#see how many mistakes in this rant? my mind is not cooperating and I’m too lazy to fix anything
serdtse · 1 year
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hugthepanda12 · 3 years
Bobo rant
Ok, @narvana27 this one’s for you coz I’ve mustered up some motivation to finally write some analyses just like you or @medeaminte​
This one will cover our beautiful Brazillian boy Raimundo Pedrosa. Some spoilers are inevitable to mention, but the main focus is on the episode titled ‘The Return of Master Monk Guan’.
1.1 short synopsis of the episode:
Master Fung, seeing how the forces of evil grew in power, decides to send monks to another temple for their training. It turns out the new master that is destined to teach them is Master Monk Guan. 
As for his methods, they are surprisingly cruel. Our heroes are not allowed to take breaks or even ASK QUESTIONS! Guan becomes that horrible general in military school who likes when cadets are blindly following his orders and train to the point they collapse due to severe exhaustion. 
Rai, of course, sees that the way Guan treats his students is unfair and stands up for the rest. Which ends up bad for him. Guan punishes him with additional training and what is worse humiliates him through giving him insulting nicknames! Later on, the audience learns that this disrespectful behaviour of Master Guan was intentional. What is more, Raimundo knows about it as well. It was a part of the agreement between them, reached off screen without the knowledge of the other monks. The main goal of such a strategy was to lure Hannibal Roy Bean out of his hiding, let him believe Rai is ready to turn to the Heylin side (again) and snatch the Treasure of the Blind Swordsman from his little evil vines. 
As the episode reaches its end, this plan as well ends in success. Bean is mad as hell and promises Raimundo that he’ll pay for it. Yeah, yeah happy ending. Cool. Rai gets one of the Spears of Guan as a gift for a succesfull colaboration with Master Monk Guan bla blah 
Even if it was all the play on Guan and Rai’s part throughout the whole episode, in my opionion Guan was too harsh anyway. I get it. He had to be plausible, but man... Rai literally cried when he banished him from the temple!  
And this is an issue I wanted to talk about. 
1.2. Let’s look at all ‘nicknames’ Guan came up with for Raimundo. 
1. Young prince 2. bobo
3. someone dark, ruthless, shady, rebelious
1.2.1.The insult ‘young prince’ (or princess) is often used when a young person is too lazy to finish chores or he/she is not willing to do them at all. Maybe it was Raimundo in s01, although he had never said ‘no’ to master Fung. He just wanted to go easy way, like swiping the dirt under the sofa instead of getting rid of it in a proper way. But mind you, it is season 3 and this boy has changed a lot. Sometimes you don’t have to work hard to get your task done. All it takes is an adequate situation assessment and good organisation of your work.
 It looks as if Guan just doesn’t get it. Just like how vital breaks are in order to rise productivity. 
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Rai made a right decision to stop training and lay on the grass. He knows what’s good for him and he stands by this intention to REST. Life is not ALWAYS about saving the world. He’s just a kid. Just like Omi, Kimiko or Clay. He’s defending his boundaries, but it appears no one’s respecting that choice. 
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1.2.2. What about Bobo? Up to this day I thought that Guan wanted to underline that Rai acts like a clown, so he gave him a clown name. However, I came across this site. And guess. Bobo in Portuguese means ‘silly.’
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And my question is: Did Guan know? Hmm!? Did you know about it, Guan? If yes, I’m very disappointed in you. ‘Silly little clown boy’ - this is what Rai is? No, it’s not like he was the only one brave enough to fight Mala Mala Jong... or EVEN OMI when he turned heylin!
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It’s not like he has feelings or something... He’s the fun guy! Always chill! Not allowed to cry! His purpose is to entertain the rest, righ?
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NO. Rai is not only a capable warrior but also a very dedicated friend, who can sacrifice ANYTHING in order to save the rest. Let’s ennumerate how many people he saved throughout the series. People who live near the vulcano in Brazil, that Lady who turned out to be the Bird of Paradise.... OMI. The rest of his team a couple of times... 
