seariii · 9 months
@eslover so.... tumblr doesnt allow to send audios on dms (lame) and i dont wanna invade your beautiful art
but lower the volume just in case. its a difficult song with highs and didnt do warm ups, so, just, dont judge too hard pls
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
could you do asexual reader x Jason Todd headcanons?
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I know this hdc won’t resonate for most in the ace community, cuz it’s a spectrum, but I hopes it at least resonates with some, even if it’s one person. That’s more enough for me. (Also sorry for the shit writing as usual)
Jason doesn’t mind that you’re asexual. You were still you at the end of the day, so he doesn’t understand why some people tend to make a big deal out of it.
It’s not like you being asexual was hurting anyone but he guessed that some people just harbour vast amounts of hate for things they don’t/refuse to understand bc they’ve been conditioned into thinking that it’s a bad thing.
Others are just cunts that Jason gladly beats the piss out of in your honour. (Acephobes plz die disrespectfully thanks)
He will not tolerate any sort of disrespect towards you and needless to say having a six foot something man who’s built like an absolute tank is enough to silence those types of people rather quickly.
He’s more then willing to do this for anyone that you knew who was ace, aro, or was in the LGBTQIA community in general, that he becomes a someone that a lot of them could come to when in need of help, or was just in need of a safe space.
He’s unbothered by it because as long as he’s helping someone in need, he’s more than willing to offer his shoulder for them to cry on.
(I just like the idea of Jason being a protector of LGBTQIA youths.)
After all he once took joy in beating the absolute piss out of a biphobe for Tim. Sure he may not have a great relationship with his siblings, but he’s not one to ignore when they’re being treated like shit for being who they were.
He respects your boundaries and will always ask whether or not it was okay for him to kiss you, to which you’d always have to tell him that it was more then okay for him to kiss you.
He understands that asexuality was a spectrum and would ask which part of the spectrum you were apart of, and acts in accordance to make sure that you’re more than comfortable in your relationship.
He’s always finding ways to constantly learn about asexuality and more. He’s even got a whole bookshelf dedicated to LGBTQIA history because he wants to better himself and do right by you and other people who look up to him to protect them. He takes that shit seriously.
He just loves you very much and wants you to feel as though you could tell him anything that’s bothering you and he’ll gladly bring you its head if you’d like just to prove it.
If you are okay with kisses and the like, be prepared to be swarmed by it at every possible opportunity with this teddy bear, for he will smother your face in kisses as he holds you against him, smiling upon hearing you laugh and poor attempts in pushing him away. It’s a highlight of his day because when you’re happy, he’s happy.
You don’t like sex? That’s okay! He’ll make you have Junk food dates with him where you stuff your faces either pizza with stuffed crust (you can eat it in reverse) and garlic bread and watch shitty movies as you cuddle on the couch.
You: you don’t think I’m broken?
Jason; no. Why, who’s told you that you were broken because it’s a bunch of bullshit. You’re the most important person in my life and I’d do just about anything for you, no matter how big or small it may seem because at the end of the day I want to see you happy. So listen to me sweetheart and listen good, you are not broken. You are perfection incarnate in my eyes, you are everything I could’ve hoped to have by my side for you’ve never judged me, so I don’t see why I should judge you for being your truest self. Thats a bit hypocritical don’t you think?
Jason: So don’t ever think you’re broken when you’re far from it, you are whole and you are more than enough. I don’t care if we have sex on occasion or not at all, your happiness is all I care about. I want you to be happy for the rest of our lives together because now I’ve got you I’m not letting you go. Ever. I couldn’t care less about anything else but when it concerns you, I’d move mountains to make things better for you. I love you chipmunk, please don’t ever feel like you’re broken when you’re so much more than that, and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it.
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hwanchaesong · 4 months
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━⁠☞🍽️ Seventh Course: Picture perfect revenge, the definition of the burnt dessert that is brewing inside your unhinged mind. Well, he deserves it though. 🥢
🎧: Olivia Rodrigo - Jealousy, Jealousy
wc: 816
genre & warnings: angst, non-idol au, cheating, hints of insecurity, reader drinking wine, cursing, lovers to exes, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The Sour Restaurant series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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You scroll through your phone, sipping on your red wine and laughing to yourself. Giggling like a maniac because the ridiculousness of the situation is truly astounding.
It was a magnificent occasion, one that would normally make people cry but not you.
No, you are built differently.
The discovery that you dug made you so happy you think you're about to burst in excitement.
Because finally, fucking finally! Freedom is nigh and clean air will finally clear your black lungs.
You gaze at the clock, the man that you are waiting for will be home soon, and you are so fucking ready for a confrontation.
Soon enough, your boyfriend enters your shared apartment, jumping a little when he sees your figure in the shadows, indifferently sitting there with a menacing expression.
"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" he frowned when you replied with a scoff, slowly walking in your direction.
The entire living room is dark, the only source of light is the one from the hallway near your bedroom. It gives an ominous vibe in the atmosphere, exactly what you want to exude.
"Y/N, seriously, I don't have time for this. I j-"
You rolled your eyes at his audacity, shoving your phone in his face so he can gawk at the evidence of his betrayal.
He is nothing but a mere asshole in the entirety of this relationship, so thank the heavens for giving you a reason to leave.
Ever since he entered your life, his presence always gave you the sinking feeling of insecurity.
Paranoia at its finest, you could say.
It was all good at first. You can even say with confidence that he was the perfect boyfriend. He makes you feel like you're on top of the world, the only girl that he loves, the happiest person on earth.
But who knows what will happen, right?
His sublime image is merely a performance for you to enjoy and hate later on, especially when you start seeing the signs.
Going home to you smelling like a girl's perfume. Lipstick stain on the collar of his polo shirt. Being secretive on whatever is in his phone.
"Must be your imagination, baby."
"Oh this? This is nothing. I'll wash it later."
"Listen, privacy is also an important aspect of a relationship."
Fuck that privacy. You merely wanted to play games on his phone because waiting in line in his favorite restaurant bore you to death. Must he be so stingy?
Stingy because the shit excuse of a man was hiding something.
You have been tolerating his bland show for a while now, might as well give him a tip for giving you entertainment despite it not being worth your time.
"Tell me I'm crazy now." you smirk, victorious in the battle where you have been wounded far too many times to the point that you can't even bear to look in the mirror without wanting to vomit.
You've had enough comparing yourself to the girls that he hangs out with.
Girls that are way skinnier, comfortable in showing too much skin, wear make up like it's an extension of their body.
Then you saw this very suspicious lady that seemed to be a bit closer to your boyfriend than the others.
You can't help but be jealous of her pretty face, lavish lifestyle, and it seems like her friends love her so much.
But hey, you may be a tad bit insecure but you ain't a raging loser, you are ready to let your inner sherlock holmes out and prove a point.
"What was it again? You are not cheating and it's just all in my head?" here you are, showing him the proof of your hard work and catching him red handed.
Did he really think that you won't see him and that girl making-out in a photo that was posted by his friend a week ago.
No matter how pixelated it was or even if your eyesight is bad, you will definitely see it.
"Y/N, that is not what you think." he tried to explain, and you do not understand the reason for his panic as you confidently push him out of the flat.
"Wooyoung, I've seen, heard and smelled enough. I think it's time for you to shut the fuck up." you give him a fake smile, finally giving him a harsh strike on his chest that got him stumbling in the front of the apartment.
"Please, hear me out." he begs but no, your heart is not made out of cotton to listen to him.
Whatever befalls him, he deserves it.
"Go spend the night with your bitch and come back here tomorrow to gather your belongings while I'm at work. Goodbye."
You shut the door in his face, not paying attention to his knocks and pleas.
Finally, some peace and quiet in your mind, heart and soul.
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@acciocriativity @iarayara @stolasisyourparent @xdannix @nsixns @heartssol @vixensss @shakalakaboomboo
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bobbile-blog · 9 months
Not sure if anyone’s said this yet but now that we have Laterano events plural I’m fascinated by their (imo) very deliberate choice of protagonists, and there are almost a couple of layers of narrative going on there. I struggle a little figuring out how to get this into words but specifically I think they’re chosen to be people who can carry a narrative without contradicting the orthodox morals of the church. There’s a LOT of vaguely anti-authoritarian rambling below the cut so please kindly bear with me and my English major brain.
I can’t really start there though. One of the reasons this is so brain hurty is how deeply it’s woven into the storyline, so to start, I have to verbalize how Laterano and Arknights writing more generally is different from other, similar settings. Because like, I hear the words “morally negative church in a grimdark setting” and my brain immediately shuts off. Come on, that’s so far beyond low-hanging fruit, if you’ve seen any grimdark setting ever you know exactly what that looks like. And sure, it was fine the first two or three times you saw it, depending on your tolerance for that kinda thing, but it gets boring quick and even when it was new it was kinda uninteresting story-wise. “Religion is always fake because it inspires hope which means everyone who takes meaning from it is either a corrupt grifter or naive and misled” isn’t just edgy nonsense, it’s also basically useless as an actual critique. It tells you absolutely nothing except how to tune out a particular kind of story, and a story that tries to get you to hear less is doing its job wrong.
So, Arknights does something different. Instead of denying the premise of the church entirely, it actually takes it at its word. Laterano is, in almost every definition of the word, a paradise. It is basically unmatched in terms of actual quality of life, with its only competitors being the Durin cities and maybe Aegir, and is worlds apart from now much the rest of Terra sucks. More than that, though, the paradise is specifically tailored to the worldview of a religion with a strong central authority - when I say it takes it at its word, I mean the authoritarian bits too. Laterano is a city that lives in perfect order and peace because everyone follows the law perfectly and they all understand each other and never fight. Empathy is really important for this, as it allows for a believable amount of superhuman societal order. Laterano has very little crime, political drama, or quarrels in general. It’s the promises of a strict higher authority actually taken at face value: everyone follows the rules and that means they have effectively unfettered freedom, because they don’t want to break the rules and therefore they can do anything they want.
Laterano is specifically written to be a believable paradise in a setting that has none, so that when the story then turns around and criticizes that setting, it has significantly more weight. Even when the promises of paradise are taken at face value, there are still issues that cannot be addressed because the system is inherently flawed even in the imaginary scenario where it works. Even worse, the problems that poke holes in the imaginary perfect scenario are the same problems that they face in the real world, like “how do you deal with the interpretation of scriptures” and “hey there’s this racism thing I keep hearing about should we be worried about that or what”. Because of the way this imaginary perfect system works, we then look back on our real world in a new light and understand it a little better. It’s good critique.
Okay so how did we get here and what does this have to do with the protagonists? Well, this starts with Fiametta in Guide Ahead, because she’s a really weird protagonist. This is a cold take at this point but despite being the character on the front of the box, she has very little to actually do with the central conflict of the event. Most of the conflict is handled by Ezell first and Andoain second, and Fiametta mostly putters around putting holes in people until the finale where Andoain receives the answer he’s been looking for, he turns to explain it to the world, and he runs into the only person in the whole of Laterano who does not care about his motivations or his revelation. Her role, in other words, is to replace the climax of Andoain’s story with her own, and in doing so she makes it much harder to actually get a resolution and a meaning out of the story (this should not be taken as a criticism of her character, let me cook). Guide Ahead’s ending is hazy, with only small piecemeal resolutions to its conflicts, and for the longest time that was just the way the event was written and it stood on its own.
