#see also: spock
knezidon · 4 months
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Rewatching star trek tos, I love it when they have this energy
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affixjoy · 14 days
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the-crooked-library · 5 months
i think the primary reason why K/S has such overwhelming appeal is and always shall be that it is, at its core, a soulmate bond that has to be forged. the only way a t'hy'la bond can manifest is through shared toil, hardships, and undying devotion; it must be given effort and put together piece by piece - but at the same time, by the nature of its creation, it alters all realities on a cosmic level, to the point that Kirk and Spock must meet in every universe.
t'hy'la is not spontaneous. it is not a soulmate mark, it doesn't spring to life at first sight or first touch or first word. it is destined - because it is chosen, time and time again. you cannot have one without the other
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It's a little amusing just how similar Spock's and Garak's patterns of speech are. They're not identical, of course, and they emphasize things very differently, but they do for sure say the same type of shit sometimes. Are you an EDUCATED HOMOSEXUAL with a FACADE? Try using LARGE WORDS and DOUBLE NEGATIVES today!
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dustykneed · 8 months
oh look at jim's nice lipstick! oh wait why is it smudged. oh waiiiit why are spock's lips so pink. ohhhh what could possibly have caused this i wonder...
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bones' hoodie isn't even his LMAO he nicked it from one of his roommate's hookups who forgot their jacket. his roommate locked him out of his dorm (another hookup. really.) and bones has ten thousand goddamn assignments due the next few days so he's just camping out next to the biggest party for the weekend for the lighting and the free food. insanely stressed and dressed in as many layers as it takes for him not to get cold trying to sit still and get shit done on a mid-spring friday night. and i just think it would be so fucking funny if spirk (both with a HELL of a reputation™) sees this sleep-deprived palpably anxious dressed like a middle-aged college professor med student and is instantly like. man. i NEED more of that guy. like wouldnt that be so funny. anyways
yeah im obsessed with this au in particular what about it <3333 idc
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travellingtribble · 4 months
I'm in my feels thinking about how fucked up the TOS crew ended like
Kirk got stuck in the nexus from ~2293 to 2371 only to die again, for good, as soon as he got out? Come on. come on man.
Bones got old. like really old. and didn't get to see Kirk again??? It's been a while since I watched the TNG episode with McCoy, I don't remember what he says, but he was like 150 years old. Did he ever even see Kirk before he got stuck in the Nexus. Did he ever see Spock? (I'd hope so, Spock disappears years later, in Picard if I'm correct?)
Spock was... around doing Spock stuff. And then Kirk died and did Spock even know? did someone tell Spock that his literal soulmate died. twice. and then Spock got stuck in another universe, a reality slightly different from his own, where everyone is younger than him and Jim is not really Jim and he has his own Spock anyway and his planet is gone and he lived the rest of his days in the Kelvin timeline, alone.
And Scotty got stuck in a transporter buffer for 75 years. That's so long. They had to tell him Kirk was gone? (although, they were together when that happened, weren't they? they were on the Enterprise-B, technically Scotty knew that Kirk was "dead" didn't he? I guess spending 75 years stuck in a buffer mode will screw up your memory though.) Did he see Spock again? Did he see Bones again before either of them died?
Basically the only ones we didn't see explicitly (or implicitly) die or disappear of the OG crew are Uhura, Chekov and Sulu. Where were they? what were they doing? did they know about Kirk? about Scotty? about Spock?
Sorry but like. that is so fucked up. why does nobody talk about this!!!
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spirk-trek · 7 months
Matter/Antimatter Fanzine | Michael Verina, 1983
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benrybenrybenry-chr · 2 months
if I said that I think Amanda was a near equally horrible parent to Spock as Sarek was but just in a different way, would I get pelted with rocks or what
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phoannix · 1 year
folks you are not ready
none of you are ready for the spirk first meeting
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kaffkanya · 20 days
i may be cornplating this but. i was thinking. i usually go by the man and the companion monolog thinking spock is the companion and jim is the man. you know, the obvious route. but i was wondering, since the monolog is said by jim, what if he sees himself as the companion?
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lets break this down.
"You are the Companion. He is the man."
we will be back to this in a second. hold on.
"You are two different things. You can't join."
if i were to compare the companion to spock, that simply isnt true. spock is the one who can (quite literally) join, through his psychic abilities and whatnot. jim, however, cant. and he wont ever fully understand the importance of the meld, of being bonded to someone, because its not something he can do to others. others do to him.
"You can't... love."
i see how people can relate this to spock, specially with that one bones "because its not written in your book" monolog or whatever. BUT! between jim and spock, spocks sparse romance plots are way more emotional than jims (at least thats how i see it for now!). i hvnt watched tos s3 yet, but up until end of s2, jims most emotionally heavy romance was with edith. which, much like the others, didnt work out.
