#scott isnt happy with it but its what hes gonna get today
staticpine · 1 year
Me: yeah we've had a sort of Scottsmajor mashup for the past while whos been one of the heavier hands in how we've expressed outward identity for a while
Fake person i made up for this conversation: now what does that mean in normal speak
Me: scott's been dressing the body more
FPIMUFTC: wow i never could have noticed!
Me actively:
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samarecharm · 4 years
I'm sorry I keep bothering, but a just saw your post of ryuji having a toxel and I'm???? That's so true and so cute??? Also think of this: ryuji going everywhere with his toxel bc he just can't be without him. And what about toxel evolving to protect ryuji from kamoshida?
Oh my GOD
first of all u are not bothering me, dont apologize for that. This is so good? This is parallel (or rather an extension) to my own hc for him and his toxel so i might as well share it here too🥺
His first pokemon isnt given to him like most of the thieves; his first one is found while he was out in the city w his mom when he was a toddler. Toxel are usually ONLY found w handlers bc despite theyre size, theyre capable of secreting toxins and discharging electricity without meaning to. They have to be Given to adept trainers or daycares. So to find one out on the streets is rare but dangerous. And immediately hes like “🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺” to his mom bc its just SO cute and its helpless and its raining and its in an alley way and-
His mom helps raise it bc shes a retired trainer and “these centers are all too punkass to take this feral in...”
And this Toxel is fiesty....like obv very sweet and mellow but extremely protective of this family who took him in. And while having pokemon at school is technically not allowed, EVERYONE who has one will just. Bring them in. Kids walking in with pikachus and caterpies and gibles...Ryuji keeps his toxel on the downlow; too scared to bring attention to himself, but they all know hes got Something in that bag.
The day Kamoshida breaks his leg is the day Toxel evolves.
Theres yelling, arguing, and Ryuji is being loud and aggressive bc hes just So fucking tired of this shit, and being polite and respectful is getting him fucking nowhere. And of course Toxel reacts to this. And comes out to see whats happening. And Kamoshida immediately sees this and pretends to be threatened by this fucking baby. Like “you brought in a POKEMON to fight me, is that why you feel so brave today? Fighting a nontrainer in a pokemon fight?” Obv derailing n what not.
But hes like ‘you dont think ill fucking kill this little shit? You dont think ill crack this things fucking neck?’ And Ryuji KNOWS realistically he cant, bc Toxel IS strong, they both know that. But he sees Kamoshida reaching for Toxel and his reflex is to grab and swing. And Kamoshida is just So fucking happy he does that bc he gets the excuse he needs to snap this boys leg in two. And the subsequent scream thats ripped out of him triggers the evolution for Toxel before Kamoshida can go and break the other leg.
Its surprisingly Mellow, but his mom always thought that would happen; they complement each other too well.
The first thing this Toxtricity does is screech. Loudly. So loud that it tosses Kamoshida into the wall hard enough to leave bruises weeks down the line. Loud enough to warrant the Entire student body running through the halls to see what the commotion is about.
Kamoshida gets off scott free, and Ryuji KNOWS that they know its fucked up bc they still let him bring Toxtricity to school when he finally returns. Like ‘normally a pokemon attacking a human is liable to get the trainer arrested and the pokemon relocated or worse. But well go “easy” on u’....Ryuji aint stupid, he knows theyre trying to keep him quiet, and that if he had the money he COULD sue. A pokemon acting in self defense is STILL self defense.
Ryuji walks around w Toxtricity. And he gets hushed whispers and dirty looks from everyone including faculty, but at least hes not gonna have a busted leg again. Hes not used to being one of the only people in school w a fully evolved pokemon, but he manages. Until this transfer student comes in with their Very strong, Very chatty Zoroark.
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Baby Love - Part 5
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
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The car was silent as i sat staring at the scan photo, i had just come out from seeing my doctor and having everything confirmed. Chris and i had both cried when we saw the image on the screen and then we heard the heart beat!
"You okay?" Chris asked reaching out and taking hold of one of my hands.
"Yeah I'm good" i smiled giving his hand a reassuring squeeze "just taking it all in you know..... this is our baby!"
"Our perfect little bean" he grinned brigig my hand up to place a kiss on the back of my hand.
"Sure is"
"So i was thinking, we should tell people"
"What.... who?"
"Well my family for starters, anyone you wanna tell?"
"You know i dont talk to my family Chris, i not telling them anything. Aint we supposed to wait for 3 months before blabbing?"
"Says who?"
"Everyone! Theres more risk of things going wrong in the first 12 weeks"
"Well your already at 8 and the doctor said everything looks great"
"That doesn't mean things cant go wrong! Chris your family don't even know we're more than friends! We cant just drop this on them"
"Ok so we'll go visit, we'll tell them we're together now and then in a few weeks we'll tell them about the baby. Sound good?"
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2 days later i was sat at the kitchen table in the Evans family home talking to Chris's mom Lisa, Chris had been constantly fussing over me causing Lisa to look at us suspiciously.
"Okay, whats going on with you two?"
"Christopher dont lie to me"
"im not!" he said quickly before laughing nervously, for an actor he sure wasnt being very convincing!
"oh my god Evans just tell her already, your not fooling anyone with that nervous laughter of yours" i rolled my eyes playfully.
"tell me what?? Whats going on?"
"Y/N's pregnant" he blurted out making me freeze all movements, i swear i stopped breathing for a second..... did he really just do that?!!
"What?? Oh my god sweetheart thats great news!" Lisa beamed getting up from her chair and wrapping her arms around me "congratulations"
"I cant believe you just said that....." i mumbled looking at Chris who finally realised i had meant for him to tell his mom we were dating not that i was pregnant!
"I didnt even know you were seeing anyone"
"See thats the thing Lisa...."
"Its mine mom" Chris spoke up, Lisa let go of me and turned to face her son looking very confused.
"You got Y/N pregnant?...."
"Yeah, we're together now. Have been for a while"
"But you never said anything....."
"We wanted to make sure it was gonna work out before telling anyone, then when i was away filming Y/N got sick"
"Thought it was flu, turns out im pregnant" i shrugged like it wasnt a big thing.
"When you were filming.... but that was months ago" Lisa looked at Chris with wide eyes, he was nodding with a smile plastered on his face.
"Im about 8 weeks along, we only got it confirmed with the doctor 2 days ago. I was convinced the test was wrong.... but here, this is your grandchild" i said taking the scan photo from my bag and handing it to her. Lisa held a hand over her mouth as her eyes filled with tears, i looked at Chris nervously.... were these good tears or was she upset that her son got me pregnant??
"Mom you okay?" Chris asked
"Yeah. Im just..... this is such good news. I always said you two should be together, i told your sisters and Scott hundreds of times that Y/N was perfect for you" she gushed "they said it would never happen, that Y/N already put up with you enough" she laughed.
"That is true" i nodded before laughing along with her.
"hey!" he whined pouting like a sulking child that just made me laugh even more.
"awww i didnt mean it, i love spending time with you"
"I dont believe you now"
"What, the fact i spend most of my time with you when your not away filming isnt proof enough huh?"
"Fair point" he laughed pulling me into his arms and kissing me on the forehead.
"you two are so cute"
"Oh mom please stop, dont make this weird"
"Im sorry, im just so happy for you both. You wait until the others hear about this! Your dad will be over the moon Chris and your sisters and Scott.... when are you going to tell them?"
"Um i dont know..... we kinda wanted to wait for the 3 months to pass before we anounced anything"
"You can tell your family babe, i just dont want it being public knowledge yet. Im not ready to deal with that stress, its not good for the baby and you know im gonna get hate from some of your fans"
"Oh sweetie im sure it wont be that bad..." Lisa started to say until i scoffed
"I got so much hate online when i first got spotted out with Chris, until it became public knowledge that i was just his best friend. Can you imagine the reaction me being pregnant will get?? The thought of it actually terrifies me"
"Maybe we can try to keep it under wraps, no one ever has to know"
"Thats crazy mom, how am i going to do that? We cant keep Y/N locked away for the next 7 months, she's not gonna be able to hide it for much longer and Im eventually going to be seen out with my kid"
"I know honey, its just times like this i wish you werent famous. I want you to be able to enjoy this time..... both of you"
"We're gonna do our best do that".
