#schuyler mansion
ryan-in-the-zone · 13 days
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my-deer-friend · 6 months
How was Hamilton's Grange? I've always wanted to go! Did they have a lot of his stuff?
It was fun! It's always great to know you're standing in the same place someone from history did, and in a sense the house itself is the most important part, considering what it meant to Hamilton to own and build it himself.
However, the part you can visit is very small – just the ground floor, where you are taken around the dining room, drawing room, office and a back room (?) – and there are very few artifacts from the Hamilton family left. In fact, the only two that were pointed out were the piano that Angelica Schuyler Church gifted to her niece, Angelica Hamilton, and a stack of books known to be owned by Eliza.
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There's also a copy of the famous Ceracchi bust of Hamilton, and a reproduction of a portrait of him. Most of the furniture on view is period, with some reproductions.
Definitely worth going and joining a tour (it seems to be free? At least I wasn't charged) but it's best not to go in expecting to see loads of artifacts. I'd also highly recommend taking the bus a few blocks north and visiting the Morris-Jumel mansion.
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njhgc · 2 months
The Hamilton and Burr duel of July 11, 1804
On this day in 1804, Alexander Hamilton was fatally wounded during a duel with Aaron Burr that took place overlooking the Hudson River in Weehawken, New Jersey.
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Years earlier amidst the winter of 1779, Hamilton served as aid-de-camp to General George Washington who had made his headquarters at Ford Mansion in Morristown. Alexander met and courted his future wife, Elizabeth "Betsey" Schuyler while she was visiting family at Jabez Campfield's nearby home.
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Betsey and Alexander became engaged during the spring of 1780 and married in December. Their courtship is one of Morristown's many historic events that Theodore Vail immortalized on the bronze doors to his South Street estate (which are still visible today); the nearby Alexander Hamilton Elementary School on Mills St. was named in his honor, and the Schulyer-Hamilton House is now open to the public as a museum.
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gracehosborn · 3 months
What's the itinerary? 👀
Hi, Anon! Happy to share.
My dream American Revolution trip itinerary, just including my must-sees, and a rough idea of transportation (still working on food stops and slipping in other points of interest):
Day 1:
Early morning flight to Boston, MA
Stay in Boston for 3 nights, 4 days
Rental car for Day 2 and 3
Boston Massacre Site
Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum
Bunker Hill Museum and Monument
Old North Church & Historic Site
Day 2:
Paul Revere House
Lexington Battle Green Tour, Lexington MA
Drive from Boston
Old North Bridge, Concord MA
Drive from Lexington
Day 3:
Adams National Historic Park, Quincy MA
Drive from Boston
General Nathaniel Greene Homestead, Coventry RI
Drive from Adams NHP
Day 4:
Early morning train/bus to Albany, NY
Stay in Albany 2 nights, 3 days
Rental car for Day 4 and 5
Saratoga National Historical Park, Stillwater NY
Drive from Albany
Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga NY
Drive from Saratoga NHP
Day 5:
Schuyler Mansion tour
Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site, Newbrugh NY
Drive from Albany
John Jay Homestead, Katonah NY
Drive from Washington Headquarters Newbrugh
Day 6:
Early morning train from Albany to New York City, NY
Stay in New York City for 4 nights, 5 days
Hamilton Grange National Memorial
Morris-Jumel Mansion
Day 7:
City Hall Park
Federal Hall
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Trinity Church & Cemetary
Day 8:
Museum of the City of New York
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Day 9:
Van Cortlandt House Museum
Central Park
New York Historical Society Museum & Library
Weehawken Dueling Grounds/Hamilton Park, Weehawken, NJ
Take ferry to and from
Day 10:
Train/bus to Princeton, NJ
Stay in Princeton 2 nights, 3 days
Rental car for Day 11
Princeton Battlefield State Park
Day 11:
Monmouth Battlefield State Park, Manalapan, NJ
Drive from Princeton
Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown NJ (Includes: Ford Mansion/Washington’s Headquarters, Schuyler-Hamilton House, Jockey Hollow)
Drive from Monmouth Battlefield Park
Day 12:
Early train/bus to Trenton, NJ
Old Barracks Museum
Washington Crossing Park, Washington Crossing, PA
Train/bus from Trenton
Train/Bus from Washington Crossing to Philadelphia PA
Stay in Philadelphia 3 nights, 4 days
Rental car for Day 15 and 16
Day 13:
Independence Hall
Liberty Bell Center
First Bank of the United States
Carpenter’s Hall
Day 14:
Museum of the American Revolution
Elfreth’s Alley Museum
Day 15:
Valley Forge National Historical Park
Drive from Philadelphia
Moland House (Washington Headquarters), Warwick Township PA
Drive from Valley Forge NHP
Peter Wentz Farmstead (Washington Headquarters), Lansdale PA
Drive from Moland House
Day 16:
Cliveden of the National Trust (Chew House)
Drive from Philadelphia
Brandywine Battlefield (park), Chadds Ford PA
Drive from Cliveden
Afternoon or evening train from Philadelphia to Alexandria, VA
Stay in Alexandria for 2 nights, 3 days
Rental car for Day 18
Day 17:
George Washington’s Mount Vernon
Train/bus from Alexandria, VA
National Archives Museum, Washington DC
Train/bus from Alexandria, VA
Day 18:
James Madison’s Montpelier, Montpelier Station, VA
Drive from Alexandria, VA
Evening train from Alexandria to Williamsburg, VA
Stay in Williamsburg 2 nights
Day 19:
Colonial Williamsburg
Day 20:
Yorktown Battlefield
American Revolution Museum at Yorktown
Train/bus/taxi from Williamsburg
Day 21:
Fly from Williamsburg to Charleston, SC
Stay in Charleston for 4 nights, 5 days
Rental car for Days 22-24
South Carolina Historical Society Museum
Day 22:
Savannah History Museum, Savannah GA
Battlefield Park Heritage Center, Savannah GA
Drive from Charleston
Day 23:
Cowpens National Battlefield, Cowpens SC
Drive from Charleston
Eutaw Springs Battlefield Park, Eutawville SC
Drive from Cowpens
Day 24:
Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
Mempkin Abbey (site of Laurens family graves)
Day 25:
Fly home from Charleston SC
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46ten · 5 months
I was just learning the fact that Cornelia and Kitty fought Eliza for the inheritance, I knew her brothers did it but I didn't know about the sisters. I was surprised because they seemed to be close with her before their father's death. I know Kitty and EH reconciled because they became closer in later years, but what was her relationship with Cornelia? Did Cornelia die still fighting for the inheritance or did they reconcile? And in general how all of this affected Eliza's relationships with her siblings? (I wonder how AH would have helped EH in all of this if he were alive. Perhaps PH would have named him as one of his executors of his last will)
The dispute between Eliza and her siblings seems to have grown out of what they felt was over-generosity towards her from Philip Schuyler's attempts to financially assist her after AH's death. There were rumors of him giving her cash, and then there was the matter of the land deed executed before PS's death.
[So without AH dying, I doubt the dispute would have happened. And yes, I think AH would have been one of the executors of PS's will had he been alive. The three executors were Philip Jeremiah Schuyler (his son), JB Church (son-in-law), and Stephen van Rensselaer (former son-in-law/Margarita's widower).]
