#so much ship potential for Iorveth
dravenxivuk · 1 year
lmao! I have made it in the Witcher fandom! I finally received a message from the Ciri/Roche shipper who's been harassing people (we all know the one), presumably because of the Iorveth/Roche art I've been reblogging recently.
Naturally I laughed, blocked them, and moved on with my evening.
But I have to admit that Iorveth/Roche is a very small ship in my very large armada, and it's looking a little lost, so naturally my horrible gremlin brain has suggested giving it some other Iorveth ships to keep it company.
Iorveth/Geralt? yup, read some really good fic.
Iorveth/Letho? the begrudging allies to enemies hate ship that just begs for more attention.
Iorveth/Saskia? I've seen surprisingly little of, but then again, I've never really looked, just stumbled over it in passing.
Iorveth/Ciaran? Yes! the potential for young lovers who are driven apart by differing world views but never stop loving each other.
Iorveth/Ves? new ship to me, started reading a fic the other day. Haven't finished it yet, but I can see the potential
Iorveth/Dandelion? fuck it, why not?! Dandy's a spy after all, he must get his information from somewhere
Oh oh! and I saw a post the other day saying Iorveth could easily have known Lara Dorren. So potential not only for a one-sided Lara crush, but also emotional whiplash on seeing Ciri
EDIT: Iorveth/Eskel? I read a really interesting fic about these 2 a while ago, really well done
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astrahannah · 3 months
Broke (me until a few days ago): Siegvinn is just Rorveth with a dash of religious guilt
Woke (me now): Maybe on surface. Really, Siegvinn is nothing like Rorveth
If you care about my rambling about a ship that I like too much for it having no freaking foundation (I mean they never talked IIRC), sorta about Rorveth, and comparison of the two, you can see below (spoilers for the first Witcher game and for the second (those being more minor, I didn't finish it yet))
Like, the similarities are obvious - on one side, a member of the Scoia'tael, on the other, an member of a faction opposing it. The representatives of the two sides Geralt can choose, them standing directly against each other.
Iorveth seems to have respect for Yaevinn (even if he finds him an idealist) and Roche and Siegfried seem to respect each other (based on the interaction in front of Loc Muinne).
But their attitudes towards their rival are so much different.
Roche and Iorveth are so much more intense. They are directly angered by the other's existence, want the other dead, they throw insults at each other... There's genuine hatred there. Sure, their factions are still important, but it's really personal.
Yaevinn and Siegfried? No personal vendetta Iorveth and Roche have. Like I said, they never talk on-screen. They've fought off-screen, but just as a part of their faction. Not even directly against one another, I think. It's not about Yaevinn for Siegfried, or vice versa. (it would make no sense vice versa, after all. Yaevinn is the leader of Wizima's Scoia'tael in the games, while Siegfried is just a run-of-the-mill member of the Order - that potentially changing at the very end of the game, only if Geralt takes the Order path) The most close they've gotten is standing next to each other as illusions on Geralt's path to fight de Aldersberg if he goes neutral.
Rorveth would be the more typical enemies-to-lovers story. They hate each other, but one day, it hits them that the line between love and hate is thin, and that they are feeling some desire for the other. Not even love at first, maybe. I think they could grow to love one other, but there'd be a good enemies-with-benefits stage between that.
That wouldn't happen with Siegvinn. They just don't feel that for each other. There's no intense hate to grow into something else. They hate the groups the other belongs to, not each other. They'd have to meet first, gain a personal connection, but even then, I don't think they could be like Iorveth and Roche. Their personalities just aren't like that. I've gone on the Order path (well, neutral till the hospital bank (edit - I forgot what the spot was, where you couldn't stay neutral. dunno why I thought it's a hospital) ordeal) and on Roche's path (but tbh I'm mainly on it bcs I wanted to meet Siegfried - my favorite character - on friendly terms. If not for that, I'd probably be on Iorveth's), so I mainly know how Roche and Siegfried differ, but I know Iorveth and Yaevinn are different too.
