#seeing someone apologize for shipping hobie and miles
to-a-merrier-world · 1 year
annoyance at atsv fandom bs below🙄
smh cannot believe i’m already seeing age discourse in this fandommmm why are all of you so weird😭 a 15/16 yo dating a 19 yo is not weird and i’m genuinely beggin y’all to reassess how you view ppl, cause that shit ain’t even weird irl.
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saltylemonade13 · 1 year
Edit: I am afraid that I may have spread some misinformation, and a lot of the information in this post is technically wrong now. So please PLEASE check the comments! someone left a link to a post on twitter explaining how Hobie’s age is up to opinion, and I think everyone should look at that first. I will still be keeping this post up to to provide a link to the interview if you want to watch it yourself, and I also want to see what other peoples opinions are on the subject! (Please keep it friendly) However, if you are curious to read the psa, go ahead, but keep in mind that it isn’t exactly accurate anymore.
Yall I think we messed up. Hobie could be an adult and we all were wrong about him being 16. My evidence comes from an interview with co-director Kemp Powers. In the interview we get a short mention on Hobie Brown, and that includes his age. [Timestamp: 1:02:21]
And the quote is as following: “… We need to make that character look like a dork. And the character that makes that character look like a dork is Spider Punk. Y’know he’s- he’s nineteen- twenty, six foot three inches tall real thin…”
As far as I am aware this is the best conformation of his age that I have found. HOWEVER this could possibly be referring to the comic version of Hobie, and how the directors found him and all of COMIC Hobie’s details, as we know that in the comics- he’s an adult. But its important to not this because, on every other site I check- they say he’s around 16, and maybe a little older than Gwen. But I’m hesitant because all of those sites have little to no confirmation, and aren’t a stable source of evidence.
ALSO if Hobie really is 19-20 that makes the whole “love triangle” thing with Gwen REALLY weird. I’ve seen a lot of people say that the love triangle was a joke and wasn’t a serious plot point, but again, the interview says other wise.
“ …but wonderfully as we were working on the film he became integral to the plot. And I think that’s-that’s really whats key. ‘Cause it starts with like- well this is kind of a cool character this idea of you know Mile’s starting to have feelings for Gwen and being uncertain about this other boy so punk like immediately filled in that slot. ” [Time stamp: 1:01:40]He then goes on to talk about how over time punk’s character develops more past that and blah blah blah.
The genuine idea of Mile’s being jealous about Hobie and Gwen seems weird to me if Hobie really is an adult, but that fact that he is mentioned to be 19-20 scares me. Powers never mentioned if he was talking about comic or movie Hobie or if they even are different, but it’s very possible Hobie is an adult in the movie.
I could definitely be looking into it WAY to much and if thats true I apologize, but for all my Punk-flower fans out there, maybe it’s best if we hold off on the ship until someone gives out an official age? Or we should at least be careful. I am aware that some of my information and opinions here aren’t clear and I am so sorry for that. And I am also aware that most sites say that Hobie is around 16 but unless we can confirm that, better safe than sorry y’know?
This does not mean any punk flower enjoyers are now like pr0shipers or something- especially because we don’t really know much, and I don’t intend to make anyone feel bad, I only intend to inform everyone on how punk-flower could very possibly be an accidental pr0ship- and if it is we should take it down as quickly as possible. BUT TAKE EVERYTHING I SAY WITH A GRAIN OF SALT.
Have a nice day, and I love you all 🫶
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Can we be moots?
Also, am I wrong for feeling this way, or is it reasonable?
Personally, I’m not mad at Gwen but definitely irritated. People like to claim it wasn’t her fault and that she didn’t betray Miles because she was just doing what she had to do to survive.
NEVER will I bash on someone for doing what they need to do to survive. However, it also doesn’t mean that there were some personal choices that she made regardless of her circumstances that hurt Miles and hit their relationship a bit.
And I’m cool with them being together. Do I absolutely ship them? No, but I’m fine if it happens. What certain people hate on me for is not wanting the relationship to happen right away in the next movie.
I like things being realistic, and I don’t think I could justify in my mind them being together simply because Gwen came to save him and then everything is all sunshine and rainbows.
Does that make sense? If you don’t agree, feel free to say so
Hell yeah we can!! ALSOOOOOO You're into my other blorbo who I never talk about on this blog or else I'll go off the rails (Carmy)
But yeah I think some of the behaviors Gwen does is a lot more to comfort herself or save face sometimes.
This REALLY made me think about something and i make a post about it a couple minutes ago
I noticed this in the scene in HQ, when she's lying to Miles and Hobie is correcting her.
