#screaming crying pissing and shitting and throwing up over that promo
egg-baby-official · 2 years
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They are so messed up for this
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bi-lullaby · 5 years
No one asked
And I should be studying, but here are some thoughts for season 16 so far:
1 - Merluca and it’s parts: COUPLES FIGHT STOP PREDICTING THE WORST OK. They’ve been completely adorable so far, but this is what someone said in a interview: “This is the after in happy ever after” (or something to that effect). They’re gonna fight and them they’re gonna make up, I hope. As for their fight: They were both in the right imo. Yes, Meredith is being inconsequent and it must be so frustrating for Deluca to A)Have her continue risking her career and license and freedom when he went to such lengths to help that, B) Be crapped on constantly bc of something your girlfriend did. Yes, Meredith is completely right in fighting the system that is so throughtly broken, and yes, coming to apologize to her mentor and longtime friend was completely the right thing to do. I wanna see merluca wedding and marriage! Maybe (since there are two pregnant people in this season already?) next season will be Mer and Jo? One can dream! For them individually: Poor Mer, she has bitten more than she can chew but she is ready to take on this fight! Imma love to see her as auntie mer! I mis merjolex so much tho, I know she’s been busy and all but they seem to forget she is a important part in their support system. Andrew has been all over the place. I love his confidence, but in the ep where he literally screamed at Bailey over her trying to teach an intern? And called her out bc she was using a different material than Mer? I was a bit off-thrown. But he’s still a great character I enjoy watching. Hope they find the balance between confidence and arrogance for him, and develop him even more!
2 - Amelink: AAAAAA. They’re so amazing and perfect and sweet and I wanna hug them both. Link is everything you could wish for, Amy is adorable as ever. If they lay a finger on either them as a couple, them as individuals, or their baby, imma kick some asses. I don’t think they will tho, Amy is been through SO MUCH already and she deserves a breath.
3 - Bailey: OMG SHE IS PREGNANT AAAAAAAA. I’m so happy! Ben is already a great dad, this will be so fun to watch! Hope they don’t put her through the ringer with a difficult pregnancy or a sick child, she does not deserve this! She already nearly lost her first child while giving birth in a bomb-y hospital while her husband had brain surgery NEXT to the bomb. Enough pregnancy drama for a lifetime. As for her actions: I’ve said before: I’m pissed, yes. She’s acting way too harsh and taking it out on people and more importantly (as I’ve touched on in my female grey’s characters ranking post) she’s out of character. Where is the Bailey that went around the hospital runnning after the attendings and kicking their asses into signing her proposal for a free clinic? And gave them a speech on how they had failed her and she needed something to believe in in medicine? She was one of the first characters to point out how broken the system was, to take direct action to try and fix it. Sure, she likes to try and work within the rules as much as possible, much she is not adverse to breaking a few of them if she thinks it’s necessary (hello deactivated HIV inside a young boy’s body without parental consent! Hello changing the date on a surgery which is also insurance fraud!)! If she thinks it’ll save a life! But also, she’s not completely wrong: Meredith did commit a crime, as good as her intentions were; As her boss, firing her was the only logical decision. She thought her hospital (which she dedicated a good half of her life to) was being attacked by someone she trained into the surgeon she is, ofc she’d be mad as all hell. Quadri was disrespectful, not doing her job well, actively getting in the way of her superior doing her job, screaming at her boss in the middle of the hallway about how she didn’t want to work there - firing her was a tad extreme (specially for a charact who has never, herself, had any qualms ahout mouthing off to her own superiors when she didn’t think something was right) but not completely out of nowhere. I hate hate hate how they’ll probs throw a “oh she was being crazy bc pregnancy hormones!” line after seeing how her actions have been badly perceived by people (like there isn’t enough a stereotype that women can’t have positions of power because hormones make them crazy) instead of “hey this character was put in extremely uncomfortable and tough positiona after extremely uncomfortable and tough positions and came off as harsher than necessary while trying to balance a world-class hospital crisis”. Ugh.
4 - Jackson: Ok so the last few eps have rekindled my love for him and I’m relieved! There’s the good, kind, funny and smart guy I like! I was mad bc of the whole Jaggie drama, but hey, shit happens! If they will be better apart, then I’m happy! (Ok 50% of this is because of what he said to levi! Stanning Meredith Grey + dorky Harry Potter reference? Yes!!!!). I hope this season will be kind on him, that he and Vicky work out well (from what I gathered about it, she has also been through a lot) and that we see more Harriet!