If a relationship was to grow between Yaevinn and Siegfried - now, I'll be taking inspiration from the two fics for it on ao3, but I think they have a point - it couldn't be through an intense tension turned lustful (even if we ignore Siegfried's vow of celibacy). It could be rather from feelings fostered through occasional wandering thoughts on the battlefield growing into some sort of a infatuation, that's not really sexual in nature, or - and this is my thought - I think it could most potentially happen with some sort of a truce happening between the Order and Scoia'tael in Vizima, with the two forced to negotiate instead of fighting, getting to know each other and starting to see the other as more than the stereotype of a Scoia'tael member/Order of the Flaming Rose member they have build in their heads.
Not that it's in allignment with canon, since Grandmaster Siegfried (important enough to negotiate with the opposing leader) and alive Yaevinn can't coexist. But the two as a couple aren't in any allignment with canon anyway.
They'd, of course, also be devastated to learn they're in love with the other, but for other reasons than Rorveth. With Rorveth, their "factions", as I've called it, would also play a role, but I feel like the personal would be the main source of the anguish. With Siegvinn, it's about the factions, and not hatred towards the other, but these feelings igniting a hate for themselves.
Siegfried vowed to help humans, loving a member of the Scoia'tael goes against that, and more importantly, vowed to be celibate. Loving, wanting at all goes against that. And I think he'd be horrified at it being a man, at that. As far as I know, being queer generally isn't illegal in the Witcher world, but it is frowned upon, especially in lower classes (if I recall right? feel free to correct me on that), and I think Siegfried couldn't really "afford" to be gay openly.
A paradox is that despite me saying this, I usually write his homosexuality as a side issue, with me writing a oneshot where he's actually semi-open about it, before his relationship with anyone (not published, none of my Witcher fics are)
Yaevinn, on the other hand, is rumored to having his lover killed by the Order. (at least the Witcher wiki says so, I never heard it in-game, but I'll believe it) In which case, he'd most likely feel awful for loving someone from the Order. I imagine it would make it even more like a betrayal than it already did, then loving a human would.
Both of them would try to repress these feelings, hating the fact they feel them, feeling like traitors to their cause, but with next to no hate towards the other man himself. Unlike Roche and Iorweth, who hate each other, Siegfried and Yaevinn hate what the other symbolizes.
And if they didn't manage to repress those feelings, I feel like it'd be less enemies to lovers, but forbidden love/star-crossed lovers sort of thing.
Which really summarizes it all. Rorweth - personal hate, enemis to lovers, Siegvinn - not personal, it's the fractions, forbidden love were the relationship to happen. That's what I've been running into the ground here.
Another difference is that Rorweth has more canon base, but that's a whole another thing. I honestly hope that they at least have Siegfried and Yaevinn interact in the planned remake. I don't want them to have a Roche/Iorweth sort of relationship, but I'd like to see them talk.
Really, there's this Rorveth fanart I have to thank here (https://www.tumblr.com/abi-kamikakushi/655332732248948736/rivals-for-witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo?source=share), without it, displaying Siegfried and Yaevinn having a discussion while the other two pairs fight (well, questionably for Rorveth), I wouldn't have had thought of this. And, it was cool to realize (and kinda embarrasing I didn't sooner) and think about, so I'm glad.
And I'm glad for anyone who managed to read this down to here, especially considering I've never seen a Siegvinn post on tumblr (the ship is not even called that! I made the name up, only I call it that. I never saw anyone else give it a name) and it has three fics on ao3 (one being a translation of one of the other two, so, technically, two fics). So, yeah, thanks if you got here, I'll cut it here😅
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Iorveth/Saskia for ship bingo!
while i think their relationship has the potential to be very sweet and caring, i'm averse to shipping them together (pulling the WHY WOULD YOU RUIN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP WITH UNNECESSARY ROMANCE card 😂). to me, they work best as friends and coworkers.
i gave it my best effort though! 💚
thank you so much for the ask!!!
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ship opinion bingo
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bard-llama · 3 years
WiP Wednesday: Sequel to A Heart’s Fire
I’m having a procedure, so I’m preparing this post early so that I don’t forget it again lol. But I am very excited to have my procedure and then maybe potentially have less neck pain!