But now, Hortus de Escapismo is out and the monkey brain see patterns. Specifically, with the choice of protagonists. Because Executor is definitely different from Fiametta as a protagonist, but there’s one particularly important connection between the two, and that’s that as I mentioned in the beginning, they allow for stories don’t contradict orthodox morality. Fiametta we went over, as she’s uninterested in any of Andoain’s morality and just wants him dead. Executor, though, is purely focused on his mission and views the world through that lens. He only wants to achieve his objective, and while helping the needy is in line with the stated objectives of the church and he does do so when able, it’s secondary to his assigned task. He does change as he gets further into the story, and we’re not gonna ignore that, but we’ll be back to it later. What I mean is more that he is designed as a person who is able to lead a story that doesn’t contradict with the morals of Laterano. He sees the injustice and suffering around him, but that’s not his job, so he doesn’t need to solve it to have a complete story with a happy ending.
This is where it really gets complicated, so I apologize if I don’t explain this very well. I see this as us dealing with multiple layers of fiction: the events of the story, the perspective of the church, and our perspective as readers. Back to the first point - authoritarian institutions almost always use stories to sell people on their brand of order. Simple stories, simple enough that even calling them myths seems like overselling it a little, your “Saint George slays a dragon” kinda thing. This is the point of the second layer, the perspective of the church. I don’t really have an in-world justification for this layer - maybe you could make the argument that it has to do with Law’s perspective on things, but I don’t totally buy that - I think it’s more in a weird narrative transition space for people who don’t read very carefully. Regardless, Fiametta and Executor’s shared indifference to the questionable circumstances surrounding them is designed to let them tell a story to prop up the existing order. Their protagonist status and their missions are specifically constructed to allow them to ignore the suffering around them, and as such ignore the larger questions that might poke holes in the larger order. They’re both playing out the story of Saint George, where they go and find a bad guy and kill them and that’s all there is to it. The story is designed and told specifically for that “that’s all there is to it”.
But, as we said earlier, this is a good critique, and as such it intentionally undercuts this story with the third layer: what we actually see as readers. We are shown the suffering and the injustice, and then get to see our protagonists ignoring that to pursue their goals. This is what gives Guide Ahead’s ending its unique texture, which sets it apart from every other event with a vaguely unresolved ending. We have seen the actual issues with Laterano, and also watched our protagonist explicitly ignore them in favor of her own story. It’s unsatisfying in a way that only really makes sense to me if we as the readers have an understanding of intentional authorship. Whether it be Yvangelista XI or Law or The Actual Real Life Pope, there are issues here that we want to see a resolution to but people are choosing not to address them. Again, it’s good critique. Not only does it push the reader to unpack and understand the actual real-world technique, but it also helps blunt it. You have just seen a plot and protagonist ring uncharacteristically hollow. You then look around to see why that is, and you realize there are many things that should have been resolved that weren’t. The next time you see a story resolve with that same hollow-ness, you know where to look. Surprise! Harry Potter was propaganda the whole time. It’s okay, it was never good, you were just twelve.
I guess the last thing is where we go from here, because Executor’s story breaks this mold somewhat. In Hortus de Escapismo, he has to deal with a mission that isn’t actually bounded by his normal rules, and because of that he actually does have leeway to help the people around him. He starts as someone who is totally mission-focused, but by the end of the event he’s done a total 180 and is blocking Oren’s attack, which makes the mission harder but helps the non-mission-critical civilians of the monastery. He breaks from the rigid thinking of “kill the bad guy and that’s all there is do it”, and gives his attention to the people he isn’t supposed to see. I think this is an indication of the direction we’re going to be headed in the future with Laterano events. The events aren’t going to get better - they’re going to keep being just as morally murky and complicated as in the past - but the characters are going to get better at handling it, and when they do, they’re going to actually start to change things for the better.
Goddamn that was a lot of writing for 1 AM. I still have a. Lot of thoughts on this event with stuff like empathy and Lemuen and Federico being an autistic icon(my beloved) but I’m going to leave things there, I think, because if I write for any longer my phone is going to crash when I try to post this. Anyway if you actually made it to the end thanks for listening to me rambling and I hope that made sense. Cheers.
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How does God and Lucifer’s siblings view the sins? Are his siblings jealous they have been replaced or are some of them glad that Lucifer has found others who he can be a family with?
Also, do Asmodeus and Lucifer ever indulge in bird like behavior together?
God is very pleased Lucifer has them, He intended for it and a lot of the needless cruelty of the fall was to ensure Lucifer was found, endeared and open(desperate enough) to accept the help of the demons princes.
A full power emotionally destabilized Archangel wasn't going to be quick to make friends in hell. And Yes, I am very much looking forward to unpacking God's 'Ends justify the Means' mentality and 'Father knows best' approach to making decisions that affect other people without their say.
He likes them if only cause He's less guilty for losing Lucifer's original family if he ends up with another one.
However they as individuals are very foreign, while nothing is like Him, He has an understanding of creatures that strive for His perfection. He does not know what to do with those that have no interest in His order. Especially those created outside His will.
He skittish around Fat Nuggets as He is the Sins its very amusing
He's immune to Fear of Unknown by nature of being All knowing, they aren't Other to Him - He's perfectly aware they are complex people with depth and value. Which has unlocked some other, far stranger emotional response that like a morbid intrigue.
The sins and archangels' dynamics do have some posts here and here but im always up for an excuse for a proper mindset deep dive!
Because of implicit and explicit bias his brothers think of hellborn demons as lesser, Heaven is just like that, not necessarily bad just insignificant in the wake of God's Will and Order.
They see them as pets Luci is using to fill the void they left behind, the best he can do, while they're not necessarily upset at the situation by itself...
They are absolutely affronted at Lucifer being closer and more comfortable with the sins than he is or really ever was with them.
All he does is complain about the sins and how he has to manage them! (context) They were under the impression he barely tolerated them what do you mean he finds the demons' company preferable and there's a undercurrent of unbreakable trust and unconditional love in all that taunting and banter.
His siblings aren't jealous of being replaced however they are extremely jealous of being superseded.
They also... see the sins as bringing out Lucifer's 'worst traits', (mainly, Pride) because Christianity Heaven runs on shame and repression so nothing's more terrifying to them than someone being unapologetic in themselves
It's like, the worst parts of Catholic guilt and Protestant evangelical beliefs mixed together.
He has to miserable in hell in every way because if he was even the least bit happy away from the church Heaven that would have to mean something was wrong with him... or it. They don't want to see their brother like that but they're unwilling to compromise their worldview either, for who are they without God? Who is God if He's wrong?
Lucifer is cringe(and damned) but he is free etc etc
I'm so glad that near decade I spent studying Christian dogma and culture is coming in useful, there's so much texture and potential in this family dynamic
Yes, YES!!! I have waited my whole life for someone to ask about this, Bird solidarity!! Asmodeus unfortunately doesn't have a beak (it's different from claws or fingers and not even other angels can replicate it, fuck he misses his Dad) but still mutual preenings!! Billing!! Nestling!! Headbutting!! Wing tucking!! Someone who gets it!
I think Lucifer feels way more fondness for the Ars Goetia than he has any right to just cause a lot of them are birds.
Yeah they're pompous arrogant pricks but, those are endearing quirks to him if it's birds (okay he sees these as basically pets)
Paimon is still around despite his everything because he has a beak and is one of the few Goetia to truly prioritize ass kissing over dignity or prestige and will groom him without acting like it's weird.
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the-amazing-simp · 2 years
Midnight Rain | J.M.
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📝 Title: Midnight Rain
📚 Requested: Yes/No
✍ Summary: The story of how you fell in love with Jess Mariano and how second chances exist
🎶: Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift
💌: my first Jess Mariano fic, hope you guys like it!
You never knew what love truly felt like until Jess Mariano walked into your life. 
It was just another typical day, walking into Luke’s diner for your morning dose of caffeine with Rory while her mother went to get a newspaper. 
Then there he was, wearing a metallica t-shirt with red long sleeves, bickering with Luke about his choice of outfit for the day.
“Hello?” Rory waved a hand in front of your face with a teasing smile, “Do you want to sit down or are you just going to stand there?” 
Clearing your throat, you gave the mystery boy one more glance before you nodded, “Yeah, of course we’re sitting down.”
While Rory placed the order, you pulled out your current read and started where you had left off. 
“Emily Dickinson?” A deep voice said as coffee was poured into your cup, “A remarkable poet and woman, or so I’ve heard.” 
Looking up, you see the mysterious boy now standing in front of you, “She is. You’ve read her work?” 
The boy shrugged, “A little here and there.” 
You nodded to the book in your hands, “You can borrow this one if you want, I’m just rereading it anyway.” 
“Really?” He asked, a mischievous smile growing on his lips, “You wouldn’t mind?” 
“Would I be offering if I did?” You countered.
“Touche.” He chuckled as you handed him the book, “Thanks.”
“You’re Luke’s nephew right?” 
“I’d rather be known as Jess. And from what I can deduct, you’re Rory’s friend?” 
“I’d rather be known as Y/N.”
“Done.” Jess walked in pace with you as you were on your way to the bookstore. 
“Done with what?” You asked, making him hand you the Emily Dickinson collection of poems you loaned him three days ago.
“The book.” He answered as you took it from him.
“What’s the verdict then?” 
“It was okay, also I did write some thoughts in the margins.” 
Flipping open the book, you were met with his neat handwriting filling up all the empty spaces, “Wow. I thought you said you haven’t read it much?” 
Jess gave a smile, “What is much anyway?” 
“Point taken.” You smiled as he pushed open the door for you.
“You seem to be alone today.” Jess noted as he sat in the chair in front of you, “Not here with the rest of your coffee trio?” 
You laughed, closing your book to give him your full attention, “Sadly no. Rory is off tolerating Paris since the latter is freaking out over something and Lorelai is attending to something at the inn.” 
“Pity.” Jess’ signature mischievous smirk in place, “But on the bright side, I guess I’ll have you all to myself.” 
“Oh really?” You giggled. 
Before Jess could give his witty remark, Luke could be heard from behind the counter, “Jess, I do not pay you to flirt with the customers!” 
“First of all, you don’t pay me at all.” Jess stood up, coffee pot in hand, “Second, I only flirt with this particular customer.” 
And before he left your table, he leaned forward and pecked you on the cheek.
You couldn’t control the smile that adorned your lips as the heat crawled its way up to your cheeks.
Oh, but Jess Mariano was far from done, “I’ll pick you up at 8 tomorrow night for our first date?” He calls out as he makes his way to the counter. 
Looking over your shoulder, it kept all of your willpower just to stop yourself from laughing at Luke’s rather shocked expression, “Sounds like a perfect plan.” 
“Fine, laugh all you want but no one else can change my mind on the fact that Romeo and Juliet is a complete scam.” Jess said, stabbing his chocolate ice cream with the small spoon the dessert came with.
You were quiet for a moment as you took a bite off your mint chocolate ice cream, making it seem like you were thinking about what he said, “I know right! Rory refuses to hear a word I say on the matter but how stupid can Romeo be to see that Juliet was breathing?”
“It was a sleeping potion, it would be impossible for her to not breathe.” Jess interjected. 
“Yeah, and people have the audacity to call it the greatest love story of all time when the title clearly belongs to ‘The Notebook’.” You said, taking another spoonful of your ice cream.
