reeshyz · 2 years
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Title: If you like it, then you can put a star on it Pairing: Richard Z. Kruspe / Christoph Schneider / Till Lindemann Presentee: @bisexual-nightmares Prompt: Christmas Tree Warnings/Tags: nsfw | angst with a happy ending | pining Richard | handjobs | getting together Word Count: 2.656 Summary:  Paul has a really stupid idea for a present for Christoph and Till. Richard can’t believe that he’s doing this. But he gets rewarded in more than one way. Read on AO3: here
“What the hell, Paul?”
Richard looks up when Paul enters his room. Richard had just packed his guitar away and is a bit surprised when the other one just opens his door without even knocking. Richard frowns at that behavior, he had taught Paul (and the others) way better over the last few years.
Paul seems out of breath and now Richard is a bit worried.
“Shit, Reesh. There you are. I need your help,” Paul says and Richard raises an eyebrow. That doesn’t sound good. Whenever Paul needed some help, bad things would happen (and they mostly happened to him).
“Help? Are you in any kind of trouble?” Richard asks and he looks Paul up and down, he doesn’t look hurt at all, so it probably couldn’t be that bad. Maybe he had stolen one of Flake’s cookies again and needed to hide.
He could probably spend the night underneath Richard’s bed if he wanted.
“Awe thank you for thinking I caused something funny again,” Paul says and he really sounds as if he’s proud of being the troublemaker in the band. Wait, he probably is. Richard shakes his head at his own thoughts.
“Spit it out, Landers,” Richard says now and Paul rubs his hands.
“I wanted to ask if you have a gift for Christoph and Till already?” Paul asks and Richard looks down to his feet. He’s ashamed, but he really doesn’t have anything yet. Till is his best friend and Christoph is just as important to him, but he really isn’t sure what would make them happy.
“No… uhm I don’t,” Richard admits, his own skin betraying him, when he blushes against his will. Richard had always thought that he was rather bad at keeping friendships, but this was just ridiculous.
He had Paul, Flake and Oliver’s gifts ready since September, but he’s just so indecisive about what to get the other two. They've been a couple for a few months now and while Richard’s heart breaks each time he has to see them together, he still wanted to get them something good.
Because why would his feelings matter if two other people are happy?
“That’s perfect!” Paul says and he seems rather giddy. Richard isn’t sure what’s good about him not having everything ready. He feels bad enough already, not that Paul seems to care about that.
“And why is that?” Richard asks, because he is a bit curious now.
“I don’t have a present either, but I have the perfect idea and for that I need you,” Paul says and he clasps his hands twice. Richard frowns and looks out of his window for a second. He’s not sure that he even wants to know what Paul’s present will be.
“Do you want to write a song with me?” Richard asks, a bit too hopeful. He could write them a love song but it would probably be weird if he did that on his own. If Paul wanted to accompany him in a song with his guitar it would be much better.
Because the last thing Richard wants is for Christoph and Till to know that he’s in love with them. That would end up in a very embarrassing conversation and an even more broken heart.
Richard isn’t sure how much his heart can still take at this point.
“No. I just need you to be my present,” Paul says and Richard isn’t sure what he means. Normally they understand each other without words but that is just weird.
“Richard, come on. We will put you in the package and put it underneath the tree for them,” Paul says and Richard sits down on his bed.
“Are you dumb?”
“I am not, thank you for asking though,” Paul answers, still grinning.
“Why would they want me as their present?” Richard asks and there is this damn heat in his cheeks again. Richard bites down on his lower lip, he feels vulnerable already and he’s not sure why. Paul is obviously joking.
“It will be the perfect prank of course! They probably imagine something really cool and expensive and then they get you instead,” Paul says and Richard makes a noise in the back of his throat that sounds almost like he’s crying.
Paul frowns.
“Sorry, I… I didn’t mean it like that. You know how much I love you. Please, it would be so funny!” Paul says and Richard shakes his head already.
A week later Richard is sitting inside of a cardboard box. He’s pouting, even though nobody can see that in the dark. The box is at least big enough so he doesn’t have to crouch weirdly down, but he has his knees pressed against his chest.
He would kill Paul for this.
Richard isn’t even sure how Paul had managed to talk him into this. He had annoyed him all week with the damn idea and then even Flake had agreed and had told Richard how great the idea was.
Maybe they were both just really dumb.
Richard sighs.
He’s not even sure how late it is already. Paul had used the key to Till’s apartment and then had set the box up next to the tree. It’s really rather huge and when Richard had crawled into it, Paul had even wrapped it into red shiny paper.
Knowing Paul there is probably even a stupid bow on the box .
“Fuck finally home.”
Richard freezes when he hears Till. The door falls close behind him and Richard can hear that he is walking closer. He’s not sure if Christoph is already there as well but he’d assume it though, Till rarely speaks to himself.
“Oh, baby is that a gift from you?” Christoph says and Richard holds his breath. Shit, he hadn’t even heard him come so close. Christpoh is always so damn quiet, but now he’s even stroking over the cardboard box.
Richard wants to go home now. This had been such a stupid idea.
