mamucatlife · 2 years
Do you like older music? What era do you like most? ❤️
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shownumetal · 1 year
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emeraldbabygirl · 10 days
Block B having a fucking reunion makes me so happy like I remember watching groups like Sechkies and big bang having the lil reunion moments and omg the nostalgia fans get especially after now seeing them for a long time I remember thinking ‘I can’t wait til the groups I listen to get to do this’ and then 9Muses happened and now block b and the emotions are insane. They all look so good and it feels like a privilege to see all 7 members cause a lot of groups don’t even get reunited and if they do it’s not every member so it’s a nice gift and seeing the fans and hearing the fan chants omg 🥹
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13elieve · 11 days
In honor of Sophie Baek, songs that i would love for Benophie to waltz to (the Korean edition):
1. The lucky ones by Super Junior
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2. Love wins all by IU
3. Let's go see the stars by Jukjae
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4. Couple by Sechkies
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5. Like water by Wendy
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ogcassiopeia · 1 year
Sure, b/t/s did pave the way...but only in one respect - - - western expansion.
That is their contribution in the "paving the way" discourse.
Otherwise, I wouldn't classify them as paving the way - they didn't build the original roads to international expansion, they didn't get the first ticks on the Oricon charts, or hold Chinese concerts. They weren't the first kpop group to win international music awards or visit European and S. American countries.
Therefore, you cannot say they were pioneers in that realm or that they oaved the way. Paving the way means you were the first...they were not. I am in no way trying to demean their successes, because they are immense, but saying they were the first is a falsehood. The fact that the group themselves also seem to believe this is insulting to the legendary kpop acts that came before them who ACTUALLY laid the foundation groups in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th gen stand on today.
BoA, TVXQ, BigBang, Super Junior, Shinhwa, HOT, Sechkies, SES, Lee Hyori, Girls Generation, Kara, Wonder Girls - - - kpop would not be what it is today without their influence and foundation. They may not have had top success in the US - but they still BUILT THE PATHWAY there. Before b/t/s was even in existence, BoA was hitting number one singles in Japan, TVXQ were holding massive concerts all over Asia and Japan, BigBang were attending award shows in Europe, etc. TVXQ was the main influence on Bang ShiHyuk to even try to put b/t/s together in the first place.
There, I'm done.
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Warrior's Descendants - Chapter 4/6
This is one of many archived fanfics featuring 1st and 2nd generation K-pop acts that I've come across recently. It's all in good fun, and maybe a bit cringeworthy! Just to clarify, I don't post fanfics, so I hope to the people that post and read K-pop fanfics makes sense. Credits go out to the original creator AuspiciousAutumn. *Note: Nothing in their post will change (unless necessary), other than being posted here, and the (Link) will be provided to the page that i found it on.
This work is suitable for Mature and has a WARNING of Graphic Depictions Of Violence, and draws inspiration from the fandoms of H.O.T.
The story is enriched with themes of Thriller, Abduction, Mystery and has Minor Character Death and Major Character Injury.
Ahn Chilhyun (Kangta), Moon Heejoon, An Seungho (Tony), Jang Woohyuk, Lee Jaewon (H.O.T.), Eun Jiwon, Kim Jaeduck, Jang Suwon, Lee Jaijin, Kwon Boa (BoA), Park Jungsoo (Leeteuk), Jung Yunho (DBSK)
H.O.T are so close to becoming an active group again, but not everyone is keen with them doing it on their own terms.
Chapter 4 - I-YAH!:
   The idol looked up when his name was called. The hospital's waiting room was eerily quiet at this time of night, so his friend's voice was rather jarring to hear. He saw Jiwon, Suwon, Jaijin, and their group's manager running towards him. H.O.T's leader got up, and collapsed into Sechkies's leader's outstretched arms.
   "I-I'm so sorry!" Heejun sobbed.
   Jiwon patted his back. "Hey, you did the best you could."
   It had happened in an instant. After he saw Tony go inside his building, he texted Jaeduk let him know, then he drove off. He almost made it onto the main road when he decided to turn back. Nothing felt off, he just wanted to make sure nobody was hanging around who shouldn't have been. However, when he was close to the Tony-Jaeduk residence, he saw something that would traumatize him for years: Jaeduk was being gunned down and Tony was being taken away in a car. He pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of the license plate, then got out and called for 911. He ran to Jaeduk and saw that he had been shot twice: once in the head and once in his chest. Heejun took off his jacket and pressed it to Jaeduk's head, as he answered the dispatcher's questions. He pressed other hand on the fallen idol's chest, as he waited for help to arrive.
