#sean x f!mc
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+
March 2023
Part Two: The Lights of New York | Tyril Starfury x M!OC - @lawrencebarkley
Reunion 2016 ✒️| Jake McKenzie x Sean Gale - @marmolady
Irresistible Force Paradox ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x M!MC - @justcallmefox89
Irresistible Force Paradox ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey x M!MC - @justcallmefox89 Chapter Two
What I'm Becoming ✒️| Bryce Lahela x M!MC @mydemonsdrivealimo
Your Love ✒️| Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo
Batalla del Vino ✒️| Kiara Theron x Hana Lee - @lizzybeth1986
In Your Room (Series) | Drake Walker x Leo Rys - @angelasscribbles Chapter 1: I Don't Like You ✒️Ⓜ️🔥 Chapter 2: Competition ✒️Ⓜ️🔥 Chapter 3: Clubbing ✒️Ⓜ️ Chapter 4: Threesome? ✒️Ⓜ️🔥 Chapter 5: Morning After ✒️Ⓜ️ Chapter 6: Okay, I Like You ✒️Ⓜ️🔥
Irreplaceable (Series) | Leo Rys x MC, Drake Walker x Liam Rys - @queenrileyrose Chapter 28: I See Forever in Your Eyes ✒️Ⓜ️
Marabelle (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC, Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 3: Falling ✒️Ⓜ️
Unintentional (Series) | Liam Rys x Maxwell Beaumont, Drake Walker x MC - @harleybeaumont Chapter 15: The Announcement ✒️Ⓜ️
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marmolady · 2 years
Reunion: 2022
Main Pairings: Estela x (F)MC, Michelle x Quinn, Graleister, Namasiao
Here it is! My main writing project right now. I'll be giving little windows into the annual Catalyst Reunions as they happen over the years. Some will be little snippets, some will be longer fics. Generally, I'd like to go in chronological order, but me being me, that might not happen. Do feel free to shout out a year between 2022 and 2097 if you want me to write one. So, without further ado, here is the first instalment-- enjoy!
Word Count: 3866
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading! Comments and re-blogs make me EXTRA happy.
From their vantage point up on ‘their’ hill, Estela and Taylor caught sight of the plane coming in before anyone else did.
While Taylor laughed and waved beside her-- even knowing there was little chance she could be seen from the plane-- Estela was quiet, her stomach turning. It had been so long since the twelve of them had been all together; the pandemic had seen to that. Two years had passed since Diego, Grace, Aleister, Taylor and herself returned to La Huerta to stay, pretty much picking up where they left off, but always there had been the sense of something missing… or rather, seven someones. Having spent most of her young life alone and friendless save for her mother and uncle, Estela didn’t have a lot to compare with, but she had a sense that this bond the twelve of them had forged was something uncommonly deep. She supposed shared trauma could do that. It didn’t stop the nerves, though. Estela was no fool; she knew that emotions were bound to be stirred up big time. For better or for worse.
Taylor grasped her hand. “Come on-- let’s head down to the hangar.”
Quinn wasn’t sure what hit first as she stepped out the plane; the humidity or the all-too familiar scent of soil and jungle mixed with sea salt. But there was no mistaking what her senses screamed at her, as if responding to the whirring of an alarm; she was back on La Huerta. Beside her, she felt Michelle such in a breath.
“It’s surreal, isn’t it?” Quinn whispered, while others in the group disembarked.
She hadn’t intended on staying away for so long-- she didn’t think anyone had. But intentions didn’t mean much when a pandemic was thrown into the mix, and the priority had to be keeping the Vaanti safe. It didn’t look like almost three and a half years had passed since she stepped foot on the island. The hangar, the tangle of forest creeping towards the runway… it was all as she remembered. La Huerta might not have changed, but she had. All of them had.
“God,” Michelle was muttering, “just being here is making my hair stand on end….”
“Well,” Zahra said, “record’s a year and a half. Guess we’ll see how long it takes us to escape this time.”
In contrast to the all-too-easily-baited Michelle, Sean wouldn’t let his spirits be dampened. That they were all coming back there together, safe and happy and thriving-- it was them having won. For all the pain he’d endured on this island, what he’d got out of it meant so much more.
“Clear skies as we came in,” he chuckled. “I think we’re all right.”
Then, running up from the beach-- or waddling in the case of heavily pregnant Grace-- those who’d built a permanent life for themselves upon La Huerta joined the visitors, and the group erupted into cheers and hugs, and in some cases, tears.
There were great sighs of relief, for it was this very sense of unity they’d come so far to feel once more, the thing that brought them back to their strongest selves. Not another human being on Earth could understand that connection-- of surviving the end of everything side by side. As they laughed and hugged and cried, the very first annual Catalyst reunion had begun.
The group trudged up the beach to the same old part of the island that they’d first called home such a long time ago, and under the most unusual circumstances. The Celestial-- or rather, The Old Celestial-- was no longer standing; in its place was a far smaller resort, just four storeys tall and shrouded in the plant life that came off its green walls.
There was some amount of oohing and aahing, and Raj wondered aloud to Craig as to whether Aleister had indeed taken the memo about the need for waterslides.
“Y-you cannot be serious!” Aleister spluttered. “A modern marvel in environmentally-sound architecture is before you, but no, ‘does it have a slide?’--”
“There’s a waterslide, Raj,” said Estela. “So it’ll automatically get a better review from you than the last one.”
 A Vaanti woman dressed in an eclectic mix of traditional clothing and modern human accessories  came through the front doors with a nervous flourish.
“Finally you are all here!” she said. “We have been waiting since the beginning to share what we have worked so hard on with you, Catalysts.”
Taylor stepped forward. “For those of you who haven’t met her and her husband yet, this is Elyywa, who’s been helping us out so much with The Celestial.”
Elyywa looked to her side bashfully, her cheeks flushing a brighter green. “It is our home now and we are proud of it.”
“Elyywa is one of the handiest people I’ve ever met,” Taylor said, “she makes keeping the place running look easy, and I know it’s not.”
As they came through to the newly rebuilt atrium, Quinn gave a little gasp. The high walls were lined with beautifully carved bookshelves, and she suspected that every volume in Rourke’s prized collection had made the transfer. No longer were they hidden away, but shared; several armchairs were occupied by folks who’d wandered over from Elyys’tel for the sole purpose of a reading retreat and a cup of tea.
“This is the central room-- and the library,” Grace said proudly. “I know Aleister and I had such special memories in the old library… it was a comforting place when starting again felt so overwhelming.” She grinned. “It sounds crazy, but it felt like we were liberating all these books from Rourke’s keep. Now all this knowledge, all these stories… they belong to everyone here. We’ve even started translating some of the most sought out works into Vaanti-- which Diego has been amazing with!”
“It’s gorgeous!” Michelle gushed. “Pictures really didn’t do this place justice. I’m dying to see our rooms!”
Aleister flushed happily. “It was certainly a labour of love. Some of the lessons learned here have already helped us with the San Trobida project; but this isn’t just a trial run, it’s intended to be both a sanctuary and a place of learning.”
“I’m so glad we can finally see it for ourselves!” Quinn said, beaming. She wandered to the wall at the back of the room, painted with illustrations she and her friends had left there the night before they all left La Huerta so long ago. Memories shared, then remembered together. Of all the things that had been salvaged from the old Celestial, it was the one she treasured most. Her slender fingers traced over brushstrokes of one of her own contributions to the mural wall; an illustration of the thirteen of them relaxing by a shimmering lake. “It really is beautiful.” She turned to Elyywa, who was watching her and the others with undisguised curiosity. “Do you have a lot of people come and stay here?”
“Oh, yes!” Elyywa said, beaming. “We have a market every eighth day, Delphinus, which brings people from across Vaanu to trade their wares-- many regulars. There is great pride in taking back a part of our home that the Hydra had seen our people banished from. In the beginning we had much attention from the remaining devout, but that is less so.”
Zahra frowned. “How’s your security? We’re not gonna have any nutbags like Uqzhaal skulking around, looking for an easy mark to poison….”
Horror filled Elyywa’s thin face, but it was Varyyn who spoke, his tone utterly calm.
“It has been a time of unease,” he said,  “but the tension is passing. The fall of the Hydra and the safe conclusion of Raan’losti speak for themselves; what The Endless predicted-- whatever her motivations were-- have come to pass and brought about a future that brings us great hope. Should any individuals disturb this hard-won peace, they would be rising up against the united front of our people. Many in Elyys’tel see you Catalysts as part of our community even after you left our shores, and would see you protected as they would any Vaanti.”
“Basically,” Taylor said, “keep it respectful to the people who live here, and any issues go through Varyyn. Yeah, there’s probably a few dangerous extremists out there, people being people, but we’ve not had any problems even with some of the more intense followers of the religion. It didn’t take long for the initial excitement to all calm down; now we’re just part of the furniture again.”
It hadn’t even crossed Quinn’s mind that a threat might remain; after everything they’d all been through, this was their second home. In all honesty, it felt like no time had passed at all-- making the seemingly sudden replacement of Rourke’s old resort almost jarring. It was almost like she’d stumbled into an alternate universe; everything was hauntingly familiar and yet new.
When Grace showed her and Michelle to their suite, that same feeling came back to Quinn tenfold. Several pieces of furniture were exactly as she’d remembered them, and they looked over the same old shimmering sea, but the Vaanti influence in the design was proudly there too, and it made it quite clear that this was no hotel of Rourke’s.
Exhausted, she flopped on the bed and Michelle fell into her arms, making her giggle.
“Is it just me,” Michelle asked, looking up at the ceiling hung with glowing lights and vines, “or is this surreal as hell?”
Definitely not just you.
The sun dipped below the horizon, the end of a long and busy day. The poolside was ringing with voices as old family rekindled their bonds, sharing jokes that not a soul outside themselves would ever understand. Having been given a tour of the kitchen by Elyywa and husband Asti, Raj had refused to emerge without a full spread to lay out in celebration of the reunion. By the edge of the beach, a happily full Estela had taken refuge away from the main hubbub, and sipped a virgin variation of her usual signature drink as she sat cross-legged upon the sand, joined by Quinn and Michelle as they too opted for just a little quiet time.
 It wasn’t often she had the opportunity to really talk about the things that had been troubling her most-- not with friends with a human perspective. It was easier than she’d imagined it to be, the time apart from her friends doing nothing to change how comfortable she felt bearing herself to them. She was among family-- certainly in any way that mattered to her. And in the way they shared with her in return… that trust touched her deeply, every time.
“...it really means a lot that you worked with my insane schedule so we can come,” Michelle was saying. “I honestly would have been devastated. You’re good as sisters to me, and you don’t just miss your sisters’ wedding! Having something like that to look forward to might just get me through my exams.”
Quinn’s blue eyes twinkled and she gave Michelle’s shoulder a nudge. “And here I was thinking I was getting you through?”
“Babe, you’re a fucking ray of sunshine, but to get through med school I’m going to want all the motivation I can get.”
They laughed together, and Estela felt safe.
“I, uh, I’m really excited to show you my home,” she said, her cheeks reddening. Comfortable with her La Huerta sisters she might be, but she was still a little awkward. She scratched the back of her neck. “I hope your families don’t freak on you when you tell them the wedding’s in San Trobida….”
It was aimed more at Quinn who she knew had been struggling to manage the protectiveness of her mother and father as they adjusted to their daughter’s freedom from the impact of Rotterdam’s.
Quinn met Estela’s eyes, appreciating the understanding and offering a smile. “Oh, they will. Mom’ll cry and beg me not to go, then she’ll cry all over again and tell me to go for it and make the most of every second. Dad’ll encourage me, but be pretty much having kittens all the same.”
“I don’t blame them for being afraid,” Estela said quietly, looking out over the foaming sea as it gently lapped the shore. “We pretty much put everyone back home through hell, and no one knows the half of it. And your parents spent your whole life scared of losing you before you even came here.” She looked back to Quinn. “But it’s good you’re living your life for you. It’s all any decent parents really want, isn’t it? You being happy.”
“Yeah… and I think that’s the only thing allowing them to let go. But, hey! Once I’ve shown them all the photos I take of the resort you guys built over there, they’ll be wanting a San Trobida vacation themselves!”
Estela didn’t think it likely, but then if anyone could paint a picture of sunshine and rainbows, it would surely be Quinn. Maybe they needed to rope her into San Trobida’s tourism board.
Then, Michelle ventured the gentle query Estela had most been dreading.
“You can tell me to fuck off if this is too personal--”
Estela snorted softly, finding humour in Michelle’s Michelle-ness even as her stomach churned.
“--how are you and Tay doing on the baby front?”
“Well, I’m not pregnant. We keep trying every month, but…” Estela shrugged her shoulders and stared at her hands. A heart to heart was one thing, but she didn’t have any intention of full-on crying at what was meant to be a celebration. “Shit outta luck so far. It’s getting us both down-- and Diego too. He wants it so bad, but he downplays it to protect us. It’s pretty obvious to everyone that it’s starting to break me. Sometimes I can’t think of anything else, and it just… it just hurts.”
Her fears and frustrations over her thus-far failed attempts at falling pregnant had rarely been uttered aloud… not since it came about that Grace and Aleister were expecting their own little one. She daren’t broach the subject too deeply with her uncle; she couldn’t bear to have him hurting on her behalf after everything she’d already put him through, and Taylor had given up her well-meaning but unwelcome encouragement in finding support in that avenue. Taylor had Diego. Estela had him too, but as the proposed donor and a very emotionally invested party, he was too close to the situation to make talking easy.
“I’m selfish,” she said shortly.  “I’m selfish to care so much about genetics when there’s god knows how many kids in San Trobida who need loving families.”
“I wouldn’t say that’s selfish, Estela….” Michelle said, squeezing her hand. “For better or worse, most people take biological children as a given. It’s a tangible connection to people you love. I don’t think that holding a lot of meaning is selfish.”
“I guess…, Estela said, “it doesn’t matter if it is selfish or if it’s not. It… doesn’t change the way I feel. I want what I want, and it’s not going away. So, I push the guilt aside. I’ve done my part. Why shouldn’t I have one selfish thing that I want? Someone to love with a little piece of my mom in them.” She shook her head with a dark chuckle. “It’s looking, though, like my selfish want isn’t meant to come to anything anyhow. Iris says everything’s in working order, we get the timing right… but we can’t make it happen.”
Quinn hugged her. “That must be so hard. Even with everything doing what it’s meant to, there’s still so much luck involved. I’m sorry.”
Estela just sighed. “It is what it is. We have options-- and we can certainly afford medical assistance if it really just isn’t working. That would either mean moving back to the States or preferably bringing doctors over for short visits to La Huerta to perform IVF. But I’m not quite ready to throw the towel in and get help.”
“I’m guessing,” Quinn queried, “it’s a stupid question as to whether there are many options within San Trobida right now?”
“There’s so much that needs fixing. I do what I can, but it’s a long way off fertility treatment from being a priority. It’s frustrating, but my tio says I’m impatient, that things are truly progressing so well and so fast.”
Again, Estela shook her head, but with the finality that said she was done with the subject. It was a hard one, and she was fast approaching her limit. “We’re taking a break anyway. I’m about to be a tia, and I’m going to be there-- fully there-- for whenever Grace, Aleister and the baby need me. Right now, that’s what’s most important. We’ll go back to trying later… couple of months maybe.”
“Just make sure you’re looking after yourself as well,” Michelle said gravely. “Don’t think we don’t know how stubborn you are! We’re always on the end of the line if you need to vent. I’ll vent right back at you, because med school is a bitch, but I’ll always be there.”
Estela couldn’t help the small smile that quirked at her lips. “I’m sure we can work out a fair exchange.”
“How about a toast?” Quinn suggested, lifting her glass. “To our family growing.”
Pleased that the message had been received and the subject being put to rest, Estela raised her own to Quinn’s and gently chinked it, and Michelle followed suit. “Our family.”
Somehow, she felt that little bit lighter… a burden shared and all that.
The rest of the group were still buzzing when Estela rejoined them. She kept to the sidelines, though she never felt unwelcome.
“Katniss!” Jake called from the bar, which he’d apparently managed to commandeer from Raj, “Lemon, lime, bitters?”
“I’m good,” she replied. “You’re… sitting out of pool noodle jousting? Funny, that’s not like you.”
Jake smirked. “What can I say? Gotta give poor Heisman a chance to win one now and then.”
“I bet he really appreciates the condescension.”
“I’m a gift that keeps giving.”
“Sure you are, cabrón. Just don’t give it to me.”
While she ribbed Jake, Estela knew that he was finding this whole reunion business harder than most. He’d already made it pretty clear that he didn’t want to talk, so she didn’t push. But he’d be thinking on Mike as much as she herself was thinking on her mom.
Not wanting to get caught up too deep in that particular head-space, she focused back on the rest of their friends as they shouted and splashed in the pool. They all carried their own scars from La Huerta, but they were letting them fade into the background in favour of the simple joy of being with the people they loved most.
Her eye was drawn helplessly to Taylor-- how could it not be? Bathed in the light of the setting sun, Estela’s wife was literally glowing. Taylor in her happy place; surrounded by her people. She was a remarkable woman, Estela knew, as open-hearted as she was brave, and with an uncanny knack for feeling when the people around her needed a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on. Poor Taylor had struggled so much with what she’d come from that she so easily missed the sheer wonder of who she was. Estela never did. She saw Taylor. Taylor-the-person. Sparkling with laughter as she talked with her friends. And Estela couldn’t help but smile as she watched her like that, and wonder how the hell a social butterfly like that could wind up falling in love with the strange loner. Then Taylor turned and met her wife’s gaze, and the smile changed, if anything becoming even sweeter. The warmth and understanding there needed no words.
“Hey!” Zahra called from the pool, “When you’re done making heart-eyes at Tayls, wanna team up and kick some ass?”
“Aw, Z!” Craig whined, and he dumped her from his shoulders. “After all we’ve been through?”
Estela didn’t need a lot of convincing. Either she could get caught up in her own head, or she could have a little fun with the best people she knew. The choice was easy. She stripped down to her swimwear, and having neatly placed her clothes on a deck chair, dived in.
Zahra was dishevelled from being dunked, but was smirking. “Heh, I’ve got freaking Estela. I hope you losers are bracing yourselves for a world of pain….”
From their balcony, tucked just away from the waning action at the poolside, Quinn and Michelle cuddled beneath a blanket and watched as one by one-- or two by two in some cases-- their friends retired to their respective hotel rooms. Like most everything else that day, there was a strange and comforting familiarity about it all.
Quinn noticed Estela helping up Grace, unsteady on her feet and eight months pregnant, and thinking back to the talk she’d had with Estela, was glad for them that they had one another. Then, with Aleister having retaken up his role as Grace’s arm to lean on, Estela and Taylor were wrapped around one another once more, giggling as they danced across the tiled ground. Sean, Craig and Raj all parted ways with exchanged slaps on the back and clasping of shoulders that snowballed into bear hugs. Tentative at first, Diego joined in, soon swamped in affection from the three much-larger men, while Jake jeered until he got roped into his own noogie. Quinn realised that those alarm bells her body had been blaring at her had all but subsided, as though the old confidence she’d always felt in the company of these friends had gotten the hint and kicked in. Trepidation had fallen away, and what remained was nothing short of contentment. Born, she knew, of a sense of belonging she could only have dreamed of for most of her life, sheltered as she’d been from her peers.
“’Chellie…,” she said softly, snuggling her head against Michelle’s neck, “you know, I am really, really happy to be back here. So much it’s surprised me.”