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As i walked out of the bathroom wearing one of Chris's t-shirts he smiled instantly.
"Your wearing one of my shirts again?"
"So?.... your shirts are comfy" i shrugged getting into bed beside him.
"Im not going to have any clean shirts the rate your going sweetheart"
"Maybe its part of my plan, if you don't have clean shirts then you'll have to go without"
"Oh right is that what it is?" He chuckled pulling me into his arms so that my back was to his chest.
"Maybe a little" i laughed quietly "so today went well..."
"Yeah my mom was over the moon" he agreed pressing kisses to my neck "im sorry i blurted out about the baby, i honestly thought thats what you meant"
"Its fine"
"So your not mad?"
"Of course not" i replied stroking his arm that was wrapped around my waist "now go to sleep, im exhausted" we both chuckled and kissed goodnight.
After a few moments of silence i felt Chris shifting around, he usually did this when something was on his mind.
"What is it?" I mumbled sleepily.
"Nothing, go to sleep sweetheart"
"Evans i cant sleep when you keep fidgeting, spill it.... whats on your mind?" I turned around in his arms so that i was facing him.
"You know i have that Charity Event next week?"
"Would you come with me?....not just as my best friend, i want people to know that your my girlfriend".
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Baby love tags:
@jennmurawski13 @mybabyboytony
@ms-betsy-fangirl @vampgirl1997
@ajosieface @afuckingshituniverse
@chmedic @esoltis280 @southerngracela
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survivorbehemoth · 4 years
Episode #1: “brb gotta go to dinner” - Logan
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This is literally the worst possible outcome, I would know the 10 fkers on the other tribe and only know of like 2 people on this tribe, sayonara it's a wrap a mere 5 minutes after the cast reveal concluded.
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Omg! So this game started and i landed on a short witches tribe.. Maybe we are short but the humor around Helgamine is definitely tall. Love my tribemates! They are a bunch of really chill and fun to talk to people. At this stage of the game my goal is to get a good grasp on the already existing pre-game relationships within people. This knowledge will allow me to know what to say and to who. Other than that i'm focused on developing bonds with people without approaching them with gametalk. A pretty slow start for me, i don't need at all to jump into making alliances left and right. It's the beginning so its important to just leave a good (and non threatning) impression on my  tribemates.Those people seem to want to CALL a lot during the day JASHDKGAHD and i'm still exhausted from study group calls for exams so.. i'm not gonna be trying to do a lot of that. I'm however really excited for what's this game is going to bring up <3
Gonna do my own first impressions as well, to put some of my thoughts together.
Daisy - oh how i love her.. She's so positive and adorable. We have a pending plan for a call and I'm really looking forward to it. She's more experienced in discord ORGs than me and we are both BaR winners so.. we gotta work together. At least for now. She seems like someone that would be a bigger threat than me down the road.. I feel like we have a potential to work together well and I'd want to establish a duo with her and be partners in crime in this tribe. <3
Scott - OMG the only person in this whole cast that i actually knew before this game? we didn't talk in like 4 years but when i saw him in this cast i literally gasped. I enjoyed catching up with him and he is definitely someone i could see myself aligning with. Yesterday we shared each other concerns about a mention of alliances and alliance calls. And neither of us  introduced gametalk with other tribemates. He also mentioned that he wants me to be his #1 in this game. And i'm digging that!
Rob - OKAY our conversation on day 1 was p much awkward.. We have a mutual friend from the fb org and he was mad at me for winning an ORG over her and he literally didn't hestitate on letting me know that.. But we talked a lot yesterday and found out many common interests. He wants us to be like Fenella and Shonee and i mean why not? I really like talking to him but i'm not sure if i can trust him yet. He's the first person that reached out to me about doing a call and we did one today LMAO i had a lot of fun. He's definitely very social so keeping him as close as possible to me can only bring me some benefits. stan him tho <3
Seamus - Someone who i saw around forever but never had any opportunity to talk or meet his ass.  i just vibe w/ his clowny personality and already called him a caveman and a half british. <3 hoping to build a good connection here.
Logan - Funny and very active. He definitely stands out as he talks the most in the tribe chat and plans all the tribe calls. We had some good convos so far, mainly about total drama. Love watching his videos for this immunity challenge KSAJDHG but other than that i'm not sure how i feel about him but i would like to get close to him and work together when the game gears will switch on
Jules - She's so adorable and our talks are very cute but... they don't happen very often.  And she's not really contributing in the challenge so far which i really hope is going to change because in case we lose i fear that people will view her as an easy prey for the first boot? I hope that won't be the case and that she's going to snap cuz i think she's lovely and i enjoy our conversations.
Conor - Didn't have much to write about him until today. He just dyed his hair to the same color i got last summer so we have no choice but to stan. For real tho, we are the only europeans on this tribe (maybe even entire game?) but i don't have much to say about him. Curious how he will approach the game once we are forced to start playing.
Gage - Hmmmm! I like him, but don't really have any kind of trust towards him. He's just quite flirty and the flow of our conversations is weird/forced? I can't stop thinking abt Dean Kowalski and Spencer whenever he messages me.. It's like he's their survivor child.
Vincent - Great he immediately brought up his twin brother with who i played twice and ended him... twice as well. I literally have no idea how or what to talk about with him :/
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Hmm the challenge is almost over
I definitely wasn't a challenge MVP by any means. I think everyone but Scott outscored me. But I did a lot better than I could have expected at the challenge start. 65 points isn't a Dooze-level score but it's a lot better than the 30 points I was expecting earlier.
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Click HERE to watch Billy’s Round 1 Video!
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Lol I'm super happy to be apart of this season!! So far it's turning out to be a great one and I'm hoping that I can do what I need to in order to get far.
Not gonna lie I just had a feeling we were gonna lose this challenge. Like I just... stink at challenges and knew I wasn't going to do well. So I just made sure I didn't have the worst score. Which I hope puts me in the clear. However, i lowkey get the vibe I might be going just cause the conversations are so... bland. Like no ones come purposing an alliance and such. I know I don't want to be the first person to do so, which means someone's gonna have to step up.
Anyways, here's my thoughts on everyone.
Szymon: he's cool, definitely my #1 out here, we've known each other from previous orgs and such. Seamus: I know who he is from tumblr,  but I don't know him that well. he seems chill. Daisy: Queen, shes an icon and O hope she can be my female iconic duo Logan: He seems like he wants to be THAT person who likes to be in control of everything, but doesn't want to come off as controling everything. So I let him think he owns me :) Vincent: I like him, he's a cool guy and one of the few I've talked to the most. He already told me about his vote steal and I'm just like "damn, look at you go!" Conor: He's cool too! I enjoy talking to him when I wake up in the morning. I like hearing about him and his boyfriend too. Gage: home boy likes to flirt around with everyone doesn't he. i'll play a long, but leaving a mental note to not go far with him. Jules: They're cool, not really that social tho but they try. Rob: I forget that he's on this season oops.
I really thought I was gonna get the boot first cause everyone is just so quiet. But the conversations seem to be between Jules and Vincent. Which I'm personally okay with either of them as long as I'm still here. I'd prefer Rob though just cause he doesn't make an effort to talk to me that much, but it is what it is.
Let's hope I get by this round and can survive the first boot. I like to think I can, but you never know with this group.
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Click HERE to watch Cindi’s Round 1 Video!
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Click HERE to watch Dylan G’s Round 1 Video!
