#seiichiro hayami
fiction-in-my-blood · 4 years
MC Being Lesbian Fluff/Smut-ish (MWA7R)
I thought it’d be pretty funny to think of how stories would turn out if the MC was gay. So basically this is a shit post but heh heh let’s see how it goes.
Warning: Mature, Reference to sex, Mild language.
After the company wide meeting appointing the new special executives, I make my way up to the CEO’s office to collect my reward. This is all pretty sus. I should have asked to sign later. I sighed to myself, dropping my face into my hands as I walked down the hall. 
“Hey, MC, nice work!” A female coworker I’m... close with laughs as she passing me and I sigh. She’s smirking, probably imagining me naked after all the times we’ve rolled around in each other’s bed after company parties. Luckily, she doesn’t work in my division, so we only see each other in the halls, but somehow she always finds me.
“Still available for later?” She pretends to hand me a file, drawing close so she can whisper in my ear. I blush, having completely forgotten about the meeting we organised. I don’t know how today will turn out after how crazy its already been.
“I’ll text you if my plans change.” I force a smile and this time she sighs. 
“So tense. You need to relax.” Her voice is low as she discreetly runs her fingers down my back and gives my ass a quick pinch. I squeak, not expecting it, and she laughs, continuing her voyage back to her office.
My grandfather is- was the CEO of the company I work at and I have to marry a man? That’s all I got from what the now acting CEO, Hayami explained. I was distraught, embarrassed and confused. First of all, what asshole doesn’t introduce himself to his own granddaughter? Well, maybe I should be thankful for that, he could have disowned me too. Who’s to say he didn’t already know I was gay? Well, him insisting I marry a man would be a clue to his ignorance. 
“Um, there’s just one thing.” I laugh awkwardly as Seiichiro asks if any of us have any questions. Ren and Yamato aren’t here, so I don’t feel as embarrassed to come out to all these strikingly handsome men... Until they burst through the door... And agree to join the marriage program. I try to interrupt their conversation, but they seem too busy planning what to do with me to listen. Eventually, I get tired. 
“I’m not marrying anyone in this room!” I announce as loudly as possible and they all freeze, turning to me with varying degrees of amusement or annoyance. 
“You have to, you signed this contract.” Seiichiro smirked, pushing forward the evidence he’s already threatened me with. I cross my arms, wishing I was in a closet on the other side of the planet- excuse the pun. 
“I’m not marrying anyone because I’m not interested in men.” Trying my best to ignore my two childhood best friends standing either side of me, I blush, avoiding all the astonished looks that take over their faces. I didn’t realise I was only attracted to women until after they graduated, and I’m too awkward to just come out and say it, they never needed to know anyway. Arisa and Yumi know, mainly because they walked in on me and my lady friend making out on my desk late one night at the office, but no one else does.
“You’re gay? This is just perfect!” Asahi laughs, obviously amused by this development.
“MC... Why-?” Yamato frowns his brows at me but I give him the look. The look that says this really isn’t the time for him to be acting brotherly. 
“This is a predicament.” Seiichiro’s face screws up in contemplation, glaring at the document in his hands as he tries to think of what else to do. 
“Yeah, it’s a real shame... So I’m gonna go...” I lead off, already turning around o leave the room when I hit face-to-chest contact with someone who snuck up behind me. Blushing, I step back, only to see Hiroto smirking down at me. 
“I do like a woman who likes to experiment.” 
This time, I laugh. Mainly because I cannot believe he just said that. “You’re a pig.” I spit, pushing him to the side so I can make it out of this room with as much dignity as I came here with. God, I hated coming out. Why can’t it just be normal to be a homo.
That night, I definitely called over my lady friend. An agreement of our working relationship is that we share no feelings, its just sex, but I’m so pent up with frustration I may have dominated a little more than I usually do. Which, thankfully, she doesn’t seem to mind.
Panting on the bed in my apartment, I gazing up at the ceiling, resting my head on her arm. 
“You... You really went there today.” Her breathing was just as ragged and, although her tone was light-hearted, I grew worried I had hurt or annoyed her. “No, its fine. I liked it. But, there’s something bothering you? After you won all that money, I would have thought you were buying me champagne.” She chuckles, sitting up once I did to gauge her expression and grabbing a shirt off the floor, not checking if it was hers or mine. 
“I didn’t win money.” I sighed, throwing my head back against my pillow as I spread my limbs as I far as I could. I needed a massage. I was still pissed by what the financial group’s executive said and how I was probably still going to get pushed into that situation. The bed dipped beside me as my sex friend rested her head on my chest. 
“You’re heart’s racing, but that might be because you just gave me the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” She jokes, worried but trying to keep the conversation light, and I huff a chuckle.
“I won a husband.” I didn’t mind telling her what happened today. We trusted each other with our secret and I knew she didn’t like gossip. But, I could tell my admission made her concerned when she lifted herself up on her arms and stared into my eyes. She was trying to see if their was a teasing glint in my eyes, but, alas, this was not a prank.
“Apparently, I’m the granddaughter of the late CEO and I need to marry one of the Special Executives unless the company folds. That contract I signed? A fucking marriage contract!” I growled, getting more annoyed by the second. I still hadn’t put any clothes on, the sheet draped over my lower half, but I was getting hot with anger. What kind of grandfather, not to mention CEO, makes that kind of deal?!
“That’s not legal.” Being a part of the company’s legal team, my bed buddy frowned her brows as I sat up, resting my head against the back board, keeping my gaze on the ceiling to try and stop my tears. I. Was. So. Annoyed. It took me a long time to admit to myself I liked... loved women and now I’m being pushed into a loveless marriage with a man!
“Of course it isn’t, but that’s not gonna stop Sanno’s right-hand man.” I said the title in a funny voice, which made my friend giggle, but I just sighed at my poor attempt of a joke. We’re silent for a moment, both of us in deep contemplation over the strange change of events. 
“Marry me.” She suddenly says and my gaze jerks to her. Her expression is serious, more than I’ve ever seen it, and I become increasingly aware that I am butt-ass naked. 
“Wh-What?” I blush. I’ll admit, I had more feelings for her than I should have. She’s funny, sweet and incredibly beautiful. Even though she pushes the line of what’s appropriate in the workplace, it’s light-hearted. I’ve never had a bad time with her. Not to mention how good a cook she is. How unbelievably smart. We’ve been at this for months. 6 whole months since we hooked up at the office Christmas party. But, we’ve never gone on a date. I’ve never met any of her friends, and the only time she’s met mine is when we were half naked, grinding on each other in my apartment, and they ran out seconds after they walked in. 
“Come on, MC, we both know we have a greater connection than just in the bedroom. I... I’ve loved you for a long time now, I was so scared to say it, but if we say you’re already engaged, they won’t be able to push you into anything.” She cups my cheek in her hand, her eyes growing dewy and almost childlike. I feel my own eyes grow with tears. 
“B-But that means you’ll have to come out. What about your job? If anyone knew you were gay, won’t they look down on you?” I frowned my brows, not wanting her to ruin her life for me. Although, my heart fluttered with each word she spoke. 
“My team knows, they have no problem with it. And they can’t fire me, its against the law. We’re in separate divisions, so we won’t get in trouble. I’m not scared if I’ve got you to back me.” Her gaze nervously drops for a moment, but the seriousness within them returns two-fold when we make eye contact again. I feel my face blush darkly and I gulp to try and wet my throat enough to speak without a shaky voice. “So, will you marry me?” 
“Y-Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you!” I start off quiet, but its difficult to hold in my excitement as I jump onto her, pushing my lips so fiercely against hers I would have worried I’d chip a tooth, but I was too happy. I feel vibrations of her chuckle as I clamber on top of her, my body alight with desire once again, even after the hours we went at it only moments ago. 
“You giving me newly-wed sex, now?” She sighed in pleasure as I practically ripped the top off her, hungrily kissing her neck. 
“I’m giving you everything.” I lean up to whisper in her ear before dipping down again. What followed were hours longer of exercise and love making, which I was definitely happy to have for the rest of my life. 
“You’re already engaged?” Seiichiro didn’t look very impressed as I stood in front of his desk, a broad smile on my face. It was still a little embarrassing to say and, seeing as I had neither a ring on my finger or my partner beside me, it was hard to prove .Not to mention how exhausted I was when we kept each other up until morning, but I paid that no mind.
“And who is this partner of your’s? A woman, perhaps?” Likely not believing my excuse after walking out of the meeting yesterday, the acting CEO raised an eyebrow at me. 
Then, a knock came to the door and my heart fluttered. “You might want to answer that.” My smile grew and he frowned his brows, instructing the person to enter. 
There stood my beautiful bride-to-be, dressed in her sexy pant suit with a whole stack of sexy legal files tucked under her sexy arm. I might be a little biased.  She was going to help me get out of the contract. When our eyes met, my heart raced, making my face blush. She stepped forward, introducing herself as an employee of the company before bowing to our boss’s boss’s boss. 
“I would like to know how you thought you’d get away with forcing my fiancee to sign that marriage contract of your’s?” She smirked, Seiichiro’s expression faltering and my heart exploding at the word. Fiancee. Wow, I’ve never heard it sound so good. 
“You- And you- You’re-?” Seiichiro couldn’t wrap his small pee-brain around the idea and we both tried to stifle a laugh at the bewildered look on his normally stoic face. 
