#say it louder for the folks who ain't listening
respectthepetty 9 months
Background Noise in Ep. 5 of 7 Days Before Valentine
Every time a series mentions the color coding, an angel gets her wings. Let's hope Q gets his.
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The visuals before said "once devil" and now Q is covering up the e to make it ONE Devil.
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The way red is used in this series to show temptation, desire, and passion.
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Because when Sunshine isn't dark, he is red.
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Y'all gonna learn that pink =馃挄love馃挄 in 2023 even if it's the only thing you learn this year.
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The way this landlady continues to say the plot out loud each week.
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This isn't background noise at this point. This is in our faces. As it should be.
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Remember Me, Naughty Babe, Be My Favorite, A Boss and a Babe, Laws of Attraction and so many other BLs took up this fight in 2023, but I really need y'all to understand why marriage equality is so important for those of you who continue to argue in my tags that "there are laws to protect us" BECAUSE MARRIAGE IS QUICK ACCESS TO ALL OF THOSE RIGHTS without the time or financial effort.
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I do NOT believe in the institution of marriage but that is MY choice, and everyone should be allowed to choose. This isn't a conversation about marriage, but RIGHTS!
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The lights are the brightest here because some of y'all need to see the damn light and understand just how important this conversation is.
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And how we will be thrown back into the darkness to hide if people do not continue to fight for our rights.
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Which is why our adorable flower boy lives in fear that "they might send [him] to get cured."
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And we continue to have lavender marriages.
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Q, who always wears white, is turning gray.
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Shit's about to get rough.
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uyuforu 10 months
Mmmh i don鈥檛 think it will be his 1st gf, and I don鈥檛 think it will be his 1st love. He dated before and will before her (fs) but I feel like it鈥檚 going to be a great love, a one true live vibe, you know? But I don鈥檛 think it鈥檚 the 1st. But it will feel like that!
I agree with the part of him having gfs before his wife but our hopeless romantic Libra venus dude ain't been in love or in da luv he desires because no.1 he got a Libra venus,these people be having sky high expectations,desiring to be loved but not actually loving da partner but instead being in luv with da relationship.this dudy be liking the yearning for da 1,fated love,destiny,soulmates,etc. Like he aint never loved cuz yall listened to his songs? Man's always yearning for her and what not no.2 folks shouldn't forget he's a virgo stellium,they be DA most practical people on the planet so dude knows who is worth his time and who aint so him already knowing that nah she aint the one but still i can be in a relationship cuz dats what i like is very possible cuz he a libra venus.no.3 i also agree on him not being totally aware of his spiritual gifts,Neow he got that stellium in the eighth house of taboo,ocult,transformation,inheritance,s3x,spirituality,astro stuff.so he unconsciously does that stuff and the possibility of him going to tarot reader and astrologers is likely high and there have been times he and V have talked about their korean astrology experience so he definitely goes to them but he a practical guy too cuz he virgo dominant so has a hard time believing such stuff.no.4 his Libra venus opposes his Aries saturn.i already told ya bout the Libra venus and its in 17掳 neow it does tell about his preference cuz of da degree duhh but its a leo掳 and they tend to like glamorous people that everyone wants,someone who be having people break their necks,lion or cat like people.its in the ninth house the house of many things but also wisdom so gud amount of these peeps date after gaining a certain type maturity and like wise partner to be by their side too and she is a foreigner too btw.no.5 his saturn is in Aries but at 19掳 its a libra degree,it's venus ruled. so this degree does signify finding love later than most if in saturn but if it wasn't for this degree then he woulda actually loved cuz we got Aries there they impulsive and quick.no.6 The opposition's in saturn and venus also delays love and he's got a Libra venus folks so it makes a lot of sense for love to happen after maturity or late especially for saturnian folks cuz they late bloomers so after his saturn return he'll be getting dat true love dat is gon' be his first and only love too,gotta be happy for though cuz son needs some love in his life too.his new chart makes alotta sense to me than the old one.
I'm so proud of you ma boo for representing astrology at such a young age and if you continue then you gon' be one of da best ones at it.keep it up.馃槝馃槝
That keeps me going I swear, these kind of comments make my day TT... Thank you so so much... <3
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muffynetop 2 years
No Identity - Twists and turns as she explores life
No Identity - Twists and turns as she explores life
Chapter 1: Jumping you in
Voices in the distance. Louder and louder they become. Rolling over in the bed she is abruptly woken from her sleep. Just like that she's on her feet. Grabbing her wig she pops up from the bed. Mirror check real quick she adjusts her wig while making sure her face is flawless before she steps out. Flashing a smile at herself Tiara is impressed. "I woke up like this" she mutters and giggles.
Ready for the drama waiting outside the door. It's never peaceful in this house. Day in and day out there's always some drama going down. Tiara has always been the mediator when needed. She is a chameleon and she is programmed. As she steps out the door she prepared herself. She has no idea what she is walking into. That would stop most. Not her she's on go.
Loud bickering amongst 2 women. Profanities flying everywhere. Do it. Do it. You talking but I ain't seeing shit.
Tiana walks down the hallway rapidly. Who is this bitch in here bout to fight now. WHAT IN THE FUCK IS ALL THIS YELLING IN MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW? IS YOU BITCHES OUT YOUR FUCKIN MIND? WHERE THEY RAISE HOES AS DISRESPECTFUL AS U TWO? Her voice is loud and scratchy and filled with base. She stops in the doorway of her guestroom. Good Morning to you Bitch! Asia! Faith! You bitches woke me up to some bullshit yet again. Why the fuck is you fighting?
Asia responds " Yana this bitch is tripping. I don't bow down to no bitch. I don't care who she is. Her momma could be Oprah her daddy could be Obama and I could give two fucks. That shit don't mean a fuckin thang. Stuck up ass bitch don't want it with me Yana. You better get your folks for I mop yo floor wit her. I'm not the one. I keep telling this hoe my gold spoon got lost in the mail. I'm like a wolf walking thru these Frisco streets I'm hungry and first thing that move wrong I'm on. Imma eat.
Faith is rolling her eyes and laughing. In a soft but assertive voice she says " I'm not afraid of this bitch, your loud cuz you need attention to distract from the fact that you are wrong. Instead of being a real ass woman like you hollering you are. No you can't even have a simple conversation. Your fake as fuck and I will not cater to that. You don't like that I speak real and back it up that's too bad for you.
