ironicsoap · 1 year
important compilation
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faceeeeee · 3 months
My scrawny ass is asking to hug syringeon or either Slow seline.
(just an ask lmao /nf)
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This made me want to make a chart of which characters are more huggable……..*lightbulb appears*
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kazel-04 · 3 months
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SeaLine yeah baby!
Another Oc, old fembot in past work as popular model, then she got a job in the elite guard as an ordinary office worker (the idea is that the elite guard is a type of office that takes care of paperwork and everything important in the building)
In comparison, her age is equivalent to the years of Ultra Magnus, maybe a little older
Unlike StarBlast, there is no fancy plot, this character is just for fun and story about love old bots ;)
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xandriagreat · 9 months
Modern Nimona
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techranova · 1 year
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Sealin' good this summer
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charichoardfag-3 · 12 days
A label for someone who has or wishes to have the body of a nurse shark
Coined for our Birthday Coining Event - Day 10 theme is Nurse Sharks or Beauty or An Attraction Label
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nomadbikemonologue · 1 year
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healtcare · 2 months
Dine at Al Odaid Restaurant, Sealine Beach Qatar - A Culinary Oasis
Experience a gourmet dining journey at Al Odaid Restaurant, Sealine Beach, Qatar. Savor a diverse menu of international and local flavors, all set against the stunning backdrop of the Arabian Gulf. Perfect for a memorable meal with family or friends
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nourinismail · 3 months
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The Trusted Online Leak Sealing Services in UAE
Online leak sealing process reduces operational costs associated with system shutdown. It is a safe, reliable and effective technique to repair pipelines. Get trusted Online Leak Sealing Services from the leading leak sealing service provider in uae.
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sealineproductsno · 3 months
Gjør dine reiser enda bedre med disse praktiske ullsokkene: Komfort på farten uansett hvor du går
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Når du tenker på essensielle reiseartikler, kan ullsokker kanskje virke som en uventet helt. Men for alle som har opplevd ubehaget av kalde føtter eller gnagsår på lange reiser, vet hvor mye et par gode sokker kan bety. Ullsokker er ikke bare for vintereventyr; de er en multifunksjonell følgesvenn som kan forbedre reiseopplevelsen din i alle klima og under alle forhold. Her skal vi utforske hvorfor ullsokker er den ultimate reisepartneren, og hvordan de kan løfte komforten din til nye høyder.
1. Ullsokker: Mer enn bare varme
Ull er et naturmateriale med bemerkelsesverdige egenskaper, perfekt tilpasset behovene til reisende. Ullens naturlige fiber hjelper med å regulere kroppstemperaturen, holde føttene varme i kaldt vær og overraskende kjølige når det er varmt. Sealine products--. Dette skyldes ullens evne til å absorbere og frigjøre fuktighet, som hjelper med å opprettholde en behagelig mikroklima rundt føttene dine.
2. Ullens superkrefter: Absorbering og lufting
En av de største fordelene med ullsokker på reise er deres evne til å absorbere svette og fuktighet. Ull kan absorbere opptil 30% av sin egen vekt i fuktighet uten å føles våt. Dette betyr at selv på en lang flytur eller en intens sightseeingdag i byen, vil føttene dine forbli tørre og komfortable. Dessuten er ull naturlig lukthemmende, noe som betyr at du kan bære sokkene flere dager på rad uten å bekymre deg for dårlig lukt.
3. Ullsokker som et lag med beskyttelse
Under reiser, spesielt de som involverer mye gange, kan gnagsår og blærer raskt sette en demper på opplevelsen. Ullsokker gir en ekstra beskyttelse mot friksjon og trykk, og reduserer risikoen for irritasjoner på huden. De polstrede egenskapene til tykkere ullsokker fungerer også som en buffer mellom foten og skoen, noe som gir økt komfort.
4. Holdbarhet og lettstelt
Ullsokker er utrolig slitesterke, noe som gjør dem til et ideelt valg for reisende. De tåler mye bruk og er enkle å ta vare på. De fleste ullsokker kan vaskes i maskin og tørker relativt raskt, noe som er praktisk når du er på farten og ikke har tid til å håndtere spesielle vaskeinstruksjoner.
5. Ullsokker for alle typer eventyr
Enten du er en urban utforsker eller en vandrer i villmarken, finnes det ullsokker tilpasset ethvert miljø. Tynne ullsokker passer perfekt under pene sko for en dag i byen, mens tykke, polstrede varianter er ideelle for turer i røft terreng. Ullsokker kommer også i mange ulike design og farger, slik at de kan være en stilig del av reisegarderoben din.
6. En investering i reisekomfort
Mens ullsokker kan være dyrere enn andre typer sokker, er deres lange levetid og de mange fordelene de tilbyr, verdt investeringen. Ved å velge ullsokker sikrer du en reiseopplevelse der komfort ikke kompromisseres, uansett hvor du går eller hva du gjør.
Å pakke smart betyr å forberede seg på alle eventualiteter, og inkludere et par ullsokker i bagasjen din kan spille en større rolle i din generelle reisekomfort enn du kanskje forventer. Fra lange flyreiser til utforskning av nye byer, sikrer ullsokker at føttene dine alltid er komfortable, tørre og klare for neste eventyr. Glem ikke å legge et par (eller to) i kofferten neste gang du forbereder deg på å reise!
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sealinepsno · 3 months
De Mest Sjarmerende Og Sikkerhetsbevisste Flytedressene For Barn
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Å finne den perfekte flytedressen for barn kan være en utfordring for mange foreldre. Det er viktig at dressen ikke bare er søt og fargerik, men også at den oppfyller strenge sikkerhetskrav for å beskytte barna under vannaktiviteter. Her er en guide til de mest sjarmerende og sikkerhetsbevisste flytedressene for barn, som kombinerer stil, komfort og sikkerhet.
1. UV-Beskyttelse og Flyteegenskaper i Ett
En av de mest populære modellene på markedet er flytedresser som tilbyr både UV-beskyttelse og flyteegenskaper. Disse dressene er designet for å beskytte barnets hud mot skadelige UV-stråler samtidig som de gir nødvendig flytekomfort. De fleste av disse modellene har også innebygde flyteputer som sørger for at barnet holder seg oppreist i vannet, noe som gir ekstra trygghet for foreldrene.
