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happy chocolate day
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
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this is an Elysium drama update!! drama in the loosest dumbest sense of the world. in which Sæ, if you’ll recall is Loki & Jesse’s daughter, is six years old currently and it’s taken us this long to figure out what her deal is. But finally!! AT LONG LAST….
Just like any of Loki’s children, It turns out her “deal” is just…. super extremely weird!!! For literally no reason at all, Sæ has revealed at last that she was born with the innate ability to turn into a gigantic squid monster 💙 duh…. What else
…yeah, I don’t know either lmfaoooo. Jesse certainly doesn’t, and Loki’s just. rolling with this par for the course. You see Loki’s biological nightmare labyrinth of a reproductive system, mockery of the concept of genetics that it is, is constantly producing kids that are just. Well they’re just anything at all! Sæ’s special abilities may have come a little bit later as a surprise instead of since birth but it’s not a complete shock…. To Loki. (Thank you very much Jesse WAS indeed quite startled in the pool this week as his toddler daughter played “drown the fuck out of the toy boats” in the shape of a gigantic squid yknow just casual things hello WHATTTTT THE FUCK),
for those of you looking for oc rp advice here is how to characterize your OCs best of all!!
1. make a character be born.
Do nothing with them…. For six years.
bolt up in the middle of the night with a premonition where everything clicks.
uhhh… profit? hilarity and squids ensue
so without further ado! Here are, drawings, my personal concept art doodle worksheets and notes to self!! (That concept art page dialogue and etc is not canon just me doodling to myself before flinging this at fenixe herself lmao) and a final warmest welcome from Sæ’s own big brother, One of Loki’s elder sons (long since given a human shape), Jörmundgandr, who is of course famously a gigantic sea serpent in his truest form. aww… buddies :))))
i’ve been so absurdly excited about this for the past two/three weeks so pls enjoy squid baby finally getting her time to shine! yay Sæunn we love you!! welcome to the canon content world at long last!!!! do not tag this with the M word-;; Jesse belongs to @fenixethekid; Loki and Jör and NEWLY within my cast, Sæ, all belong to me!!!
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fannynilsson · 5 months
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Titta vad Azzi och Joel kokat ihop till oss 🥹 massa fina bebisgrejer till tvillingarna! Längtar tills DT (double trouble) är här så man får börja använda allt! 🤩
Längtar också tills julstöket är över så jag kan ta tag i tvillingrummet en gång för alla o göra det redo! Dom sprattlar ju som bara den så man blir ju sparkad av stolen snart 🥵 så jag tänker att dom bör vara redo snart!
Veckan har iaf varit jävligt hektisk. Eller ja senaste veckorna tillomed. Har vi inte varit med o köpt lägenheter så har vi köpt ny skoter, varit på ultraljud som bjöd på överraskning och sen går jag numer på gravidpenning på heltid tex 😆
De tidigarenämnda är väl inte lönt att gå in på så mycket än, men ultraljudet kan vi bena ut lite.
Jag är nu i vecka 32, och ultraljudet var liite svårt att tyda denna gång. Först trodde sköterskan att tjejen plötsligt låg med huvudet neråt och killen uppåt. Tänkte att de e OMÖJLIGT med tanke på hur trångt dom har det nu! Så efter många om och men och lokalisering av alla lemmar så kom hon fram till att pojken visst fortfarande ligger som 1a (längst ner) DOCK så har han inte huvudet neråt längre utan BÅDA har lagt sig i tvärläge, vilket plötsligt gör så jag inte kan föda naturligt längre. Så jag håller tummarna för att dom vrider tillbaka sig så han placerar huvudet ner i bäckenet igen snart, för om 4 veckor blir nästa koll och då blir det möte ang igångsättning!
Så jävla taggad på igångsättning, fan få de ba bortstökat nu jag är redan förstörd så de räcker 😂
Lukas efter jag tagit på han skorna:: JÖr duu mamma??
(Jag sitter på golvet) Jag vilar lite innan jag kan ställa mig upp igen”
- Ja åså vila 😮‍💨 säger han o sätter sig då i trappen med en stor suck.
Hahah jaaa för de e ju svintufft att väga 12 kg och stå still medans en brontosaurus tar på honom skorna 🤣🤣🤣
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dontcallmecarrie · 4 years
screw it, this “too many options that all sound appealing” thing is really messing with my rhythm so here, outlines for Endings 1-3. Major spoilers inbound, read at your own risk.
Ending 1: Stay With The Original Plan
canon ensues on Loki’s side, aka he falls right into Thanos’ clutches. [Un]fortunately for him, Thanos is even more pissy than in canon, since ‘his love’ is MIA and he’s hyperfocused on assembling the Infinity Gauntlet under the belief that this’ll be what finally gets her to say yes
somewhere in here, Loki realizes that this is the purple bastard Hela kept telling him about. Just to make this entire experience even more hellish, because having to listen to Thanos talk is more torture than the torture. 
optional, probably won't write: at some point, Thanos asks Loki for dating advice. Which’d go about as well as expected.