“Would you like me to prove it?” My fiancee- oh god I’ll never not get excited at saying that- wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to her. Using all my self control not to jump on her right here and now, I mockingly slapped her arm, telling her how unprofessional this was. 
Before, however, she could release me, the doors the office opened once again.
“Sei, have you solved the-?” As we turn around, my soon-to-be-wife’s arms still wrapped around my waist, I see several of the men competing for my hand freeze the second they observe this scene. I blush, still as horrifically embarrassed by PDAs as I was before, but my girlfriend seems very amused, noted but the jump in her chest as she chuckles.
“You shouldn’t be looking at other marriage candidates when I’m around.” She whispered in my ear, guiding my gaze back to her with the pinch on my chin. I blush, mustering my courage to say what I want to say in front of all these eyes. 
“There’s no others.” I mumble before crashing my lips into her’s. We’re heatedly seeking each other for a moment, my fiancee maybe feeling a little possessive with her hand bunching my hair to pull me closer. Luckily, I have the wherewithal to pull back, although my breathing is a little ragged and my face is bright red as I smile sheepishly at her. 
“I think you’ll find all these documents prove intent and evidence of your crime. Oh, and if you think of firing me, I have a contract with the company that allows me to sue for wrongful termination. We’ll have a meeting at the end of the week to go over a consolidation arrangement for causing emotion harm to my fiancee. Good day, Mr Hayami.” My fiancee smiles as she hands over the papers she walked in here with and bows.
“I’ll see you at lunch.” She leans into my ear but speaks loud enough for the other’s to just about hear as she pinches my butt again, leaving with almost a skip in her step. 
“That was a lawyer from HR?” Hiroto loudly exclaimed once the door shut and probably the woman I’ve ever loved most is no longer here. I’m almost caught in a daze remembering how strong she just acted to save me. 
“Why am I not surprised you knew that?” Junta sighs, obviously not happy with this turn in events as I shake the sinful thoughts out of my head. God, I love her. 
Turning back to Seiichiro, who’s leisurely sifting through the files my fiancee gave him, I watch the scowl etched in his face cut deeper. He sighs, mutters something under his breath, and pulls what I’m sure is my marriage contract out of his top desk drawer. “You can marry anyone you please, it won’t impede the soundness of the company or pile a mountain of debt over you.” I can hear him crying internally at being bested as he tears the contract in two.
“Thank you, sir! I’m very grateful!” I bow lowly, too overjoyed to notice how ticked off most of the men in the room are. 
After that day, I’m very open with my relationship. Yamato and Ren warm to my fiancee very well, although it seems like a purely professional relationship. Yumi and Arisa, mainly Arisa, are more than happy to help me plan the wedding- seeing as they’ll be a big part in it- and we have a small destination wedding thanks to my inheritance money. I’m more than happy, I don’t know a word to describe it. Our careers are going well and neither of us want kids just yet, but in time. I’m just so happy I could marry the person I love being the real me.
This turned out way cuter than I expected it to, but I am SO here for it lol. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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ayla-otome · 5 years
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Asahi Kakyouin ➡️ The Special Executive of Lifestyle Products Group.
He's a blue blood, used to the high society since he was born. He's a jerk, but has a tender side that he only shows to her.
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Yamato Kougami ➡️ The Special Executive of Education Services Group.
She knows him since school and he agreed to be part of this weird plan to protect her. He was just an old friend, but things change, right?
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Junta Nikaido ➡️ The Special Executive of New Businesses Group.
The youngest Exec, he's very intelligent, speaks 12 languages, but he hides a secret (and a dangerous one).
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Hiroto Chitose ➡️ The Special Executive of Finance Group.
He's flirty and charmin, a real gentleman, but he has a certain photo and his heart seams to belong to another woman...
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Ren Shibasaki ➡️ The Special Executive of Pharmaceutical Group.
Just like Kougami, he's an old friend from school. She chose him just to be safe and because he's caring and a good friend. But behind those eyes there's a man who was always in love with her.
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Kai Fujisawa ➡️ The Special Executive of IT Solutions Group.
He's an aloof genius (for real) and he claims love is useless. He just seeks for revenge against her grandfather, but at some point, his vengeful heart discovers another feeling...
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Seiichiro Hayami ➡️ Special Acting CEO.
He's the one who must grant the late CEO wishes about his granddaughter. As cold as a Cyborg, she ran to him after three months without being able to choose one of the Execs. Living with him changed the way he feels about her.
My Wedding and Seven Rings, by Voltage.
Plot: Previously chosen by her grandfather, the CEO of an international company, the MC must choose one of them to be married to in one year, or she's going to be in a huge problem. And she didn't even know the CEO was her grandfather.
They are made Special Executives and the one chosen by her is going to be the next CEO. MC's grandfather wanted her not only to be married but be loved and happy. So, there are rules that must be followed... 🤯
This is what you get when you read the PoV of these (gorgeous) Seven Beasts. 💓
(I can't choose a favourite! Sorry, I just can't!) 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Miho’s Bachelorette Party
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Written in conjunction and collusion with @hifftn
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“You didn’t actually think you were going to get away with getting married without a bachelorette party, did you?” Jazz smirked, when Miho actually didn’t look all that enthused.
“You did,” Miho pointed out. “Sneaky tart.”
“Aaaand you wish you’d thought of it,” Jazz grinned, not the least bit put off by Miho’s attitude. “You could use a bit of fun.”
“You’re a respectable married woman and I am about to be,” Miho reasoned. “Neither of us can go around acting like we used to – hell, I’m nearly forty.”
“All the more reason to go out with a bang,” Jazz pointed out.
“There will be no banging at this party,” Miho growled, but Jazz then knew she’d won.
“Ah! So you agree? Excellent, I’ll get planning,” she declared in triumph, and Miho’s shoulders slumped.
“God damnit – no strippers either,” Miho cursed.
“Jeez you are getting old,” Jazz teased.
Sighing, Miho waved her hand in a gesture of defeat.
“You know Subaru is arranging Goto’s bachelor party, and Kurosawa is sulking,” Jazz added.
“Even after we invited him to be a groomsman?” Miho grumbled. “I know he’s sore about your friend being the photographer, but whose wedding does he think this is?”
“Maybe you should have asked him to be flower girl like we first thought?” Jazz laughed.
“Eloping does sound kind of nice,” Miho mused absently, placing her chin on hand, elbow on the desk. “Can’t believe you beat me to it.”
“Eventually we’ll do a thing,” Jazz told her. “You and I have both done this before, but Kuni hasn’t, and neither has Goto.”
“Well if Seiji’s upset I’m not wearing white, he hasn’t said anything,” Miho murmured, rubbing her forehead a little. “Not sure how his folks will take the dark grey, it’s hardly traditional.”
“You said they weren’t overly formal right? And Goto’s brother didn’t seem to have a problem with it,” Jazz reasoned.
“True, but since… I get the impression he feels indebted so I doubt he’d say anything even if he did disagree.”
“Dealing with family is hard work huh?” Jazz exhaled, and Miho looked up, narrowing her eyes on her best friend.
“Right, at least the Goto family isn’t still living in the Dark Ages,” Miho nodded, then a slow smile spread. “If they cause you guys any more trouble, you know…”
She’d been going for her staple line - I was an assassin in a past life - because apparently the narrator can’t figure out any more witty one-liners, but she stopped for reasons we are all well aware of.
“After the shit I’ve endured on account of interfering families,” Jazz smiled, covering for her, “I’d sooner throttle them myself.”
  There were some things that Jazz refused to tell Miho about her bachelorette party - just as Goto was kept in the dark by Subaru. For this reason, Miho was left in a state of anxiousness - not because she thought Jazz or the others would hurt her - but more perhaps that her own nature might have led Jazz’s bachelorette party down some pretty wild rabbit holes.
On the night, dolled up as one would for a night on the town, Miho was escorted by her entourage of Jazz, H, Rose and Liana to what Jazz promised would be the first of several bars that had paved Miho’s road to Goto.
  “Conte? Really?” Miho queried, and that won her an elbow in the ribs.
“You have no idea how much effort I went to to organise all this,” Jazz hissed.
“Yeah well, I still get the distinct impression I’m the entertainment,” Miho replied.
“Of course you are! Did you think we do this so you could have fun? Nu-uh… it’s all for our own amusement,” Jazz grinned evilly and opened the door to the cafe on the ground floor of one of a thousand apartment buildings in the city.
Oh yes, it had been a pain to find all these places they would visit this night, but it was better than what she had originally planned. Or dragging Miho through strip clubs for example - a suggestion that came from Kyobashi of course.   
Jazz on the other hand came up with slightly devious plan that could or could not work. They would visit this cafe and bars with Miho where she had met former lovers. A tour through her colourful past. For the end of the evening Jazz had planned some kind of reconciliation, just in case Miho got grumpy being reminded of all the affairs she had before she found Goto. Although Jazz had made sure only to visit bars that would remember Miho of encounters that ended on good terms.
She had reserved tables in every venue and here the table was actually decorated, much to Jazz’s joy. Yoshio - joint proprietor of Conte- brought the first round of drinks for the night and Rose scrunched up her nose at the glitter on the table, but they all clinked glasses and toasted to Miho and Goto.
“I swear, if I see a stripper somewhere you get into serious trouble,” Miho grumbled but Jazz only laughed.
“In a cafe? No, no strippers, I promise, but feel free to flash when you feel like it,” Jazz pushed a shot glass into Miho’s hand and laughed happily when the bride-to-be groaned.