Fuck whatever spoon I got in my mouth. You mad cuz I'm real and you see something you can never be and it's killing you inside. So you find the first thing your simple mind can and you pounce on it. Twist shit up start drama do anything to try to make everyone in your presence as miserable as you are inside. So fuck you fake ass think you punkin somebody ass bitch! Real don't cost a dime but like you say it's in you or it ain't! You ain't got it and you can't stand when somebody tell you how it is. Laughing as she continues You think you gonna say some shit to me then when I respond and it hurts you wanna go back to acting like we 5 an throw a tantrum so you're mommy comes running to save yo ass. Pathetic ass bitch. Yana you no me! I apologize for waking you up but you no the company you keep you no how this bitch is.
Tiana shakes her head back and forth in disgust. What was I thinking having these broads come to my house? I thought they would act like the had sense? Yeah right who was I kidding. These bitches always doing something. Can't get along cuz they both always trying to prove something. Always tryna make sure that everything revolves around them. Listen to me both you bitches. You both out of pocket as fuck. I ain't even gunna ask why you fighting cuz I no it's over nothing. I'ma say this tho you both need to grow the fuck up. You both is messy as fuck. This shit ain't cute. THIS SHIT AIN'T NORMAL AND THIS SHIT IS NOT BOUT TO GO ON A SECOND LONGER. NOT IN MYYYYYY MOUTHA FUCKIN HOUSE and from my guests. BITCHES better check yourself quick. Yal might like people looking at you with disgust or dismay but I don't like being embarrassed. I don't need no negative press.
This real life bitches where we know who we are. We carry ourselves with class and bounce all that other shit out. Do you bitches even have a clue who you are? Do you know what you stand for? Who is you representing looking so ignorant and so loud? Bitches I brought you out here to step your game up. Lace you up and jump you into this game. Its not even day 1 and you showing your ass. I'm embarrassed for you. I'm amazed that anyone would even claim they raised you after seeing that drama. I'd be ashamed if I was your momma or your daddy.
Tiana stands there in amazement. Looking back and forth between these two basic ass bitches. Her girls since yay high. Twists and turns thru life the have gone thru them all together. Side by side they had pride in one thing. They made it thru it all and they did it all together. ENTITLED. Proud and don't care. Loud and arrogant.
Back to bed she goes. Shakes her head in dismay. Girl them bitches just jumped you in at yo own spot. Jumping you in and making it clear I'm here now you can't get out less you die.
Welcome to my world. Buckle up and hold on. This is just the start of day 1. Your in this now, you rockin wit us til the end, you jumped in, so you in.
0 notes
elinor-taylor 2 years
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The Skylark sisters crouched behind the enormous stone monolith. The girl child would be along any moment now and they'd be here with their traps and magics to steal her away, as per the plan.
Seemed their idea to get a head start on A-Troop and the others was as smart an imagining as any city folk could muster. The rest of the hummer crews, along with the woodland recruits (recruits - like they had a choice), were well beyond snatching range, and would likely be a thousand brown heifers away by the time the girl trod the nearby section of path.
She was with the goblin, alright. They'd seen him, or rather they'd smelled him. This might actually work.
Mae didn't speak of magic coins or wishing wells or wings, but Eryl knew what lay at the foot of her sister's wants. Didn't have to be a seer to see the obvious. She didn't blame her either. The thought of having her own wings torn off, to be grounded for all time, to have to walk everywhere, brimmed a vomitous rage in her chest.
That wasn't to say Eryl didn't have motives of her own. Any Diamonder would agree: get the opportunity to make things right and, by fuck, you take it. Take it and ram it where the boss least expects it to go.
Mae reached in the pockets of her gown and pulled out a grouping of nettle flowers, bound with vole-hair cord. She laid it on the shrine with the other offerings. It wasn't honeysuckle, as was the custom. Difficult to come by those without trekking beyond the borders and into the outer West. But it was the gesture that mattered. We remember you, it said. We remember you fondly and with love.
Eryl smiled at her wingless sister.
The twin fairies waited for the outer girl and goblin to arrive.
Marie caught up with Muggins as they rounded the last corner, by which time the air was syrupy thick with the scent of honeysuckle. It was then she saw the flowers, piled high and scattered all about what seemed to be a stone monument tucked into a narrow crescent of trees.
'Look!' she said, not even considering that her pudgy companion might already know full well about this place.
'Queen's Table,' came the goblin's flat reply. He'd have kept walking had the girl not stopped.
'Queen?' Marie said. 'Like an actual queen?' She noticed symbols carved into the stone that reminded her of things she'd seen when visiting her father at St Bart's. 'Is she...dead?'
'Dunno,' Muggins said. 'Not for definitely, anyways. Goes missing, like, out of the blue. One night: woof, she's gone.' Muggins looked up. The girl appeared startled. 'Oh, she's not in there, biggun. No, no. Empty, that is. Just a table.'
'Did they find her?'
'Not as I knows about.'
Marie stepped cautiously off the path. The table, as Muggins called it, looked so weatherworn, decades old, that she wondered how it could be sat in the forest that long and yet still be adorned with flowers as if it were put there only yesterday.
'Lot of flowers for just a table,' Marie said. 'Looks like someone believes it's more than that.'
She wanted to feel the rough stone against her fingertips and lower her face to the honeysuckle blooms and breathe them in. They smelled like a garden in summertime - a memory she closely associated with her father, before he upped and died.
'Nope,' the goblin said. 'Just a hunking slab of stone. They likes to put bits on it. Suppose they be hoping it'll bring her back or something. Boggled if I know. You'd reckon by now they'd sees it as a bad lot, but nah. Shitterbugs be like that, persistent little gerps.'
Marie wasn't listening. She was too busy crunching across dead twigs and leaf mold and was nearly at the shrine.
The goblin spoke louder, almost too loud to be talking to Marie, who wasn't so far away. 'Whatever you be thinking of doing,' he called out, 'I'll tell you, it ain't be smart. You hear me? Muggins knows better. Listen or else bad things happen. Clear?'
A pause. Marie stopped then, as if taking notice of him for the first time. She turned to look back.
'Bad things,' he said again, reiterating for effect.
Thinking better of what she guessed now might be a fool's folly, Marie took a step back toward the path, when her foot met with something on the ground. It made a sound like a gentle clink. She looked down to see a small metal object glinting through the leaves. The grass and weeds had grown about it such that it must've been there, unseen, for a long while.
She reached to picked it up, turned it this way and that: most definitely a coin, but a strange one.
The coin had a loop at the top, as if it belonged on a necklace, or on a pin to be mounted on a breast pocket, more medal than coin. It was similar in feel and weight to the medals her old grandad left in a box in the attic of the house at Marble Falls.
Muggins craned to look. 'Whatcha gots there, girly?'
