosphere during firing to produce unique colors and textures. The color of these clays can range from brown and earthy to gray and bluish depending on the temperature at which they are fired.
Water Content
The water content of a clay body is important because it controls its plasticity. Plasticity is the clay's ability to hold onto a shape that you give it. This allows you to throw a bowl, a pot or any number of other ceramics for pottery.
When you use clay that has high water content, it's a bit more challenging to work with because the clay tends to dry out quicker than lower water content bodies. As the clay dries out, it loses its plasticity and becomes harder to manipulate.
Clays that have low water content are a bit easier to work with because they dry out slower and retain their plasticity. However, they may not be as strong or durable as higher water content clays.
As clay moves through erosion processes, it can pick up materials that are not part of its original composition. These impurities are known as contaminants. These contaminants can affect the properties of the clay after it's fired.
When preparing clay for firing, the water in the body needs to be pure. Water that contains a lot of salts can negatively impact the final product. This is because the salts can cause the clay to crack or explode in the kiln. The best water to use is filtered and tested to ensure that it does not contain any electrolytes that could damage the ceramic.
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jeromemelitus123 · 1 year
Pottery and it's Types
Pottery is a fascinating and ancient art form that has been practised by civilizations around the world for thousands of years. In this essay, we will explore the world of pottery, its history, techniques, and various types.Introduction to Pottery Pottery refers to the process of creating objects, typically functional or decorative, from clay that is shaped and fired at high temperatures to harden and preserve the form. The practice of pottery dates back to prehistoric times when humans first discovered the malleability of clay and its transformative potential through heat. Over millennia, pottery has evolved into a diverse and intricate craft with a rich history and many distinct types.Historical Overview The history of pottery is a testament to human creativity and ingenuity. It is believed that pottery-making began around 6000 BCE in various parts of the world, independently in different cultures. Early pottery served practical purposes, such as storing food and water, but it also played a significant role in artistic expression.In ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China, pottery was highly valued, and artisans developed sophisticated techniques for creating intricate vessels and artworks. These civilizations produced some of the earliest forms of pottery known to us today, including terracotta figurines, amphorae, and intricately painted ceramics.Types of Pottery Pottery encompasses a wide range of forms, styles, and techniques. Here, we will delve into some of the main types of pottery:1. Earthenware: Earthenware is one of the oldest types of pottery. It is made from clay that fires at relatively low temperatures. This type of pottery is porous and is often used for making everyday items like pots, plates, and tiles. Earthenware is known for its warm and rustic appearance.2. Stoneware: Stoneware is fired at higher temperatures than earthenware, resulting in a denser and less porous ceramic. It is durable, making it suitable for functional items like dishes, mugs, and baking dishes. Stoneware can be glazed for added strength and to create various decorative effects.3. Porcelain: Porcelain is the finest and most delicate type of pottery. It is made from a specific type of clay known as kaolin, which fires at extremely high temperatures, resulting in a translucent and vitrified surface. Porcelain is famous for its elegance and is often used for creating fine china, figurines, and decorative items.4. Raku: Raku pottery originated in Japan and is characterised by its rapid firing process. The pottery is removed from the kiln while still red-hot and placed in combustible materials like sawdust or leaves. This produces unique and unpredictable surface patterns, giving raku pottery a distinctive appearance.5. Majolica: Majolica pottery is known for its vibrant and colourful glazes. It has its roots in Italian ceramics but has been adopted and adapted by various cultures. The technique involves applying brightly coloured glazes over a white base, creating intricate and decorative designs.6. Terracotta: Terracotta pottery is made from a reddish-brown clay and is often left unglazed. It has a rustic and earthy appearance and has been used for centuries to create sculptures, roof tiles, and garden pots.7. Slipware:Slipware is a type of pottery where liquid clay, called slip, is applied to the surface for decoration. The slip can be used to create intricate patterns and designs. Slipware is often associated with folk art traditions and can be found in various forms, from plates to decorative tiles.8. Ceramic Sculpture: Pottery is not limited to functional objects; it also includes ceramic sculpture. Artists use clay to create expressive and artistic sculptures that can vary in style from abstract to representational. Ceramic sculpture is appreciated for its versatility and ability to convey emotion.Pottery Techniques Pottery involves several fundamental techniques that are crucial to shaping and decorating clay. Some of the key techniques include:1.
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Finding a Wood Charcoal Kiln for Sale Made Easy
With numerous companies manufacturing wood charcoal machines, choosing the right one can be challenging due to variations in size, capabilities, and automation levels. To select a reliable company, consider their location, reputation, and production volume. Although this information is available online, it may take time to find the right machine quickly. Here's how you can find a biochar reactor that will serve your business reliably for years to come.