Anyway, this is a sequel to A Heart’s Fire, where the premise is that Iorveth has been living with Clan an Craite during Witcher 3 bc Skellige doesn’t have a price on his head and because any friend of Geralt’s is a friend of Clan an Craite. He ends up getting caught in a blizzard and running into Roche, who shipwrecked on Ard Skellig on his way to Hindarsfjall. 
When Cerys was crowned Queen of Skellige, she knew there would be some unrest amongst those who did not support her. Especially those who did not support her specifically because she was from Clan an Craite. Still, she meant it when she said that she wished to be a good queen for all Skelligers, not just those who supported her.
But Freya help her, it was so much work. There was a reason the Clans had never been united during her lifetime. Many thought her goal was impossible, but Cerys knew that Skellige would fall apart if they could not face Nilfgaard as a united front. 
Besides, most of the warriors her age only knew battle from raiding continental ships and that just wasn’t sustainable. After all, it wouldn’t take long for ships to avoid Skellige for fear of pirates and what would happen then? Sure, Hjalmar claimed that they could raid and pillage the continental shoreline, but really, what kind of life was that? Where was the glory in stealing from starving peasants?
No, Cerys knew that Skellige needed to change its ways. Not wholly – tradition was the bedrock of their kingdom and she would never seek to change that. But to have an economy wholly dependent on the treasures raiding parties looted? All it would take would be one bad season and their economy would collapse.
Cerys refused to let that happen. There was plenty of work needing done here at home and those raiding parties sailing to the continent would be better utilized in the isles. 
Now if only she could convince the jarls of that.
More under the cut, but fun fact:  the last time the Clans were united was under Arthur, Jarl of Undvik who has turned into the King Arthur of legend on the continent.
“Ugh,” she huffed, throwing herself onto the couch in her family’s private living room. The other two occupants paid little mind to her dramatics, which just increased her frown. Hjalmar, she could understand. After all, he’d had his whole life to invest in his own dramatics and get used to hers. But Iorveth? He hadn’t even been here a full year yet, there was no way he’d gotten used to her dramatics yet.
Just in case, she poked him with her foot, eyebrow raising when he physically jumped at the touch.
“Uh, you okay?” she asked.
“When did you get here?” Iorveth blinked at her. 
Well, at least he hadn’t been ignoring her. “Just now. Whatcha thinking about that has you so absorbed?”
Hjalmar snickered, “he’s moping over his Hindarsfjall crush.”
“Your what crush!?” Cerys’s eyebrows rose to her hairline.
“It’s not a crush!” Iorveth insisted. 
“Uh huh,” Hjalmar laughed.
“Someone explain. Now.” She demanded.
“Well, according to Sternvak,” Hjalmar began and she scoffed.
“Sternvak is the biggest gossip in the isles. And half his stories are false!”
“Yeah, but this one is corroborated by our very own elf,” Hjalmar grinned triumphantly and part of her really wanted to punch his face in. But then, she usually wanted to whenever he got all cocky.
She shook her head, turning to Iorveth. “Well? Or would you prefer Hjalmar butcher your story?”
Iorveth sighed heavily. “It’s not much of a story.”
“I’ll decide that for myself, I think,” Cerys laughed. “C’mon, this has gotta be better than the shit I’ve been dealing with all day.”
Iorveth rolled his eye. Like, very pointedly twisted so that she could see his unmarred eye and rolled it. She snorted and poked his thigh with her foot.
“Last week, when I got caught in the storm,” Iorveth started.
“You mean the storm I told you was coming? The one I specifically warned you about?”
Rolling his eye again, Iorveth ignored her. “I found shelter in a mountain cave, but only because I could see firelight.”
“Okay. And who lit this fire?”
Hjalmar grinned his stupid grin, the one he used when he was determined to torment someone. “According to the dockhands, this someone was tall, broad, and handsome.”
“Oh?” Cerys nudged Iorveth again and he huffed out a sigh.
“I suppose, objectively speaking, he could be described that way.”
That was the most pathetic ‘I’m not saying he’s pretty, but he’s super pretty’ dodge she’d ever seen.
“Okay, so tall, broad, and handsome lights a fire. Then?”
