#see naruto apologizing to his father for not being able to marry a proper woman
cloudabserk · 4 months
Why would you make them say boyfriend girlfriend aren't they boyfriends
yes they are both boys and therefore boyfriends. but also based on the society in which he lives i don’t think naruto would have a real understanding of being gay besides “some boys look like girls. and i like sasuke so much that it makes everyone uncomfortable”.
i think he would probably initially try to cast sasuke in the role of “my girlfriend” despite also finding sasuke very traditionally masculine in many ways. and i don’t think sasuke would especially mind because sasuke does not care about gender or what people think of him
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Did you know that it took me the whole day to write for her because I just can’t help but type and type? huhu habsuajwna skip the backstory if its too long for you. Sorry for the late submission!🙏✨
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Name: Naomi Hitsuji
----> Naomi means "pleasantness" in Hebrew while Hitsuji means "sheep" in Japanese.
Age: 18-19
Birthday: August 26th
Height: 5'7
Weight: 132 lbs
Talent: Ultimate Police Officer
S/O: Nagito Komaeda
---> Despite being a significant other, their bond is only platonic love. Nagito told her that he never have an older sibling nor a younger sibling, he told her he would never hope of having it all since they will just be affected by his luck cycle. Knowing this fact, Naomi assured him that she will treat him like a sibling. She is always been babied by her older brother so she wanted to offer affection. The fact that he was stuck in a torturous luck cycle that stole his family made her feel like he is deprived of love and affection. Though Nagito declined the offer, Naomi told him that he deserves it. But time past by, Naomi has been more motherly and comfortable with him- she just wanted to see him with a satisfied smile in his face.
Japanese VA: Nana Mizuki (Hyuuga Hinata from Naruto)
English VA: Danielle Judovits (Sumia from Fire Emblem)
—-> Naomi has loose and wavy beige hair that reach through the bottom of her breast. She has lavender mono-lid eyes. Her outfit is really hard to express—I am not knowledgeable with fashion so lets just leave it there isnsjwjwn 😔
———> Experiencing a man dominated nature for quite awhile, her cheerful, childish and annoying determination shredded into a more sophisticated, formal and gracious persona. She changed to prove to her older brother that she could be an independent and firm person, that she could carry the both of them even if they are bursted by the waves of sufferings.
———> She is a woman that has strong will and broad principles. Despite being in the age of 19, she is very motherly, independent and understanding with her coleagues–but she is still strict when it is really needed. Her good communication and knowledge is what made her deserving of the title "Ultimate Police Officer".
———> She is a firm believer of hope, that hope can overcome this surge of loss and pain. She believes that hope can help her brother, hope can help the Ultimates. Which is why she believes that Nagito has good intentions, despite his eyes swirling from despair, he believes in hope.
———> Her choice of words. Naomi could move a person with her words. She always told her co-leagues with great assurance that they will do great and she always say that everything takes patience and understanding.
———> Her honesty and sincerity. Even though she can be blunt, she could be someone to be trusted!
———> A mother figure. She has a strong passion when it comes to people who needs guidance counseling and always there when you need a word of advice, no matter how annoying you are she could tolerate.
———> Her knowledge. She knows many things when it comes to handling heavy guns, drills, methods and fire coaching even though she is just a police officer—especially in the killing game COUgh. She really is good when it comes to strategizing and cooperation like ??? 😳
———> Her reaction time, agile and defense. (inspiration for this one is Annie Leonhart ✨)
———> Lost of strong intimacy (such as romance). She's not capable of being open when it comes to intimacy like that. Its too out of her reach and she had been deprived from "romance" already—even her honesty have limits and she wouldn't like a topic surrounding that. Of course! she had loved but she will never admit that because it makes her uncomfortable. If someone confessed their love to her, she'll walk away with a small apology. If you ever ask for an advice related to intimacy, just so you know you'll get nothing ✨But don't worry! it just take an effort of assuring her and you'll get what you want.