Anbefalt modell: "SunSafe Flytedress" – Denne dressen er laget av et lett og fleksibelt materiale som gir god bevegelsesfrihet. Den har også UPF 50+ UV-beskyttelse og myke flyteputer som kan tas ut for enkel vask og vedlikehold.
2. Fargerike og Morsomme Designs
Barn elsker å være fargerike, og det samme gjelder for flytedresser. Moderne flytedresser kommer i et bredt spekter av farger og morsomme mønstre som pirrer fantasien til de minste. Alt fra dinosaurer og sjødyr til fargerike blomster og stjerner – mulighetene er nesten uendelige.
Anbefalt modell: "AquaFun Splash" – Denne flytedressen har et flott delfin-motiv med livlige farger som både tiltrekker og underholder barna. Den er laget med høy kvalitet på både materialer og design, og gir optimal bevegelsesfrihet.
3. Ergonomisk Design for Maksimal Komfort
En god flytedress skal ikke bare være søt, men også ergonomisk utformet for å gi barnet den beste komforten. Dette inkluderer justerbare stropper, myke sømmer og et materiale som puster godt. Det er også viktig at dressen er enkel å ta av og på, slik at barnets bevegelsesfrihet ikke begrenses.
Anbefalt modell: "ComfortWave Pro" – Med ergonomiske stropper og et pustende, hurtigtørkende materiale, er denne dressen ideell for lange dager ved vannet. Den har også en innebygd, justerbar flytevest som gir ekstra sikkerhet.
4. Sikkerhetsfunksjoner og Godkjente Materialer
Sikkerheten er selvfølgelig det viktigste. Alle flytedresser bør være godkjent i henhold til gjeldende sikkerhetsstandarder, som EN ISO 12402 for flytedresser. Det er også viktig å sjekke at materialene er fri for skadelige stoffer og at dressen er fri for små deler som kan utgjøre en kvelningsfare.
Anbefalt modell: "SafeSwim Elite" – Denne modellen er sertifisert med EN ISO 12402-sertifisering og er laget av slitesterkt, miljøvennlig neoprenmateriale. Den har også refleksdetaljer for økt synlighet i vannet, noe som er perfekt for solrike dager ved sjøen.
5. Enkel Vedlikehold og Langvarig Bruk
En praktisk regatta flytedress er en som er enkel å vedlikeholde. Se etter modeller som tåler maskinvask og tørker raskt. Dette gjør det lettere å holde dressen ren og klar til neste badeaktivitet.
Anbefalt modell: "DryQuick Adventure" – Denne flytedressen har en spesiell vannavstøtende coating som gjør at den tørker på rekordtid. Den er også lett å vaske, noe som sparer tid for de travle foreldrene.
Å velge den rette flytedressen for barn innebærer en balanse mellom stil, komfort og sikkerhet. Med de rette funksjonene og designene, kan du sikre at ditt barn får en trygg og morsom opplevelse ved vannet. Fra UV-beskyttelse og ergonomisk design til livlige farger og enkle vedlikehold, de anbefalte flytedressene her vil garantert møte både dine og barnets forventninger. Sørg for å investere i kvalitet og sikkerhet, slik at barna kan nyte sommeren uten bekymringer!
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sealineproductsnoblog · 3 months
Øyebolter: Den Essensielle Koblingen i Industriell Verden
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Øyebolter er små, men avgjørende komponenter som spiller en viktig rolle i en rekke industrielle og konstruksjonsapplikasjoner. Disse beskjedne enhetene har en imponerende evne til å være den vitale forbindelsen som sikrer at ulike elementer kan løftes, festes eller kobles sammen på en pålitelig måte. Denne artikkelen vil utforske bruken av øyebolter og deres betydning i ulike sektorer.
Hva er Øyebolter?
Øyebolter er en type festeanordning som består av en skrue med en løkkeformet øyeformet ring i den ene enden. Denne øyeformen gir en praktisk punkt for å feste kroker, tau, kabler eller annet utstyr. Øyebolter kommer i ulike størrelser, materialer og konfigurasjoner for å imøtekomme forskjellige behov og krav.
Bruksområder i Industri og Konstruksjon:
Løfting og Sikring: Øyebolter er ofte brukt som løftepunkter for å heve og flytte tunge gjenstander. De gir en pålitelig festepunkt for kraner, løfteutstyr og annet materiale som krever nøyaktig posisjonering og stabil støtte.
Maritime Applikasjoner: I maritime sektorer brukes øyebolter for å sikre utstyr, last og annet gods om bord på skip. Deres robuste design og korrosjonsbestandighet gjør dem ideelle for miljøer med høy luftfuktighet og saltvann.
Bygg og Anlegg: Øyebolter spiller en vesentlig rolle i bygg- og anleggsprosjekter, hvor de brukes til å feste og sikre forskjellige strukturer. Dette inkluderer alt fra å feste stålkonstruksjoner til å fungere som feste for sikkerhetslinjer på byggeplasser.
Transport og Logistikk: I transportsektoren brukes øyebolter for sikker lasting og lossing av last. De gir et pålitelig punkt for festing av stropper eller kjettinger for å sikre lasten under transport.
Materialer og Design:
Øyebolter fra Sealine er tilgjengelige i ulike materialer som rustfritt stål, karbonstål og legeringer avhengig av bruksområdet. Deres design varierer også, fra enkle øyebolter for lett belastning til mer komplekse varianter som er konstruert for å takle tung industriell bruk.
Øyebolter, til tross for sin beskjedne størrelse, er en uunnværlig komponent i industriell og konstruksjonsverdenen. Deres allsidighet, styrke og pålitelighet gjør dem til en essensiell del av forskjellige sektorer, og de fortsetter å spille en viktig rolle i å sikre trygg og effektiv håndtering av materialer og utstyr. Derfor bør man ikke undervurdere betydningen av disse små, men kraftfulle festeanordningene i dagens komplekse og stadig utviklende industrielle landskap.
