#see: they wouldnt know each other in canon -> regulus is the brother of james’ platonic soulmate
mxlfoydraco · 1 year
i’m just as, if not more, annoyed with marauders tiktok/twitter but bashing jegulus with superficial and misconstrued takes isnt the way to express that
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lesbianjackies · 10 months
people who have a healthy relationship with their sibling(s) / dont have siblings are seemingly incapable of understand what sirius and regulus's relationship was like. i know its all up for interpretation and blah blah blah, and "hannah why are you following canon now but you dont care about it the rest of the time?" but, like. their relationship was Not Good.
James was like a brother to Sirius, and James was loyal to a fault. he would NEVER do that to sirius. im sorry but he wouldnt
he just wouldnt
anyway. i dislike jegulus and i am canon regulus's #1 hater
NO REAL. REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL the way the fandom portrays the black brothers’ relationship drives me actually INSANE as someone with a really bad relationship with my sister. like you don’t GET IT they HATED each other UGH
and i do like regulus but it’s just??? so so strange in regards to ALL THREE of their characters (him, sirius & james) to ship him with james?? like. it makes absolutely no sense to me and i get there’s like. angst?? there??? or whatever??? but like??? dude james and regulus hated each other almost as much as sirius and regulus. and not in a fucking enemies to lovers way in a “my brother sees you more as his brother than he does me” and “you have hurt my best friend beyond repair” sort of way like??? like it makes no?????
ughhhh like it just. james cares way too fucking much about sirius and regulus hates james way too much for it to ever happen or make any sense or !!!!!! ugh!!!!!!!
it just bothers me <///3
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