Specifically, when EH went up to Albany in August 1804, PS set in motion a plan to give her a land deed of 80 acres of his property in Albany - he notes in letters in July/early August/September how much he wants to assist her and her children by whatever means possible, emotional and spiritual support, but also financial support.
The paper deed was executed but not delivered to her, however, before she returned to NY and prior to PS's death. As such, some of her siblings argued that the 80 acres deed was null and the property should be counted towards the inheritance for all 8 children (or their children, as two of PS's kids were already dead - Margarita and John Bradstreet) and split. This is what led to the fight with Caty/Kitty and Cornelia's husbands, as EH is clear in a letter to her brother Philip Jeremiah that she believed her brothers'-in-law, G. Washington Morton (married Cornelia 1796) and Samuel Malcolm (married Kitty 1803) were behind this effort. To be clear, EH fought that the 80 acre deed should be hers exclusively; took about 5 years to resolve, but it was and she sold it, as she especially claimed to need the money to pay for her children's education. Read more here: Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site: Schuyler Siblings Land Squabble
Cornelia died in 1808, and it's not clear where their relationship stood, as the issue was still unresolved at the time. They were clearly still tight in Nov 1804, prior to PS's death: The Eliza Papers — Elizabeth Hamilton to Philip Schuyler, 1804 (tumblr.com). To read my posts on Cornelia and her terrible husband (Philip Schuyler disliked him! So he lost a bunch of PS's papers! ), see here: 46ten — How not to behave at Philip Schuyler’s home (tumblr.com); 46ten — Schuyler elopements (tumblr.com)
To read more about Kitty and Samuel Malcolm, who had been John Adams' secretary, see here: 46ten — Sister Church is still with us. She goes in less... (tumblr.com); 46ten — 46ten: Kitty, who is looking over my shoulder,…... (tumblr.com) 46ten — Philip Schuyler, described by his youngest... (tumblr.com); 46ten — Philip Schuyler to Elizabeth Hamilton, 1797 (tumblr.com)
Cornelia (b 1776) and Kitty (b 1781 - she would have been named GW Schuyler if a boy! or so claimed PS in his letter to GW, likely part of an attempt to assuage any ill feelings over his brand new son-in-law pulling the stunt he had, which AH also would not have pulled if PS wasn't his father-in-law) knew 'Brother Hamilton,' as they called him, their whole lives and were very close to him. Both girls spent time living with the Hamiltons in Philadelphia and NYC. They also had children named Alexander Hamilton Morton (b 1800) and Alexander Hamilton Malcolm (b 1815), respectively, so it doesn't seem that their husbands objected to EH and her husband all THAT much, but once money is involved....
See some speculation on the relationship between EH and Kitty here: Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site: My Dear Sister: Eliza and Caty Post-Schuyler Sisters Land Squabble
To the rumors that PS had given EH thousands of dollars, that seems very unlikely, as he was notably cash poor. But over the years, PS undoubtedly supported the Hamiltons financially, providing them not only with goods from his farms and mills, but cash to EH for paying for the boys' education (particularly while AH was Sect of Treas, which makes AH's efforts to make sure bonds were funded pretty self-interested - there's quite a lot of "I'm not benefiting!" while his closest family and friends, many of whom provide him funds outright, or provide him with goods, or give him interest-free loans, are benefiting handsomely.)
Some of the siblings could have been resentful, not only of PS's support but of his general favoritism towards the Hamiltons - see here for PS sending his son Rensselaer to live with the Hamiltons to learn from their good example: 46ten — Philip Schuyler to Elizabeth Hamilton, Albany,... (tumblr.com). But PS seems to have helped out all his kids - or at least once he reconciled himself to their poor choices in spouses - EH may have been the only one who chose a spouse PS approved of from the beginning! He saved timber for the Churches to build a home, provides funds and property to his sons, etc.
Post PS's death, EH's relationship with her brother Philip Jeremiah, for example, seems fine The Eliza Papers — Philip J Schuyler (tumblr.com), she's just admonishing him for not doing more to help her resolve the claims and points out that people are talking about how little help her brothers - PJ and Rensselaer - are providing, considering how much the Hamiltons' friends have stepped up to help her.
The other matter that persists between the siblings was much older - the division of the estate Catharine Van Rensselaer had inherited (parts of the Claverack) - which was a legal fight practically from the time AH joins the family, and one in which he offered advice. There's definitely "when is that every going to be settled!" angst between the siblings so they can finally resolve the matter of their mother's inheritance.
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erika-de-claire · 2 years
//She’s Constance Now\\
//With the Tokyo Disney Story Beyond Event now happening, the Mansion got a bit of a touch up to fit the event.
This has included making it official that our Beating Heart Bride is Constance.
Whether this is temporary or not, I have yet to learn. It could be(?) but we’ll see:
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(Picture by Vlad Gracey on Facebook)
(Another picture at the bottom of the post)
//With this event we also got promo art and Merch showing our bride with the name ‘Constance’\\
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//I do hope this is just temporary, personally, but if it is permanent then I’m at least glad we kept the silent, animatronic!
I feel like the best way to execute this sort of change would be to:
- Use the animatronic with the pearls
- Perhaps position the portraits around the attic similar to in the American parks
- Continue to avoid using the voice tapes (I love Constance, but god I love the quiet ambience with the heartbeat and those pop up ghosts)
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(Picture by @dmuu59purple on Instagram)
Despite my mixed feelings, Japanese audiences haven’t seemed to show much of a reaction, but still enjoy the aesthetic just as much.
(I may or may not have also managed to snatch up the new bride headband the the new ZJ maid headband- so hyped for when they come.) \\
//@theheadlessgroom @beatingheart-bride @asktheghosthost @askthehatboxghost @nola-schuyler @ask-professorquigg @theenderdraco \\
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pub-lius · 8 months
I just wanna say, DUDE. The majority of what I know about amrev comes from your blog. Your in-depth posts literally have me FOAMING AT THE MOUTHH I don't have much time to read longer books due to school but I wanna feed my obsession so do you have any books on the shorter side or some websites/archives I can research/read a bit quicker? If not it's totally fine.
