#scrubs: 4x03
aflawedfashion · 2 years
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Scrubs 4x03 | My New Game
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angelsdean · 2 years
wait can you talk more about the old timeline episodes (In The Beginning and The Song Remains the Same) being fake angel worlds. bc i have always bought into The End as a fake angel world like It's A Terrible Life but i never thought about those two also being faked and i would like to add that to my belief system
hii! so here are a few other posts i made abt this concept / theory back when i rewatched 4x03 In the Beginning last month (x, x, x) and here's another post abt how heaven's / angels' whole Thing is simulations / illusions / fake realities. We see angels use simulation and illusions over and over throughout the series, from gabriel and his elaborate illusions and timeloops, to lucifer appearing as loved ones to manipulate people, and michael trapping dean in a fake reality in his own mind. Even heaven is all about simulated happiness, relieving a highlights reel of your best memories. And then, of course, there's Zachariah, who loves creating little fake scenarios, especially to fuck with dean. He crafts both the Endverse and It's a Terrible Life and while sam is also there, Dean is the main subject of Zach's shenanigans. So, based on that, I think it would make sense that In the Beginning, a completely dean-centric episode, could also be one of Zach's little illusions to manipulate Dean. While Cas is the one who sends him back in this ep, it's also Very early on (literally the third ep since Cas' appearance) so Cas is still following orders, still under heaven's control. I don't think Cas is in the know that the past he's sent Dean to isn't the real past. I think he's just being used by Zach to carry out his plans. Heaven is moving Dean around like a pawn on a chessboard and they need him to play his part so they manipulate him with these fake perfect polished versions of his parents. Another variation of this theory is that it's maybe not a complete illusion but actually the altered timeline after the angels intervened in the past. So the True past would be what we're seeing in the prequel and then the altered past would be after the angels intervene and scrub their memories, make john forget he was ever a hunter with mary and make him the perfect boy-next-door type. But either way, I definitely headcanon the past timeline we see in spn as fake and a result of angel manipulation.
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henwilsondaily · 3 years
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[Image Description: 4 small gifs of Hen Wilson from 9-1-1 season 4, episode 3; with her scrubs and background colored in purple. In the first gif: Hen moves closer to Syd as she speaks to her, saying, "I'm a Black lesbian." In the second gif: Hen moves her hands around as she says, "That joined the fire department at 30,". In the third gif: Hen continues, "That started med school at 40." In the fourth gif: a close up of Hen's face, as she says, "You think I've ever walked into a room and not felt like I had to prove that I deserved to be there?" /End ID]
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onscreenkisses · 3 years
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SCRUBS, 4x03 - “My New Game”
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mikelogan · 7 years
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Of course, marriage can make the rest of your life seem longer.
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Chicago Med Review 4x03 Heavy Is the Head
It looks like Chicago Med is back to following it’s every other episode pattern. Last episode was the crossover, and, in my opinion, it was weaker than the premiere. This episode did NOT disappoint.
On One Chicago Day Brian Tee hinted that this was his favorite episode for Ethan to date and honestly, I can understand why. I wasn’t sure how they were going to play out the gun/dad hostage situation and truthfully, I was worried Med was entering bootleg John Q territory but the climax to that resolution was shocking! Like Med WENT there. They showed that guy blowing his brains out to save his son’s life, because profits matter more than patients (I’ll get back to that a minute). Every step, every decision, Ethan made he had to wonder if he was making the right call, handling things the only way he knows how. And he wasn’t without his critics.
April did not want him to immediately call the police and I can understand why. But he did, and the situation unfolded in a way he didn’t count on. To add insult to injury for whatever reason the writers have decided to make Emily mentally challenged cause some how she has no idea how to work a microwave and burned something which cause Ethan to fly-off the handle and yell at her. A move April caught and judged him on too. (Real quick are these two together? On a break? Or broken up?) I’m confused and so is Ethan. He snapped on her and to be honest, it was a valid assessment of the situation. April clams up when she is angry and frustrated instead of voicing her feelings about why she feels the way she does. But to be fair; that’s the writers’ fault. April has lacked agency since this show began. We don’t really know who she is. We know she’s stubborn, soft hearted, naturally nurturing, and bends over backwards for others but that’s not personality. Not really, it robs her of intellect, so we never get a rebuttal to Choi and we won’t; because they have no idea why April does what April does. Their inconsistencies don’t lend her to be a woman with nuanced thought who understands that every situation does not require the same response. That could be an answer to Choi. But like I said; it won’t.
In the end we got the same tired ass dynamics of her comforting him and us not knowing her motives or feelings about ALSO witnessing someone blow his brains out in front of them. Med do better by your women!
Let’s talk about the women in this episode because this was a heavily feminized episode if you didn’t notice. (Not necessarily executed in respect but women outnumbered the men 2:1).
First let’s start with Sharon and Gwen.
