#scientist boio
clear-chaos-collection · 11 months
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Please look at this guy
He is the best dragonball character I won't take any argument otherwise
His name is Fu
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lexicorp · 2 years
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dis bich is full of himself and has a tendency to piss people off with his blunt nature and kinda has the attitude of "I missed where that's my problem" about it
him and BJ have a rivalry that is pretty much Ludwig scrutinizing BJ's work and BJ getting pissed off and being petty by either going and fucking up something in Ludwig's lab or taking a project Ludwig is doing and trying to prove he can do it just as well
Ludwig just finds it annoying and hits BJ with the "aren't I supposed to be the younger brother?" which he usually gets the response of BJ throwing something at him and flipping him off
he prefers to do things solo, as he feels others just mess up his plans which usually when his siblings get involved they DO interrupt whatever he's trying to do, which is annoying even if they mean well
iggy often bugs Ludwig out of his lab to play magic the gathering, chess, or portal 2
First post
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ar-ray-of-muses · 6 years
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Hey, uh - sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ᴄᴀʟʟ for Young Fidds! Hit up this post with your muses if you’re interested, and ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴘᴇᴄɪғʏ if you’re multi-muse!
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Hello! I absolutely loved all you RotTmnt stories!! I love you writing style and how well you portray the characters so much!
I was curious if you could write some relationship headcanons for Baron Draxum? If not I understand! He is kind of a weird request haha
Weird?! Nonnie, I love him 💕 Sheep man deserves more love from all, imo
And thank you for the complements! I try to stick to canon best I can, but people seem to like the self-projection that slips in, too ^-^
Notes: use of -x suffix to show gender neutrality, I tried to write it to fit whatever gender you may present as ^-^
Dating Baron Draxum Would Include..
Large boio; he's about 6'7" iirc
So if he's feeling spiteful, he can just. Hide things on the top shelf
He always relents and gets them down if you pout at him, tho
Huginn and Muninn both love you!
Both refer to you as "Baronex Draxum"
Fow when you and boyfie get married
When, not if; neither of them cares if y'all've proposed, you're The One in their eyes
What can I say? Kindness goes a long way
Speaking of which
His love language? Acts of service
You need something up high? He'll have Huginn and Muninn grab it for you (unless he's the one who put it out of reach; see above)
He cooks dinner for you
Mad scientist belongs in the kitchen 🥰
He made the mutagen, yeah? Chemistry in the kitchen isn't hard for him at all
Y'all eat a mixed diet of whatever tf he likes in the Hidden City, and surface foods that he's been introduced to (mostly by Mikey)
Loves giving/receiving nicknames! (Even if he doesn't really show it)
Preferred nicknames to call you: Princex, love, sweetheart. Typically preceded by "My"
He may not enact physical affection on his own much, but if you're having a bad day, he'll hold you n let you ramble to him
If he's in a touchy mood, he really likes scratched behind his ears ^-^
Likes to kiss the top of your head; he doesn't have to bend down as far, and he can hide his face in your scalp if needed
If he wants to cuddle, he'll lay down and just kinda
Tug you into him
Likes holding you face to face n watching you relax into his touch
All in all, great war criminal boyfie
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grangermonarque · 4 years
If you have an au with a vampire engineer, then what would the other mercs be? Would they also be vampires, or something else? If something else I believe demo would be a werewolf, pyro some sort of reptilian-human hybrid, medic like a mad scientist with heavy being his Frankenstein’s monster, spy would be tentaspy, and the others I’m not so sure of...
I did not expect for someone to ask but yeah! That works too!
Also, the vampire engie is inspired by our fantasy au (in Scrapnick's discord server) that is based on our OCs and what mythical creature we would be (and I mean in our @ask-some-boios blog), like eh, I dunno I just made engie into a vampire cuz why not 😂
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coolxnxblue-a · 5 years
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ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ ᴅᴜᴍᴘ 001. | x
Sonic is actually pretty skilled at drawing; the downside is he rarely has patience for such things, as they require a lot of time, but when he does, he can draw excellently.
He’s not easily startled, unless your name is Amy Rose or you’re a mad scientist with constantly changing mechs. He’s simultaneously prepared and never prepared for those two specifically.
Sonic is a dog person; Muttski, y’know?
Since the guy is buddies with Shahra and Merlina - he without a doubt believes in magic. Always has done, really, especially given the kind of world he’s grown up with. When you’re a super sonic hedgehog who dabbles with the art of chaos, you kinda believe anything can happen in this whacky universe.
Sonic could wish for no better job than saving the world and everyone in it; sure, it can be pressuring and stressful - but everyone’s smile makes it worth it.
Being the free spirit he is, Sonic has slight commitment issues. He’s wary about the prospect of being married because he’s afraid it might tie him down and keep him from running. Plus, he’s still a teenager - he’s got his whole life ahead of him yet.
Sonic’s favourite holiday is Halloween; all sorts of chaos can happen on that night, and this hedgehog 100% approves of it. As long as no one does anything stupid or people get hurt.
This boio’s been in too many fist fights to name.
Sonic’s clothing style varies; he’s for anything trendy and casual, but lives for jackets and hoodies. Majority of his clothing has red and white in it or colour schemes of that nature.
When nothing much is happening, Sonic can tend to daydream; this is usually when it’s quiet, no one’s around and while he’s taking in the sights of the places he visits. Although he dwells in the moment, he’s often thinking about his next adventure and hanging out with his friends.
Sonic has gone less than a week without sleep before, at least in terms of the dashverse; it was something he had little control over but he’s never pulling that stunt again. In other verses, it’s normally a day or two.
If he had a kid, Sonic would name them Cinos. ... He’s joking. He just wanted to see the look on your face.
Sonic is a virtuoso; he has amazing ability on the guitar, and is also very skilled at the violin. That started out because he wanted to make the ‘world’s smallest violin’ joke until he got into it for real and took the lessons seriously.
The pettiest thing Sonic has ever done is hard to pin down because he gets petty over literally anything.
Sonic does consider himself a good person, but he’s not without flaws. Not being able to save everyone weighs down his conscience a lot, and he has a habit of beating himself up for it. If we’re going by dashverse Sonic, not in the slightest; after that whole corruption M!A, he regards himself in a totally different light and can never see himself as positively because of what he did. He acts like he’s over it but he really isn’t, and he’s not sure he ever will be.
This sounds cheesy but the best thing Sonic could ever recieve as a gift is friendship. Just don’t twist it to distorted or evil means. That’s a bad present.
Sonic humors fortune telling and horoscopes, but doesn’t take them too seriously - after all, if he did, Amy and her tarot cards would never leave him alone.
If Sonic could go back and save one person, it would be Tails. Before they’d even met. The kid went through so much with his peers and Sonic only wished he could’ve stopped the bullying before it started and give his future-brother some better self worth.
If Sonic could only eat one food for the rest of his life, it’d be chilidogs. C’mon, guys - you thought that’d be a competition?
He doesn’t let this on, but he’s actually a huge nerd; although he doesn’t do it nearly enough, he LOVES books and can’t get enough of them. The fantasy genre is one of his favourites, as well as those based on old legends.
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