#scribbles: character lore
have a rough idea of an ex-expermentee who now works as an excellent chef due to his taste-related curse but they recognise the protagonist's knowledge collecting organisation. they cant refuse protag's food order but as the protag is oblivious they decided to play along
they act as a food item merchant in the slice of life route and if u abandon ur organisation completely they will open up to u since they can taste abstract concepts like lies and whatnot, and if u persist in seeking a way to end the armageddon they'd use some tricks to block u from the shop forever, which sucks since their stamina healing items are one of the best in game
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about rei’s anchor:
-its water. imagine urself getting splashed with high pressure water blast. thats how it feels to be hit by the anchor
-she has a shakle on her right arm that connects to the chain
-she tends to drag it before swinging
-she’s too scared to set sail again
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The Repono Association was founded after the second Catastrophe, they welcome just about anyone with great abilities, knowledge, and most importantly the ambition to sway the power held by the deities.
They did discover the existence of the Fates, wiped out its religion and its disciples in the name of freedom. It however does nothing, and instead the Association has been played like a pawn by the Fates to entertain itself. Its days goes darker and darker, and only the ones with unshakable faith in humanity’s greatest stayed. Some outsiders even describe them as god-slaying lunatics. Rakiel and Swynn are indeed two of them.
it’s almost like the Babel Tower in this world actually.
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prev reblog: izai gets so bored guarding the gods’s corpses it would literally make that as a side project
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the thought of a divine entity getting hit by a car is certainly entertaining to me (rei’s precedent, the Feast, got himself drunk and well, the rest is history)
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the more i flesh out rei's character the more she resembles asuka evangalion. doesnt mean its a bad thing but i do have a different take than that of her's:
Rei, a captain of a mighty fleet, a successful tactician, and most importantly, a mortal. Brought back by the Festival and the Midsummer after her one and only failure (the Entity who once bless her with luck and knowledge turned itself away from her, and it caused thousands of her beloveds' deaths. She doesnt know that.) , she inherit both of their duties as a god. The world's collective memories of her was however wiped clean---- it is the price for ascending godhood. She was filled with hatred towards herself: self-accusation, grief, proud, etc. The burden of her death caused so much pain---- she could imagine her crewmates distrusting her abilites and accuse her fof their death every time she close her eyes---- just like when she got shot in the mouth.
She then masked the pain with her cheerful and somewhat arrogant attitude. She must become stronger, tougher and not to be looked down on. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. It was not her fault.
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if you happened to hold Tou's hand, it's gonna be... mushy. like a bag of water with some air inside. no bones. you then look closely to their face. there is no face, instead replaced by a golden, circular plate. you cant seem to see where the end of their hair goes either. what even are they.
and then you smell of decomposition. you then remembered that there is a small cut on your hand trying to cross a wall of creeping juniper. isn’t that what you were attempting to do? trespassing this farm for a shortcut?
you look down at you hand.
Tou’s plate gleams.
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various angels
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tides cannot wash away your memories. Each roaring wave will only etch the rocks deeper
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the God of Fates is a human sized hole on reality plane. It hurts to even observe it because what pokes out of the hole is not from this world. It brings visions. madness. incomprehensible thoughts. It smells of purple and crimson(does not resembles purple and crimson, though).
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the thing behind veil's veil is eating him inside out. both his body and his memories.
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Death is a little boy who got Picked as a punishment of his crimes (necromancy). When he reaps, sometimes he’s relieved the reaped will never get the worst afterlife treatment in the world.
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having both a God title and a Devil title can mean in one place people worship you, beg you to change the future, and in the other country people getting excuted for lying and writing stories
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