———> Strength, stamina and power. She had lived for years without the proper nutrition after her family's massacre, she have to endure small amounts of food, famines and floods. The only thing that stop this weaknesses for showing is her knowledge because even without strength, stamina nor power—her knowledge is her weapon. Its not like she doesn't have it! But like its much more weaker than her strengths? Jdnjwjsns
———> Her loss of humor. KYAAA its not like she doesn't know how to get a joke! but if you ask her to tell a joke she wouldn't answer at all. Her humor suddenly walks away after her older brother's obsession in death. Like—humor isn't how she comforts someone, she'll be so awkward andddd in return you'll get her embarrassed and laughing out of it. She will somewhat tell you that she doesn't have good humor.
———> Her rage. Oh no, if you tell her to open up because it will be healthy for her—you'll also experience her anger. She will tell you that she wants to kill that scum who have the burning audacity to tell Megami to kill their family, she was so happy and contented even though they were living in a rural area and then someone comes there to steal it? For what? To have fun? Smh.
———> Meddlesome. If you catch her feels and moved her heart, you better catch this too. She is scared to lose another person even though she was just interested at you even a tiny bit so expect her to come with you even if you just want to look at the night sky and she will probably answer "Well you might get killed though" its not like she doesn't trust you but you guys are at a killing game so– free bodyguard I guess?
———> She is the type of person to put all her feelings in a jar then once it didn't fit her heavy heart—she'll burst and overflow then becomes empty afterwards. The cycle ALWAYS repeats ^^;
Family members:
Yuichi Hitsuji (Father : deceased) ,
Sara Hitsuji (Mother : deceased),
Hiroto Hitsuji (Eldest brother : ???),
Megami Hitsuji (Eldest sister : deceased),
Kenzo Hitsuji (Middle child/brother : deceased),
Nagahi Hitsuji (youngest/twins with Naomi : deceased),
Naomi Hitsuji (youngest/twins with Nagahi : alive)
Backstory (I noticed that there is someone who I almost have the same backstory so I change the siblings and the wholeass plot. It was supposed to be Naomi's twin brother but I found this out so I thought maybe— 😳 but just so you know you can skip this because its so HECKIN long)
The Hitsuji family lived in a rural area where they lived their happiness at the fullest. Even though they were almost hanging low from poverty, they were able to preserve their glee in the household. One day, when the eldest brother Hiroto Hitsuji was teaching the clueless Naomi how to plant crops on one of their lands—a sudden massacre happened inside the household. Blood spurts on the walls , the smell of blood was so strong to his nose that he feel like baffling.
The crime was so sudden and it astonished the residence when it was announced, no one was able to witness any clue or any sound that resonated from the house. Investigators visited but to no avail, there aren't hints of another suspect than the people themselves inside the household. Hiroto Hitsuji was almost suspected from the crime if it weren't for Naomi to be there with him. The case haven't been solved yet, but it was so popular to the public eye, almost as if it is an 'entertainment'—her older brother was so angry when the death of his family was made as a game waiting to be unsolved by people.
After 2 weeks or so, it was declared that Megami, the eldest sister of the Hitsujis was the one who slaughtered the ménage and to avoid getting jailed—she committed suicide along with them. Hiroto believed that it wasn't true and that Megami isn't capable of committing when she was the one who is the most contented out of the family. He believed that someone might've hypnotized or ordered her to kill though the authorities didn't pay mind to his blabbering. Poor Naomi didn't know anything of the slaughter until she turned 12.
She was so confused, Hiroto had to lie to her just so she wouldn't feel so disturbed of the sudden disappearance. She knew it didn't add up—she was trained heavily by Hiroto and the residence have been avoiding her and her brother, she could even hear whispers on her back just as she pass by. Not only that, she could always see him suffering alone as he fixed the crops on the field. It was so lonely, it was so depressing, it was so helpless in the household when only the two members have been there. It took all tears and shame for him to tell her that the others have been long gone.
Years have passed, and Naomi noticed Hiroto's immense hope. He never pay mind to rumors nor let every insult come shoot him. When he saw her so depressed and suddenly lamenting about the massacre, he will assure her with the most gentle smile he could muster. Hiroto was able to have income because lady luck gave him fortune to be able to stand up again. Naomi thought his behavior was amusing and when she opened about how laughable he is, he'll just grin at her way. Naomi adored and loved her brother from the bottom of her heart, he always stand up and always put on a smile even though he was carrying such a heavy load on his shoulders. She was so happy to be blessed with a strong man as a brother.