Marie slipped the coin into the side pocket of her backpack thinking such a pretty object should not be left to fester on the ground. 'Nothing,' she said. 'Dropped my key is all.'
From behind the stone altar, Mae almost exploded out of her own skin. She would've rushed the child, snatched the damn coin from her grubby fingers had her sister not reached a swift arm about her neck, and clamped a firm hand over her mouth.
'No!' Eryl said in a harsh whisper. 'You heard him: bad things.' And when she was sure Mae could be trusted not to dash after the girl, who was by then back on the path and walking away, she slowly loosened her grip.
'But, the coin-'
'Yes,' Eryl said. 'Dumb stupid luck a biggun would stumble on it. But we can't allow ourselves to lose sight of the end. I know how much you need this, Mae. Really I do. And I'll help you all I can, just as soon as we've done what has to be done. Please try, Mae. For me? For all of us? This is more than one pair of wings.' She raised a hand to her sister's cheek to caress away tears. 'You see that, don't you?'
Easy for you to say, Mae thought.
Hidden deep within the wingless fairy's broken mind, her master's words tickled at the edges of what she knew to be true: Do as I ask and all will be returned to you, fourfold.
Mae nodded. Perhaps at her sister, perhaps at the echoed words of her master. Taking the child to Borealis to curry favour with the captain was one thing, but the girl had a coin now - a silver fucking coin! - so despite the face she presented to Eryl, or anyone else for that matter, the rules of this war had changed.
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fonkeloog 2 years
okay so i saw you were rating music taste? (if not feel free to ignore this ask sjdhsh)
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Britt's music things (deluxe edition)
Why hello! This is fun, please everyone send me more music things. I love this <3 I tried not to be too harsh, but please know that all of this is said in good fun and I love getting to know people through their music.
That being said, I'm going to put a cut because I'm not as fancy as my friends and couldn't figure out the text in picture thing. So this has become rather long. (Comments were made during the first listen. They may change with time)
Ghostbusters: 4/10
A classic
I like the 80's sound a lot so you really can't go wrong with that in my books.
That being said; this song gets very repetitive very quickly (which is why the rating is so low)
I Love You Like An Alcoholic: 6/10
The start is cute and cozy, but I'm not sure if I like it.
Is this singing or just talking over music? We may never know.
It kind of feels like a musical song? I'm getting whiplash trying to figure out the genre.
I like the woman's voice!
Catchy in a funky way
Tom's Diner: 6.5/10
Really need to be in a certain mood to listen to this one, but it's in several of my playlists.
The voices are really nice. I like the raspy sound
The 'dududu' part is too long and makes me skip it a lot of the time.
Sunflower: 3/10
Oh no. I can appreciate some sound effects, but this is giving me shivers in a bad way. Don't like the start of this at all.
The chorus is a bit better. I think if the beginning was without the effects I'd like it a lot more
I may have to relisten to this before I like it?
Choking On Flowers: 2/10 (8/10 for the insomnia playlist tho)
Another slow one? Oh, correction, an extremely slow one.
That's it. I'm gonna call an intervention cause this is putting me to sleep (might listen to this tonight in hopes of beating insomnia).
It's too slow. And coming from me, who has a playlist over 8hrs long with slow songs, that says a lot.
Get It On: 6.8/10
Oh! This is more like it.
Still a bit slow for what I'd currently listen to, but I definitely like this.
It builds so nice, but I keep waiting for that one part that makes you go "heck yes!" But it doesn't happen :(
Should I Stay or Should I Go: 9/10
The Clash! My beloved!!
This! More of this!
I need a bit more guitars, and just a bit louder, but yes. This is what I love today. (I'm currently in a rock era? My pop/top40 loving self is very confused)
Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love: 7/10
Van Halen! Now you've got it.
He has better songs tbh. This is pretty soft (compared to, let's say Jump!)
I do like it a lot tho!
Broken Crown: 10/10
Mumford & Sons are so underrated, but I kind of want to gatekeep them?
I haven't heard this song before.
I love the folk-rock sound so much, can't go wrong with that tbh.
I love how they strip the sound and then come back with the instruments during/after the bridge. (That's a "heck yes!" Moment)
"I can take the road and I can fuck it all away // but in this twilight, our choices seal our fate." Love love love this line
Take On Me: 6.4/10
This is a classic and I will never not miss a chance to sing this during karaoke.
It's in my 'Old but Gold' playlist, but I often find myself skipping it.
Under Pressure: 7.6/10
Another classic. Queen & Bowie collaborating gave us some really good songs and I'm so glad for that.
It sounds so fun, but the lyrics are actually pretty sad.
Chamber of Reflection: 5.5/10
It sounds like something a friend of mine would listen to while smoking a joint.
It's not bad, but I wouldn't listen to this on my own.
The ending is so slooowww
Cigarettes Out The Window: 4/10
This tickles my brain, but not in a nice way.
This may be a 'wetleg' situation. Which means I hate it now, but will love it in a couple of weeks. So it gets an extra point for that.
Fahrradsattel: 6.9/10
This intro is... interesting? (Are those WHIP SOUNDS?!)
I have little to no clue as to what he's saying, but he want to be something?
Okay I translated the lyrics. I have questions
Guitar Solo: 9/10
Look. I love guitars. You had me at the title alone.
Puttin' on the Ritz: 5/10
This has become a tiktok song
I kind of like it, but I'm taking a point away because tiktok ruined it.
Very catchy
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moody-cowdaddy 5 years
That's The Way It Is
Arthur Morgan x Reader | Oneshot/Drabble #2
Summary: Everything comes to an end sooner, or later.
Category/Trigger Warning: Emotional Turmoil, Angst, Drama, Character Death.
A/N: This is really just a blurb/drabble. It's not part of an actual story or the imagines. I just wanted to write an emotional turmoil/devastating piece of what I think Arthur's last words to the reader would be.
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"And for you,
For you, I would brave the wolves,
And for you,
For you, I would sacrifice my heart.
Starting with the most obvious part,
That sad enough place has gotten me through the dark,
Dying just to reach you,
As the horizon fades,
The sun begins to rise."
Things had gonna from bad to worse. On top of the Saint Denis bank heist going to shit - Hosea and Lenny were killed, and that was one of the biggest losses the group had ever taken, loosing one half of the gang's voices of reason, especially. It shifted the whole feeling of the group. To top that off, you had been sick out of your mind with worry when Arthur and some of the others, including Dutch, had been stranded on some island for weeks called Guarma. It took all you could do to hold your sanity together, out of your mind with worry wondering where he was.