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Understanding Wood Charcoal Machines
Wood charcoal machines, also known as pyrolysis machines, are designed to convert sawdust and similar wood-based products into burnable fuel like charcoal and bio oil. The cost of the machine is often linked to its production speed. Look for a large machine or an independent unit suitable for your facility.
Charcoal Production Time
The production of charcoal typically doesn't take long, usually a few hours per batch. The size of the chamber where the wood-based products are placed plays a role in the production speed. Choose a machine specifically configured for tree branches, sawdust, and lumber mill trimmings to efficiently produce desired quantities of charcoal.
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Considerations for a Larger Machine
Investing in a larger machine may incur higher costs but can be beneficial for your business. If you expect increased access to wood-based products in the coming months, consider acquiring an entire pyrolysis plant. You can also become a repository for this material, allowing the community to supply it to you at a fee. This provides ample material for charcoal production, enhancing productivity and profitability.
Finding Wood Charcoal Machines Online
You can locate a wood charcoal machine for sale quickly online, with numerous manufacturers offering them. Converting organic products into charcoal is just the first step toward improving your business. The produced charcoal can be used for heating purposes and sold to the highest bidder, expanding your product offerings and increasing customer demand.
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bestonrecycling · 1 year
What Is a Charcoal Making Machine and How Will It Work?
A charcoal making machine uses pyrolyzing technique to turn biomass waste matter into charcoal. The charcoal-making process requires an oxygen-free atmosphere and extremely high temperature. This machine needs raw materials like biomass, including palm shell, sugarcane bagasse, peanut shell, olive shell, sawdust, coconut shell, rice husk, bamboo, and wood, sorted MSW, and sewage sludge. The charcoal produced finds its way into the agricultural, iron, ceramic, and steel industry. Thousands of people in rural areas likewise use charcoal as fuel in order to cook food.
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So how exactly does charcoal making machine work?
This charcoal manufacturing plant is made up of two crucial parts: transmission mechanism and briquetting device. The motor's output shaft connects on the reducer's input shaft. However, the speed reducer's output shaft remains close to the main driving chain wheel. This enables the little passive sprocket to connect using the briquetting device's input shaft.
The charcoal-making process has two parts: first involving pressing biomass wood materials into small briquettes. And second, charring the biomass briquettes in a charring kiln.
Step 1
A hammer mill or wood crusher crushes the raw materials into powder or 3 to 5mm pieces. It may help them burn evenly in the next step.
Step Two
A dryer dries the crushed raw materials to make sure they hardly contain any moisture. However, different raw materials could have different moisture requirements. It's best to speak to the equipment manufacturer or talk with specialists prior to the first batch.
Step Three
Next, use the briquetting machine to transform the raw materials into stick briquettes. The biomass briquette's surface gets carbonized throughout the briquetting process. Make sure you retain the high temperature and pressure throughout this step. The inside parts don't get carbonized completely throughout the briquetting process. That's the reasons people call stick briquettes as biomass briquettes.
Step 4
Within the penultimate stage, the biomass charcoal briquettes get carbonized to be final charcoal briquettes. The charcoal making machine features a charcoal kiln that assists to accomplish this transition. Many factories work with a carbonization furnace, but the machine features a similar setting in a tiny space.
The charcoal kiln carbonizes the biomass briquettes thoroughly even though the furnace carbonizes the crushed biomass raw materials. This means you may use the equipment to carbonize raw materials, even while making a wood charcoal briquette line. The carbonization furnace setting chars the last charcoal so it will be ready to be used.
Step 5
The finished charcoal briquettes experience an extensive packing process. You will observe them used in different industries as soon as they appear as finished briquettes.
Features of charcoal making machine
Here are a few features to be aware of before buying a charcoal producing machine:
Low operating cost and high thermal efficiency.
High calorific worth of the gas.
Pollution-free charcoal making system.
Use of cheap raw materials.
Continuous working pattern.
This particular machine can produce a great deal of finished charcoal briquettes daily. You could buy a device in accordance with the amount of charcoal you have to produce daily.
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Energy Efficiency with Waste Gas Fired Boilers.
Thermodyne waste heat recovery boilers are designed to recover heat from hot gases generated by various industrial processes, such as furnace exhaust, kiln exhaust, and boiler flue gases. By recovering waste heat, these boilers can significantly improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs for the plant. The company's biomass-fired boilers use renewable energy sources such as wood, sawdust, and agro-waste to generate steam and hot water. These boilers are ideal for industries such as paper and pulp, where there is a ready supply of biomass fuel.  For more information contact us at https://www.thermodyneboilers.com/wastetherm/
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vncharcoal · 1 year
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Choose the Best Lump Charcoal for Your Grilling Needs
Choose the Best Lump Charcoal for Your Grilling Need. Best Lump Charcoal is made by burning wood in the absence of oxygen, which removes all the moisture, sap, and other impurities from the wood, leaving behind pure carbon. The resulting charcoal is then sorted by size and packaged for sale.
