#searching the guide book for mentions of ‘ashes’ and ‘flowers’
zuppizup · 5 months
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Watch the sun As it crawls across a final time And it feels like Like it was a friend
It is watching us And the world we set on fire Do you wonder If it feels the same?
And the sky is filled with light Can you see it? All the black is really white If you believe it
As your time is running out Let me take away your doubt You can find a better a place In this twilight
Dust to dust Ashes in your hair remind me What it feels like And I won't feel again
Night descends Could I have been a better person? If I could only  Do it all again
And the sky is filled with light Can you see it? All the black is really white If you believe it
And the longing that you feel You know none of this is real You will find a better a place In this twilight
In This Twilight - Nine Inch Nails
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Ring around the rosie,
A pocket full of posies.
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down!
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Check out Raayllum’s awesome analysis of what we’ve got so far from this title clue.
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swordgayist · 4 years
cultural appropriation in ATLA (hinduism edition)
i’m sure there’s already a ton of posts about this, but whatever, i’m still making one idc. 
ATLA’s cultural appropriation, everyone knows about it, the white people don’t speak about it, and the asian and indigenous people get ignored. we know the cycle. but i wanted to come here and highlight some of the most prominent examples of ATLA abusing hinduism, as i am kinda sorta hindu (i was raised in a hindu household, i go to chinmaya mission, that kinda shit). i might forget some things so keep that in mind.
this is gonna be divided into 3 main sections, since there are different ways that they disrespect hinduism that i don’t wanna lump together.
and i’d say i know a lot about hinduism but that doesn’t make me an expert, obviously, so if other hindus have anything to add and/or correct then please do !! and if anyone else wants to share how their cultures were appropriated then please do that as well !!
so let’s get started shall we?
appropriating hinduism
1) the avatar
we’ll start with the most obvious example: the avatar itself
i know that there are parts of the avatar mythos that are taken from other cultures as well but the idea of the avatar itself is primarily from hinduism.
basically in hinduism, the term dashavatara refers to the 10 reincarnations of lord vishnu (the god of preservation), with avatar(a) meaning form or incarnation in sanskrit, and das(a) meaning ten. it was said that whenever the world was out of balance, lord vishnu would come down to earth in a certain form to restore balance. Each reincarnation is considered a different life with a different story. the avatars of lord vishnu are often considered the saviors of the world.
so basically, the central idea of the show and the actual name of the show is largely based on hinduism.
2) chakras
many different indian religions have a concept of chakras (chakra meaning wheel or circle in sanskrit), but hinduism is the one that primarily preaches the system of seven chakras, the version used in ATLA.
chakras connect the physical body to the ‘subtle’ body (referring more to the spirit and the psyche) by connecting parts of the body to aspects of the mind. the idea is that through different forms of steady meditation you can manipulate the different chakras and allow the pure flow of energy through the body.
the whole idea of chakras on ATLA is that aang has to unblock them all to let the cosmic energy flow through him so that he can go into the avatar state at will. so yeah, pretty much that whole idea was taken from hinduism.
3) terminologies
these are just a few terms that were taken from hinduism. i’m pretty sure there are more that i can’t think of right now but yeah.
“agni” kai 
i’ll be honest i don’t know where the ‘kai’ part is from, i don’t think it’s from hinduism but if it is well fuck me i guess.  ‘agni’ in hinduism is the god of fire, so the creators used it in ‘agni kai’, the name for a firebending duel.
this is in reference to the hindu word for ‘earth’, which is bhoomi. this is also in reference to our goddess of earth, bhoomi devi. also this doesn’t really bother me but i wonder if the creators knew that bhoomi is a name typically used for women (as are most hindi names ending in ‘i’/‘ee’).
in general, concepts like having multiple complex gods (the spirits) who are capable of good and evil and the reincarnation cycle are prominent in a lot of asian cultures, including (and arguably primarily) hinduism.
mocking hinduism
now we get into the mockery of hinduism in ATLA, because it is very much there.
1) whoever the fuck that baboon guy in the spirit world was
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now what the fuck was this.
i mean i wouldn’t say this is the most egregious example of them making fun of brown people but lord why did this even need to be there? this random guy from the spirit world has an indian accent ? and is fervently chanting ‘om’ for some reason, and it’s clearly meant to be seen as comical. also portraying brown people as monkeys....... really.