And what is more, every encounter TAUGHT HIM SOMETHING or had left some scars. He was possessed by Wuya, got beat up, and constantly he is accused of having EVIL TENDENCIES. What? Because ONE TIME he betrayed them? And that betrayal was justified because he felt hella ineadequate? 
But yeah, Guan. Go on. He is just silly to get all the punches for the team. It’s not like he isn’t bothered when the forces of evil are victorious.
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Not at all. 
1.2.3. Ok, I agree Rai is rebelious, but as I mentioned earlier - HE HAS REASONS to be that way. He feels something is wrong - he exclaims why this is wrong and tries to FIX IT with the help or without it. The thing is, in s1-2 prefers facing problems alone due to that inadequacy he’s often reminded of by his peers. It’s sad to see that monks never realised Raimundo feels that way. Luckily, in season 3 Rai grew as a character. He displays more and more leader characteristics. He comes up with better strategy and is ore connected to his friends. As a result their cooperation during fights is on a higher level, just like in the last showdown in that alternate timeline. 
DARK, RUTHLESS, SHADY. - those are lies and I won’t comment on that
He can be ruthless only if someone hurts his family and friends. They’re gonna pay for that. Respect Rai for that. 
2. My opinion on  ‘ The Return of Master Monk Guan’
2.1. Guan’s behaviour - this post is about it. Just wanted to add he is very inconsistent as a character and writers probably had no idea how to write him so they just randomly threw him to some plot points in order to give episodes smooth flow between scenes. 
But yeah in that particular ep Guan is a jerk. First kidnapping Dojo, then overworking children only to kick out the most responsible one outta his temple with numerous sculptures of him, Dashi and replicas of his fav spear.
2.2 Monks’ behaviour - wanted to help, turned out bad. Omi as always was questioning Rai’s value and laughed at him bc of his new nicknames. Very mature of the chosen one, really. 
2.3 My review
This episode was good because:
1. It's rai-centered
2. He put to use that clever brain of his and gave master Guan the idea how to retrieve the most powerful wu from Bean
3. He can KICK ASS, only refuses to use that against his friends. 4. good preparation for cheeseball to reconsider he's NOT ALWAYS THE BEST and should be aware of Raimundo's skills
2.4. Summary
Raimundo Pedrosa has one of the best character developments in animation history but most importantly he is the complete opposite of those things the other characters tell him he is. He learns from his mistakes and utilises the knowledge for his benefit to protect what he believes is right. He’s very compassionate young man, who can do great things and he WILL with guidance of his temple family.
But most importantly, he well deserved the position of the Xiaolin Leader. His name is not Bobo. Only Raimundo Pedrosa. Good friend, leader, warrior, the future hope for making the world a better place. 
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
The Stage Manager: Chapter 1
Y/N watched the comic strip since the early days so they decided to be a stage manager being a stage manager already involved hard work like fixing cables and props but can they fix the problems of a cast member as well?
The First gig, the comic strip and the lord of misrule you met because of it
It was night time on the cold, colourful London streets
The bright buildings made the sights look like something from a 1960s painting
You had been wandering for a while and felt bored
Yes you did buy that one shirt just because it had ziggy stardust on the front
Television was dull anything that wasn’t a music-related or to do to with game shows you’d skip over
looking around the city of Soho when you came across the Raymond Revue bar
It looked dull at first when to the corner of your eye you could see people chuckling as they walked downstairs.
Overhearing the sound of an audience and strange sound effects you went upstairs and realised what the commotion was.
There were some comedians performing, Young comedians with new innovative material drawing inspiration from slapstick legends like laurel and hardy to “alternative comedy” jabs of political satire they were called The Comic Strip Presents.