Meanwhile, Asgard, Earth, and just about everywhere in between has their hands full now that Helheim is empty and all of its demons are having a field day.
somewhere during the chaos, Fenrir breaks his binds and steals the Aether on the way out. 
cue potential alternate antagonist to make the Avengers assemble. Surtur, perhaps, for maximum irony because...
Jörmungandr wakes up just in time to see Hela bust out of Helheim, and immediately invites her to come with him. Fenrir joins the club when he gets out, too, and cue minor time skip as they all catch up and help each other reacclimatize to living outside of a glorified prison/the modern world. 
okay, from here, there’s two further endings I’d be having to pick between.
Option A:
shit goes down when Loki shows up.
The Avengers assemble, and get not one, not two, but five Asgardians crashing the party on the Helicarrier.
turns out one of them’s an ancient sorcerer who’s been camping out on Earth over the past thousand years and influencing some of their myths. Somehow, this isn’t the weirdest part.
a lot of dirty laundry gets aired in a very short period of time, aka the Avengers get a front-row seat to the shitshow that is the Asgardian royal family and Thor’s respect for his father tanks. 
The local sorcerer is the one who figures out Loki’s being mind-controlled, and Hela is royally pissed off when she finds out who’s responsible. 
well, actually, that’s not entirely accurate: when they find out Loki’s condition, nobody takes it well, and since some of the people in the room were basically used as living weapons for the better part of a millennia, well...
RIP, Thanos. 
[insert family reunion and happy ending here, probably]
Option B: 
[insert antagonist name here] shows up, Avengers assemble.
Cue confusion when an alien trio beats them to the punch, feat. a fuck-off huge wolf, a goth chick who keeps throwing swords [seriously, where is she even getting them from?], and a honest-to-goodness wizard. 
Cue even more confusion when Thor recognizes them as Loki’s friends, and then a lot of stuff goes down very fast when he finds out that they’re famous on Earth— because they’re prophesied to bring about Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard. 
[insert drama here]
Fenrir, Hela, and Jörmungandr quasi-joining the Avengers? Not as impossible as it sounds. 
Thanos shows up looking for the Infinity Stones. Hela oneshots him, and maybe brings him back to life just to kill him again when they find out what he did to Loki.
cue happy ending.
Ending 2: All The Angst And Dramatic Irony [feat. Major Character Death]
this one’d make it all a tragedy, and I hate making myself sad and also I didn’t tag for major character death, so that’s already two strikes against it but my brain can’t let it go so here goes:
Loki died when he fell from the Bifrost. 
Hela and Jörmungandr don’t know this, and don’t have much to compare notes because Jör last saw him when he fled and Hela’s last conversation was right before Thor’s coronation. However, they are aware that Loki succeeded in his mission of getting Hela free, and they know how happy Odin would’ve been when it happened— they’re operating under the assumption that he’s been imprisoned for treason, and gearing up to invade Asgard for the sole purpose of getting him out. 
The events of the first Avengers movie doesn’t happen/gets skipped.
Fenrir breaks out during the Convergence, scaring the crap out of Jane Foster and taking the Aether with him. 
The group has a reunion, and then all eyes turn to Asgard. 
Chaos ensues when the Dark Elves’ invasion is interrupted by a separate, entirely unrelated attack that somehow manages to do even more damage.
and incidentally end up fulfilling the prophecy along the way, because they have a bone to pick with Odin and everyone who helped him
Cue angst and sadness when the truth about Loki comes out. Because Thor enters the fight, and Fenrir/Hela/Jörmungandr would inevitably ask “where’s your brother?” and then out comes the story of what happened on the Bifrost
...and because I made myself sad, here, have an alternate ending:
Hela and the others categorically refuse to accept he died, and keep looking. 
Jörmungandr in particular points out that the Bifrost can result in wonky time-space shenanigans if not monitored closely, and considering the circumstances in which he fell, well...
Fenrir goes to town on Sakaar when they find Loki.
cue tearful reunion and happy ending.
Ending 3: CHAOS [the fun one that I’m honestly leaning towards]
aka taking all of MCU canon that I remember, and sticking it in a blender because timeline fuckery abounds and absolute no one knows wtf is going on anymore. 
Taking full advantage of the “Bifrost can result in accidental time travel” thing, and the fact that Thanos is distracted looking for Hela and the Infinity Stones which in turn affects when the events of the first Avengers movie happens, well...
after Loki falls, cue minor timeskip because of Reasons. Hela and Jörmungandr get the chance to start recovering from the whole “living on the run/being forced into this position” thing, and also start looking
then a lot of stuff goes down very very fast.
Loki shows up in Germany, catching the attention of not only the Avengers, but Hela and Jörmungandr. 