“A gift? No sorry baby, you will get yours tomorrow though,” Till says and he sounds so unbothered, until he also comes closer and gasps at the huge box. Richard hopes they can’t hear him.
He’s sure that he will hyperventilate any second. He’d never had any problems with narrow places but suddenly he’s terrified. He’s scared that they will laugh at him and then what would he do?
Break into tears over a prank?
“Do you wanna open it?” Christoph asks and Richard shudders. He’d always been in love with Till’s voice but Christoph also knew exactly how to use his to make Richard weak in his knees.
“Yeah sure. You think there is something special in it?” Till asks, but Richard can’t even focus on that, because someone (probably Christoph) is already ripping the wrapping paper away.
Just a second later the box is opened.
Richard is surely bright red and he kinda wants to crawl away. They are both standing right in front of the box and Richard’s body isn’t moving on his own. So he just sits there like an idiot.
Paul is nowhere to be seen. He had said that he would be here to shout ‘surprise’ at them. Richard understands only now that this was just a lie.
“Oh isn’t that a lovely surprise,” Christoph says and he kneels down. Richard is still speechless, especially when Christoph strokes over his cheek. Richard tries very hard not to lean into that touch, but he isn’t sure if he succeeds.
“Indeed the best present we could wish for,” Till says, his deep voice so husky, that Richard shudders again. They both smile when they see that.
“Did you lose your voice sweetheart?” Christoph says and he leans closer. Richard is still halfway sitting in the stupid box, but Till rips it open for real now and Richard gasps, when Christoph uses that moment to kiss down his neck.
“That would be such a shame, because we would love to hear you, baby,” Till says and then he’s also sitting down next to them. Richard can’t focus on that, because for some reason Christoph is opening his shirt.
Richard isn’t sure what is happening.
Till kisses his exposed shoulder, when Christoph seems to get impatient, because he just rips the shirt open, buttons flying everywhere. Till even bites into the skin, before he licks over it again, a silent apology. Richard can’t help but groan, only to be even more ashamed.
“W-what are you doing?” Richard finally says and Till laughs at him. Richard’s tries to hide himself in his torn shirt. Holding his hands in front of his chest and stomach. It’s nothing they had never seen, but this feels so different.
“Enjoying our present obviously,” Christoph says and he tries to take Richard’s hand into his own. Richard had even freshly painted his nails to match the dumb wrapping paper, since Paul had suggested that.
He’s been so played.
“No… I’m not. I mean this wasn’t…,” Richard stutters out but they are both ignoring this. Till is kissing up his neck now, then his cheek and suddenly he wants to kiss Richard on the mouth, who turns away.
Everything but not this.
Till frowns.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Till asks and Christoph stops as well. Richard shakes his head and looks around. He’s directly at the Christmas tree and while that had always been a secret fantasy of him, this all feels wrong.
He doesn’t want to be just a fucktoy for them. To enjoy once and throw away.
“I c-can’t,” Richard whispers, his voice breaking, while he looks at the beautiful Christmas tree. He can see his reflection in one of the ornaments. His hair is all over the place, his cheeks are indeed very red and he is tearing up against his will.
“Oh baby, we don’t have to. We just thought that was the idea behind this,” Christoph says and Richard shakes his head. He wipes over his eyes, even though he’s not crying.
“Paul had this idea and we wanted to prank you,” Richard says quietly. Till has gotten up and holds a blanket out, since Richard’s shirt is basically ruined. Richard takes the blanket and cuddles into it.
“A prank?” Till asks and he sounds almost… sad?
“So you didn’t want to be ours?” Christoph asks and he really sounds upset. Richard looks back to him. Christoph is still holding one of his hands, squeezing it now. Richard swallows.
That question is just evil.
“I… I always wanted to be yours,” Richard says, even though he’s spilling everything with that one sentence, but he’s also tired and he can still feel their kisses on his skin. Till sits back down next to Richard.
“I don’t want to be something you can just throw away after you’re done with me. I don’t think my heart could take it,” Richard whispers, his vulnerability so clear in each word. He’s scared to look at Christoph now, so he switches to Till’s face, who smiles so sadly.
He would probably tell him now that he already has the perfect boyfriend. Why would he need Richard then?
“You know, I don’t think there is anything Chris and I wished more for than you,” Till says, his voice betraying him as well, because he coughs slightly before he’s finished. Richard’s eyes widen.
“What Till wanted to say is that we’re in love with you. Have been for a while now. We thought this was your way of telling us that you’re feeling the same,” Christoph says and he’s smiling the tiniest bit.
“Really?” Richard asks again, he’s sounding way too hopeful.
“Yeah we mean it,” Till says and this time Richard is the one who leans closer. Luckily Till seems to understand and meets him halfway. Richard closes his eyes and gets lost in the kiss, when Till presses his lips against his own.
Christoph hums happily, while Richard gasps into the kiss. He’d always suspected Till to be a very good kisser and he’s glad that he’d been right. Till kisses him so soft, so passionate, so lovingly, as if he’s something precious and Richard’s heart stops for a second.