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sealinepnowebs · 4 months
Bevar Fangsten: Vakumeringsmaskiner for Jegere og Fiskere
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For mange jegere og fiskere er det å få en god fangst en kombinasjon av ferdigheter, tålmodighet og litt flaks. Når man endelig har fått storfangsten, enten det er hjort, laks, eller torsk, blir neste steg å bevare kjøttet slik at det holder seg ferskt og smakfullt så lenge som mulig. En av de mest effektive måtene å gjøre dette på, er ved bruk av en vakumeringsmaskin. I denne artikkelen skal vi se nærmere på hvordan vakumeringsmaskiner kan være en uvurderlig ressurs for jegere og fiskere.
Hva er en vakumeringsmaskin?
En vakumeringsmaskin er en enhet som fjerner luft fra plastposer før de forsegles, og dermed skaper en vakuumforseglet pakke. Sealine Products har vakumeringsmaskiner. Dette reduserer mengden oksygen som er i kontakt med maten, noe som forsinker oksidering og veksten av bakterier. Resultatet er at maten holder seg fersk mye lenger enn med tradisjonelle oppbevaringsmetoder som frysing i plastposer eller beholdere.
Fordeler med vakumeringsmaskiner
Lang holdbarhet: Vakumeringsmaskiner kan forlenge holdbarheten til kjøtt og fisk betydelig. Ferskt kjøtt kan vanligvis oppbevares i fryseren i opptil 6 måneder, men med vakuumforsegling kan det vare opptil 2-3 år uten å miste kvaliteten.
Bevaring av smak og tekstur: Ved å fjerne luften forhindres fryseskader og oksidasjon, noe som betyr at kjøttet eller fisken beholder sin naturlige smak og tekstur når det tines og tilberedes.
Plassbesparende: Vakuumforseglet mat tar opp mindre plass i fryseren. Posene kan stables eller organiseres på en mer effektiv måte enn vanlige plastposer eller beholdere.
Økonomisk: Ved å kunne oppbevare fangsten lenger uten at den blir dårlig, minsker man matsvinn og får mer ut av innsatsen og kostnadene forbundet med jakt og fiske.
Hvordan bruke en vakumeringsmaskin
Prosessen med å bruke en vakumeringsmaskin er enkel:
Forbered maten: Skjær kjøttet eller fisken i passende porsjoner. Tørk overflatene for å fjerne overflødig fuktighet.
Fyll posene: Plasser porsjonene i spesielle vakuumposer. Pass på at åpningen på posen er ren og tørr for å sikre en god forsegling.
Vakumer og forsegle: Sett posens åpning i maskinen, lukk lokket og start vakumeringsprosessen. Maskinen vil fjerne luften og forsegle posen automatisk.
Merk og oppbevar: Skriv dato og innhold på posene med en permanent markør før de legges i fryseren.
Tips for jegere og fiskere
Bruk solide poser: Invester i poser av høy kvalitet som er designet for vakuumforsegling. Billige poser kan lett revne eller miste forseglingen.
Forhåndsfrys vått kjøtt: For kjøtt med mye fuktighet, kan det være lurt å forhåndsfryse porsjonene i 1-2 timer før vakumering. Dette forhindrer at væske trekkes inn i forseglingen.
Lag porsjoner: Pakk fangsten i porsjoner som passer til måltider. Dette gjør det lettere å tine akkurat det du trenger, og unngår å måtte gjenforsegle rester.
For jegere og fiskere som ønsker å maksimere verdien av sin fangst, er en vakumeringsmaskin et uvurderlig verktøy. Ved å beskytte mot fryseskader, forlenge holdbarheten og bevare smaken, kan man nyte fersk og smakfull mat lenge etter at fangsten er brakt hjem. Med enkle steg og litt forberedelse kan du sikre at ditt harde arbeid i naturen gir de beste resultatene på matbordet.
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xandriagreat · 1 year
Modern Nimona
Chapter 13: Breaking Down
First chapter | Last chapter | Next chapter
Notice/warnings: betrayal, hurt/pain, realization, kissing, screaming, angst
*A week later, at night*
Meredith and Nimona challenge each other in a video game while Ballister gets snacks from the kitchen.
"Oh ho ho! You are going down, Nimona!" Meredith said, trying to beat her in her red car in the game. "You can't beat me at this level, for I'm a master of this!"
“We’ll see!” Nimona commented, trying to win with her yellow car in the game.
Ballister noticed that Nimona was a bit red as the two played. "Remember to not burn the tv." Ballister said, walking over with snacks. "Or catch it on fire." Meredith corrected, as she was distracted as Nimora beat them.
The next thing that the grownups knew was that Nimona won.
"Darn it." Meredith said in defeat, placing their controller on the table and standing up to walk to calm down.
“Yes!!!” Nimona exclaimed, jumping up from her seat and doing a victory dance.
Ballister chuckled as he got a chip from the snack bowl.
"Did you cheat on this game or something?" Meredith asked, looking down at her.
“Nope!” Nimona said, still doing her victory dance.
Meredith recheck.
It was an extra arm holding the console
"I knew it!" Meredith laughed, pointing at the extra arm and console.
Ballister had his hand out and said, "Come on Nimona. You know the rule."
"No cheating." Nimona said, mocking him in his voice as she gave him the console. Meredith laughed a little at her impression of Ballister, who was glaring.
"Cut it out." Ballister warned, glaring at both of them. Meredith and Nimona stopped and looked at him.
Then Meredith looked at the time while Nimona gave Ballister the controller.
It was 10:30 PM.
"Well… It's getting late. You should get some rest" Meredith said, looking at Nimona. "Look at the time."
It was getting late.
"Come on, just one more hour." Nimora said, acting energetic but then yawned a bit.
“Come on, Nimona. It’s time for bed.” Ballister said, getting up from his seat and turned the tv off.
“Alright, dad!” Nimona chuckled, going to get herself ready for bed.
Meredith was surprised when Nimona called Ballister 'dad' as Nimona left the room.
"She called you dad." she said, looking at Ballister. They noticed Ballister’s face looked surprised in shock. “You ok, Bal?” Meredith asked, looking worried. “I… Yeah. I’m ok.” Ballsiter said, nodding and getting up.
