#scrolling my dash in the meantime and saw that and immediately felt angry
prismatoxic · 1 month
you know, I was joking about the m/f thing, because it's my burden to bear--if those ships make me uncomfortable, I need to make sure to block their tags and not engage with the content, bc there's nothing morally wrong with it or the people who enjoy it. the times I've brought it up are me venting about my own annoying feelings, but I don't want to give the wrong impression. if you ship m/f of ANY kind, dunmeshi or otherwise, I support you! I hope you're having a fun!
and the reason I felt compelled to say this is that I have now seen the absolute horseshit "there's too much yaoi in this fandom" take cross my dash and I do not want anyone thinking I'm perpetuating that bullshit mentality.
maybe the op was a joke, but the people in the tags were not joking. like calling m/m ships "heteronormative" or boring or whatever. being rude about shippers. that is the sort of toxic garbage I want to avoid, and I'm sorry if I only contributed to it by joking about my own tastes, bc I feel like I kind of did.
if you think some ships are inherently better than others, or that some shippers are stupid or unimaginative or, heaven forbid, less queer for shipping certain things, get the fuck out! I want nothing to do with you. you're wrong and you make fandom a bad place.
I have weird hangups about m/f with my fave characters in a lot of fandoms, and those issues are personal in nature and unrelated to the quality of the ship. I'm begging more people to recognize the same thing within themselves. people shipping more m/m than whatever your fave is are not fucking hurting you, and whatever your issues are, they're YOURS to deal with. same for any other dynamic, or headcanon, or whatever. stop resenting other fans for enjoying the series differently than you do.
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spacedikut · 4 years
(nearly) lost love ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid (criminal minds) x f!reader
summary: “hi idk if you’re taking requests but if you are i’d love to read something where the reader ends up getting hurt somehow (maybe by an unsub) and is in the hospital and spencer is super worried about her and maybe confesses his feelings for her bc he thought he was gonna lose her?? idk just something super fluffy with a little angst if you’re up for it” 2890 words
a/n: im gon na be honest idk how to write angst so i just went where the story took me????
Spencer was proudly stood in front of his geological profile in the Austin precinct when the frantic call was made over the comms.
“Agent down! I repeat, Agent down! We need a medic!”
It was Morgan’s booming voice, firm and commanding, and Spencer first felt relief knowing at least Morgan was safe. But fear follows, prickling through his entire body when, oh no, someone on his team has been injured.
Morgan kept his comm connected. Spencer could hear all the chaos on the other end – he picked up that JJ was counting bodies, there was at least four medics requested, and, the most gut-wrenching for Spencer, was listening to Morgan repeat variations of, “Stay with me Y/N. Don’t close your eyes – listen to me, baby, stay with me, Y/N!”
You. You were the agent down.
You, who, less than two hours ago, laughed at your own joke so hard you couldn’t get it out. You, who made plans with him to go shopping for Halloween decorations that weekend (which Spencer was way too excited about, by the way). You.
You, who Spencer recently realised he’s in love with.
Why does he feel like this is his fault? He knows, logically, it isn’t – the obvious reason is because Spencer wasn’t there (which, a little voice in the back of his head says well maybe if you were there this wouldn’t have happened…) and it’s likely that this is entirely the ubsub’s fault. He attacked and you were the unlucky target.
But the history of Spencer’s love life shows there is a definite risk to being associated with him.
Is this the world’s way of telling him he shouldn’t love you? He shouldn’t tell you he loves you?
Was the big speech Derek gave him, the month they spent building Spencer’s confidence up, all for nothing? Because Spencer’s cursed?
This isn’t about you, Spencer, he thinks, angry at himself. God, you’re hurt, injuries still unknown, and he’s floundering because he’s convinced himself he’s cursed.
“Reid? You there?”
It’s Morgan, still talking through the comm, and it knocks Spencer out of his head. “Y-yeah, I’m here. Y/N? Is it Y/N? Is she okay?”
Morgan’s voice is calm and collected, as always, “Hey, kid, chill. She’s with a medic on the way to the hospital. You wanna-“
“I’ll meet you there.”
Spencer dashes out of the room.