But, when they all finally returned, safely, it gave the group just the smallest amount of hope for the moment, that maybe this whole situation could be beaten.. That was until the Pinkertons showed up again, so, the last few weeks had been nothing but running and running and running. You were low on places to go now, and there was an ominous feeling that hung over everyone's head.
That ominous feeling manifested itself for you when Arthur became extremely sick weeks prior. You all had noticed for a while that he had a terrible cough that seemed to only persist day by day, but with the way you were all stuck living, it just seemed maybe he was under the weather due to circumstances. Once he finally went to a doctor, nothing about it was good news. He had contracted the white plague itself - Tuberculosis.
You didn't want to believe him when he told you what his diagnosis was.
"There's nothin' that can be done?!" You pleaded with him.
He shook his head, coughing, "N-no, darlin'. Doctor gave me a shot to keep me goin'. Said I needed rest," he laughed as he said it, amused by the statement.
You pressed your hands to his face, tears forming in the corners of your eyes as you sat on his cot beside him. "This can't happen. Not now, not like this."
He placed a hand on your knee. "Things is about to change, (Y/N)."
"Yeah, an' not for the goddamn better, Arthur," you rasped, "Ya can't leave me." You laid your head over onto his shouler, a sense of dread filling you so completely that you thought you might pass out.
"I don't want to, y'know that, but y'gotta prepare yerself for the worst now. I still gotta take care'a you an' the rest'a these folks. So, I need ya to listen to me now, sweetheart." He turned to you, gently grabbing your face with his hands. "Dutch ain't the same no more, an' if you, or anybody else stays with him, y'ain't gonna survive another year. We had a real chance of gettin' outta here.. An' like'a fool, I was too blinded to see that he never wanted to. All this talk'a dreams an' goin' off to live on some goddamn island was a bunch'a bullshit. Dutch don't want outta this way of life. He never did."
"Runaway. Drop everythin' an' runaway with me now, Arthur. Please," you begged him with everything you had in you.
He looked at you longingly, like he wanted to say yes. His eyes that were once so bright and lively, were now bloodshot and weak. He was pale, and losing weight almost daily as the sickness grew inside of him as that tell-tale rattling in his chest became louder and louder.
He shook his head. "I can't. Not now, (Y/N). I gotta help these people. I gotta try an' help as best I can while I still got time. I'ma bad man, but I ain't gonna just run off an' forget my responsibilities. I gotta do what I gotta do to keep y'all safe."
"Then come with me after. I want a life with you, Arthur. I wanna do things right, an' I wanna stop runnin' for my life every goddamn day. I just want you. I wanna have your children, an' I wanna grow old with you in a place we can call our own." The tears streamed down your cheeks now as you looked up at him, still begging.
He squeezed your face in his hands. "I want that. I do. I want that more than anythin', sugar.. But when the time comes, y'gotta run an' don't look back. That means whether I'm with you, or not."
"But, Arthur," you growled.
"Promise me," he breathed, blinking at you with tears seeping from the corner of his own eyes.
"Arthur," you sobbed again, squeezing his shoulders.
"Just promise me, darlin'," his voice cracked as he spoke, "Or else all of this'll be for nothin'."
You glared at him, knowing that there was no real way to convince him otherwise. Once Arthur made up his mind about something, that was that. All you could do was sit here and nod your head, and try to accept that he wanted to do the right thing. It made your heart ache even more to know that he truly was a good man. You bellowed, throwing yourself onto him, burying your head deep into his chest. You closed your eyes tightly, the tears staining his shirt as you prayed to God to wake you up from this nightmare.
All you could do now was hold onto him and salvage the time that you had left.
~A few weeks later~
'When the time comes, you gotta run an' don't look back,' Arthur's voice rang through your memory.
In the last 2 weeks, the gang had completely fallen into ruin. Half of the members that had grown to become like family to you were dead now, and the other half had up and left. Dutch had gone completely mad, putting all of his trust and reliance into Micah, who turned out to be just what everyone else could see that he was - a rat. He had been the one sifting information to the pinkertons about the gang and their whereabouts, all along.
You, Arthur and John were on the run for your lives now. The Pinkertons were hot on your trail as you raced through the mountains east of the Grizzlies, trying your best to outrun them, but that had become harder and harder to do. They had surrounded the area, and as much as you wanted to escape, to go on and to live happy lives.. It really didn't look like that was a possibility anymore. Dutch had led everyone on for so long, and this was now the price of that.
Arthur looked back as you scaled up the side of one of the small mountains, overlooking the ground below to make sure that the Pinkertons weren't right on your tail for the moment. You closed your eyes tightly, fearing for the worst as you were coming to terms with the fact that this wasn't a fairytale, and every action had a consequence one that all of you would pay dearly for. There wasn't bound to be a happy ending for this story.
Arthur bowed over, gasping and breathing hard as he tried his best to gain some energy to keep going. He coughed wildly, spitting out blood onto the gravel beneath his feet. He pulled himself back up, looking to the ground below before he turned his gaze to you, taking a step closer.
"Push it, Arthur!" John encouraged him.
Arthur shook his head, "No. I think I pushed all I can."
"We ain't got time for this now," John urged to him.
Arthur put his hand up, silencing John as he looked at you. "(Y/n), darlin'. We can't choose our fate."
He looked over his shoulder, checking once more. You could hear the rattling deep down in his chest as he struggled to breathe, and you could hear the sounds of men far off in the distance as they tore the woods apart, searching for you. Arthur turned back to you again, the devestated expression becoming more and more pronounced on his tired, sickly face.
"Mine was laid out for me a long time ago," he continued, "I lived this life, an' I gotta answer for it now. I never gave it up. Not for Mary, not for my own good, an' not even for my boy. But since I met ya, it's left me wantin' to go back in time, an' made me wanna be a better man than I was. Maybe I wouldn't've went down this path like this. I wish i'da got the chance to do things different, an' I wish I coulda done it with you.." he coughed roughly, his breathe ripping through his swollen lungs like knives.
He laid a hand across his mouth. His breathing becoming more labored as he struggled to speak.
Tears began to fall down your cheeks as you squeezed his hands tightly. "Don't you talk like that, you still can. We can get outta here. Me and you."
He smiled weakly, shaking his head at you. "We ain't both gonna make it, (Y/N)."
"Arthur. Don't you dare." You glared at him.
The tears welled up so heavily in your eyes that he was just a blurry figure in your line of sight now. He pulled his hat off his head and placed it on top yours, along with pulling his satchel off of his shoulders to put it around your shoulders. This gesture from him made you gasp for breath, doing your best to hold back your desperate sobs.
"what I can make right is making sure you get the hell outta here and live your life. You're good, (Y/N). Too damn good for me, an' I was a lucky man to have ya for even a second," he said sincerely, pulling you into him to give you a hug.