Also off topic but I'm loving "It Began About Dusk" on AO3 <3
OH MY GOD THE FLATTERY‼️‼️‼️ you’re making me blush here anon. im so glad that you find my posts helpful!!! AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY FICS i have a chapter of it began about dusk in the drafts rn so you’ll get more content soon
now this is a tricky question because im absolutely insane and ive barely ever read short books. right now im reading His Excellency by Joseph J Ellis and i recommend it!! its only around 2-300 pages which is the shortest history book ive got VSJWBW primary sources can be really good to get in book form, things like Common Sense by Thomas Paine, Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior (Washington’s rule book), and Memoir of Lieut. Col. Tench Tilghman, Secretary and aid to Washington are all primary sources i have on my shelf that are short and sweet.
i also have Hercules Mulligan by Micheal J. Obrien which i haven’t read but is VERY small. there is also James Monroe by Gary Hart which is short but i have not finished (i dont even truly remember reading it but i annotated part of it apparently), The Drillmaster of Valley Forge by Paul Lockhart is a little longer than those others, but still isn’t chernow levels of wrong, but i also haven’t read that one. Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger isn’t the most serious history book, but it is pretty good and an easy read.
as for secondary source websites, start with encyclopedias ie Britannica, which post short articles on different historical figures and events that give you the overview. from there im gonna point you to the National Park Service. this is the best thing the US government has ever made for researchers. this is all your battlefields, winter encampments, historical reproductions, and former capitals. also check out private residences turned museums, such as Mount Vernon, Monticello, and Schuyler Mansion. these institutions have an abundance of easily accessible information on more than just the people who lived there.
now the Library of Congress was a good decision on Jefferson’s part, but it can be inaccessible if you don’t know how to use it well because their website is one of my least favorite things about being alive. so instead, i recommend using Founders Online for any primary source regarding the founding fathers or amrev figures. the Washington Papers are filled to the brim with almost everything that went out of headquarters during all 8 years of the war. founders online is the shit
all of these websites i’ve mentioned are free to access, because i do not pay money on any research tools besides books out of spite for late stage capitalism. also any primary source is 100% accessible online. that includes memoirs and court transcripts, which can be very helpful
also i really do recommend watching documentaries and informational videos on the subjects you’re interested in while doing work or other things if you’re someone who does that (ik some people don’t have background noise but im just assuming you’re as neurodivergent as i am) because you can absorb just a little of that information and it being about a subject of interest can make academics seem a little less miserable!
i hope this is helpful and if you have absolutely any further questions, feel free to ask. i know im very privileged to have the time and resources to read long ass books, which is why i very freely share the information i absorb with the public bc i believe education should never be gatekept by anyone. so if you have any questions, im happy to research them for you, or at least point you in the right direction. love ya!!
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 months
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Through the Years → Queen Máxima of the Netherlands (1,548/∞) 12 June 2024 | Queen Maxima of The Netherlands visits the Schuyler Mansion for a dialogue with young people about climate and energy in Albany, New York. (Photo by Patrick van Katwijk/Getty Images)
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mrsvalbaker · 1 year
Speaking in Tongues
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Synopsis: Timothée is enamored with a woman he has never met, now will he get the chance?
Warnings: Description of body and sexual fantasy. Not proofread.
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Timothée's POV
November 2021
I couldn't believe someone was holding a premiere at Houdini's mansion.
Hollywood never ceases to amaze me, I know being a New Yorker everyone expects me to rag on L.A. but I gotta say, I absolutely love this glittery wilderness. Everyone is free here, weirdness doesn't exist, it's the regular, and there was a little European liberation here.
I was invited to the premiere of James Franco's remake on the 80s cult classic Spellbinder, his was called Spellbound, and it starred my good friend Tom Holland as the straight edge, white collar L.A. attorney, Matt Hayes, Austin Butler played the seemingly good but betraying warlock friend, Dan Clayton, and playing the evil seducing lead on the cover Miranda Every, was my current obsession, Minka Farrah.
I remember seeing her for the first time.It was two years ago at Lily's, we put on a movie before getting intimate, she was the one who raved about this young edgy actress who only does indies, with no connection into the entertainment business at all. The movie was Poison, Joel Schumacher's thriller rendition of Snow White. Set in the New York 90s supermodel scene, Minka plays Nieve Bianco, who's a rising star in the modeling world. Her unique beauty and large breasts bring controversy in the current trend of heroin chic, it shows Nieve struggling with body image and battling bulimia, Lily told me Minka had to lose 90 pounds for the film and she said it messed with her mental state badly since her usual body is curvy. I felt protective of her when hearing that, and wanted to have at it with the director even though his intention was to expose the dangers of the modeling world. Minka's character Nieve, had a rival two years older, Reina Reyes, played by Ana de Armas,  who Nieve usurped as the supermodel of the world. Nieve even caught the eye and heart of Reina's ex girlfriend who left Reina because she was too obsessed with her vanity and career, a butch fashion photographer, Schuyler "Sky" van Axel played by Ruby Rose. So obsessed with her rivalry with Nieve, Reina throughout the movie tries to kill Nieve in different ways but makes it convincingly look like it's one of Nieves many stalkers, even going as far as to give them a name, Malcolm McQueen. Sending pictures of Nieve of circled parts of her body claiming she has gained weight asking why she's turning into a porker, Nieve takes diet pills from Japan, her bulimia gets worse, Reina swapped Nieve's diet pills out with party drugs and fentanyl, Nieve even overdoses and Sky is afraid Nieve has a drug problem as well as an eating disorder, Nieve feel convinced she has a drug problem too but is doing to well in her career to leave for rehab so Sky promises to help her, thinking it's brought on by her stalker. Nieve is followed him one night from a party by one of the photographers, he tries to rape and stab her but he stops and sobs saying she's always been the only model who has been nice to him, Confessing that he's been having money problems due to his drug abuse, and Reina offered him a half a million to kill Nieve and make it look like she was raped and murdered by the made up stalker, he tells Nieve everything. Nieve is so afraid but she doesn't think anyone will believe her, she no longer cares about her career, she checks herself into a mental hospital thinking she will be safe there and if she gives up Sky and her career she will be safe from Reina. But her fans send her letters and praise, the designers donate the proceeds to foundations for eating disorders in Nieves name, Reina was livid of the outcome.
At the hospital she becomes close to her psychologist, Dr. Paul Dormer, played by Jason Patric, tells him about Reina and he has six nurses guard Nieve moving her room to the glass room. Meanwhile, Sky tries to make sense of Nieves mental recession, follows Reina and finds out everything and starts to collect evidence for the police. She finds out Reinas next plan and heads to the hospital, Reina disguises herself as a nurse and crushes up a bottle of sleeping pills putting it into Nieves apple sauce and has it taken to her room.
Sky gets there too late and they're pumping Nieves' stomach but she doesn't make it. Sky dropped video and written evidence of Reina to the cops and goes to kill Reina but the cops arrest Reina. The movie ends with Dr. Dormer and the six nurses at the funeral, they're renaming the hospital after her. Reina is at another mental hospital in a straight jacket crying and laughing that she won, she's the most beautiful woman alive.
The performance of Minka left me with so many feelings, after that movie I watched all of hers. She's so beautiful, 5'3 with the kind of wide hips that shift side to side distractingly, an hourglass figure and bouncy, juicy breasts, 36DDD, a soft little stomach, I wanted to bite every part of her and do explicit things to her curves. I had the living need to lick every part of her light olive skin that was a beautiful resort of her Black, Arabian, and Eastern European heritage. I wanted to see the look of overstimulated pleasure on her round, heart shaped face, her juicy, thick raspberry lips fall open as she tries to scream my name and Rapture but can't as I stretch her with my cock and have my tip pound into her spot.
I rewind the sex scenes in her movies over and over, my source of ejaculation, I tug hard on my cock watching her big violet eyes hood seductively as the screen siren she is. But after my release, when I'm lying in my sheets naked covered in my own cum and sweat instead of hers, I feel livid, colored in green jealousy of her co stars who touched her. When I found out she was in a relationship with Ruby Rose I was inconsolable. When I saw them on the red carpet together, Ruby's nose was buried in Minka's soft, blunt black bob cut. I wanted so badly to smell her.