When he arrives, Hotch and JJ are waiting for him at the entrance. JJ expected Spencer to be worried, a little agitated, but she didn’t expect him to look so dishevelled and distressed. His hair, usually so well-kempt, sticks up in all directions. He abandoned his jacket and satchel at the station, obviously in a rush, and now his shoelace is untied and it’s giving JJ anxiety.
“Reid,” Hotch greets.
“She’s fine, she’s okay,” JJ immediately says. Spencer has always said JJ knows exactly how to soothe him. “A nasty knock to the head, but she’s been taken care of and she’s resting now.”
Spencer’s whole body sighs in relief.
He sounds fragile when he asks, “Can I see her?”
JJ gives a small, bittersweet smile, then gestures for Spencer to follow her. He stays close, basically standing on her heels, the entire way to your room, where Emily is leaving.
He struts straight in, acknowledging no one, intent on seeing you and seeing you only.
You lie there, lifeless. All he can hear is the haunting sound of the heart monitor, combined with your chest minimally moving up and down being the only signs you’re alive. You’ve lost all your usual colour – Spencer recalls JJ mumbling something about you losing a lot of blood – and the whole sight makes his stomach lurch.
He walks in, and walks right back out.
Everyone shares looks of bewilderment. He did a complete 180, hardly sparing you a glance, and ran straight into the hospital’s bathroom where the team hears the distinct sound of retching.
Derek sighs and follows him. Their gazes meet: Spencer’s head barely lifting from the toilet bowl, Derek shutting and locking the bathroom door with pitying eyes.
“I’m sorry-“ Spencer starts.
“Don’t apologise. How you feeling?”
He groans in response, leaning against the wall. He begs himself to not think about all the germs and diseases that are probably infesting his body as they speak – his heart stings too much in his chest for that.
Spencer swallows the stone in his throat, grimacing at the remnants of bile, “Seeing her like that..”
“I know.”
“I never thought I’d see her like that. I’ve never wanted to see her like that and-and.. I couldn’t be there to protect her and help her-“
“None of this is your fault, Reid. It’s not your fault, or her fault, or anyone’s fault except the guy that did this. And he’s dead. And she’ll be fine. Please,” Derek warns, “Don’t guilt yourself into mayhem. I know you, and I know her, and all she wants is for you to be the first thing she sees when she wakes up. If not, or if she finds out you’re beating yourself up over this, she’ll kill you, man. With her bare hands.”
Derek’s smirking at the end of his speech because he’s right and Spencer knows it too. And Spencer can’t refrain from grinning a little at the thought of you, just gaining consciousness, and leaping from your bed to smack some sense into him.
You’re incredible. Which both pains him and makes him fall for you harder.
When Spencer rises and starts swirling his mouth out with water, Derek gives him a firm pat on the shoulder and leaves, Spencer not far behind.
This time, he won’t run out of the room like a weakling. Because it’s you and you need him to be there for you.
It’s what you’d do for him. And before that thought can go any further, he’s taking a deep breath and opening the door.
You’re still resting, looking exactly the same as when he first saw you, and his stomach jumps into his throat again – it pains him to see you like this.
But Penelope is leaning over you, fingers brushing your hair back with the trademarked tenderness that is Penelope Garcia. You’ve always called her your Fairy Godmother, your guardian angel, the true love of your life.
Maybe you’d rather see her when you first wake up.
So he stays back, lingering by the entrance of the room, until Rossi nudges him and he stumbles to the top of your bed. Right by your face, your oh-so-gorgeous but bruised face, and Spencer stares.
He can’t explain how glad he is that you’re okay. You’re here, a little beaten up, but he knows that in a couple days, maximum a week, you’ll be back in the bullpen with your quirks and nudges and warmth that is so you and he’ll never let anything come near you again.
(He knows he can’t actually do that. You wouldn’t let him. But he still thinks it, because he loves you and he’ll do anything for you)
The team silently agrees that Spencer will be the one to stay with you. At least until you wake up.