Gwen lies to Miles maybe three times directly in the movie -
Once when he asks how many months shes been working with the society. The second is when he asks about the 'small elite strike-team comment', which Hobie corrects her on. And then one more when she lies about how many missions her and Hobie have been all, which he also corrects her on.
And I realized something - that none of those lies contribute to the Society. As in, every time she lies it's not for the society, it's to ease her own anxiety.
And it seems like when she downplays the society, saying it's smaller than it is, it's because she's feeling guilty.
So I think it is important no matter how someone see Gwen, to acknowledge that not everything she does is out of survival mode. It's outta guilt too. And sometimes that guilt leads to her lying unnecessarily - which Hobie always immediately corrects. So I can totally get where you're coming from
I mean it's not that I don't ship Gwen and Miles but if they didn't kiss in BTSV I wouldn't notice. Like if they implied they were gonna kiss and didn't I'd notice, but if they went the whole movie not even coming close to kissing once, I would not notice.
I wouldn't say I'm not invested in them, just not the romance element of it. I guess when I think of Miles and Gwen hanging out I think of Pavi and Hobie too. I'm never like 'awwww Miles and Gwen going on a dinner date' the way I am with Felicia Hardy and Peter Parker
And i FULLY expect Miles to be like 'why did you follow me?' or at least a little bit upset with Gwen. Like...if he doesn't I want Hobie to be like 'wait up no we need to talk about what just happened cause Gwen and Peter you owe him an apology.'
I really want the betrayal to have an emotional payoff or else the romance won't have an emotional payoff either.
I think the final scene they're in together shows how he feels about her so far - their last interactions were when he was leaving HQs and he cut her web and gave her an upset look. Then after that he leaned that she knew about all this.
So I think the next time he sees her he's still gonna be like 'nahhhhh wtf Gwen dont tell me my mama was right :((( '
I would be the development Gwen's character needs, being able to openly express her feelings enough to apologize and give Miles space to heal
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
same hungry anon one more time!!
last requestttt pls emeto an high fever-----]
Welcome back Anon! I got both your asks and kinda combined them since one was a ship and ones a symptom request. I hope that's what you wanted. Please enjoy! Thanks always for the request!!!
Pairing: MiniMoni - modern setting non-idol AU || romantic relationship between members
Words: 2113
Warnings: Romantic relationship between members || Sick Member || High Fever || Fever Delusions || Emeto/Nausea
Jimin’s been waiting at the cafe for nearly an hour. He’s sipping on his third water and the waiter he’s shooed away four has been giving him curious looks from the counter. Jimin interprets those looks as pity. Jimin said he was waiting on someone. 
It’s no secret to anyone in the cafe that Jimin’s supposed to be on a date. He’s dressed up. He’s wearing make-up. His hair is styled. He knows he’s naturally attractive, but he still always goes the extra mile to impress. He can’t help it. He really likes Namjoon. And he wants Namjoon to like him back. 
Jimin checks his phone constantly. He re-reads the conversation where they made the plans over and over again. Does he have the wrong day? Wrong time? Wrong cafe? No. It’s all clearly laid out. Jimin’s done everything right, but his hyung couldn’t be bothered to show. He can’t even be bothered to answer any of the 17 texts Jimin’s sent him in the last hour. 
It’s past the point of hoping. It’s nearing the desperation category. He has to accept the facts- he’s been stood up. At the one hour mark, Jimin apologizes to the waiter and leaves a large tip on the counter for wasting a table. He exits the cafe devastated. 
The sadness doesn’t last long before it’s replaced with rage. How could Namjoon do that to him? Namjoon’s the one who asked Hoseok to connect them. Namjoon’s the one who put effort into the conversation while Jimin was still testing the waters. Namjoon is the one who keeps asking him out on dates. He’s determined to give Namjoon a piece of his mind. 
He calls Hoseok, huffing through the microphone when his hyung answers, “Hobi-hyung. Where does Namjoon-hyung live?” Jimin does little to suppress the fire in his voice. 
Hoseok hesitates to answer. He can tell Jimin’s mad about something. But it’s not his fight. “I’ll text you the address.” Hoseok replies before hanging up. He knows he doesn’t want to get caught in the middle. But he’s secretly rooting for the couple. Whatever it is, he wants them to work it out. 
Once Jimin’s got the address on his phone, he’s en route. It’s not even three blocks from the cafe. Jimin rolls his eyes, Namjoon must think he’s not even worth 200 meters. It hurts his heart. He would’ve traveled 200 kilometers from Namjoon.
