#scott porchetta
harry-sussex · 5 years
In light of the recent stories regarding Taylor Swift and her lack of control of her own music catalogue due to the greed of Scott Porchetta and Scooter Braun, and regarding the lawsuits countering the vile treatment of HRH The Duchess of Sussex by the Daily Mail and other media publications for profit, I would like say:
Fuck anyone who takes advantage of a woman for personal profit
Fuck anyone who discounts the hard work and determination of famous, professional women because they’re women
Fuck anyone who continues to defend the actions of powerful men even after they’ve been caught lying and cheating
Fuck the system who makes it profitable for powerful, rich men to exert authority over the personal lives, careers, and choices of famous women
Fuck anyone who agrees with extortion, scare tactics, and public media slander to scare a women into submission
Fuck anyone who has an issue with these women defending themselves publicly but not with the people they are defending themselves from
Fuck anyone who is unwilling to defend women from the confines of the control of powerful, rich men and their organizations
Fuck Scott Porchetta and Scooter Braun, and
Fuck the Daily Mail
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