 “Mhm.” He nodded in agreement, “Alie and Noah beat out Romeo and Juliet anyday.” 
“You know, you’re adorable whenever you talk about books.” Your boyfriend added. 
You swear that your face is 13 shades of red right now, and not because of the summer heat, “So do you.” 
“I’m serious.” 
“I am too.” 
He rolls his eyes with a chuckle, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, “Everything you do is adorable. From the way you would practically scrutinize every single bad decision in a tv show to the way you like to smell newly-bought books before putting it away.”
“Oh, so now we’re pointing out my awful quirks?” You teased.
“Lorelai’s sarcasm is now starting to rub off of you.” Jess mused, “Can I kiss you?” 
“You better. ‘Cause I’ll be so mad if you don’t.” 
It was surprising how you didn’t break the door as you ran into the diner.
“Luke, where’s Jess?” You said, hoping that the envelope in your hand wouldn’t be too crumpled with how tight you were holding on to it. 
“In the apar-” He didn’t need to finish his statement as you bounded up the stairs faster than anyone has ever done.
“Looks like somebody’s excited.” Lorelai noted with a smile to which Luke just shrugged.
Immediately jumping into his arms once the door opened, it was a surprise how Jess was still able to keep his balance.
“Woah, someone might’ve got a sugar rush today.” Your boyfriend teased as you started to calm down a little.
“My book is getting published!” Finally brandishing the news you wanted to relay, you held out the envelope to him.
“See? I told you, they’d love you!” Jess grinned, taking the letter out and reading it over.
“I mean it’s nothing permanent yet.” You said, smile still intact, “The book still has to go through a round of edits and all, there’s no contract yet but they’re interested!” 
In his delight, Jess picked you up and spun you around before pecking a kiss to your lips, “C’mon let’s go out.” 
“What for?” You asked, still dizzy yet you weren’t sure if it was from being spun around or being kissed.
“Duh, to celebrate? What else would we go out for?” He then grabbed his coat before pulling you out of the apartment.
“Jess, you know it’s not that easy.” You sighed, tired of having to explain this over and over again.
“You’re the one who’s making it complicated.” He argued.
“Jess, the publication firm specifically told me that if I moved out of Stars Hollow then the deal is over. My book won’t get published.” You said, exasperated, “Hence, I cannot move to Philadelphia with you.” 
Jess was getting tired of this discussion too, “Then pull it out! I’m going to be writing my book too, then we can look for a publishing firm together.” 
“And put my dream on hold?” You gave a humorless chuckle, “Let me think about it, oh wait, the answer is practically obvious - I won’t.”
“So you’re going to choose your dreams over me?” 
“Yes Jess, why on earth would you expect me not to?” 
“I don’t know because you love me!”
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief, “Just because I love you doesn’t mean I’ll compromise my dreams, my future for you.” 
“I would’ve done that for you.” Jess countered. 
“Then I’m sorry if I can’t say the same.” You could feel your throat tightening with every passing moment, you knew how this would end - and you hated it.
“If that’s the case, then I’m going to Philadelphia with or without you.” He said, packing up the last of his clothes and stuff.
“And I’m not stopping you.” The tears were now freely dripping down your face, like raindrops on a windowsill.
“Fine.” Jess said, not being able to look at you since he hated seeing you cry then without so much as another word he left your apartment, slamming the door on his way out.
It’s been years since that fateful day. It took you a while to get over it but as Lorelai said, “Trains barely even wait for you at the station, so why would life?” 
Part of you didn’t regret staying in Stars Hollow, you already had 3 published books to date and was now working on your 4th one. But a part of you would always ask the “what-if?” 
The other night, you saw Jess on the news - proudly promoting the book he had just published. You had forgiven him, after all the time had passed, but you can’t help and wonder about the life you gave away.
“Oh hey, can you go get some coffee to-go? Mom needs me to save her from another one of Ms. Patty’s set-ups.” Rory said, looking up from her pager.
You nodded, “Yeah sure.”
Personally, you could never tire of the ambience that meets you when you walk into Luke’s diner, it’s hardly changed over the years.
“Hello Y/N, let me guess, a cup of coffee?” Luke greeted you with a smile, thankfully still fond of you despite what had happened with his nephew. 
“Three to go actually.” You said, returning the smile. 
“I see some things never really change.” A familiar voice, one you had thought that you would never hear again, reached your ears. 
There he was, standing by the door in all of his glory, as if he never left. 
“Jess.” You said in awe, not noticing that Luke had started tending to other customers - giving you and your old flame some privacy.
“Y/N.” He may have been older, but the same boyish, mischievous smile was there.
Even if you had imagined this day before, every word you had rehearsed was reduced to rubble. You tried to think of something to say, but everything you could ever possibly know in the English language is now gone.
“I see you’re now one of Stars Hollow’s pride and joy.” Jess teased, slowly walking towards you.
“Pride and joy may be a little of an overstatement.” You said, “I see life’s been treating you well too. Loved how you foreshadowed the plot twist.” 
Jess sat down on the bar stool nearest to you, “All of your books were simply impeccable.”
Then with a smile, he pulled a book out of his bag, “Though, I must say, your second one is my favorite.” 
Your heart sank as you braced yourself for the teasing/mocking you get in a few short minutes.
Jess had started to read the synopsis, “He was a montage. A love potion that works in slow motion. He could hardly be described as sunshine but he wanted it comfortable and stayed the same. She was midnight rain, she wanted that pain, would rather chase that fame and all of her changed. Their love was like a postcard of paradise, picture perfect - a guaranteed happy ending. But is anything in life ever guaranteed?”
You sighed, “Jess-” 
“It’s about us isn’t it?” He said, not a trace of any childish humor in his tone.
“If you mean that our relationship served as an inspiration, then yes.” You said. 
“Hm.” Jess contemplated, tracing the small picture of you on the jacket cover, “But they had a happy ending.” 
You shrugged, “A part of me dreamed of getting that ending.” 
“And who says that it's too late for us to have that ending?” He asked, pushing himself off the stool and now standing right in front of you.
You tried not to get your hopes up, “Do you think we could make it work? Pick up where we left it off?”
He reached forward to push the hair out of your eyes, “I mean it won’t always be sunshine and rainbows. We’ll have fights and all but I think that I want to be able to have those fights with you and resolve them with you. Remember when we had that discussion about Romeo and Juliet?”
Furrowing your brows, you didn’t have a clue where this was going, “Yeah?” 
“Alie and Noah may be able to beat out Romeo and Juliet anyday, but I never thought that their story was the greatest one.” Jess said.
“Then who’s?” Your heart was beating faster with every passing second as you had a hint on what the answer was.
“But, what about your life in Philadelphia? What about your publishing firm?”
“I can work remotely, then I’ll just go down to Philadelphia if I have to fix something and all. I lost you once, I can’t bear to lose you again.” 
Persistent. One of the many things that made you fall in love with Luke’s nephew in the first place.
Without missing a beat, you grabbed him by the collar of his leather jacket and pressed your lips to his.
“I’m guessing that’s a yes then?” 
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onskepa · 10 months
Hello Halo Hello! I have returned bleh, bleh bleh! I saw a sequel request things is open and I've been thinking. Can I request a part 2 of the one shot Vopey? Where the Sully's react to stranger things? Only in this one, Jake, neytiri, Tonowari, ronal and the Metakiyan kids join in on the reaction too? Like the kids are just about to start up season 2 and the rest are curious about it.
If that's okay of course!
Hello cutie <3
I see where you are going with the idea. Hope this is to yours and everyone's satisfaction! Enjoy!
Also big ass help from my good friend @corhyeline helping me with this!
Vopey: Far away monsters
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“Alright kids, time to come home” Jake calls out to his kids just as vopey was about to insert the season 2 disc of stranger things. 
There was a collective choir of disappointed sounds. Followed by many begings from the kids, desiring to watch more of their new interest. 
“Come on, its getting late and tomorrow we have to wake up extra early” Jake tries to reason with his kids. Only for another wave of moans and groans. 
“Why? What is going to happen tomorrow?” Vopey asks. 
“Skxaw’nung and his family are coming tomorrow. They are staying with us for a few weeks” Lo’ak says. His whole body lying down on the floor as his way of protest. 
“That means we won't be able to watch season 2 for a looooooong time” Spider comments, sounding disappointed. This caught Jake's interest. “Season 2? What were you all watching?” he asks. 
“Stranger things” All of them said in unison. 
Oh how a wave of memories and nostalgia hit him like a pack of bricks. 
“Stranger things? Damn, I remember watching it for the first time. I was about tuk’s age” Jake remenices back on his childhood. Quickly all the kids huddled around him, surprised and curious wanting to know more. 
“Did you watch the whole thing?” Kiri asks, eager to know more of her new favorite subject. 
Jake scratches his head, trying to remember, “last I watched was season 4 I think, I could be wrong. It has been such a long time, I barely remember some things”. But in his mind it clicked, he knew what the kids were trying to do. With a playful smirk, he says “But that is for some other time. The longer I talk, the more I stall and the more late you will be in bed. Come on”. 
The kids gave, telling spider and vopey good night as they all left to their home back at the village. 
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“You think the metkayina kids will like the show?” Spider asks as he and vopey clean up the place. Vopey hums at the thought. 
“I should be the one asking you that since you know a bit more about them than me” Vopey replies as she stacks up the pillows. 
They continue to clean up before bed. Thinking about how it will be when the reef na’vi arrive. Would they be allowed to be near the sully kids? Or stay away? It would be nice to invite them and show them some cool things they dont know about. 
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“And these are our friends, Spider and Vopey” Neteyam introduced to the metkayina kids. Tsireya looked to be more excited, seeing spider again and seeing a new face. Ao’nung was more hesitant, he barely tolerated spider back at his home. And meeting another sky demon was annoying. Roxto on the other hand was just as excited as trsireya, 
“Hello, it is so nice to meet you!” Tsireya speaks to vopey in loud, slow ,broken english. This made vopey blink a few times. 
“Don't torture yourself, I can speak na’vi just fine” Vopey replies in perfect fluent na’vi like it was her first language. Which in a way, it is. 
“Oh” Was all tsireya said. Her ears lowered down a bir and her tail stopped moving. Feeling a bit sad. It didn't go unnoticed by vopey. Immediately feeling guilty, she adds, “It is ok, I thought it would be easier for you if we spoke in your mother tongue”. 
It made tsireya ease up more. 
Spider and vopey join the sully kids as they take the reef kids around their forest. Showing them the plants, animals, and areas they often visit. 
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“And that is pretty much it, from the east to the west, and from north to south. Any questions?” Lo’ak says as he and the others finished touring the reef kids around. There was a lot to show and no shortage of activities to do. 
“Yeah, what do you demons do for fun?” Ao’nung asks a bit snarky. His sister and friend tries to shush him. The sully kids were ready to defend their friends should any insult come out of ao’nung’s mouth. 
Spider and vopey looked at each other and muttered some stuff in english. The sully kids placed their input in English as well. The metkayina kids who do not understand much are left confused and hate being left out. 
“Hey, you can speak in na’vi! What are you saying?” Ao’nung asks/demands. Both human kids turned to him and grinned. 
“Well, on days that are not suitable for adventure like rainy or cold days, the sully kids and us stay inside the human base to watch human entertainment” Spider explains. This caught Tsireya’s and Rotxo’s interest. 