“Yeah, but not now. Hold onto the glass, though, you will need it later. It’s your personal shot glass for tonight.”
Jazz winked and grabbed her own glass, turned a bit and chatted with Liana about how the newlywed life was treating her.
Though they’d started with shots, Mika and Yoshio soon brought over platters of food - a good thing considering how Miho figured the evening would go.
Not everyone seemed pleased with the little party stowed away in one corner. Light gray eyes peered over at them in disdain, the lone seated man who owned them wearing a surly expression.
Miho and the girls didn’t notice him, but the pair of men who then entered did.
“Jesus Ichiya,” Takamune cursed. “You look even more sour than usual.”
“He can’t help it,” Ayato snickered. “He was born that way.”
The pair then looked over when boisterous laughter erupted.
“What’s going on over there?” Ayato asked Mika who had returned to the bar.
“Bachelorette party,” Mika chuckled. “Good thing Conte’s their first stop - they seem pretty wild.”
“Huh,” Ayato mused thoughtfully, trying to get a better look. “That could be fun.”
Ichiya made a disgusted sound.
And just at that moment, Jazz nudged (see pushed) Miho to her feet, demanding she demonstrate correct tequila shot protocol.
“Miho?” Ayato dropped in surprise, and Miho’s gaze shifted and locked with his.
“Oh…” she dropped, sort of trapped there with the shot glass poised. “Hi Ayato, fancy seeing you… here…”
Then her head snapped to look down at Jazz.
“You sneaky bitch,” Miho hissed. “Of course, why the hell else would we come here for a party like this.”
Ayato mosied on over, and it was H who recognised him first.
“No way, Hidaka Ayato?” she blurted over the top of her own shot glass.
“Yep,” Jazz grinned proudly. “And guess who had a short but exceptionally torrid affair with him not that long ago.”
“Oh fuck me,” Miho groaned.
“You still offering?” Ayato questioned.
“I’m getting married so…” holding up her hand and displaying her engagement ring.
“I’m offering,” Rose piped up, raising her hand.
“Me too,” H put in.
“I almost wish I could,” Liana added.
“Why don’t you join us Mr. Hidaka?” Jazz suggested, dragging Miho down and over in the booth, making room for him next to the bride-to-be.
Ayato looked over his shoulder at Taka, who stood there with an unreadable expression on his face.
“That is totally Kitami Takamune,” H whispered to Rose, who looked totally blank.
“Superstar soccer player, duh,” H clarified.
“Didn’t know you were into soccer H,” Miho hummed, pointedly ignoring where Ayato still stood beside her just outside the booth.
“Soccer, not so much - hot soccer players though, different story,” H grinned, and Miho had to laugh, shaking her head.
“So?” Jazz prompted. “Drinks are on us, and you can even invite your grumpy friend over there - he’s kind of attractive.”
“Kind of?” Ichiya sneered.
“Would probably look better with his shirt off,” Jazz added thoughtfully, and this caused Ayato to let out a loud laugh, and Ichiya to look even more unimpressed.
“Hey, no strippers remember?” Miho reminded Jazz.
“Hey, I doubt that’s his official occupation, so it wouldn’t count,” Liana argued lightly.
“A stripper?” Ichiya balked indignantly, but it seemed Ayato liked the idea of this, and sat down next to Miho.
“Marriage huh?” he said, nudging her lightly.
Miho, like Jazz and H, was also not Japanese, and it seemed as a result that her partners felt free to be as familiar with her in public as they so chose.
“Who’d you find more awesome than me?” he added, and Miho pursed her lips.
“I don’t recall you being this arrogant,” she huffed.
“Eh maybe chalk it up to jealousy,” he smirked. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good mature woman who isn’t batshit crazy?”
This nearly caused Jazz to spit out her mouthful, and a dribble may have escaped at the corner of Rose’s lips.
“I guess we weren’t together long enough for you to get to the batshit crazy part,” Miho declared, her voice tight.
Her eyes flickered up at Taka’s approach, then beyond at where Ichiya had turned in his seat, but hadn’t gotten up.
“So come on,” H encouraged. “Dish all the dirt, no censorship.”
“Ahh no,” Miho shut down, and poured herself another shot.
“You’re going to half-ass your last hoorah as a single woman?” Ayato snuffed. “Poor form. If you won’t tell them, I will - you know, provided this isn’t going to get splashed around the tabloids.”
“Yeah maybe you shouldn’t spill the beans,” Taka offered, even as Liana slid a shot glass in front of him and filled it.
“More drinking, less discouraging,” she told him firmly.
“We met here actually,” Ayato began. “And really it was all…”
Miho slapped her hand over his mouth.
“They’ll only be casting you in female roles from now on if you say a word more,” she threatened, then pulled her hand away with a yelp when he actually licked her. “What the hell?”
“You used to appreciate my tongue,” he chortled, and the ladies at the table laughed, while Taka blushed and Ichiya shook his head, still on the other side of the room.
What followed was a truly no holds barred rundown of the very physical relationship Miho had with the young television and film star, that ultimately ended when they decided sneaking around and keeping out of the media was a bit too much hassle, and he needed to focus on his career.
“Is Miho actually blushing?” Liana asked, leaning across the table a little.
“I’ve had half a bottle of sake already,” Miho pointed out huffily. “And you lot ate all the wings.”
“Here, put this in your mouth,” Ayato suggested, and though he was offering Miho a prawn gyoza, everyone else at the table lost it laughing.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Miho sighed, but took the proffered item and bit into it.
When the food was gone, it was time for them to move on - Jazz did the shoving since her glass seemed suspiciously free of alcohol.
“One for the road?” Ayato offered, just before Miho and the girls exited the building, and Miho paused.
“I don’t think s…” she began, but he’d already pecked her on the lips before she could quite finish. “God damnit Ayato, I was an…”
“...assassin in a past life!” came a chorus of giggly female voices behind them.
“Forget marriage,” Ayato grinned cheekily. “You’re going to need all the luck you can get just to survive tonight.”
Bidding Miho goodbye, she moved to the curb where the rest of the girls had gathered beside a sleek, black stretch limousine.
“Look,” Jazz prompted, holding her cell phone out to Miho, and Miho read the text message aloud.
“Wanted to make sure you girls got around safely, heart Kuni. Huh, so he’s trying to buy my trust is he?” she added, and Jazz scowled. “Fine, fine, evidence he cares for our wellbeing accepted. Tell him I said thank you, and I’ll do it myself later.”
“Can’t believe Mr. Aikawa sent us a limo,” H grinned, then blinked when the driver finally exited, took off his cap and bowed to them dramatically.
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“My name is Baba Mitsunari, and I’ll be your dashingly handsome chauffeur for this evening,” Baba declared with a flourish.
“I doubt it very much Aikawa sent us a limo with you as the driver, Baba,” Miho pointed out, eyeing him, and he looked a little wounded. “Uh huh, what did you do with the actual driver?”
“He’s having a lovely time with a hostess at the Tres Spades,” he grinned. “I’m hurt you think I did something untoward.”
Pouting, he opened the back door and motioned the party inside, but Miho lingered outside a little longer.
“Sexism aside, bachelorette parties are supposed to be a women only affair, Baba,” she pointed out, and in response he slung his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a sideways hug.
“Oh come on Miho, pleeeeease?” he whined, but he was still grinning. “It’s not like I got invited to Goto’s shindig, though if I’m honest, I think I’ll have a whole lot more fun with you than him.”
His wink suggested much.
“Uh huh, we had our fun,” she told him sternly, then sighed. “But, I suppose, provided you stay sober and fully clothed, I’ll let you tag along.”
“Thank you,” he beamed, kissing her on the cheek before releasing her, and Miho shook her head.
“Oh I hope I don’t regret this.”
  Their next destination was much more upmarket, a bar with a sophisticated atmosphere, soft jazz music and low lighting - and Miho knew exactly who she Jazz wanted her to ‘run into’ here.
“Oh, you really are evil,” Miho growled under her breath, and Jazz just smiled happily.
Payback for all the twisted things Miho got her involved in… and all that fucking glitter.
“So what’s the story with this one?” Liana asked, ever the journalist even after a few drinks.
She asked this as they entered, and being the group of five fabulously dressed women that they were, they turned heads, including not one, but two Miho knew.
“This is bad,” she admitted to herself, and Rose gave her a prod in the back.
“Okay, who is it then? Is he here? He? She?”
“They,” Miho conceded, and Jazz’s eyes sparkled.
Just because she knew their haunts didn’t mean the guys she was after would actually be there, but this time - a two for one deal.
“They?” H laughed, scanning the room until she saw two men in suits seated together, who looked at each other, then over at Miho, then back at each other.
“Off you go!” Jazz ‘encouraged’ giving Miho a shove in their direction, and so Miho had no choice to continue along that trajectory, or make a really obvious and embarrassing retreat; as if she could do that.
Regaining her composure, she left her counterparts/torturers and approached the two men, who stood when she drew within conversational proximity.
“Well, this isn’t awkward at all, is it gentlemen?” she began sheepishly, planting hands on her hips.
“Awkward?” the black haired man responded with a gentle smile.
A smile Miho knew masked a very astute, sneaky mind capable of some incredibly loin-achingly sexy thoughts.
And he knew how to action those thoughts, the recollection of which obviously showed in Miho’s eyes, because he stepped forward to take her hand and kiss her on the cheek before she could recoil.
