#sean diaz imagines
lovewriting-5 · 2 years
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4. Miracles
6. Brothers in Arms
5. Open Hearts:
Karen drives us back to her motel room. Sean and I walk in and not sure what to do. Karen tells us “You two can get cleaned up.” I tell Sean “You can go ahead and go first.” He says “Okay.” He heads into the bathroom and I hear the shower running. Not really sure what to do, I stand by one of the beds. She tells me “Make yourself at home.” I set my backpack down on the bed. She asks “How do you know Sean?” I tell her “I’m his (girlfriend/boyfriend), (Y/N).” Karen says “Nice to meet you, I’m Karen. So, you have been with him on this journey. Is that right?” I tell her “Yes.” Karen grabs a few things and tells me “I’m going to the store and pick up a few things. When Sean gets out of the shower, let him know I’ll be back in a little bit.” I say “Okay, will do.”
Karen leaves. Sean steps out of the bathroom in clothes that Karen gave him. He says “Man, didn’t clean the pain away, but that felt good.” He looks around the room, asks “Where’s Karen?” I tell him “She went to go get a few things. She said she’ll be back in a little bit.” He says “Yeah…like I haven’t heard that one before.” I say “She wants to help us.” He rolls his eyes.
I head to the bathroom and get in the shower. While the water is running over me, I ask myself “Wonder how long Karen has been here? Did she see one of Daniel’s…’miracles’?” When I was done, I put my jeans and t-shirt back on. When I walked out of the bathroom, I was dabbing my hair with the towel. I saw that Sean was reading a note. I ask him “What’s that?” He tells me “It’s letters between Karen and Jacob.”
I sit on the bed across from Sean. He picks up the phone and dials Jacob’s number. Sean says “Jacob? It’s me, Sean and (Y/N) is here too.” Jacob said something. Sean says “Yeah.” A few more conversations then Sean hangs up. He says “Damn…he couldn’t really talk…all this is so messed up.” I ask “What’s up?” He says “Something seems weird. Jacob wants us to meet him tomorrow at noon on Brandy Highway by a Wild Mice Ranch.” I say “Okay.”
I hang the towel in the bathroom. When I come back out, I say “Let’s just rest while we wait for her.” Sean adds “If she comes back.” I sigh and shake my head. Sean lays down on the bed. I lay on the opposite one. We fall asleep.
After some time, we are awaken to the sound of Karen re-entering the room with several shopping bags. She tells us “Hey, sorry it took so long. Fucking store was packed.” We sit up as she places the bags on the desk by the television. Karen asks “How you two feeling? Nothing broken? Altar boys don’t fight fair.” I tell her “Nothing broken.” Sean says “Yeah, I’m okay.”
She pulls out two fast food cartons. She says to Sean “Double cheese, no onions, right?” Sean stares at her for a few moments and then grabs the carton from her, says “That’ll do.” Karen then tells me as she holds the second carton out to me, “I also got you double cheese.” I take it, say “Thank you.” We open the cartons and begin eating.
Karen says “Got you some gauze and, uh…anti-bacteria stuff for your eye.” It looks like the two of us haven’t eaten in days because we are chowing down on the burgers. She tells us “Hey, don’t wolf that down…Or at least take a breath.” I pause, swallow what I just ate, set the burger back in the carton and wipe my mouth with a napkin. Sean says “Like you care.” She says “Sean…I do…”
“Come on, Karen. Don’t act all hurt. It’s too late.” Sean says. Karen looks down and I look at Sean. I see tears forming in his eyes. I place a hand around his right forearm. He continues “Where were you when I broke my leg when I was 13? Not with me…When Daniel got a bad flu a couple years ago, you didn’t sleep next to him every night…Where were you?! Where…were you?” Karen says “Fair enough. So let’s talk. Because we do have to get your brother out of a cult.” I say, calmly “We’re listening.”
She asks “How did you three survive alone on the road for that long?” Sean tells her “We just got lucky, and got some help along the way. Total strangers…We even had our own little family.” Karen asks “Good. How did you go to Beaver Creek?” He says, blatantly “You know I don’t have to answer your questions, right?” Karen looks at us then says “You’re right. So tell me what you want from me, Sean.” He says “Nothing, Karen. I mean, what do you want from me? A fucking hug?” She says “Hey, I just want you to know what I did and why. If you care. So, ask me anything.”
Sean pauses then asks “All right. Why did you bail on us?” Karen lets out a breath, tells us “I wasn’t meant to be a wife…or a mother. I thought I was supposed to…I tried to pretend for many years…but I was unhappy and the urge to leave became unbearable…I had no other choice.” He says “Are you serious? You chose this life! You fell in love, you made your own choices. Right?” Karen tells him “Making your own choices doesn’t mean you can never fool yourself, Sean…After I had Daniel, you were about eight and Esteban’s garage was getting busy. There was so much going on around me yet somehow I just…felt that my own life was just slipping away. Felt like an empty shell. Sean, it was the hardest decision I ever made. I knew I might never see you all again, but I took that responsibility.”
“Did Dad know about all this?” Sean asks. Karen explains “I was honest with your father. We did family therapy, but it wasn’t about him. It was me.” He says “He was heartbroken for months after you left. Years.” She says “I was too. I was in love with your father. He was the best person I ever met.” He tells her “But just not enough for you…” She tells him “Something was missing from the equation, yeah. I was.” This is all things Sean never wanted to talk about. I never pushed.
I ask “Karen, if you don’t mind me asking…So what exactly are you doing in Nevada? You live around here?” She tells us “No, I’m way out in Arizona. I told you. Your friend Jacob wrote my P.O. Box and said Daniel was in trouble. That’s it.” Sean says “Arizona? Holy shit, it’s just lizards and rocks.” She says “Guess I found something there. New York didn’t really do me good, so…” I move my hand to his right wrist and slide it slightly to on top of his hand.
Karen explains “I didn’t have a choice, Sean. We only have one life, and I didn’t want mine to be spent in regrets. For years I’ve fooled myself, thinking I’d find satisfaction into what society expected me to be, and that was my mistake. I hope someday you can understand that…but I never stopped caring about you…For what it’s worth, I am sorry for hurting you and Daniel…and Esteban.” Sean says a little understanding “I know you are, Karen. That still doesn’t change the way I feel…” She says “Of course not…I know I can’t change the past, Sean.” He says “I don’t think you would…I need some air.” Sean pulls away and heads for the motel door. Karen and I look at each other. She heads outside to join him. I say to myself “I’ll give them a few minutes.”
I walk to the door and join them outside. I sit on the sidewalk to Sean’s left and face them. Sean asks “I mean, I get you wanted to leave and stuff…Okay. But why ghost us like that? Not even a fucking birthday card.” Karen says “I just…I thought if I vanished, you would all move on. But I wanted to contact you guys so many times. I almost did.” He continues “But you wanted a clean break…” She continues “I didn’t want to be a part-time pissed off mother. Not fair to any of you. I left when Daniel was still very young so he wouldn’t remember me.” Sean explains to her “Yeah, I wasn’t so lucky.” She says “Oh, Sean, I know. Do you want to tell me how you felt, then? Or now?”
I sit cross legged and move some rocks around on the ground. Sean explains “I felt guilty that we weren’t enough for you.” She says “No, no. You guys were the reason to stay. I left because of me.” He says “Whatever…You sound so careless. It’s like you can’t even realize how much pain you’ve caused.” She says “I do care, that’s why I’m here…To help you, and your brother…If I didn’t step up to help him now, I couldn’t live with myself.”
She takes out a cigarette, lights it and takes a drag. Sean asks “Hey, um…mind if I bum a smoke?” Karen says “Sure. Still got a few left.” She holds the cigarette pack out to him. He takes one and then she offers me one. I say “I’m okay but thank you.” Sean puts the cigarette in his mouth and Karen offers him her lighter. He declines and pulls out his own. Karen says “Wow…” I look at Sean to see what she’s referring to. She continues “Haven’t seen that lighter in ages…you dad loved that thing.” He tells her “I know. Only thing I have left of his…” I give him a small smile.