“What kind of entertainment?” Rotxo asked. This made spider and vopey grin. 
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“No” Ronal said sternly. All of the children groaned in misery. The metkayina children asked if they could partake in human entertainment activities only to be shut down immediately. Even with Spider and vopey explaining what it will be, still shut down. Ronal was glaring at the two with no hate but certainly not taking a good liking to them. 
“We have come to make ties with the Omatikaya, not with sky demons” Ronal states as she slightly glares at the two humans. While ao’nung was settled with her response, rotxo and tsireya were not. 
“Please sa’nok? These sky people are part of omatikaya. See? The way they are dressed is identical to the na’vi here” Tsireya pleads. Before ronal can respond, Jake beat her to it as he walks up to the group. 
“Much to your dismay Tsahik Ronal, these two sky people are part of the omatikaya clan. As they were born and raised in the clan” Jake informs the metkayina tsahik. Mo’at and neytiri who were beside him confirmed his statement. 
Tonowari soon joins his wife as he takes in the information. 
Vopey then quickly flashes them a smile, “Tsahik ronal, if I may. Despite the terrible experiences and stories you have heard of sky people, me, spider and the others that live here are not evil. Yes many were evil and cruel. But I assure you we see this world as our home. Allow us to show you the type of entertainment we have. Nothing will hurt you I assure you”. 
Tonowari and ronal were thinking it over in their silent conversation. Their children secretly hoping they would say yes. 
“Very well”. 
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To give everyone a seat to see the stranger things show, a movie night took place outside. Using one of the massive caves to fit everyone, the kids and science guys were quick to set up the massive screen, speakers and the projector. 
Ronal, Tonorwari, and everyone else had the best seat in the caves as the rest of the clan got settled. 
Jake and Neytiri snuggled with each other as they got comfortable near their kids. The sully kids themselves having a body pile with snacks around, and the metkayina kids being in the center of the body pile. 
“So we just sit and watch a white sheet?” Rotxo asks, a bit confused. Kiri chuckles lowly and replies, “You could say that. It is what we will see on the white sheet that will be fun”. 
Norm prepares the dvd player and presses play. Letting the projector display bright colors as sounds echo around the cave giving it a surround sound effect. 
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"8?!" All the kids shouted in unison as a new character enters the screen. The power of illusions and running from the police was a perfect way to capture everyone's attention.
"I knew there were more! I knew it!" lo'ak grins happy as he now knows his small theory was confirmed.
"Screw vopey, you should be called Vol '' spider suggests playfully. Vopey cackels and shakes her head, "no it doesn't hit the same". 
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"Madmax? Who is that turd?" Tuk asks when her favorite character, dustin, lost his record some someone else at the arcade.
"Language tuk '' Neytiri gently scolds, as she too is invested in the new show. "Who is madmax?" Neytiri asks quietly to jake. He leans closer to her ear, “long story” Jake answered. 
“Damn I bet I would love to play one of those arcade games” lo’ak says woefully. It looked a lot of fun as the kids play different kinds of games and so do the background characters, Spider pats his back in comfort, sharing the same sentiment. “Same here bro, same here”. 
Tonowari was still a little confused but oddly enjoys seeing how human children were like. Free of doing what they like, not thinking twice and seems as they are siblings at arms. Was oddly cute in his mind. 
Ronal on the other hand was still trying to comprehend that is what humans were like a long time ago. The style of clothing, language, the behavior, so vastly different then what she remembered. 
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“Im betting on lucas” kiri says, “Dustin, right tuk?” rotxo says, tuk nodding rapidly. “Let the shipping war begin” Vopey whispers to tsireya as they giggle. Neteyam however made a face of discomfort, “Billy doesn't seem to be a good brother however” he comments. And while ao’nung so far hasnt voiced his opinions, he secretly agrees with neteyam,
“That Joy woman, she is amusing somewhat” Ronal comments, neytiri took notice of that. “Indeed, a protective mother she is” she adds. 
From what Jake notices, both his mate and ronal seem to be more attached to older characters who are parents as well. And Jake is no different, he can see himself a bit in Jim Hopper. Perhaps as more episodes go on, things will get more interesting. 
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“Will you big ass simp!” Ao’nung groaned but was quickly shushed by his friends. Tonowari heard him and blinked a few times, was his son learning how to speak like the sky people? That could be a problem, but that is a problem for later. 
“So he can somehow connect to another world?” Ronal asks. The more scenes of will having flashes of the upside down world, the more she is curious of the darker side. It was a whole new concept, how can one world function alongside another? It was so strange and unheard of. 
“I don't like that demon” Tonowari speaks his thoughts as Dr. Owens made a few appearances. Jake chuckled, “There will be many that you might not like”.
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On screen when the four main boys appeared in the ghostbusters costumes, Jake felt an immense hit of nostalgia. There were so many references in the show, memories just keep coming back to him. And tuk can't help but love the costumes. 
“They look so cute~!” she squeals. Bobbing her head to the classic theme song and muttering a bit of the lyrics. Tsireya can't help but laugh at how silly the boys looked. In her mind she imagines lo’ak, ao’nung, neteyam and rotxo wearing those similar outfits. It was a funny thought. 
“What has got you laughing?” Lo’ak asks, a giggle escapes tsireya’s lips. “Oh nothing, just had a funny idea” she answers with an honest smile. 
Neytiri was brought back to her time at the school she attended. Remembering the time when Grace explained the holidays from Earth, one of them she liked was halloween. To see the boys and the overall environment of people decorating and seeing how it really is like. It became her new favorite scenes.
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“Uggghhh how much more kid drama do we have to see?” Spider groans, lo’ak and ao’nung agree. “I want to see the monsters” Ao’nung says, almost in a whiney manner. Kiri shushed them again, slightly glaring at the boys, “come on guys, you will see them”. 
“What was that?” Tonowari asks as Will's drawing of a monster was shown. It spooked him a bit. While the drawing was black, it gave a creepy aura and the mood music didn't help it. 
Ronal however was more annoyed when Billy tried to run over the four boys and screaming at the top of his lungs. “Has he lost his mind?” Ronal says, mostly to herself. Billy’s behavior was now more familiar to her version of how humans behave. 
Tuk had a small frown, “poor max, having to deal with an idiot like him”. Neteyam rubs her small back, “I am sure it will get better”. He won't say it, but Billy is someone he wishes he will never be like. A young adult acting like some lunatic with what seems like murder in his mind. A terrifying combination.
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“Now we are getting somewhere” Lo’ak says, grunting. Hopper was connecting the dots of the odd drawing with the VHS recording of Will staring into the sky with an odd outline of the same monster. Tsireya was shocked and soaking in the new revelation. 
“Is he also connected to the other world?” She asks, getting more excited, “it seems like it with his moments being frequent” Lo’ak answers. “It would make sense since he stayed in that world for a bit didnt he?” Neteyam adds in. 
A little theory was beginning to form with ideas and remembering certain moments from season 1. But later on, a collective gasp was heard when Dustin puts a small creature into his turtle tank. 
“That motherf-” 
Vopey and the others were freaking out in silence, “Wait wait! Its not a poliwog, it's a bit different” she points out. “What is a poliwog?” rotxo asks, “watch” was all he got. 
“Either way, he is an idiot. What if it gets bigger and tries to eat him?” Spider says, feeling more and more annoyed of Dustin making one dumb choice after another. “And look, he brought it to the others. He is either going to die or become brain dead”. 
Tuk heard spider and silently protested that her favorite character won't.
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Once dart grew his legs, a few were ready to gag at the horrid display. “What is that thing?!” Ronal shouts, feeling utter disgust by the new form of the small thing. It was a horror in her eyes, and to know it was only a baby, she can only imagine what its final form would be like. 
Kiri was paying close attention to the new episode will was having. The sky being wider, and the shadow monster doesn't look all that far from where Will is at.``It looks like it is daunting him. Or almost as if it wants Will to see it..” she mutters. 
When the monster inserted a piece of itself into Will’s mouth, dread followed. “Oh no! What is it doing to him!?” tsireya shouts, hiding her face on lo’ak’s chest, not wanting to see the rest of the scene. 
Ronal does the same, feeling sorry for the young boy. Tonowari felt scared. Such a massive thing, and the poor boy has no chance to run away. “Hasn't he been through enough?”
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“Ooooooohh he is so dead” Spider teases, the reveal of the tank bring broken from most likely dart. “That thing is growing without stopping” Vopey adds. “Not the kitty-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Tuk screams when dart shrieks while expanding its head. “A baby demigorgon?!” Vopey shouts rather excitedly. 
“Such a horrid thing!” Tonorwari glares in disgust. Yet also relieved he doesn't share a planet with that thing. 
“I find it intriguing,” Neytiri comments, admiring the little thing. Which Jake turns to her, questioning what she views as cute. “It ate an innocent animal” he says, neytiri shrugs, “it is an animal itself no?”
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“Will is either possessed or part of a hive mind” Tsireya theorizes. Took a moment of silence, everyone including herself were surprised that she concluded something like that. She carries on, “think about it, he hates the heat, prefers the cold. Explains of odd memories that don't belong to him. And he is walking around chest naked. It makes sense to me”. 
Lo’ak whistles out impressed, which tsireya blushes a bit. “You are catching on very quick tsireya” Vopey compliments. 
As it goes on. Hopper and joy piece together the odd drawings Will made. And tsireya quickly catched on. “They are underground, the roots. It is what is causing the plants to rot in an awful way. Will is telling them the answer!” Tsireya explains. Clapping her hands, understanding more of the situation. 
“Nah, what if it is part of something else?” Ao’nung was quick to deny his sisters expanding theory. 
“I dunno ao’nung, look '' Spider points to the screen where hopper was digging a big hole, discovering some gross goo and a tunnel underground. Lo’ak gave tsireya a high five/four as her guess was correct. 
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“Well he is dead” Ao’nung says deadpanned, looking at hopper being tied by the wines of the upside down world. But his statement didnt land very well when Will and others went to rescue hopper from his near death experience. 
The scene continues when the Hawkins yellow jackets burning the vines but at the same time Will began to shake and feel the burning pain. “I knew it!” Tsireya squeals. Good she was right, but bad because she is witnessing the poor boy’s pain.
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“Weird how I am hating him less and less” Kiri comments as she sees Dustin and Steve bond while throwing meat in a train track to look for dart. “It is call character development, some people go through it, and others dont” Lo’ak grins knowing the subtle message he meant to ao’nung. 
“Yeah yeah shush I’m taking notes' ' spider interrupts lo’ak as he writes down steve’s secret to his hair being L’oreal quality. 
As the scene goes on, kiri can't help but grin, “sorry rotxo, but it seems lucas is winning” she whispers a bit smugly. “Anything can happen, it is not confirmed yet” Rotxo hold out hope for his new favorite character. 
“Whatever you say,” Kiri shrugs. 
As the show proceeds, tsireya grins non stop, “I was correct! Again!”. Owns explains Will's connection to the creature and other organisms of the upside down world. The pain they feel, the child feels it too. 
“I swear! You catch on so quickly!” Spider says, not in a mean way, but in an amazed way. “Maybe we should show you other things tsireya” Vopey says. 
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"YEAAAAHH!" The sully and human kids all cheered as eight and eleven showed on screen together. "I almost forgotten about her" Tuk says, vopey nodding in agreement.