“I was thinking it’s rather nice to see you again,” he said clearly, even as Miho placed her left hand on his chest and pushed him from her personal space. “The feeling isn’t mutual perhaps?” he queried, tilting his head a little to the side, and it was criminal how a grown man, collected, calm and very adult, could suddenly look so cute. “If that were the case, why come to say hello at all?”
Then the other man cleared his throat, and Miho slid her gaze to him.
“Sorry Dr. Irie,” she apologised and he raised a brow, watching her and the man who still stood quite close to Miho, adjusting his glasses slightly.
“I’m not sure you ever addressed me that formally,” he commented. “And I have to admit being a little jealous that Yukihisa got to reprise intimacies with you, and I have not.”
Their voices were of the kind of volume that they didn’t travel far, but the other girls, Baba in tow, had inched their way with surprising stealth, to a nearby table. When they heard Irie’s comment, laughter tittered, and Miho ground her teeth and fought against what was surely not going to be the last blush of the evening.
“Sorry, Soichiro,” Miho exhaled after a few seconds getting her thoughts together.
“So you’ll join us then?” Yukihisa Maki prompted more than questioned, and he stepped back to pull a chair out for her.
“That depends,” Miho replied, flickering her gaze to the rest of her posse, “how you feel about the rest of my bachelorette party not just joining you, but also asking all sorts of inappropriate questions about our past relationship.”
The problem was, she knew he’d have no issue, he was not shy, nor in any way ashamed of the things they had done, and they places they had done them.
“Bachelorette party?” Soichiro repeated, narrowing his gaze on Miho - and much to the delight of her crew - Miho actually squirmed. “You’re getting married?”
“No need to sound so surprised,” Miho grumbled.
“It’s just, I have to wonder what changed your mind,” Soichiro smiled, but his gaze was intense. “You were so adamant you’d never marry again.”
“This is a topic of conversation you had with her So?” Yukihisa questioned, a little surprised.
“Of course,” Soichiro answered easily. “She turned me down.”
“You did not tell me that part!” Jazz blurted loudly, leaning in their direction, right across Rose’s lap.
Both Soichiro and Yukihisa then turned their focus to the group of women and their token male - who incidentally H was attempting to apply lipstick to.
“Must have slipped my mind,” Miho sniffed, rolling her eyes toward the ceiling, until Yukihisa took hold of her wrist and pulled her toward where the other party had congregated.
“This looks interesting,” he declared, lips poised just shy of a smirk. “I think we’d all like to hear this story, So.”
“Sorry,” Miho chuckled bitterly, but she did feel sorry for Soichiro, since he was the one who got refused.
She then introduced the two men to the group, and then her friends to them, before everyone was seated around one table.
“Did she break your heart Dr. Irie?” Rose asked boldly.
It certainly helped that new alcohol had landed - and Miho somewhat reluctantly put down her special shot glass and allowed it to be filled. Yukihisa sitting on her left watched her take a little sip, then throw it all back when Soichiro began to speak.
“If I’m honest,” he began, then Miho interjected.
“You don’t have to answer them,” she asserted. “It’s their mission tonight to humiliate me, you needn’t be a victim too-OW!”
That was Jazz’s toe connecting with Miho’s shin.
“I was in love with her, that is why I proposed,” Soichiro admitted with a nod, and Miho just couldn’t look at him.
The others, however, were waiting for him to continue with baited breath.
“And she crushed you beneath her bootheel?” H guessed.
“Jeez, I’m not a complete monster,” Miho grumbled, and Yukihisa offered to refill her glass.
“Emphasis on the complete, Princess,” Baba smirked. “You can be a real monster when you…”
“Baba!” Miho snapped, and the women laughed again.
“You too?” Yukihisa queried.
Apparently he’d already known about Soichiro and wasn’t bothered at all, but he looked perhaps a little vexed when Baba nodded quite happily in confirmation.
“You know, this all makes me out to be some kind of belligerent slut humping half of Tokyo and destroying the hopes and dreams of the other.”
“Accurate,” Jazz fake-coughed, then yelped when Miho kicked her under the table.
“I met Soichiro not long after moving to Japan okay?” Miho pouted, then forced herself to look at him. “I never meant to hurt you.”
This time there was no laughter.
“I know,” he smiled gently, making eye contact.
And suddenly the image of waking up next to him without his glasses flashed in her mind’s eye.
“Allow me to lighten the mood again with the tale of how Miho and I fell in with one another,” Yukihisa offered, breaking the soberness that had settled.
“Fell is accurate,” Miho agreed, glad to wade out of the tension.
“In loooooove?” Liana crooned with a grin.
“On my ass actually,” Miho clarified wryly. “Damn near broke my ankle.”
“He attacked you?” Rose scoffed. “Can’t think that would’ve worked out so well for him.”
“Nah,” Miho chuckled.
“She was pretty bruised afterwards though,” Jazz piped up, leaving what she meant intentionally vague so everyone else would indeed jump to the wrong conclusion.
“The swelling was quite bad for just a sprain,” Yukihisa nodded. “But some context. I believe our Miho came to the firm where I still work in search of some advertising suggestions for her matchmaking business.”
“Our matchmaking business,” the women all said together, then dissolved into cackles.
“I see,” Yukihisa chuckled. “Well, it was quite a busy evening when she was leaving, and the elevator was quite full…”
“Miho is a big fan of elevators,” Jazz snickered.
“If you’re referring to that time you saw Seiji and I, we didn’t do anything in the elevator,” Miho declared smugly.
“Oh yeah?” Jazz challenged. “What about that time wi…”
“Stop making this worse!” Miho exclaimed, lurching across Yukihisa to try and put her hand over Jazz’s mouth.
But Jazz wriggled away, basically leaving Miho sprawled across Yukihisa’s lap.
“You always did like a good spanking,” he mused, his face completely placid and composed as he said this, and he lifted one hand like he meant to actually do it.
But it was caught by Soichiro, who sent him a warning look.
“Come now, she’s spoken for,” he reminded his friend.
“And doing everything she can to distract us from the story,” Liana pointed out, as Miho sat up, still glaring at Jazz.
“She’s good at providing distraction also,” Yukihisa laughed. “Where were we?”
“Elevator,” the chimed again.
“Right,” he nodded. “Miho got a little jostled by the crowd, and ended up twisting her ankle.”
“Damsel in distress huh?” H smirked.
“More like angry as hell,” Miho huffed. “Broke the heel of a four hundred dollar pair of shoes.”
“You were fully reimbursed for that,” Yukihisa noted.
“And adequately compensated?” Jazz probed.
“I like to think a little more than just adequately,” Yukihisa replied smugly, looking sideways at Miho’s face, and she cleared her throat.
“Yeah okay, I can’t complain,” she admitted.
“It really was a case of one thing leading to another,” Yukihisa went on. “I iced and bandaged her ankle, by which time it was quite late, so I offered to drive her home.”
“Innocently of course, no ulterior motive,” Rose supposed.
“Was I thinking about crawling my hands up her leg while I was tending to her injury?” he posed rhetorically. “Absolutely.”
“She was technically your patient,” Soichiro stated, the first thing he’d said in a little bit.
“Which is entirely why…” Yukihisa began, but Miho cut him off.
“He was entirely appropriate,” she declared staunchly. “Set me on the couch, elevated my ankle and even made tea.”
Then she bit her lip.
“It wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to kiss and tell,” Yukihisa then added, and the girls groaned in disappointment.
“What about you, Dr. Irie?” Baba asked shamelessly. “You ever get Miho to wear a cute little nurse’s outfit?”
At this, Soichiro’s cheeks reddened.
“That’s totally an admission,” Rose smirked, but Soichiro remained tight-lipped.
“Apparently gentlemen don’t roleplay kinky doctor-nurse scenarios and tell either,” Jazz teased, then looked over at Miho. “You ever play dress-ups with Goto, before you play getting undressed?”
“For some reason I’m now imagining him wearing a huge Domo costume,” Rose laughed.
“Oh I want that,” Miho nodded enthusiastically, again, dodging the question.
Alcohol flowed, but it wasn’t long before Soichiro excused himself, congratulating Miho on her engagement, and making his retreat - and Miho felt really guilty.
“Don’t look like that,” Yukihisa told her. “You may have broken his heart back then, but it mended. He’s seeing someone now, and they’ve been together for nearly seven or eight months.”
It wasn’t like Miho thought she was the be all and end all, but showing up like they had, with the new and questions they had, still seemed a bit rude at the very least - and Jazz would probably hear about it later. WIth him gone, Yukihisa seemed a little more open about being open, and so Miho had to sit through him regaling a great list of all the places - many of them public - he and Miho had gotten hot and heavy.
“Shameful,” Baba judged, shaking his head.
“As if you can talk!” Miho ejected, nearly spilling her drink.
They had consumed quite a bit, and all the women were beginning to feel it.
“Might I suggest you pause for some water before moving on to your next victim?” Yukihisa said.
“Doctor’s orders?” Miho grinned, substantially inebriated.
“Oh that brings back memories,” he noted, and appeared to be drifting into some recollection.
“God I wish I could see what he’s seeing right now,” Rose grinned, leaning against H a little.
“I’ll get the water,” Miho stated, sliding away from their table, swaying a little as she walked, muttering her hopes Yukihisa kept his mouth shut.