You grabbed onto him tightly, digging your nails into his back as you buried your face into his chest. He had become more and more frail over these last weeks, and you could feel just how much he really had now. The Tuberculosis diagnosis had took a heavy toll on him, and he was terribly underweight. You cried into his chest, trying your hardest to savor this moment with him, hoping against hope that he'd change his mind and come with you. You loved this man more than anything in the world. You could hear the faint beating of his heart in his chest, it was almost drowned out by the sound of the sickness in his lungs.
The sounds of the men in the distance were starting to close in on you now.
"Go," he whispered, his voice cracking as he pulled your head back to look down at you. He gestured his head to you and John. "I'll hold 'em off "
"Arthur," John snapped, trying to persuade him to come with the two of you.
"John, I'm countin' on you to get her an' yerself outta here." He said, giving John the stern directions.
"Arthur Morgan," You growled so roughly through gritted teeth that you could feel it send a sharp pain through your vocal cords.
"Go," Arthur commanded louder to the both of you. He pointed at john. "Get the hell outta here an' be a goddamn man."
You frantically grabbed for Arthur's jacket, but he pulled you back by yours arms, forcing you to let him go. He looked down at you with tears in his own eyes now. "You told me once that were all gonna die someday, an' darlin', I'm sad to say that day is here for me. Even if I came with ya, I'd have a few weeks, maybe. Please, go an' live y'life for me. There'll be time for sorrow later, y'gonna be alright, girl."
"I can't lose you. You were it for me," you cried.
"An' you was for me, (Y/N). But they'd never stop chasin' us now, even if I wasn't already on my deathbed with this goddamn sickness. They want me an' Dutch dead. I love you, darlin'. More than anythin'."
"Let me stay," you pleaded, "John can escape. Let me stay here with you. Better I go out in a hail of bullets than to be without you."
He quickly shook his head at you. "You an' I both know I ain't gone let y'do that."
You gasped for your own breathe, the devastation was caving in on you quickly now. You had exhausted all of your options, none of them which he would let you go along with.
"I love you, girl. Just remember that," he said.
"I- I l-love you t-too," you stammered, crying so hard now that you could barely speak.
"You're my brother," John called out from behind you.
"I know." Arthur nodded, pulling away from you.
You still tried your best to hang onto him, in a last ditch effort to convince him, but John finally grabbed your arm, pulling you away, because you had no time left now. You tried to push him off, fighting and clawing at him as you screamed for Arthur, but he held you so tightly that all you could do was watch on in horror and complete despair as your whole world crumbled down in front of you as you saw the man you loved dying, trying to give you a better chance at life by sacrificing his own, but it was one that you couldn't imagine without him.
You dropped you your knees as you watched him go, with John's arms still wrapped around you to keep you in place. He pulled you up with all of his strength, throwing you onto his shoulder as he turned the opposite way to escape.
Arthur looked back at the both of you once more, exchanging a nod of goodbye before he turned and made his way back down the mountain towards the Pinkertons, his revolver in hand.
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lovemecharlie 6 years
Five Months In.
Charlie's Gender Reveal x Kristina the FreakyThief finds a new love 馃挄
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Charlie felt like she was on her period almost, but without the blood and once her belly had grown to a noticeable size, suddenly everyone in her life was an expert on pregnancy and babies, feeling the need to tell her everything they'd ever half-read or heard. Her parents had stories about her childhood for days, odd stories that only Erik wanted to hear so that he could look at her and laugh. He wanted to get slapped, Charlie had the suspicion that he got off on it especially since she'd been a bit more temperamental than usual. Her moods changed quicker than Bastion's outfits. Her clients had helpful tidbits at times, but mostly empty aww's, nosey digging questions, and general knowledge. Nothing for the swelling, constipation, or bloating. She was grateful for the consideration and well wishes, but she wished people would mind their own business in the most polite way possible while keeping their hands to themselves. They weren't at the Apollo and her stomach was not a block of wood people could rub for good luck. Anyway, that was neither here nor there, the day of her gender reveal had arrived and she was determined to have a great day. She felt energized and there was a party to prep for.
"Need help," Erik asked waltzing into the room. He never knocked, he'd always just barge in.. often not even saying anything, just staring out of the window. Sometimes she'd stand next to him and he'd hug her. Those were the times she wondered if he was really okay, though she never asked, she just stood with him. "Nope, I'm feeling pretty decent so I've got this," Charlie smiled casually lifting from the bed to take her shower. Erik walked to her west facing floor to ceiling window. Nearly all of her walls were replaced with windows tinted from the outside. Thick glass stretched horizontally across the room, giving a magnificent sky view, property view, and beyond. He could see everything from her windows, the perfect high perch.
"You know this used to be my office before we met? I used to come in here to think when life, Wakanda, the center, Hennessy, Ang茅le, Kimora, and that damn Davita," he smirked, "..would get to be too much." He paused looking out and Charlie made her way to his side to stare out as well. "Sometimes they would really raise a nigga blood pressure to the point where I could either snap and do something terrible that I'd regret or I could walk away. It's like the same decision has been presented to me over and over again my whole life and because of the love implanted in me by my father, I've been forced to face these situations head on. Because I loved my wives, I couldn't hurt them like I'd hurt someone else. I'd lock myself in this room and look out these windows reminding myself of why I chose this road. Why I ain't give up in Wakanda? Why do I still push for these folk who act like they don't give a damn when I do it for them? Why I let myself fall in love?"
Charlie simply listened as Erik was transported back in time through his thoughts.
"I want you to know that no matter what happens in this house, you're special to me like this room is special to me. I'm safe with you. Don't think I don't appreciate it and all the times you spent right here with me while I was going through it."
Wordless, Charlie wrapped her arms around his waist, her head against his bare chest. He smelled good.. clean and fresh like rain. His fingers absentmindedly played in her curls as they stood there in silence.
"Can I be your safe place," he asked suddenly, catching Charlie off guard and causing her to realize that other than prayer.. she didn't really have one. She didn't trust anyone enough to be that vulnerable. Did she even trust Erik? She had to think about it. No, she didn't, but if she was going to stay with him, she needed to start. There was a long silence, since she refused to give him a yes that she did not mean and he was patient as he said he'd be.
"..Yes," she finally whispered into his raised skin answering the spoken and unspoken questions between the two of them. On her return to the household, she'd promised she'd try to make the marriage work and this was taking a giant step in the right direction. She hoped she wouldn't regret it.