He’s standing outside of Namjoon’s door. A glimpse of doubt crosses his mind. Is it really worth it? What’s he going to gain from shouting at Namjoon? But rage wins out in the end. He’s furious and he wants Namjoon to know it. He knocks hard against the door. It’s an old building, the door rattles with his knock. He’s worried the hinges might just fall off. 
He knocks again, lighter this time for the door’s sake. But to add some urgency to the situation, Jimin shouts, “Namjoon-ssi! It’s Jimin! Open up!” He doesn’t care that the neighbors can hear him. 
There’s rustling behind the door. Jimin notices how thin the walls are in the building. Why does Namjoon live here? Jimin hears a raspy cough approaching the door before it opens, revealing the man in question. “Jimin-ah?” Namjoon asks, his voice is hoarse. He coughs into a tissue that he’s holding in his hand, “How did you know where I live?” 
Jimin bites his tongue. He had so many words he wanted to say. He had his whole speech planned out. He put so much effort into being angry. But when he sees Namjoon, pajama-clad, pale, sweaty, sick Namjoon, all that anger just washes away. He feels like an ass for ever thinking Namjoon would stand him up. He should have known something was wrong. “Hobi-hyung.” The younger answers, shuffling around in the doorway. 
Namjoon turns away to cough. A deep hacking sound that must be painful. When he looks back, he’s confused. “Okay. Why?” 
Jimin bites his lower lip, “Because I asked for it.” He tries to sound cute. Hopefully Namjoon’s not mad about him showing up uninvited. He clearly wasn’t expecting company. Maybe he can change the subject before Namjoon asks any more questions. “You don’t look so good, hyungie.” 
“I don’t feel so good. I’ve been sick since last night.” Namjoon hunches further. The open door is fully supporting him at this point. His knees wobble. He can’t stand for much longer. “I think I caught the flu.” 
Jimin brushes his fingers across Namjoon’s sweaty forehead, tsking at the fever he feels. “Come on, hyung. You should be lying down.” He puts one hand on Namjoon’s shoulder and the other on his waist. He guides Namjoon back to the make-shift sick bay he finds in the main room. He sits Namjoon on the ratty second-hand couch and wraps a blanket around him. Jimin thinks the couch looks older than he is. 
He takes in the rest of the room. There’s a cooking pot on the floor half-full of vomit. It’s starting to leave a smell in the air. Crumpled tissues are everywhere but the waste bin. Namjoon doesn’t seem capable of taking good care of himself in his current state. So he decides to stick around. He grabs the vomit filled pot, “Hyung, where’s your bathroom?” 
Namjoon points in the general direction of several closed doors. Jimin snorts out a laugh and decides to just wing it. He locates a storage closet and Namjoon’s bedroom on his travels. But finally finds the bathroom and rinses out the pot. He finds a cleaning bucket in the bathroom and thinks that might be more appropriate for Namjoon to use to be sick into. He brings it back to the main room and sets the bucket next to where Namjoon sits. He then picks up the used tissues and throws them away. 
Answering the door proved to be too much, Namjoon is spent. His fever’s steadily rising. The elder watches Jimin move around his apartment. It’s such a domestic feeling, like Jimin has moved in with him. He thinks of asking Jimin to move in. “Jimin-ah is so pretty,” Namjoon says aloud. Jimin blushes shyly and thanks him, resuming cleaning. “So so pretty. No, handsome. Jimin-ah is so handsome. My handsome boyfriend.” 
Boyfriend. Namjoon’s never called him that before. Because they’ve never officially established if they were boyfriends or not. But Jimin doesn’t hate the sound of it, so he doesn’t correct him. Besides, Namjoon’s just muttering things out in a fevered delirium. He won’t remember any of what he says once the fever breaks anyway. “Hyung, when did you eat last?” 
Namjoon has to think about the question. He vocalizes and dramatizes the thinking with uhs and ums. “I threw up. Before you got here.” He says finally. It’s not the answer to Jimin’s question. But it’s the only thing he can come up with. He knows he ate. He just can’t recall when or what. He does know that it didn’t taste as good coming up as it did going down. 
Jimin seems to understand. He wonders how Namjoon was managing things before he arrived. It scares him to think about Namjoon being so feverish all by himself. What if he’d passed out? He shakes the thought from his mind and decides on making toast. If Namjoon’s throwing up, he should stick to a bland diet. Once he’s got the toast, he puts some rice in the rice cooker. If Namjoon can stomach the toast, maybe he could eat some plain rice later on. 
When Jimin goes back to the main room, Namjoon’s got his phone in his hands. The elder’s face falls, “I forgot about Jimin!” He exclaims with fervent worry. “My date with Jimin! Now he’s going to hate me.” Blankets fall off the couch as Namjoon scrambles to get himself untangled. 