“Then he kept me from stupidly dying of hypothermia. So I brought him to the harbor to catch a boat to Hindarsfjall. That’s it.”
She scoffed. “That is clearly not it. You were so distracted thinking about tall, broad, and handsome that you didn’t even notice me arrive!”
Iorveth winced. “It’s possible he used to be my greatest enemy,” he muttered so quietly that she had to lean forward to hear him.
“Yeah,” Hjalmar laughed. “‘Greatest enemy’. Suuuuuure.”
“Your enemy saved you?”
“It’s… complicated.”
“Clearly,” Cerys and Hjalmar chorused.
“We used to be on opposite sides. And we fought. A lot of times. He was the only special forces commander in the north that I never defeated.”
“Ooooh,” Cerys leaned forward, intrigued. “So this is one of those enemies.”
Iorveth rolled his eye again. “And now his kingdom is gone, my people are disbanded, and we’re both left behind trying to figure out what comes next.”
“Uh huh. And he just magically happened to be on Ard Skellig, in a random cave, just in time to save you?”
“He shipwrecked here. Didn’t even know which island he was on. And definitely wasn’t expecting to see me. Nor me him.”
Iorveth shrugged. “And nothing. We talked until the storm let up, then I showed him to the harbor and he hired a boat to Hindarsfjall. That’s it.”
“Yeah, but what did you talk about!? I mean, two enemies, coincidentally in the same place, forced to work together by circumstances – c’mon there has to be a good story out of that.”
I only sort of know where this is going, so requests welcome! Basically, I’m thinking Cerys decides to have an urgent diplomatic meeting with the Jarl of Hindarsfjall, maybe to check on how repairing after the Wild Hunt’s attack is going. And she drags Iorveth along and Iorveth ends up finding Roche with Shorty’s gaggle of kids.
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fitztrevelyan · 3 years
Verse: Inquisition
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This is a in-depth description of Mistral’s role in the Inquisition and her personal POV on it. 
Iorveth is a character from the witcher series (all rights belong to  Andrzej Sapkowski & CDProjekt) translated into the Dragon Age universe (all rights belong to Bioware and EA).
More under the cut
1 - A hole in the Sky:
Mistral has just fled from Kirkwall. She’s trying to get a Tevinter mercenary company off her tail. While heading toward Orlais, she makes a stop-over in Heaven for supplies. It is only by chance that she eavesdrops on a conversation between a customer and the innkeeper about the conclave and the people who’d be attending; her half-cousins are in the list. Mistral ignores the cheering exchange of the men about the flow of gold that the event has brought into their pockets. She just drops a small coin pouch on the counter, stashes her supplies, and readies herself to leave silencing the emotions that stir in her stomach.
She is crossing the threshold when an explosion makes the sky turn green.
2 - Stuck
The hole in the sky wouldn’t be a problem per se, she could just ignore it and be back on her way... if only the bloody thing wasn’t vomiting demons and a large variety of other shit... 
There’s a group of religious fanatics that are enlisting voluntaries to help the poor sods who survived the explosion here. They speak of riots spreading like wildfire, much like the voices about the explosion to be intentional. Everyone is in shock at the assassination of the Divine. This is exactly the kind of hot mess where the Tevinter guys would never go looking for her... Interesting.
3 a- The Herald 
Masses are fickle. Opinions have the lifespan of a fly. Today you are accused to be a murderer? tomorrow they may just well call you a hero. Masses are nasty, nasty beasts, unpredictable; they need to box people in stereotypes to feel safe: mages, Qunari, Dwarves, Elves. Ah! Those little labels! They are just so reassuring when things turn sour...
And now the crowds have just anointed one of those freaks ODDITIES “the Herald of Andraste”. Mistral’s enjoying this madness more than she anticipated, watching the spectacle from her corner. Adan’s grumpy remarks on the events are a breath of fresh air and the guy knows his stuff about explosives. Until he’s around, stirring potions for the wounded and gathering herbs won’t be too bad. 