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Tribe Assessment:
Day 2 Confession:
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we lost the challenge which sucked. but i really like my tribe. everyone seems chill. i didnt think we were gonna win the challenge though becase several people didnt rlly try to even get 100. so originally i thought it would just be a super easy vote on vincent because he isnt very chatty, but logan is annoying everyone. asking to one on one call and sinking his own ship by pushing so hard (giggity) for jules to go home. so i think either logan or vincent will go this round
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I’m liking my tribe mates more than I expected. I’m just trying to play it cool so I make it to merge. I feel like that’s everyone’s goal. I love the alliance of Cindi, both Dylan’s and myself. I’m hoping that we stick together, because I feel like we can be a really strong alliance moving forward. I also think I might be good with Beck, because they’re dating Asya and we played a game together a couple years ago. Asya apparently still really likes me from what Beck said. So woo! Let’s continue the good vibes.
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Click HERE to watch Beck’s Round 1 Video!
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Click HERE to watch Ali’s Round 1 Video!
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So past 4 hours is a lot to process, but basically i got home expecting a pretty easy vote on Vincent. He's a great kid that but have to think about performing well in the challenges as a tribe. So then miss Logan decided to play as if it was merge and not day 3 and just went off with targetting Jules?? I am not having any of that because Jules is too fun to talk so i made sure to let Jules know immediately of what was going on. I believe i was the first to warn her of what's happening so that brings us two closer. Logan then went on calls with everyone individually, ending my call in such a shady way with an excuse of having a dinner... when he was just going to call with Seamus. And he told Seamus that he was currently eating the dinner.. WHAT? Anyway just got the tea that Logan was making multiple trios as well. WHY DO YOU NEED TO PLAY SO HARD? THIS GAME HAS JUST STARTED skjdghd
I feel really bad because he said that he was the first boot the last time he played due to playing hard. But this is just him... not learning from his past mistakes at all :/ Im sorry but i don't feel comfortable moving forward with such a ticking bomb. Neither he or Vincent have any benefit for my game at this point so Im hoping this plan that we put in motion with Daisy to get rid of Logan works, and then we have Vincent as an easy vote next time we lose.
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Click HERE to watch Rob’s Round 1 Video!
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Click HERE to watch Conor’s Round 1 Video!
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Click HERE to watch Dylan’s Round 1 Video!
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So I'm more optimistic now that I've properly gotten to know a lot of my tribe, I think I'm socially in a good place but I'm trying not to get ahead of myself and get lazy with communication. I love the little group I've got with Beck, Cindi and Dylan and I think Dylan G and Christian or Chips would fit in like a glove if we ever visit tribal council, and we needed to bring in another couple of people.
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All I have to say before tribal is that I really... finessed this vote.
Logan got lose and decided to voice call everyone telling them that they need to vote Daisy. Which made a lot of people more on edge to vote out Vincent. I don't want Vincent to go because I think he's still useful. He has the vote steal advantage and I think he's someone who trusts me. He might not be a number for other people, but Vincent is a number for me. SO I want to keep him around as much as I can cause I trust Vincent more than Logan. So to save Vincent, I decided to throw Logan under the bus and push for him to go. I'm glad I did that since that got traction with Szymon and Daisy on board with voting Logan. However, they weren't enough so I campaigned to Seamus, Gage, and Rob to vote Logan out. They were hesitant at first, but they eventually came around and got on the ship to vote Logan out. I had to voicecall Gage, Rob, and Szymon to convince them but I'm glad it worked. I mean, i had to throw out there that I had an alliance with Logan and Vincent in order to get them to expose Logan's other alliances, but I did what I needed to do in order to save Vincent. So with everyone on board to vote out Logan, I think I set myself up to be in a good spot moving forward.
If I'm gonna be the move maker this season, then I guess I'm starting out the game with one of the biggest moves yet. Poor logan being the first boot AGAIN, but that's what happens when you decide to scramble your butt off.
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Click HERE to watch Gage’s Round 1 Video!
Logan is voted out 8-1. He is the first person voted out of Celestial: Behemoth.
Watch the Round 1 Cast Assessment with Anna/Jack/Jones & Alyssa below:
0 notes
rosekun25 · 4 years
June 6th 2020
Dear Tumblr diary,
We have been in Quarentine since March. I see no end in sight as long as people are still acting like idiots. I am very glad to be comfortable.
I live in my apartment, its a wonderful place to live. Every morning I wake up so happy to be in my little cottage like house.
In the morning I wake up, I lay in bed if I have nothing to do and I get up and play animal crossing. I always see if anyone is doing give aways I adore give aways. I love how people are so generous on Animal crossing. It gives me hope for humanity about how if everyone had enough resources as they do in animal crossing they would just give them to people in need, for little to nothing.
I am not supposed to go out so I try to fill my days with cleaning or doing important things around the house like fixing things or organizing things.
Although I feel like the house could always be a little cleaner.
Another thing I like to do is read. I have a whole stack of books I have yet to read and that makes me very very happy :)
I’ve recently got into the Dear Canada series and hope I can collect all the books before the pandemic is over. I only have a few more before i have the entire series. Only about eleven. If only people wouldnt try to charge such crazy prices for them.
Anyway the most exciting days are only twice a week. Once a week I leave to get groceries and once a week I stop and visit my knitting Grandmas.
I stay with my knitting Grandmas until 5 or so. We visit the one who cant leave the house because of COVID and we visit the one who is staying in the nursing home. We mostly call her or wave to her.
When I go grocery shopping its fun because I enjoy seeing everyone. I normally get some starbucks so I can make a treat out of the day since i really do not like being cooped up.
I am trying to also eat healthier since I’m not running around as much as I normally am. I also felt a few cold sores and I realized they were probably because i was lacking vitamin C. (Arrg I’m a pirate and I’m getting scurvy lol)
I am sick of the food I eat. I feel like I make the same few meals every week. I have been trying to learn how to grill. Maybe next week I will try a new meatloaf recipe. I do miss potroast but I feel as if I have no one to eat it with. Its such a big meal to only cook for once person.
Meat is also getting very expensive I can hardly find beef and when I do its almost being marked up for 3x the price I normally get it at. Thats alright because I suppose it could be worse but as soon as this quarentine ends I’m gonna eat the juiciest steak I can find.
Anyway. I long for companionship. I feel like although everyone is experiancing the same thing as i am it really sucks to be by yourself at a time like this.
Helmet has sent me  a new purse. Its lovely. I’m not sure if he sent it because he was sorry or because he wanted someone to sleep with. I was happy to hear from him at first but now I am angry.
Why would you call me and then leave me alone? I refuse to just be someone you can call on when you’re lonely or “in the mood” I’m not sure what he wants in the longrun. I’d be happy to be his wife. I’d try again if thats what he wanted but I’m very sure that isnt what he wants. Maybe he just wants someone to warm his bed or make his supper or do the dishes for him.
Although since this is tumblr. I can say I wish I could hug him and that he was taller.
We had a protest today, for the Black Lives matter movement. I wish someone would have told me because I would have loved to go.  It’s terrible to think that someone can be killed and the person who did it can just get off scott free.
It’s terrible to believe people think the BLM movement is a terrorist organization.Why is it an act of Terrorism to want equal rights and to want to be able to do normal things? Why is  it terrorism to want to have equal rights? It makes me angry, why is this considered terrorism but what the orange bastard is doing to america isn't? Why is this terrorism but the white boy who shot up the school and killed and injured kids isnt? Why did a man get killed over a fake 20 dollar bill but a terrorist white boy who killed seventeen children was peacefully walked to the car? Why is a man’s life worth less than 20 dollars???
The world is in shambles right now, It really is.
I wish for peace.
I must go now, I am tired,
~ Rosemary <><
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Big Plays in Big Moments – Observations from Sixers 117, Nuggets 110
On a night when Joel Embiid was dealing with illness, having had recent trouble holding food down, according to Brett Brown, JJ Redick did the heavy lifting for the Sixers.
Redick poured in a season-high 34 points, carrying the new-look Sixers into the fourth quarter, where the entire starting unit made contributions to close out the second best team in the west, a Denver squad playing without the services of Gary Harris and Paul Millsap.