The shower was exactly what her body needed and when she emerged towel-wrapped and hair wet, Erik was still there at her window. She approached and he did a double take, taking in the wet curls draping over her shoulders and her glistening skin. As if forgetting the thoughts he'd been tangled in, he tilted her head back kissing her on the forehead and lips before halting her with his hands in the air. "Wait here, I'll be right back," he stressed before jogging off. When he returned a minute or so later, she was sitting on the bed, waiting. He held out a garment bag and what he unveiled was a jumpsuit. An iridescent champagne colored jumpsuit with a long bejeweled train glowing from the waist. It was beautiful.
"This is for me?" Charlie leaped inspecting the garment. It was precisely her style.
"Try it on," Erik grinned full of pride, helping her into it. It was a perfect tapered and comfortable fit with space for her growing belly. She looked in the mirror, her smile wide as he stood behind her adding a chunky diamond choker set in more diamonds in rose gold. "Don't worry," he rushed watching her expression, "I'll return it if you don't wanna keep it, but for today let me ice you out. Then you can trade it for a mountain of haircare products or whatever it is you splurge on."
She laughed. She splurged on gifts. The Kompound was bougie and fancy as hell. Diamond this and that, cars on cars.. She couldn't buy them Calvin Klein. Calvin Klein??? She'd be shot! No, she saved her coins and splurged on holidays so that she could afford the big brands.
"I'm a spoil my lil monster when she comes. She finna be the iciest baby all because her mama wanna be plain."
"You can spoil our SON however you wanna spoil our SON, HE's our SON," Charlie grinned.
"Like I said, my PRINCESS will get the south pole around her neck."
"Poor polar bears," Charlie chuckled admiring her sparkling reflection. She needed to beat her face and throw on some heels, although her feet were swollen. She wondered if she could jam them into some heels.
"Just wear flats," he chuckled dropping some sparkly flat shoes near her feet.
"I want heels. This look needs heels!" Her hands posed on her hips, she was feeling herself, standing on her toes.
"As clumsy as you are without them? I don't need a reason to worry. Angel's pregnancy stressing me enough."
"How are you holding up?"
He looked at her like he had just run a marathon and was out of breath, shaking his head.
"Damn," she grimaced. "It'll be worth it. Once the twins get here and she's given birth, she will heal and you will too. You'll be able to show her all the love you've been afraid to and the twins will help you."
"I'm scared, Charlie. I need her around. I don't know what I'll do if... I can't.. I can't do this shit without her-"
"I know. She'll be okay," Charlie smiled holding his chin in her hand, "She will!!! You'll be okay. You'll look back on all of this and it'll be another segment of your crazy life that you've fought through. You're Killmonger! If anyone can make it through this rough stage, it's you. Positive thoughts. In fact, let's go see Angel right now."
The time had come and Charlie's face was finally beat, her hair twisted with added hair in a long ponytail. She felt like a badass intergalactic fairy. Erik wore white, his vest accented with the same champagne iridescent material. The wives, Kristina, and Davita wore variations from the same color family from champagne to white to silver to lavender.. as did the extended family for the most part. Diamonds dangled all over and everyone was beautiful. The event was in the massive backyard near the lush garden where the large gazebo stood overgrown and taken over by flowers. The DJ mixed oldies like Frankie Beverly and Earth Wind & Fire with new music from the likes of Sango, H.E.R, Khalid, MNEK, etc. There was even a sprinkling of some lit gospel, something for everybody. People drank, laughed, danced, and feasted on a spread produced by the mansion's kitchen staff. Of course, Josphine and Kristina had to contribute a few gems like cobblers and pies because they had a specific way of making them that couldn't be duplicated.
When the games came, the guests got even louder and Charlie was grateful that Erik owned so much land, the neighbors were far away. "It's a boy, her stomach is low!" "She a little fatter in the middle, it's a girl." "It's gotta be a boy!" "No, the baby's too high, she's a girl!" Charlie earhustled as the loud debates went on and Erik being the hustler that he was took bets causing Charlie to roll her eyes. Nakia insisted that the baby was a girl siding with Erik while T'Challa refused to comment. Nakia's sideeye kept him from disagreeing. The wives refrained from comment too, already aware of the baby's gender since they'd set up the reveal.
"Travante!" Charlie yelled, waving excitedly when she noticed the chocolate man appear in white and silver, his smile the whitest of all.
Erik's brow raised as he watched the exchange from a short distance away, his ears listening hard as he watched her lips trying to read them. He decided to trust that Charlie knew what she was doing while he socialized, but he still stayed close.
"I'm glad you could make it," Charlie grinned giving Tre a loving side hug and dragging him to meet the other wives. "Y'all this is THE Trevante. Trevante, this is Hennessy, Kimora, her sister Davita, Bastion.."
"I've seen you before," he pointed to her and she grinned, swishing her dress, flattered.
"This is Aly'Sha, Ryley, Angel.."
"Wow! I've heard about you. I'm glad you're doing better.. and you look stunning. You strong as hell," he gaped and Angel's warm smile made him smile.
"Aight nigga," Erik spoke in warning stepping back to Angel's side in her tricked out Chanel inspired black and gold wheelchair. He was being extremely patient and Charlie was proud, giving his hand a squeeze as she smiled at Tre. Tre nodded, calm and understanding.
"And this is Josephine, Homie, and where is... oh there she is!" Charlie grinned. Over by the dessert table was Kristina making sure everything remained presentable and attractive. She wore a champagne sequined one- shoulder dress that fit her like a second skin, her cleavage sparkling and her full and flowing. "Kristina," Charlie yelled waving her over. The second she spotted Trevante, her eyes focused in on his face and she swallowed.
"This is our little bee, Kristina. Little bee, meet Trevante," Charlie gestured. Kristina's face flushed and Trevante grinned. It was an instant connection that Charlie felt. She could see the chemistry creating bonds on their eyes. It made her feel like playing Cupid.
"Aow SHIT," Charlie yelled dropping her glass of sparkling cider. It shattered and Erik pulled her away quickly from the glass. As he was about to bend to pick it up, she gripped him hard pausing him. "Tre, would you mind going to find a staff member to clean this up? Check in the house. Kristina, could you escort him so that he knows where to go? I'm so clumsy, wow. I can't believe I did that.. Sheesh!"
Watching the two walk away toward the house, Charlie saw the visual herself and Erik in the early stages and it made her smile.
"Okay, Cupid," Erik grinned, "I see you."
"See what happens when you trust me," she mused.
As the festivities continued, the moment everyone had been waiting for finally came. Charlie was so anxious with excited energy that Erik had to rub her arms and he was just as antsy. "Are you excited, are you excited, are you excited?" Charlie bounced.