    He didn't even notice that people were in the area at the time, until someone knelt down next to him and took out his handkerchief to press down on Jaeduk's chest. Another man dropped down helped him to apply pressure to Jaeduk's head. He looked up and saw more people on their phones, and while most of them were recording what was going on, some were also calling 119. Eventually emergency services and the media arrived, trying to get to Jaeduk and figure out what was going on. He was pulled away from the Sechskies member's unconscious body, while cameras and mics were thrust into his face. Heejun looked up at the people who gathered, eager to hear him speak, so they could spread his story for internet clout and ad clicks, or twist it for their own self-serving purpose. But after being an idol for so long, even though there were a lot of negatives to the media, they were also his best bet at getting help for his missing members. So, he stood up and got the crowd to follow him a bit of a distance away from the paramedics, so they could do their work in peace.
   "Tonight, Sechskies member, Jaeduk, and H.O.T member, Tony, were both attacked by what I believe to be part of larger plot. My group members Jaewon, Woohyuk, and now Tony are missing. Please help us."
   Cameras flashed and people shouted questions at him, but that didn't matter to him. He said what he needed to before something happened to him as well. People now know that something is seriously wrong.
   "Hey, did you hear that?"
   Heejun lifted his head to see Jiwon smiling. When had they sat down? When did the nurse get here and what did she just say? He was starting to worry about how he was having gaps in his memory. "Jaeduk's going to make it." H.O.T's leader broke down in tears. For the first time in hours, he finally had some good news.
    Jiwon patted his knee. "One shot was above his eye, and the other was above his heart. Thanks to your quick reaction, he didn't lose as much blood as he would have without you."
   Heejun looked down at his hands. "He wouldn't have been in that situation if I hadn't driven away in the first place."
   Jaijin kicked his foot. "Don't you dare start having a pity party. Nobody in Korea expects to get shot coming out of their apartment at around ten o'clock at night. People are still wandering around at that hour. Besides, you know damn well that Jaeduk would do anything for Tony."
   Heejun nodded and looked at his phone. The battery was low, but there were hundreds of texts and missed calls he would have to get through in the near future. Jiwon seemed to know what he was thinking, and pulled his phone out of his hand. "I'll handle this, you just close your eyes for a while, okay?" Heejun felt like he had just blinked, and suddenly the sun was rising. How long had he been out? He turned to see Suwon, Jaijin, and Jiwon on quietly discussing something.
    Before Heejun could open his mouth, a cop walked in with a doctor and nodded at them. "Hello, again." H.O.T's leader didn't recognize either man, but he still nodded at them. "Any good news?"
    The doctor decided to speak up first. "Well, Mr. Kim made it through surgery with no complications and is in the ICU. However, we don't expect that he will have any long-term problems. He got lucky. If the person who shot him decided to use higher-calibre bullets, he wouldn't have made it."
    Heejun and the remaining Sechskies members breathed sighs of relief.
    The cop then cleared his throat. "As for the culprits, we looked at CCTV and we were able to confirm your story. However, we weren't able to get the license plate number and we're still trying to find the men involved."
   H.O.T's leader scrambled to open his phone. "I took a picture of the plate." He handed it to the cop who took it and looked at the blurry picture, nodded and pulled out a card. "Send that picture to this email. It's very blurry, but I can kind of tell what the numbers are." Heejun felt hope fill his chest. They had a chance at getting JTL back.
   After the doctor and the cop left, Heejun turned to Jiwon. "Has anyone contacted Kangta yet?"
   The other leader nodded, "Yeah, he's freaking out, but he's fine. He's staying put at his house until he hears anything from you."
   Heejun nodded, and leaned back in his seat. He breathed out, trying to think of what to do next. He felt a tap on his knee, and looked over to see Jiwon motioning for him to follow. He trailed behind the man, as Jaijin and Suwon resumed speaking to each other while looking at their phones. The leader of Sechskies led him to a bathroom, and checked that they were alone.
   "Okay, be honest with me. How are you holding up?"
   Heejun sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Not good. I feel like I'm about to have a mental breakdown. Three of my friends are missing, one has been shot, and I feel like I'm on borrowed time. Not to mention, I haven't been home since yesterday morning, so my wife is probably freaking out seeing the news."
   Jiwon nodded. "Fair enough. How can we help, besides not leave your side?"