With the Sixers holding a four-point lead at the 1:52 mark, two huge sequences won the game:
A bread-and-butter ’12’ pick and roll that resulted in a dunk and free throw for Ben Simmons
A massive Embiid block on Malik Beasley, with Tobias Harris keeping the loose ball alive. The Sixers came down the floor, Embiid hit another jumper, and the game was essentially over.
Big plays at the biggest moments. That’s how you win against top teams like the Denver Nuggets, especially when you’re trying to incorporate four new players who were just acquired this week and haven’t even had a chance to practice yet.
Play #1, which I mentioned above, is the same exact play they beat San Antonio with, the same blown defensive sequence, only this time Simmons was the guy given the space instead of Redick:
Simmons Stop, Go, Smosh pic.twitter.com/wkVeSkYjYW
— BBALLBREAKDOWN (@bballbreakdown) February 9, 2019
Instead of a blown switch, Denver blew the non-switch and Simmons took it himself.
I asked both Ben and JJ about the play.
That’s the first time we’ve run that in a while, so I was kind of excited to get that back. As soon as I saw an opening, I took it to the rim. But there are so many different things we can get into and we’ve got to continue to build with the chemistry we’ve got here, Tobias and I, Boban, everybody we’ve got now, things are gonna keep going and we’re gonna get better.
It’s just one of our finishing plays. That’s the same play where I got the four-point play to beat San Antonio. It’s just about putting the defense in a position to make difficult choices. They opted not to switch. I can listen to what my guy is calling. Sometimes he calls ‘switch,’ in which case I’m going to slip. If he’s calling ‘slip,’ then I know I can set a screen and Ben can make the decision. Sometimes that’s kind of hesitation and a late drive, sometimes it’s hesitation where the defense has a screw up and I’m able to slip for a late three.
At that point, Jimmy Butler jumped in and said, “there’s a lot of ambiguity to that play,” to which Redick replied, “I taught Jimmy that word the other day.”
As for the Embiid block and bucket, here you go:
Great defense from all five guys on the floor, and Joel is there to meet Beasley when Redick is beat off the drive. Harris keeps the ball in play, they move it up the floor, and I like the mental acumen there to slow it down and get the ball in Joel’s hands for the dagger. Embiid did all of that while being really damn sick last night. Before the game, he had a band aid over his left arm where the Sixers staff had hooked him up to an IV for fluids.
Gutsy performance from Joel last night at much less than 100%, a solid win, and great atmosphere at the Wells Fargo Center.
More observations:
Tobias Harris
They ran him through a horns set on the first play of a game, but couldn’t get a tough bucket near the rim. Still, it was the same way they incorporated Jimmy Butler, by getting him at least one call on the play sheet for his Sixers debut.
Harris hit his first shot on a transition three coming from a cross-court Simmons pass, then backed down Will Barton on the next possession to get a five-footer to fall. His next play was an assist on a Redick three, forcing a Denver timeout at 14-6.
It’s great to see your 6’9″ power forward identify a mismatch, back his guy down with relative ease, and get a shot to fall:
In the second quarter, he had another nice dribble-drive against a mismatch and then threw a cross-court pass to James Ennis for three ball on the next sequence. His ability to put the ball on the floor is excellent, night and day compared to watching Dario Saric try to do the same thing last year.
Harris finished with 14 and 8 on 6-12 shooting last night while hitting 2-3 from deep. He had some good things to say after the game about the crowd, the feeling of appreciation, and how every guy in the starting unit made plays down the stretch.
Harris on the starting five:
Especially coming out in the fourth quarter, I think that’s the big thing about our game today, you can play all types of ways, but when the fourth quarter comes its like well who’s going to get the looks, who’s going to get the shots for the team? What I really liked about the fourth quarter is just kind of like, ‘OK, it’s your turn, no it’s your turn, no it’s your turn, no it’s your turn,’ and we were all able to make plays and live with those plays, so I thought that was awesome to see in the fourth quarter to have the ball continue to move and hit the right hands and make the right shots, so that was big for us.
A story:
After the game somebody texted me and had a video of me smiling after a play. They said, ‘this is literally the first time I’ve seen you actually smile in a game,’ and I was like, ‘you ain’t lying.’ So it was cool to see that. I really had a lot of fun tonight. Just the team, the potential of us, the reaction from the fans. It feels good to be appreciated. I really felt that tonight and it was big for me.
Welcome aboard.
Boban Marjanovic
First big off the bench last night, and it made sense since Denver has been playing rather large through both Jokic and Plumlee. On other nights, Boban is not going to be the best matchup against smaller units.
He scored his first bucket as a roll man on a Butler PNR:
He’s a pretty good roller, isn’t it?
His first shift was about four minutes, then he back in around the seven minute mark of the second quarter and put together a couple of decent defensive possessions against Nikola Jokic.
But you see he’s pretty slow and fairly limited. He’s not gonna close out anyone on the perimeter, and I think he got whistled for a defensive three second call last night. Brett played him 14 minutes or so, and I think that’s probably on the higher end of what you’re going to get from him this year. If they can keep him in the 10-14 minute range and use him to spell Embiid and keep him fresh heading into the playoffs, that’s probably the best course of action with a massive guy who is a great rim protector but historically has had problems when people are able to move him around a bit.
James Ennis
He came off the bench with Boban in a swap for Joel Embiid and JJ Redick.
I thought he quietly had a really nice game, hitting a pair of open corner three pointers and grabbing three rebounds in 14 minutes of play. Both three pointers were chucked from the weakside corner on plays where Tobias Harris and Jimmy Butler sucked in the defense off the dribble-drive:
You’ll take that all day long from a veteran wing coming off the bench.
Ennis’ pick and roll and perimeter defense was very good on the evening and he got the admiration of the crowd with a nice second quarter hustle play and third quarter steal. He’s been around for a while, and if Ennis does what he did last night, that’s exactly the kind of bench production the Sixers have been lacking for some time now.
Mike Scott
The last of the new guys to come on, he was later put into a lineup looking like this:
T.J. McConnell
J.J. Redick
Furkan Korkmaz
Mike Scott
Joel Embiid
Those Korkmaz minutes will likely go to Jonathon Simmons moving forward. I think Simmons will make his debut on Sunday against Los Angeles.
Quiet night for Scott, who only shot 1-4, but he gives you some grit and some defense off the bench, and if he shoots anywhere remotely close to the 39% he’s averaged from three over the last three years, then it’s an upgrade over Mike Muscala and/or Wilson Chandler coming off the pine.
Other notes:
There was a portion of the third quarter where Brown ran out Butler with four bench guys (Scott, Ennis, McConnell, Boban). Not sure I’d put out any lineup without two starters on the floor, especially on a night like this one where you’re trying to work in a couple of new guys. Kyle Neubeck asked about it after the game and Brett Brown was a little bit flippant in his response, joking about how “you guys love to point that out,” or something along those lines. Funny, sure, but when you’ve got four stars in your rotation, shouldn’t two of them always be on the floor at the same time? I dunno, it’s the first game with a new group, so he’ll figure out the rotation moving forward.
Allen Iverson was REALLY into last nights game. On a late Tobias Harris three-pointer, he got out of his seat, walked 10 feet down the floor and said “mother fucker.”
Some dude in the lower bowl was being an insufferable prick, yelling at the dunk squad and telling them to sit down, yelling at the crew bringing in the Moses Malone halftime ceremony equipment, and yelling grade school level insults at the Denver bench. At some point, the guy sitting next to him (might have been his dad), caught a loose ball and rifled it back at the security guard before mouthing a cuss word at him. Both guys were total clowns.
Embiid shot 4-17 from the floor, but finished with 15 and 12 on the strength of 7-8 free throw shooting.
The Sixers were excellent from the foul line overall, hitting 29 of their 32 looks. That’s good for 90.6% and fifth best free-throw shooting night this season.
Korkmaz and McConnell didn’t miss last night, going 4-4 from the floor in limited minutes. Furkan had a nice put-back dunk to end the first quarter.