"AHH," good his eyes widened before he shook his head laughing out the excess energy.
"Look at you, you shook boy," Hennessy teased. "We already know the gender, it's fun watching you sweat," Ryley laughed enjoying the flustered Erik. He put up a playful middle finger, pacing and Charlie could see him taking deep breaths. "As long as it's healthy," she mouthed and he nodded picking up the bedazzled handgun and aiming it at the target set up free and clear in the distance, a large white balloon with 'Charlie & Erik' written on it in black script. She picked up the identical gun laid out for her and aimed it at the large black balloon with the same writing in white.
"You ready, C?"
Charlie made sure her aim was on point. "Let's go get'em!"
The guns fired simultaneously and both balloons popped flaring into two pink explosions. Erik dropped the gun, not knowing what to do with himself as his arms swung across his body.
"TOLD YO ASS," he grinned with an aggressive index pointing, eyes wet. Charlie wiped his eyes nodding. She was speechless, her own eyes wide in shock. She really thought it was a boy, but she was happy regardless. Nakia could be heard in the crowd telling M'Baku to pay up and all of the wives congratulated the happy couple one at a time followed by the party-goers, some of them very drunk. It was a perfect moment.
"Daka," Charlie whispered in Erik's ear with a humored expression once they caught a break, "Where did the little bee and Trevante go? Did they ever come back?" Erik grinned rubbing his beard and shaking his head before looking to the house. They'd been MIA for a while.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @trevantesbrat
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whiskey-blews 6 years
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Nuka World
A new beginning
Part 1
Riley kicked open the small door which led to a small employee locker room, she quickly scanned the room for enemies. Huffing she lowered her gun and slammed the door. Rage boiled within her, who the hell did Coulter think he was speaking to her like that? Too much had she put up with to be in the place she was.This gauntlet was fucking ridiculous and Riley would be damned if someone douched up random was going to end her life here. She kicked a locker door in frustration when a thick gravelly voice came through on the small intercom.
"Alright listen the hell up if you wanna make it out of this alive. I've only got a minute. Find the intercom on the wall and we can talk." He persisted.
"Who the hell are you? What the hell is this place?" Riley demanded, her tone tight.
"Now just calm down, I'm the guy that's gonna get you outta this alive. So, listen up." He instructed.
"Oh yeah? And what the hell is in it for you huh?" She challenged her forehead scrunching up.
"This ain't about whats in it for me. Both of us reap the rewards if you can pull this off. Now are you gonna listen or not?" Then man insisted.
"Go on." She groaned pushing her short blonde hair out of her face.
"My kind of gal. Look: you made it this far, so you obviously have some skills. But this fight coming up is rigged. You get me? Overbook Coulter....his power armour is set up to draw energy from the electric grid in the arena. You get what I'm saying?" He explained with a huff. Of course she expected no less from a raider, no matter what they would always fight for the better hand. But the suit it self intrigued her. Riley loved her tech and mechanical work, she was determined to get that armour. If she made it out alive that is.
"That's some real bullshit if you ask me." She complained rolling her eyes
"Yeah that's exactly why you're gonna do something about it. You wanna win? I stashed a weapon in the lockers, that's gonna be your ticket out." He said, the intercom the made a static sound as his voice cut out.
Riley turned on her heels as her sea green eyes scanned the bright red lockers. Noticing the first aid box on the bench she made a beeline for it. 'Two stimpaks and a syringe of med-x is all they are going to give me what the hell' she thought. She rummaged through the neighbouring lockers to find the weapon he was speaking of....a thirst zapper really.
"You have got to be kidding me," Riley muttered as she picked it up. Turning back around she made her way to the intercom and pushed the response button.
"Is this a fucking... squirt gun?" She griped.
"Yeah yeah, I know what it looks like. You're just gonna have to trust me ok. Do you think you can do that?" He questioned.
"This isn't going to work, but ok. If you get me kill I'll fucking haunt you, I hope you understand. I'll be extra poltergeist-y" she sneered tucking her shotgun back into its strap.
"Look I'm not that big of a dick. Once that water hits his electrically charged power armour, the circuits are gonna short out and kill his defense. But you will only have so much time before those circuits recharge. You take out Coulter, the prize will be worth it for all that time in the gauntlet." The man compromised.
"Staying hydrated is more than half the battle, right?" She laughed a small smile appearing on her face.
"He ain't got a choice." He snickered his southern draw thickened. Something about this man intrigued her she wanted to meet him face-to-face.
"Alright it's time, I'll open the door. I hope to see you on the other side." He spoke and let the intercom cut out again.
Gripping the gun Riley made her way out of the room and through the hall until it ended. She walked towards the window to face the crowd.
"There has to be hundreds of them here." She spoke aloud as the groups chanted and cheered. They wanted action, they wanted blood and Riley silently promised she would deliver. Her gazed then turned to the man in the middle of the arena, she was locked on target and ready to kill.
The door swung open and Riley bolted out squirt gun in hand. Weaving between the old bumper cars she knealt down behind one of the large bottles as Coulter showerd it in bullets. Waiting for the right moment she ran out. Getting as close as she could to the raider leader she quickly aimed the thirst gun and pulled the trigger. Riley dropped the squirt gun then reached behind to pull out her double barrelled shotgun. She put all her weight into her thrust as the stock of her gun met with Coulter's chest plate. He stumbled giving Riley a slight advantage.
She quickly reloaded the shotgun and aimed at his chest. Pulling the trigger she blew one hole into his lower chest. With one more shell in the chamber she pulled the trigger this time it hit him in the the face. His body twitched twice before he finally came down with a loud thud. The crowd started to boo, the sound deafening. But in that moment Riley swore the sound of her breathing and heart rate was louder than anything.
"Holy shit she....she....she fucking killed Coulter. I dont even know what this means. Gage what the hell just happened?" The announcer came over the speakers in shock.
"You saw it...we all saw it. Hes dead and we got ourselves a new Overboss." The southern man now known as Gage spoke in a passive demanding tone. Riley looked over into the window to see a blurry man standing behind the glass next to what she believed to be the exit. People in the stands started to protest as she looked onto the crowd.
"Hey we talked about this remember. She survived the gauntlet. This girl was smart enough to take my advice and she took him down. She's what we need," Gage addressed his voice laced with annoyance.
"I have a fucking name you know, and I would like to be addressed by it." Riley testified taking a step forward, not one soul heard her over the sounds of disapproval.
"How about we show some damn respect for our new leader?," He demanded. Riley snapped her head in his direction. Did he just say leader or was she high. "Alright now get the hell out of here and I'll show the boss around."