Vietnam Charcoal is a leading supplier of high-quality, all-natural best lump charcoal for grilling and barbecuing. Our lump charcoal is made from 100% natural hardwood, softwood, with no added chemicals or fillers, ensuring a clean burn and authentic smoky flavor.
Grilling is more than just cooking food – it’s a way of life. For grill enthusiasts and professional chefs alike, achieving the perfect flavor and texture is the ultimate goal. And when it comes to fueling that fire, there’s nothing better than Vietnam Charcoal’s Lump Charcoal.
Using all-natural charcoal for grilling is becoming increasingly popular among barbecue enthusiasts and professional chefs due to its many benefits. 
At VietnamCharcoal, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality all-natural lump charcoal, ensuring they can enjoy the authentic taste of grilled and barbecued food while protecting the environment. Whether you’re a backyard grilling enthusiast or a professional chef, our lump charcoal is the perfect choice for all your grilling needs. 
What is Best Lump Charcoal?
Lump charcoal is made by burning wood in the absence of oxygen, which removes all the moisture, sap, and other impurities from the wood, leaving behind pure carbon. The resulting charcoal is then sorted by size and packaged for sale.
Compared to other types of charcoal, such as charcoal briquettes or instant light charcoal, lump charcoal is considered a more natural and pure form of charcoal. Charcoal briquettes are made from compressed sawdust and other materials, including binders and fillers. In contrast, instant light charcoal contains added chemicals to make it easy to light. Lump charcoal, on the other hand, is made solely from natural hardwood with no added chemicals or fillers.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a weekend warrior, Vietnam Charcoal Lump Charcoal offers a range of benefits and advantages that make it the clear choice for grilling. From its long-lasting burning time to its even heat distribution, this all-natural fuel source is the secret ingredient to achieving delicious and authentic flavor in your food.
So why settle for less? Join the grill masters and chefs who have discovered the unmatched quality and flavor of Vietnam Charcoal Lump Charcoal. best-lump-charcoal-for-your-grilling-needs-3
Production Process of Vietnam Charcoal Best Lump Charcoal
Sourcing of wood from sustainable forests
Vietnam Charcoal sources its wood from sustainably managed forests in Vietnam.
Only high-quality hardwoods such as coffee trees, mangrove trees, acacia wood charcoal, eucalyptus and some hardwood trees are selected to produce lump charcoal.
Sustainable forestry practices ensure that no trees are cut down unnecessarily and the forests are preserved for future generations.
Carbonization process to turn wood into charcoal
The wood is sorted by size and loaded into a kiln or other enclosed space for carbonization.
The wood is heated to a high temperature in the absence of oxygen, which removes all the moisture, sap, and other impurities from the wood, leaving behind pure carbon.
The resulting charcoal is then sorted by size and packaged for distribution.
Packaging and distribution of Vietnam Charcoal’s Lump Charcoal
The lump charcoal is sorted by size and packaged in durable, eco-friendly bags or boxes.
Each bag or box is labeled with the type of wood used and the size of the charcoal pieces.
The lump charcoal is then distributed to local markets or exported to customers worldwide.
Advantages of Vietnam Charcoal Best Lump Charcoal
 Pure and natural ingredients
Vietnam Charcoal’s lump charcoal is made solely from high-quality  garden hardwood, plantation wood: acacia wood, eucalyptus wood without any added chemicals or fillers.
This results in a pure and natural product that produces a distinct smoky flavor in food.
Long-lasting burning time
Vietnam Charcoal’s lump charcoal burns hotter and longer than other types of charcoal, such as briquettes.
This makes it an ideal fuel source for grilling, as it requires less frequent refueling and produces consistent heat.Lump white Charcoal
Even high heat distribution for perfect grilling
The natural garden hardwood, plantation wood: acacia wood, eucalyptus wood  used in Vietnam Charcoal’s lump charcoal provides even high heat distribution for perfect grilling results.
This allows for precise control over the cooking temperature and ensures food is cooked evenly throughout.
No chemical additives or artificial flavorings
Unlike other types of charcoal, Vietnam Charcoal’s lump charcoal contains no chemical additives or artificial flavorings.
This means that the natural flavor of the hardwood is retained, allowing for a pure and authentic taste in food.