Karen tells us “Oh, man, Esteban hated when I smoked…He didn’t want me to die an early death…Fuck…life can be so cynical, sometimes…” He tells her “I remember he would smoke sometimes…long ago…” She explains “We didn’t fight much, but when we did…I would go out on the porch and light up so I could calm down…Esteban would come over and ask for a drag. Then we’d just look up at the sky and watch the stars…or the planes…I do miss that.” Sean tells her “I used to do the same with (Y/N) and our best friend, Lyla…Sitting on the porch, just letting time go…”
A memory just popped in my head, The three of us sat on the porch, Sean and Lyla sat in the two chairs. I sat on Sean’s lap as the two of them smoked. We just shot the shit, as Brody would say. When Lyla would go in the house to do something or to see Daniel, Sean and I would make out. Karen says “That’s when you know they are good to you. When you can just sit together…shut up and let the universe do its own thing.” She gives me a reassuring and approved smile. I give her a smile back. We sit there for a little while longer as they finish their cigarettes. Sean says “We should go back inside. I gotta change this dressing.” I say “Okay. Let’s go.”
We go back inside. I close the door as Karen says “Sean, I know I can’t change the past…or what I did…but this is about helping your brother. You gotta trust me.” As he sits on the bed after grabbing the bag of supplies, he says “I know…it’s still hard…” I add “We have to be a team to rescue Daniel.” Karen sits down next to him. I lean against the motel desk. She says as she places a hand on his leg, “We can do it.” Sean lifts her hand away and asks “Okay…how?” She tells us “We need to get in touch with this Jacob. He obviously knows a lot more than us about the church.” I say “Well…Sean called him when you were out…we can meet him tomorrow.” Karen says “Okay, good. I also got these,” as she pulls out walkie-talkies and adds “Just in case.” Sean says “Okay…better take care of the eye.”
Karen asks “So do you…need any help with that?” He says “Yes…thanks.” She asks “So…you feel like telling me the story here?” Karen carefully removes the bandage from his eye. He tells her “When we have time.” She says “Gotcha.” Karen gets his eye clean and then pulls out an eyepatch from the bag. She tells him “Here. Try this on.” Sean puts it on, ask “How do I look?” Karen says “Great.” I say “Badass.” He says, sheepishly “Thanks…” Karen tells us “Big day tomorrow, so we should get some rest.” I say “Yeah.” Sean says “I’m ready to get Daniel.”
The rest of the evening, we go over the plan to get Daniel back. When the sun started going down more and was getting dark, we got ready for bed. It was a little awkward but Karen didn’t have a problem with Sean and I sharing a bed. The three of us go to sleep until the next day.
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emarttt · 1 year
Never bother the Diaz brothers…
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(Just love how Daniel casually makes rocks flight to frighten some assholes here, he’s just like a little gremlins LMAO)
I’m so proud of this, not gonna lie-
~how I love them~
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tapesfrom1980 · 2 years
can u do dating sean headcanons? and if u could keep it gender neutral-ish i would appreciate thank u <33
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dating sean diaz would include..
-either frenemies to lovers or he just thought you were hot and you rejected him multiple times till you gave in a longgg time later and he never gave up <3
-definitely a bestfriends type of relationship, he’s very comfortable with you and he knows he can make jokes with you without worrying about hurting you
-he’s lowkey awkward at first just because he hasn’t really had real?? experience with relationships before but he’s so excited to finally have you he goes all out if he can
-he’ll get you concert tickets for one of your favorite artists and be like “just because I love you 😘”
-sometimes it’ll be estebans money too and if he gets caught he’ll yell at sean but make sure to say “it’s not your fault though y/n you did nothing wrong” and go back to scolding
-he didn’t know when to drop the L bomb since he’s never felt that way with someone and didn’t know when it was the right time to say it
-he eventually said it mid-argument and there was a lot of making out after that
-getting sketches of yourself that he drew basically everyday
-he draws you at the most random times, bummy looking or not
-his favorite is the one he did while you danced around his room to your favorite song
-he always draws you as an absolute angel and has some hung up
-even just in his school notebooks his doodling always goes to your face so a lot of his homework or quizzes have your face in some corner with little hearts around it
-daniel tries drawing you too, and you take some home with you even if it’s just you with a deformed blue face and wonky yellow eyes
-being ABSOLUTE besties with daniel
-sean tries to act like he hates sharing your attention but you know he likes that you love daniel as much as he does
-sometimes you’ll come early to the diaz house just to hang out with daniel
-“y/n? how long have you been here why didn’t you wake me up?”
-“daniel called me to help him with his new batman lego set”
-he sometimes joins in your guys’s dates and sean tries kicking him out everytime
-being super close with esteban too
-he’s happy sean found someone who’s good for him and pushes him to be a better person
-gossiping with him while he’s working on a car
-usually it’s when sean is busy or you’re just annoyed at him
-“oh y/n, whatd he do now?”
-sometimes even while sean is in the room
-“i’m still here guys”
-weekly movie dates!!! drive ins or sneaking into the theater (sean says 15 bucks just to watch a movie is outrageous)
-getting him to listen to your favorite artists/bands
-sometimes he’ll pretend to hate it if it’s a genre he’d never listen to but you can see him trying not to drum his fingers or bop his head
-dragging him to every school event
-matching halloween costumes always
-if he wants to do a character you don’t know you’ll still match him for his sake vice versa
-if you have a pet he’ll probably try his hardest to befriend it even if he’s lowkey scared at first
-he’ll get jokingly jealous about you and your pet saying how you don’t give HIM that much love
-speaking of jealousy, he’s def the jealous type
-he’ll try to hide it but then say something petty to you or the person making him jealous
-“that wasn’t even that funny 😐”
-“you guys should go to that restaurant you’ve been talking so much about together”
-“sean 😒”
-as both of sean’s bestfriends you guys are really close too
-“he will never get between us y/n.✊”
-lyla joking about how she has to third wheel even tho she’s absolutely happy you guys are together
-sean and lyla fighting over you
-“i don’t care if you and y/n are dating. i’m still the favorite. right y/n??? right??”
-making sure to include her at some point on valentine’s day too even if she pretends to hate it
-arcade dates & picnics <3
-sleepovers!!!!!!! always so much fun
-sometimes you’ll just lay in bed listening to music and it’s one of the most special moments together
-you were with them minutes before that had happened, but you went to go pick up your guys’s food from the deli near the house
-you came back to esteban on the floor, the crashed cop car, and no sean and daniel
-you were so in shock nothing came out your mouth for a while
-once your brain processed what was happening you yelled around the house for sean and daniel
-you screamed and screamed till the other cops got to the scene
-even then you kept calling for the boys
-you didn’t know what to do with yourself you’d just seen your boyfriends dad dead on the floor and your boyfriend and his little brother missing
-when the cops explained what happened you were so disgusted about how the situation was handled and how sean had been blamed
-you knew sean and daniel, you knew sean and you knew the story was mixed up and the diaz boys were blamed obviously due to racism
-you never gave up looking for them, you went into the woods and everything
-you were looked down upon, even by your own parents, because it looked like you were supporting a “criminal”
-when sean finally called, you were so happy you bawled the entire time
-you were so so relieved he and daniel were alright
-you understood why he couldn’t tell you where they were or why he wouldn’t be able to call again
-he also didn’t tell you their location because he knew you’d try coming to them, he really did know your love for them both
-with one last goodbye and i love you, that was the last time you talked to sean
if you ran with them
-sean 100% didn’t want you to come with them
-you were in the house when it happened but you rushed outside, but the cop didn’t see you
-he knew that if you went with them you couldn’t come back without being taken in to custody as you were now an accomplice to them, things would never be the same and he couldn’t ask you to do that for him and daniel
-“y/n please, stay here” he was already in tears and his voice was cracking but you refused
-instead, you took your bag with more supplies and stuff that was already in visible view that you knew would be helpful for whatever situation you guys were going to be in
-“i don’t know why you’d think i’d leave you sean”
-you also knew even with the rush of adrenaline you were having what you were giving up
-you were giving up your family, your friends, and a normal life
-but you had been with sean for a long time and you knew you were never gonna leave him to fend for him and daniel in who knows where
-you never complained, even with the bad circumstances
-you helped the boys ration supplies and find shelter in the woods
-sean felt so much better with you there, so did daniel
-they both felt guilty for being glad you came with them
-they knew you left a whole life behind and felt like they took that from you, even if it wasn’t their fault
-but it was your choice and you didn’t regret it even in the worst moments, and you always reminded them both of that, no matter what the ending was
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thefreakyval · 1 month
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seanny boy ⸜( * ॑꒳ ॑*)⸝
im so lazy to do digital art rn SIGHHH
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clouisluvr · 2 years
part two to dating sean diaz headcannons maybe??