“I love you too. Both of you,” Richard admits, still so shyly. This time Christoph strokes over his cheek and then pulls him closer. Christoph kisses him way more rough, not that Richard would complain about it.
Instead he eagerly opens his mouth and lets Christoph do whatever he wants. Feeling himself growing hard just from a kiss. Christoph knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Let us show you how much we love you,” Till mumbles and then he carefully helps Richard to lay down there beneath the tree. Richard smiles up at them, he can’t believe that this isn’t a dream.
Christoph carefully helps him out of his trousers and Richard whimpers at the smirk he can see on his face. Christoph leans down and licks over his underwear. Till chuckles, when he sees how ruined Richard already looks.
“Yeah, be a good boy for us. Let us do all the work. Take this as our present,” Christoph says and he slowly pulls his underwear down. Richard would be embarrassed at that, but he can’t focus, because Till is kissing his exposed chest.
“I want you to know that we waited so many years for this and we would’ve waited so many years more just to have you right here,” Till whispers and Richard feels himself tearing up again.
Christoph is carefully taking his cock into his hand and jerks him off. Richard is already close and that’s kinda embarrassing, but this is his biggest wet dream.
“This okay?” Till asks and Richard moans loudly, when he sucks his nipple into his mouth. Holy shit, they both would be his death.
“He’s just so beautiful. So responsive and being so good,” Christoph says and when Till sits up they both kiss directly over him for a moment. Richard can’t help but whine, because they look so good together.
“We want you to come over Chris’ fist. Can you do that? Are you close, baby?” Till asks again and he presses another soft kiss to Richard’s lips.
He’s lost in pleasure.
“We’re ready baby. You can let go, we will always take care of you,” Christoph says, his hand moving a bit faster now and Richard whimpers, when his forefinger presses down directly beneath his tip.
“You're ours. Ours to love and ours to fuck. And I wanna fuck you so bad, but I know your back would probably give out on the ground here. I’ll fuck you later when Chris is pounding into me,” Till says and Richard squeeze his eyes shut.
They’re playing dirty.
“We love you sweetheart,” Christoph whispers and Richard’s whole body freezes, when he comes all over his stomach and Christoph’s hand, just like Till had wanted. He’s looking at the ornaments again and this time he really likes the view.
“I-I love you too,” Richard whispers, sleepily.
He doesn’t even register that Till is carrying him to the bedroom.
The next morning Richard’s phone beeps with a new message.
“And? Did it work?” Paul.
Richard sighs and groans when he moves. His whole body is hurting. But it was really worth it. He sends him a middle finger back, even though he hates using emojis. Paul deserves them sometimes.
“I knew it. You’re welcome. I told you it was a brilliant idea.” Paul texts back and Richard looks back to Christoph and Till who are both still sleeping peacefully.
Yeah Paul really had been right.
(Would probably be the first and last time though.)
Richard chuckles and then gets up to make breakfast for them.
He can’t look at the Christmas tree without blushing the whole holiday season.
Till laughs each time he sees that and even Christoph teases him with it.
Richard finds that he doesn’t mind.
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reeshyz · 2 years
hi malo! if it's okay to ask: could you make a list of all the r+ ship names? i just came back to this fandom again and i see ship names like schneesh that i can't really remember which one of the boys are into it, lol. sorry to bother you though, but you're like the master of r+ ships 😭
Hey there ♡
well first of all: welcome back to the fandom! And you are not bothering me at all :D I laughed at the master of r+ ships tho :'D Thank you, but I'm surely not! There are far more experienced people in this fandom I'm sure!
I do believe me and my friends in my server made most of the names up and maybe some people call the ships by other names, but I can totally make you a list:
Paulchard = Paul / Richard Tillchard = Till / Richard Schneesh = Schneider / Richard TiPaul = Till / Paul Tillake = Till / Flake Paulake = Paul / Flake Schnaul = Schneider / Paul Schnill = Schneider / Till Schnollie = Schneider / Ollie Pollie = Paul / Ollie Tollie = Till / Ollie Olichard = Ollie / Richard Flakard = Flake / Richard Schnake = Schneider / Flake Tallboys = Ollie / Flake
Pillchard = Paul / Till / Richard Schnillchard = Schneider / Till / Richard Schaulchard = Schneider / Paul Richard Schnaulti = Schneider / Paul / Till Schnaultichard = Schneider / Paul / Till / Richard Rammfamily = all 6
Technically there are a lot more options but these are the ones I'm writing or we have in our server listed :D
Hope I could help you!
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reeshyz · 2 years
you seem like the guy who has all the fanfiction ideas in his head. like some kind of ff dealer. you got anything for me? like a wip
*opens coat to show you my WIP's*
I got you. What do you want? I got at least two Frau Schneider AU's. I got some hurt/comfort or do you like some soft Tillchard? Some sad Paulchard? I have it all. Some nice Schneesh? Heartbreaking Pillchard? Or do you need something else. Frau Kruspe? Smutty Schnaulchard? I even have some painful Schnillchard fics. *whispers* Or you want something really dirty? ;)
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