#school cleaning in sydney
dollya-robinprotector · 11 months
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"Hey, with, a ♪ ding ding dan ♪ let's dance! Rougher and rougher, up, down, up, down ♪ heave-ho ♪ Here, until you hit the climax, I'll take good care of you With our school slippers, shall we dance?"
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Inspired by Balleriko - Mikito and this art
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Part 2 with Fem School LIs...?
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newtimecleaning · 5 months
House Cleaning in North Sydney-Commercial Cleaning Northern Beaches
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https://newtimecleaning.com.au/ Looking for top-notch cleaning services in the North Sydney area? Our dedicated team specializes in both residential and commercial cleaning, ensuring your spaces gleam with perfection. Whether you're a homeowner in need of a pristine living environment or a business owner seeking impeccable workspaces, we've got you covered. We extend our expertise to North Sydney, providing thorough and reliable house cleaning services. Additionally, our professionals excel in commercial cleaning, especially in the vibrant Northern Beaches region. Experience the highest standards of cleanliness and professionalism with our tailored solutions. Contact us today for a spotless space that leaves a lasting impression!
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spiffy-cleaning · 3 months
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sdfgbhjknbgvcfx · 10 months
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Commercial Cleaning - Keen To Clean
Most Australians are feeling frightened and unsure about how to protect others and themselves from the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Following the rules established by the Australian Government and the World Health Organization (WHO), including good hygiene, sanitization, and disinfection measures, is advised by experts as the best defense.
We're prepared to assist covid-19 infection cleaning
. We can overcome this together.
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): What is it? According to the WHO, COVID-19 (also known as "Coronavirus disease") is an infectious disease brought on by a fresh strain of coronavirus that was only recently detected in humans. The name "coronavirus" often refers to a group of viruses that can cause anything from the common cold to more severe conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Fever, exhaustion, a dry cough, shortness of breath or other breathing issues, body aches, nasal congestion, a runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea are typical symptoms. When the condition is severe, it can result in pneumonia, kidney failure, SARS, and even death. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales, droplets from their mouth or nose are released into the air and can be inhaled or come into contact with. These droplets travel through the air and land on nearby surfaces. When people touch or breathe in these areas, they may potentially contract the disease.
Effects of COVID-19 The rapidly spreading COVID-19 epidemic is now regarded as a global pandemic, which denotes that a new illness is thought to have spread "worldwide." Over 700 COVID-19 instances have been confirmed as of the time of publication in Australia, with New South Wales and Victoria accounting for the majority of cases. In Australia, more than 100,000 people have undergone viral testing, and regrettably, six people have already passed away.
Australian authorities currently advise frequently washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer when hand washing is not an option to prevent contracting or spreading the virus. using the crook of your elbow or arm, not your hands, to cough and sneeze Avoid touching your face as much as you can practice social distance by staying 1.5 meters away from other people whenever you can isolate yourself if you feel ill, have recently been abroad, or have come into contact with a confirmed case
How can I clean in a way that keeps both myself and others safe? It is more important than ever that we all adhere to best practices for personal hygiene, surface sanitization, and disinfection, especially in locations with limited space, like commercial office complexes.
How long can a virus remain on a surface? Although the solution is now unknown, experts think the virus functions similarly to other coronaviruses. In light of this, it is likely that the virus can survive on surfaces for anywhere between a few hours and many days, depending on elements like the type of surface and climatic variables like temperature. Disinfectants should be used to clean surfaces that are thought to be contaminated in order to eradicate the virus and lessen the risk of injury to you and others.
Cleaning vs. Disinfecting for COVID-19 The practice of disinfecting involves destroying or deactivating disease-causing bacteria and viruses on surfaces, whereas sanitizing will generally only reduce the number of bacteria on surfaces to acceptable levels and is ineffective against some viruses. Disinfecting is chosen for treating surfaces at a higher risk of contamination, especially if such contamination relates to a highly contagious virus like the new coronavirus, even though cleaning is typically sufficient for low risk circumstances.
Do I require expert cleaners for my property? Publicly accessible locations like malls, food courts, grocery stores, pharmacies, community services buildings, schools, daycare centers, and other establishments that frequently house large crowds of people should receive special attention from trained cleaning specialists during an outbreak and, in fact, during a pandemic. Hospitals, nursing homes, community centers, and medical institutions all need frequent specialized cleaning since they care for the most vulnerable people (the old and those with weakened immune systems). It might mean the difference between life and death.
Why hire experts in this case? Quality and experienced professional cleaners are trained and equipped to apply best practices to disinfection and sanitization of surfaces suspected of – or at risk of – contamination resulting from coronaviruses. Professional cleaners are also fully equipped and prepared to protect themselves from potential infection when cleaning hazardous areas and have the means to ensure proper disposal of contaminated waste. In a time when supermarket shelves are bare and supplies available to the general public are low, you can rest assured that reputable professional cleaners will have access to cleaning agents, equipment and personal protective supplies. An established set of protocols will be used by a respectable professional cleaning service to guarantee adherence to the most recent recommendations made by the Australian Government and the World Health Organization. We at Keen To Clean recognize that this is a difficult time for everyone. Our experienced and dedicated team of professional cleaners are here to help alleviate some of that stress and anxiety by ensuring your premises are appropriately sanitized and disinfected, and helping you to do your part to reduce the spread of the outbreak. Currently, we provide services to clients in Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney's suburbs as well as the city center. Get in touch today to discuss your needs and obtain a free quote.
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jascommercialcleaning · 10 months
Suggestions to Clean Your School to Ensure Your Students’ Proper Health & Safety
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Giving importance to educating students in your school is a must. But you should also ensure that the premises are cleaned in the best manner possible to ensure the proper health and safety of your students. If you are now wondering how to get it done, the first thing that you need to consider is waiting for the holidays. Use the holidays in this aspect and ensure that you do the needful with the help of the best professional school cleaners in Sydney before your students return. This way, you can also make the learning environment better for them.
But if you are thinking of doing the cleaning all by yourself, you should consider reading the below-mentioned tips.
Creating a System for Success
The first thing that you need to do is establish a workable system for your staff and set them up for success. Make sure that the ones in your custody have all the checklists for daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks to ensure that no area is neglected. But since most schools are now focusing on efficient cleaning, you should ensure that both your new and returning cleaners are properly trained with the latest cleaning machines and techniques.
Disinfecting High-Touch Surfaces and High-Risk Areas
There are various bacterial hotspots that you need to identify in your school. The areas can be cafeteria plates and trays, door handles, water fountains, nurses’ offices, computer keyboards, restrooms, and locker rooms. Once you have identified the hotspots, you need to disinfect them using the best cleaning agents and techniques.
Maintaining Cleaning Equipment
If you want to extend the life of your valuable cleaning equipment, you should focus on practising routine maintenance. Once you are done cleaning one area of your school using a vacuum, you should inspect it and change the filter bag. Make it a habit to ensure safe cleaning. Get a storage space established on the premises to enable your staff to store the cleaning machines there for their proper safety. But if you think that you cannot take care of these things, you should right away hire the best professional school cleaners in Sydney.
A better school is not only determined by how you educate your students but also by how you take care of the premises. Cleaning your school regularly with the help of experts will not only keep your students but also your staff safe and healthy. So, get them on board and get started!
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jbncleaning · 11 months
The cost of school cleaning services can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the school, the level of cleanliness required, and the frequency of cleaning. On average, school cleaning costs can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month. It is recommended to contact professional cleaning companies to get accurate quotes based on your specific needs and requirements. Regular and thorough cleaning is essential for maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment for students and staff.
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northerncontract2 · 1 year
Cleaning Contractors Sydney - Northern Contract Cleaning
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Northern Contract Cleaning has built a Highly Trusted & Professional Cleaning Contractors reputation in Sydney over the last 25 years. These are some of the reasons some of the nation’s largest property managers choose Northern Contract Cleaning. Experience, past and present includes;
Banks and Financial Institution cleaning
High rise Office cleaning
High rise shopping malls
Corporate office cleaning
Consultancies and other commercial office cleaning.
Contact Us:- https://www.northerncontract.com/
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clean-group · 1 year
Achieve Spotless Results with Professional School Cleaning Sydney
Maintaining a hygienic and safe environment in educational institutions in Sydney is an essential service that safeguards the well-being of those on campus, including pupils, instructors, personnel and guests. It requires professional attention to detail and expertise for successful implementation. When it comes to school cleaning services in Sydney, there are certain qualities you should look for in commercial cleaners – from their experience level to how they handle specific tasks. This article will discuss what school cleaning entails, why it's important to have professionals do this job properly and how you can choose the right cleaner for your needs.
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Table of Contents:
What is School Cleaning?
Why is Professional School Cleaning Important?
Health and Safety Considerations:
Improved Learning Environment:
What to Look for in a Commercial Cleaning Company
How to Choose the Right Commercial Cleaner for Your School
Research Different Companies:
Check References & Reviews:
FAQs in Relation to School Cleaning Sydney
What is the importance of school cleaning?
What are the people that clean the school called?
How can you keep a school clean?
Is cleaning schools hard?
What is School Cleaning?
School cleaning is a specialized type of commercial cleaning service that focuses on the needs of educational premises. Deep-cleaning and sanitizing of classrooms, corridors, offices, bathrooms, cafeterias and other areas utilized by students and staff is a primary focus for school cleaning services. Professional school cleaners are trained to use safe products that won’t harm children or teachers while providing superior results.
School cleaning requires attention to detail in order to ensure an effective cleaning every time. This includes dusting surfaces, mopping floors, vacuuming carpets and rugs, washing windows and walls, as well as disinfecting all surfaces with approved products designed for use in schools. The goal is to create a safe environment free from germs where learning can take place without disruption due to poor hygiene standards.
Hiring professional school cleaners can be a real boon, saving time and money on supplies, reducing health risks associated with inadequate sanitation, improving air quality and creating an atmosphere conducive to learning. It also helps boost safety standards while decreasing absenteeism due to illness. Furthermore, it encourages better concentration levels among students during classes.
Additionally, hiring professionals eliminates the need for depending on staff members who may not have the skills necessary for proper cleaning techniques. It also prevents cross-contamination between different areas within the school building(s) and averts mold growth, which could lead to serious respiratory issues if left unchecked.
Many companies also offer green cleaning solutions, which means they use eco-friendly chemicals instead of traditional harsh detergents when possible. This helps reduce environmental pollution caused by runoff into nearby water sources, or soil contamination near the school grounds itself.
Maintaining a safe and hygienic learning environment through professional school cleaning is essential for optimal student performance. Professional school cleaning is necessary to guarantee all areas of the educational institution are kept clean and germ-free for everyone's benefit. By understanding why professional school cleaning is so important, we can better understand how it impacts our schools.
Key Takeaway: School cleaning is a specialized service that requires professional expertise, attention to detail and safe products. Companies offering green solutions can help reduce environmental pollution while creating an atmosphere conducive to learning with improved safety standards, air quality and decreased absenteeism due to illness.
Why is Professional School Cleaning Important?
