#screaming punching the air and throwing a brick thru a window
the-bren-system · 2 years
white middle class bitches will literally say "this guy has SUCH a victim complex doesn't he know he can't be a victim forever?????"
no, I literally can bc I am a racial minority actually and in my lifetime people like me will never stop being victimised, and I was quite literally subjected to non stop horrific trauma from birth to age 22 so I quite literally don’t know how to live without constantly being scared - but go on, make fun of me from the apartment your husband’s rich mother bought you bc you literally married into wealth and have no idea what its like to have been forced into a cult, physically and sexually abused, to have been in a domestically violent situation and to have had serious bouts of illness and injury, and to have literally been homeless before.
No, C, you don’t GET to accuse me of having a “victim complex” bc you don’t know what actual victimhood even is. You still think it was “extremely traumatising” to be made fun of by someone at work one time. Literally shut up and quite literally check ur fucking privilege. You’re purposely shit talking me to appease a guy who committed an ableist hate crime against me, even though you have the knowledge that he’s a serial sex criminal. But go off.
Imagine dating a 30 year old man who brags about having assaulted 16 year olds, who berates and abuses his primary partner and then talking about how “miserable and lonely” me and my girlfriend are. You’re fucking pathetic, C. Your “polycule” is just a weird bigoted sex cult that revolves around the most mediocre white man in the planet and the whole fucking city knows it. Grow up, you’re fucking 23 years old and this isn’t fucking highschool. Life isn’t a fucking Disney movie, C, you’re in a fucking white supremacist cult calling me ableist slure behind my back after you claimed to be so uncomfortable with those words.
- Trevor!
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