You could hear two blokes who had a blues brothers type performance called the outer limits, a duo called French and Saunders and many others including Pamela Stevenson, Keith Allen and a communist satirist influenced by the Monty Python days called Alexei Sayle.
The night sounded enjoyable the last time you had ever heard good comedy was through the old porridge and Fawlty towers tapes.
Then another performer walked onstage he had pigtails, a red communist berret and a black jacket decorated with political badges.
“I don’t know if any of you are into poetry at all” he addressed the audience, scrunching up his nose smirking.
He then performed a monologue about theatre “Theatre! What are you? Theatre”
When I’m nearta the theatre “I ask myself this question I don’t know perhaps I should ask Vanessa Redgrave”
He shouted “But I don’t know Vanessa Redgrave” before he smirked again at the audience “And neither do you theatre”
When his monologue finished you were jaw dropped this bloke had so much charisma and energy in his performance his snarky attitude was funny and it looked like he was self-aware just having good fun with his audience.
Arriving home you couldn’t get his words and face out of your head even when looking at your old records of The Damned and Madness you’d just see his face in your mind.
With your knowledge of Performing Arts after a few years you decided to volunteer you asked Alexei Sayle if you could do some “behind the scenes work” he agreed.
The first day was something you rattled your teeth about on the way there but once you arrived the atmosphere was easy to adjust to, being an assistant stage manager was like being a bartender sometimes you’d just be fixing cables and preparing props other times you’d overhear the daily gossip but usually you’d only keep it to yourself or you’d joke with Keith Allen about it over a few drinks.
You once observed Pamela Stevenson being mocked about by the catty duo from before
Saying nothing because you left the drama in your secondary school years and you wanted to keep it that way.
However, when you’d see her in the staff room you’d try to chat.
She’d enjoy the conversations but you learned that she felt more left out when they did tours
She felt like the boys could impress the audience in ways she couldn’t and even on the female performer's side she felt like they were just competitive sometimes you’d also run into the duo that made fun of her but you’d just laugh along about it.
Sometimes while fixing cables or props you’d talk to a bloke called Ade he was another performer you’d talk about life with, you’d talk about punk music, your school years and he’d mention the one time there was a technical fault on a Dangerous Brothers skit where he was on fire and the producers didn’t notice.
Peter was one of those outer limits sometimes it would just be him other times Nigel would join usually you’d discuss a film with them or you’d help out with the technical side of their performances.
These were all interesting people who you would talk about many topics with….then there was him.
You’d see him on stage, you’d arrange technical effects for him and other times when everybody else was busy you’d talk to him
It was that day after a performance the others were having drinks and while he would sometimes be the person to be the social butterfly this time he was just there drinking while he frowned
You looked at him, he stared back soon a conversation was started once you agreed you’d talk with him in his dressing room.
He sat there frowning looking in the mirror and then glancing at photos he had of his heroes Little Richard, Ronnie Barker and Tommy Cooper.
“Hey!, (Y/N) as a performer you’ve  probably seen me when I played that poet character or Kevin Turvey those years ago Alexi had said you had seen us before.”
You nodded
“Well I’m happy that we were able to amaze you so much that it made you want to be a part of *The Experience* he said, excitedly making mime-like gestures with his hands”
You noticed he had that same aura about him that David Bowie had when he’d talk in interviews about Ziggy Stardust and how there was a big difference between chill laid back bowie and the loud flamboyant Ziggy you could see in his tired eyes that he was stressed
You asked “I might be happy but I’m not sure you are, is there anything going on that is stressing you? being a star carries a lot of hard to fulfil expectations if you don’t want to say that’s ok but I can see you're still trying to project your stage self instead of your real self.”