Quality of lump charcoal of Vietnam Charcoal’s
The quality of charcoal is an essential factor determining its usefulness in these industries. Vietnam Charcoal is one of the best seller producers of lump charcoal in Viet Nam, and its product is widely used in various industries such as metallurgy, chemical and food processing, and living.
Vietnam Charcoal’s lump charcoal is made from high-quality hardwood, which ensures that the charcoal has a consistent size and shape. The wood is burnt at high temperatures for an extended period to produce charcoal with low ash content, high carbon content, and excellent heat retention. This high-quality charcoal is ideal for cooking, as it provides an even heat source that cooks food to perfection.
Vietnam Charcoal’s lump charcoal is also eco-friendly. The company uses sustainable production methods to ensure that its charcoal is environmentally friendly. The wood used to produce the charcoal is sourced from sustainably managed forests, and the production process is designed to minimize waste and emissions.
The packaging of Vietnam Charcoal’s lump charcoal is also noteworthy. The company uses high-quality packaging material that is both durable and aesthetically pleasing. The bags are made of durable materials that protect the charcoal from moisture and damage during shipping and storage.
In conclusion, the quality of lump charcoal produced by Vietnam Charcoal is exceptional. With these qualities, it is no wonder that Vietnam Charcoal’s lump charcoal is a preferred choice for industries and households worldwide.
By following proper use and storage tips, grillers can enjoy an all-natural and flavorful grilling experience that sets their food apart. Whether it’s searing steaks, grilling veggies, or smoking ribs, VietnamCharcoal’s Lump Charcoal is the ideal fuel source for achieving perfect results every time.
In summary, Vietnam Charcoal’s Lump Charcoal offers a range of benefits and advantages for grilling enthusiasts and professional chefs alike. Its pure and natural ingredients provide an authentic smoky flavor.
So why not try Vietnam Charcoal Lump Charcoal for your next grilling adventure? Order now and taste the difference for yourself! With its unmatched quality and natural ingredients, you’re sure to love the results.
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thomsonwoodfuelltd · 3 days
Are The Logs Sustainably Sourced
Choosing sustainable, Ready to Burn certified, kiln-dried logs is a smart and eco-conscious way to heat your home. Our premium logs are sourced from responsibly managed UK forests, ensuring the long-term health of these vital ecosystems. Sustainable forest management techniques, such as reforestation and biodiversity conservation, ensure that new trees replace those harvested, supporting carbon neutrality and maintaining forest vitality. We offer kiln-dried logs made from ash, birch, and oak—dense hardwoods that burn cleanly, with high heat output and minimal smoke. Their low moisture content, less than 20%, ensures a long, efficient burn, making them perfect for homes in smokeless areas. Additionally, our wooden briquettes, made from compressed sawdust, are an environmentally friendly option for clean burning. By choosing sustainable logs, you reduce your carbon footprint, contribute to forest preservation, and enjoy better energy efficiency. Whether for home heating or eco-friendly living, our kiln-dried logs offer superior quality and performance. Make a sustainable choice this winter by selecting our kiln-dried logs. You’ll help protect the environment while enjoying efficient, clean heating. Order today for a greener future!
For more such information visit https://logsforsale-near-me.co.uk/are-the-logs-sustainably-sourced/
or checkout our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@ThomsonWoodFuelLtd
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laresearchette · 1 year
Thursday, March 30, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT PROM PACT (Premiering on April 01 on Disney Channel Canada at 7:00pm) THE CROODS: FAMILY TREE (TBD - YTV)
DISNEY + STAR RAP CAVIAR PRESENTS (Season 1 - All Episodes Available)
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 1:00pm: Giants vs. Yankees (SN) 4:00pm: Jays vs. Cardinals (TSN3) 7:00pm: White Sox vs. Astros (SN) 10:00pm: Angels vs. A’s
NHL HOCKEY (SN360) 7:00pm: Blue Jackets vs. Bruins (TSN2) 7:00pm: Panthers vs. Habs (TSN5) 7:00pm: Flyers vs. Sens (SNWest) 9:00pm: Kings vs. Oilers (SN360) 10:00pm: Ducks vs. Kraken
BIG BROTHER CANADA (Global) 7:00pm
CANADIAN FILM FEST (Super Channel Fuse) 7:00pm: HOW TO GET MY PARENTS TO DIVORCE: Justine is tired of the bickering and the climate at home since her mother's miscarriage. She rallies her friends to create their own court, but things don't go as planned. She will have to learn to communicate her pain so that harmony can return.