hi beautiful people❤️ i hope you’re all doing well, im sorry about how long this has taken it’s definitely overdue🫠 im gonna try and keep slowly making my way through requests so bare with me! hope you guys enjoy this <3 also please cutely pretend to not see any potential typos LMAOO
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incoming summoning of all sean diaz lovers …
- sean is the type of boyfriend to buy you so many squishmallows but be pretend jealous at how many hugs you give them😭 jokingly says you probably love the squishmallows more than you love him but will still always buy you more when you see them together at costco trips
- a slow kiss enthusiast! sean prefers a more sensual and intimate make out sesh rather than a fast and rushed one, definitely has his hand cupped on your cheek, with the other resting on your thigh as his thumb gently rubs the skin there. will stop for a second to make deep eye contact with you and tell him he loves you before leaning back in😵‍💫 (i Fear i need him expeditiously..)
- if u have/want piercings he’d totally get them with you! cute matching septum/nose piercings methinks
- one of yalls fave things to do would be chatting shit ab bad tv LMAOO. like yall are always tuned into love island, too hot to handle etc. you both pretend it’s Insufferable but really you love hatewatching it (unfortunately daniel cannot watch with yall, esteban tells him its too inappropriate😭)
- MARIO KART MATCHES ALWAAYSS!!! after friday sleepovers yall will spend saturday mornings after breakfast playing! sean gives meeee… luigi or link main vibes? i think hes pretty good at it tbh, lowkey competitive but will happily throw the match the second you pout ab losing (unless ur an s tier mario kart player in which case yall will race against each other all day LMAO) oh and Ofc daniel plays with you guys but i think daniel would be absolutely HORRIBLEE at mario kart, everyone just lets him think hes good LMAOO
- in my last sean post i said that he prefers small displays of affection in public but in private he’s a lot more comfortable with touching you. nonstop cuddles, kisses every part of you he can see. loves for you to straddle or lay on top of him, will rest his hands on your hips or small of your back. likes for you to be kinda laid on top of him as yall laze around for a while, he basically uses you as a weighted blanket. sean loves doing nothing with you - sometimes just being quiet in your presence is perfect for him. unfortunately for sean its rare that he gets to be as affectionate as he wants with you because daniels alwaayss hovering around yall, and if not daniel, its esteban making sure his bedroom doors not closed😭
- esteban definitely works extremely hard and slightly struggles to make ends meet but would still wanna spoil sean and daniel -so any family trip he manages to save up for you are absolutely invited! sean would happily be a slightly cringe couple at disneyland with matching mickey ears, (not the kind of couples that cling to each other in the line for rides though LMAO). and every time daniels too short for a ride, sean will always always tease him and you have to give him a lil whack on the shoulder and then comfort daniel. when esteban (eventually) takes sean and daniel to see puerto lobos, he invites you along. you’re considered a part of the diaz family so esteban wants to share where he comes from with you and his sons :’) lots of long beach days with sean and daniel there!!! sean probably gets a lot of art inspiration from seeing you by the beach, probably having a playful water fight with daniel. he thinks you’re in your element when you’re being totally carefree. your joy is radiant for sean and inspires some of his greatest artworks :’)
- i think sean would need some reassurance from his partner. karen being an absentee mother has most likely given sean some abandonment issues so he’ll tend to feel anxious and insecure from time to time. genuine love and patience from his partner will help sean continue to open up and feel more secure in his relationship with you
- arguments with sean would be … a bit terrifying ill be real! the man is scary when he’s mad, i think he’d try his best to keep his emotions under control but frustrations get the better of us sometimes and he may end up saying something hurtful💔 he instantly feels guilty and apologises profusely but also understands saying ‘im sorry’ isnt always enough to take away the hurt caused. if you give him the silent treatment for a bit, i imagine he’d actually turn to daniel for advice! i think daniel would actually give weirdly helpful advice LMAO. he’d probably tell sean to start the conversation off by giving you something you like, like a choc-o-crisp. it sounds stupid at first but sean would probably attempt to bake you something (and fail horrendously) but seeing the effort he puts in to try and make things right is the perfect first step to resolving the argument :’) sean would definitely value communication in a relationship and wouldn’t want you to hold back about any potential problems!!
- you’d become a bit of a motif in seans artwork! he’d unintentionally draw some of your features or favourite interests in the background of his art, it becomes a sort of signature. you’re his muse!
- couples costumes for halloween are a must. for oct 2022 yall would show up to parties (and trick or treating with daniel) as miles morales and spider gwen!!
- i think the diaz family have a family game night every now and then that you obviously attend! they don’t hold back with you though, they will stack uno cards against you like crazy if you’re about to win😭 and daniel most definitely cheats at monopoly and takes extra money from the bank, to which sean always complains🤭
- during yours and seans early days of dating, he’d probably go out of his way to keep you from meeting his dad and daniel. not because hes ashamed of them.. more so he knows how embarrassing they can get and he doesn’t want you to think he’s weird. he’ll explain this to esteban after inevitably being badgered to bring you over for dinner one night, to which his dad will tell him that if you’re really right for sean and genuinely like him, you’ll accept his family too. besiiidees how ‘embarrassing’ can they really get? well .. i think your first time meeting seans family would be a bit disastrous. sean would insist on cooking dinner, i think he’d attempt lasagna but would leave it in the oven too long. as you arrive, daniel is probably in the midst of attempting another zombie costume project whilst sean and esteban freak out over the burnt lasagna now setting the smoke alarm off. once you arrive and knock on the door the muffled chaos from inside goes SILENT followed by the sound of some rushed movements and whispers. sean lets you in with a slightly panicked smile and despite the smell of smoke wafting into your nose, the ear piercing ringing of the smoke alarm harshly hitting your ears and the sight of his little brother drenched in what you hope is fake blood, you smile back at him and lean in to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek and all of seans worries about you coming over are instantly soothed.
- seans the type of boyfriend to be totally down with a pamper session. he’ll happily let you play aesthetician with him, applying multiple face masks, plucking his brows, waxing his legs, shaving his face, doing his makeup etc. sean seems like the type to have relatively clear and healthy skin but he’s left glowing after yalls little spa sessions!
- lyla ADORES you. you guys are probably incredibly close friends (actually i think lyla most likely introduced you and sean) you and sean are aware of lyla’s fear of her and sean not being friends one day, so you both make an effort to not leave her out of things. you guys definitely go to concerts and new movies together and make a bunch of amazing memories.
- sean has a polaroid of you in the back of his phone case❤️ his lockscreens reserved for his dad and daniel!
- absolutely adores you borrowing his tshirts or hoodies… he loves seeing you in his clothes but more so loves how they always smell like you after you wear them. if you’re bigger than sean he’d love borrowing any cute graphic tees or hoodies you had too.
- i think sean would spend christmas eve with your family and you’d spend christmas day with his! sean would paint you the most beautiful portrait of a candid photo of you, alongside a personalised photo necklace (these are so so cool - you can place a customised photo inside of the necklace, and you see it once you look inside the heart pendant!!) it’s probably of a picture that esteban took of the two of you during your holiday in puerto lobos. its one of the most beautiful meaningful gifts he could have gotten you, and you wear the necklace every day.
- i think when sean falls for someone he doesnt fall fast but once he does fall, he falls VERYY deeply in love. you bring him so much happiness and he loves expressing that through big and small gestures. randomly surprising you with flowers during the week, suddenly being overwhelmed with a wave of songs that remind him of you prompting him to make you a mixtape, writing you love letters, absentmindedly finding himself doodling you on a post it note mid class and handing it to you. sean loves you with all his being and shows it to you every day.