3 b - Saint Trevelyan of Ostwick
This is unexpected and potentially disastrous. Her cousin has been anointed by the crowds a savior and champion of Andraste. She’d laugh if the situation wasn’t so grotesque. She has no interest in reconnecting with the Trevelyan but at the moment she has no other option than to stay, trying to blend into the crowd. Working with the apothecary might be low-profile enough. She also might want to use her Rivaini name, for the time being, unless the spymaster manages to uncover her past. That damn girl knows her shit. 
4 - An unexpected turn of events
This is still a WIP. Adjustments are to be expected.
( I’ve been discussing this point with a friend who’s given me interesting prompts on the matter, so thank you mate for your valuable insights! The organization of Fen’Harel’s spy network is definitely based on your hc’s so thank you twice.)
It’s official, we’re in politics. The Inquisition has a fortress, an army, a good share of followers (more like devoted), and a spy network. A bloody good one too. Mistral has drawn the spymaster’s attention. She assumes that working for Leliana will allow her to control what information about her origins will fall into the former bard’s hands.  A gross miscalculation. It took quite some time, yes, and hard work too but in the end, Sister Nightingale managed to find out about Mistral’s connection to the Trevelyan family.
That poses three major problems: 
1- her cousin might expect her to be in their service much like grandfather did because back in Ostwick, that’s the way of things if you are a bastard. And Mistral isn’t into this option at all. 
2- The Trevelyan might feel threatened by the bastard daughter of Gallant; even more so because his wife, Lady Pandora Anaxas of Nevarra, has never stopped looking for the girl. If the wife of the rightful heir decided to adopt the girl, she would have a claim to the title of head of the house. That would mean only one thing: soon enough, the Crows of Antiva would be signing a ridiculously rich contract on her life. Not a risk she’s willing to take
3- Problem 1 and 2 aren’t mutually exclusive.
Everything points to an inevitable ending. Mistral wants to go back on her way but unexpectedly someone reappears from her past. 
Iorveth her friend, partner, and occasional lover has joined Leliana’s network. But there is more.  In time, the elf tells Mistral that, in fact, he is working for a broader plan involving the wellbeing of the elves and a shift in power. Mistral warns Iorveth he's walking a dangerous line: Leliana is extremely good at her job, not even she managed to throw her off the scent. Iorveth insists that the organization he's working for is vast, well networked, and secure. Different units with different tasks and different leaders; each leader reports to the higher ranks. The members of a unit don't know those of other units.
That's a lot to take on trust, the woman concedes, but Iorveth is determined in his argumentation. This is not some random raid against slavers ships like those they did when they worked together in Kirkwall. This is an actual chance for his people to take control over their own destiny.
When Mistral asks him why he's telling her all this, Iorveth, who's always been in love with her, reveals that he means to recruit her as a counterspy for his organization, but Mistral turns him down. Too many risks, and too blurry the ultimate end. Iorveth tells her secrecy is a necessary requirement but he can vouch for the nobility of the purpose.
Iorveth was always an idealist. She likes that about him as much as she is disillusioned about power, politics, and machinations. No revolution is fair unless your job is writing history books for those who have won the war.
They part in good terms. Mistral leaves Skyhold at night. She hasn't gone far when three Crows ambush her and try to kill the woman. Blackthorn is seriously wounded to defend her human sister. They would have died hadn't it been for Iorveth and his bow. Mistral is injured but safe; Blackthorn, on the other hand, needs urgent tending to her wounds. The only solution is to go back to Skyhold. In the process, Iorveth risks being uncovered as he carries stolen documents that he was supposed to deliver to his elven superior. Mistral manages to distract her fellow agents and puts the documents back in place (not without taking a peek).
Now she's the only one knowing the content of those papers. Her first job as an (unwilling) agent of Fen'Harel. The first but not the last.
Although the woman refuses repeatedly to enter the counterintelligence with Iorveth, she'll find herself time and again involved in the Dread Wolf's plans... 
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malamodravila · 4 years
Rules: pick your top 10 OTPs without reading the questions.
I can’t believe I have been tagged in a post. Omg did someone actually notice me? @advena87 thank you so much for tagging me!
I’m using ships from The Witcher (mostly games as I’m currently just reading the beginning of the second book) because I’m obsessed with it right now. Feel free to use any fandom you like though. 
