spndystopiabang · 4 years
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Feathers On My Breath
Author: navajolovesdestiel
Artist: kuwlshadow
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: Drug use
The world following the apocalypse was a very different place than before. After Sam said yes to Lucifer, after he and Michael had fought the final battle, the angels won. They retreated to heaven after locking Lucifer away again, sealing heaven.
There were a few angels who were left behind, trapped forever on earth. Some humans had survived. They lived in small groups, foraging for food, medicine, necessities. But human beings are resilient. They prospered, grew in numbers as babies were born.
One thing they all had in common was their hatred of angels. If they ever trapped one it was swiftly put to death, or worse.
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hitthebooksposts · 4 years
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Bite The Hand That Feeds
Author: hit_the_books / @hitthebooksposts​ Artist: Anyrei / @anyreiart​ Rating: Explicit Ships: Castiel/Sam (Sastiel) Expected word count: 20k Major warnings and tags: Graphic depictions of violence Summary:
Two centuries ago, a great cataclysm hit the Earth. Monsters poured forth from a tear in reality, and the insidious energy from this rift turned much of the Earth into wasteland. Humans now survive in a handful of guarded megacities, like New Lawrence, while some live out in the wastes.
But what if there was a way to finally close the rift for good and save the Earth?
That’s what Castiel hopes when he happens upon Sam Winchester, a powerful psy—a human mutated by the energies of the rift.
Yet other psys have different plans. The cult of Azazel sees a newer, deadly future for the tear in the world and the rest of humanity.
Banding together with Sam’s brother Dean, Castiel and Sam set forth to heal the world once and for all, along with some help from old friends.
The Plan? Survive. Save the world. Fall in love.
Opening paragraph:
Eyes narrowing, Castiel glances around him before hurrying over to a human shaped bundle of rags that’s curled up to the side of what was once a highway. Dust streams past him and Castiel tries to keep his breathing under control, sucking in air through his filter mask as he approaches. His right hand hovers near the gun at his hip, while his left tenses its grip on the wooden staff he was leaning on.
Posting date:
May 1st 2020 for @spndystopiabang
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
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Bite The Hand That Feeds
Author: hit_the_books / @hitthebooksposts​ Artist: Anyrei / @anyreiart​ Rating: Explicit Ships: Castiel/Sam (Sastiel) Expected word count: 20k Major warnings and tags: Graphic depictions of violence Summary:
Two centuries ago, a great cataclysm hit the Earth. Monsters poured forth from a tear in reality, and the insidious energy from this rift turned much of the Earth into wasteland. Humans now survive in a handful of guarded megacities, like New Lawrence, while some live out in the wastes.
But what if there was a way to finally close the rift for good and save the Earth?
That’s what Castiel hopes when he happens upon Sam Winchester, a powerful psy—a human mutated by the energies of the rift.
Yet other psys have different plans. The cult of Azazel sees a newer, deadly future for the tear in the world and the rest of humanity.
Banding together with Sam’s brother Dean, Castiel and Sam set forth to heal the world once and for all, along with some help from old friends.
The Plan? Survive. Save the world. Fall in love.
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
Fields of Freja
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Title: Fields of Freja Author: Emblue_Sparks and tfw_cas (punk-is-notdead) Artist: shealynn88 Rating: Explicit Length: 65k+ Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester (Past Dean/Benny, Claire/Kaia, Sam/Eileen) Warnings: MCD (Dean only), Graphic Violence, Juvenile Soldiers, Juvenile Deaths
Summary: Bolivian-born Dean Winchester is a seasoned soldier, having served courageously in the rebellion against an immortal and tyrannical visionary. Yet his greatest fight begins the day his life ends. Dean awakens to a beautifully winged, albeit sardonic man, claiming him for Valhalla. Only problem: Like Helheim is he going. Not until Sam’s safe from the Bright One in New Lebanon, tech beacon of the broken world, resting within the arctic circle.
