#saying persona and it’s fanbase are misogynistic is a sure fucking bet though lol
a-sketchy · 6 months
i think it simply would’ve been absolutely impossible for kotone to have the same personality as minato while being a girl. she would’ve killed herself for realsies out of necessity by the time she was 13 if she outwardly displayed his same behaviour. ideation would not have cut it with the reactions she’d receive for being that visibly depressed and autistic WHILE A GIRL. have you seen saori? it’s die or mask out there man.
this is absolutely true and very very likely not the actual reason she was written so different from minato, that’s probably cause the writers couldn’t conceptualize a girl acting like minato, or more charitably that they knew such a character as a protagonist wouldn’t be received well by their main fanbase. misogyny begets misogyny in that through the misogynistic writing of — lets be real — the entire persona franchise, a very high percentage of the female characters’ personalities and actions are reasonably explained by in-universe misogyny, sometimes intentionally and more often as a byproduct. and of course the ways they’re written and reacted to are easily explained by real life misogyny. god name a stronger relationship than persona and misogyny, i’ll wait
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