Health and Safety Considerations:
Professional school cleaning is essential for ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment. Cleaning services help to reduce the risk of hazardous substances, such as bacteria, dust mites, mould spores, and other allergens from accumulating in classrooms. Additionally, regular deep-cleaning can prevent the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19 by removing potentially harmful pathogens from surfaces. Moreover, expert cleaners are equipped with tools and solutions that can efficiently eradicate bacteria while minimizing the potential health risks of using strong chemicals.
Improved Learning Environment:
A clean classroom helps create an atmosphere conducive to learning by eliminating distractions caused by dirt or clutter. In addition to creating a more inviting space for students, teachers also benefit from having an organized workspace free of dust and debris, which can lead to improved productivity levels during instruction time. Studies have revealed that better hygiene habits can positively impact student performance and attitudes towards schoolwork. Thus, maintaining a clean environment at your educational institution could potentially result in higher academic results.
Regularly scheduled professional cleaning services can help reduce the risk of illnesses among students and staff members alike. By thoroughly sanitizing all areas within a school building – including classrooms, bathrooms, and hallways – you are helping to ensure everyone remains healthy throughout the year. Additionally, deep-cleaning services may be necessary if there has been an outbreak at your institution; these treatments will eliminate any lingering germs or viruses left behind after disinfecting surfaces with standard cleaning supplies alone does not suffice.
Maintaining a hygienic, secure and comfortable educational space for students necessitates expert school cleaning services. Selecting a suitable commercial cleaning service is critical to guarantee a secure, healthy, and comfortable learning atmosphere for pupils.
Key Takeaway: Professional school cleaning is essential for maintaining a healthy and conducive learning environment. By using specialized equipment, products and regular deep-cleaning services, we can help reduce the risk of hazardous substances such as bacteria or viruses, while simultaneously boosting student performance levels. This will ensure everyone stays safe throughout the year.
What to Look for in a Commercial Cleaning Company
When it comes to commercial cleaning services, experience and reputation are key. It is essential to search for a firm that has been providing these services for some time and boasts an impressive history of accomplishment. Ask around your network or read online reviews from previous customers to get an idea of what kind of service you can expect from them.
Quality assurance standards and practices should also be considered when selecting a commercial cleaner. Look for companies that use advanced cleaning techniques, such as steam-cleaning, vacuuming using environmentally-approved filters, using green products whenever possible, and following all applicable safety regulations. This will ensure that your school is properly cleaned while protecting the health of students and staff alike.
Finally, cost-effectiveness is always important when choosing any type of service provider. Make sure to ask potential cleaners about their rates before committing to anything; you want to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money without sacrificing quality or safety standards in the process. A reputable company should be able to provide detailed quotes so you know exactly what you’ll be paying upfront before signing on the dotted line.
When selecting a commercial cleaning service, it is essential to evaluate its background, quality assurance measures and budgetary constraints. When choosing the right cleaner for your school, research different companies thoroughly by checking references and reviews in order to make an informed decision.
How to Choose the Right Commercial Cleaner for Your School
Choosing the right commercial cleaner for your school is an important decision. It is essential to conduct thorough research in order to find a reliable and trustworthy cleaning firm that can offer high-quality services. To ensure you make the right decision, consider these tips when selecting a commercial cleaner for your school.
Research Different Companies:
Before making any decisions, it’s important to compare different companies and their services. Check out online reviews, ask around in your community, and read up on industry blogs or publications. Ask questions about their rates, availability of staff members, and experience in school cleaning projects. You should also inquire about their safety protocols to ensure they’re taking all necessary precautions when handling hazardous materials or chemicals.
Check References & Reviews:
Once you have narrowed down your list of potential cleaners, contact references from clients who have used their service before. Don't hesitate to probe, inquiring about the duration of their service usage and if there were ever any troubles with reliability or workmanship. Also, take time to read through customer reviews on third-party sites like Yelp and Google Reviews – this will give you valuable insight into what others think about the company's performance before committing yourself financially.
Key Takeaway: Before making a decision on which commercial cleaner to choose for your school, it is important to do due diligence and shop around. Compare different companies' services online, ask in the community about their reputation, and check references and reviews from past clients - all this will help you find a reliable company that can provide quality services at an affordable price.
FAQs in Relation to School Cleaning Sydney
What is the importance of school cleaning?
Maintaining a hygienic school environment is essential for ensuring the health and safety of students. Regular, complete cleaning can help lessen the transmission of microorganisms and organisms that could cause sickness. Cleaning also helps to keep classrooms organized, dust-free, and free from allergens that might trigger asthma or other respiratory problems in some children. By ensuring schools are kept clean, we can give our children the best opportunity to thrive in their educational endeavours.
What are the people that clean the school called?
The people who clean schools are typically referred to as custodians or janitors. Custodians are responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of school buildings, classrooms and other areas within the facility, such as dusting furniture and surfaces, vacuuming carpets and floors, cleaning windows and mirrors, emptying trash cans, mopping floors and washing walls. This includes dusting furniture and surfaces, vacuuming carpets and floors, cleaning windows and mirrors, emptying trash cans, mopping floors, washing walls and ceilings as well as any additional tasks that may be requested by the school administration. Custodians are essential for providing a secure educational setting for students.
How can you keep a school clean?
Maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness is a must for ensuring an optimal learning atmosphere. Schools should develop an effective cleaning routine to keep the premises neat and tidy. This can include regular vacuuming, dusting, mopping floors, wiping surfaces with disinfectant wipes or sprays, and sanitizing bathrooms. Trash cans should be emptied daily, as well as replenishing paper towels and soap in restrooms. Additionally, windowsills and door frames should be wiped down weekly to remove dirt buildup from foot traffic. By following these simple steps on a regular basis, schools will remain hygienic places for students to learn without distraction or health concerns caused by unclean conditions.
Is cleaning schools hard?
Cleaning educational facilities can prove arduous, contingent upon the building's size and design. Schools often require more detailed cleaning than other commercial spaces due to their high volume of foot traffic. In addition, it is essential for professional cleaners to be cognizant of any applicable guidelines so that they can provide a complete clean while adhering to all safety regulations. Professional cleaners must have an understanding of these requirements in order to ensure they are providing a thorough cleaning while meeting all the required safety standards.
Maintaining a hygienic, healthy atmosphere for pupils necessitates regular school cleaning. Professional school cleaners in Sydney are experienced, knowledgeable and equipped with the necessary tools to ensure that all areas of your school remain clean and sanitary. When selecting a commercial cleaner for your school, it's important to consider their experience, reputation, services offered and cost-effectiveness. With the right professional on board, you can be sure that your facility will always look its best. 
Let us help you maintain a clean and healthy environment for your school. Contact Clean Group Commercial Cleaning today to learn more about our comprehensive school cleaning services in Sydney. 
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12 Benefits of Warehousing and Distribution Services
Warehousing helps keep the manufactured stock of goods ready for despatch as and when the requirement occurs. It is beneficial in many ways and helps businesses grow immeasurably. Warehousing and distribution are done for businesses where inventory is to be prepared for shipping; it needs to be tracked and managed. The original producers of the goods outsource the inventory management to these warehouses, and then on the producers’ behalf, the process of distribution starts, resulting in the direct delivery of goods to the customers. 
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There are umpteen benefits of warehousing and distribution for large and small businesses and for e-Commerce. Some of them are –
Inventory Control 
The inventory is controlled and managed better at these warehouses. The warehouse managers regularly inform the producers of how much of the stock has been delivered, how much space the leftover stock is taking up, and keep a continuous track of the deliveries. 
Better Workflow
Accurate inventory management helps in better workflow for a business. It helps the producers to manage the production as per the demand and supply forces in the marketplace. It also saves them from over or under-production, thus reducing the overall costs and making the business more profitable. 
Easy Accessibility 
The warehouses ensure the availability of products anywhere, and within no time. A deft handling of a sudden influx of orders makes these warehouses indispensable. The businesses don’t have to sweat their brow over excessive deliveries or be at their wits’ ends, bothered sick about meeting the deadlines. Businesses earn goodwill and more customers as the customers expect fast deliveries, and the warehouses do that on the business’s behalf. Timely deliveries and that too anywhere is a forte of these warehouses. 
Storage for All Seasons
Warehouses provide storage space to businesses for all seasons throughout the year. Keeping the holiday or boom season in mind, all the excess or bulk inventory produced is safely stocked with them. It’s the most effective, easily accessible, and cost-effective solution. Also, the products remain safe and sound, away from all disasters or season changes. They are safe from pilferage, theft, and spoilage as the warehouses install temperature controls for products with shorter shelf life. 
Proximity to Target Markets
The location of the business is no hassle as long as the warehouse is near the target market. The warehouse can be in any part of the world, near the target location, catering to the customers’ demands within no time. This helps the business save a lot of time and cost. It also helps in faster deliveries and quicker returns. Many businesses have their warehouses worldwide catering to national and international customers. 
Minimising Risk 
The warehouses help minimise the risk factor for businesses and provide security 24×7 as the warehouse insures the goods. The warehouse owner is at risk in case of any theft or spoilage and has to compensate the business. As the risk is transferred to the warehouse owner, the producer can take a sigh of relief after the goods reach the warehouse. This also becomes a source of cost reduction for the business as the insurance premiums, and other losses are no more their concern. 
Efficiency and productivity 
The products in a warehouse are arranged in an order which keeps the warehouse uncluttered and easily manageable. One can easily search for them. This keeps the staff happy and content and increases customer satisfaction due to promptness and efficiency. Moreover, the warehouse can keep a record of the products, informing the producers in time about the inventory. With no time to fret about the inventory, the producer can lavishly utilise his time towards increasing productivity. 
Facilitates Expansion 
Every business designates huge spaces for storage when they do it on their own. But when they outsource this service, they are left with a lot of space which they can use for other purposes like research and development. Business expansion becomes easier with outsourcing storage services. 
Additional Services 
In yesteryears, the warehouses provided businesses with storage facilities only. But today, their role has expanded beyond measure. They not only store products and keep them safe but are also responsible for keeping track of the inventory, delivery, returns, insuring the product, and whatnot, leaving ample time for the producers to concentrate on the core services of their business and capitalise on other lucrative opportunities. Thus the name, warehousing and distribution.
Financial Assistance 
The warehouses provide financial assistance to the producers as they keep a stock of goods during their full-scale production, maintaining the supply by regular delivery and flooding the market with the product during increased demand, keeping inflation at bay. This way, the producer doesn’t have to worry about regulating production as per the demand and supply forces in the market. 
Reduced Labour Costs 
With the outsourcing of warehousing and distribution, a business can save big bucks on labour costs because the warehouse owner takes care of the inventory, storage, delivery, and maintenance. Also, if the warehouse owner plans to automate the warehouse, all the costs are borne by him. This, in turn, reduces the costs for the producer as the warehouse now saves on labour costs. 
Spot Stocking 
This is a technique that farmers use mainly for all their seasonal products. Proximity to the markets makes the delivery of the products easy and quick for these warehouses. These warehouses don’t open throughout the year but only provide services during special months. 