Her interviews are my favorite. I took great care in learning about her. She lost her mother 24 from cancer, they were close and even mentioning made my lovely girl tear up. I wanted to choke that interviewer for being so insensitive and asking her about that difficult time, I wanted to run her a bath, lock her away from the world and bundle her up in my blankets.
She's from Woodland Park, New Jersey, her mother was from Poland, her dad is a teacher. They moved to Carmel-by-the-sea when she was in her senior year, she went to an all girls Catholic school. She hated school and she's bisexual. Her brother Stone is trans and he's her assistant, her other brother Jerzy is a pilot. Her favorite color is red. She's older than me by ten months and born on Elizabeth Taylor's birthday, who is her idol. She speaks Polish and is an animal activist as well as a queer activist, 80s punk and dark wave is her favorite music and when I found out she and Ruby ended and she bought a home in Beverly Hills, I bought one in Santa Monica.
It wasn't hard for me to get an invitation to the premiere of Spellbound, I know that sounds gross and cocky but for once I'm so grateful for my status.
I made sure to dress my best, begged my stylist to conjure up something eye-catching and revealing, to make me look as desirable as I could. Erin didn't disappoint. She clothed me in a halter like, sleeveless, waistcoat in white with a black collar, matching trousers almost made like formal joggers, and Chanel combat boots. To top it off, red was splattered on the design to look like blood, it was fitting for the film being premiered. The trousers were a little tight around the crotch area.
The mansion looked incredible, the main event was out in the gardens, thankfully heating lamps were everywhere, it was still chilly in November, even in L.A.. I ran into many familiar faces, sometimes I couldn't believe I was famous and that these amazing legends were talking to me.
Suddenly, I heard a musical laugh, it was giggly and scratchy and I fell in love all over again. I politely excused myself to find the source that I knew it belonged to. Standing in the center of the garden , posing with James Franco in an inappropriately tight, Morticia dress with a neckline that plunged to her navel was…her. Her Mia Wallace hair melted beautifully with the ebony of her dress and framed her picturesque face, she looked like she could be a film siren from the 1910s, her eyes were done in vamp flapper style, lips painted the color of deep cherry red that matched her embroidered gloves with occult imagery. My eyes kept slipping to her cleavage that was falling from her dress, almost, with curious eyes, you could nearly see her nipples.
Stirring occurred in my too well tailored trousers. I licked my lips and decided to bite the bullet and meet the woman of my dreams.
I don't know when but before I knew it, I was close enough to tower over her, close enough to hear her whispering to James that his special friend was looking jealous by the fountain, and close enough to smell the hypnotic sweet and dark scent of her perfume.  Before I lost my nerves I cleared my throat and spoke her name like a spell.
"Excuse me..."
@meetmyothersouls @sufferingstarlight
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I’m Willing to Wait for it (Part 4)
Aaron Burr x f!Reader
Summary: you get married! Contains sexual themes and implications.
A/N: the vows are taken from what colonial Anglican priests would have read out for marriage ceremonies of the time. It was also typical for only one ring to be presented for the bride.
Later, when the dense snowfall of that year’s harsh winter melted away to a temperate sunny spring, you and Aaron were wed in the Schuyler mansion with the generosity of the family. While working for the British helped keep your home safe from the frequent raids, you knew that a wedding party, would draw too many eyes for it to be a suitable venue notwithstanding the fact that you were marrying a known American colonel.
It was scary how much you realised you loved him and the sacrifices you found yourself willing to make so that you could be with him.
As much as you wanted to continue your work as a spy, living together with an American Colonel jeopardised your position after much consideration with Mulligan, you withdrew altogether from the operation while simultaneously securing the safety of your home against raids through negotiation with your former British employers.
Eliza fussed with your hair as she tried to get you ready for the ceremony, quietly humming a cheery tune as she worked. You had dreamed of this moment would come many times in your room lying alone in your vastly empty bed while Aaron slept just next door, so close yet so far from you. But now that it was here, you found yourself jittery with nerves.
You wanted him badly, but you felt unprepared for what married life would surely bring. Was it normal to feel this way? Would you be ready if he got you with child? You wondered if Eliza had the same thoughts in her mind when she was married too.
Almost as though she could sense your nervousness, told you “go on, ask away. I know you want to, and you look pale as a parchment!”
“Were you ever worried that you weren’t prepared to become a mother when you married Alexander?”
“Oh! Of course I was. I was so scared the first night; about the pain, and getting pregnant. I felt so worried that I wouldn’t know what to do if I had a child that I didn’t let him lay with me that night until the morning!” She grinned at the memory, smiling fondly as she continued.
“I don’t think anyone is ever truly prepared to be a mother, I still don’t feel ready, but, life has its ways and if it happens, you will learn how to adapt to it.”
Resting her hand on her belly, your eyes widened with the realisation.
“Eliza, you’re expecting?!”
Bashfully, she nodded, “When I found out, I wasn’t even concerned, I just felt… overjoyed!” You couldn’t help but embrace her at the news, squealing with excitement.
“Congratulations! Oh, Alexander must be ecstatic!”
“He doesn’t know yet, I don’t plan to tell him just yet. It’s still early days.”
“Not even when he returns today? You ought to tell him,” you begged, “make him think of not only you, but his child when he is not by your side. It’ll do him good!”
“Maybe, I shall think on it!” She chuckled, resolved.
There were more guests than you remember inviting when you came out to the converted living room with your father on your arm. The Schuyler’s had themselves invited their own friends in high places to bear witness to your wedding. Acquaintances that you and Aaron would both make. Acquaintances that would aid you in years to come and would become your closest allies. It was, in their own way their family’s wedding gift to you, someone they considered to be part of their family. You were nearly in tears at their generosity, but what broke you was the sight of your love at the altar, waiting for you.
Dressed in a fine blue suit, he was the very picture of a perfect husband that anyone would dream of. Seeing you coming around the corner of the stair, he could barely mask the joy in his gasp. Each step toward him felt like a lifetime passing by until your father, smiling, gave you away and you were stood facing the man who was your husband to be.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this Congregation, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony…”
All those years of writings, flirting and hopeful promises were culminating in this single moment, you thought. And the priest said the words that would bind you together in marriage, you thought back on your own life. Had Mulligan not chosen that particular bar to exchange intel with you on that fateful night, you would never have the opportunity to meet Aaron. But you had met him and now your life was changed forever and for the better.
“Wilt thou obey him, serve him, love, honour and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?”
“Yes, I shall.”
Yes, a thousand times over. If only he could know that you would cross oceans and stand on the battlefield in his stead if it came to it.
“Have you a ring for your bride, Colonel?” The priest prompted, and Aaron, with a stupefied look on his face, tore his gaze from you, turning slightly red as he took out the little box and presented it. In its satin lined case, a delicate gold band rested and on the inside, you could make out the faint outline of words.
“With this Ring, I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.” Those practiced words were all that saved him from becoming a jumbled mess as he slipping the ring over your finger.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Barely any announcement was needed before you felt yourself being swept up in his strong arms and into a long kiss. You hardly registered the warm applause from your audience. For the first time in your life, you felt a wholeness that was never there before and with Aaron standing by you, you knew you would be ready for whatever life would bring you.