Vopey, kiri, tsireya and tuk were leaning forward. Unknowns to them, so was ronal and neytiri. All of them paying extra attention to the sisterly themed episode.
“They are most likely going to work together” Tsireya silent shrieks, her tail swaying while not meaning to but was hitting lo’ak in the face. 
“Oh no doubt” Vopey replies, her eyes never leaving the screen 
Jake couldnt help but chuckle as Neytiri was also doing a similar manner. Hey eyes wide and tail moving. It was a cute site he doesnt get to see so often. 
Tonowari huffed in an amusing way, while Ronal’s tail isn't moving, her ears definitely were, giving away how invested she was. 
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“I can't look '' Ronal hides behind tonowari after seeing the bloodshed the now called demidogs are creating. Death left and right from the creatures Ronal has come to hate. And Tonowari, who had come to favor Bob, was distraught to see his death come so soon. 
The creature's shredding and killing bob was an unholy sight for their eyes. Sadness was all they felt. Sorry for the poor man who was innocent and finding love. 
“He might-” 
“Tsireya, you know we love you but ssssshhh, because at this point, anything you say comes true” Ao’nung kindly shuts his sister up. Lo’ak scratched the back of his neck, not really defending nor denying the truth. 
Pouting, tsireya stays silent as she watches the rest of the episode
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The last episode. Everyone was getting anxious, the final battle between the massive monsters and the humans. Who else will die? Who will live? Will everything be the same? 
“Who cares about Mike and eleven shipping!! Get over it!” Vopey shouts in anger as the scene dragged on too much for her liking. 
“Screw them, that billy guy needs to DIE” neteyam frowns in disgust as bill was shown flirting with an older woman who was also a mother to one of the main boys. What goes on in bill’s head is beyond him. 
“Huh, madmax is starting to make sense now” Jake mutters as he sees the max girl stand up for herself. 
“Eeeeeewww!!” Tuk feeling grossed out as the misty shadow leaves will’s body and out into the open world. “At least he is free from it, right?” Rotxo asks but no one answers him. All eyes glued to the screen. 
While dustin was saying goodbye to dart, really no one cared as they wished for that monster dead. 
“CLOSE IT!! CLOSE IT!! END IT!!” Everyone was cheering for eleven. Screaming at the top of her lungs, everyone felt what she was feeling. Seeing the gate to the upside down world close. The cheering rising as it intensifies. 
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“He looks so cuuuuute!” Tuk gushes as she sees Dustin rocking a new hairstyle. Kiri slammed her hands down, “YES! Rotxo you owe me now!”. The scene of lucas and max kiss made rotxo shed a tear of his debunked shipping. 
“Elven looks so pretty” Vopey admires how feminine the girl looks at the dance. Wearing a pretty dress and styling her hair. But quickly she and tisreya gasped in unison as eleven and mike kissed. Squealing like pre-teens. 
It seemed like it would be a nice happy ending. Ready to close the chapter. But silence was the only sound as everyone saw the last few seconds of the show, The view turning upside down to see the upside down world. And close and above was the giant monster. And the credits rolled in. 
Everyone clapped and began to chatter about their favorite moments. 
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Tsireya, ao’nung and roxto were sleeping peacefully in their hammocks, smiles and dreams fill their minds. 
On the bigger shared hammock, Tonowari and Ronal were wide awake. Sleep not reaching their eyes. “It is like Jake Sully said. It is not real, and it is very old. We shouldn't worry about it” Tonowari says to Ronal as a means to comfort her. But also comfort himself. 
Ronal couldn't help but cuddle into his broad chest, wanting to rid the monsters from her memory. “Yes but…they all looked terrifying. And many suffered from those disgusting monsters” Ronal whispers. Tonowari gently kissed her on the forehead and placed his arm over her. “Yes, but those monsters are far away. We are safe, and they are not real”. 
Safe to say, they didnt get a wink of sleep. 
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Aaaaaaaand that concludes part 2! Hope you all enjoyed this one. Had to go a bit deeper to understand and implement the important stuff. Until next time! See ya!
Vol = eight
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pillowspace · 11 months
Hi! Hey! Hello! I just finished chapter 7 of Celestial Sundown and oh my! It was fenomenal!
I love that CSDy/n is getting more and more comfy in relationship with sun! They are getting bolder and trust each other more! Sun getting into their room is showing the big progress and trust on both parts! I don't know how CSDy/n but for me to tolerate someone in my room is a big thing. I see it was caused by his anxiety but still its the barrier they crossed one way or the other. It was so lovely and well written, what CSDy/n went through was traumatic and painful but while reading I couldn't stop think about the horrors Sun went through this entire time. If everything is okay with him the prayer should get to him and, correct me if I'm wrong, from what I understood the exact words won't come through It but the feelings and some basic meaning will be send to the God.
Therefore he could easily understood something went terribly wrong, not only that but the prayer suddenly stopped, He is far away, and from what I get without his crown he cannot teleport or manifest in different places. What happened? Are they scared? Hurt? Or maybe it was false alarm! They got scared prayed for him, and then they realised there is no danger so they stopped! But then the other call was sent and I bet If the first didn't, this one send him running. Not only that, the time has passed so he wasn't sure what state they are in, if all this time they were in danger,  but the urgency of the prayer expanded. Did something happened in the house? Was it the woman he showed himself to? Why he can't go any faster? I'm sure at this time he would curse himself out... For needing to see this mural. For not waiting for the morning so they can go with him. For being so weak. If he had his crown he could do something, and now he was useless, couldn't even get to this damn forest as fast as he wanted. He is so slow. Are they hurt? Are they dead? Did the thing that attacked him came back to finish the job and found them instead? He knew them, they wouldn't panic like that over something small. They wouldn't call  him for something small. The terrified calls of their heart  would be fuel for him to keep going. And what would he find getting back? The empty house, with the doors left wide open. He knew something bad happened but for them to leave their beloved belongings exposed like that it was worse then he hoped. And if your shredded blanket covered with human blood, nearby was telling anything it wasn't getting better. They helped him so much, they still are trying to get him home. And he wasn't there. He should have been there. He just had to be emotional again hadn't he? What to do now? Where to go? Their prayers stopped. Is he alone again? He can't locate them. Are they alive? Mortals are fragile, and there is blood nearby but no human, no. The blood of one of his kind, a big puddle. He had to do something, he searched this forest for so long with them, he had to manage! Had to find his friend. And the trail of blood left on trees and ground was the perfect start.
Ajshshs, I'm sorry I just love it so much! Can't wait to see what happens next. The emotions your fic gives me are not from this world, you are so talented and inspiring! I can't get enough of your content. And also you created my hyperfixation of sea slugs! I didn't even know something so pretty existed and in so many forms! Keep up the good work and being amazing! Get yourself a blanket and hot tea you deserved it after blessing us with such a brilliant chapter and so soon!
Sun comfortably being able to enter Y/N's room was something I thought about, but didn't really expect anyone to notice, so I love that you did
Yayyyyy sea slug liker!! YEAH, there is something so wondrous in learning what sea slugs look like. It's like learning magic's real, for me anyway
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that-one-i-think · 14 days
tbh - i think there is an actual problem with keeping xenophobia as a flaw of garroth's character and the criticism shouldn't have been framed as 'they hate that characters can do bad things/be flawed people and learn and grow from their mistakes!'. they should instead have framed the criticism as 'you are using garroth's canon xenophobia as fuel for an enemies to lovers dynamic'. garroth's a great complex character to explore even in s3 but its frustrating to in passing see that discussion be used in service of an enemies to lovers dynamic where he is paired with the victim of his xenophobia. a character that has been conveniently morphed to fix the power imbalance between them - if liochant is patient and level-headed and powerful enough to beat garroth in a fight, thus its more Amusing rather than disturbing that garroth has to overcome his prejudices because of his attraction to him. liochant is strong and sexy and miraculously gracious enough to tolerate garroth's character flaws and push back on them when needed and encourage his growth [a far cry from his actual canon, who is Not ever in control or 'supervising' garroth's irrational, aggressive behaviour] while garroth himself purely remains xenophobic and then learns not to be. its okay because liochant can beat him in a fight. its okay because liochant being sexy forces garroth to challenge his own prejudices in the name of the enemies to lovers. its okay because liochant ignores/is patient enough to bear that treatment but is established to be strong enough to bite back when needed and his ability to overpower garroth drives his reluctant interest in him. yet that dynamic crumbles when in the relationship, you are more focused on garroth's need for 'growth' rather than liochant - which is strange because you seem to be able to write liochant's suffering otherwise, but when it comes to their relationship you have established that garroth is erratic and irrational and paranoid & liochant is always in control of the situation. you've shown that you're unafraid to stray from canon liochant, who is in comparison timid, reserved, shy but generous, but certainly not as insanely op as you make him out to be (as in, being able to overpower garroth, katelyn & sk laurance), but have made 0 effort to change garroth while liochant becomes the point of control in their dynamic - you have gone out of your way to not only keep his xenophobia arc with liochant, but to turn it into a part of their romance, and by levelling up liochant as a character while keeping garroth pretty much similar to his canon counterpart, your fic is not very respectful at all. despite all of your worldbuilding and liochant lore which could be really interesting points of discussion alone, you've forced him back into a box as the perfect victim of a white man's prejudice, all while writing from that perspective AND insisting that criticisms just hate it when garroth has flaws. while you are so very passionate about garroth's privilege to learn and grow from his xenophobia, you don't seem very passionate about writing liochant with respect as a victim of that xenophobia. apparently garroth's growth is all anyone else wants to critique, and by all means garroth can fuck up and have flaws and learn from them. by all means if you're so attached to the xenophobia then keep it, but i think its in poor taste to keep it and then make liochant his love interest and include said xenophobia as a complicated kicker for their enemies to lovers story. i would personally ponder its involvement in their romance since there are other discussions to be had about garroth and liochant as characters (and garroth's flaws specifically) that don't have to revolve around them as a pairing or fall into racist implications! hopefully that critique is more helpful than others you've received in the past ^w^
Oh I fully understand where that comes from and how that is how it can be perceived and I would 100% welcome those criticism for discussion. I am going to point out a few things as "defense" for myself but again, if the people who I talked to about framed it like that, that is waaay more welcome then what I did discuss.
1. My fic is not an enemies to lovers. I can understand how it can be seen that way but it really isn't. They aren't enemies, they are trying to achieve the same goal but one is behaving like a dick and the other doesn't actually care that much.
2. Garroth does not get other his xenophobia by attraction. I am a firm believer that falling in love does not make all your past behavior make sense or okay. I do not believe in the "They are bullying cause they like you😜" dynamic because it is fucking stupid. He gets over his xenophobia when he realizes that the people he hates are people and not his enemy. His xenophobia is rooted in the fact that his father has been kidnapped and his home has been overrun by foreign soldiers. He is doing it because he views everyone from the country as a potential enemy and is paranoid. It is certainly not an excuse for his actions at all. Period. It can be fixed though. If he was xenophobic just to be xenophobic, then I wouldn't even be writing this. He'd be left to rot, but fear and paranoia is something that can be fixed. Garroth knows that his own actions are unjust and is correcting them himself as he works towards thinking before he instinctively protects. I have Garroth treat Liochant with the same unease and distrust Garroth showed and treated Laurance with early on, only amplified because Laurence was always his ally until Garroth betrayed him. Essentially, Garroth is quick to act on emotion, but also quick to regret it once it is shown that he is acting fucking stupid, like when Lawrence confronted him about Zane.
