growbydata · 3 years
Check out our FAQs for various questions on GrowByData Solutions such as marketing, search, marketplace and product, MAP monitoring, Price, AD Intelligence.
You can also take a look at product feeds and services provided by GrowByData solutions for retailers and agencies to boost performance.
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growbydata · 3 years
GrowByData Marketing intelligence empowers brands and retailers with insights to drive eCommerce performance and allows them to make the right decisions to maximize their visibility, conversion, and sales revenue required to optimize the digital shelf across the shopper journey.
From this article, you can learn about the importance of providing an excellent customer experience along with a simplified online purchase journey if you want to have a successful eCommerce business and how marketing intelligence gives you an edge to improve your share of voice to help you better align your digital shelf to the shopper journey.
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growbydata · 3 years
Search intelligence can provide holistic and granular visibility into how and what consumers discover in the search portion of the shopper’s journey when combined with competitive intelligence. Search intelligence software is frequently used by eCommerce marketers to focus on search engine marketing, paid and organic, and how it has evolved into other ad types and formats, including shopping, local ads, and display ads. GrowByData provides holistic search intelligence to agencies and brands that go far beyond the siloed approach of traditional search intelligence tools. GrowByData’s search intelligence is much more aligned to the dynamic nature of the shopper journey as it lets marketers hyper-target shoppers based on their attributes, including down to the zip code and SKU levels across all of the ad types and formats of Google and Bing.
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growbydata · 3 years
SEO intelligence is a subset of search intelligence that focuses on organic searches. SEO intelligence can provide holistic and granular visibility into how to optimize organic searches during the shopper’s journey when combined with other forms of marketing intelligence. All SEO intelligence tools support developing keyword strategies and the necessary functionality to support paid and organic campaigns.
GrowByData goes beyond the tactical insight that is available in holistic SEO intelligence tools and provides holistic SEO intelligence with search intelligence.
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growbydata · 3 years
Having Holistic and Granular Visibility over your competition at every search Touchpoint is the main purpose of Search Intelligence. GrowByData brings you a single view with insights across all SERP features - all formats of ads, organic, local listings, and share of voice.
GrowByData tracks real-time ads across Google and Bing Ad and SERP visibility based on various categories.
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growbydata · 3 years
 Advertisers must have the right information and data to analyze all available data and update their prices accordingly to generate the greatest value for their business. With GrowByData Marketing Intelligence, advertisers can keep their eye on the ways to monitor the price competitiveness of Google Shopping ads campaigns to improve ad impressions , ad rank , clicks, conversions and sales.
From this article, you can learn about the 3 simple ways to monitor price competition of shopping ad campaigns with ad intelligence data crucial for consistent ad performance and conversions and to ensure advertisers shopping ad campaigns are price optimized for auctions.
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growbydata · 3 years
GrowByData Search Intelligence provides insights on End-to-end SERP Analysis, Ads, SEO analysis for holistic visibility across Search Engines and provides near real-time alerts that notify you of changing campaigns and SERP dynamics. Retailers can get Insights on Google and Bing Ads visibility with richer insights on keyword performance with Search Intelligence.
Our data feeds can be used as a supplement for enriching what you already have and helps in finding new opportunities to increase organic search and Ad performance with additional insights.
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growbydata · 3 years
GrowByData Search Intelligence provides insights on End-to-end SERP Analysis, Ads, SEO analysis for holistic visibility across Search Engines and provides near real-time alerts that notify you of changing campaign and SERP dynamics.
Retailers can get Insights on Google and Bing Ads visibility with richer insights on keyword performance with Search Intelligence. Our data feeds can be used as a supplement for enriching what you already have and helps in finding new opportunities to increase organic search and Ad performance with additional insights.
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