5 - Maggie: Baby girl. I love that they’re consistent that she has a jealous streak but is also a very good person who is always trying her best. Plus, official womb secret bearer is the best title omg! Maybe she should change from cardio to obgyn, lol! Plus, the sisters are everything to me! She instantaneous knew Amy was mad! She stood up for Mer! Aaaaa I love them!!!! Hope this show ends with all three of them happy and loved and badass as always!
6 - Others: Tom has been an.... Interesting piece. I love him, but his antics are almost caricature-esque now and it’s getting on my nerves. He was detestable in exploitating that family’s pain but also, the hospital did need a pr boost or it’d be in even hotter waters! The restraining order on Owen was a tad much bc it got in the way of patient care, but also he did get electrocuted in a very sensitive area by someone who had just gotten together with his ex - I’d be a little suspicious that it was 100% unintentional tbh. He’s power drunk and needs to be turned down a notch. Schmit and Nico and adorkable as always and I loved Nico’s speech about demanding more of himself - That’s one of the biggest traps of low self-steem and Imm glad it’s mentioned. I’ll miss Quadri. Helm being a MeredithGrey stan first and person second is still me lol. I loved how this last ep showed how much of a family they are - all the connections and shared pasts and references to relationships and what not. The “bird” storyline was so cute! Pac North seems so promissing and I’ll cry ugly tears when my baby Alex turns that ish around and shows everyone who’s boss!!!! The whole “the world is broken” theme of the season is my jam! Sadly, irl that handful of people are not gonna turn it around, but I want to see it happen on my screen! The medical system being fixed! As a future doctor (I promissed myself I’d not be the person who brings it up in every opportunity but lol here I am) it’d make me so happy! Against my better judgment, I’m liking Towen! They are trying, they’re really trying! Owen has done nothing wrong so far (besides offering to milk teddy which was just dumb, not malicious) and has been great at stepping down from his job so she could work! And him at Pac North will be great tbh - as much as I didlike him, he is an excellent doctor and strategist and he was a great chief at GS (until the last bit which was just gross negligence). From the promo for next ep: I don’t think they’ll make Webber cheat again. It’d be predictable and cheap and I’d be so mad that we’d have another round of acting like he’s a saint with a tiny issue of being a cheater. What I theorize is: He’ll have lunch with his friend, and either A) She’ll be friendly at the wrong time and Catherine will walk in and then think he’s cheating and it’ll be a mess, or B) Gemma is gonna try to get him back to drinking (Or maybe C) She was telling him to stop being bullheaded and fighting with his wife when life is so short). Cristina reference in the text omg, my heart!
Sorry for the long rant!
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thebestplltheories · 7 years
PLL 7x16 The Glove That Rocks The Cradle - Thoughts
- Overall, this was one of the weaker episodes of the season. Still incomparable to the atrocious season 6, but still, I wasn’t overly impressed. 
- I don’t like that they revealed that Lucas didn’t know Charles was Charlotte. I thought it was a great plot twist that Lucas was (supposedly) visiting CeCe in Radley back in season 3, when he said “I have a lot of crazy friends” after having just come out of the front door of Radley. But, actually, if Lucas never was visiting CeCe, that fits in well with my theory that CeCe never went back to Radley after her transition. So, the fact that Lucas was never visiting her in Radley could be because, well, she never was there. She lied in 610.
- Still, PLL is really bad at delivering good motives. I guess it just adds another layer to Charlotte’s motive for being A, which is cool, but just because Lucas was emailing Charlotte about what a bitch Ali was in high school, that doesn't mean you can go throw a car into Ali’s friend’s living room. My friends badmouth other people all the time to me. I don't take matters into my own hands, let alone play life threatening games with them just because my friend hates them.
- The writing this episode was very good. I enjoyed the snappy one liners such as “wait until I’ve asked the question”.
- I LOVED seeing Spencer and Marco’s relationship go straight south. I LOVED that Spencer was turning it on Marco, almost about to blackmail him to stop investigating because he’ll come across as corrupt if he’s seeing her romantically.
- Mona will die in the finale. Just a major vibe I got. And finally, Mona verbalised exactly what I’ve been saying for YEARS: the girls still unnecessarily treat her like an outsider when clearly she has gone through similar things. DOLLHOUSE.
