#secret: this is an au after all because no one is dead. avdol also is alive and hanging out with jolyne for this one.
rosenmarille · 4 years
so whats the context on One Day
whats it called when you have headcanons and make content that isnt exactly an au because it doesnt technically contradict anything from canon? that. this is after part 5 and way before part 6, so essentially, it might as well be canon you know
so basically. after part 5 ends, polnareff and giorno exchange notes and figure out the whole dio thing, which gets giorno in contact with the swf and the Greater Joestar Family Tree, which is a daunting concept for him. trish picks up on it and they have several discussions about the nature of having evil super powered dads you didnt know your entire life and whats it like having to live with that legacy. (because while giorno hasnt met dio, the way polnareff talks about him, and the way jotaro sounded on the phone the one and only time they talked so far, hes not really sure what to feel about it).
they bond, and after spending some time together and finding some common interests, they decide “hey, what if we dated?” (they are 15. they have common trauma. they have feelings for each other that they cant put into words. what could go wrong. yeah.) --> skip about a month ahead and they both know this isnt working. trish eventually breaks it up, because giorno is too emotionally distant and cant express his feelings any further than small talk, which she says isnt a problem, but its not what she wants out of a relationship. giorno is fine with it. they stay friends....
....which turns out to be a big improvement on their relationship, and takes away much of the pressure of expectation. they spend more time together, and actually have a good time with it. during this time, the joestars have invited giorno to a family get together, the first time any of them would meet him. he accepts, mostly because he wants to keep a friendly relationship to jotaro and the swf, but also because he loathes to consider anyone thinking him a coward for turning it down. but, because he IS the only “new guy”, hes welcome to bring a +1 if he wants, and trish is the first to offer to go with him. (because she knows how uneasy he is about this, and because she relates to weird feelings re: evil dads and their legacies)
the family meetup is in japan, at hollys place, and attending are: joseph (very old), holly (excited to meet a new joestar), jotaro (suspicious, purposefully didnt bring jolyne bc he does not trust like that), josuke (not thrilled about a whole weekend with his dad, but interested in a new jojo). because jotaro is paranoid, suzie q also wont be there, since she doesnt have a stand and couldnt protect herself. (holly has a stand. i honestly forgot what we called it.) giorno and trish are also there.
the weekend comes! day one is about as awkward as youd expect. trish and giornos english is Passable, josukes is terrible, giornos japanese is rusty, only joseph and holly speak italian, its a bit of a mess. i think we said josuke bribed rohan into giving him italian skills? he and holly kind of save the mood, and the two actually have someone their ages to talk to. josuke is just great in general, i love my boy. anyway, jotaro (also traumatized), is not pulling his weight in making giorno feel welcome, and giorno responds with equal coldness. frosty atmosphere were having this summer, haha, joseph says to lighten the mood, which drops further.
later that night, trish and giorno are up and talking about the Day they just had, and after some silent stewing, giorno remembers what trish had said about expressing his feelings, and he actually ends up ranting a little about how unfair jotaro is to him, he didnt even know dio, evil isnt inherited? how about he minds his own business and comes back when he can judge giorno on his personal failings rather than the ones from someone who died over 10 years ago. trish gives him enthusiastic thumbs ups of encouragement.
of course, jotaro walks right past this, and while he doesnt Speak italian, he knows a few basic things, and can tell giorno is upset. he finds holly in the kitchen, and asks her to translate some words he didnt understand, and hollys like “okay spying on my guests, i see?”, but she gets the general gist of it, and gives joot some advice on letting others feel the brunt of his bad experiences, which he maybe probably will take to heart. the next day, he not-apologizes to giorno, and the rest of the weekend passes rather well.
oh fuck i totally veered off course. anyway, that, plus an additional time where giorno helped trish deal with loss of her mum with some thoughtful and tangible help (involving a visit to her grave, and also pooling resources to recover some of the pictures that la squadra stole/destroyed in their ransacking of the una household), plus like. Time. to let anything develop, have the two reconsider their relationship, and they end up giving it another shot. without the pressure of performative bs, they settle for a p platonic qpr, and theyre both happy with it :)
also fugo is there, thats another post, hashtag fugiotrishagenda
@strawberrygiorno​ and i have an entire separate timeline from part 1 onwards that kinda rocks, including a whole part 3.5 for holly, and this is a relatively small but v important part of it
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we-love-imagines · 4 years
Little Secret
Valentine’s Event: Happy Valentine’s Day!
Prompt: Kakyoin + Tattoos
Ao3 Link
Author’s Note: Hey guys! Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’ve enjoyed my little fic collection over this past week, it was so much fun to write! I’d like to thank @magthemage for beta reading all these stories! Go read her stuff, she’s awesome!