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yourimagines · 11 months
Masterlist Sports
Started 26/10/2023
Last updated: 26/10/23
Total: 94
Masterlist sport 2.0 sport 3.0
Masterlist Movies/Series
Masterlist Youtubers/Influencers
masterlist music
UFC/MMA Fighters 🥊
Team Diaz 🥋🐐
Going out
Chaotic brothers
Always here
Team Khabib/Islam 🏆🐐
Friends from work
Dillon Danis
Crazy fighting
Crush on you
Dating headcanons
Sean Strickland
Family issues
Dating headcanons
Nate Diaz🥋
Press conference
Stressed out
Learning new things
Being real
Dating headcanons
Taking the blame
Secretly in love
Between us
Fight Night
Party part 2
Party part 3
Party part 4
Party part 5
Party part 6
Party part 7
Party part 8
Photographer part 2
Photographer part 3
Photographer part 4
Spamming part 2
Liar part 2
Liar part 3
Liar part 4
Nick Diaz🥋
Late night call
Being there
Sport for two
Bedtime story
Training day's
Beach day
The Friendly ex meets the jealous boyfriend
Dating headcanons
The next step
Protective at all times
Private training
Charming part 2
Selfies part 2
Formula one 🏎️🏎️
Lando N 🎮🏎️
Office days
Dirty move
Crush on you
Sick day's
Taken by someone else
Dating headcanons
Taking care
Daniel R 🍯🦡
Dating headcanons
Lando N 🎮🏎️
Caught part 2
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Study Date Pt. 3
Sean Diaz x Reader
1 2 3
Warnings: none,, but kissing? so much fluff
Words: 985
*Y/N's POV*
It's 4:45 pm... Sean will be here in 15 minutes. All day time has gone by so slow, I've been waiting impatiently since we hung up. I already got my math stuff out on my desk, and took my time to make myself look presentable, but not too much to where it looks like I'm trying too hard.
I've liked Sean for so long, but I never really got the impression that he felt the same way. Until I gave him my number and he called our study session a date. I immediately ran to my room and jumped up and down when I got home that day. All my friends tell me that I have terrible taste in guys. I don't understand why though. I mean, yeah, I guess hes not everyone's go-to type. But hes so sweet, and hes a dork. My friends say hes too awkward, but aren't we all? We're 16 year-olds, it'd be odd if we weren't. Now, hes coming over. To my house. To do math work. While my parents are at work. What could go wrong?
It's 5:01, he'll be here any minute. Breath, calm down. Ugh I'm so fucking nervous. Y/N focus, he's coming over for you to help him with math, not for you to fuck things up by being all awkward. Besides, I don't even know if he likes me like that, plu-
Shit. He's here. Breath and open the damn door.
I walk out of my room and to the front door. I smooth down my hair quickly before I turn the door knob. As the door opens, we make eye contact. Even though it's simple, I can't help but feel my cheeks get warmer as I smile to greet him with his skateboard in his hands.
"Hi Sean! Come in." I say sweetly. "Hey Y/N, mind if I sit my board here?" he asks pointing next to the door. "Not at all. My parents aren't home so we don't have to worry about them. We'll be in my room anyway so." I trail off not wanting to make things awkward. "Okay, cool." he sounded, bored almost? Maybe I'm coming off too excited? I'll try to tone it down and just help him with his math work.
"So, what parts of the math work are you struggling on?" I asked hurriedly as my excitement has basically completely faded. "I don't understand any of this mean, median, mode bullshit. It doesn't make any sense." he says sounding irritated, but not at me, the math stuff. I grab my books, some paper and a pencil. We sit back on my bed and get comfortable enough so we can work properly.
"Okay so, basically when you're given a data set and you're asked to find the mean, median, and mode, you need to do 3 different things. One find the mean, which is another word for average. Lets use the data set 8,3,5,2,6,8,4,7 for example. To find the average by adding up all the numbers and then dividing by how many number you have in the data set. So for this set we'll get the sum of 43 and then we divide that by 8 and we'll get 5.3, that's our mean. Now we find the median, first we need to put them in order from least to greatest, so 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8 and we find the number in the middle and in this case we have two numbers in the middle, so all we do is add them together and divide by 2. 11 divided by 2 is 5.5, and there's our median. Lastly we need our mode. This one is the easiest, we just need to see which number reoccurs the most. For this set its 8, because while all the other numbers appear once, 8 appears twice."
(sorry for the rambling lmao I didnt intend that to go on so long)
I pause to look up at Sean, only to be met by his gentle stare. I hesitate for a moment. "Does that make any sense?" It comes out like a whisper. "Yeah, I think I get it now." he doesn't take his eyes off me even for a moment. And it's just now that I realized how close our faces are, as I can lightly feel his breath on my face.
"Good, good. Um so" I fail to form a complete sentence as my heart rate continuously climbs. Sean's eyes flicker down to my lips for just a millisecond, I would've missed it if I had blinked in that moment. And in this moment I feel like we're finally telling each other everything we've needed to say, without a word actually being said.
Sean finally breaks eye contact, mumbling a "Fuck it" and takes the books, paper, and pencils and tosses them to the side. He takes my face in his hands and places his lips on mine. I sit frozen for a second before I start to kiss him back. I relax a bit with my hand placed on his chest as he grabs my waist for a moment to pull me onto his lap. My arms wrap around his neck to deepen the kiss, as his wrap around my waist.
The kiss only lasts a few moments but at the time it felt like a lifetime. For once I feel like were finally on the same page. I pull away from the kiss and we lock eyes. His stare is a bit hazy almost like hes in a state of complete serenity. I place my hands on his cheeks and pepper small kisses all around his face.
"You missed a spot." he says puckering his lips. I chuckle at this mumbling a quick "You're such a dork." before leaning in again to kiss him on his lips. He pulls away with a lopsided grin and he says "I may be a dork, but at least I'm your dork."
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Thought about Sean Diaz for too long now my tummy hurts
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lover-girl-estxx · 11 months
Masterlist Two
Barely Even Felt it
It's Okay
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my girl
Happy Birthday
Stressed Mornings
Watch Your Mouth
Meeting The Family
I Really Need You .... Please
Work Day
Sick Day
Night With You
I Don't Know
Duck lips
Sloppy Drunk
My Boy
Dance With Me
Always Her
Prank Wars
I Can't Do This
Called In
Cuddle Buddy
You Think?
I Told You
New Girl
Missed You
Nothing to be Upset About
What's Wrong
UFC 266
Biker girl + Fighter
Part 1
Part 2
Teacher PT2
Teacher PT3
Teacher PT4
Happy Halloween
Fight Night
Look at Me
Media Day
Water Bottles + Watery Eyes
I Wasn't Goi-
The Club
The Ultimate Fighter
Bad Day
Take Care
Birthday Girl
All Day
Coffee and Kisses
Dance Class
I Got You
Party Babe
No Nate
With You
My Sick Boy
You Came
Throw In The Towel
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 Part 4
Dustin Poirier
Sean Strickland
Still Mad?
i didnt mean it
I Promise
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lakemichigans · 2 years
another reason people disliked lis2 is because they just fucking hate kids, simple as that. "daniel is so whiny, daniel can never own up to his mistakes, daniel blames everyone else for his choices, daniel needs constant supervision or he does stupid things, daniel is too hard to reason with, daniel is never happy" HE'S NINE!! he's nine and his dad just died and he never knew his mom and the only person in the entire world who he can still rely on is his brother who often has to make tough decisions that daniel doesn't understand or agree with because... he's nine!!! he was ripped away from his home, his school, his friends, everything he's ever known, and forced to travel the country on foot, never being able to connect with other people or find a stable community, all while grappling with literal superpowers and the unchecked anger management issues his powers created, and you think he's too BRATTY?? goddamn right he's bratty, as he should be!!