9:00pm: GOLDEN DELICIOUS: Everyone wants something from Jake: his father is pushing him to try out for the basketball team and his girlfriend wants to take their relationship to the next level. When Aleks moves in across the street Jake struggles with his own desires.
NBA BASKETBALL   (SN360) 7:30pm: Cavaliers vs. Nets (TSN2) 7:30pm: Celtics vs. Bucks (TSN2) 10:00pm: Pelicans vs. Nuggets (SN360) 10:30pm: Thunder vs. Clippers
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johnaleitner · 2 years
Toilets Made From Leftover Wood Chips
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Kitchen and bath News: Toilets Made From Leftover Wood Chips
Material design is a fascinating era. Materials that we once considered to be waste products are being used in innovative and exciting ways.
Take, a Finnish design company that has just announced a new line of bathroom fixtures made from woodchip scraps.
The composite is waterproof and virtually unbreakable thanks to the unique manufacturing process that uses offcuts from Finland’s forest industry.
Woodio claims that it produces 99% less emissions than traditional ceramics. The result is unique in appearance and texture.
The modern design elevates the products and creates streamlined, minimalist forms. The toilet contains 80% wood volume, which is a first in this industry.
Finnish design firm Woodio created a bathroom. Everything from the seat to the bowl is made from wood composite, which produces 99 percent less emissions than ceramics.
Block is a wall-mounted toilet created using a material invented by Petro Lahtinen, founder of. It contains around 80 percent wood by volume and includes locally sourced aspen, offcuts, and timber from the Finnish forest industry.
The company claims that these wood chips were combined with a mixture of bioplastic resins and fossil-based polyester to make a virtually unbreakable waterproof composite.
Lahtinen claims that its production process does not require heat and only a fraction of the energy and water needed to make traditional porcelain or ceramic toilets. These toilets are usually fired in kilns at over 1,000 degrees Celsius for many hours.
The composite contains 80 percent wood chips per volume
Dezeen told him that there was nothing wrong with ceramics. “It’s the manufacturing process that creates the environmental impact.”
“Industrial ceramics are typically fired at 1,500 degrees Celsius for at most 12 hours. This heat is usually produced by burning gas which causes significant CO2 emissions.”
Toilets are almost exclusively made from one material
Woodio claims its production process produces 99 percent less emissions than traditional ceramic sanitaryware.
This does not include emissions from material sourcing and disposal. These can have a significant impact on the product’s overall footprint.
Lahtinen stated, “the savings are especially focused on the gate-to-gate phase.”
“Even our products must be transported and disposed of at the end of life. Also, raw material sourcing must be considered.”
A resin binder holds the wood composite together.
Lahtinen was the original inventor of Woodio composite material in 2017. The company has made it into many products, including bathtubs and wash basins, with a patented casting technique.
Lahtinen stated, “We have developed moulds that can handle nonfluid raw material.” It is an innovative way to do things.
The toilet blocky is wall-mounted.
Block toilet is the most complex and complicated product in the company’s history. It was developed over three years by the Finnish studio Pentagon Design.
Wood shavings and sawdust have been traditionally used to break down waste in off-grid composting toilets. Woodio claims its flush toilet is the first to be made of the material.
The wood composite still depends on several fossil-based resources such as polyester resin, various additives, and surface treatments. The company intends to switch to bio-based resins when it can move to an industrial plant in the coming years.
Woodio also produces bathtubs and wash basins out of the same material
Because the material is composite, it will make it almost impossible for the toilet to be recycled at the end of its lifespan. This is typically around 10 to 15 years but can reach up to 50 years.
Woodio claims that the toilet can generate energy and prevent it from ending its life in a landfill. This would allow both fossil carbon and carbon from the wood to be released into the atmosphere.
Prior efforts to make toilets more durable have focused on reducing or eliminating water consumption. The Sandi toilet is a concept that uses sand and a small conveyor belt to dispose of waste, while the Samsung prototype burns it.
By: Moss And Fog Title: Sustainably Made Woodio Toilet Made From Leftover Wood Chips Sourced From: mossandfog.com/sustainably-made-woodio-toilet-made-from-leftover-wood-chips/ Published Date: 03-27-2023
Choose Canadian Home Style for your Vancouver kitchen renovation projects.
Canadian Home Style is your family-owned and operated custom cabinetry retailer with a showroom in North Vancouver, BC. We are the official dealer of Cabico custom cabinetry in the Lower Mainland, providing complete kitchen renovations with an extended lifetime warranty. We always keep up to date with the latest trends and are proud members of the NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association.  In addition, we have won the Consumer’s Choice Awards back-to-back in 2021, 2022 and 2023 for our commitment to business excellence. We are considered one of the highest-rated kitchen and bath design and renovation experts in Metro Vancouver. Book now to visit our North Vancouver showroom, where you can get expert advice from one of our kitchen and bath designers. We’re happy to be a part of your journey with your next kitchen renovation project in Metro Vancouver.