To Summarise 
Warehousing and distribution are a blessing for any kind of business. It not only allows the business to concentrate on its core services by taking the burden of stock and storage off its shoulders but also helps them to increase profits. It is a one-stop solution to all the storage problems of the manufacturer.
If you’re looking for Pick and Pack Services in Melbourne, get in touch with the professionals at Efficient Group Services. They have a reputation for providing quality services and excellent customer service at affordable prices. Call today!
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8 Benefits of Commercial Cleaning Services
Whether you manage a small business or a large corporate office, we cannot overstate the importance of having a clean and tidy working environment. Choosing to work with a commercial cleaning service is not something you should do carelessly. You can locate the best business to handle your commercial cleaning needs if you successfully find a good cleaning service.
Picking a commercial cleaning service in Sydney for your business can be daunting. However, with some research and preparation, you can simplify your search to a great extent. Let’s look at what commercial cleaning services in Sydney can do for your business.
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Types of Commercial Cleaning
There are several forms of commercial cleaning. Thus, commercial cleaners occasionally focus on particular industries or enterprises (such as hotels).
Some of the popular categories of commercial cleaning services in Sydney are listed below:
Hotel housekeeping enables the routine maintenance of guest rooms, hallways, and other locations that may see a lot of foot activity. Because bedrooms may harbour germs, it is crucial to have them properly cleaned.
Office cleaning helps maintain workspaces neat and clean, which increases productivity.
Medical Centre Cleaning in Sydney are essential since these establishments get a lot of foot traffic and frequent exposure to germs and bacteria. It will be necessary to exercise extra caution around patient rooms, chemicals, and medical equipment.
Cleaning for sports and recreation involves sanitising equipment, cleaning heavily used locker rooms, and hygienically maintaining swimming pools.
Ventilation cleaning is a service that keeps vents and extraction systems in good condition so that dust and other debris don’t build up over time and endanger people’s health.
Window washing gives workers adequate visibility and ensures that buildings seem professional from the inside out.
These services usually involve routine and all-purpose cleaning utilising various industrial cleaning tools, substances, and methods.
Why is Commercial Cleaning Important?
Maintaining clean facilities is crucial for health and safety reasons and creating a positive first impression on consumers, regardless of the type of business you operate. To illustrate the essential function commercial cleaning plays in organisations, we’ve compiled some of its advantages.
The Benefits of Hiring Commercial Cleaning Services in Sydney
Commercial cleaning services offer many benefits to businesses in Sydney. Here are just a few:
Time Savings 
Having your staff clean the office could cost you more time than money. By hiring professional cleaners, you can free up your staff to focus on their job roles instead of trying to keep the office clean.
Health and Safety
Keeping an office clean is not only aesthetically pleasing; it also plays a vital role in maintaining health and safety standards. Professional cleaners have the training necessary to safely handle hazardous material, sanitise surfaces, and remove bacteria from high-traffic areas. If professionally cleaned regularly, employees and customers will be less likely to fall sick from germs that could linger around the office.
Prevents Disease Spread and Frequent Sick Leaves
When general well-being in the workplace is encouraged, it is feasible to lower employee absence due to health issues. Office doorknobs, desks, keyboards, and other high-touch surfaces can transfer germs and sickness. Suppose these locations do not maintain hygiene through cleaning and sanitisation. In that case, it is more likely that illnesses may spread among the staff members and negatively affect their health and attendance record.
Attention to Detail 
Professional cleaners know how to properly clean an area from top to bottom without missing any details or corners. It ensures that all office areas remain spotless, which helps maintain an attractive work environment for clients and employees.
Management of Reputation
Businesses that aren’t subject to strict cleaning and hygiene regulations may decide to hire commercial cleaners to improve their image. A lovely work atmosphere that is also healthy and fresh may make both employees and visitors happier and healthier.
Modern Cleaning Products and Technology
Each business cleaning service provider has a unique technique for transforming their client’s space into a hygienic atmosphere. Commercial cleaning service providers in Sydney use the finest antibacterial solutions. Your office will be clean and bacteria-free for a long span thanks to these cutting-edge cleaning solutions that are also ecologically friendly.
Cost Savings 
As previously said, creating a safe and healthy work environment is an excellent method to reduce the number of sick days that employees take. Hiring professional cleaning services eliminates this issue while saving you money on supplies like mops, vacuums, detergents, and other equipment that would otherwise require maintenance or replacement over time.
Increases the Longevity of the Equipment
Along with commercial cleaning making long-term savings and expense reductions, it also affects the lifecycle of equipment in the office. A tidy and healthy workplace benefits your coworkers, the environment, and even the office’s equipment. The tools, gadgets, and other devices in the office may malfunction if there is too much dust, grime, and clutter. It is more cost-effective to have them frequently cleaned and arranged than to replace parts or hire someone to fix them.
Overall, hiring commercial cleaning services in Sydney is a great way to save time, money, and energy. It also ensures that your workplace remains safe and hygienic for both customers and employees. With a bit of research into different companies offering these services, you’ll find one that meets all your needs without breaking the bank. Sparkleen Cleaning is one of the most trusted cleaning agencies with more than 15 years of experience. They use the latest technology with a sustainable approach. So why are you waiting? Call them today for commercial cleaning services in Sydney!
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afeelgoodblog · 10 months
The Best News of Last Week
🦾 - High-Five for Bionic Hand
1. Houston-area school district announces free breakfast and lunch for students
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Pasadena ISD students will be getting free breakfast and lunch for the 2023-24 school year, per an announcement on the district's social media pages.
The 2023-24 free lunch program is thanks to a Community Eligibility Provision grant the district applied for last year. The CEP, which is distributed by the Department of Agriculture, is specially geared toward providing free meals for low-income students.
2. Dolphin and her baby rescued after being trapped in pond for 2 years
A pair of dolphins that spent nearly two years stuck in a Louisiana pond system are back at sea thanks to the help of several agencies and volunteers.
According to the Audubon Nature Institute, wildlife observers believe the mother dolphin and her baby were pushed into the pond system near Grand Isle, Louisiana, during Hurricane Ida in late August 2021.
3. Studies show that putting solar panels over waterways could boost clean energy and conserve water. The first U.S. pilot project is getting underway in California.
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Some 8,000 miles of federally owned canals snake across the United States, channeling water to replenish crops, fuel hydropower plants and supply drinking water to rural communities. In the future, these narrow waterways could serve an additional role: as hubs of solar energy generation.
4. Gene therapy eyedrops restored a boy's sight. Similar treatments could help millions
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Antonio was born with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a rare genetic condition that causes blisters all over his body and in his eyes. But his skin improved when he joined a clinical trial to test the world’s first topical gene therapy.
The same therapy was applied to his eyes. Antonio, who’s been legally blind for much of his 14 years, can see again.
5. Scientists develop game-changing vaccine against Lyme disease ticks!
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A major step in battling Lyme disease and other dangerous tick-borne viruses may have been taken as researchers announced they have developed a vaccine against the ticks themselves.
Rather than combatting the effects of the bacteria or microbe that causes Lyme disease, the vaccine targets the microbiota of the tick, according to a paper published in the journal Microbiota on Monday.
6. HIV Transmission Virtually Eliminated in Inner Sydney, Australia
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Sydney may be the first city in the world to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Inner Sydney has reduced new HIV acquisitions by 88%, meaning it may be the first locality in the world to reach the UN target to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030
7. New bionic hand allows amputees to control each finger with unprecedented accuracy
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In a world first, surgeons and engineers have developed a new bionic hand that allows users with arm amputations to effortlessly control each finger as though it was their own body.
Successful testing of the bionic hand has already been conducted on a patient who lost his arm above the elbow.
That's it for this week :)
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dilf-lover99 · 2 years
6:52 | B.L. / S.M.
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Pairings: Billy Loomis x Female Reader, Stu Macher x Female Reader
Summary: Reader is the daughter of an FBI profiler and childhood best friends with Billy and Stu. When a killer starts terrorizing her friends she has to choose between following her head or her heart.
Warnings: death, blood, stabbing, violence, swearing, manipulation, kissing, major character death (deviation from cannon), mommy issues, reader is smart but a little naive, ending is open to interpretation
Word Count: 7.9k
a/n: happy halloween !! i know it's been a while but hopefully this long ass story makes up for it. please don't cancel me for this, i'm not immune to the charm of a 25 year old slasher film. let me know what you think !
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Six minutes and fifty-two seconds.
According to some remarkably arbitrary article you skimmed through in a mediocre issue of Teen Beat, it takes the average person six minutes and fifty-two seconds to determine which movie they’re going to watch.
In six minutes and fifty-two seconds you can brew half a pot of particularly unpalatable coffee in your kitchen. You can listen to your favourite Jeff Buckley song with eight seconds to spare, or drain a teeming glass of water.
Six minutes and fifty-two seconds is also the precise duration of time in which you’ve managed to evade the knife-wielding psychopath who’s killing your friends for sport.
Six minutes and fifty-two seconds.
Now here you stand in Stu Macher’s kitchen, explicitly parallel to the masked executioner, dread trickling deliberately throughout your body, dancing delicately up the incurvation of your spine.
Panic and confusion mingle together earnestly inside as you notice the killer stop before you, scarcely within arm’s reach. He tilts his disguised head at you slowly, almost as though he’s confounded that an armed maniac has been chasing you around the Macher house for the last few minutes.
“Hey...” He murmurs with a strangely familiar resonance, “I’m not gonna hurt ‘ya, Doll.”
Your expeditious breathing slows to a halt. Your face, previously adorned in confusion, is now painted with discouragement as you place who the voice belongs to.
No, you didn’t want to be right. Not this time.
A second unmasked figure appears behind him, holding a horrified and misty-eyed Sydney Prescott in his gangly arms.
“Well,” he draws out with a blinding smile, voice dripping with lunacy, “How do ya like our big reveal, Sunshine?”
Six minutes and fifty-two seconds, you think to yourself indignantly, what a fucking joke.
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You were decidedly not a morning person.
This is your first thought, a routinely reoccurring thought at that, as you move to swiftly silence the shrill reverberations of your alarm clock. There’s a distinct lack of routine to your mornings, though you consider it a win in itself being awake before school starts.
You gradually make your way downstairs, adorning an oversized Fresh Prince of Bel-Air t-shirt and the first clean pair of jeans you see, offhandedly reminding yourself to do your laundry.
The house is forebodingly silent, you should’ve long since become accustomed to that. Still you can’t help the acrimonious look you aim toward the note sitting on your kitchen counter, rereading it for the umpteenth time before grabbing yourself some breakfast.
Had to leave town for a case, left you some money for food. Call you when I can - Love Dad
At least he left a note this time you think to yourself despondently. 
You don’t blame him for not sticking around, god knows your mom couldn’t either. But at least when she left it was for good. She didn’t resurface every few weeks and pretend to know what was going on in your life, vowing to be more present if given the chance, only to leave the next time a murder happened in some backwater town five thousand miles away from the daughter she swore to stick around for. No, that was all your dad.
