#seeing you make those mini genshin voice videos
lume-nosity · 2 years
I got casted as collei and yae on another server
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omg congratulations!!! yippee moment for white frfr!
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iiasha-archived · 4 years
genshin anon! lol idk i have fun with xinyan. if you have the sacrificial greatsword for her it helps. that's what i usually keep on her. the violets though are annoying to get.. ooo yeah i can see having the original voices on being good. maybe one day ill do that. i feel like im just so used to the english ones that it would confuse me a bit lol. i should try it sometime though! yeah i'd definitely give bennett a try! i like him, but for some reason he just never fits in so i dont use him much
(2/5) but yeah it's so weird not being far in the story lol. my sister sent me a pic with i guess estimated dates for when things are released (so who knows how accurate they are) and things won't be done until like 2026 which is WILD to me haha. like one new region a year. yeah the namecards... sadly you can only use one. although i think you can use multiple in the next update? OH SPEAKING OF QIQI i pulled her randomly (not pity) the other day lol. trying to get her to a decent level so i can
(3/5) use her lol. so my next 5 star is the main character banner.... do i go for my c2 hu tao or get venti or childe... im so indecisive :/ OO YEAH. i think there is another part of the story being added? the boss they were showing off i think is more story? which will be exciting!! can't wait to get my oceanid pet hehehe. and yeah rosaria does seem pretty cool. she annoyed me so much during albedo's quest though lol. so... i don't know how to feel...
(4/5) yeah the theater thing was kind of boring. i played it enough to be able to buy the character and maybe a little bit more the last day. it was just so SLOW which made it so boring. but yeah the new minigames are looking cool and i hope they're fun! yeah i would love the jade spear for xiao. i've tried several times for staff of homa for hu tao. the only 4 stars i get apparently are the catalysts :/ id at least like the lithic spear since i use a lot of liyue people usually.
(5/5) yeah i was watching a video and ascending the last time is useful but actually leveling up to 90 for the most part isn't. it's only good to lvl to 90 if the person relies on hp or def since attack doesn't change much in those 10 levels. yeah artifacts can really help out a lot. you have to like choose if you want to do talents or artifacts each day and its kind of annoying :/ and yeah agreed! i did my lvl 45 ascension quest like right away lol. its not been that bad.
ooooo yeah that’s the claymore that speeds up cooldown right?? i have the prototype animus and p much use that on whoever’s my current team’s claymore user lmaooo but i’ll keep that in mind when i get to using xinyan!!! (will have to eventually since i’m more or less using the 10 friendship thing as an excuse to rotate out characters)
omg same for me but with the japanese voices... i’m just so used to them i can’t really get comfortable with anything else lmaoo. like for some characters they sound more or less the same across the 4 languages but for some others they don’t sound alike AT ALL. yeah bc i have jean bennet just never had a place on my current team either LMAO but speaking of friendship i actually also just got jean to 10 friendship (basically everyone from my first main team has reached that point) so i might swap her out w bennet to try him out. 
yeah that’s literally insane and while genshin does have good momentum right now in terms of popularity i don’t know if that will last the next 5 years.... i get that making new regions and stuff is probably a lot of game dev work so it’s easier to just have a lot of events in the same area but godddd i love exploring new areas so much so it’s a little :(((( with how long we have to wait for them. 
OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! i hear a lot of people like using her. and i hear venti is basically broken so i’m probably going to go for him lmao but a c2 hu tao would be fun too!!!! tbh i didn’t like playing as childe when i did his tutorial/demo thing, although tbf this was literally when i first started playing bc i joined in the middle of his banner and i was so confused about his fighting style lmao (+ i suck with bow users generally)
yeah that boss is like suuuper heavily implied to be ur twin too so like!! story time!!! and OCEANID PET i’m really excited for that in general i’m super excited for a lot of the mini events they have in store this round (like the mini character quest thing with those 4 characters? MY BOY CHONGYUN BEING ONE OF THEM!!!!) 
lmaoooo yeah rosaria was kind of. mean during albedo’s quest ajsdfklaj like chill girl what’s your problem... lmao yeah i just get a shit ton of claymores if i ever do get 4 star weapons i rarely get anything else adsjkflas 
and oooo i hadn’t thought about that that makes sense!! bc you get bonus attributes when you ascend right but not necessarily when you level up. and man i gotta start paying more attention to artifacts i guess lmaoo
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