#seari karaoke nights
seariii · 9 months
okay so.... my ears arent still at their 100% (i probably should go get a check up) and i havent sang since i got sick (Dec 31st) but im good enough to be able to sing now >:3c and i just got excited and voice reveal (?)
so like, be aware this has mistakes, they arent edited and im just singing with the music from the laptop and recording from my phone.... when i eventually start to actually upload covers itll hopefully be more... um.... with a bit more production lmao a bit more clean
old doll is in english, while cat is in spanish (actually, if someone is actually gonna listen to them, listen to cat first since i feel like old doll sounds better, so.... to kinda to redeem myself)
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seariii · 7 months
YAAAAAY I GOT TOLD "you should upload more" AND I WENT WAIT REALLY??? SO HERE!!!
i stumbled on this second one but its getting late so this is good enough
i should learn this one in english and drop the 3 languages lmao
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seariii · 7 months
i wanted to sing, idk dont look too much into it
also, very low quality, sorry and probably a little quiet
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seariii · 6 months
hello how are you <3
the in spanish one i feel i messed up the beginning, and on the in english one i kinda forgot the lyrics for a second but so be it
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seariii · 8 months
@eslover so.... tumblr doesnt allow to send audios on dms (lame) and i dont wanna invade your beautiful art
but lower the volume just in case. its a difficult song with highs and didnt do warm ups, so, just, dont judge too hard pls
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seariii · 7 months
this one is really messy, like reaaaally messy so take it with a grain of salt and dont look too much into it
i entered at all the wrong times, and i kinda butchered the first humming.... but oh well... this is low energy and more for my own soul than anything else
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seariii · 7 months
im running late (not really but yeah), but i wanted to share this song.... its on acapella because the instrumental is too long and because if i went with the instrumental i would've wanted it to be perfect
in any case, dont judge it uwu
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seariii · 7 months
This is what the bestie sometimes has to deal with
(I then sent the rest of the song, but it's a couple messages below, I'll see if I can add it on a reblog)
Edit: not possible to add the second part, so be it
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seariii · 7 months
I wasnt gonna make one, but since i now have a strawpage i feel like i should, just so its accessible
hi, im seari! i try to be friendly and kind to everyone, but sometimes i run on low energy and disappear. also, sometimes im a little slow in understanding stuff, so pls be patient with me, i might make questions to understand better, if you answer yay, if not, its okay
im on my 20s, im bisexual, and on the aroace spectrum (grayromantic/graysexual)
my art account @searihart
I like
Milgram: favs Kotoko (i self ship with her, my wife), Haruka (my son <3), Shidou (heh pirujano)
Love Live
Tags i use:
#wife <3 kotoko general tag
#pretty little princess <3 kotoko art tag
#seari being gay for when i ramble about kotoko in a gay way
#seari picks strawberries strawpage stuff
#seari karaoke nights for when i upload covers
#our silly doodles my or other's doodles
#beautiful trinkets brought to me gifts!!
gonna include this one of course somewhere in here
#go-forwardgram sillies with Rose, Mg and Mari, where Im the warden
#si soy posts that are me
#this cracked me up posts that made me laugh out loud
other stuff:
#seari answers #seari talks #seari watches anime
#kotose (ship tag of me and kotoko heh)
#saori oc #moradita oc #rosita oc #azulita oc #seariverse
Tumblr media
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