2) combustion man/sparky sparky boom man
when rewatching ATLA in 2019 i actually had no idea that this was a thing, because the last time i had watched it was as a kid and i didn’t finish it.
so lord was i in for a surprise when i saw...
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now... now what.
if you didn’t know, combustion man’s ‘third eye’ is designed to replicate the hindu god of destruction, lord shiva. right down to the vibhuti on his forehead (referring to the three line markings around the third eye).
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in hinduism, lord shiva’s third eye is used to reduce people to ashes, though as far as i can recall, not very frequently. the primary significance of the third eye is that it represents the ability of higher spiritual thought and higher consciousness.
the ATLA writers take the ACTUAL significance of the third eye, throw it out the window, and then take its destructive abilities to make a super duper cool and dangerous new firebending technique.
and if that wasn’t bad enough, the actual person who uses this technique, and is meant to emulate a GOD who is PRAISED, is a scary, burly, half metal man who is a villain and an assassin. not to mention the design of his facial hair replicates that super duper scary “terrorist” depiction of brown people, particularly of muslims, that white people are so thoroughly terrified of for no reason. 
this is a parody of a god, and they portrayed him as this terrifying, maniacal fucking assassin who, along with p’li, the combustion bender from LOK, is constantly referred to as a “third-eyed freak”. i’ve made this analogy before and i’ll do it again, this is like making jesus into a hitman.
now onto my favorite example...
3) guru pathik
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ah, this motherfucker.
i don’t really have any problems with him as a character, i mean hell, must’ve taken a fuck ton of patience to handle aang’s “why would choose cosmic energy over katara” bullshit.
but we all know it, we see it plain as day, don’t even try to deny it.
“guru” literally just means teacher or guide, so i don’t really know why pathik needed to be referred to as “guru” so distinctively from aang’s other teachers and guides, but that’s just extremely trivial compared to all the other issues with this character.
first of all what is this character design? what is he even wearing? if they’re trying to replicate the clothes of swamis and priests and stuff this is already wrong, realized people don’t dress like this. and why the fuck does he have an indian accent? and why was this indian accent done by a non indian (brian george)?
once again, the poor but extremely heavy indian accent is clearly meant to be mocking, if it wasn’t, they wouldn’t’ve gone out of their way to get a non indian person to DO an indian accent, and instead they would’ve just gotten an actual indian person to play the role. 
and oh yeah, the onion and banana juice. because hindus just eat weird shit right.
whether it’s actually weird or not, the show certainly portrays it as weird. and as far as i know no hindu actually fucking drinks onion and banana juice.
ironic because brown people can absolutely destroy white people in cooking. but i digress.
i know what you’re all waiting for. because the guru apparently didn’t have enough fun with guru pathik, so they just had to come back to him in book 3:
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where do i begin.
so this is obviously john o’bryan’s super funny and hilarious depiction of pathik as a hindu god.
usually when a god has multiple arms it’s to carry an array of things, from flowers to weapons to instruments, and one hand is typically free to bless devotees (ie. goddess durga and lord vishnu respectively):
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but of course white people see this as weird and so they make fun of it, hence guru pathik having multiple arms just flailing about aimlessly (save for the two that are being used to carry the aforementioned onion and banana juice).
then there’s the whole light behind pathik’s head which is usually depicted in drawings of hindu gods to show that they are celestial.
also what the fuck is he holding? is that supposed to be a veena? because this is what a veena looks like:
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and i assume the reason this was added was to mock the design of goddess saraswathi, who carries a veena:
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but that right there in the picture of pathik looks more like a tambura than a veena. 
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and it also just kinda looks like a banjo?
but i guess the animators just searched up “long indian instrument” and slapped it on there. actually no, that’s giving them too much credit, they probably didn’t search it up at all. 
and then the actual scene is pathik singing crazily about chakras tasting good or something while playing the non-veena and it’s all supposed to be some funky crazy hallucination that aang is having due to sleep deprivation. just some crazy dream, just as crazy as talking appa and momo sparring with swords or tree-ozai coming to life.
our gurus and swamis and sadhus and generally realized people are very respected in hinduism, they’re people we look up to and honor very much. and our GODS are beings that we literally worship. and the writers just take both and make caricatures out of them for other white people to laugh at.