- Ezra pisses me off with how blind he is. He was there when they got the text saying “thanks for giving me Hanna, you’re free to go. AD” ... does he really think all that is over?? Does he think AD just packed up and went home?? He keeps asking Aria if she’s okay... NO EZRA??? Did you forget that your fiancé is being harassed by yet another stalker? I know Aria hasn’t told you about the board game, but shit, it’s not hard to remember that 2 weeks ago (show’s timeline) Hanna was kidnapped. Spencer was shot. Noel died. Surely you can work out that something is going on, and no, Aria is not okay.
- I was annoyed that they didn’t play even further with the concept of Emily catching Aria in the hoodie. It started off great, but it should’ve gone on for longer to increase the intensity of the episode. That scene was far too short.
- They really need to stop with the book storyline. I’m done with even hearing Nicole’s name. I’m so over the storyline where Ezra keeps having to prove he picks Aria over Nicole. We get it. You’ve made your decision. Aria > Nicole. We get it. Move on, damn it. 
- I like how they keep having Spaleb scenes; how the two keep checking up on each other. I like that they still care for one another.
- The Emison scene at the end was cute. Emison fans would’ve absolutely loveeeeeeed that and I’m happy for them! That was 7 years in the making! Sure they’ve had their cute moments over the years like in the 100th episode, but hearing Ali say “I love you”... that was big. No longer are those kisses for practice. 
- If the police can’t piece together that the receipts were flooded in order to protect Spencer, they’re stupid. They should be looking at everyone who has access to that room, and they’ll see Caleb. Who’s connected to Hanna. Who’s obviously connected to Spencer. So although they can’t find the exact receipt, they can still conclude Spencer is not innocent. Maybe not formally, but they can still work with their theory. It’s not like “ohhhh no receipt!? Spencer, you’re free to go!”
- Loved seeing Aria in the hoodie. That was an awesome scene. And thank god they included a crying scene. I didn’t want it to come across like Aria enjoyed doing that. I like that they showed that it hurt her to hurt her friends.
- I think this episode confirmed Ali isn’t AD :(
- Honestly, it’s so wrong that they say answers every episode. That’s pathetic. Biggest lie. But whatever. We’ve waited this long... I can happily wait 4 more weeks. I’m not going to sit here bitching about getting no answers weekly. If anything, saving them for the finale will be more epic. It’ll be non stop, one after the other, which will be intense and fun as hell. So not getting answers weekly has its benefit; the finale will be extra-epic.
- Next week’s promo and synopsis just screams Spencer’s twin to me. AD threatens the Hastings house. Why Hastings, and Hastings only? “Screw you for adopting Spencer but not me?” And also the “here lies” grave from the ending - here lies Spencer? The promo actually didn’t excite me, which is weird. Someone gets engaged, which will be cool, but as a watcher of PLL for the mystery, I won’t get excited over that. I’ll appreciate it when it happens, but I won’t get hyped over it. I have a feeling next episode will be just like this one with little plot progression other than an engagement. Normally promos are better than the actual episode, yet that promo didn’t excite me, so that’s not a good sign. But whatever, I’ll stay optimistic!
- Overall, 6.5/10. I don't feel like the story progressed much. That’s all I base a PLL episode on: did the story progress (and writing). Not quantity of answers. I’m happy to wait until the finale. We’ve waited this long - 4 more weeks won’t kill us. All I want is for the story to progress, and we didn’t really get that in this episode. It’s still all talk as to what will happen to Spencer - the story should’ve progressed in this episode in that she should’ve been arrested. They’re dwindling on that for too long. Aria did more AD work. Emison made a room for their baby. Lucas told us he’s innocent. Not a lot of plot progression, hence I wasn’t too impressed this week. Not their strongest, not their weakest. It was just another PLL episode to me. Emison fans may say it’s the best of the series! And that’s fine, but I watch for the mystery, so that’s where my opinions come from. This being the final 5 episodes, it saddens me that there was nothing epic about this episode. Again, this was just another episode to me. It just exists.
If anyone disagrees with my thoughts - if you loved the episode and gave it 10/10 - that’s awesome. Everyone has their own opinion. It’s my opinion that the story didn’t progress as much as it should have. In my personal watch of the episode, nothing really excited me. If you got excited, again, awesome. Different opinions is what sparks fun conversation so let’s be mature about it :)
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