#scout randomly does a perfect french accent
elysianstarl1ght · 1 year
first actual post that isnt an introduction yippeeee! anyways im just going to dump all my scout headcanons here
(also lemme know if you want more hcs for the other mercs, ive got plenty)
(unless specified, these are all red scout)
bisexual, transmasc he/they
scout has one of spy's dead ringers, invis watches, and disguise kits. spy, somehow, still has no idea.
scout always wears bandages or gloves to hide scars on his arms
(red) scout used to hang out with blu team when he was little because his ma was part of blu. after she got injured and had to leave, he asked if he could be put on a waiting list to continue her work. he eventually got moved to red.
blu scout and red scout are brothers (probably canon ngl)
scout was mistaken for amab when he was born. when he was a bit older he tried living as a girl but just didn't feel right, so he continued going by his old name (jeremy) and as a man.
he still wears a binder and forgets to take it off. a lot.
scout knows how to do fancy makeup, and sometimes does the other merc's makeup either for fun or when they go hang out or something.
scout walks silent subconsciously and accidentally sneaks up on his team a lot.
scout is the guy that's really confident when flirting, but if he likes the person in question he stutters and fumbles over his words a lot. he's a nervous wreck.
adhd and autism, mostly adhd! need i say more come on its basically canon
he'll never admit it outloud, but he sees all of his team as family. one big, dysfunctional, yet loving family.
ms. pauling and scout are childhood friends. they lost contact after pauling had to move away, so they were overjoyed when they got to meet eachother again!
(more of a spy and scout hc but) spy's hair used to be brown like scout's when he was younger and went black as he aged. scout is going through the same thing; he has black streaks in his hair.
goth scout goth scout goth scout goth scout goth scout goth scout goth scout goth scout goth scou
demo and scout are best friends! the entire team agrees that they should NEVER be left in a room together unsupervised under any circumstances, they *will* blow something up.
infodumps to medic alot, like medic will be working on something and have scout sitting there infodumping. hes great background noise /lh
scout and sniper quietly chill together alot. they just sit there, on their phones, enjoying eachothers company. its very sweet actually
ok yeah.. thas it... feel free to adopt any of these idm <3
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