(Why? You might ask. Because you drunkenly told the girls that you’re convinced the closest thing to heaven on Earth would be waking up and Spencer Reid being the first thing you see every day. Ever since, they’ve committed themselves to trying to set you two up)
Spencer sleeps next to your bed, cramped in the uncomfortable and tiny chair, until about seven am. Then he recites some books in his head, just to pass the time. Then Penelope calls.
“I’m on my way with baked goods, Doctor. Would you like me to pick something up for you and the sleeping beauty?”
Spencer goes to decline, before looking at you, “I think Y/N would appreciate a burger. Maybe two.”
Garcia hums down the line, “You know, she’s always been full of good ideas. I’ll buy too many burgers then be on my way. Kisses!” Then hangs up.
In the meantime, Spencer scrolls through your conversation on his phone. He’d never been one for texting, or technology (notoriously), but you always send him things you think he’d like – maybe an article (he’s read every single one you’ve sent, even the one about the monkey using a frog to masturbate), a picture of a cute dog (this one looks like you, spence!!!!!!), and anything else that catches your eye.
For example, a comprehensive list of way too many “why did the chicken cross the road?” jokes.
They’re your kryptonite. Even after you explained the joke to Spencer, in depth, he still doesn’t quite understand the appeal. But you love them.
So he reads them to you.
He knows you can’t hear him. Being asleep is obviously very different to being in a coma, where people have claimed to be able to hear the people around them, but it passes the time and eases him a little. Cause he also knows that if you were awake you’d be chortling away, happy as can be. And that’s how you should always be.
Spencer hopes he makes you happy.
Damn, he loves you.
He has to tell you he loves you.
It feels like this need, this obligation – if he doesn’t tell you when you wake up then when will he tell you? The next time you’re injured?
The thought sends him reeling.
No matter the outcome, you need to know. He needs to tell you.
“Why did the rooster cross the road?” He reads aloud, “To cockadoodle dooo something.”
He’s cheesing at his screen, at the audacity and stupidity of these jokes. But they’re sweet, just like you, and they take everyone prisoner when it comes to making people smile.
“That was a good one.” You heh.
Your voice is croaky after not being used in hours, but it’s still the same dreamy voice Spencer loves to hear.
You’re awake. And already smiling, which is one hell of a win in Spencer’s book.
“Good morning.” He whispers.
“It’s morning?” You ask, moving your head slowly to see outside your window. “At least I got a full night’s sleep for once.”
“Should you really be joking in your condition?” Spencer teases, leaning to fluff your pillow when you wince.
You exhale deeply, “And what is my condition, exactly?”
“You look as sexy as ever, buttercup.”
Garcia’s grinning from the doorway, Derek the same from behind her, two bags of food in her hands.
You’re ecstatic when you say, “Penny!” Trying to hide the pain when she hugs you. You’re too happy to see her to turn down her love.
She dishes out the burgers and, as expected, you ask if there’s another in there for you. You chomp happily, despite the dull ache still present, chatting jovially with the three of them.
Penelope gets caught up in telling you about the most recent documentary she saw. When he notices, Derek nods towards the door, making Spencer furrow his eyebrows in confusion. What does he want?
Derek does it again and Spencer gets it. He lifts from his seat the same time Derek does, saying nothing until they’re out of the room and the door has shut behind them.
“I’m gonna make Penelope leave-“ Derek begins, and Spencer stutters.
“What? Why? Is everything okay?”
Derek chuckles at Spencer’s reaction, “Kid, everything’s fine. You just gotta tell her.”
Spencer doesn’t even try to pretend he doesn’t know what Derek’s referring to. He peeks through your door’s window, staring directly at you as you giggle at something Penelope says.
“Do I?” He ponders. “It could-“
“Nope. We’re not doing that “it could ruin everything” spiel. You’re an adult, she’s an adult, and adults don’t play around with feelings like this. Tell. Her.” Derek’s got both hands on Spencer’s shoulders, grip tightening and loosening sporadically as he talks. He looks like a football coach giving a pep talk before the big game, and Spencer feels invigorated.
“Alright.” Spencer nods once, “Let’s do this.”
“I will remove Penelope Garcia from the premises.”
They nod at eachother and move back into your room.
