masculinemiracles · 3 months
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When your mysterious stomachache makes herself known
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zhainee · 4 months
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been really busy with college but here's some school doodles or what i like to call them ✨schnoodles✨
+ a closeup of my fav sketch
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crimniko · 1 year
Schoodles #1
This is the first small school/course art work dump of mine. It's not known but I am on a 2 year animator's course and I just started second year in september. It has been... quite a challenge, but I enjoy it. A quick note most work won't be in chronological order, due to I will post these willy nilly.
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This lil fella was part of a character design assignment. She is based on a cute dragon like sona of mine.
Below are some keyframe movement drawings, which I should have animated but it was end of the year, and I couldn't get much out of myself :')
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enricomartin · 7 months
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alfazoings · 1 year
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started playing limbus company. The cockroach infested my brain 💔
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iheartvmt · 2 months
I just realized I never introduced my newest beastie on this blog, other than a passing mention in the hawk shenanigans!
She is 1 year old, 13#s, and supposedly a "corgipoo." I've even got papers from her previous owner to prove it!
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 Anyway, this is what she looks like now:
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...I don't see any corgi, do y'all? 🤣
From her behavior, Doc and I guess she's actually a poodle/terrier (most likely schnauzer) mix. My mom thinks she's just a badly bred poodle. Maybe she's secretly a muppet 🤷 For Christmas I might ask for one of those doggie DNA tests. 
Anyway, I was not planning on getting a poodle or any mix thereof (I wanted another hound or beagle), but my former coworker was rehoming her for a family member who wasn't giving her the care she needed, and she knows I'm a sucker lol
Rin's a little monster but a lot of fun and I love her already! So does my uncle's dog, Oreo :3 
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helinyetille · 3 months
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sorchathered · 2 months
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Good morning from my little angel boy ❤️
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t3acupz · 11 months
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Hugh Dancy’s dog Weegee 🖤
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tiramegtoons · 4 days
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heart-star · 2 months
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Conving enough?
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autistickfigure · 3 months
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i drew some kara. From friend!
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endlich-allein · 1 year
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Schneider, Werchter Festival, Werchter, Belgium, 02-07-2005 © Gie Knaeps
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enricomartin · 8 months
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acommonanomaly · 8 months
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Lexie and Jojo are keeping me company, what more could I ask for
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bryanevansdufflists · 2 months
What Your Breed of Doodle Says About You
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There are lots of different doodles out there, so what does your breed of doodle say about you? Are you a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t actually like dogs so you bought a doodle instead, or are you something else? Let’s find out.
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs.
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs.
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs, but you were one of the first ones to go in on the doodle craze so you can still tell yourself it’s because of your kids’ allergies when really it’s because you’re terrible.
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs but apparently likes the idea of some breeder named Trish from ownadoodle.com playing God in her laundry room
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs so you got a doodle instead and it’s the worst trained animal that’s ever existed and despite looking like a muppet it’s an actual menace to the neighborhood, as if Snuffleupagus was on the all-carnivore diet. You didn’t understand poodles are actually pretty gnarly, aggressive animals and you probably never will until Charleston eats your kid’s pet rabbit. 
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs, and in your house you believe love is love, science is real, and your home’s property values are the only thing in the world that actually matter
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs and you know you could have and should have rescued a real dog instead but deep down you know you are physically soft and mentally weak
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs and you tell people you live in the city when you’re three hours away because you’re the kind of person who would inflict a name that ends with poo on a living creature.
You’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs, but honestly you’re one of the worst ones because a Wheaton Terrier was not gentrified enough for you so you had to go and subject it to the doodle craze
It turns out you’re a dumb, rich a-hole who doesn’t really like dogs.
So that’s it! Well, not really: there are like 40,000 other doodle breeds being created every second, but that covers the main ones. Hope you enjoyed reading about what your breed of doodle says about you. See you in hell!What Your Breed of Doodle Says About You
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