Michelle laughed dryly. “You know how much I was dreading this. If I don’t have another panic attack or three before the week’s out it’ll be a miracle….” She sighed, amused. “But it’s crazy how much it feels like home. It’s got to be the company. And I cannot wait to get back to the old med centre and catch up with the old team.”
Quinn kissed her lover’s cheek, slightly cool in the evening air. “This might turn into an annual group therapy session!”
“Yeah. It wouldn’t hurt… it’s not as if we can tell a damn soul back home half of what we went through.”
A soft smile came to Michelle’s face as she looked up from the resort grounds to the wilderness beyond. Further still, she knew, was the Catalyst village still standing, then Elyys’tel. After everything, it couldn’t not remain home to her in some deep way, this beautiful, insane place.
“I want us to keep coming back.”
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wqbytop100 · 1 year
Top 100 for the week ending March 26, 2023
Heaven-----Niall Horan -1
Reborn----SIDEPIECE, *Kyle Walker remix -2
Just The Kinda Feeling----Yotto, Lost Boy -6
Back To You----Lost Frequencies, Elley Duhe, X Ambassodors -8
Lovesick----Alan Walker, Sophie Simmons -7
Sparks----MEDUZA, DEL-30, Mali-Koa -10
Here We Go Again----Oliver Tree, David Guetta -3
High Heels - Party Down Under-----Flo Rida, Walker Hayes *Sam Fledt remix -9
***Where You Are----John Summit -(new entry)
You Know What I Mean----PNAU, Troye Sivan -13
Dancing's Done----Ava Max -4
Pearls-----Jessie Ware -16
Unholy----Sam Smith, Kim Petras, *Disclosure remix -14
10:35------Tiesto, Tate McRae -11
Out Of My Mind----Little Image -23
If We Ever Broke Up-----Mae Stephens -25
Broderline----Tove Lo -22
I Can't Wait------Tiesto, Solardo, Poppy Baskcomb -15
Left & Right-----Ownboss, FAST BOY -5
When I Talk----- Kx5 w/ Elderbrook -19
Money On The Dash----Elley Duhe, Whethan -17
Lay Low----Tiesto -20
Never Gonna Not Dance Again---Pink, *Sam Feldt remix -18
Good Time-----The Dare -12
Afterparty-----Loud Luxury, Hook N Sling -29
Something's Coming----Cheat Codes, Lady A -24
Red Lights----Lane 8, Emmit Fenn, *ENBRZ remix -26
Feel This Good----Sigala, Mae Muller, Caity Baser, Stefflon Don -81
Hungry Heart----Steve Aoki, Galantis, Hayley Kiyoko -21
Gone (Da da Da)----Imanbek, Jay Sean -30
Lennon----ESSEL -31
Diferent Kind Of Lonely---Camp Kubrick, Don Diablo -32
Flowers----Mylie Cyrus -36
New Gold----Gorillaz, Tame Impala, Bootie Brown, *Dom Dolla remix -33
Tra Tra----HUGEL, BLOND:ISH, Nfasis -34
Chasing Shadows----Alex Warren -28
How Many Tears----Kygo, Sam Feldt, Emily Warren -42
Gimme That Bounce-----Mau P -45
Bel Mercy----Jenji -35
What's It Gonna Take-----Cheat Codes, Michael Tenpenny -41
Makin Time----Sultan + Shepard, Julia Church -43
Stay Above----Lukas Graham -43
Lipstick-----BLR, Robbie Rise -47
I'm Good (Blue)-----David Guetta, Bebe Rexha -40
I'll Be Around-----Elderbrook, Amtrac -49
Wings (I Won't Let You Down) ----Armin Van Helding, Karen Harding -97
Anyway----CASH CASH F/ RuthAnne -66
Pouring Rain----Guz, Camden Cox -52
Revolution----John Summit -55
The One----INJI -64
Don't Make Me Come Down There----Dolly Parton -54
>*Ghost Again----Depeche Mode -(re-entry)
Shut Up----Alan Walker, UPSAHL -37
>*Sleepwalking ---Matt Sassari, GOODBOYS -(re-entry)
Show Me----John Summit, Hannah Boleyn -51
<*Pegasus----MEDUZA, Eli & Fur -(re-entry)
Make Me Feel----The Chainsmokers, Cheyenne Giles -57
>*Anything But Wet--- I.O. Lights -(re-entry)
Rely On Me---Sigala, Gabry Pointe, Alex Gaudino -48
What House----Block & Crown -58
***Pwdr Blu---- Kx5 f/Brother -(new entry)
Choose You----Elmiene -88
Clouds----BUNT., Nate Traveller -62
Moving On Around (Jumpin) ----Schak, Kim English, *John Summit remix -63
Submarine----Seeb, BANNERS, SUPER-Hi -83
I Wrote A Song---Mae Muller -86
The Way----Manchester Orchestra -89
Headstrong Gunnar---Aldn --91
After Midnight-----Lucas & Steve, Yves V, Xoro, *TELYKAST remix -90
Adore----Bob Sinclar -72
Bedroom Exile----Giant Rooks -69
F U Goodbye----Peach PRC -87 >*
Lose My Mind----Stephen Dawes -92 >*
Everybody Hates Me----GAYLE -93
***My City's On Fire----Jimi Jules, Anyma, Cassion -(new entry) >*
Crazy---RNR, Ryan Lewis -73 >*
***Take Me Home----VAVO, Clara Mae -(new entry)
Next To You----Loud Luxury, DVBBS, Kane Brown -70 >*
Oi Oi Oi ----Dubdogs, Maxximal, MC Hollywood -100 >*
Good Life----Hayden James, Emie -99 >*
All Or Nothing----Topic, HRVY -94 >*
***REACT---Switch Disco, Ella Henderson, Robert Miles -(new entry) <*
***No One Dies From Love---Tove Lo -(new entry)
Rewind... ---Whipped Cream -76 >*
Find Your People----Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors -77
Feelings ---Emeline -78
Caught Up----Gryffin, Olivia O'Brien -79 >*
Take Me Away----ACRAZE -82 >*
Thousand Miles----Miley Cyrus, Brandi Carile -84 >*
Firewalk----Morgan Page, Lissie -61 >*
>*Creepin' -----Metro Bloomin, The Weeknd, 21 Savage -(fe entry) >*
***Stereo----SUM SON, Sly Chance -(new entry)
New Bottega----Torren Foot, Azelalla Banks -85 >*
***Deciever - VIP----Chris Lake, Green Velvet -(new entry)
***House All The Time----Biscits -(new entry)
River----Mylie Cyrus -27
Freeze----Kygo -38 >*
Sete----BLOND:ISH, Francis Mercier, Amadou & Mariam -44 >*
Drifting Away---Audien, Joe Jury -46 >*
Need Me Right----Anabel Englund -50 >*
Gone this week are; 11off ..8new ..3 returns
No Love For You---Regard, Drop G Kill Me----Alok What A Life----John Summit, Guz, Stevie Appleton Can I Get It Back----Jordana Bryant, *R3HAB remix Say Your Mine---Paul Oakenfold, Nat Monday, Christina Novelli Better Now----TELYKAST, Francis Karel, *MENUN remix Forget You---FAST BOY, Topic The Freaks----David Guetta, Marten Harger All Falls Down---Alonestar, Jethro Sheeran, Ed Sheeran Sing Your Lullaby---R3HAB, Mike Williams High----NEIL FRANCIS, PawPawRod
0 notes
bobasheebaby · 6 years
Departure- The Rise chapter 1
Pairing: Sean x F!MC (Coral Grady)
Written for @badthingshappenbingo Fandom: Choices Endless Summer  Square filled: Thwarted Escape
Word count: 2,209 Warnings: angst, dark!fic?, gore? Summary: The catalysts head home only to find everything has changed. A/N: My MC is Coral Grady and she is dating Sean. This happens after the start of the apocalypse. Thank you to both @itsstillnotwhatyouthink and @blackcatkita for proofreading for me. The dialogue and a lot of the set up comes from Endless Summer Book 2 chapters 13 & 14. This chapter is fairly mild.
Series Warnings: death, rotting flesh, gore, blood, biting, turning, blood consumption, may get NSFW. It’s zombies, it ain’t gonna be pretty! By requesting to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years old and can stomach the gore.
If you need to avoid The Rise postings, filter #choices zombie au or #the rise to ensure you won’t see my zombie fic posts.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist. Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters, I’m simply borrowing them for a bit.
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The catalysts stood staring at the portal, hearts racing with hope as they watched the swirling portal, crackling with electricity. The air hung heavy with anticipation, no more fighting, struggling to survive, they made it and found their way home. “Let’s do this together.” Coral said, turning back to face her friends. “This is it. Together, we’ve faced dangers none of us could even dream of. If you guys are by my side, there’s nothing we can’t overcome.”
“Compared to some of the things we’ve seen, a purple death vortex is a cakewalk.” Craig proclaimed.
“I’m with you Coral! All the way!” Grace replied
One by one, each of the catalysts, friends stepped forward joining Coral on the catwalk.
“So Varyyn, after we’re through, take the heart and get outta here.” Diego said, his voice breaking with emotion at the thought of having to leave Varyyn behind. “Don’t get caught, okay? I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”
“You would not be able to know either way.” Varyyn replied.
“—I’d know. Somehow I’d know.” Diego answered, a tear streaking down his cheek.
Varyyn’s lip trembled, seeming to hold back his own tears. He pulled Diego into his arms embracing him, his lips meeting Diego’s one final time. “I will wait for you, Diego.”
“For a million years?”
“For eternity.” Varyyn promised. “Goodbye my friends. It was the greatest honor of my life to know you.”
“Can we please move this along? The radiation cannot be good for our health!” Aleister grumbled, irritated and anxious to return home to Hartfeld and get away from this blasted island of death, away from his father.
“You ready Princess?” Jake asked with his familiar smirk, though Coral could see the nerves he was trying to disguise.
Coral took a step towards Sean, slipping her smaller hand into his larger one. Ready or not here we go. Her heart pounded in her chest hoping they made it through before being detected.
“I know I look like a tough guy, but a moment ago, I was scared witless.” Sean said gazing down at her.
“Really?” Coral questioned gently squeezing Sean’s hand.
“Really. And somehow, the moment your hand touches mine, all of that evaporates.” He replied. “Coral? Let’s go home.”
The twelve of them encircled the portal sphere. “Everybody, together. One—” Coral said, her breath caught in her throat, they nearly made it, they were finally returning home. “two—” She squeezed Sean’s hand. “three.”
They stepped forward into the light simultaneously. They felt their bodies stretch, shrink, dissolve and reconstitute, as they transmitted across dimensions, falling through the quantum foam. They held hands tighter, refusing to let go of one another.
“Whoaaaaaa!” Shouted Raj.
“Yaaaaaaah!” Craig screamed.
“Aaaaaaaah!” Michelle shrieked.
Finally, they felt something solid underfoot. “Do you feel that?” Coral questioned, both excited and afraid to open her eyes. Home, we’re home. It worked, we actually made it.
“I think we landed somewhere.” Zahara answered.
“I still can’t see.” Diego replied.
Coral winced against the blinding light as she opened her eyes.
“We made it! We really made it!” Grace exclaimed excitedly.
Gradually the haze faded. Silence hung heavy in the air despite the sun hanging high in the sky.
They stood in the middle of the roof staring out across the buildings. The sun hung high in the sky marking the middle of the day, yet a silence filled the air.
“What? What happened?” Quinn questioned. What went wrong?
The campus stretched out in front of them, everything quiet as if everyone vanished at once, the stench of death hung in the air. Familiar buildings stretched before them. Bare trees, and cool crisp New England winter air showing how long they’d been gone. It’s winter? It was just summer. The world appearing both familiar and unfamiliar at once. The realization of how much they missed, how long they’d been gone, how much had changed settled around them heavy in the air.
“Dammit, Z! You got the coordinates wrong!” Craig exclaimed in frustration, kicking a stray rock across the roof.
“I didn’t! I wouldn’t make that dumb a mistake!” Zahara denied with the air of indignation at the accusation.
“Then where the hell are we?” Michelle asked, her voice laced with confusion and annoyance.
Coral covered her nose and mouth with her hand, trying to lessen the stench she breathed in as she drew her gaze over the familiar surrounding, eyes squinting in the midday sun. “The gate worked—” Coral said, choking on the sickly sweet smell of rotting flesh. “We’re home.”
They stared out at the campus, the silence of the normally busy square was deafening. Not a living soul in sight, they felt their hearts sink, each thinking the same thing; what happened? Where is everyone? Tension hung heavy around them as they scanned the horizon for some sign of human life or what had caused everyone to abandon the once busy campus they had all called home.
Sean silently watched the stillness, his face creased with pain. “Yea, it’s Hartfeld.” He replied, voice cracking with emotion.
“Nah, man… No way!” Raj replied incredulously.
“Yeah, last I remember there were fucking people! It wasn’t a fucking wasteland that smelled like death.” Craig angrily rebutted.
“I don’t understand. What happened?” Quinn questioned, her usually bubbly personality subdued as she tried to wrap her head around their surroundings.
“Surely this must be the distant future. It must be.” Aleister offered, refusing to believe this was their reality.
Coral slowly spun around, every corner silent, empty and oddly still. What caused this? She couldn’t think of anything that would cause a mass evacuation and leave the stench they were surrounded by.
“What the hell are we supposed to do here?” Michelle questioned the group.
This was all they wanted, to get home—but this wasn’t the home they left, the home they were trying to return to. Could they even return to La Huerta? Would that be the better option than staying?
“We have to look for survivors.” Coral replied, her stomach twisted in knots as she hoped that someone survived, that they could get answers. They can’t all be gone, right?
“Coral’s right. People could be hiding from whatever caused this.” Grace answered gesturing at the empty quad.
“I wouldn’t bet on it.” Jake replied grimly.
“Well sorry if I don’t take your word for it, Jake. Come on!” Sean countered, annoyed at the pilots pessimism.
They carefully descended the building’s creaking fire escape down to street level. Belongings left behind, cars abandoned with doors left wide open. The twelve look around trying to decipher what they were seeing, trying to piece together what could have caused Hartfeld to be seemingly abandoned. What could have been so bad that everyone would simply leave?
“Okay, let's look around. But be careful, okay?” Coral suggested.
The friends carefully maneuvered the desolate street, looking around, looking for clues as to what happened. Stray leaves swirled around them in the breeze fluttering in the wind. Sean suddenly paused, breaking off from Coral, heading down the vacant street.
“Where is he going?” Michelle asked.
Coral shook her head, breaking from the group, following after Sean. She followed him into an abandoned building, mailboxes in the entryway hanging open, everything as eerily quiet as outside. She climbed the staircase up to the second floor, following his path. She paused when she saw him standing in the open doorway, staring into the empty apartment. “Sean? What are we doing here?” She asked stepping closer, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“This is my mom’s place. Was. Was my mom’s place.” Sean replied with a shake of his head. I should have been here for her.
“Oh… Sean.” Coral answered softly.
“After we finally managed to get away from my dad, she wanted to stay close to me. I wanted her close.” Sean said stepping further into the living room looking around sadly. “She got this apartment when I was a freshman. Closest building to Hartfeld stadium.” He walked up to a cracked photo frame, hanging askew on the wall. He picked it up, looking at it sadly. A photograph of a young Sean, beaming after winning a peewee football game stared up at him. Hugging him are a proud mother and father. “I always hated that she kept this photo up. She still loved him after everything. After everything that bastard did to us, she still loved him.” Sean whispered sadly. “At least…she loved the old him. But that man was dead.” Sean slumped down clutching the frame. He blinked, welling tears forced out.
Coral sat next to him, grasping his hand in hers. “I wasn’t here, Coral. I told her I’d always protect her, and I wasn’t here—”
“It’s not your fault, Sean.” Coral replied leaning her head against his shoulder and squeezing his hand.
“That’s all I was ever good at, you know? Taking punishment so someone I care about doesn’t have to.” Sean said sadly. “And for my mom, for the person that mattered most… I couldn’t even do that.” His head dropped in shame. I shouldn’t have left, maybe I could have saved her.
“Sean, we’ll fix this.” Coral replied, voice strong and sure. She had to fix this, for everyone, for Sean. They had no choice but to find out what happened and fix it.
“You say that with such certainty… I don’t know how you do it.” Sean said looking up at her, letting out a laugh. “Only you could make me look at the end of the world and think ‘Yeah, this is fixable.’” He sighed shaking his head. “It seems completely nuts. But I look at you… and I believe it.”
“I believe in us.” Coral replied, standing up, offering Sean her hand. “Come on Heisman. The world needs saving.”
Sean took Coral’s hand following her out to their friends. They stopped in their tracks when they saw Raj falling apart in front of them. Nothing gets to Raj.
Raj paced, his hands thrown up in the air, as he ranted to himself. “This can’t be happening. It can’t be happening. It’s a nightmare. I can’t deal with this. I can’t!”
“Uh, Coral? I think we finally broke Raj.” Zahara stated gesturing to their fun loving friend mid panic.
Coral walked over to Raj. He ran his hands forcefully through his hair, eyes wide and almost wild. Coral wrapped him into her arms. He suddenly stopped moving, freezing as her arms came around him. “I— I—” He stuttered, unable to complete his thought.
“We’re here, Raj. We’re here with you.” Coral stated reassuringly.
“Okay. I’m okay. I’m good now. Thanks, Coral.” Raj replied exhaling. He wrapped his arms around Coral, returning the hug. “You’re a pretty good hugger by the way.”
“You too big guy.” Coral answered, breaking from the hug with a final pat on her friends back.
The twelve turned, heading back to the dorms when Diego froze, squinting his eyes trying to make sense of what he was seeing.
“So. This might sound weird, but—” Diego trailed off, his eyes wide with shock and uncertainty.
They turned, their eyes following Diego’s gaze.
“Is that people?” Jake asked.
“They aren’t people, they’re zombies.” Zahara replied, eyes wide in amazement.
“Zombies? Real live zombies? Cool!” Craig exclaimed.
“Craig, think. Zombies eat people, and we are the only people around.” Zahara replied slugging Craig in the arm as to knock sense into him.
“Oh, yea that’s bad.” Craig replied.
“Run!” Estela shouted.
“Hurry! Back to the rooftop! Go! Hopefully they can’t climb!” Coral declared.
The zombies grew closer, the quiet, the stench, the fact everything was abandoned now making more sense. They sprinted as fast as they could, reaching the fire escape, scrambling up to the roof. Back we have to go back!
“The Gate! It’s gone!” Quinn shrieked her voice high with panic.
“How the hell do we get it back open?!” Zahara demanded.
“I—I don’t know!” Grace replied sullenly.
“Oh no—” Aleister exclaimed, eyes growing wide as their brief head start was coming to an end.
They saw the zombies moving in closer still. The horde seeming to grow the closer they got to the building.
“Varyyn! He must’ve taken the Island’s Heart out of the machine and is on his way back to Elyys’tel!” Diego answered.
“So we’re totally screwed then. Great!” Michelle shouted.
Coral thought back to the times her mind linked with Varyyn. She closed her eyes and searched for him in her consciousness. She searched, pleading, praying he could hear her and feel their desperation. She tried, over and over, squeezing her eyes shut, hoping to finally find him. But she can’t find him, seconds ticked by and all she found was empty space. We must be too far. She slowly opened her eyes, the realization settling in on them one by one, they were stuck. How could we have been safer on an island that tried to kill us than home? She looked around her friends bewildered faces, every face etched with the same fear and worry. How do we get back now? Can we survive long enough to get back? Could whatever had changed be reversed, or was this simply the beginning of the end?