   Heejun thought for a moment, then looked up at his former rival. "If...well, when something happens to me, can you take care of my wife and my daughter until they're able to get on their feet?"
   The other man stared at him for a moment, then nodded. "Anything else?"
   The leader of H.O.T thought for a moment. "Yeah, when you find out whoever is doing this, give them hell for me, okay?"
   "Of course," Jiwon cracked a smile. "But what about you and Kangta?"
   Heejun shook his head. "I don't think there's anything you can do for us. We don't know why this is happening, we don't know who is behind this, we don't know where JTL is, and we don't even know what kind of physical condition our members are in."
   "You're just going to give up?" Jiwon scowled. "You're not going to try to go into hiding or confront them?"
   Heejun gave his friend a sad look. "I have three loves: my family, my music, and my members. I'm losing my members, and I'm terrified that my wife or my daughter will end up worse than Jaeduk if I don't separate myself from them."
   Jiwon nodded in understanding. He didn't like what he said, but couldn't disagree with it. He knew Heejun was just trying to make sure nobody else got hurt.
   "Now what?" That was the question. What could be done? Sure the police were involved now, and the general public was starting to be aware of their situation, but really, they just had to wait and keep checking on each other. Heejun pulled out his phone and dialed Kangta's number, but then a notification came up. Heejun opened the text.
Unknown Number: Come to Jamsil Stadium. Alone. No cops. Your cooperation will determine if anyone else will be harmed. You've got one hour.
   H.O.T's leader put his phone up to his ear, and listened to his remaining member's panicked voice. "I'll see you soon, take care of yourself." Then, he ended the call and looked up at Jiwon, who gave him a puzzled look. "What's going on?" Heejun put his phone away. "Looks like my number has been called." Jiwon opened his mouth to argue, so Heejun typed in his pass code and handed him his phone. The other idol read the message, then nodded to Heejun and gave him his phone back.
   Jiwon handed him his car keys. "So, I guess I'll see you on the other side?"
   Heejun the hospital quickly, and made it to the site of the old Olympic Park with ten minutes to spare. He didn't bother taking the keys with him, just his phone. Then he sprinted to the entrance, expecting whoever had texted him to have left the doors unlocked. To his surprise, they wouldn't open. His pocket buzzed, another text message.
   Unknown Number: Go to the back entrance. I just heard that Sechskies got into a serious car accident because you told Jiwon where you were going. How sad. You've got five minutes.
   Heejun huffed, as he was slightly out of breath. A part of him knew that Sechskies were going to stay the hospital with Jaeduk. But the other part of him was panicking and feeling guilty, because there was a very real possibility they had tried to return to their homes to get some rest. He looked at the time: 10:05. Before he put his phone in his pocket, he noticed that his phone only had 15% battery left.
   The winded idol ran around the stadium until he got to the back entrance where idols tended to arrive at. He checked the door there. It was also locked. Frustrated, Heejun took out his phone and look at the time. It was 10:09. He waited for another text, but it didn't come immediately. While he waited, he checked his messages. After having looked at them, he noticed that there wasn't any cell reception in the area. But he wasn't supposed to move, right? His battery was now down to 10%.
    Feeling desperate, Heejun looked around for a clue about what to do next. There was nothing written on the door, or on the walls. He looked down and saw a piece of paper taped to the ground. He quickly stooped down to pick it up and turned it over.
   It was blank.
   Heejun turned around, and saw the door behind him was opened a bit. He went in and held up his phone as a flashlight. As he looked for a light switch panel, he listened for the sound of anyone coming. He found a wall with light switches and tried to flip a couple, but none were working. He wandered around trying to open doors and turn on any lights he saw, but everything was locked and none of the lights would turn on.
   Suddenly, everything went dark. Heejun tried turning on his phone, but it was useless as his battery was dead.
   It was faint, but it sounded like a door was unlocked down the hall. Heejun put his hand on the wall and used it to guide him down the long, dark corridor. It didn't matter that he had been here before. In the complete dark, he couldn't find his way. He started running, scared of what could be hiding while he was unable to see. Eventually he slammed into something hard, and backed up, clutching his nose. He could feel that it was wet, and something was dripping down his face. Great, now he potentially had a broken nose on top of everything else.
    Heejun reached down to grab the door handle, and thrust it open. He stepped inside, but didn't hear anything. His footsteps echoed as he walked. He reached out to touch something, but in the darkness, he struggled to find anything in front of him. Then, he felt pain in his foot, as he had kicked something. He got stooped down with his hand outreached, and realized it was a stair.