This story in particular is an everyone lives! au, where you are a former Stardust Crusader, and you, Kakyoin, and Jotaro are all college students who enroll in an American University and share an apartment. Also, while the reader is gender-neutral, I did say they were smaller than the rest of the crusaders... sorry if you’re a beefcake! There’s also the tiniest bit of suggestiveness, but no actual nsfw. Everyone in this fic is aged up to be over 21, and please drink responsibly! Enjoy!
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“Kakyoin!” You exclaimed, wrapping your arm around your sober friend’s shoulder, “C’mon, it’ll be so cool!”
“Yeah, we can all get ‘em in the same spot too! It’ll be so rad! C’mon, even Jotaro is down!” Polnareff slurred from the other side of the table, motioning to Jotaro who only gave a solemn thumbs up.
“We are not getting matching tattoos,” Kakyoin deadpanned, getting tired of all his companion’s drunk antics. It’s funny- after defeating Dio, he thought all his troubles were over. But, because the injuries he got in Egypt rendered him unable to drink, he was forever doomed to be the designated driver.
Unluckily for him, this was a rowdy group to handle.
“Kakyoin,” Mr.Joestar placed a hand on his shoulder, brushing you off of him, “We’ll even let you pick. It’s not as cool if we don’t all get one.”
“You’re all wasted,” he chuckled, looking at how all of his friends swayed, red in the face, letting the conversation wander aimlessly after way too many shots. After you all defeated Dio, you made it a tradition to meet up and celebrate the bastard’s death by getting as plastered as possible. While you still saw the others fairly regularly, seeing as you, Jotaro, and Kakyoin became roommates after high school, it was nice to have the others fly in to see everyone again.
Kakyoin watched as Jotaro and Avdol sat in silence, the former’s signature cap pulled over his eyes. They were subdued drunks, getting all quiet when under the influence. Kakyoin noticed how Avdol would turn a tad introspective after a few shots, abruptly bringing up thought-provoking questions like “Do Stands Dream?” or “Where do the clouds go after they roll by?” Jotaro, on the other hand, tended to mellow out. His short fuse stretched out a bit when he was drunk, and for once, he could take a joke.
Polnareff and Joseph, on the other hand, embodied pure chaos. Joseph would always try to instigate things: karaoke, bar fights, getting matching tattoos, and Polnareff would sing his praises and go along with all of his crazy schemes. Somehow, the Frenchman would get even louder, barking for the bartender to bring him more shots so he could out-drink everyone in the building.
Then, there was you. While you could certainly hold your booze better than others of your stature, you were no match for the hulking giants that were your fellow crusaders. So, while you kept pace with them while you were drinking, you would get shit-faced before they were feeling the slightest bit buzzed. While you were usually pretty fun and adventurous, the alcohol in your system turned that up to eleven, making you down for anything and everything.
“Wouldn’t it be so cool to get something together?” You grinned to Kakyoin, eyes wide with excitement, “To show how close we are after everything that happened, Jotaro?”
“You’re talking to Kakyoin, (Y/n),” he sighed, calling the bartender over for the bill. You had all had more than enough for the night.
“Then why are you wearing that funny hat, hm?” You said, flicking Kakyoin’s pronounced bang with a giggle. You were trashed. Kakyoin thought about your impending wrath tomorrow, and having to deal with a hangover for the ages.
“What would we get for a tattoo? Dio’s name?” Polnareff asked the group, sitting back in the booth seat. Jotaro, with surprisingly little bite in his voice, grumbled and shook his head.
“I’m not getting that asshole’s name anywhere on my body.”
“Y’know that picture we took? When we first got to Egypt?” Joseph spoke up, “We could all get that across our backs!”
“That’s way too complex!” Polnareff protested with a smile. You got everyone’s attention when you slapped your hands down on the table with a thundering ‘boom.’
“Guys,” you beamed, pure excitement in your voice, “Iggy. Tramp. Stamps.”
The table fell silent as everybody stared at you blankly. For a moment, Kakyoin thought everyone would laugh at your silly idea. That was the tackiest tattoo anyone has ever thought up!
Polnareff, with a look as serious as death, gave a resounding “Hell yeah!”
After that, all hell broke loose, as even the more subdued members of the group went along with the idea. It was agreed that Iggy, who Polnareff took in after everything went down, would get a collar with his own face on it in solidarity. Despite the risqué location, everyone seemed pumped to get matching tramp stamps of the world’s grumpiest Boston Terrier. Even Jotaro was nodding along as the more vocal members rambled on and on.
“Okay, it’s time to go,” Kakyoin shouted over the group, causing the uproar to die down for a moment, “I’m driving, let’s get in the car.”
“Oh my gosh, he’s doing it,” you cheered, wrapping Kakyoin in a tight, powerful hug, “Kakyoin’s gonna drive us to the tattoo parlor!”
The others broke out in celebration, high-fiving each other as they readied themselves to get all inked-up. The bartender gave Kakyoin a sorry look as he herded everyone into his car, having to walk you there the whole way as you stumbled through the parking lot.