3. I am fully going into how it affects Liochant, there is no way I am not. At the moment my posts were focusing on Garroth because that is what is being discussed but if you look through my page I do fully go into it. Especially when I write what would have happened if Liochant was a meif'wa, given how they also faced increased discrimination as shown by Katelyn. I am never going to avoid writing it and it is a focus in my fic.
4. Liochant does snap, he will snap again too, but Liochant getting onto Garroth for his character is not going to be what changes Garroth, because that is not Liochant's responsibility. Garroth will change, apologize and apologize again before Liochant will ever slightly view him in a romantic light, even then there has to be actions taken. The reason why Liochant is passive when it comes to the abuse hurled at him by villagers is because he has no other choice in the matter. He is stuck in a situation where the best option is to take it because the moment he defends himself he will be branded a monster. When in a situation where he knows it is safe to do so, he will defend himself. He is a man with no community, in a foreign land, with people who have no understanding of the politics in Tu'la and why he left and no one has asked. If Nana was hurled abuse from a villager due to being a meif'wa, she would have her entire family and all of her friends come to her defense, Liochant has to be lucky enough to be around Katelyn or Aphmau when he is hurled his. It hurts, he hurts, he wants nothing more to just be able to talk in his native language with others like him, but he can't. He is alone, that is why he is passive.
5. The focus of my fic is not Garroths xenophobia, is it part of the plot, yes because it was in the 3rd season of Minecraft Diaries. The focus of my fic is learning to build communities and relationships after facing tragedies and traumas and rejection. Liochant and Lilith are one of the most important relationships in my fic because they are both orphans who were found and raised and lived through tragedy. That is his baby, and he loves her with every fiber of his being and he has/will kill for her. (The first time he snaps in my fic is at the implication that he hurt her) They are family and slowly but surely, Katelyn, Aphmau, Alina, and Travis will become his family.
Thank you for your criticism, it has given me more insight on how I should frame my works and me talking about my fic. I need to expand my posts more other than hyperfixating on the relationship of two characters. Feel free to send more asks or discuss other stuff in my asks! Doesn't even have to be MCD or fic related, I enjoy how you presented your views and argument and if you see that I share any more interests that you do, feel free to discuss. I really do like how you framed your views and opinion. This is the kind of discussion and criticism I enjoy getting.
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witchie-writings · 1 year
Alright bestie last one I SWEAR THIS TIME. I’m curious, what is Megatron’s human pet’s day to day life like? How do they get their food, water, do they bathe, do they have other clothes or do they just stay in the same ones? Where do they sleep, etc?
Took me a little bit to think about this one, but please, keep sending in more asks if you have any ideas for them! I enjoy writing about Transformers, even if I’m not too terribly active in the fandom at this moment (plus, Bayverse!Megatron deserves more attention, imo). Not proof-read.
When I think about the daily life of Bayverse!Megatron’s human pet, it isn't… awful, merely tolerable. When it comes to their living quarters, they take residency in Megatron's habsuite; perched upon a narrow bar of oxidized steel is their "room", haphazardly cobbled together using the remains of destroyed weaponry or deceased corpses of fallen cybertronian warriors; for comparison's sake, their resting chambers bare resemblance to a bird cage. Bed wise, it's likely whoever designed the prison didn't have a care for whatever stuffing the human!reader laid upon, so it's a combination of all sorts of shredded fabric or discarded wool. It isn't pristine either, it would have a noticeable odor that is quite putrid, but its softness was preferable over the unsanitary jagged edges of the floor. For where their "humble" abode is, the human!reader would reside in Megatron's habsuite. Far enough away to where the warlord has his own space, but close enough to his berth to where he could crush their feeble body should they attempt an escape.
The human!reader's food and water is, thankfully, covered, though I can't speak for the edibility of such nutrition. The food that would be fed to them would likely be whatever Megatron or the other Decepticons would deem "consumable without risk of immediate death", probably food scraps from the store that's about to turn rotten or maybe some other unorthodox stuff… I can't think of much here, so use your imagination. If the human!reader was particularly good, they'll maybe be rewarded with some "treats", think of fresh fruit or possibly even ice cream, but it isn't something they should grow accustomed to. For now, they'll be scraping off the bottom of the barrel. Water is okay, I guess. They'll just get a scrap bucket, fill it with whatever water is nearby, boil it to get rid of the nauseating parasites, then give it to the human. Easy!
This leads into the bathing situation. The human!reader gets a bath through one of two ways: their wounds are pretty severe and need to be cleaned or Megatron wants them to be presentable for their circus act. It's essentially the same way to get the water, as stated in the last bullet point, just the human would be picked up by their frail body and dunked into the bowl without a second thought. Better hope they can swim! Sadly, the human won't get any sense of privacy, as there will always be a Decepticon to monitor them to make sure they don't try to perform an escape attempt or to take their own life via drowning. 
Now, Megatron isn't one for dress up or looking "nice". Being a tyrannical dictator that's locked into a cataclysmic war doesn't allow such novelties, nor does having a barbaric mindset help either. But that doesn't mean he wants his pet to look absolutely appalling during their shows and acts - it takes the fun out of their humiliation. Likely he'll have a more fashionista Decepticon (cough) go out to hunt for a suitable attire for the human!reader's showing; pick a few that have hints of spice yet undeniable lure, bring them back to slap them onto the pet and bam. Perfect for the occasion! I can't say the outfit will come out unscathed however. More than likely it'll be another pile of scrap for the bed pile. Ah well. Besides that event, there is a high chance the human will be stuck in their same clothes, even if they're in dire need of cleaning. Maybe they could convince a Decepticon to go shopping for them… after all, there are a few who pity the poor doll.
And since you asked about the daily life of Megatron's pet… well, I imagine that there are a special few amongst the Decepticon cause that would be open, or at least semi-open, to having a discussion with the human. Megatron isn't always present, obviously, so despite having assigned a "pet sitter" to the human!reader, other Cons might have their curiosity peaked and take the opportunity to interact with the fleshling (much to the guardian's dismay… it's probably Barricade and he's sick of the sudden attention Megatron's pet is accumulating). Some aren't as cruel as others, offering some form of conversation, for their own benefit or out of good faith, who knows. Sometimes conversations could develop into hour-long talks about whatever bubbles within the mind, and it can be quite enjoyable for both the Con and the human - quite possibly a friendship blossoms. Which would always be cut short due to Megatron's arrival. Such a shame.
Being brought into this chaotic hellscape with nothing more than the clothes upon their skin, the human!reader, outside of their entertainment value and talks with a few of the Decepticons, would have to find a way to develop their own entertainment in order to not go insane. Sure, if Megatron was particularly generous one day, he'd throw the human!reader a bone and get them something as "idiotic and pointless" as a card or board game, but usually it's a mangled mess to where it was barely visible as a game anymore, so the human would have to put their noggin to work. Doesn't always want to function, but something is better than going out with a small whisper because of boredom.
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kittydoodle · 2 months
i just wanna talk a little bit about my art journey the past few years, about my mental health related to it, and about my recently rediscovered joy in art. this doesnt have any real point, id just like to share (under the cut because its pretty long lol)
for a very long time, like several years, i was deeply unmotivated and uninspired to make any art. getting out of high school and eventually quitting my first job, i just felt really depressed, and with undiagnosed psoriatic arthritis putting me in worse and worse pain every day, i was lucky if i could even physically sit down and get a doodle out.
i also held myself to secret unsaid rules about how to create my art. no starting a piece unless i intend to finish it in the same day. no creating anything that isnt fully colored and polished. no making anything that doesnt have perfect lines or proportions im perfectly satisfied with. it stunted my self expression, it took all the joy out of making my art, and it made me upset because i believed i was somehow losing my passion for making art.
i sincerely believed i was growing out of my desire to draw, forever. i was distraught and grieving. i couldnt even draw things i was excited to, i would think to myself, "wow! id love to draw this idea!" and then id sit down and think about how id have to finish a full, perfect piece, and id immediately lose my motivation. so all id ever make were full, finished pieces every once in awhile, and i was still deeply unsatisfied with them.
however, in the past 6 months or so, a few things have come together that have really restored my excitement for creating art
first, (DISCLAIMER: this is not advice! dont follow my example!) i quit my adhd meds. yes, really. i was suddenly out of them for a couple weeks and in those couple weeks i realized i felt better than i had in years, and, ironically, it was way easier for my to do chores without it. the only thing i can really think of to explain it is that i was on a stimulant medication for a very, very long time, like most of my working memory ive been on them. i guess after so long it stopped working the way it should to due to tolerance buildup and was just bogging me down instead of stimulating me.
second, i doodle, i sketch, i make quick drawings i have no intention of finishing. i allow myself not to finish or perfect a piece. i even draw random ideas i wont do anything else with, just for fun. at the advice of a few friends, i have forcefully practiced letting myself get messy and unrefined with my art so that its less intimidating, and to my surprise it actually worked.
third, i started arthritis meds and i listen to my body way better now so i can avoid inflaming and injuring myself, which makes it a lot easier to draw without pain! i even do stretches! im still working on fully effective treatment for my pain, but im doing at least a little better
i dont really know where im going with this tbh... for anyone who has followed me for a long time, uve seen this blog get quiet with little to no art posts for months and months at a time for the past few years, so i hope u are excited to see me posting more frequently again! i missed it! i hope u enjoy me now as much as im enjoying me!
im happy to be creating again and i hope i can keep my passion going! im happier now than i have been in an extremely long time, and im excited to show everyone the things ive been creating more often
umm thats all i guess! if u read this far ummmm One Big Kissaroo From Me To You okay 🩷🩷🩷 MWAH
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lylahammar · 1 year
TW Fatphobia, self worth issues
Hey so I have a question and it's cool if you don't want to answer because I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but how you find someone who's willing to date you while fat? I've been fat ever since I hit puberty and I've never found someone even willing to give me a chance, much less actually appreciate my body, despite being very extroverted and asking out lots of people I've been attracted to. Most of the time people legitimately looked horrified and weren't exactly nice with their rejections of me, while the nicest were very firm that they'd never give me a chance because of my body. I'm 23 and I know that that's super young in the scheme of things and that worth doesn't come from people being attracted to you, but the persistent rejection on the basis of my appearance has done a real number on me and my self worth at this point, especially knowing that I'm a trans guy and autistic on top of it which doesn't help people liking or appreciating me. I kind of doubt that anyone will tolerate my body, much less actually like it at this point, so I was wondering if you had any advice because I really like your fat positivity stuff and you seem to be in a very happy relationship. Thanks for any advice you might have!!
Hello!! This is a little bit of a tough question since there is never one perfect solution to social situations like this, but I'll try my best 😅
I think that a really good idea for fat people trying to date is to engage with fat positive communities. For example, my girlfriend found me through my TMA comics, and she was attracted to the way that I draw Martin (that is to say, fat as he should be). We later became friends, and then eventually started dating. In fandoms for media that has good fat representation, you're far more likely to find people who are into that.