The two grownups started getting up and fixed the couch for Nimona to sleep. They were quiet for a bit as they did that.
"Bal, do you remember the story that Nimona told us about her past?” Meredith asked, breaking the silence while fluffing a pillow.
Ballister nodded as he put the blanket down. “Yes. What about it?”
“I noticed the story on the subway didn't make any sense, apart from the well, since there’s a well near the wall." Meredith started, placing the pillow down. "Of course the lab rat part seems familiar."
“Nimona didn’t mention being a lab rat.” Ballister said, picking up the snack bowl and went to the kitchen.
Meredith followed him and got to her lab. "I mean from the new newspaper headlines and articles." Meredith said, getting another article about the breakout from her lab.
Ballister looked at her when he got into the kitchen.
"I was trying to connect her story and this." Meredith said, placing the newspaper on the kitchen table.
“Let’s not jump to conclusions, ok?” Ballister said, looking down at the article and then looked at Meredith.
But then his mind starts to wonder.
It was about everything for the past ten years, Ambrosius, the adventures with Nimona and Meredith, Gloreth, and wondering if there were other shapeshifters.
Meredith noticed.
"Is it about Goldenloin?" Meredith asked, getting a chip from the bowl and then ate it.
“Yeah… and Nimona.” Ballister sighed, looking down.
Meredith walked over to him and asked, “Want to talk about it?”
Ballister nodded.
"Come on, Bal." Meredith said, "Spit it out."
“Do you think that there are shapeshifters?” Ballister asked, getting a chip and eating it. “And if so, where are they? Beyond the wall?”
Meredith thought about it as she ate some chips before saying, “That’s an interesting thought. It would explain some of the sounds from beyond the wall.”
Ballister nodded. “Yep. I wonder if we'll confront Nimona’s family beyond the wall.”
"But I don't know if we can confront her about family or others like her yet." Meredith said, putting the snacks away. "She might be mad and get triggered, but I think parts of the story like, how on earth did she ever had a single mother who had to work but didn't have any records of her."
“Agreed. But let's be slow and wait when she’s ready.” Ballister hummed, nodding.
"Yeah, good point." Meredith said, pointing at Ballister.
Nimora begins shapeshifting her hair back to purple after taking a shower and dressed when she stumbles upon Ballister's office.
She thought she took a quick peek.
She wanted to read a book. 'If I was Ballister, where would I put a book?' she thought as she tried to open the door.
It was locked and authorized by his handprint.
Nimona hummed as she shapeshifted into Ballister and put her handprints on the lock.
It was now open.
She looked at his shelves as she looked around the room.
Though she wasn't usually in school due to her past, she secretly wanted to read (though when Meredith talked about education since the first time they met she was just too stubborn to say she's in denial).
She looked around the shelves until she noticed something on a desk. Nimona looked at them and her eyes widened.
There on the desk was the scroll of her ancestor and the article of her.
She looks at it in fear and anger, not knowing how long she was there until she heard the door open.
“Nimona!” Ballister exclaimed in surprise when he came in. Meredith came along too and was surprised. "What are you doing here?!" Meredith asked, but noticed the scroll and article.
The grownups and teen looked at the scroll and article before looking at each other.
"Please Let us explai-" Meredith started but was cut off by Nimona shouting, “How long have you had these?! How long did you two know?!”
The grownups looked at each other, both worried about this. "A week or so." Meredith answered, rubbing the back of their neck. "But it's not what it looks like."
Nimona glared at both of them before pointing at the scroll and article, saying, “What it looks like is that someone gave you the bad side of history instead of telling both sides of the stories.”
"Nimona…" Meredith said trying to reach out to Nimona but Nimona ran out and jumped out the door.
“Nimona!” Ballister and Meredith shouted after her, started to run after her after getting their coats and something to protect themselves. Meredith got her jetpack on as they ran.
Meredith and Ballister got the things ready to protect themselves as they went out.
“Nimona!” they shouted after her as they left the hideout.
But then a bright light shined on both of them after they ran about half a mile.
It was revealed to be Thaddeus and the police.
"Well, well, well…" Thaddeus chuckled darkly, looking at them. "You're out in the open."
Ballister gasped before looking at Meredith and ordered, “Meredith run!”
"Don't worry, I'll get help!" Meredith said they got their jetpack working. She flew up as the officers grabbed Ballister.
Nimora shape-shifted to a wolf and ran far and far away as fast as she could.
She was crying as she ran.
Nimona stopped running when she got to the wall, looking out to the city. She gasped when she saw a well. “Oh no…” Nimona breathed as she remembered her past.
A young Nimora and her mother sneak out of the lab and shapeshift around the woods just for a while, to be themselves and catch a breather. 
It had already been a year since she and her mother were caught and brought in for testing.
They were treated terribly by the scientists and sneaked out when they could.
They were in the woods a bit aways from the lab.
“Ok, honey. Mama is going to get some food, ok?” her mother told her. Nimona nodded and watched as her mother went off to get some food.
But as she waited, she saw in the distance a young girl, around Nimona’s age, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles, playing with stones and being happy by herself playing by the well.
Nimona slowly walked over to the girl but still was hiding. She didn’t know where she was stepping as she stepped on a twig and it snapped it, which got the girl’s attention and looked at her.
The girl slowly walked over to Nimona. “Hi there.” she said, smiling at her.
Nimona almost backed away in fear when the girl got close to her. “H-hi.” Nimora said nervously.
“Hey, it’s ok.” said the girl, who gave Nimona a rock and helped her walk out of her hiding place with a smile. “Want to play with me?”
Nimona was unsure but nodded a yes and Nimona tried to throw a rock but it just landed at her feet.
The girl giggled and explained, “That’s not how you throw.” Then the girl taught her to throw and the two girls played.
“What’s your name?” Nimona asked at one point, looking at the girl. 
"Gloria," the girl said, looking at her with a smile, "yours?"
Nimona was about to speak when her mother found her. "Nimona, there you are!" she called out before looking at the girl.
Gloria looked at Nimona’s mother with wide eyes.