In years full of effort and recovering, his success didn't falter. The two was able to move on a well-known city (which is where the Hope's Peak Academy has took place). He was able to marry a woman named "Yuna Minato" whom he have met when he was selling what he has in supply. The family started with laughs and obnoxious behavior around the house. Naomi promised to do something for the family which is why she entered the police forces. Yuna and Hiroto welcomed her support with open heart, almost as if there were Naomi's parents. Naomi's new family is what she was sworn to protect and she delivered her determination and motivation to the military that she was able to rise up and get scouted by Hope's Peak Academy. She turned to a very positive, independent and determined person when she was able to engage with new Ultimates. She was so open and so capable of her job as an Ultimate.
The unbelievable blessings that happened also altered to a very horrendous nightmare, Horito and his wife Yuna who was pregnant with their 4 months child have gotten to a car accident after getting crushed by a truck who loose control. The truck driver ran away while swarms of people invaded the car. The family that Naomi have sworn to protect was hit by a wave of bad luck. To her surprise, Horito was able to survive the car accident but his wife and their child have died.
It resulted for Horito to fall in a pit full of self-loathing, he despised himself for never thinking. He thought that the only way he could give his apology with is his own life—its not like he need it anymore, its so pathetic anyways. He was placed on the mental hospital two months after the accident because he was spotted trying to die in public places, spotted by Naomi overdosing and etc. The admirable brother that Naomi rejoiced for, has finally broke and bursted from his heavy load of anger and sadness. With swirls and loops of despair, Horito cannot pass a day without crying and starving himself as he absorbed all the guilt of loosing another loved one with his reckless decisions. He told Naomi that maybe, just maybe—this was the curse of the Hitsuji family.
The hurt and fear she felt when Horito looked at her with contorted irritation and despair, when he yelled that this worthless and time wasting life shouldn't be tolerated anymore—that all he had was just false hope. She tried to maintain her composure and tell him to calm down because he is not alone, that she was still here with him. Her paranoia crept up to her as if she looked away, Horito will die the next second. Naomi can never exceed the pain if Horito died and leave her here. She wasn't able to protect the people she cared about, and thats what made her feel so drowned on doses of guilt. She bargained that this time she will carry for the two of them. Just like what Horito did when she was younger, she put a firm faith on hope. She believed that hope can stop this cycle of torture, she believe that hope can change her brother's self-loathing–it just needs some patience. She changed the childish personality of hers to a more sophisticated one, she wanted to prove him that she could carry his load.
Even though she said that, she can never resist fate. As if fate hated the Hitsujis forever, Naomi was transported to a killing game. Leaving Horito to suffer from loneliness and he secretly died after the fire on the mental hospital. He was condemned to ashes with his undying despair-filled life.
-Naomi loves expressing her feelings on a letter, she would definitely put sticky notes on the head of her bed filled with rants and motivational poems!
-Naomi engages alot with Nagito because he reminds her of Hiroto. Like even the luck cycle is almost the same? If ever Naomi opened up about it, Nagito will prolly think that her brother has a luck cycle like him too.
-If Chiaki ever needs a gaming partner, she'll call on Naomi since she knew that she has good reaction time and really good when it comes to strategizing. Naomi will be a very great gaming partner!
-Akane will definitely challenge Naomi if she ever got reminded of Naomi's talent. But only for her to get disappointed because well—Naomi doesn't have that good of a strength at all.
-I really headcanon that Naomi and Nekomaru would be besties or like the mother and father of the group hmhmhm just a thought-
-Naomi didn't know that Horito is dead, which is why she had been believing at hope to something that would never be bound to happen.
AAAA THIs was 2467 words like emmmm, chile- anyways I am sorry its so long wjdnwjwj.
Gina: Welcome to OC fest, Naomi! My name is Gina, the Ultimate Philanthropist. This may sound a bit weird, but I never met a police officer before. But I bet it’s a super cool job. It’s so nice to know the safety of everyone here is in the hands of someone as hopeful as you!