He blinked a bit surprised of how perspective you were “What nonsense, I’m happy I’m Rik Mayall I make people happy and when I perform I am happy” his smile became a frown, “Well I try to be”
You stared folding your hands as he then started to explain,
“I admit times have been crap recently, the new show I did for Ben Elton wasn’t successful enough so we’ll have to cancel it, while I love my new wife years ago I did make the mistake of being with her at the same time of being with my girlfriend Lise who co-wrote The Young Ones with me and it just feels empty on stage I have something I have my characters I have my jokes but to be honest I feel boring there are some good days and other times where I rip myself apart if I mess up my lines.”
You nodded as you processed his rant
“I feel like all the people and critics will think of me now because of that show is “oh look there’s that bloke who isn’t funny anymore” I’ll be nothing, I don’t work with Ben much anymore..I-I’ve been thinking of being a drama teacher”
You blinked you couldn’t believe that he would think of such a suggestion
putting your hand on his shoulder.
“Look you had an unsuccessful show, there are many bad shows out there but filthy,rich and catflap isn’t the worst, and that won’t be the main thing you’ll be associated with your an actor,you're a singer in that BAD NEWS band and your the most talented comedian I’ve ever seen, critics will be critics unfortunately, but your Rik Mayall you’ll find your spark again you’ll find another show or film you be in that will have the same memorable characters,settings and stories that your other successful works have”
he nodded still frowning looking away
“Yeah your right sometimes the spark goes out and other times the energy arrives back, thank you for the advice..still what show can I do that isn’t a flop I have the qualification I’d be a great drama teacher”
You smirked at him “a drama teacher who makes telling knob jokes and ranting about politics part of the lesson”
He cringed a little before he chuckled  “I wouldn’t do that in front of children (Y/N)! politics though is in everything theatre, history, television you can’t escape it, I’d let them make their own decisions knowledge and freedom is what they need but half the time it’s swayed by the opinions of their parents, the fascist pigs or of their teachers”
You were puzzled “Who are they?”
He then got up from his seat and smiled making more hand gestures before he rambled cheerfully
“Children, they are influenced by what they see and what they hear with all the political rubbish there needs to be some sunshine in the storm, children are smart but too many people including people in the television business take advantage of them, bastards! Children  have thoughts and wide imaginations, they should be respected they should be able to see the good in the world and the media should be providing that.”
You clicked your fingers as you got an idea “Hey Children's Programming you should do that! You were excellent at jackanory when you appeared on there you should do that again your great at narrating stories maybe you could create your own storytelling kids to show what stories would you read?”
He liked the idea “Fairy tales it’s the tales they are most familiar with because of Disney, funny because the original Grimm tales were very dark”
You said “Well how about you make this series about the Brothers Grimm fairy tales but it doesn’t have to be the glamorised Disney versions or the gritty originals it could be a sort of modern but original take on the stories and maybe you could add animation in there so each story would be different and it would give a chance for different animation companies to show their skills to a wider audience so not only would you be entertaining them but also teaching them about these timeless tales”
He agreed “The show will be called Grimm tales, I’m working with ITV at the moment so I could ask them about the idea thank you (Y/N) this is brilliant when I was little I loved seeing my heroes like Ronnie Barker read out stories and now I’m doing just that”
You smiled but still felt unsure about his other problem….the relationship problem
“Uh, Rik what about your relationship?”
He had a thought for a while and then said “I’ll try to repair relations between me and Lise if I want to move on from my mistakes I should take responsibility for them”
He grinned as he packed his belongings and headed home
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newstfionline · 6 years
How to Be Ready to Lose Your Job
Rebecca Fishbein, Medium, Oct 15, 2018
Last year, I lost my job when the owner of the website I worked for shuttered it over a union dispute. He had been threatening the shutdown for some time, and though we didn’t know for sure what was going to happen, the air in the office had been heavy for months with pre-layoff anxiety.
As a single woman with no debt, dependents, or significant health issues, I was in better shape than most, but I still had to make rent.
There was also an emotional toll. My work made up a significant piece of my social life, and it was lonely not having my friends and co-workers around me on a regular basis. My job was tied intrinsically to my identity--it was jarring, to say the least, to no longer self-identify based on my occupation.