"You may keep him here forever... but you will always be separate. Apart from him."
again, jims the one who cant truly join spock like a vulcan would. he barely speaks the language. he gives and gives himself to and for spock, but hes always going to be too human, too emotional, too illogical, too much. he may keep spock forever, but he wont ever reach that one part of him.
you know past lives? that one quote "you dream in a language that i cant understand". yeah. kind of this.
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"You are the Companion. He is the man."
i might be reaching and projecting my own comphet on this. but, hey. what is art even for if not to relate to our own feelings and whatnot.
so! what gets me here is the semantics of it all. its the use of man instead of human and right before (or after, i dont remember) an extremely cisnormative and heteronormative dialogue line from jim himself. now, i know its cause it was the 60s, but the character said it, and im choosing to interpret the line with different lenses.
you are the companion (never a lover, never something beyond the platonic friendship realm. its someone you cant/shouldnt feel attracted to. its someone who wont be attracted to you, because of who you are) and he is the man (something you cant love, for youre not a woman*)
*following kirks own line of thinking here.
my conclusion is that jim is suffering from a severe case of heteronormative thinking and comphet, cant wait for him to find out about bisexuality and that he can be a girl too if he so desire!!!
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not-equippedforthis · 8 months
really love characters who have varied panic responses. kirk stating himself that he does not panic outright, externally, not in high-stress dangerous situations, but instead becomes tense and level like a wound string, on-guard: mostly because his role as captain necessitates that he maintain level rationality even when facing potential death as his training as 'the guy who tells you what to do when shit hits the fan' requires, but also because his childhood experiences taught him early that drowning in the desperate haziness of panic won't help you survive. especially as kirk already follows his intuition so deeply. he learned to grasp and contort the feeling. spock is the main person who represses his emotions, of course, but kirk does it to those deep-set, personal ones (this includes how he doesn't reveal anything truly personal about himself willingly 90% of the time, only what others already know/shallow anecdotes) in a much more subtle way that's really interesting to me. certified expert at avoiding the subject as long as he isnt caught out on the lie. professional bluffer.
in terms of past or parents we dont know much!!! hes known as the heart-on-his-sleeve guy!!! like yes he yells, he gets irritated, excited, hes a whirlwind of quick-thinking and plans and intuition, he goes out of his way to connect with his crew and shows it, when he puts on a little act or bluff he puts his heart into it and clearly enjoys the dramatics so much, at times he wears his heart on his sleeve, he laughs openly and is honest to spock about what he means to him, he's very sun-coded to me in a burning, passionate way, always intertwined with the stars and seeking them out, but when it comes to genuine deep-set turmoil? we dont actually know all that much about him??? hes so full of emotion and character (i love fics where spock characterises jim's mind/bond as a whirl of colour and sensations, hes a quick thinker!!! intuitive!! lively!!!) and yet its still so outwardly surface level. tarsus iv gets mentioned like twice? so especially here where kirk gets briefly jumpscared by the creature, because like:
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its subtle but his eyes. his eyesss!!!!! kirk commands with his emotions but there's always some sort of level of control to it, or he transforms them into something that spurs on others or uses them to ascertain a goal: seeing unguarded fear/distress in his eyes even if its faint and brief (in this instance) makes me go insane every single time. like!!! its such a small moment!!! he isnt even panicking!!! really, he just got jumpscared!!! its insignificant!!!!!!! but seeing a two-second flash of actual, naked apprehension is just...oughhh,,,,,,,,,
oh god, and dont even get me started on the galileo seven episode where he assumes a tense level-headedness throughout the whole thing, irritated and apprehensive but not panicking, making sure he maintains intelligent rationality, even when he has to leave them behind, but when spock and the crew are confirmed safe and the bridge is occupied the camera pans to him and his eyes look like they're fucking watering and he's so achingly relieved. don't even talk to me. im. fuck.
he shows so so much but at the same time reveals so little.
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papanowo · 11 months
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soooo these started out as me doodling to get used to my new tablet but 2 months later here we are
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purple-iris · 4 months
Shore Leave of the Enterprise on Vulcan
Two vulcans looking in the distance:
"Who do you think that is", the first one says, pointing at another Vulcan standing near another humanoid figure in a Starfleet uniform.
"Hard to tell from this distance", the second one responds, just as the Vulcan they were observing grabs the hand of the figure they now could tell was a human man.
"Ah, Spock son of Sarek." They both conclude at the overly open PDA.
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dustykneed · 5 months
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(based on this f!bones dedicated to @muirmarie in spirit :3333 🩵💙💛)
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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I can't stop thinking about the Lower Decks 2x5 episode, where mariner and boimler find a bar in which kirk and spock used to hang out and drink,
and how the new snw crossover episode would be even more chaotic if they met both of them in live action.
but even without that i feel there's some things that boimler managed to put into their heads that not everything is as it should be, yet..
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(cough, some break ups and new relationships maybe? yes this is about spirk)
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Ever thought about how Mccoy is the type of guy that both Spock and Jim know he loves them and both Spock and Jim outwardly say the words but Bones is never able to say it out loud and regrets it long after both the others are dead and has always regretted it
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