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Tags: @speedyoperarascalparty @liamxs-world @annekebbphotography @syphaxs @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @ao719 @blackwidow2721 @katurrade @leelee10898 @stopforamoment @akrenich @cora-nova @gardeningourmet @daniv2278 @bella-ca @gibbles82 @choiceslife @tornbetween2loves @sleepwalkingelite @carabeth @traeumerinwitzhelden @blackcatkita @boneandfur @bobbersb @endlessflame @kadencantarella @innerpostmentality @imma-winchester-addict @strangerofbraidwood @darley1101 @sirbeepsalot @itsalliepg @likethetailofacomet @salt-n-burn-em-all @debramcg1106 @blackcoffee85 @super-secret-fandom-blog
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rainesclan · 7 years
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sean x f!mc wedding aesthetic
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blightarts · 5 years
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Next Chapter: Coming Soon
Disclaimer: All Endless Summer and Choices rights belong to Pixelberry. Also, jokes here are not meant to offend anyone. 
MC x LI Pairings: Quinn x M!MC, Jake x F!MC
Word Count: 4799
Tags: @princessstellaris​, @mechaspirit​, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo​, @skyila​, @choicesyouplayandmore​, @i-miss-trr​, @mysteli​, @brightpinkpeppercorn​, @aquamarvel​, @marmolady​, @sceptilemasterr​, @endlessly-searching-for-you​, @ohmyeightpastlives​, @choiceslife​
Blue eyes open to a new day. A young man in his early 20′s wakes up on his bed, with ruffled black hair and drool near his lips. One thing keeps repeating in his mind as he blankly stares at the ceiling.
“Everything in its own time.”
The man sighs and sits up straight.
Casey: That’s the only thing I believe in… for about a week. But as of now, there is little progress in restoring my friends’ memories and helping them back up to who they used to be during our adventures in that isla—
Suddenly, there was a loud bang on his door which scared him. The door opens and in comes a young blonde woman, also in her early 20′s and with blue eyes. It’s Casey’s older twin sister, Emily Summers.
Emily: Hey, Casey! Breakfast is ready! We got a big day today!
She grabs the collar of his shirt and drags him out of bed, towards the dining room.
Casey: Forget what I said. My overly-ecstatic sister is always dragging me, literally and figuratively, back to optimism. But who can blame her? She wants to be with everyone again, especially Jake.
Emily: Stop talking like Deadpool.
Casey: What? The writer likes jokes that break the 4th Wall.
(Note: You guys will read a bunch of jokes that break the 4th Wall. 😆)
The young woman rolls her eyes and chuckles as she puts her little brother on his chair, next to their roommate, Zahra Namazi, who chuckles at their antics.
Zahra: You two should audition for a sitcom, cuz your everyday shenanigans is making even me laugh.
Casey: Thanks for the compliment? I guess?
Emily just sips her coffee and stares blankly, internally giggling. Casey notices the red tint in his sister’s eyes, realizing that she cried herself to sleep, thinking about Jake, then he sighs. Soon, after the three finish breakfast, the twins go to prepare for the first day of the Hartfeld Science and Technology Week. As they get dressed, they head for the door, but not before turning to Zahra.
Emily: Zahra, you not coming?
Zahra: Why would I go to a stupid event with stupid people attending?
Emily looks at her, unamused. She turns to Casey for help who gives his sister an “I got this” look.
Casey: You know… there could be some tech in there you could hack into and use it to mess with those stupid people.
Zahra looks at Casey with a raised eyebrow.
Zahra: You present a very compelling argument, Summers. Alright, I’ll go, but I will be sitting at a discreet location so people won’t easily know it was me messing their stuff.
Casey: Great!
Emily gives Casey a double thumbs up before the three leave their dorm. They arrive at the central campus, where the event is being held. The twins see some of their friends at different places, all except one. Emily sighs as Casey pats her shoulder.
Casey: Don’t worry. Wherever he is right now, he and Mike are alright.
Emily nods and gives her brother a weak smile.
Emily: You’re right…
She shakes her head and turns to a nearby smoothie stand.
Emily: Gimme a sec.
Emily runs to the stand to order a smoothie, trying to hide her obvious pain. Casey sighs at this and just stands there, waiting for his sister to come back while looking for their best friend, Diego Soto. Soon after, Emily returns and spots Diego already with Casey.  She grins.
Emily: Heyyo, Diego!
Diego: Heyyo, Emily….yo…
Casey: Close enough.
The three share laughs before being interrupted by a tapping sound from the stage’s microphone. The school dean is onstage, ready to give the opening speech for the event.
Dean: Greetings, students. Welcome to the first day of the Hartfeld Science and Technology Week.
As the dean is greeting the students and giving his speech, the twins start to feel a slight pain in their heads. Diego notices this and whispers to them.
Diego: You guys okay?
Casey: Yeah, it’s just… we haven’t felt this kind of headache since…
Diego: Since…?
Emily: …La Huerta…
Diego: “La Hoopla”?
The pain continues to hurt the twins as they look around, searching for the source. It wasn’t a success but they do spot their friends. Casey’s beloved, Quinn Kelly, is by the fountain, having a heated conversation on the phone, possibly with one of her parents. Estela Montoya is backstage, talking to someone the twins cannot see from their point of view. Sean Gayle is with Michelle Nguyen, arguing about something, while Craig Hsiao is in between them, trying to stop the fight. Raj Bhandarkar is at his food stand, selling snacks to fellow students. Zahra is on a bench, trying to hack into some of the tech present in the event. Grace Hall is at the back of the audience, twiddling her fingers and paranoid ever since her arrest. And Aleister Rourke is also at the back of the audience, arms crossed and annoyed at everything around him.
Casey: Everyone… is… here…
Emily: Almost…
The twins then feel their hearts suddenly sink, as if they’re sensing something ominous coming. Even with this pain, they can still hear the dean’s last lines for his speech.
Dean: And now, may I introduce to you, our sponsor for this event, our great Emperor. His Eminence, Mister Everett Rourke!
Most of the audience clap with joy. Some just clap normally or don’t clap at all. And very few glare at the man, including Casey, Emily and Aleister.
Emily: Great, as if we couldn’t get any more headaches…
Casey: Sshh…He’s looking right at us…
Everett spots the twins and gives them an evil smirk before starting his opening speech for the event.
Everett: Hello, students of Hartfeld University. You know? Knowledge is power, but only a few can wield this power, and even more so, only very few could utilize this power to its highest potential. With this power, you could become Gods… like who I am right now…
During the speech, Everett is being broadcasted by a news crew, showing the footage live around the world. Somewhere in Costa Rica, two familiar grown men, laying on their hammocks and sharing bottles of beer, watch the broadcast.
Jake: This news is boring. Change it.
Mike: Nah, too lazy too.
Jake: Jackass.
Mike: Nitwit.
As Everett continues his speech, the pain the twins are experiencing gets more intense as they start to hear a screeching sound. Emily drops her smoothie because of this as it spills all over the ground. Diego, confused with what to do, tries to ask for help but before he could do so, a loud bang is heard from afar. A sonic wave travels from the source of the bang and reaches the Hartfeld central campus, knocking down everyone and interrupting Everett’s speech. Quinn drops her phone on the fountain. Sean falls on Michelle. Estela falls along with the person she was talking to, revealed to be her mother, Olivia Montoya. Raj’s food stand falls apart and his snacks drop to the ground. Zahra drops her laptop and it gets broken. The rest of the gang falls over normally.
Michelle: Get off!
Sean: Wha… What was that?!
Craig: Well, whatever it is, it sure knows how to literally drop the bass.
Estela: Mom! You okay?
Quinn: My phone!
Raj: My snacks!
Zahra: My laptop!
Random Student: My leg!
The news-broadcasting camera falls on the ground. Jake and Mike notices this while watching their TV.
Mike: Woah. What do you think is going on out there?
Jake: I don’t know. But I’m having an unusual sensation right now… it’s like… this is all familiar to me…
Mike soon notices Jake glowing.
Mike: Jake!
Jake: Wha—
Jake takes notices of his situation and sees Mike glowing as well.
Jake: What the fuck is happening?!
Mike: This ain’t like any hangover I’ve experienced befo—
The two are then transported to the Hartfeld central campus, next to Casey, Emily and Diego, who immediately notices them.
Emily: J… Jake?!
Diego: Woah! Those are the wanted fugitives, Jake McKenzie and Mike Darwin!
Casey: What are they doing here…?
Jake quickly sees the American flag near the campus, realizing that he and Mike are in USA, a place they shouldn't be in.
Jake: Fuck, we shouldn't be here.
Mike: How did we even get here in the first place?
Jake: I dunno, kid. But we gotta get outta here fast.
Mike: We're not Sonic the Hedgehog!
Jake quickly keeps Mike quiet and they try to sneak away from the public. No one seems to notice this as Diego is more occupied looking after Casey and Emily while everyone else tries to get back up on their feet. But suddenly, a large crack in the sky appears, catching everyone’s attention.
Sean: Great, now what’s that?!
Aleister: That’s…
Aleister sort of realizes what is going on and goes onstage to confront his father. But before he could do so, the crack becomes larger and a large spirit entity comes out of it. It is Vaanu, or at least, what remains of it. Its presence releases a second sonic wave, which blasted Aleister away from Everett. Vaanu reaches and grabs Rourke in anger.
Vaanu: Everett Rourke! Do you not care for the consequences that come with your unforgivable sin?! You are not a god. You have tampered with the decision that decides the fate of this world. And now this world is falling apart because of you.
The masses panic and run away, pushing each other and only caring for their own safety. Casey stands up, despite his pain. He runs around, looking for Quinn.
Diego: Casey! Where are you going?!
Emily: He’s going for her…
Diego: “Her”?
Emily: Quinn Kelly…
Emily stands up and asks Diego for help.
Emily: Diego…
Diego: Yes?
Emily: I want you… to help me… reach him…
Emily points to Jake, also running away with Mike from danger, which shocks Diego.
Diego: You want me to help you get close to a wanted man?!
Emily: He’s… an innocent… and kind… man…
Diego looks into Emily’s eyes, as if she’s telepathically saying “Please” to him, and eventually, nods.
Diego: Alright, I trust you in this.
Diego helps Emily up and guides her to Jake and Mike. Meanwhile, Sean, along with Craig, tries to calm the panicking masses.
Sean: Everyone, please. Stay calm. Don’t push each other. In a single file line, please!
Craig: Listen to the man! Come on.
Michelle takes a more aggressive approach as she smacks people with her purse.
Michelle: Hey! The guys said no pushing, you idiots! In a single file line, now!
Some people nod and follow her orders, scared of her more than Vaanu’s presence.
Sean: Uhh… thanks?
Michelle: This doesn’t make us even. Now get your ass to safety while helping everyone.
Sean nods and continues helping people while Craig follows him. Michelle went a different direction to help other people. Meanwhile, Raj runs away, holding his snacks in his arms, but clumsily dropping some of them.
Raj: This is totally not the mushrooms I had this morning! This is all too real, dude!!
Grace runs along with him, scared for her life.
Grace: I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die…
On the other hand, Zahra, all alone and away from the majority of the people, runs to away from Vaanu and everyone.
Zahra: These punks can take care of themselves. I don’t give one single fu—
Suddenly, she spots a disabled student, struggling to get up with her crutches. Zahra groans in anger and runs towards the student.
Zahra: Damn you, whoever’s deciding my destiny!
She gives the disabled student a piggyback ride as she runs away from the danger.
Zahra: I blame you for not being near those goody-two-shoes football players, so they could help you instead.
Student: Umm… thanks?
Back near the stage, Aleister gets up after being blown back by Vaanu. He spots his father being grabbed by the entity and grits his teeth. He turns to see Estela and Olivia being helped by I.R.I.S. and Lila.
Aleister: Sister, everyone!
The four women spot Aleister.
Estela: Aleister? What are you doing here?
Aleister: Confronting our father about what he did.
Olivia: What he did?
Aleister: He must have done something. Knowing him and his ego, it must be meddling with time, space or reality itself.
Lila: Nonsense! His Eminence would never do that!
I.R.I.S. places a hand on her son’s shoulder.
I.R.I.S.: Aleister, come on. Let us get to safety.
Aleister nods and points to the running crowd.
Aleister: Let’s go with them.
The women nod and follow Aleister to the crowd. Meanwhile, Casey eventually finds Quinn. She is struggling to run away with lots of people running faster around her. Her breathing is slow and she is getting slower. Suddenly, a random student accidentally bumps into her and she falls to the ground.
Casey: Quinn!
Casey tries to help her but his headache gets worse, causing him to scream in pain and fall over, next to her. Even with this severe pain, he crawls towards his beloved, muttering her name. Quinn looks up, spotting Casey reaching to help her. She recognizes him during their first encounter after Casey and Emily wakes to Rourke’s world.
Quinn: You… I remember you…
Casey caresses Quinn’s cheeks with tears in his eyes. He gives her a hopeful smile.
Casey: Quinn, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. I’m here…
Quinn smiles back before falling unconscious. Casey holds Quinn’s hand before also falling unconscious. On the other hand, Emily and Diego reach Jake and Mike.
Emily: Wait!
Jake and Mike turn to Emily. Jake makes heavy eye contact with her, slowly familiarizing her. He stops in his tracks. Mike stops as well, right in front of him.
Mike: Jake, what’s wrong?
Jake: This lady… I feel like I’ve seen her before.
Emily collapses from Diego’s arms. 
Diego: Em!
Emily: I’m fine… Get to safety…
Diego: Not without you!
Jake and Mike rush to Emily’s aid.
Jake: Here, let me carry her for you.
Mike: Get to safety, buddy.
Diego pushes Jake and Mike away.
Diego: Why would I listen to criminals like you?!
There was a long silence between the three.
Diego: I don’t know why Emily has a fixation on you, but I’m not giving her to dangerous men like you!
Mike: Listen, we don’t have ti—
Jake stops Mike and steps forward.
Jake: Listen. We maybe criminals in the eyes of the public, but right now, your friend is in need and I don’t think you can carry her on your own and away from that thing. So, let me help, Short Stuff.
Diego glares at Jake’s eyes and exhales deeply.
Diego: Fine. But I’m only letting you save her. I’m not letting you near my best friend again after this.
Mike: That’s fine by us.
Jake carries Emily in his arms and runs away, with Diego and Mike right behind him. Emily, struggling not to fall unconscious, reaches to caress Jake’s cheek and smiles.
Emily: Nice to see you again… Top Gun…
Emily falls unconscious while Jake feels both relief and confusion after hearing what Emily said. As everyone runs further from Vaanu, it opens its other hand and shows Rourke what it has. Everett’s eyes widen to see the Crystal Heart of Vaanu on its palm.
Everett: It can’t be!
Vaanu: This time, you will not get in the way of this world’s destiny. 
Vaanu crushes the Crystal Heart and shatters it into three shards. It then opens three portals to three different timelines, before hurling each shard to each timeline. Rourke protests.
Everett: What did you do?!
Vaanu: I have sent my Heart’s shards into different timelines in order to keep this world intact long enough for the Catalysts to restore it into the way it’s supposed to be.
Everett: You insolent...!
Rourke grits his teeth in anger and activates something on his watch. Soon, the Omega Mech appears. Vaanu, prepared for the machine’s arrival, drops Rourke on the ground and grabs the robot, crushing it. This surprises Rourke, who starts to back away in fear. But before he could run away, Vaanu hurls the Omega Mech behind him and fires a celestial beam to it, causing an explosion. Broken shrapnel pierces Rourke’s back, heavily but not fatally wounding him. The explosion then blows him towards a pole and his body collides with it, knocking him unconscious. Vaanu looks onto the running crowd, spotting Casey, Emily and the rest of the Catalysts.
Vaanu: Everything else falls into your hands now… Catalysts…
Vaanu raises its arm and snaps its fingers. It then fades away as the crack in the sky and the portals disappear. The panicked masses notice this and have stopped running.
College Professor: Is… is it gone…?
Dean: I think it is…
Student: We… we’re safe now, right…?
Aleister’s group, noticing the disappearance of Vaanu, run back to look for Rourke and they eventually spot him on the ground, wounded and unconscious.
Olivia: Everett!
Lila: Your Eminence!
Aleister: Father!
Estela: No!
I.R.I.S.: Scanning vitals.
The group crouch around him.
Olivia: I.R.I.S., status!
I.R.I.S.: Vitals are stable but he’s still bleeding. We need to give him quick medical attention.
Lila: Alright, let me carry him to the—
Estela: Mom…?
The group turns to Estela, who is glowing and slowly fading away.
Estela: I don’t feel so good…
Olivia: What the... No, no, no…!
Olivia holds Estela close, as the latter clutches her mother, not wanting to let go.
Estela: I don’t wanna go, Mom… I don’t wanna go…
Olivia turns to the group for help.
Olivia: What is happening to my daughter?!
I.R.I.S.: It is as if she is being transported a different place… or a different time…
Lila: Like… she is being sent to either the past or the future.
Aleister: That is the case...
Olivia: Then help her!
I.R.I.S.: I am truly sorry, Olivia… but there’s nothing we can do here…
Olivia turns to Estela with tears in their eyes.
Olivia: It’s going to be alright, Dear. Look at me.
Estela nods, speechless as she completely fades away. Meanwhile, the people look to the sky, questioning if whatever just showed up is truly gone.
Sean: Where did it go…? What did it want…?
Craig: Uhh… Sean…?
Sean turns to Craig, who fades away like Estela. Sean is left speechless and sees himself fading away as well. His face shows both confusion and fear before he is completely gone.
Michelle: Sean! No!
Michelle tries to reach for the fading Sean but she fades away as well. Raj and Grace watch in horror but then soon realize that they are fading away too.
Grace: No, no, no—
Raj: This has to be some sort of tri—
The two are then silenced by their disappearances. Meanwhile, Zahra sees her hand fading then her entire self. She sighs and shakes her head in annoyance.
Zahra: Motherfu—
On the other hand, Casey and Quinn remain unconscious to each other. No words. Just Quinn fading away, leaving Casey alone. Meanwhile, Emily is laid on the bench with Diego comforting her. Jake and Mike discuss what just happened.
Mike: What do you think is going on here?
Jake: I don’t really know but I don’t wanna stick around to find out. We gotta find a way back to Costa Rica someho—
Diego: Woah!
Jake and Mike turn to Diego who starts to fade away. 
Diego: This is crazy! Like Infinity War cra—
Jake goes to help Diego but the latter disappears completely.
Jake: He's... gone...
Mike: Jake…?
Jake turns to Mike, who is looking at his own fading hand. They look at each other before Mike fades away entirely. Jake, in silence, also notices himself fading away. He turns to Emily, still unconscious, and crouches near her.
Jake: I don’t know who you are yet… but I promise… I will find you…
Jake smiles and pats Emily’s forehead gently before disappearing. After Mike and most of the Catalysts disappeared, a portal opens above Casey and Emily’s unconscious bodies and Vaanu’s hands carefully scoop them up and pull them in the other side of the portal. The people in the central campus of Hartfeld are left bewildered and traumatized by what they have just witnessed.
“Everything in its own time.” 
Two pairs of blue eyes open upon hearing these words. Casey and Emily wake up, no longer in pain. They look around and see nothing but a white void.
Casey: Whe… where are we?