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alexging · 9 months
sean diaz fluff alphabet (rq)
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(A) attractive - what do they find attractive about u? how do they show this?
sean is attracted to anyone or anything that deviates the norm. dyed hair, unique background/perspective, and unconventional features. literally anything u think is unattractive and not up to the beauty standard about u, he probably rlly digs it. hell draw it in his journal always! but not in a way that comes across performative—he just draws u authentically. he doesnt feel the need to modify how u look in his art bc he thinks ure perfect as is (booo corny).
he shows his attraction through flesh-blazing, skull-burning staring. he analyzes his muses thoroughly after all... he knows where all ur freckles/moles are and can draw ur smile from sheer memory. in the months that he crushed on u, u couldn’t help but feel this pestering feeling of being watched in class constantly.
hes still a dorky teenage boy so if u share the same music taste as him or have the same hobbies hell geek out!! “no way she can skate AND listens to my favorite songs…” lyla will just roll his eyes at him in response. he acts like tom from 500 days of summer 😭
(B) baby - how do they act around kids?
sean definitely says he hates kids. hell talk about how annoying they are and use daniel as an example ALWAYS. that however does not hide the fact that he is REALLY good with kids. i wouldnt say its in a fatherly way but kids tend to look up to him as a cool older brother (even when he doesnt try to be one).
sean also secretly loves it when ur good with kids, despite him allegedly hating them. he cant help but grin ear-to-ear when he sees how happy u make daniel. once he becomes self-aware he tries to wipe his smile off asap. when u, sean, and daniel go out u guys are practically his parents. both of u know how to shut down daniels whining fast. albeit sean does more of the hushed, frustrated demands and u just try to defuse daniel.
(if u guys have ever seen the video of jake and tara with that baby thats how i imagine u guys with kids 😈 except ur both a mix of tara n jake)
(C) cuddle - how do they like to cuddle?
honestly the two of u can never decide who’s big spooning and who’s little spooning. to solve this issue the two of u just kind of… stack on top of each other.
esteban will do his routine dad check up on the two of u (preventing teen pregnancy) and walk into u guys jenga-ed on top of each other. ur legs are a tangled mess and u look like two corpses laid on top of each other. scrolling through ur phones while stacked is the go-to. ull be muffled chuckling into sean’s stomach at random videos for an hour…
while cuddling sean always traces little drawings/words on ur body. when u ask him whats hes drawing hell probably say its a dick LMFAO. so romantic 🙄
at the beginning of ur relationship, sean always felt the need to be the “man” and cradle u like some big infant. overtime he got more comfortable and whenever u guys watch movies on the couch hell be sprawled out on top of ur lap. one arm up supporting his head and a leg propped up like a princess xoxo
(D) dates - what are dates with them like? what do they like to do?
concerts, fairs!!! and MOVIES for sure
sean casually drops half his check on good seats for one of ur guys favorite band. the two of u have a tradition of replaying their music for weeks until the concerts about to start. it literally does not matter how many times uve gone to concerts with sean—u guys stay excited every single time. the after concert high is so good and u guys always kiss in the car afterwards. the two of u mess up each other’s hair and shuffle back in ur seats with swollen lips. sean backs out the parking lot while awkwardly clearing his throat 😭
SEAN IS SUCH A BIG FAIR GUY. he gives less than two shits if the pop-up fairs are shady and will probably collapse at the slightest gust of wind. he WILL take u on all the janky rides and tease u for being freaked out. he holds ur hand while giggling like a lil boy on the ferris wheel bc the creaking starts to freak the both of u out. he also tries to win fair prizes for u and say its a “bullshit scam” when he loses.
u beg him to go into the photobooth and take cute little couple-esque photos. he says “fineee” after some convincing with a smile and he avoids ur gaze after too. he definitely secretly wanted to the whole time though!! when they print out, they come out with those face-adjusting filters. u guys are WHEEZING laughing in front of the slot where they regurgitate out those abominations. sean puts it on the back of his phone case bc he thinks its so hilarious 😭
sean is a film nerd considering he had goodlands on his laptop. hes definitely up to date on any movie releases and will want to watch anything new with u. u guys always dissect the movie aggressively afterwards. the both of u will forever and always argue about which characters u liked and didnt over some takeout.
(E) equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
sean on the regular is passive. he never was the “dominant” type to like… back u into corners. in fact he was really awkward when u first met him. hes lowkey scared of women 😭
it took him a while to get comfortable/assertive. by “comfortable” i mean gaining the ability to tease u back LMAO. when he first gave u a snarky remark ur jaw kind of hung open and u guys HAVENT STOPPED SINCE. overall, sean usually was the one to wait for u to initiate something. he never wanted to put u in a situation ud be uncomfortable with.
(F) fight - would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
u guys fight like an old married couple. playful arguments always happen but once it becomes serious/personal things go south. one thing leads to another and the two of u just get agitated with each other
when u guys do seriously fight sean eventually lets u have ur way ALWAYS. he always prioritizes what u need/feel in the end and is really good at saying sorry. a part of him feels like big fights indicate ull leave him so hell always choke out things like “i just dont wanna lose you” after arguments. it sounds really dramatic but he has DEEP-rooted abandonment issues. hell hold u—whether it be an embrace or ur hand just to feel comforted afterwards.
(G) gentle - how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
GAWWWWWWWWWDAUH sean is so incredibly very gentle. sure, he teases u sometimes but in the end, again, he always makes sure ur comfortable! he asks u if ur okay when u look clearly overstimulated/out of it.
physically, sean doesnt mess around. he will constantly playfully shove u, mess with ur hair, etc. obviously its never to the point where it hurts but this is the only way he can get his daily dose of pda, so!
(H) hugs - do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?
sean is crazy on back hugs. he will always surprise u with one and he WILL trap u in it. ull be walking around his house and chatting with his leech-self wrapped around u. he likes nuzzling his nose in and u can feel his lips curl into a smile on the nape of ur neck when u make a joke (😢)
sean takes the opportunity to embrace u at any moment of privacy hes given. when daniel or esteban catches him he immediately flings off u and starts stuttering LMAO. hes kind of lanky so if anything his clothes are what cushion u. BUT he is very warm and is a personal heater #tbh. who needs a coat when u have sean???
(I) i love you - how fast did they say the l-word?
i feel sean is VERY quick to fall in love but takes forever to actually utter the words out. he will have a love at first sight moment with u and only have the feelings grow bigger and bigger as time goes on. sean is overall a reserved person and wouldnt go out of his way to tell u, no matter how much lyla encouraged him.
he would only say it once it becomes overbearing for him. like, to the point where the extent he loves u has become pervasive and PERSISTENT. it will just explode out of him at some pivotal moment. u guys will be laughing hysterically at something only u guys would laugh at. then, boom, it slips out like its something he had to swallow back down a hundred times before. because its so sudden, it will definitely catch u off guard.
he would repeat it because he didnt think u heard it the first time like a dork. his stomach acid is doing fucking somersaults at this point. u will visibly see this guy’s face drop and his hands start to fiddle anxiously. his eyes will kind of dart all over ur shocked face in fear. he’ll choke a lil “sorry i have no clue why i even said that-“
u lean in and the rest is history 🤓
(J) jealousy - how jealous do they get? when do they get jealous?
sean is always a bit wary of specific guy friends or potential suitors u have in ur life. again, sean picks up on LOTS that most people brush over. he knows when people flirt with u and he always bites his tongue before he says anything.
whenever u talk about other people too much, he gets a little… sassy. ull be thanking some guy in ur class for giving u the answers and hell be grumbling “i wouldve gave them to u…” under his breath. u shoot a look at him and he just defensively puts his arms up LMAO. he never seems to stop either. the amount of times u caught him rolling his eyes… criminal.
(K) kisses - what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss u? where do they like to be kissed?
sean is so shy when it comes to kisses. when u first began dating, sean never kissed u without a shy “can i?” before. he never knew when was appropriate or if u wanted to kiss him at all. his ears would flare up in red and his eyebrows would furrow in concentration each time.
overtime, as he got more comfortable, sean began finding the “right times” himself. whenever u leave his house he always gives u a quick peck. daniel never misses his opportunity to scream “EWW” as loud as he can. sean will be like “one more” and smooch ur cheek and then say “wait another one” and just KEEP GOING. if he wore lipstick u would look like u were dunked in a pig’s blood.
smiling into the kiss happens without fail—every single time. sean cant help himself, hes a lover boy!! he will always slowly open his eyes and pray u wont catch him sneaking a look. once he pulls away, he laughs while covering his mouth with his wrist. he gets butterflies still, no matter how many times u kiss 😭 im sick.