When Penelope is pulled from your room by Derek, stumbling and muttering and stuttering, all you do is blink in confusion.
“What’s going on there?” You say, speaking out of the side of your mouth, as if you’re sharing a secret.
Spencer doesn’t answer. You turn to look at him, another question on your tongue, but the words die when you see his facial expression.
It’s so tender. So soft, and gentle, the littlest of smiles on his lips as his cheeks darken.
“If I tell you something really dramatic right now, do you think you could handle that?”
Your head tilts, brows furrowed, looking far too endearing with your bandaged head.
He clears his throat, “I just-just need to make sure it won’t overwhelm you.”
You don’t know what to expect, but you agree anyway. Is this why Derek and Penelope left?
“I vomited when I saw you in bed. In this bed. In hospital.” He begins.
“Oh, thanks, Spence,” You tease.
“No- no. Hear me out!” He gives a little laugh, hands coming up in defence. “I don’t have a script, and statistically, both men and women speak around sixteen-thousand words a day – I want these ones to be special. Because you’re special.”
You’re still visibly confused. You clasp your hands together in your lap, “I’m listening. You have my full attention.”
Having your full attention is terrifying and electrifying at the same time. Spencer wants you to know that.
“You make me feel things, you know.” He reveals, “Things I’ve only ever read about, fantasised about – you know… things.”
This is going terribly. For a man who’s read the dictionary more times than he cares to count (he does care to count – twenty two times), he is very much struggling to explain himself to you.
Deep breath. From the start.
“It’s alright, Spence,” You console, hand resting on his closed ones. “Take your time.”
He does. He takes a few more breaths. “I don’t know where to start so- so bear with me.”
Why do you have to make his heart race like that?
Oh. He said that out loud.
Well. Might as well repeat it.
“I said,” Louder this time, “Why do you have to make my heart race like that?”
“I’m sorry?”
“No. No- I like it. I like you, that’s what I’m trying to say. Maybe not like since Derek told me we’re not in high school, kid,” He lowers his voice to impersonate Derek, “But the l word is scary, especially when I don’t know how you’re gonna react. But whatever you say, however you react, we’ll be okay. I know we will. I just need you to know how you make me feel and how-how good I think I’d treat you, I guess.”
It feels like your silence goes on forever. Then you quietly ask, “And how do I make you feel, Spence?”
“Like I’ve never felt before. I meant it when I said you make me feel things I’ve only read about – you’re so easy to love, you know that? Infuriatingly so. And you’re so open – I think that’s what drew me in at first. You knew nothing about Doctor Who, but you heard I was asking around for someone to go with me to that convention and you said you were available if I wanted you and I… I had to practice how to ask you in the mirror for three days straight. Of course I want you, Y/N. I think I always have.”
His voice is timid when he asks, afraid of what the answer might be.
“Do you think you want me too?”
“Are you crazy?!” You cry out.
The volume makes Spencer jump. Then he registers what you said and slumps, rejection seeping in.
“Spencer-“ You say, exasperated, “You’re the most incredible person I know. I tell you all the time cause I mean it.” You give a short laugh, “How could you even think that I wouldn’t feel the exact same? I’m kind of obsessed with you, Spence.”
The shock on his face melts into pure joy. Is this really happening? You..
“I want you an embarrassing amount, Spencer Reid. I always have and I always will.”
He doesn’t know what overcomes him, but he leaps forward and smashes your lips together. It’s messy and a little clunky, teeth hitting together and mouths unable to stop grinning, but it’s perfect. Everything you could’ve asked for in your first kiss with Spencer.
It’s perfect. He’s perfect.
And he thinks the exact same of you.
He pulls back, heart racing and entire body burning, strong hands cradling your head. It doesn’t take a profiler to realise the two of you, foreheads leaning against eachother, are the happiest you’ve been in a long time.
“You taste like burger.” Spencer breathes, soft and low.
You giggle. “You taste like coffee and burger.”
His lips quirk, raising an eyebrow, “You like it?”
You hum, rubbing your nose against his, “I like it a whole lot. I like you a whole lot.”
Spencer kisses you again.
And again.
“Glad to know we’re on the same page.”
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