The festivities left you feeling energised and the adrenaline rush from all the dancing and games you had during the day remained even after all your guests bid you a blessed night. Now, you were alone once again, going through the night’s ablutions with a bath before you slipped into a thin nightgown.
A quick tap at the door was accompanied by the familiar voice of your husband. “Can I come in, Y/N?”
Your heart hammered in your chest as you went and unlocked the door for him.
“How are you feeling?” He asked tentatively, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dance so vigorously in my life.” He chuckled.
“Marrying you really does a person in, especially after all those years of tiptoeing around each other. Besides, at least they’ll know how happy I am to be wed to you, even if I did make a fool of myself out there in front of high society. It was worth the embarrassment though.” You chirped derisively.
“A fool? You were the most rapturous creature on the floor that I had ever seen! You looked stunning today. The young bachelors there were all watching you with envy from the side of the ballroom, I could practically feel their jealousy burning at the back of my head when we danced together.” He said smugly.
“It’s just as well that I’ve found myself a husband who is kind and gentle and patient, isn’t it? At least he is not a domineering brute.” You tapped him on the nose playfully.
And with that he caught you in his arms in a crushing hug and his lips were on yours once again. He kissed you all over, each punctuating his sentences. “I can be domineering brute. To anyone who dares insult you. You’re my love. My wife! And I am proud to defend your honour even against the heavens!” He proclaimed with conviction.
Your surprise quickly melted into a passionate fervour and with each kiss you eagerly chased his mouth with yours, wrapping your hands around his neck as he embraced you. “Not so fast, lest the heavens strike you down for your insolence! I just married you, I need you by my side for all my years yet!”
“I promise to be there for you always. Through sickness and in health.” He smiles into your cheek. “Forsaking all others.”
Slowly, you could feel his hands start to roam up and down your back and to regions that made you gasp into his mouth with the feeling and intimacy of the whole experience. The fears that you harboured that morning were gone. The rationality of your mind was gone. The only thing that you could concentrate on was the feeling of him pressed against you.
That is, until you started moving. You could feel him slowly corral you towards the bed in a slow dance that he led. As he pressed you down slowly into the mattress, in a sudden fit of panic, your mind caught up with you and you blurted out, “I’ve never done this before! Stop!”
And just like that, he was no longer over you and your heart ached at the loss of his touch. “That’s ok, we don’t have to do anything. Can you move under the blankets?” He asked, ushering you to the centre of the bed before slipping in beside you. You flinched as he wrapped an arm around you and he reassured you with a low voice. “Let’s lie here for a little while, until you’re ready. We don’t have to consummate tonight.” Hesitantly, you allowed yourself to relax beside him. “Really?”
You could feel his laughter echo through his chest and into yours, “I’ve waited this long already, I can wait for longer. Besides, I’ve been granted the greatest gift of all; you. What more can I possibly want? I would never force anything on you.”
Feeling reassured, you rested your head in the crook of his arm. You felt full, surrounded by the safety of his scent and warmth as you snuggled under the blankets. For the first time, you could feel every curve and bump of his body as he held you close.
“Can I show you something?” You nodded eagerly.
Gently, he took your hand in his and attempted to slide off your wedding band. “What are you doing?!” You exclaimed, pried your hand out of his grasp. You weren’t about to take off this ring without a good reason to, even at the insistence of your husband.
“Please? I want to show you what’s on the inside.”
Warily, you let him remove the band and holding it up to your eye, you noticed your names engraved on the inner surface. “No matter where I am, you’ll always have me close by. I’ll always be yours, no matter what happens.” And you believe him with your whole heart.
Drawing close, you kissed him deeply. “Can you show me what to do? I’m ready.” You whispered bashfully.
When you finished, you lay beside one another, legs all tangled up, listening to the sounds of heavy breathing and racing hearts pounding. Your curiosity and desire were sated at last and you found yourself staring into the blank-faced look of satisfaction on your lover.
“Are you ok?” You asked. You’d never seen him so completely listless before.
“What?! More than ok, that was better than anything I could have imagined!”
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t imagine it myself too when I lay awake in bed.” Teasingly, you let your fingernails just glance lightly over his chest, making him shiver involuntarily before you laid it flat over his heart.
“Is that so? And did you enjoy how it felt tonight?”
“A bit more than I was expecting.” You squeaked as you felt your cheeks burn at the confession.
“Just a bit? We can’t have that now can we?” He nibbled the shell of your ear hoping to get a rise out of you. “We still have all night to make it more than just ‘a bit’ better!”
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Breaking down the comics: A good boy (issue 30)
Moon Knight, Issue #30: The Moonwraith, Three Sixes, and a Beast
(We've hit 1983 people!) 
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We get a title page that states: 
   In the Omaha trainyards, Jack Russell - Cursed to become a werewolf under the influence of a full moon--Narrowly escapes capture by a satanic cult led by a man named Schuyler Belial. Belial-Who calls himself "Morning Star" --Orders his agents to follow Russell, last seen boarding an express train to New York. 
   A month passess. Moon Knight receives an urgent plea from Russell to meet him. Arriving at the rendezvous, a farmhouse in New Jersey, our hero learns that Russell has become the Werewolf again. He has also been found by Belial's cultists, who wound Moon Knight even as the Werewolf escapes them once more. 
    The following Morning, Moon Knight tracks Russell down and takes him home to Grant Mansion. He suspects that Belial has had a tracking device surgically implanted in Russel's skull, and examination by a doctor confirms his suspicions. It is too late to remove the device, however, because the Full Moon is about to rise again. 
    To control him during the night, Moon Knight straps Russell down. The Werewolf is stronger than expected, though, and breaks his bonds, then turns to face Marlene and Moon Knight with murder in his bestial eyes..." 
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Welp, Moon Knight has a werewolf in his guest room. 
He tells Marlene to get the others to the basement while he figures out what to do about his friend. 
He tries to reason with the beast. 
He gets tossed out the window for his trouble. 
And now the beast is free. 
And in true Moon Knight fashion, he ends up on the ground in a crumpled heap. 
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He’s doing great. 
The wolf dislikes the city in the rain. Seeking higher ground, he sits on a rooftop howling. 
Moon Knight finds him and sneaks up on him and sucker punches him in the face. 
The beast does not like this. 
Once more...
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They hit the ground hard. 
"The water was hardly deep enough to cushion our fall, so we laid there until dawn." 
With dawn, Jack Russell is back. 
Passed out in the gutter next to Moon Knight, Belial's men find them. 
The men take them both just to be safe. 
It seems they finally have 'the beast of the apocalypse'. So all the followers of the good church of satan arrive out of LA. 
And Schuyler, Self proclaimed Morning Star, greets them all with a shackled Jack Russell and Moon Knight. 
It would seem Moon Knight is well known in these circles. (See Werewolf by Night for original context when we first met our beloved Moon Knight). 
While they are eager to see their foe destroyed, Schuyler has failed them enough times and all they see is "A kid and some geek dressed in a Moon Knight outfit--the kind you rent for halloween." 