Yukari:..............Gina, you’ve been spending WAY TOO MUCH time with the awesome Nagito
Gina: *blushes* Sorry.....but thank you for taking care of him, by the way. I appreciate it
Yukari: You ever need to awesomely vent about your unawesome trauma, we are all ears! And maybe an awesome game of chess with Oresama can cheer you up *smirks* Gotta warn you though, Oresama never lose~
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For the royalty starter, NaruSasu “I’ll fight for you” + “I’ll never look at another” and “I don’t care if our nations are at war” you can use one or more, I don’t really mind :) thank you
(OH MY GOD I AM SO MEAN FOR NOT ANSWERING THIS RIGHT AWAY!! I am so sorry!! I hope you like the fic! I finished this before bed UGU~
Edit: I might make a sequel if people like this enough. I have a lot of shit that could go down c; )
Their secret hiding place deep into the woods had never been breached. With fighting countries constantly in the middle of war between and on the borders, Naruto had been honestly surprised to see the old house still lit up and safe on the outside, half expecting it to be torn down and demolished by angry or drunk soldiers, or even made into a hide out. The house may have been in the middle of nowhere, but it would have been perfect for a base to take out anyone trying to pass into the land of fire without grounds or proper paperwork. Then again, Naruto considered it lucky that the old house was still there and not taken over by his country’s military – it would have meant that they would have caught Sasuke coming in, and Naruto wasn’t prepared to let him into harm’s way that easily.  
He trudged forward in the snow and made it past the dead raspberry bushes to get to the window. He was now tall enough to not have to stand on his tip toes to see into the abandoned house, and he was glad. The view he had right away was enough to make his heart beat fast and he burst into a smile. With short raven hair softly styled up into spikes and soft ivory skin, the young man his best friend had become busied himself inside the old house and Naruto felt his heart swell with joy at seeing his best friend, the man he could never introduce to his other friends or anyone he loved. The minute he would talk about Sasuke and confess that the boy he spent his years getting to know and growing up with was from the Sound country, they would only view him as a monster. The enemy.
Maybe one day he would be, but today would not be that day.
Uchiha Sasuke, the son of a well-known chief of police in the Sound country, had been Uzumaki Naruto’s best friend since they were about ten years old.  The way they had met was unorthodox in theory, but it had happened all the same. No one would believe that two boys from opposite and opposing countries would become fast friends by meeting in the middle of the thick and dark woods, but they had. Naruto, having become a recent orphan, had needed to get away to find ways to cope the loss of his father, one of the Fire country’s top military officers, and he chose to find solace and peace in the woods. Little did he know, Sasuke also needed to get away, having been one of the Sound country’s most eligible young bachelors, currently in the process of being found a wife to marry. The young boy had been so stressed by his family’s pushing and insistence in being the best future husband and young man to a beautiful young woman that he decided to run. He almost totally ran away, but had stopped at the old house in the woods where Naruto had been hiding out.
Two paths collide, creating an irreplaceable friendship.
For years they would meet up, summers were spent swimming in the creek, winters went without word for months, the land too cold for them both to trek to see the other. They had planned days out of months out of years to meet up and spend time and while they were away or particularly missed the other’s company, they would end up at the old house and leave notes for the other to find, sometimes gifts and promises. As they grew older, the trips were well planned and the activities fit their need to show off and involved friendly competitions. Naruto swore that he would get better at running and Sasuke promised that he would become better at fishing, both boys having their goals to show the other who was top dog.
When the year of their fifteenth birthdays came around, their plans had become interrupted and Naruto was sent away for military training. It had been his father’s wish, and the heads of state made sure it was carried out. Naruto was lucky that he had time to leave a letter for Sasuke and tell him of his departure with a heartfelt apology. He didn’t know when (or if) he would return, but he promised that in case anything bad happened to him that Sasuke would be the first to know. He would hate to have never said goodbye to his best friend, so he survived a grueling training regimen and his first handful of battles. It was hard to believe that four years had passed before his eyes, not one day passing that he didn’t think of his best friend.
He was lucky that a couple of months before he came home, he was able to leave a note with a date for Sasuke in the old house. He was resting with his squad a couple of miles away and he left in the dead of night to leave the envelope in its usual place, hoping Sasuke would visit in time to get the message and meet him there, unharmed and safe.