   Out of the blue, he could hear music above him. It took him a second, but he recognized it as "The Promise of H.O.T". With his hands stretched out in front of him, he carefully climbed up the steps in front of him. When he got to (what seemed to be) the top, he stood up and reached his arms out as he walked. He tried to think of where he could be. He hoped he could find some way to get to the part of the stadium that was open to the sky, so that he could have some light.
   One step.
   Two steps.
   Three steps.
   Four steps.
   His foot didn't touch the ground.
   One second.
   Two seconds.
   Three seconds.
   Four seconds.
   The lights came on, but Heejun wasn't conscious to see it. In the darkness he had gotten turned around, and fell off the staircase he had just climbed up.
   A door opened and two men came out. One of them turned over the bloodied idol and fished around in his pockets. He pulled out Heejun's phone and saw that it wasn't on. He chuckled, "And here I had thought he was ignoring us." They both laughed and grabbed him by his legs, and pulled him through the door they had just come out of.
   Four down, one to go.
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dojae-huh · 1 month
What do you think?
The right answer: both markets are essential for survival.
Koreans move with trends, move to younger artists. SuJu members are known as tv-personalities by the new gens more than singers, for example. BoA is still a relatively young woman (37 y.o., while Shakira is 47 y.o. and Kylie is 56 y.o.) , but her fame is only that of a "founder", her role is a revered judge on shows. Look at her album sales in the past and now. If I'm not mistaken, knets complained she was included on GOT (too old). Kyuhyun, the best vocalist in k-pop, laments he can't fill in venues. He started his 2024 tour in Seoul in 1400 seats hall.
K-pop is not the most popular genre at home, and SK is not a very big country to begin with. Seoul doesn't have big venues to give concerts.
Artists need Japan (first and foremost) and other Asian countries to last. TVXQ basically tour only Japan these years.
GOT7 is popular in Thailand, SuJu in SEA and Middle East countries. GDragon is very popular in China and other countries.
Not to forget, when there is a scandal, celebreties can get jobs abroad for a couple of years and then comeback home (ads, tours, tv-series).
Korean fans are needed because they do make the core fanbase, that buys albums and merch, streams, etc. For example, Sechkies were brought back by their fans after a hiatus of 16 years. And some singers can become loved by the general public (like Taeyeon). In addition, idols can have non-k-pop jobs back at home to support their solo and group careers (tv-hosting, acting, musicals). SF9 survives this way. The members earn on the side.
The West helped some groups as well. Ateez, BTS, Dreamcatcher. Sometimes a group becomes popular abroad first, and then gains attention back at home as well.
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asmirizkika · 9 months
Hal-Hal atau Aktivitas yang Buat Aku Senang
Bingung juga sebenernya kalau disuruh sebutin hal yang bikin aku seneng atau bahagia. Bingungnya bukan karena gak ada tapi karena banyak banget hahaha. Mungkin tiga yang paling-paling kali, ya.
1. Makan makanan yang dipengen
Aku tuh suka banget makan terutama makan-makanan micin gitu, ya. Selain itu, aku juga suka makan dessert. Tapi, kondisi badan yang udah makin gendut sama uang yang gak banyak jadi bikin aku gak bisa bebas makan. Makanya pilihan pertama jatuh ke makan makanan yang dipengen. Makanan penyaman atau comfort food aku itu ayam geprek bebas. Enak banget dan gak pelit porsinya. Terus murah juga hahaha.
2. Berhasil menjalani hari sesuai yang dijalanin
Aku termasuk yang suka bikin daftar hal yang harus dikerjain tiap harinya. Gak jarang juga gak dibikin daftarnya. Tapi pas aku buat dan di akhir hari semua poin-poinnya terlaksana tuh seneng banget. Merasa bangga sama diri sendiri bisa menyelesaikan apa yang udah diniatin. Sering juga gak terlaksana semua dan kalau kaya gitu biasanya agak bete, sih. Berujung nanti jadinya nyalahin diri sendiri padahal mah jangan terlalu kaku juga, ya.