It seemed that everyone felt dizzy as they stood up from their seats, and while Polnareff and Joseph were still a little talkative, the car’s atmosphere was a lot more relaxed than the bar’s. Kakyoin had done this drive a few times before, having to calm down his former travel companions after a hearty night of drinking, so he had it down to a science. Putting a CD labeled “Joseph had a Crazy Idea -Mix” into the player, Kakyoin drove around the block a few times, waiting patiently for the conversation to die down.
Soon enough, the car fell silent as everyone stooped into a drunken haze, bodies limp in their seats as they nearly dozed off to sleep. However, you were buckled into the passenger’s seat, lightly snoring as you drifted into dreamland. Just as expected.
As Kakyoin slowly dropped off the various men at their hotels, who had forgotten about their planned misadventure in their intoxicated stupor, he found himself smiling at your sleeping form as you wormed around in your seat. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t have feelings for you- he knew he did all the way back when you two were teenagers, when you saved him from certain death at Dio’s hand- and seeing you like this always warmed his heart. You were a battle-hardened badass like the rest of them, having seen Dio’s horrors at an age that was simply too young for comfort; but here you were, sleeping peacefully with the giddiest look on your face imaginable.
Sometimes, being your roommate was hard. He knew you were so close, that he could just walk over to your room and confess his ever-growing feelings for you whenever he wanted, that one day he could share a bed with this sleeping angel right next to him. It was on days like this that he realized why he liked you so much: you were kind, cute, and a lot more fun then he was.
Pulling up to your apartment, Jotaro slowly made his way out of the backseat, not even giving Kakyoin a passing glance as he went into the apartment. Leaving Kakyoin to deal with your passed out form, the red-head sighed, unbuckling your seatbelt as he pulled your from the car. He carried you up a flight of stairs, careful not to let you stir, using Hierophant to open the apartment’s door.
Jotaro looked dead, passed out face-down on the couch. Kakyoin rolled his eyes as Hierophant pulled a blanket over his friend- he’d be a pleasure to deal with in the morning. 
“Jotaro,” you giggled out, taking Kakyoin by surprise as you lightly flicked his bang around, “Are we at the tattoo parlor yet?”
Kakyoin quickly tried to shush you, rushing into your room so as to not wake your more aggressive roommate, “No, (Y/n), I’m Kakyoin.”
“Jotaro,” you repeated, much to Kakyoin’s sober displeasure, “Do you think Kakyoin is gonna get the tattoo?”
“I don’t think so, you should try and get some rest,” he whispered to you, setting you down on your bed. He helped you take off your shoes, and despite being in full dress, you make yourself cozy under the covers.
“That’s too bad,” you sighed dramatically, looking up at him through blurry vision, “I was hoping I could see his ass while he got his tattoo. You know how much I like his butt!”
Taken back by your comment, Kakyoin couldn’t stop the hearty laugh that slipped through his lips. He knew he shouldn’t press this topic further, but he was so amused he couldn’t help himself.
“You like Kakyoin’s ass, huh?”
“Duh!” you laughed along with the man, despite not knowing what ‘Jotaro’ found so funny, “Have you seen him in that one pair of skinny jeans he owns? Hot Damn!”
Kakyoin started laughing even harder, wishing he could record this conversation and show it to you later. You’d probably kill him, but this was a nice treat after a long night of dealing with a hollering group of drunken idiots. However, he couldn’t help but feel all warm and fuzzy at your words- did you really find him attractive? It felt really nice to be thought of that way, especially by you.
“I think that ass is made of pure boyfriend material, if you ask me,” you snorted, taking Kakyoin completely by surprise, “Jojo, I know you tell me to just man-up and ask him out, but I don’t wanna scare him away. If he doesn’t like me anymore, he won’t take me to get tattoos!”
Kakyoin froze, trying to process everything he just heard. While cheesy, he never wanted to forget that ‘boyfriend material’ line, or the way your voice softened while you spoke about him. He was in awe of the fact that you had feelings for him- feelings so strong that they had to be confided in Jotaro- and how you feared that he wouldn’t be interested. The red-head was puzzled by your doubts. How could someone as wonderful as you ever not be enough? How could you ever think he didn’t return your feelings? Sometimes, he felt like his feelings were obvious- but, here he was, standing before you as you wearily blinked up at him, eyelids becoming heavy.
“Shhhhh, don’t tell him!” You yawned, weakly dragging your finger over his lips, “Wake me when we get to the tattoo parlor...”
Kakyoin watched your head clunk down onto the pillow, and you were out like a light. After tucking you in, he left the room feeling a little guilty; that was obviously a secret you didn’t want him to hear. However, at the same time, he was over the moon. The person he had admired for years was suddenly in his grasp, finally attainable after years and years of silent pining. 
Before he went to bed, Kakyoin made a point to pull his skinny jeans from his closet, laying them out on top of his dresser. He’d be needing them for tomorrow- he wanted his ass to look good while he asked you out, is all.
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