4) other shit
before we move to the next portion i just wanna mention there are also smaller backhanded jabs that i can’t really remember now, but one example was when zuko was all “we’ll be sure to remember that, guru goody goody”. or when a character would meditate and say “om” only when the meditation is supposed to be portrayed as comical or pointless. or in bitter work when sokka was rambling on about karma. small things like that. but moving on.
south asian representation, or lack thereof
now i finally get to the “losing” hinduism part. by this i mean the lack of actual representation there is of south asians (the region where hinduism is primarily practiced) despite the fact that hinduism plays such a big role in the show’s world design.
i think it’s safe to say that broadly the main cast consists of aang, katara, sokka, zuko, toph, azula, iroh, mai, ty lee, and suki. 
a grand total of none of these characters are south asian. the writers don’t even attempt to add any south asian main characters. 
there are characters with dark skin, like haru and jet, but a) they’re not confirmed to be south asian and don’t have any south asian features or south asian names, b) they’re side characters, so they don’t count as representation, and c) even if they were south asian and main characters, jet wouldn’t even count because he’s portrayed as a terrorist.
the ONLY truly south asian character we get is fucking guru pathik. so yeah. not representation.
i don’t get how the creators of this show rip off of hinduism (among many other south asian cultures they rip off of), mock indians, and then don’t even have the decency to HAVE a main character who is south asian.
i’ve never gotten a chance to compile all this, and this definitely isn’t all the creators have done, but i hope this was somewhat informative.
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teacubes · 4 years
Yandere Prisoner from idv?(headcanons or scenarios, you pick :) )If you not then could you do photographer? Also, what other things would you consider writing about? Love your stories!
Hello there!! I got a idea for Joseph so imma save him right after I finish those request ùwú! I planning to write some fluff and sweet stuff, not to mention those letters! I just want everyone to be happy by my writings so I'll try my best! (Not to mention those kinky stuff but shh)
Pairings: Luca Balsa x reader
Tw: Mind-break, mild gore and yandere themes so please please please proceed with caution bbs
Word counts: 1k
You were currently running away from the place where you call home before, it terrifies you to even think about it. Legs were bruised from running without shoes, leaving blood as footprint for him to find you. Nightgown flows smoothly while the wind gently blows you from afar, didn’t care that your hair was a mess. You felt your heart is heavy despite the adrenaline from running, the scene cruelly repeated in your head. Tears are running profusely, everything makes sense for you now but you just choose not to believe it.
The reason why you were running away, is because of your lover. You were in bed that was shared with your beloved, waiting for the comfort you guys shared under the covers. Gently flipping the pages from the book you love that he gifted to you, but you immediately stopped when you heard a yell then grunt.
A loud thud was heard after that, concerned for Luca’s well-being. Placing your book aside, grabbing a coat and the candle to warm and guide you. Open the door slowly, “Luca...?” That’s what you said before fully stepping out the room. The sound came from the living room so you ought to go there to see what happen to Luca.
The floor were creaking each time you step, closer you were to the living room. You heard a huff, yet a voice that was similar to your darling. Getting more worried for him, you called out his name but it seems failed. Gripping your coat tightly, fearing for what is about to happen next. When you arrived, you were relieved to see Luca standing and huffing.
“Luca!” You called his name out loud happily but yet once again he did not respond, and something is definitely not right. His eyes were dark, dark enough to send you chills. Placing the candlelight on the table, “Darling? Are you okay? Is something wrong?” You nervously ask him as you approached towards his direction.
But everything seems stops around you, the moment you turned your head to see the weird lump on the ground. It was a dead body, his neck was slitted deeply as his mouth were foaming right after coughing some blood. The sofa were tainted with splashes of blood, including the wall and some pictures that was overlay with glass. You were absolute mortified, you screamed on top of your lungs as your body trembled tremendously.
Everything make sense right now; about how he was obsessive with you, that he must be by your side, yet you catch a glimpse of him following you in the sea of crowds or even the people you knew were gone on next day. Looking at him, knowing perfectly clear that he was a bad news. He slowly looks at you with the disturbing smile that was laced on his lips, tilting his head in a eerie way.
You were visibly uncomfortable with how he look at you, your first instinct was to run somewhere far as you dash out to the door without shoes. Calling for help as no Lady Luck by your side, currently exasperated from running but yet his footstep echoed through the night. You sobbed as you kept calling, searching for a hope that was never existed from the day you met him. Tripping over a stone that hurt your feet more, unable to move as you continue sobbed. ‘Is it the end of me?’