Also some of the ships don’t really make sense or/and are very rare pairings. These are not only ships I like, just some of my favorites and the ones I thought would be interesting (because I didn’t want to do just the basic ones). For ships that aren’t canon, I’ll be using my personal headcanons.
Also no hate and ship wars please (I act like anyone is gonna read this lol)
1.    Roche x Iorveth
2.    Emhyr x Morvran
3.    Iorveth x Cedric
4.    Morvran x Marie Louisa
5.    Geralt x Shani
6.    Geralt x Roche
7.    Geralt x Siegfried
8.    Dandelion x Priscilla
9.    Lambert x Aiden
10.  Éibhear x Elihal
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
Yes, I remember the exact moment. It was in Iorveth’s path in the witcher 2, when you visit Kaedweni camp and Roche saves Geralt. 
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2?
Yes. It was what introduced me to this ship and it was one of the best fanfics I have ever read. (I’m not sure if I can say the name here so I won’t. Feel free to ask me for recommendation tho)
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr screen saver?
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
Well, I think they had already kind of broken up in The Witcher 1 so in my personal “headcanon” everything that involves them after it is bittersweet.
5. Why is 1 so important?
They like and accept themselves despite their pasts, yet they don’t have redemption arcs. Also I feel like this ship offers them peace after what they had to live through. 
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
I take this ship seriously, but when you overlook some unfortunate events they have potential to be kinda the comedic duo
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Roche x Iorveth in my opinion.
8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
I think... Iorveth x Cedric. They have common past and the feelings and longing stayed even after Cedrik left scoia'tael.
9. How many times have your read/watched 10’s fandom
I wish I could read more fanfics. Sadly there isn’t much content about these lovely elves.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
I had a hard time choosing this answer. Éibhear x Elihal I think.
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
I wouldn’t say they had broken up. But they definitely had some downs and perhaps pauses.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
Oh wow neither. If I have to choose, well... Both Emhyr and Morvran don’t really seem like fighters to me but they are scheming and have plans . Dandelion and Priscilla aren’t much of a fighter as well but someone always saves Dandelion and they have luck. I can’t decide. 
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
Siegfried has to hide it because of his wows and beliefs.
14. Is 4 still together?
Well they aren’t exactly confirmed canon so they have probably never been together, but even if they were, they parted ways.
15. Is 10 canon?
No. It could be tho
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Lambert x Aiden. Just cause they are both witchers and there isn’t anyone too OP. But some other ships would definitely put up a good fight.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
Ehhh Triss
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
1 and 10. 
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
There is just void in the Iorveth x Cedric tag. So I really can’t
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
Morvran x Marie Louisa. I think it was more like one short period of time thing, so not much harm done here.
I don’t have anyone to tag, so feel free to do this.
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oooh geralt/iorveth for the ask game !!
(un)fortunately for everyone, i am a monoshipper to the extreme for my main fandom ships, which mean this isn't really a ship that works for me.
HOWEVER, i do very much see the potential they have. so, as a thought exercise, i tried to imagine how these two could work together.
half a mark for 'i don't see them as romantic' because while i actually CAN see them as romantic, i don't really want to 😂
thank you very much for the ask!!! 😘
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ship opinion bingo
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bard-llama · 3 years
For the ask game: 💚💖💩💦 any or all!
Ship that you secretly like: 💚
Oh huh, I... don't know if I'm secret about any of my likes lmao. But I guess... Roche/Foltest? Because it's objectively a terrible ship and the power imbalance alone is enough to make one scream... but I actually really like exploring what it means for their characters.
Oh, Gascon/Roche too lmao. I hc that Gascon chose Roche to get rid of his virginity with 'cause they were bros and Roche kinda specializes in that lmao. I'll share a snip just because I can, but this is from a fic where the Throne3 meet Saskia/Iorveth/Roche. (I'll put it under a cut 'cause it's kinda long)
Ship that needs more love: 💖
Isendain for sure. Which, for those who haven't heard is Isengrim/Eldain and it's wonderful.
