#long live all the magic
astearisms · 1 year
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fionna and cake drawings before and after watching the episodes so far. it’s nostalgic and somehow cathartic and poignant and relatable and—it just started
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lucalicatteart · 11 months
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 sculpted a strange shimmery two headed snail, speckled with wild flowers on it's shell~
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hannahwdraws · 14 days
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Just a couple of girls from The Free Marches
"I can't believe the girl I taught to weave flowers at the Arlathvhen grew up to be the 'fearsome' Inquisitor."
"I can't believe Varric didn't put two and two together sooner that we might have already known each other."
"Try not to blame him, you're so different from the girl I knew from back then."
"I'm still just a Dalish girl from The Marches"
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kheprriverse · 5 months
Did I ever tell y’all Tekoha has kids? Idr tbh but I'm doing that now lol
They’re twins; Tefke and Safiya!
More info in the tags ↓
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 1 year
What if, people really didn’t leave the league? like, in fics and comics it’s always ppl sneaking away in the dead of night and then being hunted down. But, what if that wasn’t the case? What if, when you swore in, you (unknowingly or knowingly to you) pledged your soul to Ra’s Al Ghul, to the Al ghuls, and to the League of Assassins.
so you can run, but it always feels wrong, and you always end up back there, bc your soul it tugging you back to where it is pledged, where it’s tethered. And when you die, your soul doesn’t go to heaven or hell, but you continue to serve the al ghuls as ghosts.
Bruce doesn’t count, bc Ra’s let him go; he respected the detective too much to enslave him (he pledged to so as to get trained by the league). Jason and Cass weren’t technically part of the league, since they never formally pledged.
And because of this, the Al ghuls have this weird relationship with the occult. They can actually sense/see all ghosts, but only control the ones who are pledged to them. similar thing with magic and the occult (they have magic in their blood). they have a 6th sense for it, like it almost leaves a residue that they can sense/see.
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fatedroses · 20 days
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When you're the emperor of an entire nation and undoubtably have countless very important things to do...
...but you instead drive over to your friend's estate deep in the mountains to surprise him, just to be a normal person for a little while.
(Aka he's hiding out so he can nap in the arboretum for a couple days.)
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 months
So, Ahti II, huh?
I've explained Ahti II's backstory a bit in the past, but there's not really... any general information on him. What he's like. So I'm talking about him now! First here’s this handy dandy information sheet I made of Ahti some time ago:
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(+ Art reference)
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King Ahti I (the First) formed the Kingdom of Osmeri about a millennium ago from the scattered groups of merfolk living in the Baltic Sea, and his descendants have been ruling ever since. Ahti II is the oldest child of the current queen (if barely, him and his sister are twins) and therefore he’ll be next on the throne. He’s been raised for that purpose pretty much his whole life: he’s knowledgeable in politics, history, literature and languages. Now he just has to learn what people really care about! Hence why his parents sent him and his sister off to the coast of Finland. They’re privately tutored as they navigate normal life and try to make friends.
Ahti II would indeed make for a pretty good ruler: he’s kind, he’s patient, his manners are impeccable, he’s very knowledgeable, and he wants to take absolutely everyone into consideration, although that last feature does make him more of a people pleaser… he would like everyone to be happy, but since that’s frankly impossible he takes it a bit hard and blames himself when compromises don’t satisfy everyone. Still, the role of a diplomat is a natural one for him and he slips into it very easily. He keeps his own interests and thoughts on the background and centers other people and the actually important topics first. Ahti II can handle crowds, even able to entertain and hold the attention of big ones, but prefers quieter environments and just a few people whose company to enjoy.