As the only male Valkyrie in existence, Castiel Sigurd is an outcast tasked with purpose, yet denied companionship. Called to claim the only soldier to refuse the honor of Valhalla, intrigue paints his otherwise colorless eternity. Castiel journeys with Dean to find Sam, who’s been lost to the winds for years. With nothing but a clue-filled journal and an oath to ascend upon ‘mission accomplished,’ Dean embarks on this last harrowing quest, experiencing adventure beyond his wildest fantasy and heart’s desire along the way.
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
SPN Dystopia Bang 2020 Master List
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The bang is over for 2020, but here are all the amazing stories and pieces of art that were created for this year.
Please do pay attention to tags and warnings below and when you click through. Also, please remember this is a multishipping friendly bang, and so the stories here are across a range of Supernatural ships.
You can also find all stories in this year's bang over on our AO3 Collection.
Title: Bite The Hand That Feeds Author: hit_the_books Artist: Anyrei Rating: Explicit Ships: Castiel/Sam (Sastiel) Expected word count: 20k Major warnings and tags: Graphic depictions of violence Summary:
Two centuries ago, a great cataclysm hit the Earth. Monsters poured forth from a tear in reality, and the insidious energy from this rift turned much of the Earth into wasteland. Humans now survive in a handful of guarded megacities, like New Lawrence, while some live out in the wastes.
But what if there was a way to finally close the rift for good and save the Earth?
That’s what Castiel hopes when he happens upon Sam Winchester, a powerful psy—a human mutated by the energies of the rift.
Yet other psys have different plans. The cult of Azazel sees a newer, deadly future for the tear in the world and the rest of humanity.
Banding together with Sam’s brother Dean, Castiel and Sam set forth to heal   the world once and for all, along with some help from old friends.
The Plan? Survive. Save the world. Fall in love. Link to story Link to art -
Title: I’m All Yours My Love Author: DWImpala67 Artist: EmmaTheSlayer Rating:  Mature Length: 33121 Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles Warnings: No Major Archives warning Apply Summary:
They live in a world where a love marriage was a taboo and more so for male carriers. Jared is one of them. His father has arranged for his marriage with Jensen Ackles, whom he doesn’t know from Adam. Unfortunately for him, he falls in love with another man. He’s happy and they keep it under wraps until they can seek Jared’s parents’ permission. But, his secret is exposed and his guy is sent packing and Jared is married off to Jensen Ackles forcefully to honor his family name. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to forget his first love and move on.
Jensen Ackles was a romantic. He always believed his married life would be one full of love and belonging, of togetherness. He took one look at his husband and fell hard and fast for him. His husband is the single most treasured and important person to him in the entire world. He’ll do  anything to make his husband happy. But what he gets instead is a husband who’s given his heart away already. So, Jensen decides to help his husband find his true love. Only, Jared has other ideas… Will Jared get his happily ever after? Or will they both find something to soothe their battered soul?
Link to fic: Archive Of Our Own Link to art: LiveJournal - Title: A Town Called Rhoda Author: smalltrolven Artist: MidnightSilver Rating: Explicit Length: 24,937 Pairings: Sam/Dean, (Dean/Original Binary Character) Warnings: Brief mentions of past torture, enslavement. Summary:
It’s the end of the world, and Dean believes Sam is gone along with the rest  of San Francisco. When the nukes began to fall they were separated by hundreds of miles, and now there’s no point. He tries his hardest to move on, living in a small town in the redwood forest of Northern California. This is the story of what happens when Sam eventually shows up after enduring an epic journey just to reach Dean.
Link to fic: LJ or AO3
Link to art: AO3 -
Title: Brother Take My Hand Author: MidnightSilver Artist: MissJenniferB Rating: Explicit Length: 40K Pairings: Sam/Dean Warnings: sentient animal sex (Sam and Dean are wolves), Sam is 17 at the start of the fic, attempted non con, Magical roofies, minor character death, canon level gore and violence (please read tags) Summary: All Sam has ever known is Yellow Eyes’ rule and life within the Pack, but he is sure there has to be more.
The young wolf questions everything he’s been taught. Why is he the only one fascinated by old ruins? Is human nature really so evil that it justifies using other creatures as slaves? And why can no one else see the benefits of using hands?