You used to admire him, ironically enough. Solving murders and catching the bad guys, he used to be your hero. You and your mom used to allocate hours each day waiting zealously by the phone to hear of his adventures. In the course of time your mom got tired of waiting for your dad to call, eventually she just got tired of him in general. She got tired of you in general.
You never faulted your dad for her desertion, how could you? She left him too. Though you did follow her lead in straying from your perch aside the phone. These days it never rang anyhow.
The sharp honking of a car horn redirects your attention from your melancholic reverie, you grab your bag and set the home alarm before locking the door behind you, grateful for the excuse to be anywhere but your empty house.
“Well don’t you look like a ray of sunshine this morning?” Stu’s voice sounds from the passenger seat of Billy’s car as you smoothly slide into the back.
“What’s ‘a matter? You’re not all freaked about the killer are you?” He questions, turning his lanky body around in the seat so that he’s facing you, his wide dopey grin now on full display.
Right, the killer.
It’s the only story currently circulating on the Woodsboro news, plastered on the cover of every tabloid, not to mention it’s virtually the only thing your friends seem to talk about since it happened.
Casey Becker and her boyfriend Steve Orth were brutally murdered, their remains remorselessly strung up like Christmas ornaments. It should have made you sick to your stomach. But after all the gory photos you’d seen hanging on the cork board in your dad’s office, you couldn’t help the twisted tinge of curiosity that swirled about in your brain. Who did this? Your FBI profiler dad, who specializes in capturing people that commit violent crimes, sure picked a great time to be out of state for work.
“No, but I’m super glad that you always find a way to bring it up. Very well adjusted of you.” You retort with a gentle smile, as you buckle your seatbelt, instantly feeling better at the mere sight of your two best friends.
“Ah, come on. You know we’d never let anything happen t’you. Right, Billy?” He nudges his elbow at Billy, awaiting his agreeance.
“Course not.” Billy states, his voice is gentle but his tone is stern, and you don’t miss the indicative look he flashes Stu. What’s all that about?
“O..kay then.” You make it a point to remember that look. It’s peculiarly akin to the look he gave Stu at the fountain the other morning.
“I didn’t kill anybody” Stu abruptly defended.
“No one’s saying you did.” Billy shot Stu an ominous look of warning. 
What the hell are those two idiots hiding? 
“My knights in shining armour, truly. However could I repay you?” You deadpan sarcastically, coming to the conclusion that there is definitely something going on. You’re always right about these things. Whatever it is, you’re going to figure it out eventually.
You’ve known Billy and Stu since elementary school, they can’t hide things from you. At least Stu can’t. His facade will shatter like glass if you look up at him with big eyes and an amiable smile. Billy on the other hand, had spent copious amounts of time with you sifting through your father’s research when you were kids, which gave him the invaluable knowledge of how to get away with lying. That and his prodigious poker face.
“Well- And I’m so glad you asked, there’s actually a super easy way to do that. Wouldn’t take too long either-” You don’t even need to look at Stu to know this is another one of his empty-headed innuendos for sex.
“Wouldn’t take too long is right. At least that’s what Tate told me. You might wanna work on that.” You tease, gently squeezing his arm in mock sympathy.
Billy lets out a modest chuckle of approval at your childish rebuttal, sending you a wink in the rear-view mirror when he catches your smile growing at the sound.
You try to ignore the hastening uptick of your pulse at the simple action. He has a girlfriend, you remind yourself remorsefully, he’s your best friend and that’s all.
“Oh really? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see about that, won’t we?” Stu’s resplendent crystal eyes hold an edge of irritation, but before you can discern the connotation of it, they’re overtaken by the playful mischief you’re certain is a permanent fixture in them.
“Speaking of this whole killer business,” You swiftly steer the subject back, aware of your best friends’ infatuation with the topic, “How’s Sid holding up?”
Of all your friends, the killings had the strongest emotional impact on Sidney. When taken into account that the same thing happened to her mom almost exactly a year ago, it’s something of a wonder that she’s showing up to school at all.
Though Cotton Weary was tried and convicted for the murder of Sidney’s mother, you and your dad always shared a covert belief that somebody else was to blame. When you combed through the evidence, albeit evidence you weren’t legally allowed to see, something felt off about it all. Your dad agreed, stating as much to the local police who were less than receptive of his findings. In essence, they told him to fuck off, that they’d closed the case without the help of the FBI.
You never wavered on your belief that the true perpetrator escaped undetected, and now with the same m.o. being used to kill Casey and Steve, you’re adamant that these cases are connected. Of course you’ve kept this ideology to yourself, not wishing to dredge up any more pain for Sid, the poor girl’s already been through more than her fair share of it.
“More frigid than usual I bet. If that’s even possible.” Stu jokes incautiously.
Billy swats Stu firmly in the chest, glancing at you in the mirror again as Stu lets out a minor yelp, “She’s not so good. I tried to make her feel better, but you know how I am with that sort of stuff” he says unhurriedly.
Unfortunately I do, you think to yourself. Of all the things you love about Billy, patience and understanding are not exactly the top contenders. You imagine his version of consoling Sid ended with her feeling worse.
“At least you tried. That counts for something.” You add optimistically, already preparing to check in with Sid the first chance you get.
“I’m not sure it does,” His eyes are surveying your every feature through the rearview mirror and you’re becoming acutely aware that he’s barely spared a glance at the road since he started driving, you being the sole focus of his attention, “Not with her anyway,” He mumbles out the last part but you manage to piece it together inquisitively.
If you were thinking with your emotions instead of your intellect, you’d have picked up on the nuance of his words and the uncharacteristic benevolence of his gaze. You’d have pieced together sooner that you actually had a chance with Billy Loomis.
The trajectory of your life, the lives of your friends, could have been exponentially juxtaposed if you had only continued to prioritize your mind above your heart.
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“Fuck!” Oh god, oh god, oh fuck! Not the most eloquent thoughts in the world, but they’re about all you’ve got since you caught sight of the menacing masked figure jumping onto Sidney, armed with a particularly sharp-edged blade.
You’re vehemently regretting tagging along to what was initially intended to be a girls night with Tatum and Sid. 
“Safety in numbers,” Tatum smiled impishly, tugging on your arm in that way she does when she wants something bad enough, “Besides, your dad’s gone too! You and Sid would be much safer at my place.” She brought up a valid point. Although you weren’t as unnerved as your friends at the prospect of being murdered, your strong distaste for spending another night alone in your house was enough for you to give in to your friend’s wishes.
“Alright. I’ll come. But no cheesy rom-coms, we’re watching Seven.” You conceded sooner than Tatum expected. She had a whole speech about the sanctity of friendship planned, but she intended to save it for another time.
“You’ll have to convince Sid. You know how she feels about horror movies.”
“I also know how she feels about Brad Pitt,” You teased with a grin, earning an emphatic giggle from Tatum, “Besides, it’s a thriller not a horror. Randy would die just to roll over in his grave if he heard you right now.”
The plan was to go back to your houses separately and grab your things, Tatum would pick you each up on her way home from practice. The plan changed after you observed Sidney throughout the day. You could tell she was jittery and nervous, despite her fruitless attempts at covering it up, so you went straight to her house together after school. 
The two of you briskly passed out on opposite ends of the couch, only awoken by the piercing ring of Sid’s telephone. “Tate’s gonna be a while, she got held up at practice.” Sid relayed the message to you, gingerly rubbing the evidence of sleep from her eyes.
You nodded in understanding, moving from your previous position on the couch and deftly stretching the tender muscles in your back.
“I’m gonna grab a glass of water. You want anything?” You asked Sid as the phone resumed ringing, she shook her head no with a comfortable smile and answered the call as you walked toward the kitchen and out of ear shot.
You moved around the kitchen with an air of familiarity, taking your time filling the glass. Your walk back to Sidney turned into a swift jog, confusion and mild alarm made their presence known on your face as you heard her yell “Fuck you, cretin!” into the phone with conviction.
“Sid- Hey, what’s going on?” You moved to comfort her frenzied form, taking over for her shaking hands you swiftly locked the chain on her front door.
“The killer- He… Oh my god!” Her frenetic speech died a merciless death on her lips as she heard the door of her hall closet swing open. Before either of you could register what was happening, the killer was on top of her.
“Fuck!” Sid yelps, flailing wildly in a desperate attempt to escape from the masked lunatic’s grip.
You froze for a moment back there, you aren’t proud of it. All the self-defence lessons and step-by-step protocols for how to survive in a dangerous situation seemed to have vanished from your mind. But now you can hear his voice in your head, stern but compassionately reassuring like it always was, “C’mon (y/n), this is life or death. As much as I wish I could, I can’t always be here with a gun and a vest to protect you. So come on, how are you gonna fight back?” You used to hate it when he did that. Why should a girl your age worry about those things?
Thanks Dad, you silently praise, guess you make the time we spend together count.
You snap out of it instantaneously, bringing down your half-empty glass of water over the killer’s head with considerable force, shattering it to pieces and stunning him long enough for you to send a brutal kick to his side, temporarily removing his looming figure from atop Sidney. You suppress a wince as you notice one particularly long shard of glass has embedded itself deeply into your palm, blood trickling evenly from the gash as you gingerly remove it.
You waste no time grabbing Sidney from the floor, pulling her along with haste as you reach the staircase and begin your ascent. “Wait- The front door is-” She starts before you cut her off, “It’s locked Sid. We don’t have time, he’s right behind us.” She turns to gage the distance and her eyes widen substantially as she sees just how correct you are. He’s right there.
In a matter of nanoseconds the killer grabs ahold of Sidney’s foot, giving it a solid tug. Her hand slips from yours as he drags her down the steps.
“Anything can be used as a weapon, especially when you combine it with the element of surprise.” Your dad’s voice rings through your ears once more as you stormily grab hold of a bulky framed painting from the wall and smash it down onto the killer’s head. He groans and trips back a half-step, just enough distance for you to pull Sidney back up, taking care to hold on extra tightly as you resume your course to her bedroom.
Hightailing it to her room, the two of you close the door behind you, Sidney rushing to alert the police as you make a half-assed attempt to barricade the door shut, working at warp-speed.
The door jolts violently behind you as the killer manages to squeeze his arm through, prompting Sid to bellow out a short scream of terror. You push back on the door with all your body weight, a triumphant smile fighting its way to the surface as you hear the vociferous groan of pain emitting from your pursuer. He pulls his arm back with haste, allowing the door to shut fully behind you.
It’s agonizingly silent. What’s he going to do now? He’s much stronger than you or Sidney, surely he could break down the door. Or stab it with his knife, stab you with his knife. You’re eagerly awaiting his next move. Sid, on the other hand, needs this to be the end of it. She manages to contact the police through her computer, and you can’t deny the pride you feel for her, carrying on despite the clearcut terror she’s just experienced.
You both turn toward the window on high alert, a noise informing you that you’re not alone. You grab the first thing within your reach, Sidney’s hairbrush, and hurl it with impressive force at the figure entering her bedroom. 