Ahti II’s big interests include literature and, by the heavens, FISH. He is ridiculously excited about fish! His interest was sparked by the domestic pikes his family raises and it never once has died down. He loves learning about fish and aquatic life from foreign waters and keenly eyes the fish that he can see while swimming. He’ll very enthusiastically explain everything he knows to anyone who’s willing to listen. Like stated above he’s also very enthusiastic about reading and stories, it’s how he often learned other languages as a child. He dabbles a bit in literary analysis and even writes himself, but he’s shyer about showing his poems to others. Along with writing, his other hobbies include collecting vintage animal illustrations, hiking in nature, and swimming, since now he can’t do it all the time. He likes to keep himself busy with activities!
Ahti II has a speaking quirk where he tend to exclusively use formal language, in every language he knows. In part this is because he often liked to read older books as a child, but also he just really likes speaking that way and he likes the sort of reputation it gives him. He wants people to see him as a polite and jolly person first and foremost, whom one can trust when there’s trouble. He never swears, often he exclaims “heavens” when things go badly (the “heavens” he talks about are not “the heaven” you might think of, “heaven/haven” is the common name of a species of giant sea turtle that according to legends sailors could trust to help them if their ship sunk). He might not drop the act even when he’s upset.
His favourite type of music is cheerful corporate pop music that most would find annoying. His favorite food overall is cheese and cucumber sandwiches, his favourite snack is sweet liquorice. His favourite animal is the northern pike, if you asked him what his favourite land animal is he’d say lion. His favourite flower is coltsfoot. His favourite smells are rain and saltwater.
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palskippah · 10 months
I've seen people draw Bowser's dad or talk about him in fics, but I wanna think Bowser only had a mom :y just for the fun of it asdkaslkd
It's under a keep reading bc it's a tad bit long, if you'll read it then prepare for nonsensical rambling :y btw it's silly too
Like, she was a very big royal koopa queen who he doesn't remember because she left when he was too baby still (kicked the bucket 🧍) and Kamek (and Kammy) had to take care and raise him since then. And maybe Kamek jut did the bare minimum for him to remember her and Kammy actually put more effort into it- but it's because her death hurt Kamek too much.
Also he and the queen were in a sort of situationship JDKDHD
Anyone would notice he stared at her a bit too fondly, and Kammy made sure to let her sibling know he was being a lovesick fool and everyone could tell. Even the queen. Especially the queen.
But alas, she was the highest rank of royalty and Kamek was her advisor, so it would raise suspicion if they had something, he worried about people thinking they were colluding or something (my paranoid magikoopa that missed the chance of his life-)
She's just like Bowser but maybe beefier and more regal and likes to use her crown and jewelry always. She has a huge lot of confidence and is very assertive.
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But they have a close relationship, and one day she's like: "Kamek, may I ask you something? Not from queen to advisor."
"From friend to friend? :>" he says smiling. But the queen shakes her head.
"No, from gorgeous koopa queen to lovesick fool-"
And anyway, that's how she asks him out.
So, the queen (who maybe is called Magma River or something volcanic-themed like that, she gets called Queen River?) got fed up on waiting for the silly advisor to take the lead, so she did. And then she died. So there's that. And Bowser was barely a year old.
Like imagine Queen River had Bowser the same way Bowser had Junior. Also she can't change her size at will, so when Bowser hatches she's like ??? bc royal koopalings are very small, but she's not sure she's even seen one, and by the size of his egg, she thought he'd be small, but not that small.
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The baby is named after the queen's father, mostly because she pretends to have no idea what name to choose, so River unsubtly leaves it up to Kamek (and that makes him very joyful, bc naming a child is very important, and she's trusting him on it, as if he were the father 🙏- Kammy teases the hell out of him after they're out of the queen's hearing range)
So, they're prince Bowser the second :] (then they become he or whatvers jaskdja when Bowser's older)
-Anywaysss, imagine that in Bowser's castle, where there is this stone sculpture of his head in the front, is actually queen River's face- Bowser just looks way too much like her, sans the purple scales and shell, so the sculpture is never taken down, just like, reused as Bowser's?