What he was thinking about, however, popped into her mind - a colourfully sweet blur of dangerously borderline sado-masochism executed in department store dressing rooms, train bathrooms and a multitude of other places where they could have been caught in flagrante delicto.
“Jesus,” she hissed out as she reached the bar.
“Nope, the name’s Go,” the cheerful young man behind the bar smiled. “Though we’ve met before I’m sure.”
“But not slept together,” Miho leveled, narrowing her eyes at him, searching her list just to make sure he wasn’t on it.
“No, but I wouldn’t be against it,” he chuckled. “Though I hear you’re getting married soon.”
“That’s the rumour,” she nodded. “And I love him, and any further attempts to get me all worked up over past indiscretions is going to be met with some serious… some serious…”
She was trying to be serious, and trying to articulate it was beginning to upset her a little more than just ‘flustered’, especially given how Soichiro had reacted, but her mind was now a bit fuzzy.
“Here,” Go said, moving around the bar with a tray, fresh glasses, and several jugs of water.
“Thanks,” Miho smiled a little sheepishly, suddenly aware of her drunken rambling.
  Meanwhile, at Goto’s bachelor party…
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(Art by @jove-bluh)
Once Miho’s party was watered, they bid farewell to Yukihisa - who made a point of kissing Miho’s cheek as a parting gift - and Baba prepared to drive them to their next location.
“Change of plans,” Jazz announced, giving Miho’s linked arm a squeeze.
Miho inhaled before explaining.
“Since you are an interloper in what is traditionally supposed to be a woman only affair,” she announced, “we, or rather them - the committee for embarrassing Miho as much as possible in one night - have decided you require an appropriate induction into the sisterhood.”
“Uhmm…” Baba stalled, looking from flushed face to flushed evilly grinning face.
“To Shibuya!” Liana declared, pointing dramatically, and they all piled into the limo.
  Jazz: Lingerie first.
Baba: Something lacy.
H: Something minimal.
Rose: Like Jazz minimal?
Jazz: Hey!
Miho -seriously-: Jazz is right, we don’t want Baba to lose his panties five minutes after buying them.
Jazz -indignantly-: Hey!
Miho: If I’m honest, I have to wonder if Baba will be able to get himself into women’s lingerie.
Baba -nodding sagely while driving-: It’s true, I am an expert in the removal of such garments. I’m going to need a tutorial with live demonstrations. I’m a visual learner after all.
Jazz: You’re a perv after all.
Baba: Hurtful!
The girls: Accurate!
Rose: Wax or shave?
Miho -eyes shining-: Ooooh let’s wax him!
Baba -in horror, narrowly missing a pedestrian-: Excuse me?
H: Well it’s either that, or you’re going to have to lather up somewhere and shave those pins.
Miho -scoffing-: Pfft. Wax. Chest. Back. Legs. Buttcrack.
Miho -cackling insanely until she starts coughing-: And ballsa…
Baba -with much urgency-: I’ll shave my legs! I’ll shave! Jazz don’t let her near me - she’s drunk and mean!
Jazz -snickering-: She doesn’t have to be drunk for that.
  20 mins later
  Baba -strolling with the girls back toward the limo-: Are you sure this dress doesn’t make my bum look big?
H -pinches said bum-: Seems fine to me.
Baba -shifting his weight uncomfortably-: Is a thong supposed to be that far up my...
Miho -snickering-: Well you should have let me wax it.
Jazz: If you can't taste your thong, it's not properly in place yet.
Liana -grumbling-: I still think he needs pigtails.
H -wrinkling her nose-: A grown woman isn’t going to pick up a respectable man wearing pigtails.
Baba: That’s okay, I prefer my men a little on the irreverent side.
Jazz -thinking… pondering… grinning, then cutting a glance at H-: I know your perfect match.
H -bites her lip to keep from cackling-
Rose: He still walks like a wharfie, Baba, you need to sashaaaaay.
Baba: Like this? -struts a few wobbly steps- Damnit these are uncomfortable -topples onto road-
  Despite the lengthening of the hour, the streets were still busy. Baba’s unceremonious topple to the asphalt caused a car to swerve just in time to miss him, and screech to a halt, much to the relief of Baba and the girls.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” Miho blurted, as they all scrambled to Baba’s side in order to help him to his feet.
Lamentably, Baba peered at them and slowly raised his left hand.
“My stockings are ruined and I chipped a nail!” he wailed dramatically, just as the driver of the car exited his vehicle and started toward them.
“Do you have any idea how lucky you are?” he declared - not scowling, not viperous, just stating the cold hard truth that Baba could have ended up with far more than just cosmetic damage.
He adjusted his glasses as the posse of woman relocated the footpath, perhaps actually seeking an answer to what had surely been a rhetorical question - when his eyes fell upon Miho.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Miho dropped, and she looked to Jazz accusingly, but Liana was the next to speak.
“Hiiiiideki?” she questioned, considerably more drunk - it seemed - than the others. “What are you…?”
“Hideki?” Rose repeated, looking at the man and raising an eyebrow, even as Liana lurched in the man’s direction.
“Miho,” the man said flatly, completely disregarding Liana until she reached for him. “Excuse me?”
H and Jazz and Rose studied the man a few seconds, while, Baba took Liana by the arm to prevent her from accosting him.
“Whoa, they really do bear an uncanny resemblance, don’t they?” Jazz murmured, looking from him, back to Miho. “Wait… you… and him?”
Miho sighed.
“And now you know why I passed Ishigami on to you,” Miho pointed out, and there was bitterness in her voice.
Though she’d been embarrassed, teased, had her sordid past explored throughout the evening, Miho had enjoyed herself - now, however, she did not look the least bit impressed.
“Are you really going to ignore me after your friend very nearly caused an accident?” the man soured, and with another heavy exhale, Miho faced him properly.
“Our most sincere apologies for the inconvenience, Mr. Hayami,” Miho apologised, but it was exaggerated, as was the depth of her bow.
The stumble as she righted herself, however, was not exaggerated, and she was lucky Jazz caught her elbow.
“Are you drunk?” Hayami frowned, stepping closer to scrutinise the flush of her face.
The reach of his hand toward her cheek, was not well-met; in fact Miho shuffled back just out of reach with a frown.
“Oh yes,” she snapped. “In addition to being a disposable whore, I’m a total lush.”
At this everyone blinked but Hayami.
“I am quite sure those aren’t my words,” he frowned, ever so slightly, adjusting his glasses just the way Ishigami did.
“Wha?” Liana scowled, looking really confused between Miho and Hayami. “Miho, did you?”
“Mhm,” Miho confirmed in defiance, wriggling free from Jazz and planting her hands on her. “Actions do speak louder than words anyway - I got the message very clearly. Did you get the job?”
In response, Hayami shifted his feet, and it took all of Miho’s drunken self control not to relish in the atypically uncomfortable set of his body.
“Yes, in point of fact I did,” he said after a few seconds.
“What job?” Liana scowled, still convinced the man Miho was facing off against was her husband.
“Congratulations,” Miho smiled, but it was razor-edged and laced with spite. “Happily married then I hope?”
Hayami cleared his throat. He was under no true obligation to explain what had occurred during and after his bid for the CEO position - and yet with her glowering at him like that he felt… guilty?
“Actually,” he began, “she brought in her own lawyer, had the contract she signed voided on grounds of coercion, and is now working at another company.”
The snort of derision that emerged from Miho was not the slightest bit lady-like.
“So you won by default and didn’t even have to get hitched to get there?” she laughed, shaking her head. “Kicking goals. I hope you enjoy that big, cold corner office Mr. Hayami; I trust the sacrifices were worth it.”
It wasn’t a question because she didn’t care what his answer was.
Ending the conversation, Miho turned her body entirely to jazz and the others.
“I think I’m sobering up - we should do something about that,” she declared decisively, and only looked over her shoulder when Rose and H stepped around and in behind her, frowning.
“Sorry about the car thing,” Rose apologised, but her voice was flat, and conveyed absolutely the opposite of contrition.
“You should probably get back to the office,” H put in sharply. “Don’t let us waylay you any longer - we have Miho’s engagement to celebrate.”
The hand that Hayami had reached toward Miho lowered slowly, and Haymi drew himself back up and behind a well practiced mask of indifference. He offered them no parting sentiments, but retreated from Miho’s ‘guard’ and returned to his car.
“Bet you’re glad you didn’t try to put that guy on our bar crawl tour of debauchery,” Miho grated, rolling her shoulders like she actually might have liked to throw down and kick the guy’s ass.
“I might have, if you’d told me about him,” Jazz responded, eyes narrowed.
Miho sighed and began again in the direction of the limousine, pointedly ignoring the disappearing shape of Hayami’s car.
“Come on Miho, spill it,” Rose urged, and grumpily Miho glanced back.
“Sure, pass me the salt to rub in this wound,” she griped.
“Oh come on,” Jazz snorted. “It can’t hurt that much considering you have yourself a Goto-shaped bandaid.”
“Pride injuries take a while to heal,” Miho explained bitterly. “But seeing as you all asked so nicely - I was seeing this successful executive of Sanno Corporation, the CEO’s assistant in fact, and in the scheme of our journey tonight, I suppose he was the most recent. He looks like such a stiff, all pressed shirts and shined shoes, but we’d meet at all times of the day and night, stayed in at least half the five star hotels in Tokyo, and he often paid for me to meet him in other cities.”
They listened intently, and when they reached the limo, Miho turned to continue.