"Who was this girl?" Nimora's mother asked, pointing at Gloria in worry in her voice.
"Her name is Gloria." Nimona said, smiling and holding Gloria's hand.
"Well, nice to meet you Gloria." her mother said in a softer tone, smiling softly at her.
Nimona begins sneaking off, so does Gloria. They begin being close friends in secret, going to their favorite hiding place in the woods, having fun at the playground near the woods, playing knights and soldiers and cowboys, and sometimes sleeping into the woods.
At age 7, Gloria was struggling to get an apple out of the tree. When the little girl was about to give up, Nimona shapeshifted into a little bird in front of her for the first time, which Gloria was amazed by. 
Nimona gave Gloria the apple as she shapeshifted back to little girl self. “I’m so sorry! I should have remembered that you’re human… ” Nimona apologized in worry. “Please don’t be mad-!” 
“That was amazing!” Gloria exclaimed, holding the apple in one hand and holding Nimona’s hand. “How did you do that?!”
Nimona looked at Gloria in surprise but then smiled. “Well, it’s more like what I’m feeling or I think of what I want to shift into.” she explained, giggling.
Of course Gloria kept that a secret between them and the relationship started to get stronger and stronger.
This relationship went on for almost nine years.
Then on Gloria's 15th birthday, they snuck out to the biggest skyscraper in the city looking around. 
Gloria has changed with her now long blonde hair floating into the wind, wearing a beautiful white dress, light blue leggings, and brown flats laughing and having a good time, holding onto a line of the tower. 
Nimora had a pink hair in a Chelsea haircut, a magenta tunic over a large red T-shirt, black cargo pants, crimson red socks, and light pink and cherry red Velcro sneakers she got it from Gloria on her birthday last month.
"Glad I suggested sneaking into the skyscraper on your birthday then a boring party." Nimona jokes with a smile.
Gloria chuckled softly and held her hand. Nimora blushed softly, rubbing her hand gently as they sat down.
“I love you, Nimona.” Gloria said softly, smiling softly at her.
Nimona blushed red, even though she would have gotten used to it by now. "I love you too, Gloria." Nimona said, smiling softly.
They have been secretly dating for almost 6 months now.
Nimona poker her lips and nervousness, about to say something to her… but then the next thing she knew Gloria kissed her on the lips.
That caught Nimona off guard but she kissed her back.
They are in love.
But it seems that the time is almost sundown and everyone might be worrying.
"Looks like we have to get out of here." Gloria said as they left. But when they got to the streets, Gloria gasped when she had an idea. 
“What’s on your mind?” Nimona asked, facing her. 
"What if we run away together?" Gloria asked, smiling.
"W-What?" Nimona asked, very lightened and surprised in her voice.
"We can start a new life together, over that wall." Gloria said, pointing at the wall. “I want to explore and have an adventure with you. So, what do you say?”
Nimona smiled as hugged her and exclaimed, “Yes! I would love to!”
"What are we waiting for?!" Gloria exclaimed. "We should tell your mom!"
Nimona’s smile fades a bit and sighed, “My mom is gone… just last week.”
"Oh… I’m so sorry…" Gloria said sadly. "What happened in the lab? If you don’t mind."
“She was shocked for not ‘following’ the rules…” Nimona said, almost close to crying.
"My God, that's horrible." Gloria said, holding her hand before squeezing it gently. "That's it! WE are leaving together TONIGHT!"
Gloria begins packing up all her essentials needed to get over the wall as well as some food. She's stolen from the pantry to last them days, with Nimona waiting outside.
Gloria climb out of the window with a ladder 
"Ready?" Gloria asked, adjusting her hood.
Nimona nodded excitedly and held her hand out to her.
Gloria smiled and held her hand as they both ran to the wall.
Unfortunately It was pretty high.
Nimona shapeshifted into an eagle in order to fly them out of here, at first it was completely successful as they saw the outside of the wall for the first time.
It was beautiful. The river was beautiful and shining in the moonlight and the moonlight shone so brightly and there were thousands of stars, along with beautiful trees and grass.
Nimona landed and shapeshifted back to herself.
She looked at Gloria, who looked shocked while looking at the new surroundings.
"Gloria, you ok?" Nimona asked, looking at Gloria.
"W-we're…FREE! We're finally free!" Gloria said, grabbing Nimona by the waist and laughing. "Look at this! It's amazing!"
Nimona laughed and hugged Gloria back as Gloria spun around as they fell to the ground. They both laughed softly and got up when they realized that they were free at last.
But it didn't last very long as they noticed a flashlight pointing towards them.
"Run!" Gloria yelled, grabbing her girlfriend's hand and along with the bag. They begin running as the alert sounds start rolling and helicopters fly up above to catch them.
They begin running to the woods trying as fast as they can, They found a hiding spot.
Nimona can still remember the loud sounds of the helicopter and the bright lights as they were catching them as she began to cover her ears.
Then the next thing she knew was that she got shocked and was paralyzed her.
Nimona was breathing heavily in fear as she started to pass out after getting more shocked.
☆back to flashback☆
They held onto each other, hoping they wouldn't get caught.
They began catching their breath.
“Gloria… I’m so sorry about this…” Nimona said sadly. “They’re after me…”
“They’re after me too…” Gloria said after a while.
Nimona looked at her in a bit of surprise.
They begin to check if they are safe.
There are more officers, searching for them.
"We need to go." Nimona whispers.
They try to run trying to go further and further.
But then they were caught by officers and were grabbed.
"Let us go!" Gloria said, trying to break free from the officer's grasp.
"Well, well, running away from your family aren't you, Gloria?" Said a voice, which revealed to be the new director-in-training, Ynonne. The new director-in-training with straight long hair in a ponytail reaching her waist, and in a military uniform, with a smirk.
"You…" Gloria breathed in fear and anger.
She was then hit in the stomach and fell to her knees.
"GLORIA!" Nimona yelled in terror. She took down the guards holding her and was about to attack but was caught in the electrical net, shocking her so much until it was about to kill her.
“Nimona!” Gloria exclaimed in worry, trying to get to her but was still being held back.