...the alien god talking about subjugation should’ve been the guy getting all the headlines, had it not been for the gigantic glowing wolf that showed up halfway through his speech. Or the aliens that followed him from gods-knew-where.
aka Fenrir breaks out during the Convergence, and the Dark Elves really, really, really want the Aether.
aka yes, this is the one where the events first Avengers movie and Thor: The Dark World happen concurrently.
SHIELD has their hands full, Erik Selvig and Jane Foster are working overtime to figure out wtf is going on, and Thor is less than helpful because all of other aliens can and will attack him on sight. 
Thor tries to drag Loki into custody.
Loki gets kidnapped on the way. By a wizard, because why the fuck not, things were already weird enough as is. 
Tracking down said wizard is an exercise in futility, but damn if they don’t try anyway. 
Having Clint Barton and his associates get portalled in with an honest-to-goodness apology note? Sure, just add it onto the pile. 
Everyone in SHIELD is confused, anyone who knows their myths has just been screaming this entire time because there’s also been sightings of an enormous snake in the oceans [Jörmungandr’s defense system was working overtime, sue him], and things just keep escalating.
Eventually there’s a team-up, and then a human wizard shows up too? Saying something about how their duty was to safeguard the Earth from extradimensional threats and obviously SHIELD was doing a shit job of it? Fine. Just...fine.
hi, Stephen Strange
aka the Avengers assemble and there’s more of them because all hands on deck
[insert snappy dialogue and interactions here]
Hela when she finds out what Thanos is up to: (ง'̀-'́)ง
[insert cinematic fight scene with all the drama and irony and Norse mythology references]
cue happy ending
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Spiderling and Serpent sitting in a tree.........
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aTRGw2
by TessaVance
Jör knew right from the first moment they met that Peter was his. As kids Peter was his best (and only) friend. But Peter has grown up, and now Jör's feelings for him have changed. He wants Peter to be his mate. So he goes to his family and get their advice on the best way to go ahead.
But even in this pack things rarely run smoothly. What with clueless Pack Leader, Peter acting like a blushing maiden and un wanted visitor from Asgard turning up. Jör might be better off 'winging it' after all.
Words: 5490, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Zima-Stark Pack
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Sleipnir (Marvel), Jormungand (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Peter Parker
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Jormungandr/ Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Pack Dynamics, Pack Family, Pack Bonding, Genderfluid Character, Getting Together, Family Drama, More Spidery Spiderman, Mute Peter Parker
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aTRGw2
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hoggormurinn-blog · 7 years
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Asgard...is dead.
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various angels
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chthonicgodling · 7 years
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nnnnnnnotebook scribbles of Those Wacky Three (that I drew for real a little while ago, peep my art tag), siblings Jör, Fen, and [maskless]Hela✨ I have not have time to draw anything in a million years and I'm at work right now too so! Here's these oldish scribbles posted from my phone just to stick something here 🙃//jazzhands
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Touda [騰虵/螣蛇(とうじゃ/とうだ)]. a partner of Jörmungandr. kinda funny how they are both snakes
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It’s an unlucky/misfortune(orientation) Tenshou of the scary and horrifying. from wikipedia. if ur into omyoji shit ud probably familiar with Abe Seimei and his 12 Tenshou
Touda is also an official in the 28 star mansion (星宿) (chinese star constellation). it belongs to the Room mansion, the 6th mansion of the North Black Tortoise (北方玄武). In ancient literature it’s also mentioned that Touda is a dragon, which is shaped like a flying snake (literally what its name means)
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Jörmungandr. that ouroboros snake in norse mythology. pretty sure its well known enough that i dont have to type 3 paragraphs about it
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'Cause I don't wanna leave this world Without you holding onto me No I don't wanna let this lonely heart be An isolated beat Don't wanna let you go Like a metronome Don't wanna let you go Like a metronome, and on it drones
Metronome by CircusP
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
And Wade makes Three
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3bVEKq0
by TessaVance
When Jör and Peter decided to make Wade their third, in their ménage à trois mateship. They knew they would be facing opposition.
They prepared arguments before hand for each of their pack members.
What they hadn’t done was prepare for the fact their biggest opposition was going to be Wade himself.
The damm Merc with a Mouth, just would not believe the fact that someone wanted him for their mate.
Which they both very much did.
Yes Wade, we do.
No, we are not joking!
Yes, we have thought about this.
No! Neither of us are clinically insane.
Shut up Wade, and kiss us.
Words: 5443, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Zima-Stark Pack
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Deadpool - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Jormungand (Marvel), Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Sleipnir (Marvel), Fenrir (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Hati Hróðvitnisson, Sköll, Jarvis, Steve Rogers
Relationships: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson/Jormungandr, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/ Sleipnir
Additional Tags: Pack Dynamics, Pack Bonding, Pack Family, Mates, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fluff, Mute Peter Parker, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, More Spidery Spiderman
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3bVEKq0
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