You thought, the footstep were getting closer to you. Luca laughing lightly before approaching you, “Now, now, my Lady. You shouldn’t be scared over the trash, I was just merely cleaning up!” Stopping on his tracks to see your vulnerable yet frail form, “You should know by now that why I am doing this...” He approach more closer around your head before kneeling down and lift your chin to look at him. Ah yes, his favourite tear-stained face of yours.
“Why are you doing this?!” You cried out, to see the man that was your everything turned out to be a murderer that swore to ‘protect’ you. “Because I love you, and I can be the only one to love you.” He smirked, using his thumbs to play with your soft lips. Using his free hand to get something from his pocket, it was the wishing bottle that he got for you earlier this year. “You know what is this, darling?”
Tapping the bottle as he meant to point out the ‘sand’, you obviously shake your head. “This is your beloved parents ash, my silly love.” You froze in spot, unable to speak nor reply. Tears running down once again, he already took away your friends and now your parents? The light and hope that was once in your eyes were gone, it was just a dim bright eyes. He successfully break your mind, he already took everything of yours and what can you hope for?
Amused that the light in your eyes went away, “Now, darling. I have few rules to set since you know, if you ever tried running away from me. I won’t hesitate to chop your beautiful legs and arms off although I adored them so much, but I don’t want my little bird to fly away from me...” Trailing off his words as he combed your hair gently, glancing your eyes once again. “But I guess we don’t have to since my favourite little birdie has lost their mind.” He hummed as you lost the will to live.
Standing up while he pat of the dust of his pants before picking you up in bridal style. Humming as he starts bringing you back home , “Let’s go home and clean you up, then we tend those injuries of yours!” He said it cheerfully, before heading back home. Yet you thinking about if you never met him, would these things happen to you? Would your friends and family be still alive to this day?
Months were passing by quickly, you were laying down on your bed. No will to move as you have become weaker than usual, Luca entered the room happily as he tells you about his day. Giving you the flowers that he picked up from the florist, yet giving you some daily kisses but here you are, just like a doll that doesn’t move. Just staring into blank space as he braid your hair, “You are just like a beautiful bird that belongs in a golden canary, which you can’t leave me forever...”
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prettyamanita · 5 years
Miss Alimjan has entered the building !!! Don’t be fooled by this amnesiac, fungus manipulator’s obsession adoration of Sailor Moon into thinking she’s harmless! Dottie knows that to build a new world, you have to destroy the old one -- so, catch her scheming for the Syndicate! 
Below the cut are some fun Dorothy (but, she gives you all permission to call her Dottie!) FAX™️ & hopefully they’ll lead to some wild plots! <3 
tw: drama, infertility mention, pregnancy mention
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🍄 Dottie believes that the League of Hero’s work is never-ending -- there will always be more purse snatchers to put behind bars, more corrupt politicians to expose, and new villains to throw behind bars. She feels that heroes don’t approve of the dirty, illegal things & the sacrificing of people it takes to accomplish a revolution. The Syndicate promises to create a new world, even if they must burn down the current world & rise from its ashes. She believes it’s the only way to stop this world’s cycle of suffering & if that makes her a villain, so be it.  
🍄 Dottie is capable of fungal manipulation, also known as mycokinesis !!! How does her power work? An average, healthy human being’s skin and digestive system carries anywhere between nine to twenty-three microscopic strains of fungus. Dottie’s body carries them well into the thousands, including those which are poisonous or have hallucinogenic properties. With training, she can generate, manipulate, and mutate any strain that lives on her. Fortunately, these microscopic fungus particles are unseen to the naked human eye! Should she come into contact with a species not already found on/in her body, she may still manipulate it or permanently add it to her repertoire through skin contact or ingestion.
🍄 Her “signature move” is mutating a fungal strain to exaggerate its natural properties. For example: she can boost the power & concentration of a chemical in certain mushrooms that effect serotonin levels, release its spores into the air, and cause a room full of guards to knockout like sleeping beauties.
🍄 She can also manipulate the size & consistency of fungus to accomplish physical tasks. Expect her to make an escape across some giant mushrooms -- Alice in Wonderland style! -- from time to time!  