(L) love language - what is his love language?
sean’s family is big on quality time so he definitely prioritizes it. impromptu hangouts are his absolute favorite and if he could, hed spend every hour he could with u. sean never fails to randomly invite u over and hold u at gunpoint to do family time with him, daniel, and esteban.
also sean is a big gift giver! he will always give u doodles of ur favorite characters and little things that remind him of u. u guys have matching pins, keychains, bracelets, etc. not only does he go all out, but he also knows EXACTLY what u like. again, sean is the most attentive bf ever. hes the kind of man who would spend hours making coraline dolls of u two.
(M) mornings - how are mornings spent with him?
sean is not a morning person. he is almost always running late to first period, so oftentimes u cover for him. he will come to class with messy hair and will lizard-blink at literally anything u say. when u tell him that u gave the teacher an excuse, hell let out a croak-ey "thanks" and he will on a 99% chance knock out right after. he'll probably dazily open his eyes at u every so often and go back to sleep LMAO.
on weekends, sean will... barely be awake for mornings. ull be up and ready, watching hawt dawg man on the couch with daniel while eating cereal. sean shortly comes out of his mancave, stretching and yawning. hell come to lean on ur shoulder and stare blankly at the screen. its never particularly productive but sean couldnt care less honestly.
(N) nicknames -what does he call u?
sean has a disdain for nicknames. uttering any of them out loud just seemed so embarrassing to him… unless he’s making fun of them. he does however love “girlfriend.” its not exactly a nickname but he loves saying ur his girlfriend or “my girlfriends coming over” to people.
at a certain point he started using it in sentences that wouldn’t make sense. he’d go “hi girlfriend” every time he sees u. he’s so stew peed… 😢
(O) on cloud nine what is he like when he’s in love? is it obvious for others?
lyla never hears the end of u. shell be talking about something entirely unrelated and sean will be disassociating with his mouth open. when he finally snaps back into reality the first thing that comes out of his mouth is “do u think she would find it a turn off that u drive me everywhere?…“
“yeah obviously— were u even listening sean?”
“mm okay…” he just goes back to tuning her out again LMAO.
esteban will be asking for his tools from sean and he’d be totally zoned out just thinking about u. esteban will pull himself out from under the car and groan “augh… lover boy…” without sean even saying anything to him… so yes hes obvious.
(P) pda - is he upfront about your relationship? does he brag about you with others? or he rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?
i already wrote on this but sean would rather keep intimate contact privately. that is, unless hes really in the heat of the moment. for example, at a concert hed just get so riled up. the lyrics of the song perfectly aligning with the way he feels about u MIGHTTT just make him collide lips with u, who knows! at special moments he won’t hesitate to kiss u but he’s just usually not a show-ey person.
too many times have the two of u attempted to sneak away to be romantic alone and gotten caught. whether it be lyla, esteban, daniel, or any of sean’s guy friends—they always tease u guys. lyla is so dramatic and she’d probably do the most, screaming and squawking when all she sees is sean hugging u 😭
(Q) quizzes - how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?
just like i mentioned earlier, sean remembers every little thing. he knows which side of ur smile leans more toward, the distinctive mole on ur arm, etc etc etc. he loves u like how a husband with a camcorder loves his late wife <3
sean has pulled multiple joe goldbergs before u started dating. he will give u some small knick knack of ur favorite video game/show/band and ull thank him, visibly confused on when u mentioned it. hell notice and just go “i heard u talk about it like three months ago.” he only realizes HOURS LATER how creepy he sounded and his ass will start sliding down a wall dramatically in his room.
(R) rosy - what makes them blush?
sean is quick to blush. honestly, any time u guys are intimate in any sort of way his ears are probably burning up. he’ll try to hide that he’s nervous by giving u quick one-liners back but inside his heart is RACING.
(S) security - how protective are they? how would they protect you?
sean goes to great lengths to protect people he loves, like u. in relation to actual life is strange 2 lore, sean definitely does anything in his power to not involve u in the incident. if u try to contact him or find him, he’ll probably be EXTREMELY upset. at first, all he can think about is how much he wants u away from all this mess. he just wants u to live a normal life—and if that meant being far away from him he’d be okay with it. u would beg him to let u back in his life and eventually, with much hesitation, he’d oblige. keeping u alongside daniel on the road allowed u to see another side to sean. he had been hit and came back up so many times just for u. all he wants in his life is to keep u safe.
exempt from life is strange 2 lore, sean always does little things to keep u safe. there are many times where he treats u like daniel—aka a big baby LMAO. he’s big on acts of service as well so he’ll always make u walk on the inside of the sidewalk, hold ur hair away from ur face when it’s windy, help u jump off of places too high up, etc.
(T) try - how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
he’s so bf coded of course he puts maximum effort at all times! he gets crafty for you every anniversary—a collection of drawings of u and a curated playlist/burnt cd is the MINIMUM he’s capable of. he’s the kind of boyfriend that can actually pick up on subtleties. something u mentioned liking once? it’s now in his cart.
when sean feels like switching it up he’ll try to do things he’s not used to like pottery and completely fail 😭. he has some place in the back of his closet for all the clunky diy gifts he’s tried to make for u in the past. despite this, he’ll give u a perfect trinket dish and u’ll wonder how he’s so good at everything… well, one day in his room he’ll ask u to go get something from his closet. u go inside and see a cardboard box with 15 versions of that very same trinket dish he made.
(U) understanding - how well do they know their partner?
sean does his best at understanding you as a person. when u talk about complicated emotions and unique experiences he doesn’t quite share, he’ll have this really pensive expression. he nods along and tries to understand ur perspective to the best of his ability. because of this, its really easy to open up to sean.
sean has you down to a T. hes so so so perceptive and knows when u feel uncomfortable. a small falter in ur smile, the glossy glint in ur eyes, ur lip quivering, he sees it ALL. he will immediately try to get u out of whatever situation ure in.
(V) vanity - how concerned are they with looks?
he could give less than two farts tbh. he loves when u look like a mess, more drawing opportunities for him. he however will make a big deal about looking good in front of u. he will be styling his hair for an hour in front of the mirror before going on a date with u, hogging the bathroom. he also practices the way he approaches u and lays out his outfits to impress u LMAO.
(X) xtra headcanon
sean loves cats so much. if u have a cat, he will spend the whole time at ur house trying to befriend them. bro will be crawling all over ur house on all fours... it gets to the point where u guys can never pass by a petsmart without sean making an impromptu visit to see the cats. plus, u guys have matching cat profile pictures!!!
(Y) yearning - how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
sean coops up and calls and texts u as much as u can. its to the extent where he will send u nonsensical texts just so he can open ur guys' chat. ur phone will be vibrating so much and out of curiosity ull open it to just see random symbols and letters strung together. he'll send u random photos throughout the day that remind him of u and make unplanned video calls. u guys do mundane tasks together in silence for HOURS. they never fail to end with him just falling asleep on call.
(Z) zzz - what are their sleep habits?
sean is NOT a morning person. because daniel’s usually the one that wakes him up, he will slam a pillow into ur face when ur just trying to wake him up. he will open his eyes to see u and mumble a “shit sorry…” and snake his hand around u back into bed. he will hold u PRISONER under those sheets. if u try to shuffle out he will snake another arm around u. u're essentially held hostage until sean decides he wants to set u free... cruel world.
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unfortunately i feel like this is very lackluster and COULDVE BEEN BETTER idk. also not proofread so sorry if this was... inchuresting to read... it also sucked me dry so i think i may have to start writing ACTUAL fanfics instead of hcs😢😢😢 thank u if u did enjoy though...