Our mission is to help homeowners create beautiful homes that reflect their lifestyles while reducing energy consumption and conserving resources. We do this by providing our clients with innovative products, services and education. We aim to become Canada’s leading sustainable kitchen design and custom cabinetry solutions provider. Our values include integrity, respect, honesty and transparency. These principles guide us as we strive to provide outstanding customer service.
We believe that our success depends on the success of our clients and their customers. We work hard to ensure our clients get the most out of their investments. Our team consists of highly skilled professionals who are experts in their field. They have years of experience working together and know what works and what doesn’t. They understand how to solve problems quickly and efficiently. We are committed to providing excellent customer service. We listen carefully to our client’s concerns and suggestions. We take these into account when planning and executing projects. We always strive to exceed expectations.
Services We Offer:
Kitchen Renovation
Bathroom Renovation
Kitchen and Bath Design
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Experts also recommend setting aside 20 percent of your budget for surprises, including unpleasant demolition discoveries. One is water damage, the electricity that is not up to code, or other budget-spiking gotchas. (hgtv.com)
This is rather grim, but according to Business Insider, 12 percent of couples consider getting a divorce while renovating their home! (familyhandyman.com)
According to Burgin, some hinges have this feature built-in, but it’s an add-on cost for other models of about $5 retail, adding up to $350 to $500 for an entire kitchen, depending on size. (hgtv.com)
Your most significant cost investment for a kitchen remodel will usually be cabinets, typically comprising 25 percent of your budget. (hgtv.com)
Keep 10 to 25 percent of List 2, depending on the budget. (familyhandyman.com)
External Links
 Kitchen Workbook: 8 Elements of a Craftsman Kitchen
Learn how much it takes to remodel a Kitchen. Compose, SEO.
 How much does a kitchen remodel increase your home’s value? – HomeAdvisor
2021: Cost vs. Value
 Cost vs. Value Project: Minor Kitchen Remodel
2022 Kitchen Remodel Cost Estimator
 Cost To Add A Square Foot
Helpful Resources:
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Did you miss our previous article… https://canadianhomestyle.com/?p=10795
The post Toilets Made From Leftover Wood Chips appeared first on Canadian Home Style.
Via https://canadianhomestyle.com/bathroom-renovation/toilets-made-from-leftover-wood-chips/
source https://canadianhomestyle.weebly.com/blog/toilets-made-from-leftover-wood-chips
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everydayenergy · 2 years
Coconut Shell Charcoal and Charcoal Briquettes: Benefits for Home and Industrial Use
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Coconut shell charcoal and charcoal briquettes are two of the most popular forms of charcoal used in both home and industrial settings. Both have their own unique benefits, making them ideal for a variety of applications.
Coconut shell charcoal is made from the shells of coconuts, which are dried and then burned in a kiln. This process produces a high-quality charcoal that is both lightweight and highly combustible. Coconut shell charcoal is often used in barbecues, as it produces a clean, smokeless flame that is ideal for cooking. It also has a longer burning time than other types of charcoal, making it an economical choice for those who want to cook for extended periods of time.
Charcoal briquettes are made from a combination of sawdust, coal dust, and other materials that are compressed into small blocks. These blocks are then burned to produce a long-lasting, hot flame that is perfect for grilling or smoking food. Charcoal briquettes are also often used in industrial settings, as they can be used to fuel furnaces and other heating systems.
Both coconut shell charcoal and charcoal briquettes have their own unique benefits that make them ideal for different applications. Coconut shell charcoal is lightweight and highly combustible, making it perfect for barbecues and other outdoor cooking activities. Charcoal briquettes are long-lasting and produce a hot flame that is perfect for grilling or smoking food. Both types of charcoal are also economical choices, as they can be used multiple times before needing to be replaced.
In addition to their practical uses, coconut shell charcoal and charcoal briquettes also have environmental benefits. Coconut shell charcoal produces less smoke than other types of charcoal, making it an eco-friendly choice for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint. Charcoal briquettes also burn more efficiently than other types of fuel, meaning they produce less waste and require less energy to produce.
Overall, coconut shell charcoal and charcoal briquettes offer a variety of benefits for both home and industrial use. They are lightweight, highly combustible, long-lasting, and eco-friendly, making them ideal for a variety of applications. Whether you’re looking to cook outdoors or fuel an industrial furnace, these two types of charcoal can provide the perfect solution.