“Ow! Jesus (y/n)! What the hell’s goin’ on? I heard Sid screaming. The door was locked. Are you guys okay?” Billy questions, pulling himself through the window once he recovers from the hairbrush hit to his temple.
I heard Sid screaming.
How did he know it was Sid who screamed? And what exactly was he doing here anyway? 
No, you cut yourself off, there’s no way! It’s Billy, he wouldn’t…
Would he?
When you and your dad made the profile for Maureen’s killer, you determined that it had to be a young adult male between the ages of 16 to 24. You also theorized that he had to know Maureen, the level of rage present in her killing was too personal for a stranger to carry out. Your dad threw around the idea that maybe there were two killers, one with a hunger to be in control, the other just along for the thrill of the hunt. 
You remember the day you brought the profile up to Billy and Stu.
The three of you were watching some cheesy 80s slasher in Stu’s spacious living room, Stu’s arm around your waist as your head gently laid on Billy’s shoulder.
“My dad agrees with me you know?” You start, voice overtaking the synthetic screams of whichever big-breasted actress was getting slaughtered on screen, “That it wasn’t Cotton Weary. He actually thinks there were two of ‘em.” Billy and Stu both tense up, causing you to observe them from the corner of your eye.
There was a brief look of alarm on Stu’s face causing your eyebrows to furrow together in confusion. Perhaps you should have kept your reaction subdued, as Billy picked up on it instantaneously. He delicately grabbed ahold of your chin, the pads of his fingertips setting your skin ablaze beneath them, turning your face to his he muttered coldly, “Since when do you care what that asshole thinks?” 
Your gaze dropped from his, a frown taking over your lips. He’s right, in a way, but he doesn’t have to say it like that.
“Hey, come on Sunshine, turn that frown upside down, huh?” Stu was his usual sanguine self again in the blink of an eye, that beautiful broad grin already back in its rightful place on his lips, “Who needs him anyway? You got us.”
“Yeah,” You smiled back despite yourself, “Guess that makes me pretty lucky.”
For someone who loves talking about murder so much, he always manages to brazenly shut it down whenever you bring up the profile. The profile that he fits.
How did you never see it before?
“Sid,” You start slowly, taking a gentle step toward the girl who’s wrapped in her boyfriend’s embrace. You’re attempting this with the utmost care so as not to alarm Billy, in case he’s hiding the familiar blade on his person, “This cut on my hand is pretty deep,” It’s true, though you couldn’t care less about it, “Can you come help me with it, please.”
Your voice broke on the last syllable and you’re definitive that he noticed.
Billy turns to you with a look of confusion, it’s almost as though he can read your mind. “Your hand?” He questions, not releasing Sid from his grip, “What happened to your hand?” He seems genuinely concerned and you’re beginning to doubt your own instincts. Until Sid pulls away from his grip, a soft thump resounding as something falls from Billy’s pocket.
A mobile phone. 
The kind of mobile phone a killer would have if he had just made a menacing, life-threatening phone call to his girlfriend.
Why did you have to be right?
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Six minutes and fifty-two seconds. You don’t time it, but that’s how long it takes for you to change into your pyjamas, or in this case one of Dewey’s old t-shirts that less than flatteringly falls below your knees in an Ebenezer Scrooge sort of way, and get situated beside Tatum in one of her twin beds.
Despite the cataclysmic series of events you’ve just been through, you manage a loose smile as you watch Sidney ice her hand after landing a particularly impressive punch on Gale Weathers’ face. 
“The pain’s gonna fade in the morning but the pride’ll last. At least mine will, you’re kinda badass, Prescott.” You jest, attempting to quell the foreboding thoughts you’re sure are threatening to chew her up and swallow her whole.
“Ditto,” She motions to your injured hand, all bandaged up thanks to Dewey’s gentle insistence, “I’m sorry it happened, you shouldn’t have gotten hurt saving me.” She concludes, ever the saint.
“Sid, no. Okay? None of that should have happened in the first place.” And I should have seen it coming. You keep that one to yourself.
“Do you really think Billy did it?” Tatum questions from beside you.
“He was there, Tatum.” Sidney replies solemnly.
You zone out of the conversation, even after Sidney leaves the room. You can’t stop thinking about the look Billy gave you as they pushed him into the back of the police car. He was desperate, that much was obvious, but there was something else there too, it was almost like he was heartbroken.
Why would he look at you like that?
Maybe he was upset that you figured him out before he had the chance to gut you like a fish. Maybe it was because he knew Sid would never speak to him again.
Or maybe it was because he couldn’t fathom you believing this about him, you ponder remorsefully, maybe he was innocent.
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You’re on edge, anyone with a functioning pair of eyes can see that. But it’s not for the reasons they’d think. You’re not scared of some masked psycho reaching out and slicing your throat. You’re perturbed at all of the eyes that are drawn to you like moths to a flame. 
You’d had enough of it before the first period bell even rang.
“How does it feel to be almost murdered?” An immensely insensitive reporter shouted, hovering the microphone unreasonably close to Sid’s face, onlookers gathered around you, awaiting her response with bated breath, “Keep holding that thing in her face and I’ll be happy to ask you the same question.” You threatened half-heartedly, gently maneuvering Sid and yourself through the crowd.
“Hey pretty lady,” Stu’s congenial voice sounds from behind you, firmly knocking this morning’s unpleasant memory from your cranium. He wraps his gangly arms around your middle and bends down a farcical distance to rest his chin upon your shoulder, “Star in any good horror movies lately?” He questions, letting out a chortle at his own words.
“You’re a really emotionally intelligent guy Stu. Anybody ever tell you that?” Your acerbic undertone isn’t lost on him for once as he registers your discomfort.
“Hey- That was- You know I’m just joking, I’m sorry.”
“I know you’re joking, you’re just not very funny.” 
Removing his hands from your body, too soon for your liking, you think, he throws himself dramatically against a row of lockers, hands on his heart as he groans in mock agony, “Take it back! Please, take it back!” 
He’s an idiot.
An idiot with perfectly carved dimples and the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. And you want so desperately not to give in to his theatrics, but you can’t help it, not when those eyes are shining at you like the cascading glimmer of the moonlight. You’re smiling before you can stop yourself.
“Ahhh, there it is,” Stu’s voice still holds that ever-present joking tone, but his eyes are sincere, like he’s desperate for you to pick up on the emotion hiding beneath it all, “Can’t live without that smile. ‘M never gonna let you go.”
Your heartbeat rapidly increases in pace and you all but force yourself to look anywhere but his imprudently handsome face. Stop that, you internalize, best friends, nothing more.
“(y/n), hey. Can I talk to you for a sec?” You don’t need to redirect your gaze to pinpoint the source of the voice.
It’s Billy.
“See ya later, Sunshine.” Stu bids you farewell, placing a gentle lingering kiss on the apple of your cheek.
“I have to get to class.” You turn to walk from Billy, not in the mood to hear whatever tales of deception he’s concocted in the confines of his imagination.
“Just-” He reaches out for your arm, stopping dead in his tracks when you flinch away from his touch, “Give me ten minutes okay? If you hate me after that, then I’ll leave you alone for good.” The sorrow in his voice is enough to keep your feet firmly planted.
“You’ve got,” You spare a quick glimpse at the clock on the wall, mentally calculating how long it’ll be before you’re late to AP Chemistry, “Six minutes and fifty-two seconds. Take it or leave it.”
“Yeah, I’ll take it.” He attempts a smile but it falls faster than it formed.
“I’m not an idiot Billy. Or- Or maybe I am, because I didn’t see it sooner, but-”
“Don’t do that,” His voice resembles a whisper, his eyes are pleading but there’s also an edge in them that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck, “Don’t- You know me, right? We’ve been friends since we were kids. Look at me,” His fingers reach out for you, a near imperceptible smile twitching at the sides of his mouth when you don’t immediately recoil, “You know me. I’d never do anything to hurt you.” 
You know in your mind that there’s no reasonable explanation for how it all adds up. He fits the profile. But in your heart, you know he’s telling you the truth. The look in his eyes confirms his words, he wouldn’t hurt you.
Against your better judgement you lean into his touch, his hand finds its way to your cheek, drawing indistinguishable circles above your zygomatic bone with his thumb.
“What about Sid? Have you talked to her?” You feel his body tense up, though he does a good job of keeping his emotions unreadable.
“Yeah. We talked.”
“And,” He breathes agitatedly, “We broke up.”
“You what? Well- Are you okay? Is she okay? Oh god, I should go find her.” You softly attempt to maneuver from his grip but his hold tightens slightly.
“She’s the one who dumped me, so I’m sure she’s fine.” 
“Does she still think-?”
“No. No, she knows I didn’t do it. But I guess it just wasn’t working out.” If he’s lying, he should make a career out of it. You’re studying every inch of his captivatingly handsome face, and you can’t find a hint of misrepresentation.
“It’s for the best really,” His honeyed gaze settles on your own eyes, your breath hitching noticeably as you take in their mahogany-toned opulence, “Otherwise I couldn’t do this.” His lips are on your own without a moments hesitation.
You know the only intelligent response is to pull away and race to AP Chem, pretending like it never happened. But today you’re letting your heart think for you. And it feels precariously marvellous. You kiss him back with more passion than you knew you were capable of mustering, the years of feelings you’ve hidden away, even from yourself, come spilling out from your lips and land delectably onto his.
Billy moves his unoccupied hand into your hair, giving it a gentle tug, expertly sliding his tongue into your mouth the moment your lips part to release a gentle moan. If this is what it feels like to prioritize your heart above your mind, you’re not entirely confident you’ll ever use your brain again.
The vociferous ringing of the warning bell unwillingly splits the two of you apart, though his forehead still rests contentedly against your own.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that, Doll.” His eyes are looking at you with a plethora of unknown emotions and your heart is beating far too fast for you to decipher them.
“Worth the wait?” You question softly.
“Absolutely. Glad the wait’s almost over though.”
The wait’s almost over.
Maybe it was the warning bell, or your AP Chem teacher’s disdain for tardiness, or your ever-hastening heartbeat and affections for a certain brown-eyed boy, but you missed it.
The one and only slip-up he made all day and you were too lovestruck to notice.
Those six minutes and fifty-two seconds would cost you big time.
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“Ahh, there’s my Sunshine. Perfect timing!” Stu swings a lanky arm over your shoulders as you catch up to him in the school parking lot. “I just finished spreading the good news,” He states with a cheeky grin, as if you should have any idea what he’s referring to.
“Oh, well are congratulations in order then? How far along are you?” You press a teasing hand to his stomach, grin growing as he sticks his tongue out at you, moving his hands to your sides and giving you a short tickle.
“Oh, ha-ha. She’s a real comedian today, huh?” He narrows his eyes in jest, “I’m talkin’ about the crazy killer get outta school free bash I’m throwin’ tonight. You’re coming of course,” He tells you rather than asks you, though you’ve never had much luck saying no to Stu.