Then Ynonne cleared her throat, getting Gloria’s attention.
"We’ll forget about your runaway from the city and everything goes back to normal, with you back with your family and this monster back with the lab… or we will do this to your lover until she’s dead." Ynonne said, looking down at Gloria.
Gloria looked at Nimora in terror as the shapeshifter kept on being shocked repeatedly. “Fine!” she shouted at Yvonne. “But at least let me say goodbye to her… please…”
Yvonne rolled her eyes but nodded and raised her hand to signal the guards to stop shocking.
Gloria walked over to her girlfriend, who was panting heavily.
Nimona began to blackout as Gloria got the net off of her and held her hand and left with her last word to her girlfriend, “Don't forget me…”
☆present time☆
Meredith got to the address of Dr. Ocean Sealine's place and arrived there.
She took a deep breath and began knocking on a wooden door. “Dr. Sealine!” they exclaimed as she knocked.
Ocean opened the door as he adjusted his goggles over his eyes, wearing green pajamas.
"Sorry to disturb you at this late hour." Meredith said, looking at him, ignoring that Ocean was in his pajamas. "But I believe you remember me?"
“Oh yes! Margo!” Ocean exclaimed, smiling at her.
“Well…it's actually Meredith.”
“Oh! Well, want to come inside?” Ocean asked, stepping to the side so Meredith could come in.
She nodded and looked around his place as they walked inside. It was a bit cluttered but a bit clean.
"Do you like Earl Grey or Oolong tea?" Ocean asked as he entered the kitchen "Although I have tea in a couple options, I also have some coffee or water or milk or orange juice. Please take a seat."
Meredith had a deep love of both Earl Grey and Oolong teas.
"Maybe a mix of Earl Grey and Oolong please." Meredith said, sitting down on the couch.
"I'll try." Ocean said, nodding and starting to make the tea.
While she was waiting for her tea, she looked at the research Ocean made.
One was of Gloreth's monster.
Almost like the one she had given from Goldinloin. "Hey, Ocean?" they called out, looking at Ocean.
"Yes?" Ocean replied, looking at Meredith from the kitchen.
"Do you know anything about shapeshifting and Gloreth?" she asked, pointing at the photo.
"Yes, I do." Ocean said, walking over with the tea.
"Mind telling me?" Meredith asked, taking the tea.
Ocean nodded and sat down next to her. "Well, the story of Gloreth and her monster is incorrect. Gloreth wasn't a grown woman but a child when she faced her monster. They started off as friends but then became enemies when they were older."
"But, did any of them have descendants?" Meredith asked
Ocean nodded. "Yes."
"Why aren't there any more shapeshifters in the city? How come some of the history happened raised while others"
"Well, to sort of stop the war, Gloreth ordered and built a wall to protect the city, or kingdom as it was called back in old times." Ocean said, waving his hand a bit. "Anyway, the shapeshifters are on the other side of the wall but some of the scientists wanted to figure out how the shapeshifter bodies work. So, some shifters were taken into the labs."
"I think… I think I heard about those horrible experiments before, but I did see a poor girl during a field trip to the science lab in terror in secret." Meredith said, looking at the history books Ocean collected. "You think other shapeshifters escape this horrible fate?"
Ocean nodded. "There was one. It looked exactly like the one on the news. You know with the red pink hair. But it can’t be… unless…" Ocean’s eyes widened with realization. “Unless the things, like shots and a lot of testing, that the scientists used on the shapeshifters used so much that they stopped aging when they don’t get or stop taking whatever the scientists give them.”
Meredith nodded as they began collecting the pieces.
"I'm also working on some memory projector." Ocean said, getting up. "It basically has memories of the shapeshifters. Wanna see it?"
Meredith nodded. “Sure. What is it?”
Ocean walked to a desk and then brought back something.
It contains some sort of cube light, blue, pink, red and gray.
Meredith watched as Ocean pressed the button and began to reveal alive sections of whose memories check the past shapeshifters.
Meredith picked Nimora's and was shocked to see the truth.
"I need to get to Bal!" Meredith said, putting her cup down and getting up.
Ocean nodded. “Um… ok!”
She began to rush out the door and out the place. But before they took off, she felt something hit her arm. They noticed a dart in her arm and collapsed to the ground.
The moment she woke up a couple of hours later, she began to look around.
It was a prison cell.
She looked again and Ballister was there, by their side. “Bal?” she groaned, slowly sitting up.
“Mere.” Ballister breathed in relife, smiling.
"Bal!" Meredith said, hugging him. But as they hugged him, she felt that her ankle was chained. She looked down to see her ankle, and Ballister’s ankle, chained to the floor.
“Hey.” a voice called out by their cell. “It’s good to see you both awake.”
Ballister and Meredith looked to see who was by the cell and it turned out to be none other than Ambrosius, waiting for them to wake up.
"Oh, you…" Meredith growled, glaring at him. “What do you want, traitor?”
Ballister looked at Meredith and hissed, “Mere!"
“No… Meredith is right…” Ambrosius said, his voice sounding full of guilt.
Then Ballister and Meredith looked at Ambrosius and asked, “What do you mean?”
Ambitious looked at them and pointed at Ballister’s arm. “This…” he started, remembering like it was yesterday. “Everything… I didn’t mean to hurt either of you…”
"And?" Meredith asked, with her arms crossed. She noticed that Ballister was glaring at her.
“I’m so sorry…” Ambrosius said, starting to cry.
Bal and Meredith's expression changed when they saw Ambrosius crying.
"What do you mean 'you're sorry'?" Meredith asked, uncrossing her arms.
Ambrosius looked at both of them and they were surprised to see makeup tears smudges.
"Tell us… please." Ballister said, wanting to know.
Ambrosius took a deep breath and sigh sadly.
"Ambrosius…" Ballister and Meredith started to speak, trying to understand.
"I understand if you two don't want to see me ever again but I can help you out. By taking you over the wall." Ambrosius said, wiping away the tears before looking at the two again. "I know it'll get me in trouble but hear me out."
Ballister and Meredith looked at each other before looking back at Ambrosius as he explained his plan.
