#season 4 tua
partashiolgy · 1 month
how the TUA actors must’ve been reading that fuck ass script
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kaybreezy3000 · 3 months
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4 Beautiful Seasons, 4 Beautifully Confused Five's (see below for bigger, individual images)
On my season 1 Five, I screwed up on his vest and left one of my lines up in the trim where it shouldn't be, but damn it, I didn't see it until I posted it and I have drawn this vest and suit so many times, and this whole thing took so long that I'm leaving it. 😂
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Old Five's tie is so pretty with the red flower center and the leaves-Gotta love this classy old man. ❤️
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With the season 4 Number Five, the pic online I was looking at was so blurring that I couldn't get that darn eye right that he has covered with his hair, so don't look too close on that one. 😂I sort of gave up and left it smudged badly because trying to smooth my bush lines made it look really wonky for some reason.
(FYI-the crazy hard math background was imported for this project 😉)
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hellomagicalsouls · 1 month
i wonder how the cast feel knowing/finding out that majority of people don't like the final season?
yes ofc the hate isn't against the cast but i wonder how they feel about it? because we don't see the writers, we only see the cast. and inevitably some people are gonna send hate to the cast because it's just the way some people work.
but i wonder how they feel? do they actually love it as much as they seem too? because a lot of people were saying that the actors looked off in interviews etc i haven't watched any yet so can't say for definite.
but im assuming they can't say outright they hate it or it wasn't what they wanted. id love to know their thoughts from all the questions and posts and statements people have made.
i liked bits and hated other bits. im in the middle about a lot of it.
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tuttle-did-it · 1 month
Umbrella Academy writers:
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cecenyss · 25 days
I can’t believe they ended the umbrella academy season 4 with I think we’re alone now. They do not deserve I think we’re alone now.
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cantpickafandomtbh · 1 year
imagine, the end of season 4, the world finally ends, Five and the others finally give up.
Black screen.
Then Five wakes up in the apocalypse, and the last thing we see is the umbrella academy figurines that Harold Jenkins had been collecting in season 1
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guardianofdust · 1 month
i think the only thing redeemable about season 4 for me is five wore some more normal clothes for once
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psycolynx · 1 month
Hard cut to Klaus talking to the girl on the bicycle
Klaus: “Did we save the world or screw it up again?”
Bicycle God: “You were never the problem”
She holds up an action figure of Reginald and crushes it in her bare hands. Marigold lights emerge from it. Golden light envelops everything
Hard cut to Klaus waking up in bed. He is wearing pajamas covered in marigolds.Street noise can be heard from outside.
(From offscreen) “You okay, Hon?”
Klaus looks over and Dave is cooking breakfast in their flat
Klaus: “Yeah, just had a weird dream.”
Looks out the window and sees an empty lot where the Hargreeves mansion should be.
Klaus: “Wasn’t there a building there?”
(Naïve Melody by the Talking Heads begins to play over a montage)
Diego and Lila Are wrangling their kids into the camper van. One of the kids gives Lila a picture of her family in a field of bunch of orange flowers (marigolds)
Luther is stripping and the obsessed lady in the crowd is Sloan. He has a marigold in his mouth. He takes it out and gives it to her.
Viktor is playing the violin with Harlon. Sissy is setting the table. She sets a bouquet of marigold into a center vase.
Allison is gardening while Clare and Ray play in the yard. She is planting Marigolds.
Five is teaching at some university. An older woman comes in. “Dolores” he says as she kisses him. He has a Marigold in the lapel of his suit jacket.
Jennifer serves Ben at the dinner. Closeup on her pouring coffee. He has a Durango flower tattoo that says “Jennifer” and she had a marigold tattoo that says “Ben”
Cut back to Klaus staring out the Window
Dave: No, been an empty lot as long as I can remember
Klaus, smiles: Yeah, I don’t know why I thought that
Camera Zooms out from the window as music continues
Reginald, voiceover: And that is how our unlikely heroes manage to create one timeline where everything was fine.
BTS footage plays with the final credits 
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sunsickjune · 1 month
“i felt that five had to have a love story” okay steve !! fine. i’ll humour you. picture this : lila and five in the subway. they’re travelling to different timelines, loosing hope, trying to find a way home. then they get to a timeline and five sees dolores. but she’s a human, not a mannequin. he falls for her. loves her. wants to stay with her in her timeline. and that’s why lila has to force him to come home. she has kids, a husband, a life. five wants to stay with dolores more than anything. but he goes home, back to his timeline, because he knows he has to save his family. because he loves them more.
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buckleydiazmp4 · 1 month
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kaybreezy3000 · 4 months
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hellomagicalsouls · 1 year
so not gonna comment on the hair because if you don't have anything to say say nothing at all or something like that buttttttt
also he looks happy yay happy klaus
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leoktzchen · 1 month
I think I’ve seen some similar takes on this already but the whole lila and five get stuck in the time line subway subplot had a lot of potential actually but they just BUTCHERED it with the whole romance thing
imo the could have just done this:
- show them bickering and arguing, fighting over wich station/line to chose next in a sibling like manner
- show lila falling asleep on fives shoulder as she keeps mumbling about some stupid thing Diego has done while five tops that story with an even more stupid anecdote from their childhood
- show five trying to shave himself without a mirror and failing miserably until lila rolls her eyes and goes “give it here you absolute imbecile” and then helping him out BUT STAYING AT A REASONABLE DISTANCE AND NOT BREATHING ALL OVER HIS FACE
- show them freezing on the subway floor, five mentioning how they could save body heat by staying close to each other, visibly uncomfortable, and lila pulls a face but they end up falling asleep shoulder to shoulder NOT CUDDLING
- show them at the greenhouse timeline, covering the walls with self-drawn maps and complicated calculations, brooding night after day after night, trying to figure this out with lila drawing little hearts on the paper with her kids initials in it
- show five finding the map on the subway, immediately rushing to tell lila whose face lights up like a supernova and as she exclaims “fuck, we’re going home!” she tries to high five him (it doesn’t really work, because five does NOT do high fives) and then pulls him in for a hug. five just about lets that happen, but he smiles a tiny smile and they arrive just in time for Christmas
basically instead of the romance that gave everyone the ick, they could have just gone for the whole sibling like dynamic between the two of them that I adored a lot in the previous season(s)!!!!
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gourmet-trash · 1 month
umbrella academy season 4 spoilers without context
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moon-trees · 1 month
Season 4 of tua is the opposite of fan service. Fan disservice if you will.
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acearcane · 1 month
As I’m trying to come to terms with whatever the fuck that was, I’ve decided that:
Seasons 1 and 2 are peak. Absolute masterpieces. Canon.
Season 3 can be taken or left. Has its moments, but overall not as good as the first two. Canon, but only if you want it to be.
Season 4 is a fucking crack fic written at 2am that the author rereads at a later date and decides to delete. Absolutely not canon.
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