Emily: I don’t know. I don’t even remember how we got here.
Casey: Last thing I remembered is seeing Quinn.
Emily: Mine was Jake.
The twins stand up and walk a few meters in the white void until it starts to take form into a familiar purplish dimension, with prismatic crystals laying around and a purple moon in the sky.
Casey: Looks like the dimension where we met Vaanu.
Emily: And before we made the choice of fucking up everyone’s lives.
The twins sigh, realizing their mistake of siding with Rourke and thinking that they might make their friends’ lives better.
Vaanu: That is not entirely true.
Vaanu appears in front of Casey and Emily.
Vaanu: You did choose to side with Rourke, but that is not the whole story.
Emily: What do you mean?
Vaanu: That truth is not mine to tell.
Casey: Well, what is the kind of truth that Em and I should know right now?
Vaanu taps the twins’ foreheads and shows them a vision of what it did to Rourke and the Crystal Heart.
Vaanu: Rourke did something that goes against what we all agreed upon. He messed with things that he should not have control over. And thus, with my remaining strength, I had to punish him and scatter my Crystal Heart into different timelines in order to keep this world from self-destruction. However, time is limited. I am tasking the two of you and your friends to collect the shards and make it whole again.
Casey: After that, we’re going to decide again, like last time?
Emily: Well, this time, we’re gonna choose the one where everyone is happy, except Rourke.
Vaanu: That is not entirely the case.
Emily: Huh?
Vaanu: When you chose to side with Rourke and had the Omega Mech utilized my power, stored within the Crystal Heart and you two, the both of you became completely human.
Casey: Like, Emily and I are no longer a part of you?
Vaanu nods in agreement. Casey and Emily look at each other for a moment, realizing that if they did manage to repair the Heart of Vaanu and restore things to how they are supposed to be, they can stay and be with the people they care about the most.
Vaanu: I suppose you two already know what I am implying.
Casey: Yeah. The three shards of your Crystal Heart each have a third of your full power.
Emily: And if we managed to put them back together, then you can be whole again, the world is saved and the two of us can stay here, with our friends and family.
Vaanu: Exactly. An ending befitting everyone’s needs.
Emily glares and points upwards.
Emily: Calling you out, Pixelberry!
Casey chuckles at what Emily is doing.
(Jk, love you, PB. Keep doing great on your books. 😆)
Vaanu then opens three portals, each leading to a timeline where it sent its Crystal Heart shards.
Vaanu: Behind these gateways are the timelines where I sent the shards. I have also separated your friends and sent them here to help you two in your quest.
Casey: Alright, simple enough.
Vaanu: However, once you enter either one of these gateways, you will be sent to a time one month after I have already sent the shard and your friends.
Emily: So, our friends get there on Day 1 and the two of us get there after a month?
Vaanu: The two of you are quite adaptable compared to your friends. Besides, it will be easier for you to find them once they have gotten familiar with the world they are currently living.
Casey: Makes sense.
Emily: Can you at least tell us which of our friends are in which timeline?
Vaanu: That is for me to know and for you two to find out on your own.
Emily: ….Cool!
Emily puffs her cheeks and cross her arms. Casey pats her back and gives her a motivational smile. Vaanu then guides the twins to each of the portals, giving them a background on the timelines they lead to.
Vaanu: This gateway leads to the Arcane Era; a time where technology is rare and magic is everywhere. Humans are able to use magic and wield spellbooks to better utilize this magic. The world is also split between the Natural Realm and Spirit Realm.
Casey: Sounds like something from an isekai-genre (Other world) anime.
The three then approach the second portal.
Vaanu: This gateway leads to the Dragonic Era; a time where dragons, wyverns and large beasts roam the land, along with humans. They were once allies, however an unforgivable sin done by the humans sparked a war between them. That was their history. In the present, the descendants of the humans are studying these creatures and uncovering their past while the creatures are behaving like animals in your world.
Emily: Sounds like something out of a video game.
The three then approach the final portal.
Vaanu: This gateway leads to the Dystopia Era; a time where I did not confront Rourke and sent away my Crystal Heart shards to the different timelines. In this timeline, an old enemy takes over and kills Rourke. This enemy then terrorizes the land and is planning to expand his control to the entire world. But a rebellion is standing in this enemy’s way.
Casey: Sounds like something from the Terminator film series.
Vaanu then gives each of the twins a special bracelet that contains the Hadean Zodiac signs of their friends.
Vaanu: This will help you find your friends. When one of the signs glows temporarily, it means they are nearby. The signs will permanently glow once your friends have their memories restored.
Emily: Thank you.
Emily smiles and admires her bracelet. Casey does the same.
Vaanu: Have you two decided on where to go first?
The twins nod.
Casey: I’m going to the Arcane Era.
Emily: I’m going to the Dragonic Era.
Vaanu nods back.
Vaanu: Excellent. Now once you two have reunited with your friends and reclaimed the two Crystal Heart shards in their respective Eras, you can tap your bracelets and you will be sent back here. You and your friends must go to the Dystopia Era together and reclaim the final shard before Rourke wakes from his slumber. He won’t be in a coma for too long, and his allies are making sure that you will not accomplish your goal.
Casey: Understood.
Emily: We won’t lose this time.
Vaanu then extends each of its hands towards the twins and gives them each an outfit, matching the Era they have chosen.
Vaanu: Now, it is time for you two to be equipped with the proper attire.
Casey receives a pair of matching silver and crimson gauntlets and boots, an Eastern waistcoat, arm-gloves to go with his gauntlets and a sleeveless crimson shirt with a cape-like bottom. Casey also gets his hair tied to a rising ponytail and his bangs dyed crimson. The young man grins at his new look.
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Casey: Dang! I look smokin’!
Meanwhile, Emily receives a set of leather armor, including a black long-sleeve leather jacket, a brown leather vest, a pair of brown leather bracers, a pair of leather greaves, and black short leather trousers. She also receives a pair of goggles and a slingshot-like attachment to her left bracer. She delights on her new outfit.
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Emily: Sweet! I look like a hunter!
Vaanu nods and slowly starts to fade away.
Vaanu: You two are ready. And now it is time for me leave the rest to you.
The twins notice Vaanu disappearing.
Emily: Vaanu!
Casey: Wait. We still have no idea what to do.
Vaanu points up, to the stars in the sky.
Vaanu: Worry not, Casey and Emily. The stars will guide you.
Soon after, Vaanu is completely gone, leaving the twins to their task. The two look at each other with determination in their faces.
Casey: Last one to get back here with our friends and the shard owes the winner a meal.
Emily: Oh, you are so on!
Casey and Emily bump their fists then go in for a handshake.
Emily: Take care out there.
Casey: You too.
They then face their respective portals with determined grins before letting go of each other’s hands and running towards their goal.
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livinthechoiceslife · 7 years
Halloween [ES One-shot]
Based on: Endless Summer
Characters: Jake x F!MC (Myra), the ES gang
Rating: Teen (just to be safe; nothing too dangerous in here. But if any of you find something that should be warned about beforehand, just give me a heads up)
Disclaimer: All characters mentioned belong to Pixelberry.
Summary: Set about a year after La Huerta. The gang’s back, Jake’s name has been cleared, and Michelle’s hosting a Halloween party. Wonder what everyone’s going to turn up as…?
Notes: A Halloween-special fic for you J I hope you guys enjoy it! I apologise beforehand if it’s OOC or if it doesn’t make sense.
“Stop fidgeting!”
“This wig is so itchy!”
“Well, if you would just let me adjust it properly, it wouldn’t itch so much!”
I grumble incoherently beneath my breath as I stare up at my boyfriend. He stands before be, chest to my face, as he continues adjusting the wig on my head. After a few long minutes, he steps away, and gives me a once over.
“….satisfied?” I ask, taking a peek at my reflection on the mirror over his shoulder.
Jake’s grin widens.
“You are pale, with fake bruises, and a messed hair. How do you still look gorgeous? Is it the red hair?” he wonders out loud.
“It must be, because you just spent almost an hour trying to fit it over my head,” I sigh.
“You have a big head,” Jake points out, and I glare at him.
“You know I love you,” he smoothly proclaims, giving me a kiss on my cheek as I turn to leave. I smile, shaking my head.  
“Come on, baby; Michelle’s gonna bite my head off!” I rush him again when I see Michelle’s sixth missed call on my phone.
Jake adjusts his glasses and turns to me.
“Let’s go win this, Princess,” he determinedly says.
“Jake, this isn’t a competition. We aren’t winning anything.”
“Not with that attitude, we won’t.”
I sigh as I lock the door behind me.
Michelle and Sean are staring at us – Michelle looks perplexed, while Sean looks more amused than anything.
“So…you are James and Lily Potter,” Sean repeats.
“I thought that was obvious,” Jake scoffs.
“But you are both pale with fake cuts and blood all over you,” Michelle points out.
“We are the dead James and Lily Potter,” I elaborate.
“Too far, Myra. Too far,” we hear Raj’s gasp from somewhere behind us. We turn to see him shaking his head, mouth agape in horror as he finally realises who we are dressed up as.
“What? It’s the 31st of October! Their death anniversary! This is perfect!” Jakes argues.
“This is morbid!” Michelle counters, and I sigh.
“Did you really expect anything else from us?” I ask, and Michelle throws her hands up in defeat.
“Fine, I guess. You’re just gonna upset all of the Jily fans,” she says.
“First of all, you’re just jealous our couple costume is gonna beat your Mr and Mrs Smith look; and secondly, ‘Jily’?” Jake questions them.
Sean smirks as he gently pulls Michelle close.
“Sorry, McKenzie – you and Myra are cute and all, but come on, you can’t beat this,” he says as he gestures to their outfits – bulletproof vests couples with combat boots, tattered pants and tops, complete with a pair of yellow shades.
Unable to come up with a retort, Jake simply sticks his tongue out, and adjusts his glasses (which has a cracked lens, might I add).
“What are you dressed as, Raj?” I ask and turn my attention to him. Raj points to the name tag on his chef’s uniform rather proudly.
“I’m Gordon Ramsay. The chill version, of course. Y’know, when he’s all sweet and encouraging with the kids when they try to cook?” he gives us an easy grin.
“That’s perfect, man,” Jake says as he claps Raj on his back, and the two of them wander off a little further away, no doubt talking of the alcoholic beverages that’s being served.
“Aw man,” I hear a groan just then, and turn to see Diego. He has painted himself blue all over, with a heavy head-piece and ornaments all over him. With his long wig and spots of white on his blue face, I have no doubt who he’s dressed up as.
“Myra, you can’t do this to my favourite couple ever!” Diego sighs as he takes in my costume. “Let me guess: Jake is a dead James Potter,” he states, almost too afraid that he’d actually see my boyfriend.
“Yeap,” I confirm with a grin, thoroughly enjoying everyone’s reactions so far.
Diego groans again and trudges forward so he can hug me.
“You are lucky I love you, Myra,” he says as he kisses my cheek, careful not to smudge any blue paint on me or my clothes.
“I know,” I chuckle, and take a good look at him. “Everything alright?” I ask, gently squeezing his hand.
“Peachy,” he answers, smiling. “I just miss him a little more than usual, y’know? So…figured I’d dress up as something similar. It makes me feel a little closer to him,” he explains, and I swallow heavily.
“I’m here, Diego. Every step of the way. Every time it gets too much, I’m right here, you understand?” My voice breaks a little at the end. I was remembering the first time Diego broke down when we all came back from La Huerta, the sheer anguish that gripped him as he wept for the love he had left behind at the island.
Diego keeps smiling, and nods. “You practically live at my dorm anyway, you and Jake – why would I ever need to call you over? Come on now, I’m hungry” he then says, changing the conversation. I roll my eyes. Wrapping my arm around him, I drag him towards the buffet.
Eventually, hours later, a bunch of us are lazing about the almost empty living room, too lazy to even go back home.
“But it doesn’t even make sense – if you’re James and Lily, then where’s Harry?” Aleister asks. Both he and Grace are dressed as Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald respectively, and to be really honest, they are rocking it.
“Well, I was pretty bumped about the lack of Harry as well. Till I figured there are so many empty rooms in this gigantic apartment; Myra and I can get to work on making that Potter boy right away,” Jake shrugs, and I force myself to lift my leg just a little to kick him playfully.
Grace giggles. “Stop it, Aleister. I think they look amazing. A perfect unison of Halloween and quite an important fictional death anniversary,” Grace quips.
“At least they bothered,” Michelle says, before narrowing her eyes at the other two couple over at the floor.
“Don’t blame us – blame Halloween for coinciding with the release of one of the most greatest games to exist, ever,” Zahra simply shrugs; the words ‘Player #1’ is written clearly on a paper and pasted on the front of her jumper.
Craig, absent-mindedly playing with a paper that reads ‘Player #2’, simply grins. “Yeah, we lost track of the time, so we improvised.”
“You could’ve told me you were going low-key, I’d have done something similar!” Estela snaps half-heartedly, scratching her forehead and then grimacing at the black paint that now coats her finger.
“What are you even talking about? Your Imperator Furiosa was the highlight of party!” Quinn, dressed as Merida (complete with a bow and arrow – Jake had to pry the fake weapon out of my hands long enough to dance with me), exclaims. The corner of Estela’s lip quirks up at that.
“Well, this has been fantastic, but we should get going. We want to get to that son we seem to be lacking,” Jake jokes, and this time, I throw a cushion over at him.
“We, need to get back because Jake has to get to work tomorrow and I need to get to my classes,” I say instead.
“Yeah, I’m dead beat as well,” Michelle yawns and snuggles into Sean.
“Hold on, before we go – let’s do one last shot,” Raj announces, and despite our collective lethargy, we all grab our glasses.
“To Michelle, for hosting one kick-ass party!” Raj booms, and Michelle grins.
“To Halloween!” Michelle follows, and everyone chants the same as we clink our glasses.
Jake, just then, takes a step closer to me so that his lips are at my ear.
“To redheads,” he whispers, and I snort into my drink.
When I have recovered, I lean in this time and whisper, “To Jily.”
Jake groans. I cackle.
Again, I hope this wasn’t too OOC and lame.
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cariantha · 2 years
Hot Ones
Book: Open Heart, Book 3
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks)
Word count: 2348
Rating: Teen
Category:  Fluff
Warning:  A couple curse words.
Prompt:  Your MC is on Hot Ones (the show)! How’s their spice tolerance and what are their preferred hot sauces? And best of all, what "spicy/ridiculous/personal" questions would they get asked? (prompt courtesy of @inlocusmads)
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“Hey, what’s going on everybody?  For ‘First We Feast,’ I’m Sean Evans and you’re watching ‘Hot Ones.’ It’s the show with hot questions and even hotter wings. And today we are joined by Dr. Sawyer Brooks.  She’s the youngest doctor to ever join the world-renowned diagnostics team at Edenbrook Hospital in Boston, Mass.  A team known for solving some of the nation’s toughest medical mysteries.  You may also know her from guest appearances on the show ‘Just What the Doctor Ordered’ featuring YouTube sensation, Doctor Mike.  Dr. Brooks, welcome to the show.” 
“Thank you for having me, Sean.  And please call me Sawyer.”
“I overheard you telling your friend backstage that you are a big fan of hot and spicy things.” 
A blush quickly creeps up her neck and to her cheeks.  “Oh, god,” she says, letting out a laugh.  Sawyer looks past the cameras to the tall figure who is watching in the wings. 
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She shoots a big smile toward Ethan, then turns back to her host.  “Um, yes, I do.  But I wasn’t referring to food.”   
“So, this first one is the Classic,” the host says.  
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Sawyer stares at the lineup of chicken wings in front of her with hesitation.  “I have a confession that might get me kicked off the show.”  She leans back in her seat as if to protect herself from the impending blowback.  “I, I don’t like wings.”
“Wait, what!? How can you not like wings?”
“I know!  And I’m sure I’ve just opened myself to a ton of hate maiI,” she says, picking up and inspecting the first wing.  “Chicken with skin on it kind of grosses me out.  Is it okay if I just nibble or lick the sauces off?”  
“You can play the game however you want.  We don’t really have any rules here,” Sean chuckles as he takes a bite of his first wing.  “Is it true you won a spot on the famed diagnostics team after winning a ‘Top Intern’ competition?”
Sawyer huffs a laugh.  “That makes it sound like I was on a reality TV show, like America’s Most Eligible or something.” She takes a small bite of the wing chewing with curiosity.  “Although the intern competition was not without some TV-worthy drama.  It seriously had it all.  Catfights, sabotage, backstabbing… even a dramatic ‘exit from the show,’” she says, bringing the wing back to her lips for a bigger bite while attempting to also make quote fingers.
“That’s not too bad,” she says, nodding to the bottle of sauce. 
“To answer your question though, I didn’t exactly win the competition.  I worked my butt off to be at the top of the list and felt really good about my chances. But due to some unexpected circumstances the competition was canceled.”  She looks down at her plate as flashbacks of the day Ethan quit suddenly flood her mind.  “Ultimately, I was appointed to the fellowship by the team’s founding member, Dr. Banerji, after I helped save his life.”   
“Wow, that sounds like it could be an episode of Grey’s Anatomy.”
“You have no idea how true that statement is,” she nods in agreement.
“The next one is Sauce Bae.” 
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“Aw, that sounds cute.”  Sawyer takes a bite then quickly puts the wing down on the plate and fans her face.  
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“Not cute.  Oh, wow, that’s fever-inducing.” With her napkin, Sawyer makes a show of dabbing sweat from her forehead.
“Speaking of baes, there are a lot of rumors circulating that you and Doctor Mike are an item.  Any truth to the dating rumors?” Sean probes.
“Mike is amazing.  I love what he’s doing to make medicine even cooler. He’s become a good buddy and I have so much fun when I’m on his show.  But we are just friends.”
There is a little bit of commotion behind the cameras.  Sawyer notices a crew member rolling his hand encouraging Sean to keep going.
“My crew is begging me to ask a follow up question. Doctor Brooks, does that mean you’re single?”
There is a deep baritone “Ha!” from offstage.  Sawyer keeps her eyes trained on Sean.
“I’m sorry… but no, I’m not,” she says desperately trying to keep a poker face.    
“Care to tell us more?”
“Nope.” She shakes her head and stuffs the wing back into her mouth to censor herself.
“Fair enough,” Sean says, letting go of the topic.  “Sawyer, we have a recurring segment on our show called “Explain that ‘Gram, where we pull interesting pictures from your Pictagram that need more context. I’m going to pull your account up and show you a picture and you tell us what’s going on.”  
“Let me get my laptop set up here.”  Sean then pulls up the first photo. 
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“Oh, this is a fun one.  That was from Halloween a couple years ago.  One of my besties from med school and I were headed to a costume party.  I was an angel and he was a devil.  He wouldn’t let us leave for the party until he saw who won the UCLA football game.”  
“How about this one,” Sean asks, pulling up the next photo.
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With the straightest of faces, she says cooly, “Surfing thirst trap.”
Sean laughs, “And what’s the story with this one?”
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“Yoga thirst trap?” she pretends to guess as her cheeks turn pink.  
Sean clicks on the next photo.
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“I’m picking up on a theme here, Sean.”
“Me too.  Thirst trap?” he asks.
“Yep.”  She looks off camera and speaks to Ethan.  “Remind me to make my account private when we get home.”  
“Ok, last one,” Sean says, pulling up the final Pictagram photo.
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“Not a thirst trap!” she defends.  “My sisters and I were spending a few days together at a resort in San Diego.  I had just checked the residency match portal and saw that I got matched to Edenbrook,” she smiles widely.  “One of the best days of my life.”