Dean loves Sam but he doesn’t have any answers. In fact he wishes Sam didn’t have so many questions.
On the summer equinox fate will force Sam to make some choices and Yellow Eyes is already showing far too much interest in him. So what will the young wolf do when he has to choose between the Pack and his conscience?
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Title: The Sounds of Hope Shall Never Fade Author: Hannah-deserved-better (Hannah_girl) Artist: Duck (majesticduxk) Rating: Mature Length: 14,215 Pairings: Hanstiel Squared (Castiel/Hannah/Castiel’s female vessel/Hannah’s male vessel) Warnings:  Abuse, torture, medical experimentation, attempted artificial   insemination, captivity, pregnancy, emotional trauma, psychological trauma, Evil!Sam, Evil!Dean, major character death (sort of) Summary: Castiel and Hannah fall into an alternate reality where they encounter their counterparts in this world. Castielle (Castiel’s female vessel) and Hana (Hannah’s male vessel) have endured decades of torment at the hands of these humans. Castiel and Hannah meet Sam and Dean, but these aren't the Sam and Dean they know. They are a twisted, cruel, uncaring version of their real-world counterparts and they see the angels and their powerhouse supply of angel grace as commodities. The Angels power their underground world after a comet strike destroyed life on the surface. Now, this small underground civilization, one of many all over the world, has running water, food, power, and other necessities all powered by angel grace. Sam and Dean will do whatever it takes to hold onto their four precious powerhouses, and have long since given up on caring about the comfort of their angelic captives. Castiel, Hannah, and their counterparts must endure endless medical experiments, painful grace extractions, and deplorable living conditions, and somehow they must find a way to survive because the future of heaven may hang in the balance.
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Title: When Worlds Collide Author: LilyAnson Artist: AnyRei Rating: General Length: 18500 Pairings: Mick Davies/Arthur Ketch, Matt Anderson/Hilary BeckerWarnings: No warnings really apply Summary:
Ketch is halfway across the country when the Croatoan virus break out. Worried about his boyfriend he races as fast as he can to find out if Mick is still alive or not. Upon arrival he finds something new. A strange, floating object, seemly made out of what appeared to be glass shards hovered nearby.
Matt is a traveler from the future bent and determined to save his world. If that means he has to use the people around him, so be it. That is, until he falls for one of his fellow teammates. Now he must decide whether or not saving the potential future is worth losing the one person he's ever loved.
Otherwise known as what happens when dinosaurs and the supernatural meet.
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Title: Fabulous Monsters Author: ellispark Artist: nickel Rating: Mature Length: 10k Pairings: Dean/Castiel Warnings: Canon-typical violence, references to torture and brainwashing, references to war crimes Summary:
It’s been a year since Dean last saw Castiel — a year since he was captured and reprogrammed by the angels, trained to be a torturer. When Charlie escapes the angels, she tells him Cas can still be saved.
Dean rushes to Cas’s rescue, unsure of what he’ll find. Will Cas be the loyal friend he lost, or the emotionless killer the angels turned him into?
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Title: WEDLOCKED Author: spnsmile Artist: oddsocksandstuff Rating: Explicit Length: 50k+ Pairings: Castiel/ Dean Winchester Warnings:  Noncon, graphic violence, torture... Summary:
Dean Winchester, the leader of the Southern Resistance, makes a decision to stay in the capital keeping his brother alive, meeting his new husband with a promise to never break.
Castiel Novak, a Skywalker, has just returned to Discordia from his trip to outer space. Trained by the best Capacitors from VOLTS, the paramilitary officers, he finds himself with a new mission— to connect with a rebel and transform him into a submissive member of the society.
Can Castiel convince Dean to stay by his side? Or will he turn against the society threatening Dean?
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Title: Feathers On My Breath Author: navajolovesdestiel Artist: kuwlshadow Rating: Explicit Pairing: Dean/Castiel Warnings: Drug use Summary: The world following the apocalypse was a very different place than before. After Sam said yes to Lucifer, after he and Michael had fought the final battle, the angels won. They retreated to heaven after locking Lucifer away again, sealing heaven.