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lovewriting-5 · 10 months
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5. Open Hearts
6. Brothers In Arms:
Karen, Sean and I woke up early the next day. We went over the plan one last time, stopped for a quick bite and then headed to find a Wild Mice Ranch billboard on Brandy Highway.
Karen was in the driver seat. Sean was in the passenger seat and I was in the back. I leaned forward as she asked “Sure he’s gonna show?” Sean says “He better. He promised.” Karen says “Well, if he doesn’t find us…we’ll find him. I can’t believe how much crap you three have been through…Makes me wanna punch in the face each and every asshole that got in your way.” I say “Yeah…Good thing we got to meet amazing people, too.” She says “Life on the road is all about that. The sweet encounters.” I say “Hope we can see them again someday…” Karen says “Oh, you will. So, tell me about Daniel. What’s he like?”
Sean tells her “He’s a cool little kid. I just…didn’t want him to grow up so fast…” Karen tells him “It’s good you both were there for him.” I give a small smile. Out the windshield, I see a car pull up. I say “Heads up.” She asks “Is that him?” Sean tells us “Yep. Wait here.” Sean gets out while Karen and I wait. Jacob gets out of his car and walks toward Sean. Karen and I watch. After sometime, Sean aggressively grabs Jacob by the collar. We get out of the car as Sean pushes Jacob back.
Jacob asks “Why do you think I wrote to your mother?” We approach them when Jacob tells us “Come on…There’s no way they’re gonna let you take him away.” Karen tells him “Well, too bad. We’re not gonna ask for their permission. You must be Jacob. I’m Karen. Hi.” I say “Hi, Jacob. Good to see you again.” He says “Hi, good to see you. Okay. I don’t know if you wanna do this…but I…I have an idea…I think school must be over by now, but Lisbeth will stay at the church with Daniel for his…special classes…That’ll give us time to sneak into the compound before we get to them.” Karen says “We’ll be on lookout…keep watch in case it all goes to shit. Sean, stay on the walkie.”
Sean says “Sounds like a plan.” Jacob says “One more thing…I,uh…we have to get my sister too…Sarah Lee.” He says “Really, Jacob? Come on, man…She’s with your parents.” Jacob says “I know. Please, listen, Sean…She’s not safe here. She’s sick. They believe in everything Lisbeth says. As she says she’ll cure Sarah with prayers…I know you understand…right?” Sean says “Damn, Jake…” I tell him “We need his help, too.” Sean says “Okay, Jake…I’m listening.” He explains “Lisbeth knows what’s wrong with Sarah Lee…We just - - we need to find her medical record. I think it’s in her home office…Then, I’ll go get Sarah Lee while you get Daniel. Okay?” Sean says “Fine.” Karen says “Sure.” I say “Yeah.”
Sean tells Jake “I’m gonna trust you on this, Jacob. All good for you, Karen and (Y/N)?” Karen asks “What if Daniel won’t go with you?” He tells her “He will. I know him…” Before Sean gets into Jake’s car, I give him a tight hug. He wraps his arms around me, I tell him “Be careful.” He says “We will.” Sean and Jake then get into Jacob’s car while Karen and I get into her’s. I let out a deep breath as Karen follows them to the church.
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emarttt · 1 year
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Just me casually drawing Sean then having this concept idea :
My Oc is drawing him when suddenly, Sean come and draws cartoons and let some comments just to annoy her
(I love this headcanon of them two being artists and just pissing off each others)
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tapesfrom1980 · 1 year
ooo u wanna write another fluffy sean diaz fic soooo bad
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parties aren’t for me , sean diaz
in which y/n goes outside for some fresh air and ends up meeting someone unexpected
this feels very cheesy and i’m sorry it’s not as good 🥲🥲writers block got my ass
the music blasted in sean’s ear as he stood next to lyla, a red cup of liquor in his right hand. lyla was swaying to the music with a few other girls she had just befriended. he was awkwardly standing next to the girls sipping on his cup and looking around.
school had been kicking their asses and lyla said this was the perfect getaway from all the stress. now, sean honestly wished he was in his bedroom listening to his own music that wasn’t leaving him deaf. he wanted to sneak outside for a smoke and some fresh air. the environment inside the party was getting overwhelming and warm.
he was so caught up in the heat and loud music he didn’t realize he was staring at someone till lyla elbowed him with a suggestive smile towards the girl he was accidentally watching.
“she’s hot.”
sean bumped her shoulder jokingly but took a good look at the girl.
she was wearing a tight black dress that showed off her curves, bracelets that moved around her arm with her every sway.
she had bold red lipstick on and heels that made her appear way taller than she was. she had a bright smile on her face as she raised her arms up to the best of the music, not a care in the world.
sean finally understood those cheesy movie scenes where time slows down and it’s just the 2 people in the room. he felt so mesmerized by the girl a couple of feet in front of him in a way he never had before.
his trance was ruined by a drunk guy spilling his drink on sean’s hoodie.
“watch where you’re going!” sean yelled angrily as he tried wiping off the spill. it had gone down to his jeans and it made him forget about the girl he had just been admiring.
“lyla!” sean yelled over the music, “i’m going out for a breath of fresh air!” he pointed to the front door to let her know.
“okay! i’ll be right here! don’t you dare try leaving without me diaz!” lyla half joked loudly. sean rolled his eyes and waved sarcastically.
he pushed through the sweaty bodies without bothering to say excuse me to anyone and quickly made his way to the front door.
the fresh night air hit him as soon as he had opened the door. he closed it again behind him and made his way to the porch steps. already he started to feel better and the precious anger he had been feeling was easing.
he was interrupted again out of his trance by someone opening the door behind him. he didn’t bother to look back, just simply rolled his eyes.
“glad to know i’m not the only one who needed fresh air.” a girls voice came from behind him. he didn’t say anything, just simply nodded.
there was a moment of silence until sean felt the girl sit next to him. he looked over and to his surprise, it was the girl he had been looking at earlier.
“it got too hot, then some asshole spilled his drink on me.” the girl giggled and took a look at sean’s sweater which had a red stain.
“you don’t like parties?”
“sometimes. my friend lyla dragged me here.” the girl simply gave him a small smile.
“what about you?”
“i like parties, it’s a small getaway from everything else and for a couple of hours i’m not thinking about the stuff going on in my life.” she looked up at the night sky as stars started coming to light.
“i saw you earlier, you looked like you were having the time of your life.” sean’s lips perked up a little. he recalled the moment of seeing her dancing to the music. the girl gave him a small laugh and he found himself full on smiling at it.
he looked at her as she stared at the sky. he could see the reflection of the stars in her eyes and the dim light on her face from the porch lights. her sparkly eyeshadow made her eyes look like gold and sean wondered how despite all the movement she had been doing in the party, she looked as if she just finished getting ready.
“it’s really fun once you get into it i promise.” she reassured. “what’s your name?”
“sean, sean diaz.”
“i’m y/n, really nice to meet you sean.” she smiled, sean couldn’t keep the stupid grin off his face.
“you uh, you look very nice..” he trailed off awkwardly with a cough. y/n threw her head back and let out a laugh.
“thank you sean. you don’t look too bad yourself.” she winked jokingly.
there was a peaceful moment of silence. not an awkward quiet one, just a moment of peace. here sean was with a complete stranger that had taken a liking to him. surprisingly, he felt at ease.
“do you wanna go somewhere?”
“this is really good.” sean spoke through a mouthful of chocolate cake. y/n smiled and nodded.
“i’ve been going to this place for years now, still looks the same as it did the first time i came.” she took a sip of her milkshake.
when y/n had told him she wanted to go somewhere he didn’t expect a half empty diner that had been here for decades, it was definitely something new. he wasn’t complaining though, it ended up actually being really nice.
“so sean, tell me about yourself.”
sean stopped chewing for a second. he really had no idea what to say. he had never really gotten this far with a girl…
“um, i have a little brother. i like music, a lot. i draw in most of my free time and i help my dad out working with cars.” the last part wasn’t exactly a lie, but he didn’t mention the complaining and groans he’d make when he had to help esteban with a car.
“what kind of music do you like? maybe we have more than common than we think.” y/n teased.