Jimin sets the toast aside and goes to console his bo- his Namjoon. “Joonie-hyung. Hey, Hey. Jimin’s here. I don’t hate you hyung. You’re sick. I forgive you.” The younger whispers soothingly into his hyung’s ear.
“Jimin-ah. When did you get here?” Namjoon asks once he realizes Jimin’s sitting on his lap, “How did you know where I live?”  
Jimin just chuckles at the question to avoid the same go-around. He presses his forehead against Namjoon’s and feels the fever boiling under his skin. There’s no medicine bottles around, so he assumes Namjoon hasn’t taken anything recently, if at all. The fever is concerning, and Jimin wants to get it under control. “Hyung, do you have any medicine?” He realizes he’s probably not going to get a coherent answer from the sick man. But it’s worth a shot. 
“Bathroom?” Namjoon replies questioningly, like it’s a guess. Thankfully, Jimin already knows where that is. 
All the medicine in Namjoon’s bathroom cabinet is in liquid form. He smiles fondly thinking that the tall, strong man he’s falling for can’t swallow pills. He reads each bottle carefully, checking expiration dates and dosage information. He doesn’t want to unintentionally make Namjoon sicker. He brings back a bottle of fever medicine and a bottle for nausea relief. But he’s too late. Namjoon’s got his whole head in the bucket, retching and splashing sounds echoing through the room. The slice of toast he set aside is gone. Jimin swears he was only gone for maybe 7 minutes, tops. 
Too late to change anything now. Jimin rushes over to comfort his hyung as he expels the simple piece of toast. “Oh, hyung.” The younger coos, brushing back Namjoon’s longer strands of hair. “You shouldn’t have eaten it so fast. Small bites for upset tummies.” Another hand strokes Namjoon’s back. 
“But I’m hungry.” Namjoon makes out between heaves. It was only one piece of toast. Why is it taking so long to get it all up? 
“I know, jagi.” Jimin validates, no use trying to argue that the hunger Namjoon’s feeling is probably just nausea. “Once your stomach settles, we can try again. But little bites next time.” 
Namjoon picks his head up and wipes his mouth on his sleeve; Jimin cringes. “Okay, okay. Little bites.” The sick man agrees. 
Jimin doses and administers the anti-nausea medicine and the fever reducer quickly before preparing a second piece of toast. This time he doesn’t leave it unattended. He rips off small bits for Namjoon to slowly chew. He sneaks in little ice chips for Namjoon to suck on as well. 
A half hour passes and Namjoon seems to be on the mend. His fever’s going down, he’s more aware of his surroundings. He's been able to keep both the toast and medicine inside his stomach. And now he’s tired. Jimin sits beside him, using one hand to massage Namjoon's neck. He sees Namjoon start to doze off. “You want to go to your bed?” Jimin asks.
Namjoon shakes his head. “Movie night?” He asks, “To make up for the cafe date?” He really feels guilty about it. But he’s grateful to have spent the afternoon with Jimin anyway, even if it wasn’t how he originally wanted. 
Jimin’s certain Namjoon won’t make it 10 minutes into a movie. Drowsiness was a side effect of the fever medicine, he recalls reading. But he doesn’t want to leave just yet. So he agrees and grabs the remote for Namjoon’s TV. “Sure, what do you want to watch?” Jimin wraps an arm around Namjoon, pulling him closer. He opens his chest for Namjoon to use a pillow. 
“Will you be my boyfriend?” Namjoon doesn’t hesitate. 
“I’ve never heard of that one. Is it new?” 
“I’m asking you, Jimin-ah. Will you be my boyfriend? Like officially,” The sick man asks again. “I wanted to ask you on our date today, but…” Namjoon doesn’t finish the sentence. They both know what happened. 
It’s not the romantic way Namjoon wanted to ask. And it’s not the romantic way Jimin wanted to be asked. But it’s perfect all the same. Jimin blushes a deep red and kisses Namjoon. “I will absolutely be your boyfriend.” 
Namjoon chuckles, “Don’t kiss me, you’ll get sick.” he scolds. 
Jimin kisses him again, just to spite him. Namjoon’s not pulling away, so he can’t be too bothered by it. “I won’t care. You can show up unannounced to my apartment and take care of me,” he kisses again. 
“How will I know where you live?” Namjoon asks. 
“Hobi-hyung knows.” Jimin answers. 
Namjoon’s eyes get wide, “Is that how you ended up here?” Jimin roars with laughter. 
They put on a movie, random. Neither of them cares. Namjoon’s snoring before the opening credits even end. And Jimin’s entertained just by watching the rise and fall of Namjoon’s chest.  
A/N: As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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