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“We are more than halfway through and moving on to our next sauce.  But before we do, how are you feeling, Sawyer?”
“Like my sinuses have been evacuated, but let’s do this.  I’m no quitter.” 
“Alright then.  Our next sauce is ‘Pain Is Good.”
“Well, it can’t be that bad.  The guy on the label is making the ‘O’ face,” she jokes, making Sean bust out laughing.  He picks up the bottle to take a closer look. 
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“I can’t believe no one has mentioned that before!” he calls out.  
Sawyer trepidatiously picks up the next piece of chicken and gives it a sniff.  Her eyes start to water as if she had just been cutting raw onions.  
“Now in your line of work, you must deal with a lot of pain.  Do you believe pain can be good?”
“Well obviously, the patients who are hurting would disagree, but for a doctor it’s extremely helpful when the patient can tell you exactly where it hurts.  It’s so much easier to pinpoint possible causes.  It’s often those silent and hidden ailments that make reaching a diagnosis a lot harder.”
“Ok, you ready for this one?”
“Nooooo… but no pain no gain, right?”  She inhales a deep breath, “Here goes nothing.”  Sawyer tears off a chunk of meat with her teeth.  She winces, dramatically shakes her head back and forth, then reaches for a nearby glass of water.  “Oh my god, that hurts so bad.”
Sean takes a big bite of his wing without so much as a flinch.  “So unless they’ve been living under a rock, most people heard about the assassination attempt last year on Senator Ed Farrugia while he was a patient at your hospital.  But what some people might not know is that you, Sawyer, were one of the senator’s doctors and you were one of the surviving victims of the chemical attack.”
Not able to speak more than a “Mmm, hmm” due to the heat ravaging her mouth, Sean continued.
“In other interviews you’ve talked about what happened that day and how your coworkers synthesized a cure overnight.  But what I’m really curious about is what it feels like to be poisoned like that?  Were you in a lot of pain?”  
“You know it’s funny, I’m such a wimp when it comes to spicy foods, and I thought coming into this that I would have tapped out after sauce number three.  But now that you mention the attack, I can say this isn’t nearly as bad as that experience.  After inhaling the maitotoxin, my nose, throat and eyes burned so badly.  The chemicals settled on our skin.  There was this oily sheen that wouldn’t come off and after a while it felt like a bad sunburn and became really itchy.  And just like now, I had to keep reminding myself not to touch my face and make things worse.”
Sawyer wipes her hands on her napkin.  “I’m honestly surprised I’ve made it this far without rubbing hot pepper sauce in my eyes.  It’s seriously become a joke in my family that if there’s chili flake or super glue around, somehow it will end up in my eye.”
“This is the second to last sauce.  It’s called Scorpion Disco.”
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“Okaaay,” her voice quivers.  
“I picked this one because you grew up in the Southwest, right?  You split your time between Arizona and California.”
“Uh huh,” she whimpers, still trying to recover from the previous attack on her mouth.
“Scorpions are pretty common in Arizona.  Have you ever been stung?”  
“Thankfully, n-no.  But I d-do have a funny s-story about that,” she stutters. 
She gargles some milk before continuing.  
“One night I woke up to my mom shouting to my dad, ‘It’s moving up the wall, get it!.’ And I knew immediately it was a scorpion.”  
Sawyer throws her head back and blinks her eyes several times before continuing. 
“We had just moved into a new home and the new construction in the neighborhood displaced all the creepy crawlies from the desert.  We were always finding scorpions, tarantulas, and rattlesnakes around the house.”  
She takes another swig of milk.  
“Anyway, just minutes after I heard my mom yelling about the scorpion, I felt something crawling up my leg.  I just laid there paralyzed, afraid if I moved that I’d get stung.  I tried to whisper-scream to my parents, but they didn’t hear me.  After what seemed like hours, I finally worked it out in my head that it was the lesser of two evils to just allow myself to get stung than to lay still like that all night.  So, I finally flipped my sheets off and looked down.  It turned out to be just a big, gross cricket.”  
“Ready to get stung now?”
“My answer is the same as the last 8 times you’ve asked… nooooo,” disdain tainting her voice.  
“On three… 1… 2… 3,” Sean takes a bite while Sawyer licks the side of the wing.  
“God dammit!” she yells, throwing the wing down on the table and reaching for the milk. She chugs it down as if her throat is literally on fire.  
“You’ve been in Boston for a couple years now.  How have you adjusted to East Coast life?”
“Oh s-sweet baby Jesus… um, aside f-from the cold and s-snow,” her voice was getting hoarse.  “I have fallen in l-love in Boston… I mean w-with Boston,” recovering her words as she also tries to recover her senses.  
Ethan can’t help the smile on his face catching her first word choice.  They haven’t said those three words to each other yet, but her slip of the tongue was a comforting validation.
“Let’s play a little ‘this or that’ and see which coast wins out.  Tacos or lobster roll?”
“Ta..cos,” she gags.  
“Flip flops or deck shoes?”
She pounds her fists on the table repeatedly.  “Flipping a…,” she bites her bottom lip.
“I’ll take that as flip-flops.  Earthquake or hurricane?”
“H-hurricane… more w-warning,” she forces out.
“Tina Fey or Emma Stone?”
“Tie.  Ow, ow, ow, ow,” Sawyer cries, blowing her nose into a clean napkin.  Fresh tears start to fall from the corners of her eyes.
As she moves her fingers to swipe them away, she hears Ethan shout “Don’t touch your eyes!”  But it was already too late.  
“Ah, shit,” she whispers as she pinches her eyes closed as tight as possible.
“This is the ‘Last Dab.’  We call it the last dab because it's a tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing.”
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“Are you insane?!”  
“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to…”
She looks for and pleads to Ethan.  “Baby, please be ready to resuscitate me… because I’m about to die.”  
Sean and Sawyer each pick up the final wing.  After a short staredown and knowing glance, they both take their final bites.
“Uh uh, uh uh, uh uh,” she mutters, sweeping the napkin into her mouth to scrape the offensive substance from her tongue.  
“Alright, Dr. Sawyer Brooks, here we are at the finish line.  Ten chicken wings up and ten chicken wings down.  You did so good!” he and the crew clap.  “Any chance we changed your opinion about wings?”
“H-hate them, hate them even m-more,” she sobs.
Sean laughs heartily.  “Sawyer, thank you for being a good sport.  We’ve got a gallon of milk over here to help cool you down.”
“Yesssss, please,” she begs. 
“Your friend told me during the last break that if I crack a joke while you’re drinking, there's a 90% chance you’ll snort it out through your nose.”  
After taking a big gulp and placing her mug down, she chokes out, “Oh, he did, did he?”
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She finds and makes eye contact with Ethan who has stepped a little closer to the stage.  
“What? It might help soothe the burn in your nostrils,” Ethan responds from next to one of the cameras.  
“Mmm, hmm.  Well, for calling me out like that, I’m going to dab this Satan sauce on my tongue and come over there and kiss you senseless.”  
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16
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sceptilemasterr · 2 years
Endless Winter (ES Book 2) Act 2, Scene 5 - A New Year Dawns
Title: Endless Winter
Main Pairings: Estela x Ian (M!MC), Jake x Alyssa (F!MC)
Other Pairings: Craig x Zahra, Grace x Aleister, Michelle x Quinn, Diego x Varyyn
Genre: Full Rewrite
Rating: PG-13 for swearing, violence, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: It's New Year's Eve on La Huerta, and the Catalysts are determined to make the most of it.
Previous Scene: Any Port in a Storm
Masterlist: Link
Several hours later, the sun is just beginning to set outside the windows of the Elysian Lodge’s expansive lobby, which has been completely transformed into an ornate party room, complete with marked-out dance floor in the center of the area. A series of tables laden with food have been set up near the walls, with a haphazard arrangement of various candles scattered around. Craig, dressed in a tight-fitting dress shirt and tie, leads Furball around the room as the little fox freeze a series of impromptu “ice coolers” around the bottles of champagne and other drinks scattered about.
CRAIG: Nice job, little guy!
FURBALL (proudly): Mrrrrrffff!
Raj emerges from the kitchen, dressed in a suit and tie with an apron over it, bringing another food-laden tray out into the lobby. Quinn follows close behind with a tray of desserts, a similar apron to Raj covering her ornate blue dress.
QUINN: Where should I put these?
RAJ: Over here is good!
He indicates a table, and she sets her tray down. Raj looks down at one of the fruit trays and frowns.
RAJ: Hey… has someone been eating all the strawberries?
CRAIG: Don’t look at me… but I think I spotted Alyssa usin’ some strawberries to practice her Time Lord stuff.
RAJ: Aww… (brightens) Ah, never mind! Good for her. If I know anything, it’s that the Time Twins are gonna be the key to getting us out of this place. Besides, there’s still a bunch more fresh strawberries in the kitchen fridge!
FURBALL (excitedly): Ffrrrruuulll!
A few of the Vaanti trickle in, all wearing haphazard mismatches of formalwear. Varyyn, dressed impeccably in a suit and tie, accompanies them.
VARYYN: Hello, Centaurus. I am told today is your people’s New Year celebration. I thank you for inviting us.
Varyyn bows deeply. Raj blushes and laughs.
RAJ: No need to be so formal, Varyyn! You invited us to your festival the other day, the least we can do is return the favor!
Michelle and Ian enter the lobby, chatting animatedly about school. Michelle is wearing a sparkling golden dress, while Ian is dressed in a black tuxedo with matching bowtie.
MICHELLE: --so I think you’d only need one more bio elective if you already finished Genetics and Ecology. And the MCAT, of course, but I’m pretty sure you can take that anytime…
Michelle’s voice trails off as she sees the newly redecorated lobby. Behind her, Sean and Grace walk in, chatting excitedly to one another.
MICHELLE: Wow! Look at this place; Raj, you did all this?
Raj turns and grins broadly at her.
RAJ: Yep! With plenty of help, of course. Quinn here was--
He stops abruptly when he turns and sees Quinn is no longer in the lobby. He frowns, puzzled.
RAJ: …Uh, Quinn was right here a minute ago. Huh.
IAN: This place looks amazing! Perfect for a Raj party!
RAJ: Haha, thanks!
ALYSSA (O.S.): Alright, let’s get this thing started!
Alyssa strides confidently into the lobby, wearing a long white dress with a plunging neckline. Michelle looks her up and down approvingly.
MICHELLE: Wow. Looking good, Alyssa!
ALYSSA: Thanks, Michelle! You too!
Alyssa frowns as she looks around the room, evidently searching for something.
RAJ: Hey, Alyssa, everything okay?
ALYSSA: Yeah, I’m fine, just.. y’seen Top Gun anywhere?
It takes Raj a moment to realize who she is referring to.
RAJ: Oh, you mean Jake? Actually, I haven’t seen him since--
A sudden commotion from the top of the lobby stairs draws Raj’s (and everyone else’s) attention. Emerging from the second-floor hallway, Jake, Estela, Quinn, Diego, Aleister, and Zahra stand on the landing, all fully done-up and impeccably dressed. Alyssa, Ian, Michelle, Varyyn, Grace, and Craig all stare open-mouthed at the sight of their respective significant others, completely lost for words. Estela frowns.
ESTELA: What? What are you all looking at?
RAJ: Hey, there you all are! Come and join the party!
All of them descend the staircase, though Estela is blushing heavily as she does so. She doesn’t look entirely comfortable in her formal dress. When she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she beelines immediately for Ian.
IAN (stunned): I… uh. You. Wow.
ESTELA (shyly): I… I know Raj wanted us to dress up for New Year’s, but I never… really went to big parties or anything. Is this right?
Ian smiles warmly at her as he takes her hand in his.
IAN: More than right. Wow. Uh... I actually can’t even think of any other words right now.
In spite of herself, Estela giggles.
ESTELA: You… uh, you’re looking pretty good yourself.
Ian blushes heavily. Near the back of the room, Raj plugs his phone into the stereo system, but nothing happens. He frowns.
RAJ (frustrated): Damn, and here I thought this would work…
Craig and Zahra approach him.
CRAIG: Man, can’t believe it’s been a whole year already.
ZAHRA (frowning): …It hasn’t. We skipped six months, remember?
CRAIG: Oh. Right. Duh. I knew that!
ZAHRA: Raj, y’need some help?
RAJ: Yeah, I’m tryin’ to get the music working, but…
Zahra takes his phone in her hands and fiddles with it for a few moments. Before long, party music starts playing through the whole resort.
RAJ: Awesome! Thanks, my dudes!
CRAIG: Anytime!
ZAHRA: Craig, you didn’t do anything.
CRAIG: What? Naw, I… uh…
Any retort he may have had is cut short when he looks back at her in her formal dress. Craig can only stare open-mouthed.
ZAHRA: Huh. Guess there may be perks to dressin’ up like this after all…
Zahra playfully reaches out a finger and closes Craig’s mouth for him. Near one of the tables, Jake pours himself a glass of whiskey and raises it into the air.
JAKE: So! Who’s up for a toast?
ALYSSA: Personally, I can’t believe I’m still sober. Drink, please!
ESTELA: What are we having?
Jake grins and glances toward Ian.
JAKE: Why don’t we let Hero Boy pick?
IAN (surprised): I… what?!
ALYSSA (smirks): You heard him, “Hero Boy.”
Ian looks nervously at the assortment of drinks laid out on the table, feeling put on the spot.
IAN: I, uh…
Alyssa nudges him, glancing meaningfully toward the glass of whiskey in Jake’s hand.
IAN: Alright, how about this one?
He grabs a similar glass to Jake and pours himself some whiskey as well, then pours two more glasses for Alyssa and Estela. Estela takes a sniff of her glass and frowns.
ESTELA: What is this? It smells like sawdust.
JAKE: Trust me, there’s an art to whiskey. Now, the key to appreciating it is--
ESTELA: Getting it over with. Cheers.
She clinks her glass against Ian’s and throws back the whiskey. She winces.
ESTELA: It burns.
IAN: That bad, huh? Sorry, I--
ESTELA: Pour me another.
JAKE: Looks like Dragon Rage’s a fan, y’all.
Ian pours Estela another shot of whiskey as the four of them clink glasses and toast to the new year. In another area of the party, Varyyn and a few of his Vaanti warriors sip their own drinks as they chat with Diego, Lila, Raj, and Quinn.
VARYYN: It is interesting that your people count your years. You say this year is…?
DIEGO: Well, in a few more hours, it’s about to be 2018.
RAJ: Y’know what Varyyn here needs? One of those party sunglasses with the year on ‘em. Then he’ll never forget!
He, Quinn, Lila, and Diego burst into laughter. Diego claps Varyyn’s shoulder and pulls him into a hug.
DIEGO: Varyyn, I know you probably don’t get it right now, but we will take a picture next year while wearing those, okay?
VARYYN (warmly): I trust your judgement, my light.
Diego and Varyyn snuggle into one another as Quinn glances wistfully across the room. The camera follows her gaze to where Michelle stands chatting idly with a few of the others…
Some time later, the sun has set and most of the Catalysts are noticeably tipsier than they were previously. Several of the Vaanti warriors excitedly clink glasses of whiskey together with a triumphant cheer, then all down their drinks in one shot as Zahra looks on approvingly after downing her own glass.
ZAHRA: Doin’ great, guys! Now this is a New Year’s party!
Behind her, Aleister takes a seat at the grand piano as Michelle stands beside him. The others all crowd around. Aleister begins to play Auld Lang Syne.
MICHELLE (singing): Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never come to mind…
Aleister accompanies her, infusing each note with a delicate, classical touch. A few people sniff back tears, including Quinn and Grace.
MICHELLE (singing): For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne…
Alyssa looks pensively up toward the ceiling while Jake wraps an arm around her. Estela and Ian look deep into one another’s eyes. Raj sniffs back a tear. As Michelle begins the final part of the song, Quinn stands up and joins her:
MICHELLE AND QUINN (singing): We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne!
Everyone bursts into applause. Aleister stands and takes a formal bow. Quinn and Michelle look at one another; Michelle is the first to blush and look away. Jake walks up and claps Aleister on the back.
JAKE: Nice job, Schroeder. Didn’t think you had it in you.
ALEISTER: Ah. You are most welcome. I did enjoy that quite--
RAJ: Whoa! Everyone, hold up! I almost forgot; we still gotta sing “Happy Birthday!”
Everyone looks back at Raj. He grins broadly and gestures to the crowd.
RAJ: Dunno if I mentioned it to everyone yet, but with the skip forward in time, we missed a bunch of birthdays! Including Aleister, and the Time Twins here! …Not to mention myself, of course!
He steps between Alyssa and Ian, pulling them both into a group hug.
RAJ: Anybody else we missed? Who’s had a birthday between… uh…
GRACE: June 6th and December 26th!
Aleister, Michelle, Craig, Quinn, Estela, Zahra, Raj himself, and the Czasa twins all raise their hands.
RAJ: Alright, cool! Aleister, if you don’t mind?
He gestures to the piano. Aleister nods and takes his seat once again at the keys.
DIEGO: Are we even allowed to sing it? I heard it was copyrighted--
CRAIG: Who’s gonna stop us, bro? Unless… (completely seriously) Dude, does Rourke own the rights to Happy Birthday? That’d be his most evil plan yet!
Zahra shakes her head and sighs. Aleister begins to play, and everyone else starts singing along, with the Vaanti catching on after the first few bars…
EVERYONE (singing): Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear…
A variety of names are all shouted out at once. Ian makes a point to sing Estela��s name rather than his own, and she likewise sings his name in return. They both smile warmly at one another.
RAJ (excitedly): Dudes, that was flawless! Best birthday song ever!
CRAIG: Ha! Take that, Rourke!
Everyone applauds and hugs one another after the song. Lila stands off to one side, glancing around at the others with a strange expression on her face. She glances around furtively for a moment, then quietly slips upstairs as the others continue celebrating.
SEAN (shouting): Hey! Don’t forget, it’s only a few minutes ‘til midnight!
Everyone startles at this pronouncement, glancing at various clocks… which all show completely different times. Sean shrugs.
SEAN: Well… as close as I can tell, anyway. Who knows on this island?
ALYSSA (laughing): Fair enough. Alright, let’s do this!
RAJ: Craig, you ready for our master surprise?
CRAIG: You know it!
Craig and Raj lead the others up onto the roof of the Elysian Lodge. A large crate full of red flares has been set against one edge of the roof; Craig rushes toward it excitedly with a lighter in his hand.
MICHELLE (worriedly): Uh… guys?
JAKE: Are those flares?
Craig stops and turns around, grinning broadly.
CRAIG: Yup! One of those commando dudes dropped ‘em! Me and Raj thought--
JAKE (fiercely): Don’t you dare light those--
RAJ: Aww, c’mon, don’t ruin our fun! I’d have thought you’d be all about this! What’s the harm in--
Estela crosses her arms and steps closer to Raj, glaring angrily.
ESTELA: So, right now, we’re hiding from a death squad of highly trained, well-armed mercenaries… and your plan is to shoot off a bunch of flares directly over our location.
She holds her death glare on the two of them. There is an awkward silence before Craig and Raj finally glance at each other, both clearly embarrassed.
CRAIG: Okay, when you put it like that…
RAJ: Sorry guys. No fireworks this year.
Raj looks down dejectedly and starts heading toward the stairs, when suddenly:
GRACE: Wait! Look!