Butler took the fewest shots of the starting group, just 9, but went 14-14 from the free-throw line, which is ridiculous. He was again somewhat deferential shooting the ball, but contributed 22 points to finish behind only Redick last night.
I’d like to wish a happy weekend to everybody except that one guy in the comments section.
The post Big Plays in Big Moments – Observations from Sixers 117, Nuggets 110 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Big Plays in Big Moments – Observations from Sixers 117, Nuggets 110 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode #8: “hoebi hears ALL things shady...” - Tobi
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Ok I’m super excited because we finally got a challenge involving something I’m good at which is aesthetics. I fucking love moodboards and I really wanna win a challenge so I’m hoping I can win this.
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So I am absolutely not creative at all so this challenge is gonna be a struggle for me so love that
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So Wes was just voted out. Im neutural about it. Yes wes was a number, but it wouldve done too much drama to try and save him.  Im playing my game not his. He didnt do himself any favours.
This round my target is david. He seems like someone who isnt central to everyone. So therefore I think he would easier to get votes on. Plus scott has mentioned david annoys him. So im hoping that now i can managed to pull 2 people our way to vote our david.
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people sure gettin feisty..
lets start off with missus dani and mr michael the obvious f2.. like bitch if ur gonna leak things i tell u dont make it obvious!! LAMFJHFG and now dani wants to flip the script on felix bc She Doesnt Want To Do What Shes Told. like gtfo :) ugh im sick of them both i wanna blindside them so bad..
and then i might get caught leakin if this shit gets out more.. hope the vote stays at felix vs david tho bc its bye bye david :)
uhm idk wha t more to say. im done with these mercia people..
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Today... the tea... is absolutely STEAMING!! so initially the plan was for david to leave bc felix also wanted to blindside him... but scott's told michael who TOLD david about it and now david knows about it so the target is switched rn... Also more tea is that dani thought she was slick and told scott that she wanted to blindside felix along with scott, david, michael, some sweyn, and said ahrre would do whatever she said... what she said also insinuated that me, mo, and felix were on the bottom of our og tribe... guess she doesn't know that hoebi hears ALL things shady... looks like im flipping off of my og tribe for a 3rd org in a row ladies
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im such a fucking  mess.... but thank god i have rhys/jones/ryan pickin up the pieces and we still blindsidin.. ALMFJBG
GOD I HOPE ITS DANI THO IM DESPERATE FOR HER TO GO. and i wanna show michael u dont fucking throw me utb n get away with it.. i may be inbred but im not completely dumb n i have the social bonds to stay aMJFHBG
im so dumb like i deserve nothing good after this.
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pleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewinpleaseletmewin i w a n t t h i s
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SO MUCH HAS BEEN GOING DOWN GUYS this tea is HOT SO since before the Wes vote, Felix, Mo, Tobi, Scooty, Ryan, Rhys and myself were planning on voting for David for the F11 vote - because he's a comp threat and seems pretty set on not flipping on OG Mercia BUT when Scooty was chit chatting with his Canute bff Michael, MICHAEL SPILLED THE BEANS and basically threw Scooty under the bus, so David found out about the plan! I had to play dumb when David asked me about it, and I told him I had no idea (and he totally fell for it >:3c), BUT Felix heard about it and went to Ryan and it became A [clap emoji] CLUSTER [clap emoji] FUCK [clap emoji x3] Scooty also got tea from Dani that she wants to flip the script on Felix with Scooty, me, David, Michael, and Ahrre (she said Ahrre would follow along with anything bc they're paranoid asf) - SO she basically layed out the Mercia tribe Dynamics and indirectly said that Mo, Felix, and Tobi were on the bottom. Which honestly we knew, but that works perfectly for us Sweyn ;) So after I cleared everything up with Felix that Scooty never spilled the beans to David and that Michael is a total snake, we were thinking about what to do next -And because David knows his name's been mentioned, we had to tread carefully. So then we thought,, why not use this paranoia to our advantage? We can make David feel like he's a target so they can possibly play an idol on him (which is a HUGE possibility) but in actuality,,, we're voting for Dani or Michael. It's pretty obvious to everyone that they're a really tight duo and it would be great if we could split them up now before they go far. Right now everyone would definitely prefer to vote Dani (and so would I) because apparently she's a possible comp threat, and also she's v messy so there's that. but if she possibly wins immunity then the vote's changing to Michael. As long as that duo breaks up then we're solid. BUT THAT'S THE TEA FOR NOW I'll try to make another confessional if my dumbass remembers to <3
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So I didn’t win, which makes me sad but I did come in second place. Another good thing is that Jones won and I’m allies with Jones so I’m very happy about this. Overall I’m happy.
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Hey ya boy is back now I'm gonna recap last week cause my flop ass forgot to do it as it happened. Basically I didn't win immunity which is good. Then I went take a poopoo and when I come back everyone is saying Wes, so hey guess I don't work this week, a nice change compared to the week jose went home.
As for Wes well he hadn't been the most active and I really didn't had a bond with him so that seemed as a convenient vote to me. Aparently he was also targetted cause he was one point away from winning immunity? idk how much of a factor that was but hey kids all the more of a reason to throw them early challenges.
Now talking about tribe lines I'm doing my job talking with the other guys and letting them know I'm willing to work with them. However I'm keeping my eyes on them, specially Scott who seemed to have charmed Michael and Dani in after having flipped on Malik. Add to that the connections he probably has with his OG tribe and make no mistake he could very well be in the best position in this game, which means I will probably have to take a shoot on him sooner or later.
Tobi could also be in a similar postion since the other guys saved him when they had a 4-1 tribe divition advantage, but idk how much was up to Tobi chatting them up instead of Madison being a liability, but I will also keep an eye in him.
Additionally Michael is def not fully in with the idea of staying og tribe strong, which is fair enough. But he also told me Felix told him last week he wanted david out next week, so that would basically be this week. So I'm gonna have to learn more about that, also I never knew who originally threw Wes's name out and no one seemed to know but something tells me Michael had something to do with that as well.
So all in all that's a bunch of stuff I'm gonna have to act upon while keeping a low profile, but hey lazy week was last week so it's not time to get confortable and sit around without doing anything.
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sooo i came online today to some messiness lmao. apparently danielle/michael/david all found out about felix's plan, and michael went to Felix and basically threw Scott under the bus about it lmfao. and they want to pull in Ahrre + some Sweyns to flip it on Felix and uh.... yeah no afkdsf. i was able to get felix back on the right page and i think we're good to go him/Mo + Sweyns and blindside Danielle or Michael hehe, because felix thinks an idol could pop up or something idk
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so the new plan is blindside miss dani.. thank god LMAOAOAA i been wantin her ass out forever and i wanna have michael stay shook bc if he thinks im gonna be loyal to him after this.. lmao
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Okay, so Jones won immunity. Great! Sweyn on the immunity train.
So David was the original plan. However scott went around trying to swing it to david to people who cant keep their gob shut. Michael went to tell David, and david has come full circle and started asking everyone if they had heard my name. So now The sweynians have tried to swing the vote on Dani. As its seen that her and Michael are a pair & Tobi finds Dani annoying.
So we are going to keep the facade that its still David and try to keep telling Michael its David etc and get votes on David. When in reality thats a big fat lie. And Dani should be getting votes.
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So tonight the vote is very simple. To vote Ryan however the complication comes from whether or not I go with the og sweyns to blindside David in an attempt to really open the game up and have less of a tribe vs tribe dynamic. Also complicating matters is the fact scott wants me dani and David to form a voting block with Ahrre and someone else to really control this game. It seems to me that I need to really think about my decision.
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they better make up their minds whether its me or ryan bc i aint agreeing to a 5th name this tribal LAMFJHFG
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So all this is messy and I just start thinking, why don’t I flip like David’s a threat and it would open up the game 100% and also if it was just a case of David vs Ryan id vote ryan but I like Rhys so.