If you’re in the workforce long enough, there’s a chance that, at some point, you’ll get fired or laid off. “Things are not the way they were when our grandparents were in the workforce, where one company was dedicated to the employee, and the employee was dedicated to the company,” says industrial-organizational psychologist Amy Cooper Hakim, author of Working with Difficult People and founder of the Cooper Strategic Group. “There’s a lack of commitment on both sides.” Hakim says that in any job, it’s a good idea to expect that at some point you might lose it or, at the very least, decide to move on without a backup plan. “Having that as a realistic understanding is very healthy and important,” she says.
So what do you do when layoffs are on the horizon or if you’ve been given the pink slip? Here are some tips to plan ahead and stay afloat.
Before You’re Fired Maintain a Layoff Fund. Even if you’re at a stable job, it’s a good idea to set money aside in case circumstances suddenly change. Chantel Bonneau, a certified financial planner with Northwestern Mutual, says people should keep three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. “That will give you the peace of mind to know you have access to capital that will help you make the right choice for the next job,” Bonneau says.
Hakim suggests creating another pre-layoff arsenal: a digital compilation of your written achievements at work. “Let’s say you get a positive comment or an accolade from someone by email. Save some of those documents. If you need to move forward to a different job, you can say, ‘I had success in these areas.’” she says. “That will help you to sell yourself, so to speak, when you are going forward to another employer.”
Rack Up Recommendations. Though you might not feel compelled to ask colleagues for recommendations until you’re looking for new work, it’s actually a good idea to have some on the back burner in case you’re suddenly out of a job. “That’s something you can do along the way, almost like a LinkedIn recommendation, if you have a great rapport with someone or you finish a project and you’ve worked well together,” Hakim says.
Maintain Your Network. For a long time, I thought my job was the thing that made me me, and that, in some sense, it was the only thing I had. This is a common feeling when your career seems paramount, but it’s not exactly a healthy one, especially considering that sometimes your employment status is out of your control.
Maintaining a social circle outside of work can help you combat the urge to conflate your job with your identity. And as Hakim notes, it’s helpful to have a stable of professional contacts as part of that social circle, so if you do find yourself ousted from your gig, you’ve got a network to help you out. “If you love your industry, but you’re not certain how long you’ll be at your job, then it’s important to become a member of a professional association or organization, go to chapter meetings, perhaps even see if your current organization has any funding available to send you to conferences,” Hakim says. “Make sure that you are networking beyond the four walls of that building.”
After You’re Fired Stay Calm in the Moment. It’s not uncommon to experience some version of the seven stages of grief when you lose your job. The shock comes first, but anger might hit faster than pain and sadness. If that’s the case, do not lose your cool. “Don’t start ranting and raving at the boss or the HR representative. Make sure you can hold your head high and be professional and responsible,” Hakim says.
Ask for Feedback. If you’re feeling stable enough to sit down for an honest face-to-face with your boss, Hakim recommends asking for one. It’s possible you were fired over job performance, in which case, feedback might help you in your next role. In some cases, though, layoffs are mostly a numbers game, and it’s possible your old employer can assist you in your job search.
“A lot of people are very surprised by what comes from these conversations,” Hakim says. “It could be, ‘Hey, I’m really sorry I had to do this. I think you’re a really great person, and I think you’re very qualified, and in fact, I have a colleague in this company who has a need for someone right now. I’d be very happy to pass on your résumé if you’re interested.’ Those kind of dialogues do happen.”
Take a Minute to Regroup. Immediately after I lost my job, I was offered a few others, and it was tempting to settle into stability right away. But Hakim says that, if possible, take a beat to consider your next move, especially if you have severance or savings to tide you over. Now might be a good time to pursue an advanced degree, or try your hand at freelancing, or change industries--or, at the very least, to take a short break from working so you have a second to adjust. Take time to accept that this is a major life event.