“I guess, at some point, having a toothbrush in his apartment, a drawer of underwear, several outfits, a mug of my own, started to feel like we’d crossed over into more serious territory and… maybe I even entertained the idea that we could…”
Then she snorted again.
“Then Sanno’s CEO died, leaving behind this ludicrous manifesto outlining the most outrageous corporate succession plan I’ve ever heard of, and Hayami was executor of his instructions. The dead CEO’s granddaughter, who didn’t even know he was her grandfather, needed to undertake a series of relationship oriented goals with one of the company executives and at the end, marry him - then he, not she would get ultimate control over the company.”
“What the actual fuck,” H spat.
“Yeah,” Miho laughed pithily. “No woman would ever agree to that shit right? So they tricked her into signing an agreement she would participate, and tried to blackmail her into involvement by threatening the collapse of the company and the destitution to all its employees.”
“That’s no way to treat a woman,” Baba scowled.
“Right?” Miho growled, but it was followed by another sigh. “Anyway. There was a list of potential executive grooms and…”
“Hayami was one of them?” Jazz filled in.
“So he dumped you for a shot at the top job,” Rose spat. “Wow, I really feel the need to have words with this guy.”
“Packed all my stuff into a cardboard box and called me over to ‘explain’ the situation; said I was a ‘smart girl’ who would obviously understand it was an opportunity he’d be mad to ignore,” Miho frowned.
Her voice had lost its sharpness though; guess it really did still hurt a bit.
“Asshole even tried to kiss me after saying marrying that woman was what was best for his life,” she chuckled sadly, then forced her gaze up into the face of her friends. “Not me.”
“I know some people who could ruin his reputation if you’re still feeling wrathful,” Baba offered, and this caused Miho’s lips to tweak upward.
“Nah,” she shrugged wryly. “At the end of the day, he can go home to that empty apartment and feed his stupid fish, because they’re the only ones there for him now.”
“That’s the spirit!” Jazz grinned.
“Uuugh,” Liana groaned. “Do you have to mention spirits?”
Liana’s question helped to dispel some of the tension and got them giggling again as they climbed into the limo, and when they were settled
“Forget that creep,” Jazz announced once the limo was in motion. “Now it’s time to get properly serious.”
She grabbed the bottle of champagne sitting in the chiller and offered refills. When all glasses were full again she turned to face Miho who sat next to her, frantically trying not to laugh.
“So here’s the deal. Being a bride means you will be a wife soon. Being a wife means – connubialities. I know that sounds scary but we thought it’s better for us to warn you before THINGS surprise you in the end.”
H almost spluttered her rum over the seats and Rose raised an eyebrow.
“Liana here was kind enough to give me a rundown on the topic-“
The mentioned woman blushed and looked shocked like a deer in the headlights, there had of course never been a conversation like that.
“And as your friend I think it’s my duty to fill you in. Here we go.”
Jazz took a deep breath and actually one of Miho’s hands, trying to fix her expression into a concerned, serious one but it was hard. It really was. Jazz cleared her throat.
“So when you are married you will share a bed and he will – and this part is inevitable, because it’s his nature – he will want you to do THINGS with him. He might start with kissing you – I know, I know, it’s embarrassing but it’s part of being married after all. So he will kiss you and this time it won’t be the chaste kiss from the wedding, but something feral. With – oh my god, I can’t even say is…” Jazz fanned her face with her free hand and H cracked up, tears forming in her eyes.
“He will put his tongue into your mouth,” Rose deadpanned.
Jazz nodded gravely, H let out a faked but very disgusted sounding “eeeewwwwww”. Liana had to hold back not to laugh.
“Thank you, Rose. I’m not sure I would have been able to say it myself,” Jazz continued. “So, after sticking his tongue into your mouth – a sanitarily questionable act – it will only get worse. He will want to undress you and while he’s at it, also himself. Maybe he will even want you to undress him. Try not to look, it’s rather startling.”
Miho rolled her eyes but H deliberately ignored her and followed the vague script the girls had drafted before.
“Startling? Why?”
Again it was Rose to give the answer. “Well, men look differently than women. I could draw you a picture.”
“I bet you could,” Miho grumbled and Jazz chuckled.
“Anyway, you are right, Rose. I’ve heard that, too. For one thing there is the shocking lack of boobs.”
“Good thing Miho has enough of that for both of them,” H piped up.
“That she has,” Liana dryly stated only for the rest to burst out into laughter again.
Except for Miho, but at least she grinned smugly.
“But the most important difference lies somewhere else…” Jazz continued after catching her breath.
“Yeah, between his legs,” H added.
“Exactly. So while girls have a cute little lovebox, guys have something else. Their - trouser snake.”
Another round of roaring laughter and now even Miho had to chuckle.
“So when a man and a woman are married, the man usually wants to stick his wing dang doodle  into her altar of love. It’s just as disgusting as it sounds but you have to let him. You are only a full-fledged woman and wife once a man has planted his seed into your love garden. That’s your only purpose, serving your husband as he sees fit.” Jazz couldn’t stay serious while saying all these things, so her last words were already accompanied by her own laughter.
“And you can’t deny him access to your body! Like never!” H added with huge eyes.
“Why would I?” Miho asked back, earning another round of laughter.
“Most important is that you make him think you like it, no matter how much you detest what he’s doing. It isn’t meant to be pleasant for you, but eventually you might get used to it. Hopefully.” Jazz closed her eyes dramatically, as if she was praying for her friend.
“Okay, okay, are you finished already?” Miho half chuckled, half scolded.
“Things you should never say while he’s at it,” Liana commented with a straight face, making the others stare and then guffaw.
“Oh, but there are some things you should say while he’s at it! Like: ‘Oh my god, it’s so HUGE’,” H exclaimed, eyes wide in mocked astonishment.
“This will never fit!” Jazz chimed in.
“Is it supposed to be THAT big?” Rose added.
Miho smirked. “Well, actually…”
“The only thing you should really say is ‘fuck’, because that’s what it’s all about,” Baba suddenly piped up from the driver’s seat. Now that he was dressed up as a girl he seemed to think it would be okay to join into the conversation. “Guys notice the whole faked ‘oh my god, you are soooo big’ surprise. And you have to be a real jerk to actually believe it.”
“I bet Subaru believes it,” Jazz screeched, half laughing already. They all knew at least one or two guys who WANTED to believe it.
“Are you done with your little lesson of valu- value-… important things?” Miho was already so tipsy that she had problems with some words, much to Jazz’s delight.
“You don’t want us to impart our wisdom on you? Well, in that case we still have another place to go. Driver, to the main act!”
Jazz grabbed a scarf and motioned for Miho to come closer. “This one is a surprise, so I’m going to blindfold you.”
The whistles and suggestive ‘ooohhhh’s were only met by Miho’s cool gaze.
“I don’t think I’m drunk enough for that,” she stated, eyebrow raised.
“Come on, last time we did that you had fun,” Jazz shot back with a wink. The low groan from the driver’s seat got deliberately ignored.
“This is NOT going like last time!” Miho almost glared now and Jazz laughed happily.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to behave. For now.”
Miho relented and let Jazz wrap the scarf around her head.    
“You know, sometimes I’m a bit jealous of the both of you. You must have had a lot of fun together,” Rose mused and Jazz grinned.
“When you reach my age you better had some fun or you did something wrong. And after everything I heard most of us already did some pretty crazy stuff.” She raised her glass for the others to join, H nudging Miho and whispering for her to know what was happening.
“To crazy stuff and fun!”  
It didn’t take them long to arrive at the next bar and Jazz helped Miho out of the limo. Baba simply joined them, didn’t even pretend to wait for permission anymore.
“So, I know you might hate me a bit now for dragging through your old love joints-“ Jazz began only for Miho to interrupt with-
“A bit? Try a lot.”
But she shushed the bride to be.
“You will forgive me, I’m sure. The point is, you have to go through your past before you can face your future and soon you will be a respectable wife-,“ sarcastic coughs and giggles followed this bold statement, “and then it will be too late to rehash all your past adventures.”
“You know I’m going to come up with something embarrassing and painful for you in return,” Miho announced and although she couldn’t see it, Jazz nodded.
“I’m sure you will. And I will endure it and suffer appropriately for your amusement,” she assured her friend and led her into the bar where she took off Miho’s makeshift blindfold just to reveal the interior of Long Island to her – and the group of men around a table, with Goto in the middle. Subaru, Ishigami, Kurosawa; those were guys Jazz knew. From Miho’s description she figured the rest would be coworkers from the academy. Soma, Kaga and Shinonome. Kyobashi was also there, eyeing Rose the instant she came in. Kuni was behind the bar, Takao seemed to help him, and Saeki was also there, obviously intoxicated.  
“You take me to his bachelor party?! Don’t get me wrong, that’s a rather nice surprise, but crashing their party – won’t Subaru have your head?” Despite her concerned sounding words Miho was already staggering towards the table, as if her future husband was a safe haven from the teasing of the girls.
“Don’t worry, this was the plan all along.” Jazz gave her a light push and watched with a smile how Goto noticed Miho and how his slightly grumpy expression softened.
The guys had been playing paintball –
“Really, Subaru? I mean, you are shooting all the time, do you have to do that now even in your free time?”
– before they came to Long Island for a steak and some drinks.
“Looks as if this was a good idea,” Liana slurred, making Jazz grin.
At least Ishigami was here, too, he could take his drunken wife home in the end, while the ever excitable Kurosawa was uncharacteristically quiet, passed out over a table.