So a lot happened and now it’s rhys but I don’t want rhys I want ryan and with my crazy coo coo plan I hope that i get what I want bc that would be cute and like so unexpected and it would get the game to be opened up
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So I wake up to hear my name being throw around by my own og tribe... I love this tea soooo much... like in the end they settled for ryan but the fact that they have the audacity to put me up as an option AND THEN ask me for my vote... I have to laugh LKJHDFLJ I guess its time to flip the script!! Dani and Michael are coming up with this "genius" plan of splitting the votes between ryan and rhys because they think scott, jones, and I are with them... oh honey... they have a big storm comin... we're using this to our advantage to do a clean vote on Dani and take out one of them mofos... miss piggy gets revenge tonight
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soo i came online to a whollllllle big ass mess lmao. Dani & Michael been scrambling to get out me or Rhys to save David and they have no idea they've dug themselves so far into a ditch.... it's scary knowing i'm gonna get votes but i feel confident that ppl have my back... i feel good that the Sweyns + Tobi + Felix will vote together to get Dani, and I just hope we've done a good job at making them not see it coming... but even if they do and an idol is played correctly by them, my idol 10000% is going to make an appearance hehehe
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Hello here I am,, coming in clutch as the moodboard QUEEN. um,, thank god honestly. bc rn it seems like og Mercia wanted to just pick off Sweyn and I know for a fact David would've wanted to go for me first bc of Ko Chang (which btw, if you target people for past games, choke, it's a new game get over it sweaty c:) but yeah I'm glad I have immunity <3 thank god I ran a moodboard account over the summer teehee So yeah rn the Mercia group is a clusterfuck and I love it,,, I love watching the world burn yk? They really just,,, have no idea what they're doing. first they want to go for Scott, but apparenlty that's a cover and they're going for Ryan, THEN SCOTT KNOWS and they change the vote to Rhys, then they're splitting??? like??? hello????? y'all gotta make up your minds we've been planning on voting Dani out since before immunity came out. this couldn't have been easier honestly. I love this. THEN MICHAEL bless his heart I love him so fucking much but he really told me that David doesn't trust any of Sweyn and wants them out,, like,,, does he not realize,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm from Sweyn. like,,, that makes me want to take you guys out even more. PLUS he's really digging his own grave when he says that Mo and Ahrre can do whatever they want and they don't matter like,, you don't give the people on the bottom leg room. that's really dumb I love Michael to death but he's doing this to himself rn but heres the rundown on what everyone on that side THINKS is happening - Michael, myself, Scooty, Dani and David vote for Ryan - Ryan and Rhys vote for David - and Mo, Ahrre Tobi and Felix do whatever the fuck they want/Rhys apparently. so that would be a 5/4/2 vote for Ryan. HERE'S WHAT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING (or what I think is happening based on my sleuthing) - David Dani and Michael are voting for Ryan - Ahrre is voting for Rhys - and myself, Scooty, Ryan, Rhys, Tobi, Mo, and Felix are all voting for Dani. making it a 7/3/1 split. I really hate how cocky I sound rn but holy fuck Mercia really crumbled and I barely did anything except for keeping Sweyn/Felix/Mo/Tobi on my side. Thank god. plus with all of this info we gathered now it'll be a lot easier to pull in Ahrre so we can take out the rest of Mercia. see y'all at F10 <3
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everyone in this game can stay shook sweyn is runnin this shit..
this is legit my gameplan. be a crazy ass bitch and be a mess and people will never vote ur ass cus they think ull lose in ftc LAMJFBFG
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OKAY. So lets catch up on the vote.
Originally sweyn was going for David. So Scotty was trying to get on it early and get people to swing to him. He told Michael. Michael tells David. David asks all of Sweyn if we heard his name.
We all regroup, and decide Michael or Dani is the best bet. As you know, snitches get stiches. Dani is Michaels ally and I have heard some people have been annoyed with her. So Dani is our new target. We have Tobi, Felix and Mo on board supposedly.
I continue the facade and talk to Michael and Dani about the vote with David. Inorder to keep David thinking its him. Going over whos voting who and blah blah.
Apprently the others, were going to go for Ryan. However Michael told Scotty about it being Ryan, when he was supposed to. This lead to Scotty telling Dani, who told David. So now *apprently* they think Ahrre told Scotty. So now I've been told the vote has been switched to me. But it may be split between me and Ryan.
So right now, I think Dani is going home, with a few votes on me or Ryan. However keyword being THINK. This could be completly a blindside on my half. Just gotta keep fingers crossed.
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Man, so tonight's tribal is gonna be crazy. I got my alliance of Felix, Michael, Danielle and myself voting for Rhys. And I'm gonna use my vote steal to steal Ahrre's vote since he considered himself the swing vote and I'm gonna vote Rhys again with it. If this plan works, Rhys goes home.
We've been telling everyone else that the vote is Ryan, so in case there's an idol being played on either Rhys or Ryan, the other one will hopefully go home.
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Ok so a lot has been going on and I've got a big headache so lets just sum it all up.
1. Scott is a dangerous little fella aparently the entire Felix throwing David under the bus last week story was bs. 2. OG Sweyn are going after David. 3. David is going after rhys but he's telling me to vote ryan for some reason, I assume that's because someone leaked the ryan vote to Scott and for some reason he thinks it was me? Either way he's really risking it considering I'm not sure he even has majority, plus he's alienating my ass so I have no real reason to keep him if I survive this round.
Anyhow I'm paranoid now so wish me gl.
Danielle is voted out 7-2-2.
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survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #8: “I’m Not Here To Have Small Talk With Anybody” - MJ
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After Andrew was voted out, Sam, MJ, Matt, Connah, and Josh solidified their majority alliance.  Once Jessy won immunity they decided they were going to vote out Allison.  Jessy knew she didnt have the numbers and was trying to decide whether to use her Tatzelwurm as a vote steal or wait around and use it to exile herself.  She took the opportunity to use it as a vote steal to get her side the numbers.  They were planning on voting out Matt even though he had an idol because they felt like the move was unexpected.  Last minute they decided to change the vote to Sam but didnt tell Connor because they thought he might leak it.  The Sam's alliance was going to vote for Connor but switched back to Allison at Tribal.  Jessy stole MJs vote and the vote tied 4-4-0 between Sam and Allison.  Sam was taken out 4-3 on the revote.  After that the players were told there is an instant tribal and they have 5 minutes before voting someone else though.  With the sides now with 4 numbers on each side they ended up tying the vote between Connah and Scott.  With no one budging the other 6 players went to rocks and Matthew Summers was eliminated. And thats what you missed on Glee!
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Old school will be old school. Not responding to messages to three+ days? Not cute. Stoping the half assed conversations a few hours before tribal? Not cute. Sticking with an alliance of six when it's a final two? Not cute. Josh is GOING to be 5th if he doesnt do something. They can pretend they arent working together all they want, but as far as I know, Andrew being voted out is the second merge vote, not first. I was the first merge vote. And MOST of this tribe did not vote me back into this game. Ironicly, almsot entirely the same six that just voted against one of my allies. Interesting. Pagoning isnt always based on tribal lines. Kiss my ass MJ. Unless you want to vote talk to me. Then i'll kiss yours. The good news about a 9 person vote and being in a minority 4 person alliance is that you only need one person to flip. The bad news is, the four person alliance is one of the people who just flipped. End my life, please and thank you.
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when mj votes my ass out he better be ready for my wrath
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omg original jinsei getting pagonged i'm over
anyways can we talk about how me? this flop? was the person to flip the vote around last minute and gather enough information and people to save mj? wig levitating into the milky way. a good round for me
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i cant handle this im shutting down 
at the very least i can tie my Riau placement at 9th. okay real talk day by day i'm close to just laying down and just rot. i'm still playing the game but it's soooo mentally and emotionally exhausting
i think it's because i'm playing with such a high caliber of players (did i use the word right) is that i'm literally exhausted all the time. I mean, look at who're left in this merged tribe....most of them here have made FTC. I am playing the exact same game I played on Sumbawa on 703 where I was on the middle of every round but the difference is that I'm much more visible here. The trick worked once again and people have been supplying me with information without asking for it. I know how both "sides" are voting and both of them are coming to me asking for my vote. I'm in the middle and I'm not in immediate danger but I'm not happy about it. It's a shitty position to be in.