-When years pass and Bowser's a toddler and then a kid, Kamek spoils the hell out of him. He gets him one hundred toys, let's the koopaling order him around, and even at times Bowser get very disrespectful and hits him- at that times it's Kammy who has to put her foot down, bc Queen River wouldn't have let her kid talk to anyone the way Bowser did to the servants or Kamek. The queen was straight forward and respectful of the staff- so Kammy tries to right Bowser's behavior now that he's small- it doesn't work very well, bc he still has an awful temper, but at least he treats the workers at the castle decently.
-Maybe the queen dies in a tragic way or whatever, and it has something to do with another kingdom, so they have a war and the koopas win and they have another kingdom to rule or whatevs. Also (here's more rambling) what if the Darklands is like a Yugoslavia (or something??) and Queen River did a great job of ruling all the lands but then she died and it all went down bc the advisors and council don't know how to rule properly -and the queen didn't have more family apart from her baby-so the Darklands dissolves and becomes only the Koopa Kingdom, the Goomba Kingdom, the Bob-omb's and all that - (Then when Bowser takes the crown, he decides he wants to rule all the Darklands again and that's why he starts wars and wins them and whatnot-? He forces the Darklands together again :[)
-Bowser gets curious about the rest of the kingdoms too, so he arranges meetings to meet the other rulers. Particularly in the Mushroom Kingdom, there happens to be the young princess Peach who has recently taken the lead of the kingdom. And when Bowser sees her, she's very beautiful and nice and has the prettiest eyes he's ever seen, and he determines he'll set things right with all the other kingdoms to gain her favor, so she agrees to become his queen and wife.
>So he does, and the kingdoms have a truce and a good relationship, and Bowser and Peach are maybe something close to friends, but then he proposes, and she rejects him. And then from there it's all the kidnapping stuff bc Bowser's young and stupid and obsessed with her in an unhealthy way.
[This part has to do with my Bowuigi family au-] So, the name of the mom was Magma River, and when the koopalings suggest names for their soon-to-arrive baby sibling, Morton suggests 'Magma :]' and Luigi's like, 'ooh, that's a good one :D' and Bowser's like 'hey that was my mom's name :3' but Kamek's like :'U inside bc that's his love's name! And wouldn't it be amazing if one of Bowser's children had her name??
So, he's very very glad that Luigi finally says 'Magma it is!' all happy bc they have an official name for their baby now. And maybe when Magma's born and shifts to koopa form, she looks so much like the queen (actually she looks like Bowser- but let the magikoopa dream) and he's like :'V
I got off the rails 🧍 that's what I had to say shdjdh the queen enjoys being a mom all of one year and then she dies :'v
River always got all excited to talk anyone's ears off about her amazing little child and showing photos from a wallet that has like 12546 photos in it to anyone that talked to her-
Kammy and the queen were close friends too! It was the magikoopa that suggested Queen River better do something about her relationship with Kamek, bc her idiot sibling never would and all that.
Anyways, as usual, bless you if you read till here sjdksj
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onlydrawnbad · 10 months
Do you ever read 570,000+ word, 130+ chapter fanfics that were started nearly 8 years ago and have current year updates, and as you get to the end of certain chapters along the way, you keep going "wow, I would have hated to be here in 201x and have to wait for THAT cliffhanger, those poor readers, those sad, desperate historical souls" and you're just so glad for yourself because you know you don't have to stop until chapter 139, and you arrogantly assume that's probably just extended epilogues or something (because you were previously conditioned by another fic to believe that), so everything will be fine?
Only to get to chapter 139 and SCREAM OUT LOUD because you jinxed yourself right into THE NEWEST WAVE OF CLIMATIC PLOT CHAPTERS WHERE ALL THE SHIT IS GOING DOWN and now you, too, have become the reader you felt such pity for?
Wait, you don't?
THEN GO OVER THERE AND DO WHAT I DID SO I DON'T HAVE TO BE ALONE IN MY HUBRIS. It comes with art. So. Much. Wonderful. Comic. Art.