THAT BEING SAID, I think this is important for a lot of people but especially fat folks: keep things platonic for a while to get to know the person and suss out whether you can trust them before romance comes up. In fact, I would say to not even focus on searching for romantic partners. Just look for like-minded people who you can be friends/feel safe with, and then eventually romantic feelings might develop. Chubby chasers can be totally fine and safe, there's nothing wrong with having a preference for fat bodies! But fetishism is unfortunately a problem for fat people. Don't let yourself be objectified, unless you're into that (which is totally okay, but REALLY do some introspection to decide whether you're actually into that rather than just tolerating it for the sake of staying in a relationship). You are worth more than someone's fetish. Just because it's harder for us to find partners doesn't mean you should settle for someone who doesn't treat you right.
If you want to go for dating apps or anything like that, be honest about your body. I know there's a temptation to only add headshots in your pictures if you're feeling insecure, but you're far more likely to get hurt that way if you end up matching with a fatphobe. Also, again, take it slow! The most important thing (in my opinion, I'm not an expert) is to make sure you can trust the person before jumping into a relationship.
Also, yes, 23 is super young. Try to resist the anxiety that makes you feel like dating is a rat race! There isn't a set age to find your people or settle down, even if society tries its best to push that on us. Focus on yourself first! Make friends, develop healthy habits (without worrying about weight loss, just being healthy at any weight), and get really into your interests. You'll find your people naturally over time, and romance comes with community. I know this is really annoying and generic advice, but it's just the truth :P The people who are attracted to you naturally gravitate to you when you show your authentic self to the world.
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
you knew that i'm a mastermind, and now you're mine
comment here on AO3.
mastermind may be an unlikely choice from Taylor Swift's Midnights, but i hope this short fic explains why it's the right one. more on that here.
gifted to @corneliaavenue for ranting with me about this damn album and finding new ways to apply its songs to hinny every day.
At first glance, the press can feel quite irritating.
Not in the she's-Harry-bloody-Potter's-wife sort of way - though there is plenty of that kind too, don't get her wrong - but in the you-are-famous-so-you-must-be-asked-all-sorts-of-intrusive-questions kind of way.
Over the years, she's come up with methods to circumvent those, and she finds herself fairly satisfied with the results.
Ginny flicks her eyes to her watch and claps her palms together. "Right, you lot. You know the rules: one hour, free for all," she raises her eyebrows in question, "Except for?"
"Respect boundaries, no use of passive aggressive questions, don't bring up Mr. Potter, limit discussions to Quidditch but deviations are allowed if not intrusively personal," the small press group chants obediently before one adult with rough skin tacks on, "And absolutely zero tolerance for any - and I quote from you directly - '1950s shite that implies anything about being the Chosen One's baby factory.' We should know better, and we should be better."
She grins, eyes brightening. "Correct, Peter! You learn quick! How are the kids, by the way? Sarah finally crawling?"
"Yes, Mrs. Potter, but we've got a new problem, unfortunately. Changing her nappy has become a bit difficult."
Ginny can tell. The man's hairline is already beginning to recede at the tender age of thirty eight, poor thing. She's not too much of a cow to point that out, of course.
"Ah, well, changing a nappy is a two person job," she states instead, "Maybe get Meghan to hold her arms down?"
"That won't stop her kicking, I suppose. But it is a start."
"And you, Sully?" she turns her attention to the lanky man standing in the back right, the words 'Highway to Hell' spilled colorfully on his shirt, ever the lover of Muggle music that he is. "Did you try that Indian restaurant I told you about last meeting? Remember we talked about expanding your palate to something a bit more…tasteful?"
He smiles a gap-filled smile, his remaining enamel a perfect match to the withering gray of his hair. At least one can't sue The Daily Prophet for ageism, she thinks off-handedly.
"Yes, I did. The curries were to die for. I've got a recommendation for you too, if you'd like."
Remembering his past insistence that she should give a taste for haggis, a quite fascinating Scottish delicacy of a sheep's heart, liver, and lungs mixed intricately with oatmeal and onions, Ginny fights to keep the smile on her face.
"Er, yeah, Sully, let's circle back to that, for sure."
One woman in the front raises her brightly manicured hand, practically bouncing in her eagerness to ask her first question. Ginny obliges, noting that she's among the newer, younger faces. "Hi, Gi - er, Mrs. Potter…I'm Jasmine! I've been cheering for you since your starting position with the Harpies! As someone who has also grown up in a testosterone-fueled house, I can tell you that seeing you earn a place in every league, every tournament you've been in has just - I am honor - I mean, you're just so amazing, and I - fuck, okay, I'll wrap this up."
Ginny laughs, startled but pleasantly so. She mouths a quick 'thank you,' touched beyond words.
Jasmine takes a deep breath and struggles to morph her expression to the likes of the other serious faces around her, self-consciously tucking a piece of chestnut hair behind her ear. Ginny wishes she wouldn't. Her energy is refreshing. She promises to tell her this one day.
"Since your projected wins have been accurate thus far, my question is, what do the stats say about the likelihood of the upcoming game resulting in the Chudley Cannons ranking above the Ballycastle Bats for the first time in seven years? They've certainly pulled their weight this season."
"Well, if you asked my brother, he'd say 100%, but since I'm obligated to tell the objective truth…" They all laugh appreciatively, and Jasmine's smile returns to the avid nature it once was. "On a more informative note, though, I'd say the realistic chances are…"
And this goes on for a while, the push and pull of conversation and banter, like gentle waves yielding to an easy tide, and this, this is the energy Ginny wishes she had been surrounded with throughout her professional life so far. She had never once blamed this particular lack on Harry, of course, for only a dimwit would believe he had somehow orchestrated this whole thing.
And if he still believes this sometimes, he's her dimwit, so he doesn't really count.
And it's not like she cares about what other people think.
Though it is another thing entirely to say it can't be a pain in the arse sometimes. A nail in an already infected foot.
But she refuses to let that bring her down.
It's her life, and she weaves the web of her own destiny. After all, she's spent enough time letting people use shears to tear them down.
"Mrs. Potter, I don't believe you ever addressed your oldest rumor back in your Hogwarts days?"
Ah, she spoke too soon. The Shear Personified.
"It's been overheard from several of your old classmates that Mr. Potter has identified you in his Amortentia during potions class." Oh, Jeffree, don't do it. You were quiet for so long. As you should have remained. "I mean, has there ever been an instance where you slipped in a love potion, let's say, in his pumpkin juice during breakfast? At least once?" I could have introduced you to Aunt Muriel, and you could have been miserable gossips together. "It's just a bit hard to believe - "
She doesn't even have to open her mouth because all of a sudden, the small crowd starts to chatter angrily, glaring at the admittedly social-cues-lacking middle-aged man.
"Boo," gap-toothed Sully chants, throwing his unlit cigarette butt in an aimless direction.
"Poor form, mate," Peter's head shaking causes a child's toy to go off in his nappy bag. "You should know the rules by now."
"Get. Out." This high-pitched but firm squeak is from Jasmine herself, and it's honestly more effective than any of the group's efforts thus far.
Ginny looks around at the mayhem, touched that her little fan circle is responding so strongly on her behalf.
It means the world, truly, considering that she'd gotten comfortable with the accusations and hate for so long, she forgot it had ever bothered her.
The turn of her lips, though slight, is full of awe, taking in the sight around her.
When the din finally quiets enough, she catches the end of Jeffree's defensive words: "All I am saying is that they were adolescents when they first got together, and reports say - "
"Who gives a damn what reports say?!"
"Er, thank you, Jasmine. Reports say that he was soon on the run for months, and - and - " he falters when he sees Ginny's cutthroat eyes, clearing his throat, "even at the last game, there are images of Mr. Potter staring in a 'daze that rivals a sacrificial victim ensnared by an enchantress,' to quote your own colleague Rita Skeeter - "
"Well, I'm glad Rita finds me enchanting," Ginny cuts in dryly, "But what are these images that you keep babbling about? At least have the gall to put your money where your mouth is before throwing accusations in the middle of a private press meeting."
With irritatingly un-shaky hands, Jeffree pulls out the "Exclusive Celebrity Papers," a Rita Skeeter new edition - as if she's written anything else in the past - and jabs at the pictures with one stubby finger.
She narrows her eyes, observing grainy-image-Harry gaping at grainy-image-Ginny, who had been commentating that day for the recent Appleby Arrows and Tutshill Tornados match, his gaze utterly distracted and…unfocused.
That is peculiar, Ginny wonders. Was it possible that he was stupefied earlier that day at work? No, the spell doesn't usually last that long, and he would have told her if he was, and besides, she's seen that look before she just can't place it -
And then, Ginny sees where exactly he's ogling at, and everything immediately clicks together.
"I know love potions are supposed to bring about feelings of lust, but I hate to break it to you, those trousers are known to do the same."
Her crowd laughs appreciatively, and Jasmine lets out a hearty whoop.
At this point, Jeffree's cheeks are a deep maroon.
"That - that's not very appropriate."
Ginny rolls her eyes. "Neither are your questions. I have a fit arse. My husband knows this. The sun rises in the east. Celery is a shite vegetable. Life goes on."
"Oh, please."
Great, here comes Ginny's least favorite part of these press meetings. She had been foolish to think it was put in the past, but alas.
When a man feels hurt that their ego isn't stroked, they spend their time feeling the need to let everyone know, thinking they'll care.
Like a child crying for attention. Only with these types of men, it's not a phase.
"Let's not pretend that everyone here is not wondering the same thing," the prat starts, "What, you think they care what restaurant taste you have? Your daycare advice? We all came here for one thing. A story."
This sends the room in a heated flurry again, but Ginny cuts it short, her biting remark a crisp breeze on a two-in-the-morning walk home.
"I don't need a love potion for my own husband to want me. And I don't care what you think your opinion is."
She skips, of course, the rant thrumming deep within her veins about how she, of all people, would know on a personal level what it's like to lose autonomy and would be the last to take it away from someone else. Such an obvious argument would only go over this dense sack's head.
Besides, she doesn't owe anyone any explanation.
Instead, she settles the building friction in the room with a cool: "But if you dare insult anyone in this room again, you'll find that the next story you cover is the one outside the toilets of the Ministry. And spoiler alert, entries into the departments are not all they use them for."
The rest of the press - no, her friends - cheers in delighted unison, Jasmine going so far as to hold the door for Jeffree's exit.
Sully swipes Rita's paper from his hand and rips it in two.
Harry laughs, listening attentively to Ginny's recount of the entire debacle, peppering remarks of "it is a great arse" and "if I see Jeffree covering the toilet entries I'll be sure to leave the seat up" and "ah, classic Sully. Maybe we should try the haggis he's always talking about," to which Ginny replies "or maybe we shouldn't" and grins as he affirms "yeah, maybe we shouldn't."
When their low-lit living room falls to a hush, Harry leans into Ginny's side, refilling her wine without her asking, and she ponders at how being with him just fits.
Like dominoes cascading in a line.
She puts her glass down and snuggles under his chin, preferring his clean scent as her method of intoxication instead.
"It's amazing," he breaks the companionable silence after a while, rubbing her back.
She lifts her head curiously.
"Only you could turn around a whole group of paparazzi and make them not only respect your boundaries but adore you. As a person. You just win over people so easily."
Ginny laughs and playfully nudges her elbow into his side, pressing her forehead to his. She knows he's really saying You win me over too, you know. Every day.
And all the rich colors of the grass around the world can't capture the natural comfort that his sage eyes make her feel.
She just has one final, teasing question to ask him.
"I mean, are you really surprised?"
His smirk is wide.
