willowcrowned · 2 months
Hi! I saw this on Pinterest and desperately wanted to know the context but the two hours I have spent: fighting the search function; trying to find any posts with the tags in the picture by typing urls into my web browser; and finally going through ALL your masterposts; have uncovered nothing.
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Help me dear Willow; you are my only hope.
Also I’ve now followed the coconut Anakin tag bc that was both hilarious and painful so if the above post doesn’t ring any bells or if there’s no real context I’d love to hear how Anakin is going to deal with out-of-his-gourd Obi-wan and his *gasp* open affection
I'm 90% sure that this is the post you're looking for. (I'm chucking the url underneath the cut in case the link breaks.)
sorry you couldn't find it in my masterpost and spent all that time searching! I remember thinking at the time that it didn't actually count as an au and just didn't add it. I guess I can't be surprised it got lost amongst all the other posts.
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ashleybenlove · 3 months
Okay so I’ve been struck with an idea I really want to share and you seemed like the type of person who might like it? It’s kind of a ramble so I’m sorry if this is bothersome
You personally really opened my mind to HTTYD polyships (love your OT6 works) and in the idealized universe in my head (everyone has one of those right? 😂) I’ve been constructing a polycule and just a few days ago while thinking really hard about this fic based on all those with Hiccup raised by dragons but with Dagur instead; rolling it around and exploring the idea of how that Dagur might interact with the other characters when I was hit by a sudden brainwave. What if he became smitten with Toothless? Like if he was raised by dragons it would make sense that he would be attracted to dragons first and foremost however his relationship with Hiccup might develop. And then it was only a small jump to apply this to a more canon-adjacent universe; where after some time in a relationship with Hiccup (who is separately dating Toothless amongst others) Dagur would sometimes hang out with Toothless separately maybe if Hiccup was doing something neither felt the need to tag along for(he is the only person other than Hiccup to call him by a nickname, T, after his redemption but that might just be a Dagur thing he calls a lot of people by nicknames but something about him calling Toothless T just struck me as awfully friendly of him). And as they spend time just hanging out maybe they both become fonder of eachother than they were expecting. And then they date too.
And this also like connects Toothless in the polycule more if that makes sense? Like if he was only dating Hiccup and was just committed to his Soulmate for the rest of his life that’s one thing but after THW (which of course has to have it’s bones picked for good parts that are few and far between) he also has the Lightfury who I guess he could just be seeing for family-rearing purposes if that’s a direction he wanted to take his life in but couldn’t before. But it does show him committing to a romantic relationship outside of Hiccup so the fact that he wasn’t dating anyone else almost seemed weird like he never had romantic feelings for anyone but his rider? No one was interested in him? IDK I guess it just seemed interesting to me to explore Toothless in a relationship with someone who wasn’t his soulmate or the drakina he had kids with
And I’m imagining after Toothless realizes he has feelings esp requited he decides to court in a human manner bc I headcanon Toothcup just kind of falling together easily. Like they have a conversation about love and romance, probably after GOTNF, actually now I’m trying to outline a separate fic at you I’m sorry but just know that I’m my head they skip straight from besties to almost literally married (as in, literally but in the dragons culture) in like, one conversation. So Toothless has never courted before so he does things like grabbing a mouthful of flowers ect. ect. And Dagur I’d like ‘Oh gods why is this happening again. I was terrible to him, I hunted him, WHY DO I NOW HAVE A CRUSH WHY DO I KEEP MAKING TERRIBLE IMPRESSIONS ON PEOPLE I WANT TO LIKE ME’ and is genuinely baffled but delighted that Toothless reciprocates. I’ve only been turning this over for a day or two so I’m not sure how he acts in the relationship but I’m so invested in the two of them slowly building up a relationship outside of their shared feeling for Hiccup. Like I’ve always liked them being genuine friends but this just hit me out of nowhere and I really wanted to share it.
And I guess I chose you because when I thought of the intersection of Dagcup, Toothcup, and general HTTYD polycule madness I thought of you. I love your work in this fandom and I love the way you build encompassing relationships between so many disparate people. I’d love to hear what you think about this little ship idea
Please accept this picture of my HTTYD studies cuddling as payment for reading my excessive ramble
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Aww, thank you!!! That's very nice of you to say!!! 🥰
(Very cute picture!!!)