Also, THRONE3!!! I cannot understand how this ship is not more popular, tbh! It's the obvious ot3???? But like, 5 people played Thronebreaker and I don't even count as one 'cause I haven't finished it lmao. Anyway, Meve/Reynard/Gascon is an AMAZING ship with so much potential and people been sleeping on it.
Ship that you find disgusting: 💩
Haha, if we wanna be super niche, Geralt/Stregobor is an actual ship and I hate it. But also honestly kinda game!Yenn/Geralt, but again, mostly because I despise game!Yenn.
Ship that is taboo: 💦
Hmm, idk if I consider anything taboo these days lmao. ask me about my super dead dove fic if you want proof
but yeah, umm... I guess Foltest/Roche/Triss? 'cause tbh, I mostly just have porn WiPs for it. They like dressing up Roche as their little girl and it's fun.
Ask me a Witcher ship question!
Snip under the cut!
By the way her eye twitched, Reynard knew that Meve had no idea how to respond to that. He tried to think of a way to interrupt that wouldn’t be inappropriate, but he was saved from that by Saskia turning towards Gascon and Commander Vernon Roche.
“It would seem some of our number already know each other.”
“Oh yeah,” Commander Roche smiled – and it was quite strange to see a smile on the face of the legendary elf killer who had deserted for an elf’s love, according to the rumors. “We’re old friends.”
Reynard blinked. They what?
“Yeah,” Gascon nodded, smirk spelling trouble. “In fact, this is the man who took my virginity.”
Reynard was far from the only one that choked at that, staring in wide eyed dismay and wondering if he had, perhaps, hallucinated such a wildly inappropriate statement–
“Oh hey, me too!” one of the soldiers with the number 13 tattooed on his neck cheered. “He’s good at it, huh?”
“He really is,” Gascon agreed, amusement clear on his face.
In response, Commander Roche did nothing more than roll his eyes.
“Seriously!?” said the elf – and the very idea that Reynard was standing mere feet away from one of the most bloodthirsty Scoia’tael leaders was not at all giving him cold shivers. The red bandana covering half of his face was rather distinctive, and Reynard wondered, not for the first time, how on earth the elf hunter had turned into an elf lover.
Commander Roche shrugged. “Hey, everyone has a niche.”
“And yours is taking people’s virginity?” Saskia asked, laughter in her voice.
“And doing a damn good job of it, thank you.”
Iorveth slapped a hand to his face, groaning in exasperation. “Should I even ask who else here you’ve slept with?”
“Ah, well,” Roche started, scratching the back of his head with the hand not around Gascon’s waist.
“Raise your hand if you’ve fucked Vernon Roche!” one of the Blue Stripes soldiers shouted, and instantly, all of their hands went up, as did Saskia’s, Iorveth’s, Gascon’s – and Meve’s.
“Your Majesty!” Reynard’s scandalized voice was a little too high pitched, but really!
She lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug, “it was a political thing. Didn’t I always tell you that diplomatic conferences had their upsides?”
Her face was mildly sympathetic to his horror, but it was hard to process that around her words because what!?
“Okay, but can we talk about that guy back there who raised his hand? I see you,” the soldier with the 13 on his neck pointed, and Reynard twisted to see First Lieutenant Rethik of Scala with his hand awkwardly held in the air.
“Oh hey, I remember you,” Vernon Roche said. “Winter of ‘63, yeah?”
First Lieutenant Rethik flushed, but seemed absolutely delighted to be remembered as he nodded.
Reynard shook his head. Even one of his own men! How was this even possible!? Who was this Vernon Roche!?
“Am I the only person here who hasn’t slept with Commander Roche?” he asked hoarsely.
There was a moment of silence as all of the diplomatic representatives present pressed their lips together with a shrug.
“We could change that,” Commander Roche offered.
The croaking sound that emerged from Reynard’s throat was incoherent.
“You are absolutely not fucking my general,” Meve said sternly, “without me.”
Reynard whirled around to stare at her in astonishment, face flushing.
“Oh, oh, I’m in!” Gascon raised his hand, bouncing on his feet, and Reynard rather felt like his brain was on the verge of combusting.
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