spigosaur · 9 months
ok ok ok
new crack ship
Scrags x Curt Mega
hear me out!
This is almost entirely based on two facts: 1. Spies are Forever and The Solve it Squad exist in the same universe 2. Scrags and Owen Carvour are both played by Joey Richter.
But also, they have both lost someone close to them and deserve somebody who helps them heal from the trauma.
Now imagine the following scenario:
One of the Solve it Squad's mysteries happens to be related to the same organisation/person/something, as one of Chrt's missions. They don't immediately run into each other and whem their paths eventually cross, they don't interact, the squad just runs past Curt or the other way around. But when Curt sees them more specifically when he sees Scrags- of course, he instantly recognises his face. Curt doesn't understand. Owen? Did he somehow survive their last encounter? Did he trick Curt and only faked his death? Is he secretly behind whatever mission Curt is currently on?
Curt starts investigating and makes contact with the squad. They work together to solve both their mystery and Curt's mission. At first, Curt only treats this alliance as a way to get behind what's up with Scrags and him looking like Owen, which is why he makes sure to spend a lot of time with him. He realises pretty quickly that Scrags can't be Owen, but he stays with the squad until the end of the investigation because even if he won't admit it, he enjoys their company - especially Scrags' of course.
Curt is pretty annoyed by the squad's inability to stay focused on the mission and how unprofessional they act, but he actually fits in with their chaos quite well, and once he gets used to it, this less strict environment takes off some of the pressure from him. Meanwhile, Scrags really appreciates working with someone who actually takes their job seriously for once. (Scrag's history with the fbi plays into this somehow)
Of course, they end up bonding over their shared trauma of loosing the person/dog closest to them and forming this close relationship with somebody who really understands their pain helps them to fill the holes Owen/Cluebert have left.
The long game would not be for Curt to join the solve it squad, but rather to become a recurring character. The solve it squad just occasionally collaborates with Scrag's spy boyfriend now.
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444names · 2 years
dremora names from tes
Akah Akame Akatari Akenas Akvrote Amkah Amkata Angas Angog Angogas Angogur Anha Anhae Anharg Anhas Anhaz Aruit Arunaa Arunaz Arurth Arus Arusata Aruzu Atriaa Atrra Baide Bara Bata Batarg Bathel Batii Batir Blagog Blakh Blakhet Bogas Brosha Broshaz Brota Brothaz Brothed Brozu Clota Coda Codan Dekaosh Dekata Dekats Demoraz Demord Dezai Dezanth Dezel Dezet Dhra Dhras Diamys Dogatai Dogtrrb Dogur Dosha Doshae Dota Dotazzt Doth Dothute Dregats Drel Drexata Drexev Drog Drogas Drogtri Drota Droth Droz Druis Drulsh Drun Druraz Drurth Drus Druz Elind Elit Elivlof Enzero Enzil Enziraz Ephasha Ephaz Ephazz Ephra Ephrah Ephraz Erulaz Erun Erunasa Erusax Eruz Erzt Erzti Fema Femag Femago Femis Fesa Fesathe Fesatii Fesn Fessata Fira Firata Fire Fireizz Firexev Firhi Firhiaa Firhilo Firia Fosh Fotet Foth Fothet Gade Gadra Gadran Gadri Gatar Gataz Gatta Geloran Gnia Gniamys Gnias Gnila Gnilas Gnile Gnim Gregas Gregasa Gregata Gremis Grex Guissax Gykun Gykz Hadra Hadrah Hivlof Hivlos Ifre Ifregas Ifrema Ifria Ifris Ifrit Illia Illiaa Illias Imala Iolark Issa Issath Issax Issos Jabra Jabrah Jane Janeero Jante Jeraz Jerbwd Jeris Jerme Kalas Kalath Kale Kaluz Kata Katar Kehk Khata Khats Kixamet Kixas Kixataz Kixatii Kixats Kmolak Kmora Kmorsa Kota Kotev Koth Kothi Krah Krra Krrah Krrbwd Krrunaa Kvora Kvorm Kvota Kvoth Kynas Kynufax Lanyu Legas Lirah Liran Liraz Lirex Lirhin Liris Lora Lork Lyris Lyrk Lyrkyu Makh Makhoth Makil Mante Mara Marik Marra Mata Matii Methias Mira Mirhik Mirhikh Miriaa Mora Moraz Mord Morel Mori Morm Mormeer Morruz Nacar Nacara Nacarim Nammag Nokend Nokvion Nora Norotet Oblias Obline Ofasa Ofash Ofaxu Ofephaz Olaria Olorm Olos Oolofas Oolos Oolsh Orrasa Orrb Orruz Orrztii Orth Orthik Orthind Orthxu Osatan Osatar Osax Pynaz Pynd Pynds Pynvas Rata Rayl Raylago Raylark Raylasa Raylate Raynds Reivora Reiz Reizzed Reizzet Rykezet Ryna Rynaa Rynas Rynaz Ryngo Rynil Rynufax Saide Scre Scregas Screiz Screle Scremis Screx Sehk Sehtkyu Sera Serb Serbwd Shynazz Shyngog Shyniaa Skora Skorik Skorm Skorsax Skri Skria Skriasa Skrig Skrim Skynaz Skyngas Skynvas Skyu Storati Sulara Sularg Sulax Sulaxu Sulaz Sulshaz Sume Sumesn Sumet Tacarg Tache Tasax Telar Teledra Telehk Tepayl Tephaz Tephind Thind Tuzai Tuzan Tuzu Tuzun Ukatane Ukats Uldunaz Uluz Uluzaz Uluzu Uras Uraz Vaed Vaedraz Vaer Vaezan Vaezaz Vamma Vamys Vamysis Vamysit Vanched Vanth Vanyus Velak Velax Velia Velinds Velit Velm Velo Vena Venas Vend Vends Vera Verah Verosh Verotaz Vesakho Vesn Vessa Vessax Vessit Vikhe Vikho Viksaxu Vind Vine Vololax Vonsh Vrel Vrema Vrexasa Vyrowin Xala Xalarg Xale Xalezai Xaluz Xalxord Xarg Xarit Xarrb Xigir Xigiran Xykkah Xykkale Xykz Xynilaz Xynim Xyris Xyroz Ykaezaz Ykaos Ykaosh Ykarim Ykathi Zavakho Zavakta Zavas Zavayl Zavayna Zenai Zenas Zenash Zenaz Zend Zenkyus Zexam Zexasa Zexath Zexev Zylath Zyrif Zyzai Zyzaz Zzed Zzel Zzerb
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spigosaur · 9 months
my brain is full of screga (this is what I'm calling Scrags x Curt Mega now)
I'm not even joking, I genuinely think they'd be cute together and I'm not gonna stop posting about them idc if this is literally just for me and noone else
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