#see how many people I can make Iorveth smooch
dravenxivuk · 1 year
lmao! I have made it in the Witcher fandom! I finally received a message from the Ciri/Roche shipper who's been harassing people (we all know the one), presumably because of the Iorveth/Roche art I've been reblogging recently.
Naturally I laughed, blocked them, and moved on with my evening.
But I have to admit that Iorveth/Roche is a very small ship in my very large armada, and it's looking a little lost, so naturally my horrible gremlin brain has suggested giving it some other Iorveth ships to keep it company.
Iorveth/Geralt? yup, read some really good fic.
Iorveth/Letho? the begrudging allies to enemies hate ship that just begs for more attention.
Iorveth/Saskia? I've seen surprisingly little of, but then again, I've never really looked, just stumbled over it in passing.
Iorveth/Ciaran? Yes! the potential for young lovers who are driven apart by differing world views but never stop loving each other.
Iorveth/Ves? new ship to me, started reading a fic the other day. Haven't finished it yet, but I can see the potential
Iorveth/Dandelion? fuck it, why not?! Dandy's a spy after all, he must get his information from somewhere
Oh oh! and I saw a post the other day saying Iorveth could easily have known Lara Dorren. So potential not only for a one-sided Lara crush, but also emotional whiplash on seeing Ciri
EDIT: Iorveth/Eskel? I read a really interesting fic about these 2 a while ago, really well done
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