“Another one of your million dollar ideas I presume? ‘Cause there’s nothing totally birdbrained about throwing a curfew-breaking rager with a masked psycho killer on the loose.” You’re not keen on the idea of showing up to some party with everything that’s been happening, not to mention what Sid must think of it all.
Not that you have a right to act all sanctimonious when it comes to Sidney’s feelings, her relationship with Billy was barely over before you had your tongue down his throat.
“Come on, Sunshine, it’ll all mean nothing without you there.” 
It’ll all mean nothing.
“What’ll mean nothing?” You question gently, careful to hide the inquisitive edge to your query.
Stu’s eyes widen sizeably as he clears his throat, “Just- Nothing. You’re- You’re coming right?”
After that? You’re definitely going. Tonight you’re figuring out once and for all what this boy’s been hiding from you.
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You tried to stay away from Billy, honestly. But the second his eyes met yours in Stu’s living room, you knew it was a futile attempt.
The two of you expeditiously wandered upstairs into one of the many vacant bedrooms available in the Macher house, barely closing the door behind you before your lips were melding together.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this all day,” Billy hums against your lips, placing another searing kiss there before moving his way down to your neck. 
Engaging in a moment of passion at a party while an unidentified serial killer roams on the loose may not have been your finest moment but, unintelligently, that was the furthest thing from your mind. Billy’s hands were now sliding delectably slowly underneath the hem of your shirt as his lips continued their pursuit on your neck, that was the sole occupant of your thoughts.
At least it was, until you saw him.
Before you could verbalize the killer’s sudden materialization to Billy, it was too late.
The masked figure hastily removed Billy from your grip, his cold steely blade acrimoniously slashing Billy with ease, ostensibly the knife was even sharper than it looked. Billy’s blood splattered onto your face and you made the split second decision that, this time, a glass of water and a painting weren’t going to protect you.
“(y/n), I need you to remember this part, okay? No matter how scared or tired or hopeless you feel, if you can run, you run! Alright?” You’d heard your dad’s voice more in your head these past few days than you had out loud in months, but at that moment you were simply grateful you’d ever heard it at all.
You didn’t chance a single look behind you, expertly weaving your way through Stu’s house and out the back door. You didn’t glance back even after you’d escaped the house and almost crossed the property line.
Where did all the cars go?
If there were any other choice, you wouldn’t have ran back into the house. But your friends were nowhere to be found and, peculiarly, neither was the killer.
If he was out there looking for you, surely he’d never expect you to go back inside. All you had to do was reach the phone in the kitchen and call 911. The last sight you were prepared to see was the killer’s masked face parallel to your own.
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“Well... How do ya like our big reveal, Sunshine?” Stu grins wickedly from behind Sidney.
The deep crimson remnants of the scene you thought you’d witnessed are still making their way down your face, trickling along your tepid skin like raindrops on a car window. You wipe them away fervently, the whirlwind of emotions swirling within you becoming more than you can bear.
It’s not even real blood.
“What is this?” You utter nauseously, gesturing to the foreign substance coating your face.
It’s probably the least important question you could be asking right now but you’ll admit the two of them have put on quite the performance. You’re sickened, but you’re curious.
Billy removes his mask, stepping closer to you and wiping a drop of the mystery liquid from your cheek, ignoring the way you flinch at his touch and placing the finger onto his tongue he lets out a low hum of approval, “’S’Corn syrup, Doll. Same stuff they used for pig’s blood in Carrie.”
Sid freed herself from Stu’s grip, him and Billy now distractedly gazing at you with distinguishable looks of pride. You gesture your head near-imperceptibly toward the entryway, a silent request for her to run while she has the chance. She hesitates, clearly apprehensive about leaving you to fend for yourself with two armed maniacs, but you need her to go. You can attempt your own escape when you know she’s safe.
“You had me fooled,” You start in a desperate effort to maintain their attention, “I mean, I had my doubts- But that whole fake death scene upstairs? You guys really sold it.” Sid discreetly makes her way to the entryway, stopping to look at you with a final questioning look on her weary face. 
Nodding your head near invisibly, you make the devastating mistake of sweeping your eyes over her frame to survey her injuries. It was quick, a nanosecond at most before your gaze was back in front of you, but it wasn’t quick enough to go unnoticed by Billy, who grabs ahold of his knife and has it pointed against Sid’s throat in a matter of seconds. 
Billy and Stu launch into a certifiably demented rant, their words exploding on Sidney in a particularly violent manner.
Why would they have it out for Sid specifically?
Billy turns toward you and ends his dialogue without warning when he recognizes the look of understanding on your features.
“You killed her,” You breathe a near sigh of relief, finally understanding the bigger picture, “You killed Maureen and you’ve spent the last- Who fucking knows how long you’ve spent, just planning this- All to torture Sid.” It’s all making so much fucking sense and you can’t believe the amount of time it’s taken you to piece it all together, “You killed Casey Becker too, ‘cause she sits next to Sid in English. You knew she’d see that empty seat every day and be reminded of her mom. Psychological warfare…” 
Billy looks uncharacteristically proud watching you piece it all together, “Got it in one, (y/n).” 
“You’re- You’re sick! Why? Why the fuck would you do that?” Sidney struggles in Billy’s hold as he explains his motive behind her mother’s murder.
Mommy issues. Figures you’d have that in common.
Stu looks outwardly surprised at Billy’s reveal, indirectly confirming your dad’s two person theory. One killer with a personal connection to the victim and the other just in it for the thrill of the hunt. Dad’s gonna be so pissed he missed this, you regard inwardly.
“How are you gonna do it then?” You question the two unjustly handsome lunatics.
“Do what, Sweetheart?” Billy asks benevolently from beside Sid, still holding the tip of his blade to her neck.
“How are you gonna kill me?” You probe.
The question is a test. You’ve got a theory that they didn’t plan far enough ahead to remember that your dad will hunt them down to the ends of the earth after you die, especially since they haven’t seemed particularly keen on covering their trail. If you figured them out this quickly, your dad would have them behind bars in no time.
“What?” Billy asks, all previous traces of jubilance promptly removed from his face.
“How are you going to kill me?” You repeat tauntingly, if your best friends since elementary school were going to kill you like it was nothing, you were going to enjoy the thought of them spending the rest of their lives in florescent orange jumpsuits, “Spare me the gory details but, you do know what FBI stands for, right? Good luck getting away with it this time.” Thankfully, your voice manages to come out far more confident than you’re feeling inside.
Stu moves from beside you to in front of you, gently placing his sizeable hands on either side of your face. Has he always been this tall? Craning your neck to look up at him, the smug smile you managed to plaster on slides off and morphs into confusion as you notice the doleful look on his face. Why is he looking at you like you just kicked his puppy?
“You can’t really believe that,” His voice is so gentle, you could almost forget the sheer lunacy that was dripping from it moments ago, “What did I tell you, Sunshine? I’m never gonna let you go.” He’s looking at your lips like he wants to kiss them, and if you were under any other circumstance, there’d be nothing to keep you from it. He leans in and you almost move to do the same before you hear Sidney’s panicked voice calling out.
“Leave her alone! Please. If you want to kill me then fucking do it already, just let (y/n) go!”
Right, this is an active hostage situation.
Stu let his guard down to console you. Both of his hands on your head means he’s no longer holding the gun, but there’s no easy way to go about gaining control of it. You could kick him in the shins and hope he stays distracted long enough, but your dad’s voice runs through your mind once again, “You can’t reason with a psychopath (y/n), but sometimes you can play along with their fantasy to gain their trust.” You know this isn’t what he had in mind, but you’re running out of options.
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you lean up on your toes and kiss Stu with fervour. It’s a good kiss, one of the best you’ve ever had, in fact. There’s a moment, just a split second while you’re reaching for the gun behind his back, that you wish it was for real. He pulls you in deeper and you try to convince yourself that you’re only kissing back to make it believable.
Finally you feel the cool metallic handle of the gun, gripping onto it firmly you muster up the strength to pull back from Stu’s embrace. Aiming the barrel between him and Billy, you can almost feel your heart crack at the look of betrayal painted upon Stu’s face.
No, you remind yourself sternly, they kill people. For fun. They’re not your best friends anymore, they’re murderers.
“Let her go.” You ignore the internal war waging between your heart and your mind.
“(y/n)…” Billy’s not as shocked as Stu. As a matter of fact, Billy’s not shocked at all. He knows you, almost better than you know yourself, “Put the gun down. You’re not gonna shoot us.” His voice is stern, his words a cross between a warning and a command.
He’s right, as usual. The one thing your dad could never get you to do was shoot a gun. You fucking hate those things.
“You’re right, I’m not gonna shoot you,” Your voice is even, but you know he picks up on the slight shake of your hands as you aim the gun toward his chest, “As long as you let her go.”
“That’s not gonna happen, Doll.” He shakes his head, frustration rapidly becoming anger “I’m not asking you again (y/n). Put it down. Now.”
“Or what?” You bluff in a last ditch attempt to maintain a facade of bravery.
Billy’s anger finally reaches its boiling point and he answers your question wordlessly.
It’s different than it looks in the movies. The blood doesn’t trickle out slowly and melodramatically. It spews out like a faucet and it never stops.
You drop the gun after that, rushing to sit at Sid’s side on the floor in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. It was a single deep slash, clean across her throat. The quiet gurgling sounds of blood filling her lungs finally subside after her last breath sounds, and your crimson stained hands remove themselves from her neck.
“Now, are you gonna start listening to me? Or do I have to do somethin’ like that again?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You know what’s wrong with him, with both of them. They’re psychopaths. But you can’t prevent the question from slipping past your lips, you’re desperate for some understanding as to what exactly is it is they intend to gain from their whole plan.
“What’s wrong with me? I told you to put the fuckin’ thing down!” Billy’s still angry, what’s new?  “Shit! That’s not how it was supposed to go.” His agitation fading slightly into discontent. Clearly he wanted to take his time killing Sid. At least you spared her some suffering.
“We gotta get out of here Billy. It’s only a matter of time before the cops show up.” Stu’s voice sounds, entirely indifferent to the scene he just witnessed.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right,” Billy runs his left hand through his hair in a gesture of frustration, his right hand latched firmly on the gun you dropped after he slit Sidney’s throat, “Shit! Alright, let’s go.” He gestures his head to the door, his eyes haven’t left you since your little standoff, making it clear that he’s talking to you.
“What?” Your voice is laced with perplexion. He can’t seriously expect you to walk out of there with them.
“C’mon, Sunshine. You already got him in a mood, don’t make it any worse.” Stu’s voice holds that ever present hint of amusement, as if this is just like old times, when you and Stu would make one too many jokes at Billy’s expense and he’d spend the rest of the day sulking.
“I’m not- You can’t actually think I’m going anywhere with you,” You chuckle in disbelief, “You just killed my best friends!” You don’t have explicit confirmation that Randy and Tatum are dead too, but considering the current state of affairs, it’s reasonably obvious.
“We’re your best friends, (y/n). We’re more than that, actually.” Billy kneels down in front of you on the kitchen floor. His anger has finally subsided, he’s speaking in a normal tone, the sticky crimson remnants on your hands serve as the only reminder of his previous outburst.