"Not in the least."
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
I woke up thinking about this and I have to get it off my chest before the new episode Wandee Goodday episode tomorrow. Under the cut because I’m not tagging this for reasons and I don’t want to accidentally spoil anyone. But I have GOT to say this before I explode
I am going to try to be as kind as I possibly can while talking about this but I make no promises.
I think the take that the kiss was a dream/is a fakeout is so incredibly dumb. To be clear, the take is dumb, not the people that are saying that. There is nuance please do not take this as a personal attack.
It would make absolutely zero narrative sense for that kiss to be fake. But Rae, I hear you all saying, they did a fakeout in The Eclipse and they’ve gone out of their way to show clips of that show!
Okay, and? Wandee Goodday is a different show. This kiss has more importance and more meaning to the story and the characters than the kiss in The Eclipse had. If the kiss is not real and did not happen it would remove the entire emotional impact of the first kiss. The kiss was perfect in its imperfection. It simultaneously lived up to and failed Dee’s fantasies. There is nothing that a fakeout kiss could do narratively that that specific first kiss for Dee didn’t already do.
A fakeout kiss would be a disservice to the narrative, the characters, the audience, and the writer’s themselves. And assuming they did so is incredibly rude to the people who have created such a phenomenal show so far. I know gmmtv does not have the best track record but we have no reason to believe the kiss is fake other than this one other show that was telling a completely different story with completing different characters whose actions and motivations are completely different did it. It made sense for The Eclipse. It does not make sense for Wandee Goodday.
In fact, I am so confident in my assessment that the kiss is real that if I am wrong and it is fake (I’m not and it’s not), that I will go buy a ghost pepper and record my white ass with no spile tolerance eating it. Meaning that I would show my full face here and y’all know I do not do that.
I’m just so tired of seeing that wild ass theory with no thought behind it other than “what if.” And don’t come at me with “but Dee was in Japan!” Okay and? He took a flight back? There was an obvious and visual passage of time. That’s how time works. It was day when Dee got the call from Kao in Japan, and it was night when he kissed Yak. Almost like he took a flight that took a few hours.
I think it’s important that we assume good intentions with the media we consume, especially BL, and especially a sex positivis BL like Wandee Goodday that is giving us representation and messaging that it doesnot need to go out of its way to give us. Not every show is trying to pull a gotcha on its audience. Wandee Goodday is making a good faith effort to engage with its queer audience. We should let it.
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bitchin-witchin · 8 months
Was recently reminded of a fatuichi wip I had from may that's like underground crime syndicate fatui modern au or something and childe is a dancer.
The tsaritsa owns a club where they launder shit and the fatui can hang, maybe the dancers there are under her protection. Childe was taken in as an agent and moved up the ranks, but before he became a harbinger he saw the good money the dancers were making and wanted to take a shot at it, since he got into the criminal scene to get money for his family anyways. Then it turns out to be kind of fun and the fatui are always respectful bc the tsaritsa has them on a short leash and disrespect isn't tolerated. He enjoys the feeling, a different thrill from battle, but similar.
The man of the night is a gunner I named dalimil. It is his birthday! And he is at the club with his homies. He thinks they're just drinking and chillin, as most fatui in the club do tbh, but his friends (a vanguard and some sort of smalll skirmisher) get him a lap dance and it is with... childe!! WHO MAYBE IS ALSO THEIR BOSS? I haven't decided.
Now Dalimil is a fat guy. He's a gunner. And he's p chill but we all have insecurities ykno. So he's not super confident. Hes kind of body shy. But childe is like very comfortable in his body (it's a weapon, a tool that he has trained hard to be at its best so ofc he is proud. It's not even a like "I'm so attractive" it's literally just from how useful he's made himself) and he's not perfect either, like yes every playable character in genshin is pretty but flaws are fun so idk attach whatever flaws u want to childe. I like to give him discolored teeth and maybe they're crooked, has a gap. Basically I give him my teeth LOL. Some other stuff. Scars, etc.
So anyways they're in their private room and childe starts dancing for him, climbs onto his lap and he really has to like CLIMB bc this man is tall and one of his thighs is like the width of childe (pretending that the big skirmisher builds are not augmented and they're just actually that big. Some eremite enemies are v big and they don't have any visual hints of being augmented so let's say the body variety in teyvat just has an insane range LOL). Dalimil is very flustered by how small he makes the harbinger look on his leg man's is discovering his size kink. Even sitting on him childe still has to look up. And childe is tall! He's not tiny. But dalimil is also very conscious of his stomach touching the harbinger bc it comes out pretty far and he's like ahh man ykno like my friends put me up to this, does childe even like this, he's probably just acting, etc.
Childe plays eith the buttons of his top and sees dalimil kind of clamming up so he's like "wanna get comfortable and lose some layers?" And dalimil is like ahh hmm noo it's okay... and childe is like catching on now so he's like "you don't have to hide from me. I want to see. I'm here to make you feel good." But he doesn't like pressure him ykno if dalimil said no he'd be like sure its fine, but if he's open to talking about it then maybe they can work something out.
So maybe childe just opens his shirt slowly. Dancing and stuff while he does it, rubbing his hands over dalimils chest and through his hair. And honestly?? Now dalimil is getting worked up feeling childes body rub over his stomach sometimes while he dances like fucckkkk, the skinnier guys don't get that privilege you know? Ethically bypassing no touching rule. LOL. Anyways they both end up super into it and dalimil comes out of that room more assured that he is desirable now that he's gotten some proof :3.
Ofc u don't need proof to feel desirable but if you're insecure about it it is definitely helpful when it feels positive for you. Also yes, not every fat person is insecure, and not every fat character has to be written that way, but it's what I want for my fic as a fat person myself.
I also I have a playlist for this fic that I occasionally still add song to
If u don't have Spotify and want to listen let me know in replies or reblogs or tags and I will post a other source.
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Leigh and Morgan: The Crazy Rulers of Marriage
Leigh and Morgan had been married for 15 years, which in marriage years, felt equivalent to a century. Their relationship was a rollercoaster of love, laughter, and the occasional urge to throttle. Independently, they had come to a curious conclusion: in their relationship, the crazier person always ruled the roost.
Leigh, with his penchant for conspiracy theories, believed that the moon landing was staged and that their neighbor's cat was a government spy. Morgan, on the other hand, had a flair for dramatic outbursts and a habit of rearranging furniture at 3 AM because she had a “vision.”
Together, they were a match made in an eccentric purgatory which had attracted them in the first place for the sake of hilarious suffering..
One lazy Sunday, while Leigh was tinkering with his collection of vintage radios, convinced he could intercept alien transmissions, Morgan was in the kitchen attempting to bake a soufflé that she swore would bring world peace.
“Morgan, you know what I’ve realized?” Leigh shouted over the static of his latest radio project. “In our marriage, the person who’s the crazier at any given moment always ends up being in charge.”
Morgan paused, flour dusting her hair like a makeshift halo, and thought about it. “You're crazy Leigh but unfortunately for you not as crazy as you think. Remember when you decided that the government was spying on us through the microwave and made us cook everything over a campfire in the backyard? That wasn't crazy...that was stupid and stupid is no match for crazy”.
“And who can forget when you decided we needed to feng shui the entire house and ended up throwing out half my wardrobe because it ‘blocked the chi’?” Leigh retorted, eyes twinkling. "That wasn't crazy, that was trendy which is one small step above stupid."
“Okay, fine,” Morgan admitted, “but it works, doesn’t it? I mean, we’re still here, still together, and mostly sane. Right?”
Leigh grinned. “Mostly. But it does explain a lot. Like why we spent last Christmas in the basement, hiding from your imaginary mutant wasps. That was tryly nutso, yet there we were celebrating Santa in the attic.
Morgan rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress a giggle. “Hey, those wasps were real… in my mind. And it’s not like you’re a picture of sanity. How about that time you were convinced the squirrels were plotting against us?”
Leigh looked indignant. “They were! I saw them holding secret meetings in the oak tree.”
As they bantered, it became clear that their marriage thrived on this peculiar dynamic. They had learned to navigate the ebb and flow of their shared insanity, balancing each other out in a way that made their relationship uniquely resilient.
The great lesson learned in all marriages is the art of button pushing.
But amidst the humor, there was a cautionary tale. The erosion of time and circumstance had chipped away at their patience and understanding. The pressures of life, work, and the never-ending chaos of raising two teenage daughters who were more like their parents than either cared to admit, had taken its toll.
“I think the secret,” Morgan mused, “is that we’ve learned to let the other person be crazy when they need to be. We don’t try to fix each other. We just… cope.”
Leigh nodded. “Yeah, it’s like a see-saw. When one of us goes off the deep end, the other one stays grounded. Most of the time, anyway.”
Morgan smiled. “And when we’re both crazy?”
Leigh laughed. "If it's at the same time, we kick ass."
Their marriage was far from perfect, but it was theirs. A blend of love, madness, competition, antagonism and mutually shaky tolerance. Leigh and Morgan knew that the key to their survival was rope a doping the chaos and finding absurdity in the despair of it all.
So, if you ever find yourself in their shoes, just remember: in the institution called marriage, the crazier person might rule the day, but it’s the shared lunacy that keeps the love alive. And sometimes, that’s exactly what you need.
And as Leigh fiddled with his radios and Morgan’s soufflé rose miraculously in the oven, they exchanged suspicious glances. They were in this mess together, two stubborn humans navigating the rollercoaster of marriage, one disappointing day at a time.
Then one day, Leigh decided to prove once and for all that he was the crazier of the two. He needed to control the relationship. He bought a gun.
Leigh had always been the type to take things a step too far, but this was a leap off the deep end. He strutted into the living room, gun in hand, and declared, “Morgan, I am the craziest one in this marriage, and I have proof!”
Morgan, who was in the middle of constructing a papier-mâché castle for no apparent reason, looked up and blinked. “Leigh, what in the world are you doing with that thing?”
“I’m taking control,” Leigh said, brandishing the gun like it was a scepter. “From now on, I make the rules!”
Morgan sighed, put down her glue gun, and approached him calmly. “Leigh, put the gun down. This isn’t a Wild West showdown.”
“But Morgan, don’t you see? The crazier person rules, and I am the craziest!” he insisted, his eyes wide with manic determination.
Morgan crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Leigh, buying a gun doesn’t make you crazy. It makes you stupid. Now, hand it over before you shoot yourself in the effing foot.”
Morgan was stupid enlough not to be afraid which trumped Leigh's craziness.
Leigh hesitated, then slowly raised the gun and fired it at Morgan. A loud bang echoed through the room, but Morgan didn't flinch. She just stared at Leigh, who began to laugh hysterically.
“You wanted a blank check? Well, I checked and the gun cartridge was filled with blanks!”
Morgan sighed, exasperated but relieved. “Leigh, you idiot. You scared me half to death!”
Leigh, still chuckling, lowered the gun. “I wanted to make a point, Morgan. See? I'm the crazier one!”
"You're not crazy, you're just a Baldwin."
As they returned to their respective projects—Leigh to his radios and Morgan to her castle—they couldn’t help but laugh at the sadness of it all. Their marriage was a constant collision between sanity and madness that wouldn't go away.
And in the end, it wasn’t about who ruled the relationship or who was crazier. It was about tolerating their quirks, suspecting each other other through the highs and lows, and finding obsinancy in the chaos.
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