It was what made Naruto smile when he approached the house, his breath fogging the window in the cold midnight air. He had begun to snow as he stood outside, watching Sasuke light a fire in the old fireplace, music from the old record player sounding softly from inside. Naruto was quick to push back his hair from his face and head to the door. The threat of someone else showing up while either one was alone in the house had always scared them both. Once they had become older and wiser, they knew that the war would never let up and that there might be someone who would be out to hurt them come their way. They invented a secret knock to signal the other that it was them, and Naruto tapped his own personal one onto the old and rotting door, looking into the window. He fought back a laugh as Sasuke jumped at the sound, startled, but he also saw the smile on his face as Sasuke realized it was him, immediately moving from his place on the floor to get the locked door open for him. The smell of the food cooking immediately hit Naruto and he couldn’t control the swell in his chest at how happy he was to see Sasuke again.
“Hey,” He grinned and stepped inside, dropping his hiking pack to the ground. Naruto barely got a chance to take off his shoes next before Sasuke pulled him in and hugged him tightly, the blond taking a minute to gasp at the strong hold he had on him before laughing and hugging him back. “Sasuke! I knew you missed me~”
That got the older to pull away and shove a finger in his face. “Shut up, idiot. Can’t I just be glad you are alive before you mock me?” He hissed a bit but Naruto came back in for a hug, making Sasuke melt into a smile instead of his sneer.  “So, what if I missed you? I was more worried you were going to get yourself killed because you’re so reckless.”
Naruto just pulled away after squeezing him and took a moment to look into his blue eyes. He felt his heart speed up at how beautiful they were, never remembering them to be that deep and comforting before. He pulled away a little further as he realized he was looking down at Sasuke and he moved his hand from the crown of his own head to hover above Sasuke. He laughed once. “I’m taller than you! By almost a good three inches!” The look on Sasuke’s face made Naruto feel victorious as Sasuke stepped back to see what he had said was true. “I finally beat you at something, asshole!”
Sasuke sputtered a bit before hitting him a bit with a closed fist to his shoulder. “Shut up. I got my mother’s height. I am still five foot eight! That is still decent.”
“I can’t believe I am taller than you,” Naruto mocked him and puffed out his chest before Sasuke hit it and made him cough. “Sore loser,” he groaned and Sasuke just rolled his eyes.  
“How about you come in and shut the door so you can eat. You are letting out all the warmth.” He scolded and pushed him inside, the both of them locking the doors and windows and shutting the curtains.  
Naruto stripped down to his long johns and sat sprawled out by the fire, warming his big, clean feet, toes wiggling in happiness. The blond watched as his friend sliced up the homemade bread and started to serve up soup in the bowls left behind from all those years ago. He took the food with a soft thank you and smile to Sasuke. He almost took a bite of the soup before grimacing and looking to his friend. “You aren’t trying to poison me, yeah?”
Sasuke glared at him. “Eat it and find out.” He took a bite with some sausage and rice and chewed before speaking again. “My mother taught me how to cook. Just eat before it gets cold.”
Naruto snorted in response and took a bite of some of the best soup he had ever tasted. He dipped the perfect slice of bread in the broth and swore he went to heaven. Both young men ate up quite ravenously before they slowed down enough to start talking and catching up. It was so hard to do after being apart for nearly five years, not remembering where you left off or if the person in front of you has changed to not meet your interests any more. Luckily, it was Sasuke who started and not Naruto.
“So… the military.” He began. “At least you get to travel.”
Naruto looked at him for a good moment before shrugging and sipping at his broth. “It’s alright.” He didn’t break eye contact. “I’ve been nearly everywhere by now. So… I guess it is nothing new.”
Sasuke just nodded at that. “…Do you like it?”
Naruto shook his head. “No.” Sasuke nodded in understanding before it was Naruto’s turn to ask a question. “What about you…? Your dad got you into the police force?”
Sasuke nodded. “Yeah. Just like Itachi.”
“And you like it?” Naruto was hopeful.
Silence fell between the two again and Naruto could see that Sasuke was a little uncomfortable. He figured that it was probably because he was still in a nice button up and slacks, looking as if he had just come from a fancy dinner party, but he knew it wasn’t the case. Naruto had been pretty dense, but if one thing his job had taught him was how to read people. “…Sorry to hear about that, S’suke.” He put down his bowl and rested his chin on his knees, looking up at Sasuke as he sat on his legs in a proper fashion, hands on his knees. “…Relax, dude. I’m not going to bite you.” He teased with a laugh but Sasuke just rolled his eyes and sat on his bottom with his legs crossed. His back was still straight. He had always been so proper but Naruto wished it wasn’t default for him.  