Kuni waved briefly and started preparing some drinks, although lighter version of their usual choices so the girls wouldn’t just drop to the floor eventually, completely wasted. Jazz quickly made her way to the bar and kissed him lightly.
“You’re having fun? Everything okay?” He shot her a concerned glance but she just softly shook her head.
“Don’t worry, except for the expected hangover everything is great.”
“Their hangover, not yours, I hope.”
She scrunched up her nose slightly. “I’m not stupid, love. I didn’t drink, but it wasn’t easy to distract Miho, she’s quite perceptive, even when she’s drunk.”
He patted her arm in an attempt to comfort her a bit.
“It’s okay, Kuni, I don’t mind.” With a sigh she looked over at Goto and Miho. “One last thing on my agenda and I can relax,” she muttered and pushed herself off the counter.
Meanwhile H and Rose had fun dragging Baba around, teasing him, telling him how to act and talk as a woman. It only took a couple of minutes before they were sitting at the bar, a smirking Kuni handing them drinks.
“Nice dress,” he commented and pushed a glass of whiskey over the bar.
“Nope, not tonight,” Rose said and snatched the glass, downed the whiskey and put the glass back on the bar. “He’s our driver tonight.”
Kuni looked at Baba with a surprised expression. “YOU are the driver? What happened to the one I sent them?”
“Sudden change of plan, don’t worry. Nothing serious.” Baba took the glass of juice Kuni handed him.     
“And who are you?” Saeki asked and slid onto the seat next to Baba. Rose and H giggled.
“A friend,” H simply said, nudging Rose a bit with a grin.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Any friend of H is also my friend. Takamasa Saeki, at your service.”
“Saeki?” Baba asked, earning himself a kick against the shin from Rose who motioned for him to talk higher, like a girl.
Baba cleared his throat.
“Saeki?” he cooed, making H and Rose burst into laughter.
“Exactly. THE Saeki. The famous script writer. And you are?” Saeki grabbed Baba’s hand and H lost it.
She laughed until the tears streamed down her face when Saeki frowned a bit, his drunken brain somehow registering that Baba’s hand was unusually big for a woman’s hand. Even bigger than his own…
“Her name is Mitsi,” Rose said, distracting Saeki from his train of thought.
“Mitsi… a beautiful name.” Saeki was still holding Baba’s hand, making him slightly uncomfortable.
Kuni was trembling with his suppressed laughter but didn’t say anything.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for celebrating the end of the unmarried life of Miho and Goto. I don’t know what you boys did all night, but the girls accompanied Miho on a trip down on memory lane.” Jazz laughed and waited for everyone to give her their attention. “But the trip through the past had to end somewhere, and what would be more fitting than leading her to her future husband?”
She smiled at the happy couple and Miho seemed at least a bit appeased for what Jazz had put her through.
“I would suggest we give them a moment in the spotlight. How about a dance?”
On her signal Kuni turned some music on and the guests cheered and whistled while Miho and a visibly flustered Goto were pushed towards an open space in the bar.
With a defeated sigh Miho grabbed Goto’s hand and pulled him close, they started swaying to the music. Subaru came over to Jazz and together they watched the dance.
“What did you do to her?” he asked and Jazz grinned.
“Don’t ask and I don’t have to lie. But we had quite some fun.”
That exact second, Saeki jumped from his seat, bowed exaggeratedly in front of ‘Mitsi’ and asked for this dance. Rose and H laughed so hard that they almost fell from their seats when Baba slid from his chair, with heels even taller than Saeki who didn’t seemed fazed at all, probably due to the amount of wine he already had. Of course this odd couple attracted the attention of the other guests, and Jazz couldn’t help but take a few pictures of it for future – well, let’s just call it blackmailing.
Baba wasn’t a spoilsport; that was for sure. He didn’t even flinch when Saeki’s hand slid from the small of Baba’s back a bit lower, but when Saeki attempted to dip Baba low and the whole bar was roaring with laughter even Miho and Goto stopped dancing.
“He’s stealing our spotlight,” Miho chuckled, thoroughly amused by the weird picture in front of her.
“Good. In that case no one is paying attention… let’s sneak out,” Goto suggested.
“Or…” Miho giggled and raised one eyebrow.
“Or what?”
“Second floor? And I bet no one would miss us right now.”
She was still in his arms, her fingertips caressing his arms through his shirt.
“Really? Here? And now?” Goto knew the answer but he wanted to make sure that Miho wasn’t too drunk to make a decision like this.
“Yeah, definitely. After the night I’ve had what I really need, is you. Come on…”
She lightly dragged him towards the door that hid the stairs, chuckling in anticipation and mischievousness.
That trip through her past had quite the effect on her; and now she couldn’t wait to get Goto alone. And Jazz deserved this after the eventful night she’d arranged. Miho and Goto would conquer the bar in their very own and private way - and Miho would make sure that Jazz would learn about it.
  Like a pair of ninja, or at the very least a ninja and a noble samurai lord from a flashback that might get turned into its own story, Miho and Goto stole upstairs. The moment they stumbled through the door to what looked like it might once have been a storeroom, but had been converted into a narrow bedroom, they fumbled for one another.
Though normally Goto might have been concerned about the fact they left the door open, now, he was completely absorbed by the frustrating fabric that kept his needy hands from pressing against her skin.
“What’s taking you so looong?” Miho whined, her own clumsy fingers having trouble with his belt.
He was, in fact, having so much difficulty, he’d stopped kissing her, and was giving the zipper at the back of her dress his full attention, arms reached around her.
“Don’t stop kissing me,” she hissed. “I need to get the bad taste of this evening out of my mouth.”
This caused him pause, and with the zipper miraculously half way down her back, he looked into her face.
“What exactly have you been putting in your mouth that it would have a bad taste in it?” he questioned slowly, his eyes a little unfocused, a little bleary from drink.
“I was speaking figra… friga… fir… I wasn’t being literal!” she exclaimed, scowling. “It’s just, I was reminded of all the… of what I… hmm…”
She couldn’t quite think of a delicate way to express ‘reminded of all the guys I screwed before you’, and so let her sentence trail off.
“I want my life to start over from this moment,” she said finally, seriously, and in response Goto slid the zipper the rest of the way down and dragged her dress to the floor.
“I’m good with that,” he grinned, bringing their lips together firmly until he somehow managed the hooks on the back of her bra.
Heat flared, radiating from within as they gave into the hazy lure of hunger and desire, but Goto, who had sunk to his knees before where Miho was pressed against the wall, paused with his fingertips at the thin elastic band of her hot pink panties.
“Jazz was here first?” he said, much to Miho’s confusion.
“What?” Miho blinked - why the hell would he bring Jazz up at a time like this.
“Your underwear,” he clarified, slipping her panties down, and once she’d stepped out of them he stood to show her. “Did you get dressed in the dark or something?”
“Huh?” Miho hissed, her body aching for his touch but forced to inspect the flimsy undergarment Goto had on display.
Across the triangular front panel were indeed the words ‘Jazz was here first’ and as he turned the panties to the back, Miho read the second statement.
“There may still be some glitter. What the hell Jazz?” she exclaimed, but couldn’t help but laugh.
Goto threw the panties aside dismissively and wrapped his soon to be wife up in his arms.
“I don’t care who got there first,” he declared in a throaty rumble. “I’m going to be the only one from now on.”
 And so the next day, when Kuni finished cleaning up the bar and went upstairs, he found a very interesting pair of panties just sitting there in the hallway.
@hifttn @smutmylifeup @belxsar @mirandaflamel @smile-smile-ichthys
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recentanimenews · 3 years
86--EIGHTY-SIX TV Anime Prepares for War in 2nd Trailer Revealing April 10 Broadcast
Image via trailer
  During the stage at KADOKAWA Light Novel Expo 2020 for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of the 86--EIGHTY-SIX light novel series, which is written by Asato Asato and illustrated by Shirabi, the second trailer for anime was released, alongside a new key visual, additional cast members, opening and ending theme artists, and the April 10 broadcast date for the series.
    【第2弾PV解禁】 TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」4月10日(土)24:00より放送開始。 戦おう、最後の瞬間まで。 ▼公式サイトhttps://t.co/tRYL9j3WJa ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC7j3BA#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/EqpnG9VjDB
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 6, 2021
      The opening theme song "3-Ji 29-bu (3 minutes and 29 seconds)" will be sung by hitorie, with the ending theme produced by Hiroyuki Sawano's band SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki singing "Avid". 
  Joining the previously announced lead characters in the Spearhead Squadron are Seiichiro Yamashita as Raiden, Natsumi Fujiwara as Theoto, Saori Hayami as Anju, Sayumi Suzushiro as Kurena. 14 other characters and their voice actors were also revealed, which can be seen on the official website alongside all the character art.
