coyotefaced-a-blog · 8 years
schutzengcl replied to your post
kisses all over his chest and neck and shoulders
“ oh, well here there, darlin’ -- gettin’ a little impatient, aren’t you? ”
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kagonosuzume-blog · 8 years
pocket healer: you all love fuckboy genji now get ready for
pocket healer: FUCKBOY HANZO
overrated little twink: It's a shimada thing
overrated little twink: Inherited from pawpaw
genjamin shimada: it's true
genjamin shimada: he's experiencing his sexual awakening late in life
genjamin shimada: I'm proud of him
genjamin shimada: new Year New Hanzo
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lczcrus-blog · 7 years
💀  | @schutzengcls​ liked for a short starter
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❝ ‘M fine, Doc. Just because I’m not aging like old man MORRISON doesn’t mean I’m messed up. Doesn’t make me your next science project either. ❞
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coeurdeveuve · 8 years
@schutzengcl @diiisplaced
WEBLESS: widowmaker voice: a single letter can change everything 
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coyotefaced-a-blog · 8 years
her face is pressed to his chest and she holds onto his shoulders in a loose grip - a yawn is muffled by his serape. eyes are quick to shut as she leans up against his solid frame.
Well --- talk about a coincidence, he was just coming to fetch her. 
            Her embrace is met with one of his own, arms wrapping around her waist as she presses into him. As always, as expected, Angela radiates warmth, something he’s just assumed was an excess of goodness spilling from wherever it could. Perhaps it’s her hair. Always clean, floral smelling, he thinks there’s hints of whatever Hanzo uses but he can���t be sure. A constant infatuation with them both has dulled his senses, they begin to meld into something his heart can’t contain. 
           She’s wreathed in holy light, he holds her close, scoops her up into his arms, and carries her onwards. 
           “ Come to bed, sweetheart ” he drawls, low and sweet. “ I’ll stay with you ”
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@schutzengcl. sc.
every now and then, somebody familiar comes along. it’s a very odd kind of familiarity, as if he has memories of whoever that he can’t quite remember, and so there’s simply a... vague pleasant feeling about them. it’s a feeling that’s persisted for this entire conversation, and teddy’s been trying to place her since she first started talking to him. he’s had no luck. 
            ( beneath countless updates and memory wipes, there are flashes of her face in front of bright lights. distant dreams he’s sometimes remembered when he isn’t supposed to. ) 
teddy has only been half-listening, and perhaps she’s asked him some sort of question or perhaps she hasn’t. all he knows is that there’s a question he must ask, himself. his brow is furrowed slightly, and he’s almost smiling. what is it about her...?
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      ‘ ... are we very old friends? ’ 
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artofharrnony-blog · 8 years
ah. hello, zenyatta. i offered these to Genji and Jesse, so i thought i'd include you as well -- these are adhesive pads that you can stick to your fingertips, and they're touch-screen compatible. i believe they would help you with your touch-screen problems.
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“Ah! These are wonderful! Thank you, Angela, I do not know where I would be without you. Certainly far less entertained, I can say that much.”
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getcwned-blog · 8 years
(@schutzengcl​ | x)
[text: Angela]          sent;  (☆ω☆)          sent; i will be down soon          sent; thank you. you are awesome!
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formidulosus-blog1 · 8 years
                          “Doctor Ziegler.”
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              The mission had hardly even ended with a united trudge back to the ship. Gabriel held his breath for the split second as she approached, conditioned fear of his own mind. His teeth clicked off each other as he pulled his mask away.  Dare he call this strange feeling fear. Fear not of this blonde woman herself, but her mind. That intelligence of hers had been her downfall... and his own. “Most would think it unwise to seek out their own Lazarus. Even the most simple of people would notice my reluctance. Did you NEED something?”
@schutzengcl liked for a starter!
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coyotefaced-a-blog · 8 years
🔥 !!!
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kagonosuzume-blog · 8 years
@schutzengcl is the bee’s knees the cat’s meow and their pajamas like wow holy cow
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
@schutzengcl liked (x).
It was her that brought him back. It was her that made him into this being, this person that was neither dead or alive. He was just there, almost like a literal ghost, just not ethereal like the stories would have you think; he was like a zombie, in a way, but not quite.
The only reason he still walked across the earth was because she had the audacity to bring him back. It created a monster.
Yet here she stood, in his way.
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   “ Move out of the way, ” he started, his voice bitter and low; a threat. “ You of all people don’t deserve to try and stop me. I should kill you right here and now. ”
But first, he waited.
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comitatum · 8 years
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lookin at the poly/kissin banter btwn @coyotefaced​ n @schutzengcl​ like
lmao y’all are cute
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coyotefaced-a-blog · 8 years
“Hey, hey Angela --- Ang c’mere”
It’s said just barely above his usual drawl, as he’s trying to keep the puppy’s focus with a strip of jerky. She’s been a quick learner so far, and that in itself is a source of pride for the gunslinger. “C’mon Kumo, sit pretty”
The puppy sits back on her hind legs, her small paws up in front of her and ears at attention.
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kagonosuzume-blog · 8 years
let’s talk about CHARACTER FEARS. bold your muse’s fears, italicize their discomforts. happy character development !
the dark ,  fire ,   open water ,    deep water ,   being alone ,   crowded spaces ,  confined spaces,  change , failure ,  war , loss of control , powerlessness ,  prison ,   blood ,   drowning ,  suffocation , public speaking , natural or wild animals ,   the supernatural ,   heights ,   death ,   dying ,   intimacy , rejection , abandonment , loss , the unknown
TAGGED BY :  @mcrciless !! TAGGING : @schutzengcl, @koueii, @coyotefaced, @boundvigilante, @deathforsaken, @electiveamnesia, @aoiiryuu
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