Furthermore, Morning Star has decided that in order to further his power and beliefs, he needs to sacrifice the beast, convinced that the blood of the monster will transform him into a powerful supernatural being. He then intends to infect others until the apocalypse is unleashed. 
The congregation seems to think it might work so they head to the roof for preparations of the final day of the full moon. 
But first we have one of my ultimate favorite superhero gags. 
They want to know who hides behind the mask of Moon Knight. 
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No one fucking knows who he is. 
If you REALLY think about it, Why would anyone outside of their direct circle of in people know who this guy is? Sure, Steven’s a millionaire, but he isn’t exactly Bruce Wayne about it. He’s just some rich guy that sometimes throws parties or attends business meetings. Jake Lockley is a cab driver in New York City. And Marc Spector doesn’t even really have an existence in present day America. And if you happen to know who Marc Spector is, the odds are that you probably don’t care about a secret Moon Knight identity and just want the man dead for the simple fact that he is Marc Spector. 
They move to return Moon Knight and Jack back to their cages. 
And unfortunately for them, Moon Knight wakes up before he gets there. 
He grabs Jack and makes a break for it. He calls for Frenchie and heads outside. 
(Moon Knight no.... Not in the chopper.) 
Up on the roof, the others are still getting their tour of the sacrificial altar when they're informed of the escape. 
He tells them to use the tracker implanted in Jack's head. They have to get to him before the moon rises. 
And then they look up and see the very unique and moon specific helicopter. 
Luckily they avoid getting blown out of the sky and head back to the mansion. 
Calling in the doctor, they manage to get the chip out. 
It's noon now and time is of the essence. 
In the meantime, Steven takes the chip and hides it in the mansion's game room. 
He changes to Moon Knight and waits. 
(Moon Knight no...not in the mansion)
And right on cue, we see the cultists heading back to the mansion. 
Jack is now recovering from his surgery and his rough night. Marlene helps him to...
"Help Marlene get him into Lockley's cab in the garage, but tell her to stay there. Not to move until she hears from me over the cab's radio through my cowl-mike." 
(Moon Knight no...not in the cab!) 
The trap is set and the cultists bust into the mansion. 
They wander into the game room only to find it empty with the homing device. Moon Knight springs his trap. 
Whalloping them on the head with a pool cue, he tells Marlene to beat it! 
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(Moon Knight no…not in the diner.) 
Really Marlene? Did you need to bust through the garage door? Of course no one’s outside! These guys are idiots and only sent two dudes to pick up the werewolf! 
For the record, I fucking love Gena. 
"I still say he looks like an ordinary white boy to me." She closes her diner as they sneak Jack in. 
Next part of the plan? Marlene is going to hypnotize Jack. 
She asks Gena for her necklace with pendant. 
"Girl, this is a genuine pearl--not cultured, neither--so you just be real careful with it, hear?" (I love Gena) 
She tells him to see the pendant and think of the moon. 
He starts to change, fur growing in despite it only being 3. 
She stops the change. 
"This is just the moon in your imagination. Now, what does the full moon do to you?" 
"It...Changes me...Turns me into werewolf..." 
"That's right...It gives the werewolf life...and who is the werewolf?" 
"Me...I'm the werewolf..." 
"Then the Moon gives YOU life, doesn't it?" 
(And who's a good boy? That’s right! You are!) 
She directs his attention to Moon Knight, "the emissary of the moon. The spirit of the moon...The keeper of the moon's powers..." 
In essence, she's trying to get the werewolf to stop trying to kill Moon Knight. 
"Moon Knight is your friend." 
She returns the pearl to Gena, who is patiently waiting. Gena calls it Hoodoo as she checks her pearl over. 
Back at the cult, Morning Star gets a statick filld phone call saying that they got the beast despite Moon Knight's trouble. 
Who knew Frenchie could do a convincing American accent? 
Back at the diner, Jack enjoys a meal from Gena. 
"So, Moon Knight, you still making good bounties?" 
"I don't work for money anymore, Russell. Got enough to last me." 
"Just fighting crime out of the goodness of your heart?" 
"Something like that. How about you? Any closer to a cure?" 
"Nope...But at least the werewolf hasn't killed anyone innocent yet--and thank god he seems to prefer game flesh to....human." 
It's time for part two of the trap. 
Moon Knight dons a cultist robe and Jack plays dead. They head into the building and take Jack to the roof. 
Jack lays on the alter as the moon starts to rise and he starts to change. 
Just as Morning Star prepares to plunge his blade into the changing man, Moon Knight uses one of the stolen weapons to shoot the blade from his hands. 
"That's when Moon Knight blew his cover--at the last possible moment, no less-- by zapping the Silver Dagger out of Belial's hand. It had been some three inches from my heart." 
Moon Knight calls out to tell Russell it's time to act. 
The wolf springs up, unsure if it's acting because of Moon Knight or because of the cultists. 
"But I jumped into their ugly faces with relish nonetheless. After the chill of the stone altar on my back, I wanted to warm up fast--and did." 
The other cultists make the mistake of getting into a weird gun fight with Moon Knight, a man that knows his way around weapons. 
"I don't normally use guns of any kind--But then it's not every day that I have to save the world from the forces of Satan!" 
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Only two of them? A werewolf and Moon Knight. Why shouldn’t these average middle aged men who chant all day be able to stop them? 
“Only two of us, all right…But WHAT A PAIR.” 
And then they bump into one another. Will the hypnosis have worked? 
“Nice Russell…Nice boy…” (He’s a good boy! Such a good boy!) 
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It’s so nice to see them finally working together. 
And rip through their hated flesh he does. 
Belial makes a run for it and the wolf gives chase. 
It catches him easily. 
"He shrieked and gibbered, gaping at the beast of his own personal apocalypse. The sound only made my blood run hotter... And hotter still... Until I howled...and he screamed...And the hideous sounds became one." 
The wolf throws Morning Star off the roof. 
"Vengeance was mine, sayeth the werewolf...in a growl of supreme satisfaction." 
The other cultists open fire on the wolf and Moon Knight tells him to get out of there before he's hit. 
The Moon copter swoops in and drops the ladder. 
The cops have arrived below and are getting ready to storm the building. 
They just need to get the wolf out of there before more people show up. 
Moon Knight tells him to grab the ladder. 
"Grab it, Russell! Don't just stand there 'till they cut you down! Listen to me Russell...Grab it!!" 
"Finally, the werewolf felt a vague stir of recognition...A soft urging from a sweetly haunting voice deep within me. I clawed at the bottom ladder rung--ANd was swept off the roof, into the Moon-cursed night." 
Moon Knight yells to get Russell out of there as he continues to fight the cultists. 
Moon Knight dives off the roof and uses his cape to glide away. 
Blocks away, in the safe darkness of the city, the wolf drops to the streets and so does Moon Knight. 
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"We faced each other for long moments, across the deserted street...I turned and sprinted lithely for the moon." 
Frenchie asks if Marc is going to give chase. 
"He's already gone, Frenchie-His future is in our hands now. And it's probably better this way. For a moment, I thought I might be able to keep him under control. 
...But Marlene's hypnotic spell can't last forever. ...And even though I hate to agree with Belial on ANY score...The werewolf is a beast. At least under the moon. And he simply craves his freedom too much to care about someone who kept hitting him over the head..." 