“That was before-”
“Oh come on, Doll,” He cuts you off, calloused fingers wiping the excess corn syrup from your face, “You ever wonder why the daughter of an FBI profiler couldn’t figure out there was something off with us?” His grin is wicked but his touch is gentle, almost comforting, “It’s ‘cause you didn’t want to see it. You didn’t want anything to get between us, because you feel the same way about us that we do about you.”
You want to tell him to fuck off. That he’s crazy and you have no idea what he’s talking about. But you can’t. Because he’s right, he’s right and he knows it.
Taking your silence as confirmation he continues, delicately tracing your cheek with his nimble fingers, “You love us,” Stu makes his way to your side, smiling with dimples on full display as Billy speaks, “And you can try and deny it, if you want to. But we all know the truth.”
“So what if I did?” You finally find your voice, it’s shakier than you’d like but it’s there, “If you know me as well as you think you do, then you know there’s no way in hell I’d go anywhere with you after this.”
“You wanna know how well I know you?” Billy’s voice is sharp, bitter, you’re getting under his skin again, “I know you, (y/n). I know you’re not afraid of masked killers, or watching your friend die,” He releases you from his grip, standing back to his full height as his words permeate your brain, “I know your worst fear.” He gestures for Stu to follow as he takes small leisurely steps toward the doorway, ignoring the look of confusion and panic on Stu’s face at the prospect of leaving there without you.
Stu reluctantly follows Billy toward the exit, not removing his eyes from your enervated form. When they finally reach the doorway Billy resumes his speech, a contemptuous tone lacing his voice, “Being left here all alone.” He says simply.
This is your own fault, really. Allowing someone to get so close to you, learn everything about you, use everything they’ve learned against you.
You could argue that he’s wrong, but he’s not.
You could go out fighting, but you don’t.
You could stay sitting on the floor until the police inevitably discover you, but you won’t.
Billy walks back over to you, offering you a hand with a mischievous glint present in his eyes, “So,” He starts devilishly, “What’s it gonna be, Doll?”
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newtimecleaning · 5 months
Home Cleaning north Sydney-Coponcrete Cleaning Hornsby
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https://newtimecleaning.com.au/construction-cleaning/ Transform your North Sydney home into a spotless sanctuary with our exceptional home cleaning services. Our dedicated team understands the importance of a clean living space, and we take pride in delivering top-tier results. From bedrooms to kitchens and everything in between, we ensure your home gleams with cleanliness. Additionally, if you're looking to rejuvenate your outdoor spaces in Hornsby, our professional concrete cleaning services are the answer. We remove years of dirt and grime, revealing the true beauty of your concrete surfaces. With attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, we provide comprehensive cleaning solutions for both your indoor and outdoor spaces. Contact us today for a refreshed and inviting home.
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weirdmorefics · 9 months
I think I got mugged... Carmen Berzatto X reader
Reader's pronouns- (She/Her)
Word Count- 2,063
Summary- Reader gets mugged on her way to work and tries to act like it is no big deal but Carmy forces her to sit down and patches her up.
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"Y/N why the hell are you so late? We are slammed! Carmy's losing his ever-loving mind!" Richie shouts at me before I even fully step through the door.
"Shh. You are being so loud right now," I groan while holding my head.
Richie looks at me and grimaces," Woah you look like shit!!"
"Thank you that's exactly what every woman wants to hear. You must be drowning in ladies." I roll my eyes because I am well aware I look like shit I don't really need to hear it.
"Ha ha Y/N you are so funny... but seriously are okay?" Richie fake laughed then looked at me seriously.
"Yeah... I think I got mugged or something... but it's chill," I mumbled a tad embarrassed because I may or may not talk a big game of being tough.
At this loud statement, courtesy of Richie Carmy peeks his head out of the window and Sydney comes out to check on guests.
Sydney pauses what she's doing and concernedly says "Y/n are okay?" Then proceeds to shout as well "Is that blood!"
I touch my head and feel the warm wetness on my head, "I suppose it is.. can we just stop the shouting though so I can finish walking in the door and actually help with the rush."
Carmen is instantly rushing out of the kitchen at the statement, "There is no way you are working today!"
"I swear I am fine! I will clean up in the bathroom and get right to work." I attempt to walk away but fail miserably as Carmen instantly grabs my arm.
"Bullshit you are not fine! You are bleeding from your head! If you won't take care of yourself I will do it for you. Sydney cover for me!" Carmen seethed so hard I thought smoke would blow out of his ears.
Sydney responds "Yes, Chef." I mouth I am so sorry as Carmen drags me to the back office.
"OOO Carmy is mad," Richie drags out like a high schooler watching a school fight.
"Shut the fuck up, Richie!" Carmen shouts not even looking back.
I clamp my mouth shut and Richie laughs "Good luck Y/N! I'll beat the mugger up for you though if Carmy doesn't get to him first."
I glare at Richie and I kind of blame him for the whole restaurant finding out I was mugged.
Carmy slams the office door open and basically forces me to sit down without saying a single word. I watch him silently as he mumbles profanities and makes a mess looking for something. After tearing half the office apart he pulls out a first aid kit. He shines a flashlight annoyingly close to my eyes and grumbles for me to follow the light.
I chuckle slightly and ask, "What are you a doctor now?"
He simply glares at me and does not say a word. "Um.. are you mad at me for getting mugged? I mean trust I am mad too I lost fifty bucks I am just glad I only had cash on me and not my wallet. I just don't see why you are mad."
He sets the flashlight down and looks at me like I am an idiot. "Are you serious? You do not know why I am mad? Also, you are concussed so you are not working and I am driving you home."
"What! I am so not concussed they barely even pushed me! Can you even diagnose me with a concussion?" I tried to stand up and walk away from him but was instantly pushed back down in the chair.
"I need you to let me take care of you for once," He said like it was no big deal at all but it made me blush so bad. He did not acknowledge it and poured some alcohol on a towel and cleaned the dry blood off the side of my head.
"You know I'd give you a ride to work anytime," he whispers as he puts my hair behind my ear.
"You being all nice now is giving me serious whiplash. I don't mind taking public transportation anyway and my apartment is literally in the opposite direction from yours I could never ask you to go out of your way to just drive me to work. If you are not going to let me work I will just walk home." I went to stand up again and once again pushed back down.
"Let me get my keys I'll drive you home it is not a question. I will drive you to work when you are healthy enough again. Can't have you getting hurt again." he said bossing me around. This time he noticed my blush and quickly added to the statement " Can't have you getting hurt because we can't afford to lose an employee I mean... just stay put let me get my keys."
As soon as he left the office I stood up and sneaked out to the kitchen.
"Hey Marcus what are you working on," I said in a sing-songy voice. He showed me a wide variety of donuts he was taste-testing for his new donut recipe. I instantly took one and started to help him determine the best ones. Then we both heard Carmy shouting "Y/N where did you go? I thought I told you to stay put!"
I hold my head and groan "What crawled up his ass today?"
"Well, maybe the fact you got mugged and he is obsessed with you?" Marcus says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
I laugh at him "Shut up I may be concussed but I am not gullible. "
"You may not be gullible but you are certainly oblivious. Better go your boyfriend is still calling for you." He teases as I roll my eyes.
"I am taking a donut because you are being mean," I say and steal my favorite donut out of the batch.
I walk out of the kitchen while taking a bite of my donut and am greeted by a glaring Carmy. "I thought I told you to stay put."
"You did I just didn't listen," I tease.
"Come on we are leaving. Richie behave, Sydney please hold down the fort." He says and Sydney responds with a yes chef and of course, Richie mocks her.
We go outside and Carmy opens the passenger door for me, "Wow a gentleman."
"Thanks, I can be sometimes," He smiles as he gets in the car.
We sat the majority of the ride in silence he still seemed mad at me and I couldn't stop thinking about what Marcus said he had to just be teasing me.
I notice we are going in the wrong way and go to point it out, "Hey Carmy we are going in the wrong direction maybe that's why you always offer me rides home."
"No that's not why. I am taking you back to my place," He says like it is no big deal at all.
"What!" I shout so loud that it makes me instantly hold my head.
"You obviously aren't going to take care of yourself and you can't go to sleep right after getting a concussion either so someone needs to watch you." He said annoyed.
"I still don't get why you are so angry at me. I appreciate you taking care of me but it's unnecessary and I never asked you to." I responded also annoyed at his attitude towards me.
"The thing you don't realize is you don't need to ask me." He says lowly while gripping the steering wheel.
We arrive at his apartment and I am a blushing mess and there is no way of hiding it. Then he opens the car door for me and again and I am way too nervous for my own liking.
He smirks at my reaction at least he is somewhat happy now even if it is at my own expense. He puts his hand on the small of my back as we ascend the stairs.
He sits me on his couch, "Seriously don't move this time I am going to get you an ice pack and make you some breakfast because we both know you always skip it."
"Do you even have food in your fridge we both know you don't even feed yourself," I jest and he laughs.
"You know me so well," he smiles and kisses the top of my head.
I instantly flush at this gesture and he again walks away like it is no big deal. For someone saying he just wants to take care of me, he is certainly stressing me out.
"Okay, I found cereal the milk has gone bad though... on the bright side I also have peanut butter and crackers." He comes back with peanut butter crackers on a plate and a box of cereal.
"My savior," I put my hand on my chest.
"Yes what I crave to be," he responds back.
"Is that why you crave to drive me to work when I can just take the bus and walk the two blocks after?"
He rolls his eyes, "Would you really rather be mugged than drive to work with me?"
I am quick to defend myself "That's not it all I just don't want to be a hassle!"
"You a hassle never, well of course when you refuse to listen but I will never see you that way. Not after all the times you have helped me with the restaurant." He says seriously with a lot of eye contact that makes me feel awkward.
"Well, I am your employee it's what I am supposed to do... but Marcus seems to think we are more," I mumble the last part.
His eyes widen, "What did Marcus say?"
"Does Marcus know something I don't?" I awkwardly smiled. "Marcus did say I am oblivious."
"He shouldn't have said that," He shakes his head.
"I mean it is true I am quite oblivious," I laugh.
He starts mumbling about Marcus and teaches me to open up to him. I put my hand on his shoulder "You know you can open up to me snitches get stitches as I say"
" I mean I didn't want to tell you this way and I wanted to make sure I was good enough," He said.
"What you didn't want to tell a concussed me with a head wound you don't think you good enough? I can assure you are good enough. You are the best chef I have ever known and the smartest guy I have ever met."
"That's not what I meant... but I do appreciate the compliment." He picks the ice pack back up and holds it to my face as I roll my eyes. "What I mean is that I am um good enough for you. I can't focus when you're late to work when you don't text me your nightly I'm Home text. You are distracting my mind no matter what I am doing."
I try to fight the smile appearing on my face but I just can't I feel like the Chesire Cat. "It sounds like you like me," I smirk some more.
" I do."