Everyone follows her gaze off toward a distant mountain range, where the sky is lighting up in beautiful, otherworldly colors. Jake and Alyssa exchange a shocked glance: the colors are identical to those they had seen during their first day on La Huerta, back at the airstrip.
SEAN: What is that?!
VARYYN: Ah, the Lights of Vaanu. Among our people, they are believed to be a sign of good fortune to come.
JAKE: Dunno about y’all, but I’d say we could definitely use some good fortune right about now.
Raj shrugs.
RAJ: Well, it’s not fireworks, but it’s close enough for me! Fifteen seconds ‘til midnight!
Everyone starts looking around at one another, most of them pairing off: Alyssa with Jake, Aleister with Grace, Craig with Zahra, Diego with Varyyn, and two of the Vaanti with one another. Quinn looks as though she is about to approach Michelle, but shies away at the last minute. Ian nods toward Estela, who approaches him. Ian starts to turn away, when Alyssa not-so-subtly kicks him with her heel, pushing him back toward Estela.
IAN (annoyed): ‘Lyss!
He bumps into Estela, who awkwardly catches him in her arms.
ESTELA: Oh! …Hey.
IAN (awkwardly): …Hey.
Everyone else starts counting down from ten. Ian scratches the back of his neck and glances away from Estela. Alyssa shoots him an “are you kidding me?” glance, while Diego raises his eyebrows so far that they nearly vanish into his hairline. Ian sighs and nods in acknowledgement, then takes a deep breath.
EVERYONE: Five… four… three…
Estela steps close, the brilliant otherworldly lights reflecting in her deep brown eyes as she and Ian gaze at one another.
The other couples all pull one another into New Year’s kisses as those who are single celebrate in their own ways. Ian starts to hesitate, then relents and pulls Estela into a deep kiss. When they part, Estela smiles up at him.
ESTELA (laughs): I almost thought I would have to do everything myself. Again.
IAN (laughs): Guess I just thought… I was worried you might not want--
He is interrupted by Estela pulling him back in for another kiss. Elsewhere, near the rooftop jacuzzi, Diego and Varyyn sit side-by-side, just breaking apart from their own midnight kiss.
VARYYN: This tradition of yours. Kissing at midnight.
DIEGO (awkwardly): Well, it’s not exactly my tradition--
VARYYN (warmly): I enjoy it quite a lot. Does it apply only to midnight?
DIEGO: Well, uh, if you’re asking if we can kiss again… I won’t say no.
VARYYN (ecstatic): Wonderful! Then, may I…?
Diego nods, and he and Varyyn kiss once more. In the background, Raj can be seen nodding at the two of them, and Craig groans and hands over some cash. Elsewhere, Jake and Alyssa stand hand-in-hand, gazing off at the multicolored lights.
JAKE: Looks familiar, huh?
ALYSSA: How could I forget? That was kind of a big day for me. Y’know.
JAKE: Why, ‘cuz you met me?
ALYSSA (teasingly): Don’t get too excited, Top Gun. A lot more happened than just that.
JAKE: Alright, answer this: were you really looking at those lights the whole time?
She laughs and rolls her eyes in tacit admission that her attention had indeed been elsewhere at the time. Jake wraps his arms around her and pulls her in close.
ALYSSA: What do you say we take this somewhere else?
JAKE: What were you thinkin’, Princess?
ALYSSA: Somewhere with a bed, if you know what I mean…?
JAKE: I am never gonna say no to that. Lead on.
Alyssa takes him by the hand and leads him back downstairs. As the night continues on, several other couples do the same. Diego and Varyyn are on their way toward the stairs when Diego stops for a moment near where Ian and Estela are sitting.
DIEGO: Go ahead, Varyyn, I’ll catch up. I’ve just gotta check on something first.
Varyyn nods and continues down the stairs. Diego approaches Ian and Estela, resting a hand on the former’s shoulder.
IAN: What’s up?
DIEGO: Can I talk to you for a sec?
IAN: Uh… sure?
Ian gives Estela an apologetic look, and she nods in response. Diego leads him over to a secluded area of the rooftop and lowers his voice.
DIEGO: You know the night’s not over yet, right?
IAN (genuinely confused): What?
DIEGO: Ian! Seriously! Surely you noticed the other couples heading off, right? Me included?
IAN: Yes… and?
Diego seems to be fighting the urge to facepalm.
DIEGO: You. Estela. Do I need to say anything more?
IAN (nervously): Okay, I get what you’re saying, but… where would we even go? It’s not like the lobby is exactly private, and--
DIEGO: This is a hotel, Ian! Are you kidding right now? All the bedrooms you could possibly want! Just go find one!
IAN (laughs): Alright, alright. I’ll ask her. You know, she might say ‘no’--
DIEGO: With how she’s been looking at you all this time? If she says ‘no,’ I’ll literally eat my shoe. Not even kidding. (sighs) Just ask her, would you?
IAN: Will do, Diego. And thanks for the push.
DIEGO (shrugs): What can I say? It’s kinda my job.
He nods at Ian, then turns to rejoin Varyyn and head back downstairs. Ian steels himself, then heads back toward Estela.
ESTELA: What was that all about?
IAN (awkwardly): Diego. He, uh, not-so-subtly hinted that… we should… y’know, ‘find a bedroom.’
ESTELA (coyly): Oh? And what did you think about that?
Ian scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.
IAN: Well, uh… if you said ‘no,’ I’d definitely understand--
ESTELA (genuinely confused): …Why would I say ‘no?’
IAN: Dunno, guess I just thought--
She holds a finger up to his lips and smiles.
ESTELA: You think too much.
With a wink, she takes him by the hand and leads him downstairs…
Note: If anyone was wondering, Ian was born at 11:59 PM December 31st, 1995, and Alyssa was born at 12:01 AM January 1st, 1996.
Next: The Fourteenth Vaalta (Coming soon!)
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie @mauvecatfic
Endless Summer Tag List: @mysteli @edgydepressedchoicesthot @endlessly-searching-for-you @lovelywrites
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zigsnose · 4 years
Edits Masterlist
*I've hit the limit for the amount of links you can have in a post, so check the "zn edit" tag for any missing links
📖 Blades of Light & Shadow
Genderbend: Aerin, Mal, & Nia
Modern AU: Imtura, Mal, Nia, & Tyril
M! Imtura
Character swap: Raleigh Carrera
D&D Dresses
As a rogue
📖 Bloodbound
Male MCs
MC from the Hot Couture cover in the "Spread Your Wings" outfit
Professor at Belvoire
In natural hairstyles
On the cover of Book 2
📖 The Crown & The Flame
Character swap: Luisa & Val
Main cast in present-day Cordonia
📖 The Elementalists
Pend Pals in D&D attire
Pend Pals as kids
Tim with a hat
Black M! Atlas in different hairstyles
📖 Endless Summer
Realistic: Estela, Jake, Sean, & Quinn
Realistic Jake v2
Realistic: Grace, Aleister, Raj, & Michelle
Realistic: Diego, Varyyn, Craig & Zahra
Realistic Diego v2
Realistic: Rourke, Lundgren, Mike, & Fiddler
Realistic: F! MCs
Realistic: M! MCs
Ember of Hope looks
📖 Foreign Affairs
Fancier "Soiree of Nations" outfit on masculine MCs
More casual "Soiree of Nations" outfit on feminine MCs
F! Blaine but she's edgier and buff
F! Blaine in suits
In casual outfits
In barongs
📖 The Freshman
Masc MCs
TF x Bloodbound icons
📖 The Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Modern! Eleanor
📖 Hero
Realistic: Eva, Grayson, Kenji, & Caleb
Realistic: Poppy, Dax, Silas, & Shrapnel
Realistic: F! MCs
📖 Hot Couture
Luz & MC in matching fits
College! Luz
📖 Laws of Attraction
Custom Female Ricci (+ Latino Gabe)
📖 Mother of the Year
MOTY appreciation week
F! Levi
📖 My Two First Loves
Principal Jennings every day to his son
Noah x Mason ala TNA
Better winter outfit
📖 Nightbound
Alternate Niks on the cover
📖 Open Heart
Elijah with a beard
Open Heart but it's all women (+ M! Jackie)
Date Idea | Rock-climbing
Rock-climbing outfits
Casual outfits
Shazam-style poster
Date Idea | Cooking class
Teen! - (1)(2)
Hair AU
As a circus performer (Distant Shores) w/ Jackie
Date Idea | Hiking
Custom Male Dr. Ramsey
Custom Female Dr. Ramsey
Date Idea | Axe-throwing
As a circus performer (Distant Shores) w/ Bryce
Date Idea | Samba lesson
📖 Platinum
Male MCs
M! Raleigh singing Pink Sweat$ songs
Character swap: Mal Volari
📖 Queen B
Zoey, Poppy, Chloe & Veronica in winter outfits
Genderbend: Zoey, Poppy, Chloe & Veronica
Genderbend: Carter, Luis, Ford, & Michael
Masc MCs
📖 Red Carpet Diaries
Masc MCs
📖 Ride or Die / With Every Heartbeat
Updated RoD/WEH Black MC
Masc MCs
📖 The Royal Masquerade
Hunter icons
Kayden icons
📖 The Royal Romance
TRR but it’s all women
F! Liam: Face 2 & 3 
More F! Drake
M! Hana
— Miscellaneous
Custom app icons
Curvy F!MCs | Extras 1 - 2 - 3
Lovelink matches in Choices style:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Emerson w/ animated facial expressions | Other outfits
Sheng's casual outfit
Character recreations from other games:
Cove Holden from Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Lucas Charming from Lovestruck's Ever After Academy
MC & Zoe Banks from Lovestruck's Queen of Thieves
Leon Kwan & Nikolai Stirling from Lovestruck's Queen of Thieves | Extras
Unit Bravo from The Wayhaven Chronicles | Part 2
Julian Devorak from The Arcana
Asra Alnazar from The Arcana
Muriel from The Arcana
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Casey Valentine), although it focuses more on Casey in the story! 
Summary: The job that you have been doubting has been the one for you from the start through a couple of post-its. 
Warning: None, just fluff in literal. 
A/N: Heyyy, I am back-ish? I feel like this is somehow a way for me to ease the last couple of days of stress. I wrote this with a perspective in my mind, the thought of people walking in and out of my life at times. Those people somehow had given me a smile, an advice, a laughter, and just.. a small glance had made a small difference. This fic is somehow a way, to thank those who had saved other people’s lives with a piece of advice, for those who always has been there for the ones they love. And, to those who had one way or another had saved my life, in a metaphorical sense. All of you are a blessing to the world, and keep being you. These past days, has been one of the peak points for now and... I felt very low. I suddenly thought of the low moments in my life, where someone would come by. Its either for a minute, a month, a year or even a whole lifetime. They left a mark on my life, and had helped me in one way or another. Thank you, and this is for those who has saved people lives by being there for them during the hardest. You are definitely a gem, and you are always worth it. And, to those who I met here, you guys too had somehow made me better. Thank you <3  (I AM SORRY FOR THE LONG AUTHOR’S NOTE) // Also, this is one of my fav ones to write! ENJOY! 
A birthday gift to the lovely @honourlight​ ! Happy birthday, and thank you for everything love! <3333 
Tags:  @bitchloveskcbaseball , @storyofmychoices @jaxsmutsuo​ , @mvalentine , @princess-geek , @lahellacute , @kacie-0156-deactivated20200905 , @this-person-is-busy , @annekebbphotography , @brycelahel, @mrsbhandari , @dcbbw , @choicessa , @choices-confessions , @aylamwrites , @fantasyoverreality98 , @drakewalker04 , @baltersome , @ofpixelsandscribbles , @thundergom  @starrystarrytrouble, @ohramsey , @kelseaaa  , @rookie-ramsey , @bratzlahela , @ohvamsey , @choicesficwriterscreations , @soft-for-drake , @lalizah , @drethanramslay​ @agnidero​ , @arcticlumineer​
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Her diagnostics office can be quite lonely sometimes, besides the enormous piles of journals that were stacked on every part of the desk. She loved her job, she often wonder what life would be if she were not a doctor. All of her high school friends would comment on her job choice, with various of reasons that made her questioned her decision over and over again; as every failure that occurred, every setback that kept on pushing her down.
The table was scattered with papers of research studies on deseases as the team are trying to find out. Working on the diagnostics team was a dream, working alongside her idol: Dr. Ethan Ramsey, and the infamous Dr. June Hirata and the long lost Mirani twin in her eyes; Dr. Baz Mirani.
Her eys wondered at the trinkets on the table, a pile of pictures were plastered on the wall. A small part of her desk that was known as home to her, even from thousand and hundreds miles away.
The collection of memories that was made throughout her life more than any other year. The feeling of joy, sadness, betrayal was washed through her eyes as her eyes did a small run down on all the respective memories.
It stopped on a particular one. A post-it. Post-it's.
'Thank you for saving my life Dr. V' - Your future rockstar!
'I wanted to disappear once, and now; I felt like life has given me a new reason to live again. Thank you.' - Emilia
'I never knew he would survived, but... he did, I never believe in miracles but, it felt like a chance to start to see again. Thank you for all you have done to us' - Reg .
'Mommy loves to told us a story about a guardian angel looking over us, watching us and taking care of us. Thank you for becoming mine.' - Sean, a drawing of butterflies in a beautiful garden which could be translated as scribbles.
'A hundred of years would never be enough to thank you for everything that you do.' - A&P
Her eyes started to welled up, over all the stories that played in her mind. All the memories from the patients that she called 'friends', the memories of playing blocks with lil Sean at the pediatric ward. The time Emilia hugged her when she was discharged from the hospital after going through a surgery with Bryce in command.
After a long day of work, the pair stopped by their favourite joint to have one of their impromptu dates, as he recalls a story from Emilia herself.
'She told me about this doctor, blonde, emerald eyes. The prettiest smile in the world....' His eyes fall onto her, despite the exhaustion taking over he; she looked amazing.
'Stop it Bryce...' feeling quite flushed trying to get him to change the subject.
He shook his head with a smile,
'She told me how you were there to hold her hand during her check-ups, she told me all the stories of watching disney together and one of my favourites, the day where she told me about, the thunderstorm.' Bryce looks at her in adoration somehow, the figure sitting in front of him, is one of the best person he ever met.
Casey felt herself somehow getting choked up, remembering those memories flowed by. The thunderstorm held a special place in her heart, as she remembers the time where Emilia felt shaken by the thunder. She accompanied her, throughout the storm as they ended up, falling asleep on her bed. Talking about all of their favourite cartoons growing up, a huge smile was seen on her face after.
'One thing that stood with me after all, she told me...
....you saved her life Casey.'
He took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze, a gesture that words can't compare.
Her attention was interrupted by the sudden knock on her door, she hides her head down as an attempt to wipe the sudden tears falling from her eyes.
After a couple of attempts, she glances up meeting Bryce. A smile on his face, and a look of concern too.
'Dr. Valentine, I have a preposition for you.' He said in his doctor voice that made her choke in laughter.
'Go on Dr. Lahela.' She made her way to him, as he present a couple of small post-it.
'You look pretty today, I love you in blue'
She laughed at the note in her hand, as he winks before leaving the room. She calls him once more, leaving a smooch on his cheek as they resume their lives.
She smiled at the sight of it, as she took a seat once more on her chair. A sight of the other post-its caught her attention, as she unveiled it slowly.
A set of tears started to fall, as those were the ones that she recognizes very well. She remembers the time where Edenbrook held a small campaign of doctor appreciation day with the patients. She wasn't present during it all as the thought of it flows down her back. But, the post-its in her hands was the same ones from that particular day. A small token of appreciation to the doctors, which to quote the words of Dr. Naveen Banerji before.
'You saved me. Thank you.' was written in black, as the words were bold.
In that very moment, she loved her job more than ever.
The job of saving lives, was not for the weak. But, for the ones who will never give up and she didn’t give up. <3 
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CFWC FotW Feb 26 - Mar 4, 2023
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18+ = Adult Content 🔥 = NSFW/18+ Only
Blades Drabble | Maiele & Daenarya - @lilyoffandoms
Reunion 2016 | Jake McKenzie x Sean Gale - @marmolady
The Pages Don't Tell Their Stories | Abel Flint x MC - @abelflints
Trudy Sloane | Sloane Washington - @dcbbw
RCD Drabble | Thomas Hunt x F!OC - @lilyoffandoms
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marmolady · 2 years
Reunion: 2024
Main Pairings: Estela x (F)MC, Variego, Michelle x Quinn, Graleister, Namasiao
Part three of my Reunion Project! In this one we see the gang enjoying the peace and tranquillity of Neptune Cove. Lots of Sean in this one, @yukkimons!
Next up will be a trip to the distant future (about sixty years' distance!), and then it's Jake x Sean time.
Do feel free to shout out a year between 2024 and 2097 if you want me to write a specific one next. You can find the full series (in progress) here on AO3.
Word Count: 3719
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading! Comments and re-blogs make me EXTRA happy. Always happy to nerd out about these characters with other fans.
Thirteen figures-- or fifteen if one included the two toddlers being carried-- trudged along a winding jungle trail, taking a well-trodden path where the foliage was not so dense that the travellers couldn’t see a way out to the coast. Varyyn led the way, having made the trek from Elyys’tel to Neptune Cove countless times prior. He had slung across his back a rolled-up tent, as did several of the friends panting along the trail behind him.
Diego looked over his shoulder to Taylor and Estela, a grin on his sweaty face. “Which one of you do think got the better deal?” he asked. Seeing the force of Liv’s attempts to wrestle herself from Taylor’s grasp, he was already convinced that Estela had done herself a favour carrying the tent and sleep mats. He loved his niece to bits… but was more than a little grateful not to be the one lugging her through the rainforest.
“I--” --puff-- “--don’t know what you’re talking about--” --puff-- puffed Taylor. “This is--” --puff-- “a walk in the park!”
“Mama Baman!” Liv cried, kicking her chubby legs.
“That’s your cue, Craig,” Estela laughed. Having the whole crew on hand for baby entertainment duty sure made their job easier.
“Hey! Not just me! We’ve all gotta do it!”
And so, they all sang “Na na, na na, na na, na na, na na, na na, na na, na na--”
“Baaaatmaan!” Liv and Reginald both shrieked, delighted.
“For heavens--” Aleister grumbled, adjusting the carrier on his back as Reginald flung himself around in excitement, “are we almost there? I am so very, very close to being ‘Batman-ed’ out.”
They trudged on, with Varyyn’s reassurance that they were indeed getting close.
“You guys should have time for a nap before heading off again to Quarr’tel,” Taylor observed. “Unless you’re still feeling energised?”
“Nope,” Zahra said, scowling, “as if anyone can be ‘energised’ in this humidity?”
“I am so sticky…,” said Craig.
“We know you’re fucking sticky!”
Aleister snapped; “There are children present!”
“And you can blame the potty mouths they pick up on Craig’s incessant need to give us updates on his perspiration every goddamn minute.”
“One thing I’ve never understood,” Sean said, seeing a good point to swerve the conversation. “How is Quarr’tel still here? Wasn’t it snapped back into existence because of the time anomalies? If the anomalies got  fixed when Vaanu left, shouldn’t the whole city be gone?”
Estela looked to her wife. “Taylor? You’re probably the closest of us to having your head round it.”
Taylor nodded. “Yeah, in theory it should be gone. But in theory, I should be gone. Time’s pretty much been healed, back to running like clockwork you could say, but when I wanted to stay, it made the fix incomplete. Vaanu left a tiny footprint behind to sustain my life, and it meant other things remained unchanged here. Basically, Quarr’tel is a scar left behind. I was scared the Vaanti would be zapped out of existence because they evolved drinking the sap from the tree, but they’re left behind as remnants too.”