“It’s not that being in the force isn’t my dream. It still is,” Sasuke began but looked away from Naruto to think. “I just…It’s all coming to me so fast.”
Naruto perked up a bit. “What is?” He asked and Sasuke looked back at him.
Naruto blinked and waited for Sasuke to elaborate, but when it didn’t come, he groaned aloud. “Stop being so cryptic. What are you talking about?”
Sasuke rolled his eyes and moved to stand, taking Naruto’s bowl to put in the wash basin. “Everything, Naruto, I am talking about everything.” He turned and went to pump the water, the cold freezing Sasuke’s hands as he worked, but the faster he moved, the less it would be. Naruto listened as Sasuke found his words, pausing before he started to dry the bowls. Narutou could tell that he was troubled and that something was wrong by the way he worked on the dishes and spoke. Normally, when he ranted, he liked to sit and occupy his mind with that one thought so he could sort out his feelings, but this was different. He was hiding something, definitely.  
Then he spoke again. “…My mother never taught me how to dance.”
Naruto tried to keep back a laugh but he couldn’t contain the single snort that came out of his nose in reply before Sasuke turned to give him a dirty look. “W…What? I’m sorry, ‘suke. You really got me going for a minute! I thought it was serious.”
Sasuke turned to face him before stalking over to him to push him. “Shut up! It is serious.”
“I meant, life threateningly serious!” He giggled and shook his head. “Well…anyway, I can teach you how to dance!”
Sasuke was quiet for a moment as he stared at the blond and Naruto crossed his arms in response. “…What if I don’t want to dance? I don’t want her to fall in love with me or something. I would rather her hate me and never woo her.”
Naruto smiled and sat up, his arms falling to his sides as he. “Well, that is nice… but you should still learn! I don’t know a girl who doesn’t like to dance.” He purred a bit and Sasuke gave him a look. Naruto stopped and gave him a look back. “What? It’s true.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. He looked to the floor by Naruto and moved to rub his forehead, silent for another moment, thinking. “…I don’t know what to do, Naruto. I feel like if I do this…I will never get to be…me again.”
Naruto rose an eyebrow. “Dancing.”
Sasuke looked back to him and wrapped his arms around himself. “…Marriage.”
The blond felt that on a personal level. He knew who Uchiha Sasuke was and he knew that he was focused, driven, smart, and genuine when he wanted to be. He hated how he would never let up when it came to small competitions, but it was a part of Sasuke that he had missed and yearned for. He didn’t know what about Sasuke marrying would make him lose a part of himself. Maybe it was something he had missed, but what he knew for sure was that Sasuke was worried. He did what he knew how to do and he stood up, shaking his arms and lolling his head to each side. “Not gonna happen, you asshole.” He stood up straight and rose one hand and put another outward, caging his chest. “Come here.”
Sasuke watched him as if he were crazy and snorted a bit before crossing his arms across his chest. “…What are you doing?”
“I am teaching you to dance. Come here,” Naruto told him seriously. He took a step closer and Sasuke moved a step back. Naruto lowered his arms and groaned. “What? You don’t trust me, Sa-su-ke?”
Sasuke shook his head. “Not really. You need to respect my wishes.” He sneered, but decided to bite. “Where did you learn to dance where you can teach me?”
Naruto put his hands on his hips. “I actually have experience with ladies, pardon me.” He snorted. “We had enough down time to go to the bars and meet some pretty girls while we were travelling. I got to dance with this lovely girl and she showed me all the steps.” Sasuke still didn’t look convinced but Naruto put his hands where they had been positioned. “Just let me show you. If you get uncomfortable, we can always stop.”
Sasuke watched him a bit as he moved forward and slapped at Naruto’s arm that sat in front of his chest. “What part of ‘maybe she will hate me’ didn’t you get?” He asked. “I don’t want to dance.”