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boymilf · 4 years
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leo make fire caveman moments no. 73
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rugbypolycule · 3 years
what more could you do
pairing: arisu ryouhei x karube daikichi
characters: karube daikichi, arisu ryouhei
rating: general audiences, no warnings apply
words: 1788
summary: freshly dropped out of university and knee-deep in depression, arisu ryouhei breaks up with karube daikichi with no explanation. months later, unable to deal with the fallout, arisu goes to his apartment. wounds that have yet to fully scab over reopen.
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Karube didn’t need Arisu. In spite of his poignant absence, the sun still rose every empty morning and set at frigid night. The cold still crept through the cramped apartment, through the creaking floorboards and in-between cracks in not quite sealed windows. The earth turned, it turned, and it turned without Arisu. In this, there was no argument.
So, Karube didn’t need Arisu. If the suffocating world outside his slowly encroaching walls continued its screaming persistence, then Karube too would refuse to bow out. He would grit his teeth, hunch his shoulders in his too-thin jacket, desperately not recalling an exasperatedly fond voice that would nag him to dress warmer. He would curse as he woke up to flecks of snow on his window pane and wrestle with his useless heater. He would not ache for the childlike wonder of someone who was no longer there.
Eventually, the snow would melt. The man who had left would take the rent money with him, and Karube would have to figure out where else he could take up space. Karube would go to work in a run-down bar in the sticky heat of the coming summer, cicadas filling the silence in his mind where a plan for the rest of his life should sit. Karube Daikichi would be, in all senses of the word, alive.
Even so, his chest was empty – so he filled it with tar. Karube was never particularly interested in smoking before the hole in his life abruptly dug itself. Now, the nicotine numbed the disquiet in his head, and his throat burned, and for a brilliant moment nothing felt real. For mere seconds, he could shed the sense of loss that hung around him like a bad smell. He tried his best to heave his heavy hurt out with every exhale, to no avail. He kept smoking, kept treading the smouldering ashes into the concrete beneath his boots outside his apartment building. Kept telling himself this was the last one, that this would be the last time he allowed himself to feel like this.
Eventually, the pack emptied. His hands trembled with it, fingers clenched around cool air. Pressure blossomed in the centres of his upturned palms, stomach knotted, the spaces between his ribs drawn tight.
He shoved his frostbitten fists in his pockets, steeled himself to face a space that was not his home. But as his eyes followed his cloud of exhale, they caught on a figure on the other side of the empty street.
Karube Daikichi realised he did not need a heart.
What was the point of a muscle which tore so easily? Which couldn’t regulate its sole function when it was confronted with such devastating eyes? His heart, this useless lead pump in his chest, that supplied blood to his forsaken limbs. To the legs that would halt for nothing tangible on this earth as they made their way towards Arisu. Like a pitiful asteroid in its hapless orbit around a star, Karube fell into place in front of the man who had left him.
‘Daikichi,’ was all it took to break him. To snap the thin wire that ran from head to heart, built to forbear embarrassment in times like these.
‘Don’t call me that. You don’t get to call me that anymore.’ His voice was abrasion in the quiet evening air. Arisu, tensed and taught, raised his hands in cautious surrender.
‘Sorry. Karube, then. Karube.’
There was always something wounding in the way Arisu said either of his names. As if it was something precious. As if he hadn’t swirled the taste of it in his mouth and resolutely spat it out at Karube’s feet. It made him feel untethered, strings cut all at once and without warning.
‘You kept paying the rent. You left, without telling why, and you never stopped paying the rent. Do you think I need your pity, Arisu? Do you think I need your father’s money?’
Part of Karube wanted to spit more poison at Arisu. To ask if living as a constant disappointment to his father was really so much better than living with Karube. To ask if he really did hate him that much, that he would run to someone who had never tried to understand him, who never tried to love him. Karube had given him so much love. Why did he throw it away?
‘It’s not pity. I would never pity you.’ Arisu’s speech was often soft and hesitant, but in this statement there was an unmistakable firmness.
‘So then fucking explain! You left, Arisu.’
‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.’
‘Why do you keep apologising? If you’re really that sorry then just…’
‘Just what?’ And his eyes. Glassy with unshed tears and rimmed with red from many previous. Arisu was a man exhausted. That his spine was curled forward, that his shoulders almost grazed his ears made him seem smaller and more fragile than Karube had ever known him to be.
The useless muscle in his chest constricted itself again. Karube’s veins throbbed with it. Had he ever really known Arisu? Had he ever meant anything to him? He bit his tongue to stifle the pathetic question he so miserably needed to ask. But brittle eyeteeth could only do so much against a brain on fire.