There were a few angels who were left behind, trapped forever on earth. Some humans had survived. They lived in small groups, foraging for food, medicine, necessities. But human beings are resilient. They prospered, grew in numbers as babies were born.
One thing they all had in common was their hatred of angels. If they ever trapped one it was swiftly put to death, or worse.
Link to Fic
Link to Art
Title: Fields of Freja Author: Emblue_Sparks and tfw_cas (punk-is-notdead) Artist: shealynn88 Rating: Explicit Length: 65k+ Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester (Past Dean/Benny, Claire/Kaia, Sam/Eileen) Warnings: MCD (Dean only), Graphic Violence, Juvenile Soldiers, Juvenile Deaths Summary:
Bolivian-born Dean Winchester is a seasoned soldier, having served courageously in the rebellion against an immortal and tyrannical visionary. Yet his greatest fight begins the day his life ends. Dean awakens to a beautifully winged, albeit sardonic man, claiming him for Valhalla. Only problem: Like Helheim is he going. Not until Sam's safe from the Bright One in New Lebanon, tech beacon of the broken world, resting within the arctic circle.
As the only male Valkyrie in existence, Castiel Sigurd is an outcast tasked with purpose, yet denied companionship. Called to claim the only soldier to refuse the honor of Valhalla, intrigue paints his otherwise colorless eternity. Castiel journeys with Dean to find Sam, who's been lost to the winds for years. With nothing but a clue-filled journal and an oath to ascend upon 'mission accomplished,' Dean embarks on this last harrowing quest, experiencing adventure beyond his wildest fantasy and heart's desire along the way.
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Check out the SPN Dystopia Bang 2020 AO3 collection here!
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
A Town Called Rhoda
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Author: smalltrolven
Artist: MidnightSilver
Rating: Explicit
Length: 24,937
Pairings: Sam/Dean, (Dean/Original Binary Character)
Warnings: Brief mentions of past torture, enslavement.
Summary: It’s the end of the world, and Dean believes Sam is gone along with the rest of San Francisco. When the nukes began to fall they were separated by hundreds of miles, and now there’s no point. He tries his hardest to move on, living in a small town in the redwood forest of Northern California. This is the story of what happens when Sam eventually shows up after enduring an epic journey just to reach Dean.
Link to fic: LJ or AO3
Link to art: AO3
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spndystopiabang · 5 years
Artist sign ups are open for the SPN Dystopia Bang
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Author sign ups are now closed, but artists haven’t missed all the fun!
You can sign up here to join us as an artist for the end of the world as we know it.
For this bang, authors are expected to write a dystopian themed story of at least 10,000 words.
Artists are expected to complete at least one piece of accompanying art.
We have a new and improved schedule for this round, making it easier for authors and artists to complete their creations.
We have a clearer set of rules and FAQ for this round, to ensure you know what’s expected of you.
~ hit_the_books and enoliel
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spndystopiabang · 5 years
SPN Dystopia Bang 2020 sign ups now open
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The  2020 edition of the SPN Dystopia Bang (our fourth round) is now open for author, artist and beta reader sign ups!
For this bang, authors are expected to write a dystopian themed story of at least 10,000 words.
Artists are expected to complete at least one piece of accompanying art.
We have a new and improved schedule for this round, making it easier for authors and artists to complete their creations.
We have a clearer set of rules and FAQ for this round, to ensure you know what’s expected of you.
To sign up, please use the forms below
Authors sign up here - closes January 12th 2020
Artists sign up here - closes March 1st 2020
Beta readers sign up here
Any questions, please send us an ask.
~ hit_the_books and enoliel
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
SPN Dystopia Bang 2020 posting schedule
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Please note that the following dates, titles, word counts and warnings are subject to change...