I would like to stress (as I have done before) that I have never played this game. Not once. I had never even heard of it originally. Yet this is now the second absolutely massive Sans x reader/OC fic I have read in this fandom. Everything I know about Undertale, I learned because one day on a whim I decided to read a 480,000+ word, 170+ chapter fanfic because I liked the way @tricktster used words on some tumblr post (don't ask me which one, I've forgotten). I have re-read that fic at least once a year, if not more, for multiple years in a row because it's like a favorite book to me now.
If anyone needs me, I'll be comfort-reading it, again.
And then probably going back and re-reading JoAT, because oh my god that fic. I'm just so in love with it for a million reasons.
(Yes, it took me this long to see there was another glorious treasure in plain sight under @capnhanbers despite following @mod2amaryllis and it's just really embarrassing to be confronted by that kind of obliviousness, okay? Can I blame it on how, multiple times now over the years, I've gone months and months without looking at this app unless it notified me of something specific?)
I swear, I have never read fic in any other fandom where it was this easy to immerse myself in it with nothing more than some light googling along the way (the first time with CoBC), and the googling was just because I'm me and I like to know all the things. In both cases, you don't have to come to the table with anything other than an interest in supernatural-elements stories (monsters, magic, etc) and a love for snappy dialogue and funny (dad) jokes and HEART-WRENCHING FEELS and watching the author having a life journey in the notes.
(And yes, sure, an open mind about a skeleton monster and a human having magical sex, but if you know you're in a rated fic about monsters and humans, you must know that's going to be a thing.)
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folkloreromancr · 2 years
sally rooney's "i would never pretend to not know you, connell" + taylor jenkins reid's "if you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you" + taylor swift's "i know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it"
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drawfee-quot3s · 3 months
um, actually ☝️🤓, they are Bred in a Pouch? on the hive master?
his "Brood" "Pouch"?
i don't know wh- i don't know why the hive master would have mamMALian featUres? ☝️🤓
alright brennan lee mulligan. getting mad at my snake with titties i drew that one time
- caldwell + jacob
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fxirytxlcfxtc · 9 months
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For @descended-from-fairytales - Bite Starring Angie Doppler NSFW
Angie tilts her head back for a minute, enjoying the sun, closing her eyes. The Felind's ears twitch slightly. Waylon was... doing something. The important part was, he was distracted with it. She's been looking for something stupid to do.
Jerking suddenly, she leans down and bites his arm, eyes flicking up to him and an adorable but evil grin kinda forms on her face.
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 5 months
Group Counseling for previous Dungeon Lords-
Mithrun and Thistle get caretakers and do fucking hobbies or smth
Laios gets a dietitian
And Marcille is just kinda there
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robottheodorlasso · 1 year
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Since I’m already dumping a bunch of sketches, here are a few more for the generic light fantasy au that lives inside my head rent free (aka my poor excuse to give Trent a sword) (read the captions and tags for a little more context)
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 4 months
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"This is not your— your fault..."
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"I told you, I'm Robin. The Robin that murdered you and became the fell dragon, Grima."
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"Promise me you'll escape from this place..."
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"Please, return to the Table! It's too dangerous!"
Not only did Chrom's dying wishes not come true, the exact opposite did. Robin blames themself for everything to the point of embracing it, and the site where their heart was shattered becomes their only shelter.
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musubiki · 4 months
i always ponder about to what degree limes family knows about magic and how much hes involved in it....like it is one of those things where he has to constantly make weird excuses for where hes been and where all these injuries are coming from? do they know and help cover for him when they need to?? it remains to be seen
because i think that the capitol guard uniforms are similar enough between the regiments that post-timeskip they know he joined the capitol guard, but dont necessarily know hes in the magic-specialized regiment, so its just one of those "How are things going over there?" "Oh you know. Catching criminals, protecting the general public, the usual." while he fights magic creatures on a daily basis
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