darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
No liveblog today! I need to make some decent progress on my fic writing (possibly taking thursday off, too). See you soon!
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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Hmm, I didn't get the impression that energybending was, like, an Avatar exclusive. I thought it was just a form of bending lost to the ages until Deus Ex Lion Turtle brought it back.
That's it for episode 3! I think this was my favorite so far. I'll probably do a ranking for the whole Book once we're done with it. Amon definitely knows how to make an entrance and raise the stakes. We'll see if he can hold the momentum!
As always, thank you for your attention! We should be back next tuesday! Make sure to send me any questions or feedback you have. If you want more from me, you can find me at:
My personal Tumblr
And if you like what I do, and you have a buck to spare, consider donating to my Ko-fi, which you can find at:
Until next time!
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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Good point! Time to raise a panic, I guess!
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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...you guys have no idea how much I expected this man to have a french accent.
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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...wouldn't this be, like...crazy-stupid hot?
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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What an incredible way to visualize a person's bending being taken away.
This, I'm a little less suspect about. Doubtless, many would wonder how Fire Lord Ozai, one of the world's greatest benders, could possibly lose his bending, and more than a few would eventually find a way to replicate it.
Kind of interesting that neither of them glowed at all during the process - perhaps Amon found a way to streamline the technique?
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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'kay, maybe tone down the televangelist schtick a little. I like you better as a straight-forward revolutionary, buddy.
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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I don't really have enough information to argue but I feel like this is a bit of an exaggeration? There's no shortage of causes for war - bending is just present in every single one, same as any other form of martial arts or weapon.
Of course, with the ghost of Sozin's war still hanging over the world, I understand the sentiment
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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Good propaganda and good presentation. Amon must've gone to the Megamind villain seminar!
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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That is...actually really intimidating. And probably a fire hazard!
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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Ooo, that's fun! I can't resist a good ol' puzzle section in my adventure media.
(is this why they had to print so many dang pamphlets?)
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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If nothing else, Amon has a good graphic designer. Some quality propaganda at this guy's stand.
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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I can only imagine how things shook out for the Fire Nation's firebenders after the war, what people's perception of them - even the ones who didn't participate in the war - evolved after the conflict. Surface-level, everything seems hunky-dory, but I can't imagine it was easy for anyone to reconcile with them.
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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I guess that tracks. Talented benders, orphaned and desperate to survive, I'm assuming.
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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Wow, so...lots to think about, here. Ty Lee's chi-blocking technique is still going strong after all these years - I wonder how these guys learned it? We know the Kyoshi warriors would know these techniques after she joined them, at least. Did these guys take a sabbatical to Kyoshi Island so they could learn how to beat the Avatar herself and a powerful firebender with just two (2) mooks?
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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Dangerously genre savvy bad guys, too.
(can we stop tying up poor Naga, please?)
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darthkvznliveblogs · 4 years
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Welp, those are bad guy outfits if I've ever seen 'em.
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