3. Jalan-jalan sekeluarga
Sebagaimana yang udah ditulis di tulisan sebelumnya, keluarga aku bukan termasuk keluarga yang kaya. Bisa dipilang pas-pas-an. Jadi, kita tuh jarang banget jalan-jalan sekeluarga. Mungkin terakhir tuh pas aku masih SD/SMP kali, ya. Sekarang jalan-jalan sekeluarga tuh ya paling makan bareng aja keluar dan itu pun bisa diitung jari. Jadi, aku seneng banget kalau bisa jalan-jalan sekeluarga mau deket ataupun jauh.
4. Fangirling
Bingung juga bahasa Indonesia fangirling apa. Jadi, aku selalu seneng setiap fangirling-an. Tapi fangirling aku tuh gak seheboh dulu waktu aku SD-SMP hahaha. Sekarang lebih sering liatin konten-kontennya di Twitter/Instagram/Youtube/Weverse. Idol yang aku suka tuh ada BIGBANG, IU, AKMU, Sechkies, Treasure, sama Seventeen. Buat Seventeen aku baru-baru ini aja sukanya. Sisanya udah dari lama. Selain mereka, aku juga suka sama Epik High, Be'O. Aku tuh YG stan tapi gak yang ngikutin banget. Lebih ke suka lagu-lagunya aja. Selain korea, aku juga ngikutin badminton dan suka main badmintonnya juga. Mulai tahun kemarin, suka ngikutin voli juga dan jatuh hatinya sama tim ryujin alias tim jepang. Kalau ada masalah di salah satu "sektor" yang aku suka, masih ada "sektor" lain yang bisa di-fangirling-in hahaha.
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zhaozi · 3 years
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arudaum:  VOTE! For your BOY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8😜
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sailorpotatoboo · 3 years
Like, I still remember when Be Well came and I kept replaying Jiwon’s rap
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Like you know...this is sexy af ✨ especially at first I only know him from variety shows 😂
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shinee525subs · 4 years
SHINee on Barefoot friends
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waitingforminjae · 4 years
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that's a gemini ur honor 💀
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shownumetal · 1 year
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
When I move has been stuck in my head like it deserves I love that song so much y’all remember when I said Tomboy was the song of the year back when it came out and then I said Nazababara was the song of the year? I’m sorry but When I Move is clearly song of the year. Not that the others weren’t good and don’t get me wrong I fucking love Rolling Quartz so much they are my favs this generation but y’all how can I not get excited over 2nd gen. These 2nd gen girl groups all coming back this year to perform on stage whether it’s a new song or a medley of old songs or whatever it’s everything. We got, I specifically got blessed by not only 9Muses, Tara, Girls Generation, 2NE1, Afterschool and Kara but I also got Teen Top, 2PM, U-Kiss and Big Bang which, although aren’t girl groups it was iconic nonetheless. And these are all groups that I got into first after Shinee and Exo so seeing these idols again after so long showing the younger gen that they still got it is such a moment for me. It makes me happy to see it.
I remember when H.O.T came back to perform on running man and the fans were so excited and feeling every emotion and I thought it was so wholesome seeing a group you grew up with again after so long and there was even others who were excited for when Big Bang could do something like this and then IT HAPPENED. And then like we even get bands like Ftisland and cnblue to come back which is great but idk if they’re 2nd gen but still! It’s so cool to see and Sunye came back which is awesome and there’s even soloists like Hatfelt, Sunmi and Yubin that are still going which is so cool and Rain came back which that was fun even tho he’s like what 1st gen and Boa is still in the game. I just love seeing it and I love when the younger generation of idols get to perform songs by these groups. I would love to see Fx comeback tho an DBSK that would def complete my list of older generations. Wonder if CSJH would be willing to comeback like S.E.S and Sechkies did ugh I would love that tho.
OH WHAT WOULD BE AMAZING TO SEE IF ALL THE GROUPS I JUST MENTIONED DID LIL COVERS OF WHEN I MOVE GEEZ OMG LIKE KARA AND GIRLS GENERATION DOING COVERS OF EACH OTHERS REUNION SONGS UGH THAT WOULD BE PERFECT. This is why I love the whole idols doing each other’s songs on tiktok trend. Idk how it started but I love it so much cause not only do they get to interact with so many artist but they look like they’re really enjoying it and it gives lesser known groups a chance to interact and capture the interest of people who are watching the collabs like for example Alexa and Nature. And it’s like the whole industry is doing it, the younger generation, the older generation, soloists, khiphop artists, and they all dance to each other’s songs and god I am in love with this trend idk whoever invented it thank you cause it’s my favorite thing ever. And it looks like we’re slowly getting collab stages at award shows and music shows in general back which is fantastic. Seeing the current generation of idols getting together and mixing around and dancing to any song even the older ones that’s so cool. It’s my favorite thing. If I was an idol it would be a dream cause it would get to dance with all of my favs lol. And it’s cute when the now idols are fans of older groups and then they get to dance with them like Sunmi and Dreamcatcher it’s everything. It just opens up this whole new fun activity for idols to do I can’t get enough of it. And I love love when groups get studio choomed and they get to go on it’s live and do relay dances it’s another favorite thing of mine.