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Also, can we talk about how I'm 4/4 on making it to merge/jury?? How iconic am I for doing that, especially after retiring 2 years ago. There's a lot of 3 and 4 time players that flop, so to say I was able to do decently well all 4 times is something I'm proud of so if I go home this round (which i kinda see happening RIP) I can have my head up high about it
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how to stop talking strategy with someone who’s annoying you 101: [2017-06-27, 4:55:00 PM] connor: what are you thinking??? [2017-06-27, 4:57:47 PM] Sam: to be completely honest, you haven’t come to me with the truth about a single vote so far and I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling you what I’m thinking right now because I don’t want to have my personal plans leaked. If you want to come to me with something I’m all ears  and I’m not gonna leak it but I don’t wanna sit here and feed you a bunch of bs for no reason
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why cant this alliance just do what i say BSNSKSMKSKSMSMANNSKSKSKSKSK "I say we go for.. Josh" me: who said dat? These ppl arent telling me something BSJKSKSKSKSLSK also I can't fucking believe we're letting Matt slide by with an idol BKLMSDAFKLMSDLAMK And.. Connah is an undercover threat He's under the radar and has good relationships with everyone btw i couldn't help but cackle when connor and allison said josh and tried to convince me to do so. BKLMSDKLAFMSM i think there's some.. bad naicha blood b/c connor/allison/drew were all aligned Maybe.. Everything isn't as it seems. every1 is being so shady KLMBKLMASD can't even trust my goats they're not even goats if they don't agree w/ me KSJLSKLJ I think connah would be the one most willing to work with us if we got rid of others. He's willing to give me information. This sounded so funny god KLBMLKSDALKFMSDA He's willing to give me information. BKLMASFLKSKLDM #EveryoneHatesJosh KLBMSDKLAFSDKLAMKM god when josh didn't vote w/ us it was SOOO funny @ allison's reaction she was legit popping off
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Whew!!! Can't wait for another last minute tribal council!! THis cast is so shady, like no one wants to talk about anything and its just... so uneasy. No one's come to me with a vote idea and I'm already in a lot of shit so I'm in no position to be like "oh well lets take this person out" or "this person should go" cause that was me last round and I can't make all the decisions for everyone here. Like if people wanna play this game, they need to make bold decisions and stand by them. As a member of the jury, I'm looking for big moves and half of this cast's moves are following the people making them. Which is... so disappointing. Like at least if i leave this round (which I'm pretty sure I am), at least I can say i TRIED to make moves  (ex. abducting Allison, getting Connor eliminated, trying to vote MJ out) so I can say I'm pretty proud for the way I played. I'm proud of being someone who TRIED to make moves as opposed to following the people who are making moves and making no effort to get them out. Anyways, I'm waiting for an opportunity to come my way and for someone to give me something to work with in this game. Jessy told me MJ has something up his sleeve, and I'm sure its "split the vote between Matt and Scott to get rid of Matt's idol" but who knows
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connah: i envy your position me: shut the fuck up
me: i won't talk to anyone i dont feel like it today On 28/06/2017, at 8:37 AM, Sam wrote: > good morning! On 28/06/2017, at 6:57 AM, Jessy wrote: > hi!! On 28/06/2017, at 4:32 AM, connor wrote: > when you wake up do you want to call On 28/06/2017, at 1:27 AM, Scott wrote: > Hey
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jessy has been very persistent about 'being closer now' and 'being tighter' and blah blah blah but like...... ok. i dont know about that sweety?
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[10:04:57 PM] Jessy: Do you guys think Josh/Connah/MJ could be making us vote for Matt and they vote for one of us, so it's 4-3-2 and Matt is forced to play an idol on himself and the person they want goes [10:05:35 PM] connor: maybe but I don't think so
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So of course at the last minute, shit gets real. Connor talked to both Connah and Josh about voting out Matt and they were both on board with it surprisingly. However, Connah wanted reassurance so I messaged him as was like "okay, so lets talk about this" We were on call for a bit and he seemed really willing to do it, I think he's just too afraid of the risks in this game. Which really would disappoint me if he didn't take the risk, cause like theres so many opportunities in this game to make moves and get to the end. By not taking the risk, you're just playing it safe. Jessy also revealed to me she has a vote steal she can use, so doing this can definitely help us all get to the next round of the game. Which it would be nice to not use it so that Jessy can advance herself more in the game with the escape tribal, however I'm pretty positive Connah may not flip so Jessy should just use it and we tie things up 4-4. I may be leaving tonight so for all I know this is my last confessional. Hoping for the best, and hoping that I'm not being lied to by Connah
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Okay so when Connor asked the alliance group chat who we should vote I said Connah b/c it's least expected. ☺ Connor said he thinks Connah would work with us. Allison said she agreed and that "he'd be willing to give her information." ☺ They both then dropped Josh's name which was really suspicious. It was also really dumb to me, so I said we should just wait to decide until the internationals (Connah and Josh) are online to talk. ☺ I tried to talk to MJ about the vote and if he was flipping to me. He said he had a trick up his sleeve and he'd tell me about it before Tribal Council. ☺ I asked him if he was waiting for Connah to be online and he said yes. ☺ He also implied it could've been an item from the map. He posted "H" and I said, "is that what letter you guessed in and found something for?" He sent the wink emoji. ☺ I bonded with Scott a lot and told him about my Tatzelwurm for input. He immediately said he doesn't want me to use it just for him and if it benefits me I should keep it. ☺ Scott called Connor. He then told me Josh and Connah talked to Connor about voting for Matt. ☺ Scott then said he wanted to split between Matt and Sam so none of them are idoled. He also hashed out things with MJ. ☺ Connor then messaged the alliance chat saying Connah and Josh would be willing to vote with us if the target is Matt specifically. ☺ Before all this happened, Scott and I came up with a scenario where if all hope was lost, I'd give him the Obsidian Idol and he'd have an intense call with Sam and give her an idol because Connah/MJ/Josh were splitting with our alliance against herself and Matt. It was just a hypothetical and it died off once this plan started. ☺ Connor told us that Connah wanted assurrance from our alliance to vote for Matt and we obliged. Scott talked to him and Connah was really "nervous" and has to consider it. ☺ After the call between Scott and Connah, Scott told me Connah really wants to separate himself from MJ because a lot of people see him as a follower but he also has concerns because it's "too early to make a move." ☺ I then talked to Connah and he said he was really nervous and panicking. I asked him what I could do and he asked me to convince him. I then brought up good points about the plan if it worked. I stopped talking to him because Scott told me Connah needed an hour to think about it. He went on Away as his Skype status. ☺ Also, Connah told me MJ didn't know about the plan at all which is concerning because I thought they were really close. ☺ I talked to MJ and I asked him about the "trick in his sleeve" and he said "I'm suddenly wearing a tank top." So I guess that's done. ☺ Allison just came online and said Connah confirmed to her the plan. Scott is still waiting for confirmation. MJ is also back.
0 notes
survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode #6: “because Sweyn’s Baddies are COMING” - Jones
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My bitch ass glasses broke so I’m more than happy to be doing a challenge that requires my ears. Maybe wil my eyesight so poor my hearing will get better to compensate who knows. Even if we lose I’m in a Gucci spot to survive.
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Tribal was a success. With the first tribal done I’m happy trust is built and I can stop being paranoid.
With that said I think I’m in a good position going forward as I have an alliance and we’re probably reaching a merge or a swap soon.