Michelle frowned. “So, it’s similar to why time passed in the rest of the world even though we were sealed in our bubble. You made the fix imperfect.”
“Yeah. That’s the gist I managed to get. Unfortunately, Vaanu’s not present here in any kind of consciousness. I can’t ask what the hell happened, so piecing it together in a way that kinda makes sense is the best I can do.” Taylor readjusted Liv, who was once again wriggling. “What I do know is, Vaanu’s leaving hasn’t done much to slow the party mood out there. Seems a lot of folks like having a good revel for-- what did The Clockmaker say?-- for hedonism’s sake.”
“You know what, dudes?” Raj said. “Preach.”
Neptune Cove, it was pretty unanimously agreed, was worth the hot and sweaty trek. The shallows were alive with colour-- there was not a place off the whole island to go snorkelling, and while those readying for a night of wild partying did some preparatory resting, the remainder of the group took to the pleasantly cool sea.
Two-year-old Reginald sloshed around in the calm shallows, one hand holding onto his mother’s, and the other flailing in excitement as colourful fish swam around his stubby legs.
“What that?” Reggie cried, splashing an arm into the water and frightening away whatever ‘that’ had been.
“Fishie, Reggie, fishie!” Grace coached.
“Fissie!” he parrotted, a grin upon his face.
“Hey!” Quinn said encouragingly, “you’ve got it! Fishie-fishie!”
To her delight, Reggie reached out for her hand, which she gently took. “You know, you have gotten so big since I saw you last.”
“Big boy!” he said proudly.
Aleister waded towards them, holding baby Liv in his arms. The toddler screeched with happiness as she saw her cousin, and poor Uncle Al winced at the noise.
“Still quite the set of lungs on her,” he muttered, and her lowered her into the water to splash around.
“Estela and Taylor gone with the others to the reef?” Grace asked.
“Yes,” said Aleister, “I didn’t fancy it myself, so thought I’d take Miss Mischief off their hands, let them have a break.”
“Baaaa,” said Liv, and she too reached for Quinn with a gaping grin.
Quinn laughed, gently splashing the gigging infant. Life had been hectic-- a flourishing cupcake business and her fledgling non-profit took up a lot of time-- and she’d watched the little ones grow up by means of regular Skype calls. That she was being greeted in person like a long-lost friend was a great relief-- these kids were family, after all, and there was no way in hell she was missing out on their lives.
“They definitely recognise me,” she commented.
“Oh, it’s clear,” Grace agreed. “Reg wasn’t shy with you and Michelle for even a moment! It’s nice to know that the weekly talks we have are helping him make a connection.”
“Certainly helps make the distance bearable. Can’t have the kiddos not knowing their Auntie Quinn and Auntie Michelle!”
Aleister looked up from his charge, confident that she had plenty of hands to hold should she need them. “Ah!” he said. “Speak of the devil….”
“Ah, there’s Auntie Michelle now! You gonna wave, Livi? Wave, wave!”
“Hi, Annie-sell!” Reggie cried.
“Did you hear that?” Quinn called out, ecstatic. ‘Auntie ‘Chelle’? They were winning at aunting.
Michelle called back, over the soft sounds of the gently rolling sea. “How could I miss it? That was clear as a bell!”
“Annie-sell, fissie!”
“You saw a fish? Wow!” It was an effort to be animated after the long trek, but Michelle managed to just about be convincing--at least to Reggie’s standards.
“Hey, babe,” Quinn smiled, “I take it you landed on opting out of a Quarr’tel rager?”
Michelle groaned as she trudged through the water. “There are less exhausting and hangover-inducing ways to unwind. Reef, sunbathing and maybe a massage.” She gave Quinn a wink. “That’s letting my hair down.”
Scooping up her little son, Grace laughed. “I’m with you on that one. It’s not every day you get a chance to be able to just totally relax-- and somewhere as beautiful as this.”
By the time the group snorkelling at the reef returned to the shore-- in Estela’s case with the spoils of an hour’s spear-fishing in hand-- Raj, Craig, Zahra and Jake were rested and preparing for the next hike, this time on to Quarr’tel. As Jake had taken the route more than a few times prior, he was designated guide.
“Hey,” Taylor said, pulling him over with a serious expression upon her face. “You keep everyone safe, Top Gun.”
“A little credit, Princess. I do know my way around this rock by now.”
“We mean it,” Grace said teasingly, “everyone back in one piece!”
“Cross my heart. Happy?” He turned to get going with a smirk over his shoulder. “But I’d like to see you get these clowns back through the jungle of death sporting hangovers any better than whatever I pull off.”
Taylor could only sigh. Oh god. It was a damn good thing everyone would have their phones on them-- and a damn shame that the handy time and space portals stopped appearing after Vaanu left. With Liv and Reggie chorusing ‘buh-bye!’ and waving off the ‘party group’, there was little to do but breathe through her worries. Everyone was fine. She just needed to work on trusting it.
“Okay, Livi,” she sang, bouncing the little girl on her hip. “How about we rustle you up some dinner? Chef’s outta town tonight, so this could be interesting….”
Dinner was simple, but by the standards of everyone present, a success. No one caught fire, and although it was early to assume that food poisoning had been avoided, it looked like a win.
As the sun went down and everyone started yawning, Taylor found herself immensely glad that she and Estela had politely rejected offers to babysit so they could have a night off in Quarr’tel… a relaxing night on the beach was where it was at. But first, it was sleep time for Liv.
Taylor crawled into the small tent, getting booped in the face by her laughing daughter as she did so.
“Come here, you!” Estela chuckled, heaving Liv back onto her lap so that Taylor could get comfortable. “You’re going to need to contain your excitement for just a moment.”
Liv squirmed and fussed, but in no time, both moms were settled and their daughter was allowed to resume her exploration of the tent and its inhabitants.
“Ouch, that’s my nose!” Taylor exclaimed, gently redirecting pinching little fingers.
“Mama-ma,” Liv babbled happily, oblivious.
Taylor and Estela had camped with Liv before, just the once. Experience had them already expecting a fight for their little one to settle, but even if everyone had a bit less sleep than was ideal, the togetherness was nice. The hope was that it would be enough to get Liv drifting off, so they could join her to sleep a bit later.
Thankfully, the long day’s trekking and socialising had done their job of wiping Liv out, and she flopped herself down in the space between her mothers after just a few minutes. It seemed pretty goddamned lucky, to the point neither woman wanted to acknowledge that luck for fear of jinxing it.
Instead, Taylor put out an example of calm contentment for her daughter, breathing deeply and letting herself be fully present there, sharing the cozy space with the two people she loved most in the world. The tent smelled like beach, their bedding was already gritty with sand. Liv didn’t seem to notice, and Taylor watched as her little eyelids drooped, and drooped, until she drifted off to sleep. Seeing her baby girl so peaceful like that, it was one of the things she loved most about motherhood. Liv felt safe and secure, even as they took her on these adventures into an exciting world. Estela, too, was serene. Motherhood had been good for her-- Taylor had seen it with every passing month. Estela’s soft-- even goofy-- side had been allowed to blossom, growing as she became more sure of herself, as she came to trust with greater conviction that she could be that figure of warmth and tenderness.
Estela met Taylor’s eyes and gave an affectionate little smile. “She’s sound asleep,” she whispered.
“Yeah. Nice job, team.” Taylor leaned in to place a peck of a kiss upon Estela’s lips, then carefully, slowly, backed out of the tent, secure in the knowledge that her little one’s sleep would be closely monitored thanks to the combined talents and tinkering of Zahra and Iris. She and Estela could comfortably socialise nearby-- Liv would be safe and well.
Sean was soaking up the sun on the blinding white sands just a little way outside.
“She’s off to sleep already?” He commented. “You really are a pro at this.”
Taylor laughed dryly. “I give a good impression of it, don’t I? I’d say, Estela has the magic touch, and I’ve just about fumbled my way through.”
Sean gave her a reprimanding look. “Parenthood is about as big a challenge as a person can take on. You’ve more than fumbled through, Taylor. But you’re right that Estela’s a natural.”
“Thanks,” came Estela’s voice from the back of the tent, making both Taylor and Sean smile.
“So, do you think this is you done now? Kids-wise.”
Taylor glanced back towards the tent, but her smile didn’t fade. “Yeah. Yeah, this is us. Obviously, neither of us can say that we’ll never change our minds, but when Liv was born, I know I just felt like our little unit was complete. We both said we’d probably be considering a second child if we didn’t have such a close tie with Reggie, but the way things are, Liv’s got an almost full-time playmate. Reg has been absolutely gorgeous with her pretty much since she was born, and she just adores him.”
“It must be pretty idyllic,” Sean said, a little wistful, for not much was idyllic about his own life as his career headed toward its peak, “both your families-- well, you’re a whole family really-- just taking things at your own pace and letting the kids grow up surrounded by nature. Seems like you’ve really got it made here.”
Taylor stretched out on her back beside her friend, tucking an arm behind her head as she got comfortable. “Pretty much paradise,” she admitted.
“It just… never really stopped being home. We’re going to enjoy it while Livi’s still little, but if we want her to go to school, this can’t last forever. It might be back in the States-- probably near Northbridge again, but that might depend on where everyone else ends up-- or maybe things in San Trobida will be stable enough that it’s an option for us to raise her there.”
“That’s nice you’ve got your options open,” Sean said. He was quiet for a few moments, lost in thought.
“I’m sorry,” he said at last.
“What? What for?”
“It’s been a year. You’ve been out here, raising a baby, and I never once came out to give you a hand, or even just properly catch up.”
Taylor shook her head in disbelief. “Sean! When would you’ve had time to go jetting off to the Caribbean? We’re crazy lucky you’re even able to pull this trip. Neither of us would want you jeopardising your dreams for us.”
Sean pulled a face, as though swallowing past a lump in his throat. “I swore if I made it pro, I’d never let it keep me from the things that matter most. My mom, my brother, my friends-- maybe I’ve kept on top of some relationships, but I know I’ve let you down.”
The tent unzipped, and Estela emerged, expression stony. “You don’t get to decide if we’ve been let down. We haven’t, so give yourself a break.”
For a moment, Sean was reprimanded into silence, the blunt force of the words making them sink in. A small smile tugged at his lips… somehow that force really did something to take off the weight he’d insisted on putting upon his own shoulders. Good old Estela.
“I… guess I can’t argue with that.”
“No, you can’t,” Estela said gruffly. “Why the hell would we want you hurting yourself on our behalf? We could just as easily say we’ve been shit friends because we haven’t been to any of your games--”
“--but you have a baby--”
“Yes. We have our commitments, you have yours. That doesn’t mean the care isn’t being felt.”
Taylor had to hold back a loving chuckle. Estela was fierce in everything, including in how she loved… which definitely had its uses when it was necessary to push a friend into a little self-kindness.
“We’re keeping in touch,” Taylor said, “it’s sometimes a pretty big effort when everyone’s lives are so full right now. But we’re doing it, and I can’t see any of us ever letting that be lost.”
Sean looked her in the face and nodded. “I believe it too. You don’t go through as much crazy together as we did and not be stuck together for life.” He gave a small sigh. “It’s just old, emotional fears.”
Taylor laughed dryly. Boy, were those familiar. “Yeah, those are tricky things. Anyway, we’re all stuck with each-other, and we’ll just have to deal with it.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Sean said. “The time we all shared, I think it made me. I’m the man I am today because of everything that happened, and I know I’m not alone in that. Do you ever feel like everyone else is just existing in a different world to us? Or is that just me going crazy?”
“Yeah, I get that. I know back at school I could get along well with people, but it was hard to get close ‘cause there was so much of me that I couldn’t share. I don’t want La Huerta to make up my whole personality, but….”
It was Sean’s turn to laugh this time. “But it is pretty massive.” His face quickly fell. “Honestly, it makes me wonder if I ever have a chance at finding love. Even aside from all the secrets, and all the on-going trauma from what we went through, I’ve got the limelight to deal with as well… and everything that comes with that.”
Estela frowned. “A lot of two-faced people who only see you as a way of getting themselves forward?”
“Yep, that’s a problem. And I can tell you, the media pressure on my to be dating as the poster boy for bi representation in pro football isn’t helping either.”
Estela gave a snort of disgust. The media was slime, pure and simple. They’d been lucky to get away with being as private as they had been surrounding the collapse and re-branding of Catalyst International, but they’d felt quite enough media scrutiny to have a severe distaste for the whole circus. She didn’t envy Sean in his high-profile career.
“I guess it’ll be nice when you wrap up your career and you can just tell ‘em all to fuck off without so many consequences.”
“That’s the dream,” Sean agreed with a wry smile. “Anyway, with so much that needs to be kept secret, and the media practically on my tail, it feels like romance is out for the foreseeable.”
Instinctively, Taylor shuffled closer to put an arm around him. She couldn’t deny that she was incredibly lucky to have found her soulmate out of all their adventures and misadventures; in that side of her life, she really had no uncertainty to keep her awake at night. “That really sucks.”
“It does,” Sean sighed. “I’m a huge romantic at heart-- but everything with Michelle got screwed up and now… well, feels like that was my only chance blown.”
“How are you… how are you doing with that? With Michelle and Quinn?”
Sean laughed, warm and genuine, even with the sadness underlying his greater fears. “Oh, that ship has sailed. Michelle is so much happier than she ever was with me, and I’m happy for her. I love her like a sister, wouldn’t trade that for anything. I won’t let myself have regrets; she found the relationship she needed. Just hope there’s still one for me out there!”
Estela studied him with her dark, brooding eyes. “I think there will be. You’ve got a lot going for you-- a lot of the things that actually matter the most. Whoever that person is will be lucky.”
“Your life won’t always be like this,” Taylor assured. “Sometime or other, you’re gonna come up to breathe.”
“And then,” he said, “there’s the pressure of finding that someone in enough time to have the family I’ve spent my whole life dreaming of.”
“You want a big family?” Estela asked.
“That’s the dream,” he said proudly. “I always thought, ‘I want to be the best dad’. Be there for my kids emotionally, spend time with them, be a role model.” He looked out to the sea, watching the gentle swell. After a few moments of quiet, he shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t just make romantic love happen, but I will be a dad. If it’s me on my own, I know all you guys will be supporting me through it all.”
Taylor grinned. “We sure will! Do you have any idea how much Craig would adore any kid of yours?”
That made Sean laugh. “Settles it really, huh? I owe it to my brother to make an uncle out of him.”
And Taylor laughed with him. “You’d better! The image in my head is just too darn cute to not come to fruition.”
With the stars twinkling overhead, the rest of the group joined the trio, two-by-two; Michelle and Quinn, Varyyn and Diego, and finally, Aleister and Grace, who’d had a little struggle with an overtired Reggie.
“Let’s walk to Neptune Cove, they said,” Aleister huffed, and he groaned as he lowered his thin frame to the sand, “it’ll be fun, they said….”
“One of those nights?” Diego asked sympathetically. He’d babysat enough times to know what those nights were like.
“He’s down, he’s out for the count, and Mother has ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’ playing on repeat, so I think we might have cracked it.”
“He’ll sleep well,” said Grace confidently. “Dreaming of little fishies and adventures with his big family.”
Michelle stretched out, put her head back and exhaled deeply. Paradise made for the perfect break from the pressures of med school. It would be over all too quickly, but while it lasted… bliss.
Beside her, Quinn was looking up at the stars. “No matter how long it’s been,” she said quietly, “I always expect to see our stars. And then I think how enormous it is what we did together. We brought back the old night’s sky.”
Taylor gazed upwards, and wondered if Vaanu could have any inkling of what they’d left behind, that she was thriving under a pattern of stars she’d never been expected to see, and that her friends who she loved so dear were thriving with her.
“It sure is beautiful.”
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airadam · 3 years
Episode 142 : ...If You Hear Me
"We all need...some fresh air."
- Tobe
This month has been pretty exhausting, but I did have some good ideas for this episode, and once I hit stride with the recording I decided to try and keep the pace up and get it released on a weekend day! The selection has turned out to be heavy on artists who are no longer with us, but left us some great music to remember them by. Get yourself comfortable and press "play"...
Twitter : @airadam13
Twitch : @airadam13
Evidence ft. Raekwon and Ras Kass : The Red Carpet
How is this track ten years old already? Time has flown since the 2011 release of "Cats & Dogs", the second solo Evidence album after four LPs as part of Dilated Peoples. While Evidence is an excellent producer in his own right, the reins here are taken by his future partner in The Step Brothers, The Alchemist. He further shows his confidence by bringing in California's Ras Kass and Raekwon from the Wu to guest, both legendary MCs, and holds his own next to both. A great collection of talent to kick off the show!
[DJ Premier] Gang Starr : What's Real? (Instrumental)
I just had to go back to "One Of The Best Yet" for another Preemo beat! Definitely get the instrumental release if you can, especially as you get the previously-unreleased "Glowing Mic" as a bonus cut.
The Notorious B.I.G ft. DMC : My Downfall
As I say on the voiceover, it feels weird playing a good chunk of Biggie's catalogue given how he ultimately died. This track from "Life After Death" is a perfect example, and feels like a mix of the creative writing he was famed for and maybe a realisation of exactly how much negativity swirled around him even after he had made the transition from the streets to the music industry. The legendary DMC of RUN DMC guests, only on the hook - but he does it well.
Agallah : Slaughter
Just a few bars, just a taste, as I needed something to bridge a track with no instrumental outro and the other with no open bars on the intro! Big respect to Agallah though, who has been putting in work since the mid-90s and will probably have yet another new project out by the time I finish typing this sentence. Find this beat on "Propain Campain Presents Agalllah - The Instrumental Vol. 1".
Sean Price and Small Professor (ft. Rock and DJ Revolution) : Refrigerator P
Heavy business! Ruck (Sean Price) and Rock, formerly the duo Heltah Skeltah, reunite on this killer from the "86 Witness" LP. Small Professor makes the beat dramatic, and DJ Revolution seasons the mix with his trademark super-sharp cuts.
Fred The Godson : Presidents
The Bronx-born-and-bred MC Fred The Godson sadly passed away last April at just 35 - one of the relatively early US casualties of COVID-19. During his lifetime, his catalogue consisted of some highly-rated mixtapes, but only after his death do we finally hear his debut album, "Ascension".  This track of course is built (by Hesami) around the same sample as Jay-Z's "Dead Presidents" as Fred expounds on the drug game.
Broke 'n' English : Tryin' (Calibre Mix)
"Tryin'" was one of the standouts on the 2007 debut LP "Subject 2 Status" from this respected Manchester crew. Both Strategy and DRS have a long-standing history in the drum & bass scene, and so it made sense that the remix of this track would be handled by someone like Calibre. Sharp, crisp drum action and a smooth bassline drive this one along, with DRS' vocals being woven in as a refrain. You can hear in this one track how DRS then went on to make several excellent D&B albums - his vocal versatility allows him to shine on any production.
Marco Polo : Cindy
The "MP On The MP" (see what he did there?) beat tape is inspired by a Youtube series he was doing, and features a host of new and unreleased beats. Marco Polo is one keeping this style of production alive, which I'm thankful for.  I still think of him as a "new" producer, but he's a veteran with over fifteen years in the industry!