But then someone opened the cell when he was done, it was one of the officers.
"Come with us." the officer said, looking at them.
Nimora slowly woke and saw herself inside of some sort of big orb, for when she tried to move she was stuck. She tried hitting it but it didn't break.
Suddenly a group of scientists came in.
"Ah, subject 615, after the last eight years that you escaped and we had our search team across the city and then almost giving up, we finally found you." The main scientist said, smiling at her.
She escaped from the lab 8 years ago and went on the run, hiding and surviving on the streets.
Nimona growled at them. "You-" then she screamed in pain when she got an electrical shock.
"Don't you be disobedient to us again, you belong with us." The main scientist said, looking at her as the others walked over to her with testing equipment.
Nimona breathed fast and heavily as she felt fear and anger rise up inside of her.
Meredith and Ballister were taken to the hallways towards the lab.
Ambrosius walked with them along with the guards.
There Mayor Yvonne was waiting for them. She smiled darkly at them and said, "Welcome."
"You…" Meredith growled . "What do you want with us?" Ballister asked in a growled. "And what is ALL of this?!" Meredith asked, her eyes filled with fire.
Yvonne smiled more at them. "Well Ms. Blitzmeyer, stubborn and intelligent just like your father." Yvonne said, looking down at them.
"It's Mx. Blitzmeyer." Ballister corrected, glaring.
"Whatever that means." Ynonne said, clearly not into changing gender identity. "Anyways, I bet you know this place before, Blitzmeyer. Maybe one of your classes on a field trip or when you were a student on a trip?."
Meredith looked around and her eyes widened knowing where they were. "We're in the testing lab." they said, looking at the mayor.
Yvonne nodded. " But you never saw this part of the lab, but this is the department of defensive weapons." the mayor explained before she started to lead them and the group of officers to a room.
Everyone looked at the machines for experimenting. "We do have a surprise for you." Yvonne said, smiling dark.
Then they heard banging echoing.
It was revealed to be Nimona in a sometype of big orb.
"Nimona!" Ballister and Meredith exclaimed worriedly.
Nimora began trying to break free by shape shifting into her bigger self but she was shocked by the orb, making her stop and falling to the floor.
Ballister and Meredith watched in terror. "Just stop! PLEASE JUST STOP!!!" Ballister begged.
But they both got beaten in the stomach by the guards. They both fell to the floor as the shock stopped.
"Why are you doing this?!" Meredith exclaimed, tears falling down her face as they looked up at Mayor Yvonne. "She's harmless!”
Yvonne looked darkly at them and said, “You all don’t know what it can do.”
"W-what do you mean?" Meredith asked in shock. "You're not doing what I think you're doing to Nimona."
Yvonne could only smile darkly. “Yep. It’s a living weapon.” Yvonne said, pointing at Nimona.
“She’s not a weapon!” Ballister shouted, anger building up inside of him.
"Yeah! And not a toy to use for military affairs!" Meredith said in anger as well.
Mayor Yvonne just ignored them as she walked over to the orb, looking at Nimona.
"Please don't do this." Meredith pleaded, worriedness in her eyes.
Yvonne didn’t listen as she smiled at the weak Nimona, who was still panting after being shocked.
"Why are you using her anyways?" Ambrosius asked, confused and wanting to know like the other officers.
“Maybe it’s because she’s afraid of losing her reputation." Meredith said, snappy.
Ynonne heard it loud and clear.
Everyone did.
The officers started to talk among themselves while Ambrosius was in shock.
Yvonne turned around, walked over to Meredith, and slapped her. The room went quiet when the mayor did that.
“Gloreth did whatever it took to keep the monsters out.” Yvonne growled loud and clear. “And so will I.”
Then there was a laugh, coming from the orb that held Nimona. Everyone looked very confused at the trapped shapeshifter.
“Oh! That’s rich!” Nimona laughed, wiping a laughing tear away.
“What do you mean?” Ambrosius asked, taking a step closer to Nimona.
Nimona sighed with a big smile before it faded as she looked at everyone. “Gloreth and the monster, her name was Niki, were kids and became friends when they first met. Like me and Gloria.” the shapeshifter explained darkly. “But, unlike Gloria and I, Gloreth stopped being friends with Niki and turned her back, or better terms, stabbed her in the back and started the war of the humans and shapeshifters.”
Everyone was surprised about this historical fact.
"Niki? What did she look like?" Ambrosius asked, taking another few steps forward.
“Like me, but with long hair.” Nimona said, pointing at her hair. “It makes sense since she’s my ancestor. Like you being the descendant of Gloreth and almost looking similar to her.”
Baliister and Meredith realize why the girl from the scroll looked exactly like Nimona, but different.
It all makes sense now.
Then Nimona got shocked again before she could say anymore. As Nimona panted heavily, Yvonne walked over and said, “That’s enough.”
"Why do you want her and her family or kind anyway?" Meredith asked, looking at the Mayor.
Yvonne looked at her and said, "It's to know and understand what these monsters are."
"But why use her when you hate shapeshifters?"
Yvonne glared. "It's to protect the city. Also, the shapeshifters don’t attack each other."
Then a scientist quickly came over to the mayor. "Ma'am." The scientist said, sounding serious. "You all should leave. We need to do testing subject 615."
Nimora tries to break free as they begin to leave but it doesn't work. Just then all the emotion and her bottle of anger started to grow more and more as she remembered hurtful words that were spoken to her.
'You are nothing but a lab rat'
'You're a monster.’
‘Go back to the streets, freak!'
'You freak!'
‘Don’t disobey us, test subject 615.’
The words got louder and faster that they overlapped in Nimona’s mind.
Nimona began clutching her hands as she began to shapeshift into a sometype of shadow and smoke. She was growing bigger and bigger as she shapeshifted, leading her to scream so loud that it cracked the orb.
The scientist looked at her and gasped in horror.
Meredith and Ballister were in the interrogation part of the room. Ballister gettinging beaten in the stomach again by Thaddeus while getting corner by officers
Ambrosius just walked in and saw this happening. “Hey! Stop it!” he shouted, pulling Thaddeus away. “You are supposed to ask questions!”