“uh, i really like first aid kit, sufjan stevens, broods…”
he slightly trailed off. he could feel his face getting red.
“i love sufjan stevens! i have most of his album cds.” y/n smiled warmly at sean. she delicately placed her hand on his. sean looked at her in surprise.
“maybe we could listen together one day.” he cleared his throat. he wanted to punch himself for being so awkward, he had a chance with a beautiful girl and he did not want to mess it up. y/n grinned at him.
“you said you like drawing right? show me.” she put her hands back at her sides and straightened her back.
“yes! art waits for no one.” she said, talking through her teeth. she maintained the pose till sean sighed with amusement and started drawing on a napkin with a pen he found on the table.
the diner had a comfortable atmosphere. it had some 70’s music playing and there were was barely anyone. sean tried his best to show his artistic ability on a dry napkin, which turned out to be more challenging than he thought.
he looked at every small feature on y/n’s face and the longer he stared the longer he found himself in awe. when he had left for the party earlier today, this is definitely not how he’d thought it’d end. not even close.
he noticed how y/n’s eyes squinted slightly as she smiled and the small wrinkles next to them. he noticed the lipstick slowly fading off, her mark being left on the straw of her milkshake. he noticed the slight shyness she’d get when he’d stare for a little longer than usual.
“are you done?” sean snapped out of his thoughts.
“with the drawing.” she raised an eyebrow.
“oh uh yeah. it was a little hard with this dry ass napkin.” he joked as he passed her the napkin.
“oh wow.” y/n took a breath as she slowly traced her fingers over the drawing. it was amazing to her how he captured most little details, nonetheless on a napkin.
“you’re really good at this.” she looked up at him with a genuine look. he shrugged and looked away to keep his cool, he didn’t really know what to say.
“do you wanna get going? it’s getting late.” he spoke up after a minute of silence. he didn’t really want to end this night yet, but he knew lyla was blowing up his phone by now.
“oh, yeah! i didn’t realize how late it was.” the two teens got up and made their way to the exit.
“are you serious?” sean groaned as he looked at the heavy rain outside. y/n giggled.
“you don’t like rain?”
“not right now no.”
y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand.
“come on!” she pushed open the door and laughed as sean yelped in surprise as the rain came down on them.
“it’s just a little rain diaz!” sean smiled for a second before he saw a lightning strike in the sky.
“just a little rain huh?” sean took y/n’s hand and went under the diners awning.
“thanks for keeping me company tonight sean.” the girl smiled up at him. they were both dripping with water and getting extremely cold but they didn’t really care. “i had a really nice time getting to know you.” she looked down with a smile.
“me too.” he looked away shyly. he cursed internally for his bad ability to flirt. “will i see you again?” sean asked hopefully.
“of course. you’re not so bad after all.”
there was a moment of silence till sean decided he wanted to do what was on his mind. the whole night y/n had been the one taking charge now he wanted to. he looked down at her and put both of his hands at the side of her face.
“can i kiss you?”
sean wasted no time in connecting the space between them and he loved the feeling of y/n’s lips against his. he could feel the texture of her lipstick and it was driving him crazy in a good way.
he pulled her as close as he could to his body and placed his hands farther down to her waist. he felt such a sense of euphoria and was surprised on how much he was enjoying the kiss. he could feel the rain they had been soaked with on every part of her body he touched.
y/n pulled away at last, go get a breath of air. sean slightly frowned but it went away quickly when he saw her big smile.
“i don’t usually kiss guys on the first date, you’re very lucky.”
“oh definitely.” sean agreed as he went in for a second kiss.
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pomribs · 5 months
me when someone brings up the fact that sean diaz thought his life was ending at 16, little did he know it actually did and he would never feel normal again
me when someone brings up "finn is so fucking smart. if he wasnt such a fuck-up, he couldve taken over the world"
me when someone brings up cassidys letter
me when someone brings up how the group got seperated after the incident even though they only had each other
me when someone brings up how every character had so much potential but were just dealt shitty cards in life and will forever face the consequences of not being good enough to combat the struggles they never asked for (ESP sean, cass, finn and lw daniel)
me when someone brings up the fact that its implied that max and daniel meet in the pw ending, and they finally wont feel alone for the first time in their lives
me when someone brings up how bad seans writing and drawing got after losing his eye, and he would get a migraine whenever he tried to focus, stripping him of the one thing that ever calmed him down
me when someone brings up the fact that daniel quit drawing after lisbeth manipulated him, but started again after sean died because he told him to never stop
me when someone brings up what seans teen years in prison mustve been like and what daniels first meetings with him wouldve been like
me when someone brings up how sean never even gave a second thought about being straight before meeting finn, but after he kissed him he wanted to do it again and kept telling everybody because it was such a personal thing for him
me when sean had no one to talk about prev with because his life was so fucked up and he had no outlet for being a normal teengaer
me when sean literally dreamt about telling his dad he kissed a boy because it was so important to him and he never got to have that conversation before he died, and he imagined his dad supporting him endlessly because he was experiencing a lack of that irl
me when sean got awoken from prev dream to get beat bloody and bruised by a fuckass racist (he will never experience peace)
this post is already too long and i could still go on why is this game so tragic
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clouisluvr · 2 years
dating sean diaz hcs!!
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first of all. he is so Comfy like.. when you both hang out hes always in a freshly washed, soft cotton shirt and shorts (basically how he looks at his grandparents house in ep2) .. fluffy socks too for sure and he always smells SO good like laundry detergent but also a hint of cologne😭 he wants you to be super comfortable as well so u probably show up to the diaz house in pyjamas
they for sure got the ethnic blankets™️ in the diaz house so yall are in his bed like this :
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sean loves to cook or bake with you .. i think it’d be a little competition of who makes the nicest food. i think sean wld be a good cook but a HORRIBLEE baker!!😭 measurements are all wrong, cakes either rise too much or too little, and he manages to burn whatever he makes every time lmaoo. so even though he knows he’ll lose at baking, he does it anyway just to see you win.
movie marathons are a MUST in ur relationship!! u have an extremely long notes list w all the movies u guys have to see and u watch one every friday after school. daniel occasionally adds cartoons to the list🫶
as much as he finds daniel annoying (and realistically daniel is ALWAYSS gonna be hovering around yall a little bit) he wants you to like daniel because he loves daniel more than anything (even though sean before the events of ep1 rarely shows it) he cant be in a relationship with someone that doesnt love daniel, its definitely an ick for him when other people call daniel annoying. sean can insult daniel but nobody else can!!!
esteban is definitely a leave the door a few inches open kinda dad😭 fine with you guys staying in seans room but doesnt wanna give you guys too much freedom. he’d definitely trust and love whoever seans with and accept them as part of his family <3
sean cleared a little space in his wardrobe for you! filled with mostly a couple hoodies, joggers and pyjamas!
okay hear me out ,, sean likes to match outfits but NOOTT in a cringe way more in like a subtle, ‘it’ couple way. like yall will have the same hoodie but he’ll have it in black and you’ll have it in white.
sean likes pretty laidback displays of affection. maybe a hand around ur shoulder or interlocking pinkies .. nothing too over the top, but always some form of physical contact to remind you of his presence!
you’ve definitely washed and styled his hair a couple times and sean absolutely ADORES the feeling of ur fingers running through his hair… he always shyly asks if you could scratch his scalp a bit and you always always do! if he has the superior sean haircut in ep3 where its grown out, you definitely brush and blowdry it to make sure it looks good
sean always has music playing in the back when ur in his room 100%. u guys probably have countless collaborative spotify playlists (i personally think sean is a frank ocean enthusiast) he associates so many different songs with you and loves making new memories attached to good songs
sean draws candid portraits of you like all the time. he just thinks you look so beautiful when you’re focused on a movie or immersed in a book or intensely trying to finish your homework. you always kind of notice he’s drawing you after a while, but dont want him to get self conscious so you pretend you have no clue
its currently 12am and im sooo sleepy and cant be asked to read over this so im sorry if there’s any typos or its not super gender neutral lmao i was writing it as a bit of a self insert i fear ..
hopefully this is decent enough for a first post🤞🏽 enjoy sean diaz lovers!!
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