Le$ : Out To Cali
Le$ is a great MC to go to if you want lyrics about just living life and having fun - almost like a Curren$y, but without the extreme high-end references. Right here, he's going to Cali, buying some weed, riding around, and enjoying the view - sometimes it doesn't need to be more lofty than that. Mr.Rogers goes to a familiar sample as a basis for the beat, and if you want more, the whole "Summer Madness" will give you these vibes - and exercise your speakers in the process.
O.C. : What I Need (Keelay Remix)
The "Smoke & Mirrors" LP is a bit of a forgotten one for many, but I really enjoyed it, and when acapellas became available, it was expertly remixed by the Sole Vibe crew out of San Francisco. The classic soul sample (which you may recognise from tracks like "Deeper" by Bo$$) is the foundation, with a heavy kick and skipping hi-hats providing the rhythm. O.C. never lost a step from his first LP, and he's never afraid to put his feelings out there on wax.
Sadat X : Stages & Lights
This is one of those tracks I was stunned to realised I hadn't already played on the podcast, so here it is at last! This Showbiz-produced cut from the 1996 "Wild Cowboys" LP, Sadat's solo debut, was also a B-side on the "Hang 'Em High" single - but definitely stole the show. If you ever find the original sample, you'll be amazed at how Show plucked that one small piece for this beat!
Phife Dawg : Thought U Wuz Nice
Killer B-side action from Phife Dawg, on the flip of the Superrappin "Bend Ova" 12", with J Dilla on the bouncy production. Still can't quite believe that both of these icons are no longer with us.
Saib : Beyond Clouds
The Chillhop label seems to put out endless amounts of beats from producers specialising in sounds inspired by greats like J Dilla and Nujabes, but with their own spin. This one comes from the "Chillhop Essentials Fall 2020" compilation, one of any number that are perfect for soundtracking study, work, or just a lazy day!
213 : Run On Up
That beat by Tha Chill and the delivery of "Shut the f********ck up and ruuuu-uuu-uuuun" by the late great Nate Dogg is enough to make this an absolute classic in my ears, but the full picture is even better. Way before "Doggystyle", "The Chronic", or even "Deep Cover", 213 was the group formed in Long Beach by Nate Dogg, Warren G, and Snoop, before any of them had got their big breaks. Years later, after all of them had become stars in their own rights, it was heart-warming to see them reform for the "The Hard Way" LP, from which this is taken.
Sporty Thievz : Angel
The Sporty Thievz deserve to be remembered for more than "No Pigeons", as much as we enjoyed the whole thing at the time. The "Street Cinema" album may not have quite lived up to the name, but there were some solid cuts on there, and this was one. Produced by King Kirk of the group alongside Ski, this track has all the foreboding, and while the singing on the hook may not be Marvin Gaye level, it absolutely works here.
Jean Grae : My Crew
One of the great underrated MCs - not because her skills are in question, but simply because not enough people know her! She's in fine early 2000s form on this cut from the "Bootleg of the Bootleg EP", produced by China Black. Straight boom-bap, and she cuts through with clarity and dexterity. Jean Grae raps, sings, produces, acts...one of the true talent of the culture.
Bronx Slang : Just Say No
New single from Jerry Beeks and Ollie Miggs, who have really been on a hot streak the last couple of years. It's nice to hear some protest music in an era that really calls for it, and if this is a marker of how good the upcoming second album is going to be, then you need to reserve a space in your crates right now! Jadell on production brings an appropriate heaviness to the track, no lightness on the beat!
[Ron Browz] Big L : The Heist (Instrumental)
All these years and I'd never looked to see who produced this beat from Big L's posthumously-released LP "The Big Picture" - come to find out it's one of Ron Browz' first credits. He's much better known for "Ether" by Nas, which came in 2001. The vocal version of this track is what the name suggests, a robbery tale, and you can hear the sound effects that punctuate the narrative still here in the instrumental.
Tobe Nwigwe : Fresh Air
Tobe Nwigwe and his collective (including his wife Fat and his producer Nell) have been quietly on the rise for a while, but in very recent times their profile has elevated noticeably. "The Pandemic Project" is a short six-track album from last year, and another quality addition to the catalogue. This man is an amazing MC, and Nell's often-unconventional beats are the perfect canvas. Don't sleep! 
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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darley1101 · 5 years
July 15 Friendship (Jake x Bailey/MC ES)
Title: Shut Up And Kiss Me
Book: Endless Summer
Pairing: Jake x Bailey/F!MC with mention of others
Rating: PG-13
Warning/Triggers: Teasing from friend, kiss that happens because of a bet
Summary: 'We could die tomorrow.' The severity of what they're about to face has Bailey stepping out of her comfort zone.
Request: July 15 Friendship  from @endlessly-searching-for-you , “Just shut up and kiss me already” from @endlessly-searching-for-you's February challenge, and 'Kissing because of a bet.' Both made by @brightpinkpeppercorn
A/N: I know this isn't exactly the whole gang but this is what I've got. I hope you enjoy! Tags are at the end of the story. If you would like to be added, moved, or removed please let me know. If you enjoyed the story please consider giving it a like, comment, or a re-blog so others might enjoy it as well.
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Less Talk, More Action
Curling her body into one of the mod patterned club chairs that dotted The Celestial lobby, Bailey laid her head in the crook of her arm and tried to focus on anything but the turmoil brewing outside the hotel's gates. She'd let Diego talk her into this trip because it was supposed to be a 'once in a lifetime experience in paradise'. He'd been right about the once in a lifetime experience but she was still waiting for paradise. The image of a shaggy haired pilot with laughing blue eyes and a dimpled grin flashed before her but quickly faded. Guys like Jake Mackenzie, who coined nicknames at the drop of a hat and drank like a proverbial sailor, were seldom interested in girls like her; smart girls who were more comfortable coding a new app or researching the best way to build an eco friendly tiny house than they were with flirting. He was a good time guy looking for a good time girl, which Bailey was decidedly not.
“We could die tomorrow,” Diego announced before dropping into the chair adjacent to hers. “Bailey...” She looked up when he nudged her with his knee, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones. “Did you hear what I said?”
“We could die tomorrow,” she parroted, her voice void of emotion.
“Exactly. We could die tomorrow. Which means...this could be our last night on earth.”
Bailey sat up, her long hair spilling over her shoulder like liquid sunshine. “You're not going to confess your secret love are you because...no offense...you're not my type.” She tried to smile, to keep things light despite the heaviness that hung in the air. It didn't work. The smile twisted into a grimace that fell flat and then faded.
“What?” Diego's eyes widened in horror. “Ew! No! You're sporting a few things that are kind of a big turn off for me.” He leaned forward, his elbows resting lightly on his knees while he worried his lower lips between his teeth. “No, I was thinking...this could be our last night on earth and maybe you should, I don't know, live a little...just in case.”
“I've lived.” Bailey scowled, her mind scrambling for at least one example that would knock the knowing smirk off her best friend's face. “I helped that football player write his paper last week,” she reminded him. “And I bought that purple bikini for this trip...which I wore to the pool last night thank you very much.”
“You're a tutor Bai, it's sort of in your job description to help other students with their homework.”
“Yes, but I wrote most of the report for him,” Bailey interjected.
“Doesn't count.” Diego rolled his eyes and held up his hand when she started to push the matter of that teeny, tiny purple bikini she'd bought on a whim. “And...the bikini doesn't really count either because you wore a t shirt over it.”
“It was cold.” Dropping her feet to the floor, Bailey let out a shaky breath before letting her gaze sweep across the spacious lobby. Quinn sat on the floor, her back propped against the front desk, while Estela and Sean engaged in what looked to be a heated discussion, and Jake slumped in one of the chairs nursing a bottle of rum. The rest of their group was no where to be found. 'They're just hanging out elsewhere,' she reminded herself before any sort of panic could set in. Before she could stop herself, her gaze wandered back to Jake. Stubble covered his chiseled jaw and his sandy colored hair kept flopping in his eyes, making her fingers itch with the need to brush it off his face.
“The pool is heated.”
Jerking her attention back to Diego, Bailey opened her mouth to counter his remark only to snap her lips into a thin line when she realized he was right. “You don't always have to be right, you know, it's not attractive.”
“Being right is one of the few things I have going for me Bai, let me have it.”
“Don't say that,” Bailey scowled. “You have a lot going for you Diego. Anyone would be lucky to call you theirs.”
“You're my best friend, you have to say that.” Diego glanced in the direction of the others, his gaze lingering on Jake. “He keeps looking over here you know.”
“Wha...no....who...” Blood rushed to Bailey's cheeks, staining them the same crimson shade as the spaghetti strapped tank top she wore. She'd been so careful not to let anyone see or know about the ridiculous little crush she'd developed on their pilot. If Jake had somehow figured it out...well it was  for the best they were all probably going to die tomorrow because she didn't think she could stomach him looking at her with pity or outright rejecting her.
“The hottie pilot, that's who...” Diego narrowed his eyes, a telling smirk tweaking the corners of his lips. “Which I think you already know because you keep looking at him too.”  
“I do not!”
A snort past Diego's lips. “Sell that lie to someone who doesn't know you so well.”
Bailey opened her mouth to defend her actions only to snap it shut again. What was the point in arguing the details? Diego wasn't blind and Bailey wasn't subtle. “What does it matter, guys like that never notice girls like me.”
“Please,” Diego scoffed. “If you were to walk over there right now and lay one on him I seriously doubt he'd complain. In fact,” he paused, a suspicious glimmer brightening his dark eyes, “I dare you to go over there and kiss him.”
Sucking in her breathe, Bailey stared at her best friend in horror. “You're insane!” There was no way in hell she was going to walk over there and try to kiss a guy who had zero interest in her. They might die tomorrow but damn it she would die with her pride in tact. 'Your virginity too,' an inner voice teased. It sounded oddly like Diego, damn it. “That would be like me daring you to...to...” her mind reeled, trying to think of some off the wall dare for Diego but nothing came to mind. “No. Just...no.”
Bailey narrowed her eyes. “I am not a chicken.”
The teasing dimmed in Diego's eyes and his face grew serious. “All kidding aside...you kind of are. You never take any risks. You always play it safe. I know you're scared of getting hurt but being cautious all the time...you're not really living. You're just existing. This could be our last night on earth. You like the guy. I'm serving up a reason to kiss him on a silver platter. If he freaks you can laugh it off as a dare. If he doesn't...well...there are worse ways of spending your potentially last night on earth than making out with a hot pilot. You never know,” he winked, “you might finally cash in that v card.”
Was Diego right? Was she merely existing and not really living? The fact that she couldn't answer the question left her a bit unsettled. That wasn't how she meant to be. She couldn't even explain why she was that way. Inhaling deeply, she darted her gaze between Diego and Jake. “You've only got one life to live,” she muttered, rising from her chair. “And by golly if it ends tomorrow you're going to be able to say you took a chance.” Heart pounding like a bass drum she slowly walked across the lobby. Her palms felt clammy and sweat was starting to bead across her upper lip. Shit. Fuck. What was she doing? Her feet faltered. She should turn around; just turn around and high tail it back to the semi-comfortable chair she'd left. “No,” she whispered furiously. “You're going to do this.” Squaring her shoulders, chin raised high, she forced herself to close the distance between herself and Jake. “Uh..hi.”
Jake glanced up, one eye squinted. “Hey Princess.”
Princess. The silly nickname sent shivers of warmth and excitement through her body. “So...we could die tomorrow and...well...Diego...he...well...he dared me to kiss you...he called me a chicken, see...and if we really are going to die tomorrow I don't want to die a chicken...so-” Her words cut off in a squeak when Jake tugged her down on to his lap.
“Anyone tell you that you talk too much, Princess?” Wide eyed, Bailey shook her head and then nodded. She parted her lips, ready to launch into an explanation of why when he rubbed his thumb across her lower lip. “So how about you shut up and kiss me.” 
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greensconnor · 6 years
Hello! Might I be so bold as to request F(!)MC x Estela for the prompt 'I'm flirting with you'?
ofc!! thank you so much for the request!
send me drabble prompts!
Tropical islands always sounded so wonderful in theory. In practice, Estela found, there wasn’t a whole lot she could say she was fond of. La Huerta, in particular, hadn’t exactly been the site of many fond memories, and there was definitely something strange happening on the island. These were two facts that kept her from enjoying her time on what anyone else might have called a ‘vacation’. Estela knew better.
If this was a vacation, she wouldn’t be sitting in the sand, dark hair piled on top of her head so that the nape of her neck could sweat freely, watching Taylor and Jake try to beat the absolute snot out of each other. Jake had gotten rid of his shirt about an hour ago, and Taylor was down to a sports bra and oversized running shorts she’d ‘borrowed’ from Craig. Estela assumed this meant she’d just snuck them from Craig’s bag when he hadn’t been looking, in absence of her own.
Estela couldn’t say that she minded. Out of all the resort guests, Taylor was the one she liked the most. She had sharp eyes and an expressive mouth, and when she looked at Estela, she felt raw and exposed without fail. Something about Taylor made her was calming and nerve-wracking, familiar and strange, comfortable and not all at the same time. She was an enigma, an experience, and Estela had been dropping hints for days that she would very much like to kiss her.
“You’re dropping your right,” she said idly as Taylor blocked another punch from Jake, sweat sticking her hair to her forehead. Jake’s eyes flicked south, and he aimed a jab at her ribs, which she narrowly managed to redirect. She lifted a leg and aimed a sharp kick to his solar-plex, forcing him to stumble back out of range, dropping into a crouch to steady himself.
“Thank you, Estela,” Taylor said, with the tightly patient tone she took after Aleister had made one too many barbed comments in her direction. Estela frowned. She didn’t like it when Taylor took that tone with her. The poor woman already had to put up with enough, between Sean and Jake’s will-they-won’t-they posturing contests, Craig and Zahra’s unresolved romantic tension and Aleister’s obvious pining for Grace. Keeping the peace between the resort residents wasn’t easy, and Estela was no diplomat. She didn’t like the idea of contributing to Taylor’s stress.
“Jake’s weak on his left side since he leads with it. You can disrupt his balance at the ankle.” Jake sputtered as he struck forward again, Taylor crouching and dodging to the side, teeth gritted.
“Hey, Ellen Ripley! Whose side are you on?” His brows furrowed and his lip stuck out in a childish pout. Estela gave him a sweet smile, watching as he kicked some sand at Taylor and proceeded to launch at her again. Taylor rolled nimbly out of the way and leapt to her feet again, pummeling Jake with a barrage of punches.
“Always come back to a defensive that guards your face,” Taylor’s brows furrowed further, “and make sure you don’t slack on your right, or you’ll give Jake an opening. Alternate your jabs, he’s predicting your pattern.”
“Just call me Mister Miyagi,” Jake smirked, a punch whistling just past Taylor’s ear. She let out a frustrated growl from between clenched teeth, arm striking upward to capture Jake’s elbow between her forearm and her bicep. “Wha-” said Jake.
And then Taylor flipped him. Estela’s heart skipped a beat, furious blush crawling down her neck. Taylor’s arm yanked down and toward the inside of her opposite knee, sending Jake head over heels. He landed hard on his back, a pained wheeze escaping him as sand fluttered in all directions. Taylor stood over him, one foot on his chest, panting hard. She took a moment to compose herself, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, and wiping the sweat from her forehead on the back of her arm.
“I believe,” she said, “that makes you Daniel-san.” Jake groaned.
“Wasn’t enough to crush my ego, you had to go and set it on fire too?” Taylor smirked.
“Everything’s better with fire.” She reached a hand out, clapping it into Jake’s and yanking him to his feet. “Thanks for the lesson, Jake… Estela.” Taylor’s tone took on an oddly collected quality that made Estela’s stomach fall. Jake waved her away, stumbling over to his belongings to take a swig from his water bottle. Taylor took a deep breath, lacing her fingers together and cupping the back of her head as she wandered toward the sea.
Estela hauled herself to her feet and stumbled after her, brushing the sand from the backs of her thighs. Behind her, she heard Jake’s voice raise an octave, and a rumbling laugh. Sean had almost definitely been watching, which meant Jake would be preoccupied trying to win back his wounded pride. Which meant Jake would trail Sean like a lost puppy. Which meant Estela would be alone. On the beach. With Taylor. Who was half dressed.
“That was a nice move you pulled,” Estela said shyly, taking a step into the water beside Taylor. The other girl jumped, her face flickering with many emotions, before she shrugged and lifted her arms into the air, enjoying the salty breeze.
“Thanks,” she said dryly, “good to know there’s at least one thing you think I can do right.” Estela flinched.
“Look, I get it, okay,” Taylor said, sigh irritable, “you’re hard on me because I’m weak and untrained, and whatever’s coming with the watchers I have to be prepared or else the rest of the community could suffer, and blah and blah and blah. I get it, Estela. They’re my friends too, you don’t think I worry?” Estela suddenly felt very, very cold.
“That’s not-”
“It’s just, it’s really hard to remain optimistic about all this, and especially about my chances when you’re just so… so…” at loss for words, Taylor held her hands out in a mock-strangling position and shook them, “ugh! I’m trying, okay? I really am, but like… a few nights ago I was just a college student slogging through all nighters and shitty mandatory courses and now I’m going to fight a race of potentially alien inhabitants on a tropical island with weird time discrepancies and it would be a lot easier if you could stop hating me for long enough to be constructive!”
“Hate you?” Estela was flabbergasted, jaw hanging open. She shook herself suddenly, violently. “No! No, I don’t hate you. I like you! More than like you! Like, like-like you! I’m flirting with you!”
“Flirting with me?!”
“Yes!” Estela’s eyes were wide. Taylor had thought she hated her? The thought made Estela want to crawl into bed and bawl her eyes out, and then get impossibly drunk off of one of Raj’s genius cocktail concoctions. “I’ve been giving you advice! To make sure you can beat Jake, because if you can beat Jake, you can stand against the Watchers, and that’s… that’s important to me because- because, well… I would hate if anything… happened to you.”
“Oh my god,” Taylor was wide-eyed now too, shocked, “you were flirting. Oh my god.” She burst into laughter, howling laughter as merriment took over her face. She doubled over, hands on her knees as her shoulders shook hard. “Estela,” she said, sounding short of breath, “I appreciate it, I really do, but most people’s idea of flirting is telling someone they have a nice ass. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh,” Estela blinked, and then leaned back for a second, “you have a nice ass.” Taylor laughed harder, her body heaving with almost violent shakes now. Estela couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled in her throat. She tipped her head back, putting both hands over her face as she descended into a fit of hiccuping laughter to match Taylor’s.
“You thought I hated you,” she groaned, pulling her hands away to glance sideways at the other girl. Taylor was smiling at her now, shoulders still jumping with silent chuckles. Grinning, she reached out for Estela.
“I don’t anymore,” she said, hands pressing against Estela’s cheeks. With a surprising amount of strength, she pulled Estela forward, pressing their lips together. Estela laughed, letting Taylor’s lips swallow the sound. Both of them were smiling too broadly for their lips to even fit together, teeth clacking more than anything, but Estela couldn’t bring herself to care.
Her hands settled on Taylor’s hips, tugging her closer as the other girl’s arms draped around her neck, fiddling idly with loose strands of hair at the base of her bun. Taylor’s grin subsided to something more manageable, and Estela leaned into her, pressing slow, easy kisses to her lips.
With the ocean pressing insistently against their shins, and Taylor’s lips moving slowly, almost shyly against her own, it was easy to forget about what lay in wait outside the gates of the resort. For a precious few minutes, all that mattered was Estela and Taylor; Taylor and Estela, revolving around each other in their own private world.
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