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"Moon Knight was wrong. Despite all our fights, the werewolf left with certain regret...Even if Moon Knight was also right about one thing... As a beast governed by no rules but my own, I was simply too stubborn about my freedom. 
I had to run through the deep night and see what the next shadow might hide. 
As for the trace of the human within me, it was all made easier by the fact that at least some people cared-And were maybe even praying I'd make it. 
So I howled, and within the howl there was a farewell to Moon Knight..Maybe forever." 
(I love the last page. It’s absolutely gorgeous.) 
And there we have it! Moon Knight and the Werewolf by Night! Together again! 
I love their dynamic! The former mercenary and bounty hunter, now a man out to protect people to make up for his monstrous deeds, and the man out to protect people from the monster he becomes. 
I also love how the story is told from Jack and the werewolf’s narrative. It gives voice to the wolf and lets you see it as a thinking feeling creature. I also love how the werewolf acknowledges Jack still inside him. Two separate but whole beings. 
A familiar struggle for control that Moon Knight readers have come to love. Perhaps this is why Moon Knight and the wolf do understand one another. Why Russell went looking for help from Moon Knight despite their sketchy past. 
After all, who else has dared to tangle with the beast SO-MANY-TIMES? 
If you are able, go read the OG comic that first introduces Moon Knight. The number of times they fight is comical. What Moon Knight went through just to capture him… At least you can’t call Moon Knight a quitter. 
And with that absolutely splendid final page, Bill Sienkiewicz bids his farewell to Moon Knight. 
At the end of this issue is also a "BULLPEN BULLETIN SPECIAL" which features an interview with Bill Sienkiewicz! 
Interviewer: Care to tell the fans how your name is pronounced?
Bill: Bill.
Interviewer: So it's going to be that kind of interview, eh? Okay, Mr. Sin-Keh'-vitch. 
Bill: After the story in issue #26, "Hit it", I was ready to move on. I felt that I'd climbed as high as I could with MK, for now. I knew I couldn't sustain it. I could talk for hours about it and the whole national problem of child abuse...And the art, how I was trying to express music, jazz, rhythm visually on paper... I felt it worked.
With this, our buddy Bill departs. Kevin Nowlan will be taking over for the next several issues. 
Thank you Bill for your work in helping to give Moon Knight his face and often shapeless cat like splats on the ground. 
Every special appearance of him in Moon Knight after is always a cherished treasure. 
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haveyoureadthispoll · 6 months
When the Mayflower set sail in 1620, it carried on board the men and women who would shape America: Miles Standish; John Alden; Constance Hopkins. But some among the Pilgrims were not pure of heart; they were not escaping religious persecution. Indeed, they were not even human. They were vampires. The vampires assimilated quickly into the New World. Rising to levels of enormous power, wealth, and influence, they were the celebrated blue bloods of American society. The Blue Bloods vowed that their immortal status would remain a closely guarded secret. And they kept that secret for centuries. But now, in New York City, the secret is seeping out. Schuyler Van Alen is a sophomore at a prestigious private school. She prefers baggy, vintage clothes instead of the Prada and pearls worn by her classmates, and she lives with her reclusive grandmother in a dilapated mansion. Schuyler is a loner...and happy that way. Suddenly, when she turns fifteen, there is a visible mosaic of blue veins on her arm. She starts to crave raw food and she is having flashbacks to ancient times. Then a popular girl from her school is found dead... drained of all her blood. Schuyler doesn't know what to think, but she wants to find out the secrets the Blue Bloods are keeping. But is she herself in danger?
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dreammakcr · 3 months
( okay! for new followers, this is a full list of muses that are not on my muse page yet. <3 )
lilith - a court of thorns and roses (OC rhysand’s sister)
medusa - greek mythology
isobel - baulder’s gate 3
vidia - disney’s tinkerbell
balthazar - supernatural
johnny gat - saint’s row
han solo - star wars
leia organa - star wars
padme amidala - star wars
helios - greek mythlogy
nora west-allen - detective comics
barry allen - detective comics
dorothy gale - the wizard of oz
angelica schuyler - hamilton
eliza schuyler - hamilton
olivia pope - scandal
jasper frost - the royals
eleanor hestridge - the royals
alosa kalligan - daughter of the pirate king
eelyn - sky in the deep
mirabel madrigal - encanto
dolores madrigal - encanto
barbie - barbie
artemis - greek mythology
rose dewitt bukater - titanic
alice liddell - alice madness returns
will turner - pirates of the caribbean
elizabeth swann - pirates of the caribbean
nessarose thropp - wicked
penny lamb - ride the cyclone
sandy olsson from grease
betty rizzo from grease
willow rosenberg from buffy the vampire slayer
kal from halloweentown 2
marnie piper from halloweentown
juliet starling from lollipop chainsaw
william gracey from the haunted mansion
sadie adler from red dead 2
arthur morgan from red dead 2
teddy lupin from harry potter
roxanne weasley from harry potter
fleur delacour from harry potter
calliope from greek mythology
richard castle from castle
kate beckett from castle
hilda spellman from sabrina the teenage witch
sabrina spellman from sabrina the teenage witch
jason mendoza from the good place
tahani al jamil from the good place
amren from a court of thorns and roses
jake peralta from brooklyn 99
velma dinkely from scooby doo
fred jones from scooby doo
daphne blake from scooby doo
shaggy rogers from scooby doo
phoenix winchester from supernatural (OC daughter of Cassie and Dean)
miss honey from matilda
matilda from matilda
jessica day from new girl
maxwell sheffield from the nanny
(young) blanche deveraux from the golden girls
merope gaunt from harry potter
janine teagues from abbott elementary
aurora dubois from sleeping beauty
anne sallow from hogwarts legacy
poppy sweeting from hogwarts legacy
tom riddle from harry potter
jeffrey winger from community
troy barnes from community
annie edison from community
river song from doctor who
helena bertinelli from detective comics
dinah lance from detective comics
princess yona from yona and the dawn
clover ewing from totally spies
magdalene defoe from repo! the genetic opera
amber sweet from repo! the genetic opera
shilo wallace from repo! the genetic opera
carmen cortez from spy kids
ami mizuno from sailor moon
gretchen wieners from mean girls
karen smith from mean girls
prince phillip from sleeping beauty
helen parr from the incredibles
rei hino from sailor moon
danielle de barbarac from ever after
deena johnson from fear street
laurie strode from halloween
gale weathers from scream
sidney prescott from scream
samantha carpenter from scream
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jittyjames · 1 year
jami’s whumptober 2023 masterlist
(i finished the planning phase way faster than i thought) (more warnings for each fic will be tagged individually on the actual works, beloveds <3)
swooning/“how many fingers am i holding up?” | jcs | judas never thought joining jesus would result in him being exposed to so many unsightly things (lol i decided to start the month on a more fluffy/humorous note bc these get… dark).
"i'll call out your name, but you won't call back" | hamilton | alexander chases after phantoms
“make it stop” | jcs | something unshakable befalls judas the week of passover.