I like your idea! Dagur being raised by dragons (technically, a feral child) definitely works considering how feral he generally is.
As for Dagur and Toothless, I always point repeatedly at the fact that the number one thing that gave Hiccup pause, that made Hiccup want to trust Dagur is that Toothless let Dagur (who had previously been pretty hostile to him) ride him to save Hiccup. Toothless is a good judge of character. (He let Hiccup live, after all.)
And yeah, Hiccup and Toothless being practically married by the end of GOTNF is good. I mean, one could easily be like "oh the forehead touch in HTTYD2 is when they got married." Sure, but also: Hiccup and Toothless have been married for like, years by that point. That's like, them renewing their vows.
Also love this: "IDK I guess it just seemed interesting to me to explore Toothless in a relationship with someone who wasn’t his soulmate or the drakina he had kids with". Because like, yeah, that's the whole point of fanworks. Let's play in the sandbox a different way!!! Let Toothless have a separate relationship with Dagur (whether it's casual or serious!).
Anyways! Great stuff!!! I hope you have lots of fun with it!!!
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Ooh a tag game! *vibrates* I was tagged by @phoenixkaptain to answer these and then tag some people I would love to get to know better ...
1) Three ships: Hmm. Benoit Blanc/Hugh Grant('s Philip); Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade; and whatever is going on between Vader and Obi-Wan, I don't know, but it's funny in a train wreck kinda way. ... and that means my star wars phase has overtaken me completely, once again.
2) What was your first ship?
I'm not sure if canon things count, and I don't remember it clearly ... but it would have been either of these three: Hiccup/Astrid in How to train your Dragon; Eragon/Arya in Eragon; or some m/m ship from Haikyuu!!. The common denominator being: I had a crush on all of those people, respectively.
3) Last song listened to: *checks* It's La Cintura by Alvaro Soler, because it's a bop and stuck in my head whenever I catch a few notes of it.
4) Last movie watched: I let tumblr bait me into watching Glass Onion. Not disappointed.
5) Currently watching: Do I seem like I have the attention span to be "currently watching" something? Unless you mean the myriad of stuff I started and never finished ... in that case, *unrolls list from here to twitter*
6) Currently reading: I'm rifling through the Leia & Darth Vader tag on ao3. What that says about me as a üerson is between me, god, and my lawyer.
7) Currently consuming: Lemon roll! And information overload on social media. As you do.
8) Currently craving: A feeling of hunger. I should have one by now, I think. I do not. It feels weird.
Alr now to poke others:
If you feel like it, join!
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rebellovesrobots · 4 years
I don't know if I using the system right, but I found your Were!AU and some of the posts were talking about hypothetical Were forms for the rest of the family and you didn't know what to do with Charlie. Well, not only does her father have bear-leanings, but she herself becomes Lefty! I just found a piece of art of Marionette inside of Lefty with the head off and she says 'Lefty is my fursona' which was too much for me. So Charlie could be a bear on her own terms, not just because of Henry.
ngl i def fully forgot about Lefty somehow during that entire discussion sdfghgj
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namethefallen · 5 years
While NtF continues to be on hiatus for the forseeable future, maybe check out this fic? it only has a few chapters but so far it’s really good!
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secretmarie · 7 years
1/15/17- 1:55pm
Im really thinking right now. Im really in my feelings right now. Im really sad right now. I dont know why. It should be diffrent. I should be happy. I should be smiling. I should be having fun. I should be laughing. Should be. But I’m not. The last time i was genuinely happy was a week and a half ago. That was fun for a bit. I havent done any drugs in a long while so thats good i guess. Thats alot for me to say. That used to be the only thing i thought about. The only thing i would wake up for. But now i guess theres one other thing i wake up for now. Hes pretty great. B makes me feel like im not useless. B doesnt make me feel annoying when my brain is telling me otherwise. I like that feeling. I havent felt that in a long time. Its nice. Its reassuring. I hope he doesnt turn out like R. B seems like he wouldnt hurt anyone physically when he is mad. Hopefully not mentally either. Not like R. R was a bad person. B is a good person as far as i know. I hope B stays like that.
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crackplumber · 7 years
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Wubba lubba dub dub = I am in great pain. Please help me. Wubba lubba dub dub = I am in great pain. Please help me. Source: secretmarial
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