‘It’s not fair. None of this is… is fucking fair, Arisu,’ and he makes a fist around the urge to reach out, to touch his frost-reddened cheek, to gentle a thumb at the thin skin of his eyelids. He buried such bile once again in the pockets of his worn jeans, glared at the pavement like it would fix any of this. And he had to clench his diaphragm, swallow once, twice, to kill the sob that clawed its way up his throat. He could feel Arisu’s stare itching at his scalp.
‘I’m sorry. I’m- fuck I’m so sorry, Karube. Please,’ and the waver in his words stuck like needles in his skin, ‘you have to know that I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.’
And all too suddenly, a hand cupped his cheek. It was the cruellest thing in the world, the warmth of it. How Karube’s neck arched towards its softness, how Arisu’s palm was moulded to fit his jaw like they were fired in the same kiln, forged in the same fire. Who was Karube to stop it, when the seam of his lips smoothed ever so slowly against the length of Arisu’s thumb? How could he have halted the splintered shudder that parted his lips against the tendon of an unfurled fist?
Small, like the first patter of rain on a cloudy day, Arisu begged.
‘Won’t you look at me?’
Could he have? Was it possible stare bare-faced and guileless into the sun without burning? Karube was willing to go blind with it, if it was Arisu asking.
Some of Arisu’s tears had spilt, shimmering rivulets grazing his cold-stung features. Karube’s treacherous thumb carved its home in the hollow of Arisu’s cheekbone. Ridiculous. Both men, all fragile lungs and wounded eyes, stood holding onto one another as if he couldn’t quite believe he was real. As if the other would stay for as long as he was held.
Like breathing, like the most natural thing in the world, Arisu closed what little distance remained between them.
He kissed him, a whimper leaking from between the searing heat of their mouths. It was torturous, and roiling up the arched column of Karube’s throat came a smouldering ire. Arisu always did this, always dealt the blow while looking like the most injured person in the room. It made Karube want to hurt. Thus the kiss became more teeth than lips, a grab for purchase on whatever chilled skin was exposed to him. Karube kissed to mark, kissed to plea, kissed to hollow out a space for himself that had long since closed.
The inside of Arisu’s mouth was hot, and Karube was a man starved for warmth. His other hand settled, curling against Arisu’s jaw, and all at once Karube was cradling Arisu’s face. He crushed their mouths together again and again, lips stinging and teeth too blunt to cut deep enough to make it right. Karube’s rage rose like steam out of him in the slick kiss, leaving a gentle simmer deep down in his belly.
Arisu cradled Karube’s jaw like one would hold a baby bird. His fingers gentled against his jugular, feeling the searing jackrabbit pulse of his blood under the goose-fleshed skin of his throat. His chapped fingers ran feather-light up and down, ever-so-slightly grazing the beginnings of karube’s hairline. In days gone by, Karube’s favourite thing to do was let Arisu run his fingers over his scalp, working through the tangles in his long hair until he was satisfied. This caress now was more of an echo, ringing hollow in Karube’s chest. His lungs burned with it as he gasped for air into Arisu’s mouth, gasped for what he no longer had.
It was like being crushed.
Pulling away was like pulling glass shards out of Karube’s tongue. His lips stung and his eyes burned and his heart hurt.
‘Why are you punishing me for loving you,’ he choked out, mouth filled with sawdust, ‘why can’t I have you?’
The moment shattered, red string of fate slashed to pieces. Arisu recoiled and almost snapped back, spine ramrod, eyes red-rimmed and wild. The spell broke as Arisu remembered what he came here for.
‘I’m just here to drop off my key,’ he said, voice broken but tone flat as he could muster. Arisu was a different man with the same face, a crude impression of the object of Karube’s tragic affection. Nothing felt right in the cold street, not in Karube’s palm where the cruel metal of Arisu’s key was pressed, fingers moulded over it into a fist by Arisu’s pitiless hand.
‘Just like that.’ It wasn’t a question anymore. The air that had so violently filled Karube’s chest as they kissed had seeped out and then some, leaving him deflated and exhausted. What little hope he had left had been dying a slow death since Arisu turned the corner onto his street.
‘I’m sorry, Karube,’ and Karube didn’t doubt that he was in the slightest, no matter how much it made his ears burn and his pulse ache.
He replied, ‘thanks,’ as devoid of emotion as he could muster. Karube didn’t need Arisu. Not his hands nor his kiss nor his apology. Crossing the street and unlocking the door to the apartment he resolved to move out of as quickly as possible was as easy as breathing glass without choking. Karube didn’t need Arisu.
He didn’t look back.
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