But Don’t Take Too Many Minutes. Bonneau notes that one of the biggest financial mistakes people make after they lose their job is racking up credit card debt. “All those things have to be paid back, and it’s going to take from other things you want to do or save for when you get another job,” she says. You should also beware of pulling money from a 401(k) or IRA--not only are you depriving yourself of retirement savings, but you’ll also have to pay a tax penalty.
Appreciate Your Own Resilience. For a long time, the prospect of losing my job terrified me. And though getting laid off wasn’t an experience I’d recommend, once it happens to you, it becomes just another trial you succeed in facing down. “People who are happy in life are resilient,” Hakim says. “Overcoming something that’s difficult helps to build character.”
Plus, having some time to assess where you may have gone wrong in your old job or what your real career priorities are can help you find more satisfying employment in the long run. “If you think of someone who’s 20 years your senior talking to you about this, they’re like, ‘Oh yeah, I lost a job. Don’t worry about it. That’s before I started this great thing.’ We can always see things in hindsight, and so I think it’s much harder when you’re living in the moment,” Hakim says. “Just like that boomerang or that rubber band, when you pull it back, it does spring forward.”
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oops sorry for dissapearing. here’s another silly fill for the generator prompt: Now You See Me AU (it’s very loosely based, also someone should write a full heist au kagakuro just sayin)
“Pick a card sir, any card.”
That’s how it all started.
Well, alright not the actual beginning of the thing, but a beginning nonetheless.
“I’m telling you, he’s such a brat, I can’t stand him!”
Tatsuya watched as Taiga pointed a fork full of pancakes at him, before shoving it back into his mouth and swallowing angrily.
He didn’t react to his long time friend’s outburst, after all he was used to them by now. It was good that the diner they were at was long since closed and the owner let them in, just because they’ve known each other for a long time, and there were no people to witness Taiga’s yelling.
He took a sip of his coffee, calmly listening to his partner’s rant.
“He’s really infuriating. The worst witness I had to deal with yet, he drives me up the wall. Being all smart pants and dogging the questions. He thinks I have all day.”
Kagami grumbled, scrapping the knife and fork over the plate and making Tatsuya wince because of the unpleasant sound.
Tatsuya knew the story. There was a gang of…well magicians? Illusionists? They started first as small acts of street performers; some were more skilled to get really big shows. A year ago they started performing together for big audiences.
There wouldn’t be anything interesting about it, if they didn’t start to use their ‘skills’ for crime purposes, starting heists and smaller robberies.
He and Taiga were assigned with the investigation and about three months ago they made a breakthrough.
The gang – calling themselves Miracles, were composed of five members, all skilled in different areas of illusion. But there was a rumor that they also had a sixth member. They called him the phantom, because he was more like a rumor and only a handful of people claimed that they actually saw him at the performances. All of them described him differently, so it was impossible to pin him down, that is if he even existed in the first place and wasn’t just a staged rumor.
They also called him phantom because, apparently he could disappear. Which obviously was impossible, so Taiga and Tatsuya ruled him out as a rumor.
Until, they met face to face.
The best way to catch the enemy was to get to know him.
They went to this artistic neighborhood with lots of artists and street performers, a lot of which were magicians and illusionists. It was rumored that some of the miracles used to come here before they hit it big.
They had an hour or so to meet their informatory, so they decided to observe.
There was a scrawny kid, in a too big black hoodie, playing with a deck of cards at a table. Not many people paid him any mind, as if he was invisible. So it was surprising that Taiga noticed him and when he did the boy, actually he was a young man, maybe a little younger than him, but not much than Taiga, called to him and asked him to pick a card.
After a series of convoluted tricks and gimmicks, the guy stole Taiga’s phone, they chased him, he hid in an alley for long enough to call the police and turn himself in as the infamous sixth man, asking for witness protection.
Taiga was on it, asking to be the main investigator. He spent countless times with their convict, interrogating him and working to the wee hours of the night.