“you in there?” | hamilton | alexander is left in an unreachable state while john and washington are left to deal.
debris/pinned down | hamilton | alexander has to cope with the aftermath of a terrible battlefield injury.
recording | jcs | the aftermath of judas’ suicide (modern)
“can you hear me?” | hamilton | alexander has a one-sided conversation.
outnumbered | hamilton | that washington fic that’s been sitting in drafts for months.
mistaken identity | jcs | judas is mistaken for someone he couldn’t possibly be.
“can’t you see you’re lost without me? | hamilton | hamburr angst. just hamburr angst. you’re welcome. (sponsored by crys)
animal trap | hamilton | self explanatory
red | jcs | judas has a secret. a very big secret.
“i don’t feel so good.” | hamilton | when philip falls ill while eliza is away, alexander is left spiraling.
water inhalation | hamilton | alexander can handle anything. he can handle insults. he can handle pain. but somehow, they managed to find the one thing he can’t stomach.
suppressed suffering | jcs | the judas hidden injury fic.
“would you lie with me, and just forget the world?” | hamilton | hamburr. alex and aaron share one night as they sit on the brink of the war.
“leave me alone.” | jcs | jesus and judas have an argument that ends worse than others.
tortured for information | hamilton | just another classic prisoner of war fic. y’all know the drill atp :))) (only it’s not with who you think 👀👀)
psychological | les mis | an off handed comment sends marius spiraling through doors he thought long to be closed. les amis de l'ABC are left to pick up the pieces.
found family | jcs | judas has a choice to make when someone from his past resurfaces.
vows | hamilton | aaron vowed to keep their daughter safe.
(alt prompt) drugging | hamilton | the redcoats decide to test out a new sort of weapon on alexander.
shadows | hamilton | the schuyler mansion is overtaken by the enemy.
“i thought he was with you” | jcs | after a riot breaks out, no one can find jesus.
“you’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.” | jcs | mary prepares for two burials.
working to exhaustion/“you look awful” | hamilton | alexander and aaron both throw themselves into a trial. it would be a lot easier if they could focus on only that instead of each other. (sponsored by xen)
scars/“let me see” | jcs | (judas lives au) jesus comes back and judas can barely stomach the weight of his sins (this was originally based off a nightmare i had and it’s… the darkest thing i’ve ever written. definitely a hat on a hat on a hat trauma wise. be careful with this one, friends.)
(alt prompt) hunting | hamilton | alexander could hear the thundering of footsteps, the bark of their hounds. he only ran faster.
troubled past resurfacing | jcs | the group finds out things they never expected from judas.
borrowed clothing | les mis | marius struggles to get on his feet after leaving his grandfather’s estate.
emptiness | hamilton | alexander reflects on all the suffering he’s endured. (I WENT META LMAOOOOO)
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
Hello! I was just curious since you seem like an expert on the hamkids, what was your opinion in regards to the Schuyler mansion on Twitter stating that Angelica Hamilton "In 1801, Angelica suffered the losses of her aunt Peggy (below) and her older brother, Philip. Contrary to popular belief, Angelica did not have an irreversible breakdown. Instead, her reaction to her brother's death may have indicated the beginning of a mental illness."? Is it true that she never had a mental breakdown, and it wasn't even directly related to Philip's death? They don't seem to have any sources in regards to this part, so I was curious about your take
I've seen that before and it actually irks me a lot because I have no idea how they came to that conclusion, and they use zero sources for that statement. While there isn't much known about Angelica, and especially in regards to her mental health — there have been two confirmations by family members that she suffered from severe shock due to Philip's death.
The first being the youngest of the Hamilton daughters, Eliza Hamilton Holly, where she even clarified that Angelica became mentally impaired after severe shock from Philip's death;
“Mrs. Holly was a woman of strong intellect, and a friendship which I formed with her is one of the most cherished memories of my life. She devoted her widowhood to the care of her aged mother. We often engaged in confidential conversations, when she would discuss the tragedies which so clouded her life. I especially remember her dwelling upon the sad history of her sister, Angelica Hamilton, who, she told me, was in the bloom of health and surrounded by everything that goes towards making life happy when her eldest brother, Philip Hamilton, was killed in a duel. He had but recently been graduated from Columbia College and lost his life in 1801 on the same spot where, about three years later, his father was killed by Aaron Burr. This dreadful event affected her so deeply that her mind became unbalanced, and she was finally placed in an asylum, where she died at a very advanced age. Mrs. Hamilton lived in Washington, D. C., in one of the De Menou buildings on H Street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, and Mrs. Holly resided in the same city until her death.”
(source — As I Remember: Recollections of American Society during the Nineteenth Century, by Marian Gouverneur)
And again, by Angelica's nephew and the son of Phil II, Allan McLane. Who wrote about it in his biography about his grandfather;
“Upon receipt of the news of her brother's death in the Eacker duel, she suffered so great a shock that her mind became permanently impaired, and although taken care of by her devoted mother for a long time there was no amelioration in her condition, and she was finally placed under the care of Dr. MacDonald of Flushing, and remained in his charge until her death at the age of seventy-three. During her latter life she constantly referred to the dear brother so nearly her own age as if alive. Her music, that her father used to oversee and encourage, stayed by her all these years. To the end she played the same old-fashioned songs and minu- ets upon the venerable piano that had been bought for her, many years before, in London, by Angelica Church, during her girlhood, and was sent to New York through a friend of her father.”
(source — The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton, by Allan McLane)
While, yes, all of these are coming from the moreso younger side of the family - as Holly was only about two, and Allan didn't even exist when Philip died - they still likely heard the tale from the older Hamilton kids, or Elizabeth. Notably, Phil II was seemingly close with Angelica and likely was looking after her when his sister and mother couldn't, as Elizabeth was usually writing to him and asking how she was instead of the others. So, if Allan was getting his feedback from his relatives, and most likely had spent some time around Angelica since she was sometimes in the care of his father — I think he is reliable source material.
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46ten · 1 year
Wait, Peggy was tutoring Hamilton's kids?
Twitter thread from Schuyler Mansion
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The letter from Philip Schuyler is from 6June1799.
I hope My beloved Eliza is in better health than when we left her, perswaded that a change of air would benefit her we entreat her to come up as Speedily as possible, and to bring at least the two Youngest children with her, Johnny will be Attended to by his Aunt and myself, and from his own avidity to acquire information he will not suffer from his absence from School.
Considering both the periods when various Hamilton kids spent month(s) with their grandparents in Albany, and the times Aunt Peggy (and her husband) stayed with the Hamiltons in NY, I don't think it's unlikely that she had some role at times in the education of the other Hamilton children, too.
The last link in the thread is to an article by Serfilippi on the education of Catharine VR Schuyler Malcolm Cochran that includes a few mentions of the education of the three oldest Schuyler sisters, including that they were in part educated in NYC with their parents back in Albany and Saratoga. There are some hints that both Angelica and Peggy may have received a longer period of tutoring than Eliza, or records are just missing. (It's also been noted by one old source that mom Catharine VR Schuyler was highly educated compared to Dutch women of her class, and knew English ways and all, too). Either way, the Schuylers took all of their children's educations very seriously and we know from other letters and diaries that Philip Schuyler had very high expectations for the learned knowledge of his last two daughters - I doubt he expected less for his first three.
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