Here's our schedule for May this year:
Bite the Hand That Feeds | Story: hit_the_books | Art: Anyrei | Sam/Cas | 20k | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
I'm All Yours My Love | Story: DWImpala67 | Art: EmmatheSlayer | Jared/Jensen, brief Jared/OMC | 32k | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: Authoritarian World, Arranged Marriage AU, Forced Marriage, Mild Mpreg!, Angst With A Happy Ending
A Town called Rhoda | Story: smalltroven | Art: MidnightSilver | Sam/Dean, Dean/OC | 17k | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: Brief mentions of torture, enslavement, Rape/Non-Con, branding
Brother Take my Hand | Story: MidnightSilver | Art: JenniferB | Sam/Dean, Attempted non con Ruby/Sam | 35k | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: Underage - Late teen sexual activity - sam is 17 at the start of the fic, Non Con - attempted non con, Magical roofies, sentient animal sex (Sam and Dean are wolves, heats and ruts but not ABO, Canon level violence and gore, minor character death, Slavery, Racism / prejudice, social injustice
The Sound of Hope Shall Never Fade | Story: Hannahgirl | Art: majesticduxk | Castiel/Hannah/Hana/Castielle (no Castiel/Castielle or Hannah/Hana pairings) | 15k | Rating: Mature | Warnings: Violence, torture, medical experiments, attempted forced breeding, major character death (sort of), Evil Sam, Evil Dean, pregnancy
When Worlds Collide | Story: LilyAnson | Art: Anyrei | SPN: Ketch/Mick, Primeval Matt/Becker | 10k |  Rating: General Audiences | Warnings: None
Fabulous Monsters | Story: Ellispark | Art: Nickel | Dean/Castiel | 10k | Rating: Mature | Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence (canon-level violence), a bit of body horror
WEDLOCKED | Story: Spnsmile | Art: Oddsocksandstuff | Dean/Castiel | 12k | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: Non-Con, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Feathers on my breath | Story: Navajolovesdestiel | Art: Kulshadow | 11k | Dean/Castiel | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: None
Fields of Freja | Story: Emblue_Sparks and tfw_Cas | Art: Shae | 75k | Dean/Castiel, past Dean/Benny, Sam/Eileen, Claire/Kaia | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: MCD(only Dean), canon violence, juvenile soldiers, juvenile deaths
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
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Author:  spnsmile
Artist: oddsocksandstuff
Rating: Explicit
Length: 50k+
Pairings: Castiel/ Dean Winchester
Warnings: Noncon, graphic violence, torture...
Dean Winchester, the leader of the Southern Resistance, makes a decision to stay in the capital keeping his brother alive, meeting his new husband with a promise to never break.
Castiel Novak, a Skywalker, has just returned to Discordia from his trip to outer space. Trained by the best Capacitors from VOLTS, the paramilitary officers, he finds himself with a new mission— to connect with a rebel and transform him into a submissive member of the society.
Can Castiel convince Dean to stay by his side? Or will he turn against the society threatening Dean?
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
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Title: Brother Take My Hand
Author: MidnightSilver
Artist: MissJenniferB
Rating: Explicit
Length: 40K
Pairings: Sam/Dean
Warnings: sentient animal sex (Sam and Dean are wolves), sam is 17 at the start of the fic, attempted non con, Magical roofies, minor character death, canon level gore and violence (please read tags)
Summary: All Sam has ever known is Yellow Eyes’ rule and life within the Pack, but he is sure there has to be more. The young wolf questions everything he’s been taught. Why is he the only one fascinated by old ruins? Is human nature really so evil that it justifies using other creatures as slaves? And why can no one else see the benefits of using hands? Dean loves Sam but he doesn’t have any answers. In fact he wishes Sam didn’t have so many questions. On the summer equinox fate will force Sam to make some choices and Yellow Eyes is already showing far too much interest in him. So what will the young wolf do when he has to choose between the Pack and his conscience? equinox fate will force Sam to make some choices and Yellow Eyes is already showing far too much interest in him. So what will the young wolf do when he has to choose between the Pack and his conscience?