Did anyone else wonder when Stohl’s contract was up? He was gone two episodes later and in a sad new way that Med’s been doing lately his departure wasn’t even announced. In steps Dr. Lanik and out steps all protocol and common decency. I get the Lanik is Gwen’s “man” but when the hell does the COO start making the decisions she was making? The whole situation reeked and in my opinion a hospital would start asking why they needed Sharon’s position at all when nothing was put through her. Gwen is shaping up to be the Robert Haywood shaped hole in my canonical villain life. Cause she’s going to bounce out of this tragedy like it’s any other day and keep her on agenda. Watch. Lanik…I don’t know. He was shook. And to be honest he doesn’t come across nearly villainous enough to continue fostering the current climate in the ED.
Natalie, Elsa, and Daniel.
First things first. I was raised Christian for the first twenty years of my life. I don’t practice the faith anymore but when I did I never met any Christians as disillusioned as the ones Med writes. To be honest it’s ridiculous. There are few modern women, who are trying to have babies, who aren’t privy to what an ectopic pregnancy is. They are always fatal to the baby and almost always fatal to the mother if left untreated. There is no new way to be re-planted into the uterus and thus the pregnancy is not viable. I know Catholics who know and honor this too. So why they felt the need to go all the way there was lazy and took away from what could’ve been an even more impactful and frankly frightening story. Did Elsa misuse the machine, so she could fudge the test results and save the mother’s life? I’m leaning towards probably. Does Daniel have a fucking leg to stand when it comes to being manipulative when trying to control the outcome of situation? Y’all already know the answer to that question. The fact is that she didn’t bow down to the sage knowledge of Daniel Charles when he approached her in the dining hall. He assessed she was an intelligent woman who really didn’t care about patient medicine and already had her future mapped out. What Med still won’t do is allow her to be truly aloof about it. Elsa wouldn’t care if the patient decided to basically die instead of getting the surgery, she would’ve pulled an Okafor, shrugged her shoulders and walked out to find the next case. Natalie was there to play up the narrative of why what Elsa was doing and HOW she was doing it was wrong but, in all honesty, when the fuck has anyone on this show gave the patients the respect of their autonomy? Especially Natalie, but maybe she’s learned from past? If she had than they should have had her mention it (like with the orthorexic mom).
But this isn’t about that; this is about making sure that no woman on Med dares to be the smartest one in the room and it will punish any of them that attempts to own it too. The men on the show play God all the time and aside from Will none of them have gotten the jilting or stern wake-up call to cool it like the women have. Too many of the women’s arcs on this show prove they are either frauds, or indecisive. I don’t think Elsa is either, and it’ll be hard for Dr. Charles to find mistakes she’s made because her personality type is A, and those types don’t make mistakes.
The last woman I’m going to mention is Ava. Oh, how the mighty have been dragged to the ground. Did anyone else catch the way her eyes slightly watered with rage when she talked about advocating for Connor for the hybrid surgery room. Yeah…I’m calling it, she fucked his dad. All so he could kick her out of the OR. This is not what I wanted out of this character and it’s a disservice if they want her to be a fully-fleshed out lead (which they don’t). Ava is a prop for Connor and it’s an unfair and sexist storyline I’m frankly tired of. Also, how is going from an OR scrub nurse to a Charge nurse a demotion? I did appreciate the little Maggie tidbit of history. Maybe that’s how she and Sharon became close. Anyway, this story was secondary only to the growing size of Connor’s ego. Boy I miss season one Connor. This douchebag is the worst.
Finally, was the Halsteads story. I enjoyed it for several reasons; mainly leaving the hospital. I loved all the little Irish bits of history and culture weaved into the memorial. That saying “May you be in heaven a half-hour before the devil knows your dead” still runs a chill down by my spine. But they brought a light-heartedness to it that I appreciated. I personally do not see Will giving up the venue for the wedding and it’ll end up being some messy crossover event that’ll split the Halstead brothers further…only time will tell.
I will say this; the episode was good but I’m not sure who is wearing the crown that holds the weight.
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aflawedfashion · 2 years
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Jordan & Dr. Cox | Scrubs 4x03
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angelsdean · 2 years
i know the whole reason mary likes john in the first place (according to 4x03) is that he’s the opposite of everything a hunter is and she wants nothing more than to get out of the life. so what if in the prequel...that’s exactly the reason the angels have to intervene? in the Real past (the one the prequel is presenting) john gets involved in the hunting world and is obsessed with learning abt his father’s past and carrying on his legacy. so what if, since mary wants out of the life, she doesn’t fall for john (who’s very adamant abt staying in the life) and instead she falls for someone else. someone normal. but, that’s not the way the story’s supposed to go! so the angels learn that they need to keep john in the dark abt hunting, need to make him the perfect, polished, goody-two-shoes kind of guy so mary’ll fall for him. they scrub john clean, reset the timeline, and we get the version of the past from spn 4x03. but, that porcelain doll john winchester is not who he Really is. he’s impulsive and obsessive and stubborn and selfish. and slowly bits and pieces of his true self break thru and that’s why they have a rocky relationship and their marriage was never perfect and they fight and john walks out on his family a few times. because he was never the perfect wholesome guy mary thought he was, he was just edited by the angels to make sure everything fell into place just right 
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aflawedfashion · 4 years
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Scrubs 4x03 - My New Game (2004)
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