The miracles went underground when Kuroko Tetsuya, that was his name, turned himself in. They thought that it was  going to be a piece of cake now, but no such luck. Their witness was difficult.
“He said that he will talk if we promise to catch them, but also helped them. He said something about his weirdo friends not being bad people, just that they made some mistakes along the way and now they couldn’t go back.
Tatsuya snorted.
“Everyone says that.”
Taiga nodded and finished his coffee.
“Yeah that’s what I told him.”
“Did he tell you anything useful?”
Taiga sighed, playing with his cup.
“The address to one of their safe houses. He said there’d be clues. I told him not to play around and give us something more.”
Taiga paused and then grimaced at the memory.
“And he stole my phone again.”
Tatsuya laughed, while Taiga started shouting at him to shut up.
“Oh my god can you two pipe down?”
They both fell silent when the owner came out of the back room and scolded them.
“Sorry Takao.” Himuro placated him. The owner swiped his gaze over their table.
Kagami eagerly nodded and Takao took the freshly brewed jug of coffee and poured them fresh glasses.
“You know.” He started, addressing Himuro. “He comes here often to work lately and always yaps about this Kuroko guy.” He said with a smirk. “It’s always Kuroko did this, Kuroko did that, god Kuroko is so annoying, I hate working with him yadda yadda.”
Taiga scowled, while Himuro laughed good-naturedly.
“It’s fine. Soon we will find his friends and all of them will go on trials. I suspect each of them will get at least a ten. If Kuroko starts cooperating he might get a seven. Maybe.” Tatsuya emphasized.
“I hope not.”
Both he and Takao looked at Kagami curiously.
“I uh, I mean he’s annoying and infuriating, but he’s not a bad person…I mean...” He faltered for a moment. “He’s not really suited for that life. I’m starting to think he was forced to do much of what he did for the Miracles.”
Tatsuya and Takao stared at Kagami for a long, silent moment, until Takao burst out laughing.
“Oh my god!” He howled. “I was right!”
“Right about what?” Kagami growled, cheeks kind of pink.
“That you sound like you have a crush.”
Tatsuya chocked on his coffee, while Taiga sputtered.
“I do not!” He protested hotly, cheeks now definitely pink.
“Yeah, sure.”
“I don’t! He’s a witness! And a kid at that!” Kagami yelled, while Takao kept cackling.
“He’s barely a year younger than you Taiga. That’s hardly being a kid.” Tatsuya unhelpfully chimed in.
“Goddamnit I’m leaving!” Taiga spat out and reached for his wallet and froze.
“What?” Tatsuya asked.
Kagami didn’t say anything, just looked through both pockets of his coat.
“He stole it! He stole my wallet!”
Tatsuya blinked, while Takao bowed over in half almost crying.
“Oh man.” Takao wheezed, wiping the tears from his eyes. “I guess the wallet is not the only thing he stole from you.”
Kagami turned crimson and almost threw his cup at Takao.
“Taiga!” Himuro caught his arm. “Calm down.”
Kagami growled something but lowered his arm.
“That asshole stole it from me when I was questioning him today.”
“Did the questioning happen horizontally, vertically or in a different position?”
Tatsuya snorted into his coffee again, because admittedly that was funny.
Kagami didn’t think so, as he yelled at their patron, who retreated back to the kitchen, humming a song that sounded suspiciously like Kagami and Kuroko, sitting in a cell~
When he disappeared, Taiga went quiet, as he glared at the table.
Tatsuya realized how awkward the situation was for both of them.
Kagami glared at him.
Tatsuya coughed.
“I won’t tell anyone.” He finally said. “But you need to be careful.”
“I know that.” Kagami grumbled.
Tatsuya sighed, leaning against the back of their seat and sipping at his coffee, feeling a headache coming up, while Taiga frowned at his empty table.
This case was a pain in the ass.
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