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
I'm All Yours My Love
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Title: I’m All Yours My Love Author: DWImpala67 Artist: EmmaTheSlayer Rating:  Mature Length: 33121 Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles Warnings: No Major Archives warning Apply Summary: 
They live in a world where a love marriage was a taboo and more so for male carriers. Jared is one of them. His father has arranged for his marriage with Jensen Ackles, whom he doesn’t know from Adam. Unfortunately for him, he falls in love with another man. He’s happy and they keep it under wraps until they can seek Jared’s parents’ permission. But, his secret is exposed and his guy is sent packing and Jared is married off to Jensen Ackles forcefully to honor his family name. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to forget his first love and move on.
Jensen Ackles was a romantic. He always believed his married life would be one full of love and belonging, of togetherness. He took one look at his husband and fell hard and fast for him. His husband is the single most treasured and important person to him in the entire world. He’ll do anything to make his husband happy. But what he gets instead is a husband who’s given his heart away already. So, Jensen decides to help his husband find his true love. Only, Jared has other ideas…Will Jared get his happily ever after? Or will they both find something to soothe their battered soul?
Link to fic: Archives Of Our Own Link to art: LiveJournal
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
When Worlds Collide
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Title: When Worlds Collide Author: LilyAnson Artist AnyRei Rating: General Length: 18500 Pairings: Mick Davies/Arthur Ketch, Matt Anderson/Hilary Becker Warnings: No warnings really apply
Ketch is halfway across the country when the Croatoan virus break out. Worried about his boyfriend he races as fast as he can to find out if Mick is still alive or not. Upon arrival he finds something new. A strange, floating object, seemly made out of what appeared to be glass shards hovered nearby.
Matt is a traveler from the future bent and determined to save his world. If that means he has to use the people around him, so be it. That is, until he falls for one of his fellow teammates. Now he must decide whether or not saving the potential future is worth losing the one person he’s ever loved.
Otherwise known as what happens when dinosaurs and the supernatural meet.
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spndystopiabang · 5 years
SPN Dystopia Bang sign ups open December 1st!
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The 2020 edition of the SPN Dystopia Bang (our fourth round) will be opening for author, artist and beta reader sign ups from December 1st 2019.
For this bang, authors are expected to write a dystopian themed story of at least 10,000 words.
Artists are expected to complete at least one piece of accompanying art.
We have a new and improved schedule for this round, making it easier for authors and artists to complete their creations.
We have a clearer set of rules and FAQ for this round, to ensure you know what’s expected of you.
So watch this space and join us from December 1st.
~ hit_the_books and enoliel
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
That’s a wrap!
The 2020 round of SPN Dystopia Bang has posted its final story and art combo.
Thanks to everyone who’s taken part this year.
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We’ll have a masterpost available in the coming weeks.
~ hit_the_books and Enoliel
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spndystopiabang · 4 years
The Sounds of Hope Shall Never Fade
Title: The Sounds of Hope Shall Never Fade Author: Hannah-deserved-better (Hannah_girl) Artist: Duck (majesticduxk) Rating: Mature Length: 14,215 Pairings: Hanstiel Squared (Castiel/Hannah/Castiel’s female vessel/Hannah’s male vessel) Warnings: Abuse, torture, medical experimentation, attempted artificial insemination, captivity, pregnancy, emotional trauma, psychological trauma, Evil!Sam, Evil!Dean, major character death (sort of)
Castiel and Hannah fall into an alternate reality where they encounter their counterparts in this world. Castielle (Castiel’s female vessel) and Hana (Hannah’s male vessel) have endured decades of torment at the hands of these humans. Castiel and Hannah meet Sam and Dean, but these aren’t the Sam and Dean they know. They are a twisted, cruel, uncaring version of their real world counterparts and they see the angels, and their powerhouse supply of angel grace as commodities. The Angels power their underground world after a comet strike destroyed life on the surface. Now, this small underground civilization, one of many all over the world, has running water, food, power, and other necessities all powered by angel grace. Sam and Dean will do what ever it takes to hold onto their four precious power houses, and have long since given up on caring about the comfort of their angelic captives. Castiel, Hannah, and their counterparts must endure endless medical experiments, painful grace extractions, and deplorable living conditions, and somehow they must find a way to survive because the future of heaven may hang in the balance.
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