"Yeah, like he said!" Meredith said in agreement. "You are just abusing your power as an officer!"
“Says from a trader.” Thaddeus said, looking at Meredith before going to one of the chairs in the room.
"TRADER?!" Meredith screamed in anger standing up but was forced down into her seat by the other officers.
"You guys brought in a runaway monster." Thaddeus said, ignoring the screams.
“No, we didn’t.” Ballister said, looking at everyone.
Thaddeus scoffed but was confused when one officer walked to the table, holding a file.
“How did you two meet subject 615 and for how long?” the officer asked, pulling out and showing two photos of Nimona to Ballister and Meredith.
One photo was of a little girl Nimona and the other was a teen version, similar to the one they know but with a pixie cut and wearing a hospital gown.
Ballister and Meredith were shocked to see two photos of Nimona.
"What is this? Nimona?" Ballister asked, pointing at the two photos and looking at the officer. “We haven’t met her until about a month and a half ago when we were in hiding.”
Just then, the door opened and it was revealed to be Dr. Ocean Sealine. Everyone looked at him as he ran in.
“Sorry that I’m late!” Ocean exclaimed as he got in.
“It’s alright.” Ambrosius reassured him. “You said you had something to show us about this case.”
"Dr. Sealine?!" Ballister and Meredith exclaimed in shock, surprised to see them.
Ocean looked at them and waved before getting his backpack off and getting something out. “Yes, I do. And it’s this.” he said, about to pull out something from his bag.
It was the cube from earlier.
But before Ocean could explain what it was, there was a loud crash sound and screaming scientists ran out. "EVERYONE OUT!!! EVERYONE RUN!!!" a scientist screamed as they ran. "Alert the Institute!"
Ocean puts the cube back in their backpack as everyone quickly gets out of the room.
Everyone began running out and evacuating the building before half of it collapsed.
Meredith and Ballister were set free by Ambrosius. “Come on!” Ambrosius said, taking Ballister and Meredith.
“Hey, wait up!” Ocean shouted as he ran up to catch up with them.
They got to a safe spot near the woods to catch their breath.
“What’s going on?!” Meredith exclaimed, looking around to see what was happening. “Where’s Nimona?!” Ballister asked, looking around to see where Nimona was.
“Hey! I think that’s your friend!” Ocean shouted, pointing at something.
Ambrosius, Ballister, and Meredith looked at what Dr. Sealine was pointing at and then they gasped.
There was a big monster of shadows and smoke.
Ambrosius quickly got his walkie talkie out and got it on. "Calling all units! Calling all units! Get the mayor and alert the city NOW!" Ambrosius said into his walkie talkie before turning it off.
"What have we done?" Meredith and Ballister breathed in shock as they looked at their friend's state.
They realized what they've done and needed to fix this.
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techranova · 1 year
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sealineproductsnonet · 4 months
Lanolinens Magi: En Dyptgående Utforskning av Understellsbehandling for Bilens Langvarige Beskyttelse mot Rust
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Å eie en bil er en investering som krever omsorg og oppmerksomhet for å sikre lang levetid og pålitelig ytelse. En av de mest undervurderte aspektene ved bilsikkerhet er understellet, som utsettes for tøffe forhold, spesielt i kaldt klima og under påvirkning av veisalt. Heldigvis har lanolin, et naturlig stoff hentet fra saueull, vist seg å være en eksepsjonell løsning for å beskytte bilens understell mot rust og korrosjon.
Lanolin: Naturens Mirakel
Lanolin, også kjent som ullfett, er en naturlig substans som finnes i saueull. Den har unike egenskaper som gjør den ideell for å beskytte metall mot korrosjon. Sealine products tilbud. Lanolin fungerer som en naturlig vannavstøtende barriere og bidrar til å forhindre at fuktighet trenger inn i metallstrukturen under bilen. Denne naturlige beskyttelsen er spesielt verdifull i områder der veisalt og andre korrosive stoffer er vanlige.
Understellsbehandling: Langvarig Beskyttelse
Understellsbehandling er en prosess der lanolin eller lanolinbaserte produkter påføres bilens underside for å skape en beskyttende barriere. Denne behandlingen er avgjørende for å forlenge levetiden til bilens understell og redusere risikoen for rustskader. Lanolin trenger dypt inn i metallstrukturen, og dets naturlige smørende egenskaper bidrar til å bevare metalloverflater over tid.
Fordeler med Lanolinbasert Understellsbehandling
Rustbeskyttelse: Lanolin er effektivt mot rust ved å forhindre fuktighet i å komme i kontakt med metall.
Langvarig virkning: Lanolinbehandlingen gir langvarig beskyttelse, og det er ikke nødvendig å gjenta prosessen like ofte som med andre metoder.
Miljøvennlig: Lanolin er et naturlig stoff som er miljøvennlig, noe som gjør det til et bærekraftig valg for rustbeskyttelse.
Smørende egenskaper: Lanolin fungerer også som en naturlig smøremiddel, noe som kan bidra til å forhindre slitasje på bevegelige deler under bilen.
Hvordan Gjennomføre Lanolinbasert Understellsbehandling
Rengjøring: Start med å grundig rengjøre bilens understell for å fjerne skitt, rust og gamle beskyttelseslag.
Tørking: Sørg for at understellet er helt tørt før påføring av lanolin for å sikre maksimal effektivitet.
Påføring: Påfør lanolin jevnt over hele understellet ved hjelp av en sprøyte eller pensel. Pass på å dekke alle utsatte områder grundig.
Tørketid: La lanolinen tørke ordentlig før du tar bilen i bruk. Dette gir stoffet tid til å trenge inn i metallstrukturen og danne en pålitelig beskyttelsesbarriere.
Lanolinbasert understellsbehandling er en kostnadseffektiv og miljøvennlig metode for å bevare bilens understell mot rust og korrosjon. Ved å benytte seg av naturens egne ressurser, kan bileiere nyte godt av langvarig beskyttelse og redusert vedlikeholdsbehov. Så neste gang du vurderer rustbeskyttelse for din kjære bil, vurder kraften av lanolin - et naturlig mirakel for bilens langvarige helse.
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