The raiders filed out of the stands one by one until there was only Riley and this Gage. She turned and slowly walked up to the glass window, Gage looked at her. His face was still hard to make out due to the dirty windows.
"What did I tell you worked like a charm." He smiled making her cheeks heat up slightly.
"Wow death by water gun, I'd love to see it written on his tombstone." Riley jeered as she slowly returned the shot gun to it's back strap holder.
"Tell me about it. I wish I had a better look at his face when the suit shorted out. Look I understand you have no idea what's going on and, everything was just tossed at you, but you need to listen up," He discussed scratching the light brown beard on his chin.
"Taking out Coulter wasn't a last minute decision. We have been talking about it for a long time now. With him gone we have a vacancy in the Overboss department and you just got the job. All I ask is you trust me and I swear the outcome will be priceless."
Riley looked at the man behind the glass. He was a mystery and his request was even weirder, but yet the idea was tugging at the back of her mind she wanted to know more.
"You've got my attention, but I want to know what my job will consist of." She squinted
"Ok good I got a lot to say so pay attention. There are three raider groups that run Nuka Wolrd: The Pack, The Disciples, and The Operators. These raider aren't normal , they dont play nice with each other." Gage continued. "Thanks to Coulter this place is a ticking time bomb ready to blow at any moment. I think you have what it takes to turn this place around and keep them from killing each other."
She stood there her mouth somewhat agape, was he serious? There was no way this mysterious man was asking her to babysit a bunch of bratty raiders. Something told her it was a bad choice but yet she had to do it. The thought of power and this big of an army to support her in finding Shaun. These raiders would only be pawns in an army to her.
"Deal ill do it, but the first person to try and kill me you can find yourself a new Overboss." Riley declared
"That's the spirit. Now I'm sure you got questions but here ain't the place. Meet me at the top of Fiztop Mountain, you're new quarters I'll just get the door for you." Gage replied moving to the terminal. With a few clicks to the keyboard the door opened.
She was hesitant at first so she slowly took steps and calculated her moves in case it was a trap. Reaching into her boot she pulled out a combat knife and held it close. Riley stepped through the door way and took one look at Gage. He was handsome and rugged. Of course she expected him to be dirty and have half of his teeth missing since he was a raider so it surprised her at first. The hair on his head was a shade or two darker than his beard and seemed to be long due to the tide bun in the back. He towered over her as she took a few steps toward him. His hazel green eyes lingered on her for a minute before he turned around and walk out of the cola car arena . She watched as the tall raider walked out of the double doors just ahead of her. Waiting for the doors to close behind him Riley started her walk to those same door.
The double doors opened wide to reveal a cloudy sunset sky. A shiver went down her back as she stepped out into the chilly air. The Commonwealth had already entered its few month period of what folks in Diamond City called nuclear winter so to say. Looking around she could see two or three raiders walking around an animatronic Nuka Cola bottle mumbling and staring at Riley. She walked down the steps in front keeping her knife close in case of emergency. Loud hub-bub echoed from the building in front of her. A man wear rags and a neck collar opened one of the red doors that had market painted above it and disappeared inside. This building seemed to have been built in a circle with only two ways to go. Riley looked on as she turned to her right and started walking down the shanty alley. There were a couple of men and women dressed in the brightest and wackiest colors she had seen since she emerged from the vault. She could have sworn one of them was wearing a teddy bear strapped to their leg.
Coming to a stop she noticed there were three archways to her right. One was blocked off the the others had doors built onto them. Above the archway a raider patrolled the walkway, once he noticed Riley watching him he let out a cat call and leaned over the railing. She rolled her eyes and looked on in front of her. The round building kept going, only to what she guessed met around to where she came out. Deciding not to follow the so called "market" all the around she stepped through one of the door archways. Looking on there was a tall Nuka Cola bottle similar to the animatronic along with a little bottle cap, waving in the center of what had to be the square. A raider stood in front of them letting off rounds into the bottle caps face. Two other raiders stood of to the side discussing what was a rude yet intriguing topic.
"So let me get this straight, some vault dweller came in and killed Coulter? And now we're just supposed to follow her?" The male scoffed.
"All I know is that Gage was in the mountain the other day talking to Nisha privately for a long time." The woman looked over to see Riley standing there with her arms crossed. The woman then hushed her male friend quickly so his gaze would shift to the new Overboss.
Shaking her head Riley turned and kept walking past the Cappy Caf猫 into into the square. The raider shooting the statue payed Riley no attention as she walked past him and past The Parlor. Looking up she could see the bar part of Fiztop Mountain, the rest being hidden by the second set of archways. She sighed and made her way through the doorway and quickly around the fountain up to the double doors. As she stood contemplating whether to go through the doors or up with the makeshift elevator when Gages voice rang out.
"Up here boss." He called and sent the elevator down.
She stepped on to the platform then reached to smash the the red button. The elevator then lifted her to the top opening of Fiztop Grille. Gage greeted her at the opening and gestured for her to come in.
"Welcome home boss. The dig are yours I hope you like the look....Coulter had some acquired taste in decorations. But this view is something ain't it. Everything you see here is under your control, now that you're in charge." He smiled as a light frigid breeze blew through the penthouse. Riley shivered again pulling the sleeves of her vault suit down.
"This place is beautiful. And I sure do like the sound of that." She stated looking at the room around her.
"I thought you might, now look I gotta be honest with you: this whole operation need someone to step in and take the reigns. And it sure as hell ain't gonna be me." Gage reported as he took a seat in the near by bar stool. She looked at him with a look of confusion.
"Oh is that right. Is the the point where you paint a bullseye on my back and leave me for dead?" She retorted her tone taut as she joined him in the seat adjacent.
"I ain't gonna lie. That's one of the reasons you wont see me stepping up and running shit. But I swear it ain't gonna be that bad." He spoke amusingly and turned slightly to half way face her.
"If you really think I can fix things, I'll do my best to make things work" She swore
"I'm glad to hear that Boss. Dont worry I've got you're back now, so I will try to not let you make any poor choices." He patted her on the back as she smiled lightly.
"So where do I start." Riley questioned as she stood up adjusting her suit.
"Well you need these raiders on your side. Right now they think me and you conspired to kill Coulter behind the leaders back." He explained turning so his back was against the counter.
"Everybody likes me so I got this in the bag." She smiled.
"Yeah I wouldn't count on that. Technically you're already the Overboss right? So thats already half the work done right there. All I ask is you meet the leaders show what the new overboss has to show." He implored.
"I'll do it, I guess I'll see you later then." She waved goodbye as she stepped on to the elevator and descended back down to ground floor.
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