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my plan of action for my tribe since we legit havent got Anything on the doc yet (me n michael have an excuse..) is to make it seem like im doing more than i am. oh im gonna work on it soon! i’ll do this soon! like its all about seeming like im contributing.. when i aint LAMDKNDG
me n michael made a f2 altho it breaks my heart to say its just for the sake of my survival on this dumbass tribe.. theres no way malik flips on me and with michael as my f2 i can essentially force him to flip on danielle if he wants to stay which is like perf rn since i dont really trust her..
i miss my close allies tho lol. like ryan is my #1 n its unfortunate he isnt getting a chance to make more bonds considerig we need those bonds for his idol to make a big move.. hopefully mercia loses again and wes goes tho? it evens it up to 6 sweyn vs 6 mercia and i think itll swap again before merge and hopefully ill be with ryan/rhys/jones :)) my social game is good rn i think.. i just gotta lay low with physical and downplay strategy so im never the target. hard w/ these personalities tho. X
like im actually gunna go fucking mad.. its songs. yah its hard to identify bc theyre distorted and overlapped but theres no excuse not to get at least artists.. or even one song. malik n michael can barely do that.. LIKE YEAH I HAVENT DONE THE BEST BUT IVE GOT 2 SONGS THERE RN AND IDENTIFIED NICKI + XTINA SO! BLOOP! im gunna kill myself.. poor dani. its especially painful knowing ill try to get her out if we lose LMAOAOAOA but i mean.. (: oh well!
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This challenge can litterally chomp on a dick. No. I hate it. I dont want to do it. Like BEGONE.
Honestly its so hard, and like i dont listen to pop so im struggling with it. Hopefully we win, but I feel safe if we go to tribal.
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At this point I am so upset because I feel useless because all the ones I know have been picked and idek if anyone took my suggestion seriously. If this round ends my game, I’m going to be so upset!
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We’re pretty much fucked unless a miracle happens
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I've been a bit nervous about my position and stuff in the game and I'm trying to catch up socially with a lot of people and stuff. I'm doing what I can on a five person tribe and hope I can work on hard on getting as far as I can in this game. I have a feeling we merge next round so that could be cool. I wanna make it far as I can this game, I'm trying to be active but UTR so hopefully it works.
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WE WON FIRST PLACE AGAIN AND THIS TIME I WASNT A FUCKUP WOOOOOOOOOOOOP WOOP I’ve been talking to David more and I helped out a lot with this challenge so I’m hoping he won’t want me out next time we go to tribal.
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THREE IN A ROW, BABY. Feels good to not have gone to tribal since Jose's elimination. Also an added bonus that I basically carried our tribe to win today, not a big deal, LOL.
Also, with the reward, I've now got a vote steal advantage. This is HUGE for me. I have a group of people I wanna work with in this game and if this group is down in numbers at any point, this vote steal can come in handy.
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that challenge was a damn mess but i'm just glad we made it out alive. sad Canute lost though ugh i'm sending all of my positive energy to Scott so he can make it through.... hope we merge next round that would be cute; i'm ready for more action in this game
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im gunna kill my self . :) WE LOST. AGAIN. :) NOT MY FAULT. AGAIN.
n now i gotta deal with fucken awkward 2-2 tribal lines when i have a f2 with michael and a love for malik.. but bc dani is good at challenges her ass wont go and thats so annoyin but u can bet ur ass ima try somethin if i have to bc i dont trust malik to keep me safe vs her whereas michael will.. if i have to flip on malik i will
why me tho like im a good person. i dont deserve this. why couldnt i be on a competent tribe. LMAOAOAOA.
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THANK GOD WE WON IMMUNITY if we lost I probably would’ve spontaneously combust Bc I love??? My current tribe??? I love Madison too and It sucked we voted her out Bc I actually adore her but she wasn’t doing a lot. I just love this tribe and if we had to vote for each other again I’ll lose my marbles. Maybe we can work more together going into merge if we get there? I hope so, because Sweyn’s Baddies are COMING
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Well, we lost once again and I’m upset about it. The challenge was super hard for us and we struggled. It seemed like everyone wasn’t really putting in all they could as they just said “I forgot” I was like oh!! cool!! This tribal, I’m not crazy worried right now. I trust Scott a lot at this point because he doesnt have a reason to lie to me by telling me that I’ve been holding up the tribe because... I have been. I think the move this week is to vote out Malik. We’ll see whats going on but I really think we might be doing that this week. Hopefully there’s a merge soon because I need to fucking be by myself!!!
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My ass is for sure on the line tonight. I know that  Malik is targetting me for being weak and all that so rn I’m just trying to get Scott 100% on board with voting me and Malik 100% certain that he is safe with me just in case there’s an idol and maybe if I’m too in my nerves and scared I have no qualms with throwing a vote on dani incade of a tie
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You know what they say, another week safe, 
That one didn't seem so easy,  partially cause I sucked at it and mainly because I sucked major balls at it. But hey Mo and David saved our asses so yeeeeeeeeeeee boi. And not only that we also got reward but not really cause the only thing I got was a jpg image, and so did Felix David and Mo according to them which means either one of them is lying or Wes has it. Either way I guess it's not the end of the world.
So now Canute is going to tribal I wonder how that is gonna play out, a part of me wants Dani and Michael to be safe but another one wants rocks but at the same time another one would be jealous cause I wouldn't be a part of it and I could use some rocks in my life. Either way that's it for now folks now if you excuse me Felix wants to kidnap me and introduce me to the spooky facebook wikia comunity, spooky shit indeed.
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So WOOOOOOOO this is the first tribal of the season that i'm not attending which is amazingggg and feels so good to finally have a break!! Plus like I honestly LOVE my tribe rn bc everyone is so iconic and fun and we even made a charlie's angels thing bc its so iconic... ugh love them BUT if it came down to tribal I think I would be okay still since i've really worked on rhys and we have a 3 dude gay guardians alliance of me, rhys, and ryan even tho im not even gay but they dont need to know that... my boy scott is in tribal rn but i hope he comes out okay!!! if he doesn't well oops idc bye bitch but if he does then yay!!
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Tonight I am absolutely terrified I think the votes are gonna be on Malik but you just never know so my best plan is just to hope for the best and campaign to stay I’m not just gonna sit back and get eliminated especially this close to a merge situation where I know I’ll be in a good position to make it far.
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im legit gunna die im so nerv and i shouldnt be. LIKE. I TRUST THAT MICHAEL HAS MY BACK. AND MALIK ISNT VOTING ME. SO IT SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO GO. BUT I DONT THINK THAT FOR SOME REASON. all i can think of in the back of my mind is what if michael and dani flip on me and its 2-1-1.. but theres nothing i can literally do bc if i vote michael and stay our relationship is gone lol
ughhhh i should just be positive but its so hard bc even if malik goes.. i feel awful LMAAOAOOA but like. uhm. yes ): i feel awful
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Scott as much as I like the guy I can for sure see he lets his emotions dictate how he plays and while that’s not necessarily bad it’s difficu when you’re trying to blindside someone and he could just run and tell Malik so the nerves are here and out to play hunny
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My thing is I think it’s is going to go to rocks. Which is why we were worried about that when linus left but it’s real. Dani we don’t wanna vote each other, hell everyone says they don’t want to vote me which is always weird for me to hear but if that’s true good if they’re all voted me then nasty.. but I don’t want to vote Dani and I definitely don’t want to vote Scott..so that kinda leads to Michael which I don’t want to vote either but I have reasons: the main reason is the past couple of challenges he’s done the worst in, and if we need to survive incase there’s no swap or merge then we need all the strong members here.
I feel a bigger bond with Dani and Scott vs Michael who I feel is cool but I don’t feel we’re clicking on a better level. And it’s not even a tribe thing it’s literallt what I feel could save us from tribal, and how don’t i know if Dani and Michael won’t vote me out right after Scott leaves? So basically what’s happening is it’s likely going to be a 2-2 on Michael and Scott, and I’m not changing my vote. So I’ll likely go to rocks and lose but that’s ok. I did my best and it could be a stupid move but I don’t wanna risk Dani and Michael voting me out if we lost again, because I’d hope Dani wouldn’t but you never know. So rocks here we come!
Malik is voted out 3-1.
0 notes