🍄 Passive infection and tracking is the most difficult application of her powers. She may contaminate one person with a microscopic, semi-dormant fungus and allow that person to spread the spores without her direct involvement. By allowing her first victim to do the spreading, she is free to concentrate on other tasks until she triggers the strain’s growth or boosts its properties. She can also track someone’s movement by triggering the strain and following a trail of mushrooms growing from whatever her target has made physical contact with, so long as the environment and humidity is enough for the fungus to survive. 
🍄 Speaking of humidity, cold temperatures & lack of moisture make it very difficult for her to use her powers! Dottie even gets drowsy & irritable in the winter because the weather bothers her, too!hat’s
🍄 Dottie also needs to have knowledge about the fungus she generates for the best results, hence why you’ll always find a mycology book wedged inside her purse. One minute, she might claim the mushrooms spontaneously growing on your pillowcase are harmless puffballs. Before you know it, she’s shoving you into the emergency safety shower station and frantically pointing to a similar looking -- but very, very deadly! -- fungus illustrated in her field guide.
🍄 Dottie must also introduce new types of fungs to her body’s mycobiome through physical contact or ingestion. And being introduced to a new kind of poisonous mushroom can leave her feeling ill from anywhere between several days to a week!. 
*It should be noted that because Dottie’s body exists harmoniously with the fungal strains inhabiting it, she isn’t affected by the poison or hallucinogens of fungus she generates. If it’s her first time coming into contact with a strain or she’s in a weakened state, she will only have a minor reaction. This gives some mutants the very incorrect impression that she’s impervious to poison. While a death cap’s poison won’t hurt her, a flower derived poison or snake’s venom will!
tldr; Possibly gets mutant abilities through some sketchy tea her mom drank while pregnant with her. Sixteen years later, this naive girl gets conned out of her soul by a mutant with soul manipulation. Gets saved by Gilbert, but loses her memories & has to search for the pieces of her soul to get them back. Shenanigans ensue. Eight years pass. They become villains. More shenanigans. Endless Shenanigans!
| Before Losing Her Memories & Becoming “Dottie”: Life as Aylin Alimjan |
🍄 ORIGIN STORY: Before she was born, her mother struggled with infertility & the possibility that she could never conceive children. One day, a mysterious mutant offers a solution: tea soaked in the bark of a maidenhair tree and camellia petals. The mutant claimed that a pair of star-crossed lovers were buried under the tree she’d extracted the bark from. As for the flower petals, she claimed they were always found scattered at the site during the full moon no matter the season. (AKA: You can’t brew this DANK TEA at home!) Aylin’s mom wanted to know if there was a catch, but the mutant only asked to raise the child well.
🍄 ORIGIN STORY CONT: So her mom drank it ‘cause it seemed legit.
🍄 ORIGIN STORY END: There’s no concrete proof that the mutant really did anything !!! But, it was a very romantic story to tell Aylin as a toddler & being conceived through a shady mutant’s questionable reincarnation tea is DOPE.
🍄 BABY AYLIN DAYS: Aylin’s born after her mother experiences hallucinations, strange desires to eat mushrooms and rotting fruit, and a very stubborn case of athlete’s foot. Her father was a mutant himself & reassured his wife that maybe the baby would be a mutant as well. Either way, carrying Aylin for nine months was stressful as heck.  BUT WHEN SHE’S BORN SHE’S SUPER CUTE & GIGGLY & SOMETIMES SNEEZES MUSHROOM SPORES!!!
🍄 TODDLER / KID AYLIN DAYS: Her family moves from their neighborhood in Ürümqi, China to Crystalline when she’s still in diapers. She’d oftentimes eats weird mushrooms & people want to call poison control, but her parents just nervously insist that she’ll be fine after a glass of water. Since she’s a 90s baby, she grows up with all the magical girl shows airing on like….4Kids LMAO. Her youth is pretty wholesome! She’s the kid not being able to decide on a best friend & just making matching friendship bracelets for her whole class!!! HMU WITH SOME EMERALD LEARNING CENTER FRIENDS!