Anywee When I Move slaps, I love love love the song so much, beyond love the song it makes me want to dance ugh I love Kara I’m so happy they got to come back and I hope I can find more idols dancing to it. So far I’ve only found Mirae and I adore them for all the Kara dances they’ve done. OH I WOULD SIMPLY DIE IF ROLLING QUARTZ DID A COVER OF WHEN I MOVE AHHHH THATS ANOTHER THING BANDS NEED TO COVER MORE SONGS. Like Rolling Quartz and N.Flying and Xdinary Heroes is doing a few now and then but boy would I love more. I just want more covers and more idols dancing to each other’s songs it’s one of the only good and wholesome moments in the industry. Ok I’m sorry for the rant I think I’m done now.
WAIT WAIT OK CRAXY, ALICE (Elris), ROLLING QUARTZ, SKYLE, MIRAE, AND T.A.N ALL HAVE MVS AT THE PARADISE DINER which I think is relatively new but I first saw it in the Nazababara mv and I think it’s super cute like it’s a cute location and I think it’s a real business like I don’t think it’s like just a set or a pop up diner but it’s super cool and honestly total cute date/hangout spot tho and all these groups use the location differently kinda but I love to see it. I even gave the diner a stupid nickname; Paradise Diner Sunbaenim 😔😤💅
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thepsykoshipper · 4 years
Psyko’s Top 10 Kpop Songs Released in 2020
This is based on what I listened to the most this year and is excluding any songs sung in any language other than Korean (ex. English or Chinese)
10. More & More by TWICE
This song was coming off the coattails of TWICE’s smash success “Feel Special” and all nine girls were finally back together. It was such a concept shift, that I found myself really enjoying it and listening to it “more and more”
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9. Elevator (127F) - NCT 127
What really drew me to this song was the mini music video that SM put out for it. It was so cute, that I found myself really enjoying the rythmic beat. Johnny’s little dance is also everything.
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8. Dr. Bebe by Pentagon
Pentagon can do no wrong. People doubted they would be able to bounce back from the loss of one of their members, but they proved us all wrong last year with “SHA LA LA.” This year they came guns blazing with a new dark concept and incredible vocals. These guys deserved their first win this year.
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7. Red Moon by KARD
Dumb Litty and Bomb Bomb are my two favorite KARD songs, and the group kept the momentum going with Red Moon. It’s still hard to believe this group hasn’t had their first win yet.
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6. Answer by ATEEZ
I honestly was shocked I listened to this song as much as I did. ATEEZ has always flown under the radar for me in that I think most of their songs sound similar. But Answer is different. The powerful vocals are what drew me in and kept me listening as much as I did.
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5. All For You by Sechkies
I’m going to show a little love for my older boys. Sechkies released this beautiful ballad this year in stark contrast with their edgy image of their past, and I found it beautiful.
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I honestly can’t believe I had my doubts about ITZY. They continue to put out fantastic song after fantastic song, each one better than the last. With WANNABE, they have made their home in groups I stan
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3. Maria by Hwa Sa
I’ve really enjoyed Hwa Sa (of Mamamoo)’s solo endevours. She has the unique voice to be a soloist and I’ve loved her for it. I adored Maria because of how effortlessly it fit her voice and how fun it was to sing along to (even for a dumb American like me).
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2. Afraid by Day6
I think this is one of the only songs on this list (besides NCT) that was not a title track. This song hit me out of nowhere on my first listen to Day6’s album “The Book of Us: The Demon”. The part that kept me coming back was a riff from Sungjin in the bridge that was just some beautiful vocalization. Please go give it a listen.
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1. BOUNCY by Rocket Punch
Rocket Punch has never been on my radar. I gave this song a half-hearted listen when I was trying to find new groups for my Kpop radio show. What I heard was one of the most fun, upbeat, and dance worthy songs of the year. I have this song on constantly, and in a year where we got some great ballads, it was nice to listen to something upbeat.
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mayfifolle · 4 years
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