#second exam down... one more to go and i gotta wait till THURSDAY ARGH
that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
Since we all agree legacy is a moth running cat software then he'd probably get zoomies!!!! Like imagine coming home at 3 am because of a work dinner or something and legacy is just sososo happy you're back that he starts running around the house like crazy because he's so excited:(((
oh my moon and stars this is absolutely adorable thank you so much anon
just imagine you get home in the wee hours of the morning, exhausted and wanting to just fall over, which you almost do when you sit to take off your shoes. then suddenly you hear a delighted trill from upstairs, Foul Legacy darting out of his room and down the stairs to scoop you into a tight hug, nuzzling his face into your neck with a chitter before setting you gently down. you smile tiredly, sitting down to watch him sprint around the house, trying to get all that energy out- your hardwood floors are ruined forever from his claws, the skittering making deep gouges, but you don't really mind. eventually Legacy slows to a stop beside you, breathing heavily and shaking out his fur until it's a fluffy cloud, leaning his head against your legs
now you're both exhausted, but leaning against your front door is no way to fall asleep, so with much grumbling you both drag yourselves up into your room and promptly collapse onto your bed with a collective groan. Legacy wearily curls himself around you, resting his head against your chest with a tired rumble as you settle in for sleep. you yawn, then he yawns, and you yawn again, a never-ending cycle until Legacy buries his face into your collarbone and lulls you into a peaceful sleep. he'll insist that you stay home the next day, sleeping late into the morning with him to make up for staying up so late, and when you accept you can see his wings flutter with utter joy <33
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