Naruto looked down into his eyes and pursed his lips as Sasuke met his gaze, two shades of blue colliding in a beautiful way. The blond could not deny how his heart tugged even more, looking at him and seeing how much he had matured. The words came from his lips before he could stop them, but he knew this was what he had wanted. He had been no stranger from the kindness and warmth of other young men in his squad, and he knew that there was something about Sasuke that wouldn’t say no, not because of pressure, but because of how well they knew each other. “Then dance with only me.”
Naruto had half expected Sasuke to refuse, but when the older boy took a step closer and looked down to their hands, the blond knew what to do. They had done everything together and learned so much that doing this together was really a no brainer. There were no problems with two young men learning something like this with the person they trusted most in the world, so Naruto was glad that Sasuke gave in. They gasped hands and slowly, Naruto moved Sasuke’s left hand to his shoulder, placing his own hand at the shorter’s waist. They were lucky that the song on the record player had just started so they could go by the steps properly.
“Okay,” Naruto began and took a deep breath. “…I am going to step forward with my left foot. Then you step back with your right. Then, we will bring our other feet up and over to the right, and continue dancing that way,” he explained. “So, one will be the step, two will be the glide, and three will be opposite foot step. Got it?”  
Sasuke didn’t break eye contact the entire time and he was slow to nod but quick to understand. “Yeah…I think so.” He nodded and looked down to their feet for a moment. Naruto moved his hand from his waist to point Sasuke’s face back up to him.
“Don’t look at your feet. Trust me. Feel the music and look into my eyes.”  
And that was what Sasuke did the whole dance through, only messing up twice and causing one or both of them to step on each other’s feet. The rest of the dance was so smooth and slow that it was so easy to get lost in each other, Naruto closing his eyes and just feeling Sasuke press his cheek against his, the both of them calm and slowing down into a more intimate and gentle sway. The blond felt as if he were in absolute heaven and he hoped Sasuke had felt the same. It was times like these that made him realize what he held in his arms was so precious, remembering all the times Sasuke cried in his arms or the times that Naruto had become emotional and Sasuke was right there to calm him down.
It also made him remember that Sasuke was part of a country that hated his country.  
Naruto knew better that they were still just kids in this crazy, messed up situation, and he was happy he had found a friend like Uchiha Sasuke to make the days easy, the nights less painful. It almost made him cry as he thought about having to leave Sasuke again, the fact that there might be a day that he will never see him again because of the war – and it hurt.
Once the song stopped and another started to play, the record grainy and spotty, but they didn’t care. Neither of them stopped swaying and Naruto had felt so comfortable so close to Sasuke. They had never shared a moment like this in their maturity, and Naruto knew there would be no going back. “…Sasuke.” He murmured, lips close to his ear. He didn’t feel a shudder, but he knew Sasuke felt what he desired in that moment. “…No matter who you marry…or what side you choose to be on in this war…” He began and pulled away to look into his eyes. Sasuke didn’t care for the distance between them and brought their foreheads close together so they could stay connected. “I want you to only dance with me.”
Sasuke was silent as Naruto spoke but he pulled away after a moment. “…Naruto…Don’t.” He shook his head and the blond took a step closer before Sasuke took another step back. “…Don’t tell me shit like that, okay?” His eyes were pleading and scared. It was rare that Sasuke had cried in their childhood, but the look on his face right that instant was one that made Naruto’s heart clench and his lips purse in worry. There was a gleam in his eyes that hadn’t been caused by lighting and it scared him. He had never really seen these tears of fear and uncertainty, but they were there, present in Sasuke’s eyes and threatening to kiss his cheeks.  
Naruto wished he was going to kiss those cheeks.
In a swift movement, Naruto took the step closer to close their gap and he wrapped his arms comforting around his best friend. He knew that there was something he wasn’t telling him and while it scared him, he felt safety in Sasuke’s arms and he genuinely believed that he was helping to ease his feelings of dread regarding the unknown. He could feel it as Sasuke wrapped his arms around him and sniffled softly, wetting he collarbone and keeping his mouth closed to not let out a sad little whimper. Naruto’s heart was breaking, but he stayed strong for Sasuke. He was happy to be his rock.
Without thinking, he pressed the softest of kisses to Sasuke’s ear and he whispered. “I don’t care if our countries are at war. I will fight for you…for your happiness. It is the least I can do for being given so many wonderful years with you.”
That promise changed them forever.
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