At that bold confirmation, my face gets extremely hot I must look like a tomato. I look to the side and stutter over my words unsure of what to say " I guess you can drive me to work as long as we go on a proper date together that is not The Bear."
"There is no argument from me," He kisses me making me even redder, more than I thought was possible.
"One more thing to add to these conditions is you must take care of yourself," he whispers in my ear.
"Your one to talk! How about you promise to take care of YOURSELF." I rebuke
"How about we both make sure we are taking care of ourselves," He smirks.
"Deal" I smile and kiss him. I pull back, " I am kinda glad I got mugged today totally worth the fifty bucks."
He shakes his head, " I am glad you think it was worth it I am still incredibly mad they hurt your beautiful crazy brain.
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katelynnwrites · 5 months
Bath Time And Staying Over | Sydney Lohmann x Child!Reader
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warnings: none
word count: 1043
summary: your tante is always at your house now and you really like that, part of Sydney's Little Liebe
a/n: let me know what else you'd like to see of tante syd and little liebe
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Tante Syd is around a lot more now.
You have known her for forever, there’s photos of her holding you as a baby. There have been many times that she comes over to yours and Momma’s house. You and Momma go to her house plenty too.
But ever since your Momma kissed Tante Syd, she is at your house all the time.
She sends and picks you up from school, reads you naptime stories and helps bathe you.
Momma tells you that she and Tante Syd are dating.
You don’t quite understand what dating means other than kissing when they think you aren’t looking and spending a lot of time together.
You really like that Tante is with you and Momma every day.
She makes her pasta at your house now so you eat it more than ever now. She also braids your hair all pretty, better than your Momma does.
Tante Syd is really gentle about it.
She brushes your hair out before using a spray bottle to dampen your hair. Then she carefully sections it out and braids it how you want it.
Sometimes she even uses ribbons to tie the ends of it.
Your Tante has been around you and your Momma so much that you don’t even think twice about it when she hangs around after dinner.
It’s when she used to go home but this time, she helps you out of your special high chair.
Tante has you on her hip as Momma takes all of your plates into the kitchen.
She follows behind your Momma and chuckles when you find her hair interesting enough to suck in your mouth.
‘We don’t put hair in our mouths Little Liebe.’ Momma sternly reminds you as she lightly pulls Tante’s blonde hair out of your mouth.
You pout but let it go.
Momma looks at you affectionately for a moment before declaring, ‘Time for your bath.’
Tante kinda tries to hand you over to Momma but Momma steps back, shaking her head fractionally.
‘Sydney you can do it.’
Tante hesitates and Momma caresses her cheek.
‘You’ve seen me do it loads of times.’ She assures.
Tante Syd holds you tighter, ‘It’s not that. It’s just…you trust me?’
‘Always. I trust you and she trusts you.’
You don’t really know what the word trust means but if Momma uses it for how she feels about Tante Syd bathing you then it’s how you feel too.
Kicking your legs lightly, you squeal, ‘I trust you Tante!’
Your Tante’s eyes get really shiny but she blinks and smiles.
‘Okay. Looks like it’s bath time for you Little Liebe.’
Tante puts far more bubbles in your bath than your Momma does.
She also lets you splash around in the warm water till it turns cool.
You decide that you like Tante Syd helping you with your bath time.
She uses the cup Momma usually uses to help rinse your hair clean.
‘Close your eyes now meine Little Liebe.’ Tante instructs, waiting for you to do so before pouring the water.
Her fingers are gentle as they comb through your hair, making sure it really is clean.
Impatiently, you blink remaining drops of water out of your eyes.
Your yellow rubber duck is far more interesting and you sink it under the bubbles.
‘Tante look!’ You giggle.
‘I’m looking Little Liebe.’ Tante tells you, handing another duck over to you.
There is no shortage of bath toys in your bathroom and they all get their share of use.
‘Tante look!’
Your voice has grown in volume and Tante Syd grins, taking another duck and dunking it next to yours.
Water splashes onto your face and you shriek with laughter.
Tante Syd is chuckling too and she still is as she pulls the plug to drain the water from the tub.
‘Uppies.’ You mumble as soon as the last of the water is gone.
You’re suddenly feeling tired, all the excitement of your day crashing down on you.
Tante Syd lifts you up as you ask and bundles you into a fluffy white towel.
You yawn as she dresses you in your pajamas, an old training jersey of your Momma’s that comes down to your knees.
Big yawns continue escaping you as Tante Syd brushes out your hair.
You’re leaning sleepily against your Tante when your Momma appears.
‘I see bath time went well.’
‘Was good Momma.’ You affirm.
Both your Tante and Momma laugh softly.
‘Are you feeling sleepy, Little Liebe?’ Your Momma asks.
You answer in the form of an enormous yawn and cuddle further into your Tante Syd.
Once again, both your Momma and Tante chuckle.
You’re dozing off enough that you miss Momma’s and Tante Syd’s whispered conversation.
Momma takes over Tante’s place for a bit and you grumble.
Tante Syd is back soon enough though, having brushed her teeth and changed into her pajamas.
You’ve never seen her wear anything like that before.
‘Watchu wearing?’ You half curiously, half grouchily ask.
It’s like a kind of shirt that Momma calls a camisole. Tante’s shorts match her top too and the yawn that escapes you makes you miss the way your Momma’s eyes travel up and down Tante’s body appreciatively.
‘It’s my pajamas.’ Tante Syd answers you and you drop your face back down onto the sheets, mumbling incoherently.
It is exhausting for your brain to have to think about new things when you are so sleepy.
Tante gets back up on the big bed and you happily curl back into her side.
It’s a pleasant surprise for you to find that the stuff her pajamas are made out of are cooling and soft.
In the morning, Momma will tell you that the stuff it is made out of is called silk.
Her shirt feel so nice against your cheek and you clutch some of it tightly in your hand
‘Momma, Tante Syd stay?’ You mumble tiredly, your eyes already having slipped close.
‘Yes she’ll stay.’ Momma murmurs, reaching across your body to hold Tante’s hand, having settled beside you.
Tante Syd presses a kiss against your cheek and you smile as you feel it.
That’s all you manage before you fall asleep, safely tucked in between your two favourite people.
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German Translations:
tante - aunty
meine Little Liebe - my Little Love
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digenerate-trash · 6 months
Yandere Teachers!!! (who are also freaks) 
Sirris is the cool teacherTM but that's only because he's hiding the fact that he's a freak from everyone. 
he's got a regular hook-up with some random once a month he pays them to film them having sex for his sex ed classes. But since he's met you he's stopped that. Now he only wants to make amateur porn with one person now and he's going to do it one way or another
Will drug you. Says it's for pain but he's just a big fan of seeing you drooling with your eyes rolled back. 
Tones of pictures. Never of your face. He doesn't want any evidence against him.
Very adamant that your relationship (if you can call it that) stays hidden. Never even touches you on school property. 
Would absolutely fist-fight Leighton in the parking lot if he found out about anything that freak does to you. 
Very adamant that you and Sydney get along. If you don't get along he's first going to try and convince Sydney to change to fit you better and if that doesn't work he's going to force you to change to get along with Sydney.
Obsessed with ass. I can't explain it. 
Very clean. 
Mason is pretty gentle and because of that, he's not too forward with you. 
it's a lot of staring though. Like to much
At school, he's very interested in only school topics. But at the lake, he's more interested in talking to you. 
Man loves his exercise and wants you to do it too. Wants to keep you healthy. 
Mans is a big puppy. 
He will try and get his scent onto you, especially after swimming lessons. 
He refrains from touching you a lot because even the feeling of you is enough to get him going. 
Absolutely will fuck you at the lake and nowhere else. it's where he feels the most safe
Mason’s fucking is always very rough and brutal. You covered in marks bites scratches and hickeys
Will take you for coffee afterward and apologize for being too rough. He just gets carried away too easily. 
Dude has no boundaries when he comes to terms that he's obsessed with you. 
He finally has the guts to get Whitney suspended when he sees the bully's hands on you. It wasn't easy but he did it. 
Still believes in using a ruler as punishment but quickly stops when you moan. 
Chasity belt chafes his dick every time it gets too close to him. 
He never wants to defile you. Wants to believe that you are a precious little virgin that has never touched anyone. 
he's happy when you show up to help at the soup kitchen. But now he has to protect you here as well. 
Will hit other staff with anything he's got close by if he catches them staring. 
No one dares hit him back when he's doing the same thing. 
Man is so pent-up. Even god is placing bets on when he's going to ditch his vow to wreck you. 
Very old-fashioned. Wants a traditional wife/spouse to dote on and care for. Thinks you are the perfect person for that life no matter what you are actually like. 
Constantly keeping you after class. He keeps telling you that your grades are slipping no matter how hard you try you can't seem to fix it. 
Absolutely offers a “favors” for “favors” deal. 
Even if you refuse you getting bent over his desk and fucked. Dude is like a man possessed and then when he's done he kicks you out. 
This can happen several days a week he's started putting up a “back in 20” sign up when you walk in. 
Sadistic streek. 
Loves having you visit the museum. There's always something new for you to try out. 
Big bondage fan. Adores what you look like in ropes. The pillory. Ect. basically, whenever you're helpless he gets stupid hard. 
he's gonna fuck you in all of his little replica contraptions. don't fight it. 
If you do though get ready for him to literally whip you. 
Doren (Written by @degrees-of-fuck please give them lots of love they were very nice to help me with this!!!)
Big Warped Protectiveness vibes I think, paired with a short fuse and a tendency to go a bit fuckoff wild when the line is crossed. Doren’s like this at the best of times but Yandoren is gonna need to be held back from all these assault charges calling for him.
Wants you to like and trust him!! He has your best interests at heart! He’ll keep you safe from this world! And also maybe enable you a little. I don’t think he quite consciously puts together what he’s doing when he as your teacher is positioning himself as your friendly protector who always has space for you in his home for these reasons. It’s fine when he does it because he’s not a bad person and he doesn’t want to hurt you! Not grooming, nuh-uh. Regardless, I think he’d prefer it if any involvement between the two of you had technically been your idea…
Yandoren Could maaaaaybe be tempted to spend just a little more time at home by you visiting him often enough, but I mostly imagine him coming up with excuses to invite you along to… Whatever it is he does, when it’s possible - so he doesn’t have to worry about what could be happening to you out there or about you showing up to class covered in others’ fluids again.
If yall fuckin, you NEED to be like, physically ‘on top’ or your ass is getting SMOTHERED. 
Goes the fuck off on roleplaying and dirty talk probably. Let him have his sex soliloquy he NEEDS IT. I’m not sure it can be prevented.
I have an image in my head of him doing a soliloquy that gets increasingly frantic before he just fucking goes apeshit on you. IS he a werewolf? I dunno. But it’s times like this when the rumor comes to mind.
Tight protective bear hugs, that can get GENUINELY QUITE PAINFUL depending on his mood.
I have an image of him fucking prowling the schoolyard to keep an eye on you. Freak.
This story probably ends with him getting done for assault or manslaughter ngl. Maybe you can go on the lam together. Romantic! :)))
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