    【追加キャスト公開】 スピアヘッド戦隊には、ライデン(CV: #山下誠一郎)、セオ(CV: #藤原夏海)、アンジュ(CV: #早見沙織)、クレナ(CV: #鈴代紗弓)が担当! 激しい戦場を生きるキャラクターたちにぜひご注目してください。 ▼キャラクターページhttps://t.co/KDU10lLV4K#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/NCPfoqvpNt
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 6, 2021
    The original light novel series is publishing in Japan by ASCII Media Works' Denegeki Bunko imprint, with nine volumes currently released. An English language version of the 86--EIGHTY-SIX light novel series is published by Yen Press, with the 7th volume scheduled to be released on March 30. Yen Press describes the series as such:
  A War Without Casualties. The Republic of San Magnolia has long been under attack from the neighboring Giadian Empire's army of unmanned drones known as the Legion. After years of painstaking research, the Republic finally developed autonomous drones of their own, turning the one-sided struggle into a war without casualties-or at least, that's what the government claims. In truth, there is no such thing as a bloodless war. Beyond the fortified walls protecting the eighty-five Republic territories lies the "nonexistent" Eighty-Sixth Sector. The young men and women of this forsaken land are branded the Eighty-Six and, stripped of their humanity, pilot the "unmanned" weapons into battle... 
  Toshimasa Ishii will be directing the series at A-1 Pictures. 86--EIGHTY-SIX is scheduled to start broadcasting on April 10 in Japan on TOKYO MX and affiliated station at 24:00 (effectively 12 AM on April 11). 
  Sources: 86--EIGHTY-SIX on Twitter, KADOKAWA Light Novel Expo 2020 Livestream
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
By: Daryl Harding
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officialotakudome · 4 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/sentai-filmworks-announces-new-titles/
Sentai Filmworks Announces New Titles
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Sentai Filmworks has revealed upcoming titles for it’s catalog in addition to it’s March 2021 home media slate the press release for each can be seen below:
Sentai announced today that it acquired distribution rights to the sci-fi psychological thriller series, pet. Sentai’s licensed territory includes the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Nordic Countries, Spain, Portugal and Central and South America.
Hiroki and Tsukasa can manipulate the minds memories of anyone they target. With that power comes a dangerous prospect for those who wield it — madness or even erasure of a person’s entire self. And yet, an intense bond protects their psyches from corruption. But that bond is threatened when a powerful crime syndicate plots to exploit Hiroki and Tsukasa’s gifts to commit horrific crimes. Now they must do the unimaginable if they are to live to see one another again. Is the price of reunion a shattered mind and destruction of everything held dear?
The series is animated by Geno Studio (Kokkoku, Golden Kamuy) and produced by Twin Engine (VINLAND SAGA, Karakuri Circus). Takahiro Omori (Amnesia, Durarara!!) directs with Sadayuki Murai (Knights of Sidonia, Cowboy Bebop) providing series composition. The series stars Kisho Taniyama (High School of the Dead, Psychic Squad) as Tsukasa, Yuki Ono (Chihayafuru 2, Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun) as Satoru and Yasuyuki Kase (Perfect Insider, Soul Eater) as Hayashi. Newcomer Keisuke Ueda (The Royal Tutor, Pet stage play adaptation) stars as Hiroki.
Sentai announced today that it acquired home video rights to sci-fi anime series Cagaster of an Insect Cage for the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Central America and South America.
The year is 2125 AD. The world was decimated three decades earlier by a devastating pathogen that mutates humans into horrific — and horrifically deadly — giant insects called Cagasters. While on a scavenging mission, Kidow, an Exterminator trained to target and destroy Cagasters, encounters a young girl named Ilie and her father fleeing a vicious Cagaster attack. Kidow must make a fateful decision to deliver Ilie safely to her mother, but Ilie harbors secrets that could forever alter the course of human history.
Cagaster of an Insect Cage is produced by Studio KAI (7SEEDS, Super Cub, Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle) and directed by Koichi Chigira (Full Metal Panic!, LASTEXILE, The Tower of Druaga series). The series stars Yoshimasa Hosoya (Akame ga Kill!, Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Megalo Box) as Kidow, Kana Hanazawa (IS: Infinite Stratos, Senryu Girl, The Garden of Words) as Ilie and Natsuki Hanae (Food Wars!, Outbreak Company, Demon Slayer) as Acht.
The series will be available on home video in March 2021.
 Sentai announced today that it acquired rights to Happy-Go-Lucky Days, a frank exploration of love, yearning and hidden desire. The feature length animated feature, a compilation of vignettes, is based on the works of Takako Shimura (Wandering Son). Sentai will distribute the picture in North America, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Greenland, Faroe and Aland Islands, Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal, Central America and South America, including Latin America.
Happy-Go-Lucky Days tells three unique stories of young people in Japan from very different backgrounds but who all must grapple with changes, in mind, body and soul, on their bittersweet journey from adolescence. From a forbidden crush, to the wedding of a former lover, to the burgeoning feelings for a childhood friend, each scenario may differ, but they have one thing in common: These are universally frank stories of humanity that will touch the hearts of audiences everywhere.
Produced by LIDENFILMS (Love and Lies, The Heroic Legend of Arsland), Happy-Go-Lucky Days is directed by Takuya Sato (Kase-san and Morning Glories, Strawberry Marshmallow), who also penned the film’s screenplay alongside Yasunori Ide (We Never Learn: BOKUBEN) and Yoriko Tomita (Real Girl, Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond).
The series stars Kana Hanazawa (The Garden of Words, Senryu Girl) as Ecchan, Mikako Komatsu (Blue Spring Ride, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU) as Aya-san, Takahiro Sakurai (Hatsukoi Limited, The Fruit of Grisaia) as Mr. Sawa, Seiichiro Yamashita (Girls Beyond the Wasteland, Orange) as Yagasaki-kun, Ibuki Kido (RE-KAN!, Blade Dance of the Elementalers) as Shin-chan, Kaori Ishihara (Waiting in the Summer, Kokoro Connect) as Mika-chan, Ai Fairouzi (Kandagawa Jet Girls, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon) as Sayoko, Saori Hayami (Glasslip, anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day) as Yuri, Mutsumi Tamura (Tada Never Falls in Love, MADE IN ABYSS) as Yoriko-san and Nobunaga Shimazaki (My Love Story!!, Parasyte -the maxim-) as Tanabe-kun.
Happy-Go-Lucky Days will be available on HIDIVE on December 10, 2020 with a home video release and additional digital distribution to follow.
For Sentai’s latest announcements regarding this and other great titles, be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
About Sentai
A Cool Japan Fund portfolio company, Sentai is a leading global supplier of anime and official anime merchandise, distributing and curating one of the industry’s most diverse libraries of top trending and classic titles. Sentai offers thousands of hours of content across both traditional and digital platforms and is dedicated to bringing captivating stories and iconic characters directly from Japan. With hit series that include MADE IN ABYSS, Food Wars!, Princess Tutu and Parasyte -the maxim-, Sentai’s catalog continues to grow with new favorites like Bloom Into You, Revue Starlight and O Maidens in Your Savage Season, as well as classic anime series such as Legend of the Galactic Heroes and The Big O. For more information, visit www.sentaifilmworks.com.
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otomequeen · 5 years
My Wedding and 7 Rings - Master List
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Game Information Company: Voltage Inc Released: April 2, 2015 Download: Apple Store - Google Play - Amazon Apps
Asahi Kakyoin: Main Story - Sequel - Forbidden Main Story - Love’s Judge
Yamato Kougami: Main Story - Sequel
Junta Nikaido: Main Story - Sequel
Hiroto Chitose: Main Story - Sequel - Love’s Judge
Ren Shibaskai: Main Story - Sequel
Kai Fujisawa: Main Story - Sequel - Love’s Judge
Seiichiro Hayami: Main Story - Sequel
Character Graphics
Asahi Kakyoin: Main Story - Epilogue - Sequel - Sequel Epilogue - Forbidden Main Story - Forbidden Epilogue - Love’s Judge
Yamato Kougami: Main Story - Epilogue - Sequel - Sequel Epilogue
Junta Nikaido: Main Story - Epilogue - Sequel - Sequel Epilogue
Hiroto Chitose: Main Story - Epilogue - Sequel - Sequel Epilogue - Love’s Judge
Ren Shibasaki: Main Story - Epilogue - Sequel - Sequel Epilogue
Kai Fujisawa: Main Story - Epilogue - Sequel - Sequel Epilogue - Love’s Judge
Seiichiro Hayami: Main Story - Epilogue - Sequel - Sequel Epilogue
Side Stories
Main Story PoV: Asahi - Yamato - Junta - Hiroto - Ren - Kai - Seiichiro
Sequel His PoV: Asahi - Yamato - Junta - Hiroto - Ren - Kai - Seiichiro
Love’s Judge His PoV: Asahi
7 Days, 7 Rings
Seven Kisses on a Holy Night
My Forged 7 Rings
Asahi Driven Mad
Yamato Au Naturel
Dangerously Fierce: Asahi
Dangerously Enigmatic: Junta
Dangerously Sweet: Ren
Soothe Me: 3 Situations 
Satisfy Me: 3 Situations
Junta is Fickle
Let it Snow
Lovestruck Valentine: Asahi - Junta - Hiroto
Lovestruck Valentine: His PoV
His Honey-Flavored Jealousy: Scorching Jealousy - Smoldering Jealousy
Snow White & The Seven Beasts: Wild Beasts - Sweet Beasts
Payback is So Sweet
Blissful Hospitality
Love Unlimited
Nighttime is Sublime: Kai - Seiichirou - Yamato
Thrill of the Heart: Office Interludes - After Hours Allure
A Soothing & Seductive Holiday
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grayheaven11 · 7 years
I miss Seiichiro Hayami... 😭
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zyglavis · 9 years
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My Wedding and 7 Rings OP
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zyglavis · 9 years
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Introducing the characters of My Wedding and 7 Rings
Click individual photos for each character’s name ♡
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