🍄 TEEN AYLIN DAYS: She’s ALWAYS “falling in love” with someone, okay. But her powers have a knack for spoiling ALL of her lip glosses and embarrassing her in front of her crushes. Her MOST EMBARRASSING power related mishap was on a field trip to a local natural history museum where she compulsively ate some bioluminescent mushrooms RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER CRUSH. She didn’t want to go back to school for the longest time & tried to pretend that poison control actually helped her. 😂😂😂
| Losing Her Memories: Life as Dorothy “Dottie” Alimjan | 
Around the age of sixteen, her powers REALLY begin to flare up & cause her some real heartache. There’s rumors floating that a mutant with the ability of wish manifestation had arrive in Crystalline & could give you whatever your heart desired for a fair price. Some students claim it’s all rumors, while others claim that wish manifestation isn’t real & people were getting scammed. Others who sought that mutant weren’t heard from again. SO WHAT DOES DOTTIE DO? SHE GOES LOOKING FOR HIM LMAO
🍄 The “wish manifestation mutant” turns out to be the revenge-seeking, estranged partner in crime of Gilbert Gladstone. The mutant’s real ability is soul manipulation & he’d been promising “wishes” in order to test his abilities without worrying about people fighting back.
🍄 ANYWAY DOTTIE finds this guy, who knows she’s incredibly gullible & believes his promise to grant her wishes. She asks that if it’s possible for two wishes, she wanted a prettier mutant ability AND that if her mom’s story about drinking shady reincarnation tea to conceive her is true, that the star-crossed lovers in the story behind where the tea came from will have their happy ending. LIKE, GIRL PROBABLY BABBLED FOR TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE THE GUY COULDN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE.
🍄 Like all the other gullible mutants wanting wishes, she gets her soul extracted & watches it turn into an oddly colored diamond. And like all the other gullible mutants, becomes this emotionless, blank slate of a person.
🍄 Gilbert arrives & “defeats” the soul manipulator mutant, which causes all those cool soul diamonds to EXPLODE! Their shards end up EVERYWHERE in Crystalline & probably beyond. Now there’s like, a warehouse full of young mutants ft. gilbert’s mom who are still mindless robots? But, a shard had gotten caught in Dottie’s hand which was enough for her to communicate & have a faint recollection of being called Miss Alimjan. Gilbert nicknames her Dorothy because she’s been wearing red shoes when they met & the nickname stuck!
🍄 Since Gilbert is looking for his mom’s little soul diamond shards & Dottie is looking for her own, they decide to stick together! Dottie’s collected enough to have been given back her full range of emotions & a few scattered memories, but there’s still plenty more for her to discover!
🍄 Dottie’s like a little sister figure to Gilbert, so she trusts his decisions (for the most part). She’s helped him with his grifting, thievery, and elaborate heists for the past eight years! It’s really because of him that she’s learned how to be a ~ villain! ~ LOOK SHE’S JUST A BABY CRIMINAL, BUT SHE’S PROUD TO BE HIS PARTNER IN CRIME!!!
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
16 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Acrylic Painting Ideas Step By Step | Acrylic Painting Ideas Step By Step
A accepted action at summer camps and altogether parties, tie-dyeing is an attainable ability for all ages that after-effects in fun, wearable art. While the vibrant, consciousness-expanding designs we are best accustomed with today apprehend aback to 1960s counterculture, the history of abide dyeing dates aback accoutrements of years, with capricious techniques acclimated to blush bolt about the world. A convenance that cultivates blessed accidents, tie-dyeing encourages ysis with patterns and dye applications. Material can be folded, twisted, or apprenticed appliance domiciliary items such as elastic bands, clothespins, Popsicle sticks, and cilia to actualize a different abide pattern. Though T-shirts are best frequently used, there is no curtailment of options for what can be dyed, from socks and bowl towels to accoutrements and pillowcases. For best results, stick with accustomed fibers such as cotton, silk, and linen and break abroad from constructed materials, which may not dye well. Our picks beneath will advice you acquisition the best tie-dye kit for your needs.
This tie-dye kit from Jacquard, a trusted cast for able results, will advice you actualize different designs in intense, abiding colors. The kit includes dye, vinyl gloves, elastic bands, eject bottles, soda ash, and an advisory DVD and brochure. The red, yellow, and dejected dye can be alloyed calm to actualize any array of blush combinations, and you get abundant to blush up to 15 developed T-shirts. This kit does crave one added footfall than others: presoaking bolt in a soda ash admixture that acts as a dye fixative, for above blush imilation and awful active hues that are apparatus washable.
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from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/16-common-mistakes-everyone-makes-in-acrylic-painting-ideas-step-by-step-acrylic-painting-ideas-step-by-step/
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